Short Report on Intel iMac Performance

Ok so I finally had some time to push the iMac around. I'm please to say I was not able to peak the CPUs to 100% before the Disk I/O gave up, seems I need a faster drive before a faster processor right now.
One thing of note is that under the Intel dual core version I see 2 CPUs and I see both being used and both are used differently at different times.
How many tracks and how many plugins?
51 Tracks, turned on all the plugins for the tracks for a total of 111 total plugins (including the space designers I added to see how far it will go before failing)
How many space designers did I add above and beyond what was already there before I peaked the CPU?
17 Space designers before the Disk I/O gives up, could not peak processor before Disk I/O gave up.
I have a screenshot of LP playing the busiest part of the song with CPUs not pegging in case anyone is interested. This was taken just before I got the Disk I/O error, in fact I'm wondering if taking the screenshot didn't push it past the limit.
Does this answer what everyone needs to know about the iMac CoreDuo running a 2Ghz processor with 2gigs of RAM and buffers set to 512 (which is the default when I installed), and enough to now compare it to what ever you want?

Well you shouldn't have a disk error
unless you were recording Audio at the same time whilst putting the effects on
because the effects has nothing to do with how fast the disk is,
also unless you were using alot of EXS24 or other plug-ings that loads big samples all from the OSX drive then maybe
even then you need lots of EXS24 and like stylus RMX with like BFD to get disk error
did you try it again to see if you'll get disk error again at the same %% of the CPU as the last time?
and tell us what instruments you used so that other can try as well
channels 1-5 EXS24 with """ samples and 50 Spacedesign
channels 6-10 Ultrabeat with "" samles and what ever effects
that way we can try it on our PPC or other intels as well
I got G5 dual 2.5 with 4GB of rams and i'm also going to compare with what you do
to make it easier lets try and use logic's own plug-in so everyone can test using their system as well
thanks for the report and testing B.O.T.N

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    I got the same problem with my MacBook when it still was new in may 2006. It was supposed to be one of the faster Laptops around but it was soooo slow it drove me nuts. I can only advise to have a look if there is something hugging up your RAM and run some tests using these programs on your machine:
    If they show any unusual results you might have your problem...
    As to my problem with the MacBook: I did a complete re-install (writing the harddisk over with zeroes) and suddenly everything was just fine. (But be sure to back all your files before that, I learned this one the hard way.) I know it is just a standard answer, but it worked out for me this time...
    Hope this helps in some ways.

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    You probably did not install the drivers for the video hardware (on the Windows side).
    My Mac OS version is 10.5.2 and all current updates have been installed
    That would have nothing to do with 3D performance when booted into Windows.
    Here's the forum category for Boot Camp users. You should also ask your question there.

  • Performance on intel imac - system almost unusable

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    Any advice welcome, thanks,
    Intel iMac 2ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   256mb vram

    Thanks much for the reply.
    I've deleted both
    ~/Library/Cache/iPhoto Cache
    (and restarted iPhoto of course)
    In activity monitor I saw iPhoto spike as high as 124% while launching, but it was very momentary and went back down where it bounced between 40% and 4%. I didn't see anything else that looked unusual.
    In the last few relaunches, it seems like the longer I keep iphoto open the faster it gets.
    Real Memory is ~530MB for iPhoto, Virtual Memory is ~905MB
    Switching between applications in the first few minutes a number of applications suddenly showed in Activity Monitor as (Not Responding), then 30-40 seconds later they would come back to life. I monitored these same applications when iPhoto was not running and they worked fine.
    I had to force quit iPhoto once, usually it takes roughly 30 seconds to quit.
    I did find some interesting stuff in the Console. I'll paste it here to see if it rings any bells:
    2006-08-09 15:49:58.792 iPhoto[1109] * -[NSBundle load]: Error loading code /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle/Contents/MacOS/SIMBL for bundle /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle, error code 2 (link edit error code 0, error number 0 ())
    2006-08-09 15:50:57.691 iPhoto[1109] CFLog (21): dyld returns 2 when trying to load /Users/parz/Library/Contextual Menu Items/NoteBookCMPlugIn.plugin/Contents/MacOS/NoteBookCMPlugIn
    2006-08-09 15:50:57.703 iPhoto[1109] CFLog (22): Cannot find function pointer NoteBookCMPlugInFactory for factory E10A17EE-6ED1-11D7-B4CE-000393A34A42 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x2f3890f0 </Users/parz/Library/Contextual Menu Items/NoteBookCMPlugIn.plugin> (bundle, not loaded)
    2006-08-09 15:50:57.746 iPhoto[1109] CFLog (21): dyld returns 2 when trying to load /Users/parz/Library/Contextual Menu Items/Path Finder CM.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Path Finder CM
    2006-08-09 15:50:57.747 iPhoto[1109] CFLog (22): Cannot find function pointer AbstractCMPluginFactory for factory 4D69CF21-A381-11D6-9544-003065DA3F94 in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x2f5738f0 </Users/parz/Library/Contextual Menu Items/Path Finder CM.plugin> (bundle, not loaded)
    2006-08-09 15:50:58.039 iPhoto[1109] CFLog (21): Cannot recognize type of executable for CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x2e3a81b0 </Library/Contextual Menu Items/MediaProCM.plugin> (not loaded)
    2006-08-09 15:50:58.042 iPhoto[1109] CFLog (22): Cannot find function pointer MediaProCMFactory for factory F33A2227-57F1-11D9-9FF3-000D933C4E4C in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x2e3a81b0 </Library/Contextual Menu Items/MediaProCM.plugin> (not loaded)
    2006-08-09 15:52:17.739 updater[1113] * -[NSBundle load]: Error loading code /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle/Contents/MacOS/SIMBL for bundle /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle, error code 2 (link edit error code 0, error number 0 ())
    2006-08-09 15:55:33.284 iCal Helper[1119] * -[NSBundle load]: Error loading code /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle/Contents/MacOS/SIMBL for bundle /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle, error code 2 (link edit error code 0, error number 0 ())
    2006-08-09 15:56:10.209 iPhoto[1120] * -[NSBundle load]: Error loading code /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle/Contents/MacOS/SIMBL for bundle /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle, error code 2 (link edit error code 0, error number 0 ())
    2006-08-09 15:57:29.817 Console[1123] * -[NSBundle load]: Error loading code /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle/Contents/MacOS/SIMBL for bundle /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle, error code 2 (link edit error code 0, error number 0 ())
    My guess is I have some iPhoto plugin trouble... what's the best way to troubleshoot that, and/or, how do you determine which plugins are standard Apple, and which I've gotten from somewhere?
    Also - I used software update to apply 10.4.7, had problems, and went back later and applied the combo updater w/disk permissions.
    Thanks again for your help,
    Intel iMac 2ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   256mb vram
    Intel iMac 2ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   256mb vram

  • Why would my intel iMac become unresponsive shortly after booting?

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    I have tried resetting PRAM & SMC for this iMac to no result....

    The startup disk may need repairing.
    Launch Disk Utility located in HD > Applications > Utilities
    Select the startup disk on the left then select the First Aid tab.
    Click:  Verify Disk  (not Verify Disk Permissions)
    If necessary, click Repair Disk. You will need your install disc.
    While you have the Disk Utility window open, see Capacity & Available at the bottom of the window.
    Make sure there's at least 15% available disk space.

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    1. Disconnect all peripherals. I'm using an Apple wireless keyboard and mighty mouse, too.
    2. Reset the PRAM.
    3. Reset the PMU.
    4. Used the installation disc to run Apple Hardware Test (the short version) problems.
    5. Used the installation disc to run Disk First Aid. Corrected a minor problem with the file structure.
    6. Used the installation disc to run Disk First Aid. Repaired permissions.
    7. Performed a Safe Boot, and got to the log-in screen, did not log in, but restarted normally as suggested in one of the Apple support articles.
    8. Am now staring at my desktop picture without the menu bar or the Finder, but the spinning beachball is chugging along and is responsive to my mouse.
    If it is of any help, I've noticed for several months that the computer would occasionally fail to wake from sleep, and I'd need to force a shut down by holding the power button for several seconds. Could this have been a precursor to the current problem?
    At this point, I'm not certain which version of 10.5 I have, because I can't check. But I've installed all the Apple updates that have come through, so I must be at the current version of 10.5. I can't remember exactly how much RAM I have installed, either, but it might be 3 GB. I installed a second memory module at the time of purchase, which I bought from
    I'm having to write this on my ancient PowerBook G4, which is still performing admirably under OS X 10.4.11. Thanks for any help or suggestions anyone can provide! : )

    It appears to have been a short of some sort on my power blew a capacitor somehow, though I don't know how/when that happened. Computer is on a surge protector, and generally sleeps during day while I'm away, but no power outages or other electrical issues occurred while I was out that I'm aware of.
    Anyway, I had a new power supply installed by an Apple certified technician...opted not to do it myself...and discovered that the HD is perfectly fine. No data loss. Phew! Just two weeks w/o my computer, and no way to recover backup files on Time Capsule in the meantime.
    Thanks for all the help and advice!

  • Intel iMac won't boot from disc or in safe mode - cannot repair disk

    I have an early Intel iMac 20" (2GHz core duo) that generally works fine. I recently ran Onyx and it reported a startup disk error, suggesting I insert the install disk, hold 'c', and use disk utility to repair the disk.
    NOTE: I have performed this operation successfully in the past and know how to do it.
    On this occasion, the iMac simply booted up to the normal desktop each time after multiple attempts at booting from both the original OSX 10.4.4 install disc and the OSX 10.5.1 install disc (current os is 10.5.8).
    I then attempted to start holding 'shift' to start in safe mode but again, repeated attempts all landed me on my normal desktop.
    I then attempted to hold 'option' to be given the choice of startup disc but again was ignored and went straight to my normal desktop after multiple attempts.
    Note that my iMac appears to be running fine otherwise. I was just trying to perform some routine maintenance and have run across this problem.
    Any ideas? This mac will be 5 years old soon and I would like to keep it running for a while longer.

    Hello Devoidarex
    You'll want to use the Leopard Install DVD to Repair your Startup Volume and may want to try a USB keyboard if your using a wireless.
    Another option is to insert the DVD and go to: System Preferences > Startup Disk > select the Install DVD > then Restart.

  • 20" intel iMac is having bad week, "Sleep" hiccup, now can't find system

    Hi all,
    I'm running a 20" intel iMac, purchased new in January 2008. It's been a trooper.
    A handful of days ago, it developed an odd glitch. The fan would "power down" like what one hears when the computer would go to sleep -- but this would be in the middle of use. It would immediately come back up. No screen dimming. On most occasions, this would take down open and in-use programs (for example, Safari).
    Today it again did this, and shortly thereafter, the system "froze" (cursor was movable but no reaction from any open program; no visible activity from anything running). I rebooted by holding the power key for 10 seconds, waited for some time (±15 minutes), then came back to power it on. It powers up, fan spins up, white screen with apple and the spinning wait icon (not the beachball, but the "clock lines" one normally sees at restart). It does not progress beyond this point.
    In short, I see this as two troubles that I need help with.
    1. The system was damaged/corrupted during the last startup, and the drive can no longer see it.
    2. There is a problem with the fan, a possible overheating issue, or perhaps an issue with a power module/SMC. The fact that programs are crashing with this makes me somewhat skeptical of this being merely "dusty fan" or even common overheating.
    I'd like an idea of what steps to take next, either to diagnose what is wrong with my iMac, or to bring her back to health.
    Message was edited by: gwenners

    Unfortunately, it sounds like the startup disk needs replacing.
    Boot from your Mac install disk and run Disk Utility.
    Insert your install disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    *(Check S.M.A.R.T Status of HDD at the bottom of right panel. It should say: Verified)*
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    When you are finished with DU, from the Menu Bar, select Utilities/Startup Manager.
    Select your start up disk and click Restart
    While you have the Disk Utility window open, look at the bottom of the window. Where you see Capacity and Available. *Make sure there is always 10% to 15% free disk space*
    If you cannot boot from your install disc, try booting in Safe Mode
    What is Safe Mode
    If the hard disk appears to be ok, you could try Resetting the SMC

  • Migrating G5- Intel iMac: smoothing the transition, unusual setup....

    I've had a new Intel iMac for literally two months now, to replace my aging revA G5 iMac, and have not yet found the time to get it set up. I'm hoping to get to it this Sunday.
    One thing that's been holding me up is the desire to have the transition as smooth as possible and worry that it might not be. This is a production machine (maybe not in the traditional sense, but I run my life on it, so that makes it "production" for me) and I don't like the idea of rocky transitions, particularly in the area of data and app migration.
    One of my primary questions, and the primary question of this post, is whether (and if yes, how best) to use Migration Assistant.
    So on my current G5 machine, I have the internal HD divided into 2 partitions:
    Partition 1 contains:
    a) the OS (10.4.11);
    b) my admin user account, which I only use for troubleshooting and the occasional admin tasks that are awkward under my standard user or in any event more convenient when running as admin; and
    c) a couple of other infrequently-used user accounts (e.g., a couple of guests that very occasionally use the machine)
    Partition 2 contains:
    a) My primary user account
    b) Some data that I prefer to keep outside my main user account, primarily to make my daily backups more manageable, and which I back up manually.
    1. So, first question is whether Migration Assistant can handle that kind of setup. I seem to remember using it successfully when migrating from my G4 iMac to my G5. My G4 iMac had four partitions (this was in the early days of OS X when some were recommending putting OS 9 on a separate partition). I don't remember what I did but do seem to remember using Migration Assistant for most of it.
    2. Second question: I assume I will have to repartition the HD on the Intel iMac and reinstall OS X from the DVDs if I want more than one partition on my HD. I'll probably do 2 partitions again and leave a bunch of free space (not included in any partition) for other uses later. So my first boot should be directly from the install DVD.
    If I do that, can I still use the Migration Assistant? Again, I'm thinking I must have done this when I set up the G5 five years ago. What would my procedure be, if it's not going to be really obvious?
    3. I have all my data backed up to multiple external HDs using Retrospect 6. My alternative would be to restore data from the backups. The main issues with this approach are: (a) it might not be quite as "put it back exactly as it was" as Migration Assistant would do things (although Retrospect is *supposed* to do it); and (b) I don't have Retrospect 8 yet, and there continue to be reports of problems with it (although 8.1 or 8.2 or whatever they are up to now) is supposed to have resolved a number of the very significant problems with the 8.0 release.
    So the next question: Should Retrospect 6 run under Rosetta under 10.6? Would you trust it to do so when restoring your data? Would you trust the latest Retrospect 8 to do so? Which would you pick?
    4. Finally: I have read scattered reports of problems with using Migration Assistant to migrate from a PPC to an Intel Mac. Some of them seem to just involve slow performance in web browsers, possibly caused by PPC plugins or other lurking PPC code that I guess would require Rosetta to run, slowing down performance. (I have the tricked-out i7 machine so I'm not that worried about sluggish performance, although it makes sense to ferret out unneeded PPC code of course.) There may have been other problems reported as well but I don't remember what they are at the moment -- I'll have to look some more.
    So: Is the Collective Mind aware of problems with MA in migrating PPC -> Intel, and if so, thoughts on preventing/mitigating the issues?
    Thanks so very much. I know this is a ton of questions. I'm grateful to you for helping smooth out this transition.

    Joel Siegel wrote:
    So Disk Utility in 10.6 lets you "hot"-resize partitions?
    That came in with Leopard.
    I had considered moving my primary user's home folder to the boot partition, based on advice in this forum (adaptive hot file clustering, etc). But it sounds like in some ways it may be simpler to make the initial setup more or less identical to my current one, and then change it later.
    Probably. I haven't tested whether you can restore a second partition to the one you're running from; if not, it would take a couple of extra steps to get the home folders there without screwing up the permissions. And I always try to only make one big change at a time.
    Since I have 1 TB to play with on the new machine, and only 250 GB +(edit: 150 GB)+ on the old one, I have plenty of room to create large partitions. My understanding from the links you posted is that I can enlarge a partition as well as shrink it (as long as the enlarged partition doesn't bump into an existing partition, and after backing everything up of course
    Mostly. You can expand a partition "down" in the diagram DU shows, but not "up."
    I wonder if I can create free space in between partitions in Disk Utility.
    Yes, sort of, by making, then deleting a partition. But since you can't move or expand a partition "up," I can't think of a reason to do that. (I understand some other utilities can do that.)
    You posted some reasons in this thread about why separate partitions are not recommended (seek times, adaptive hot file clustering), and I understand those. Are there others?
    Those are the main ones I'm familiar with. Another (that you probably won't run into for a long time, if ever) is that if you guess wrong, you may either waste a lot of space on the OSX partition, or have too little there, with potentially nasty consequences.
    One reason I've persisted in this partitioning scheme has to do with backups and restores, although I may be totally off base in this. I've envisioned some scenario where something on my boot volume gets so badly hosed that an Erase and Install is the best cure. But if my primary user data resides on a separate partition it would seem to make it much easier to get back in business -- I wouldn't have to worry about restoring my primary user data. The other user accounts on the boot volume would of course have to be restored.
    There is no +Erase and Install+ anymore. No +Archive and Install,+ either. Just Install. It replaces OSX with a fresh version, without disturbing anything else. It even preserves configuration and settings in /Library, and files installed there by 3rd-party apps. Rather amazing!
    Some folks do that, of course (perhaps out of old Windoze habits), but it's rarely required, or does any good on OSX. In some unusual situations, perhaps it would help. A couple of very experienced users here have not done a so-called "clean install" since 10.2!
    I assume Setup Assistant will guide me through the steps of hooking up the old machine and booting it. I don't know if it needs to boot in Target Disk Mode for this to work, but I strongly suspect it does.
    Yes. If you choose to transfer directly from it, which is probably best. You can also transfer from a clone (and, once you're on SL, a Time Machine backup). All documented in excruciating detail in [Setting up a new Mac from an old one or its backups|] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of the +Snow Leopard > Installation and Setup+ forum).
    Thanks again. I'll post back after the surgery.
    Cool. Fingers crossed here.

  • Older Intel iMac Freezing/Locking Up

    Most of the reports of iMacs freezing/locking up seem to be coming from owners of the new aluminum models, but my "first generation" (early 2006) 20" Intel iMac recently began exhibiting the same problem after having performed flawlessly for me from the time of its purchase.
    That leads me to believe the root cause is more likely to be a software glitch than a hardware issue...but, wherever the trouble lays, I wish Apple would get it sorted out soon!
    After four days of repeated freezes/lockups, I got so frustrated trying to troubleshoot the problem myself that I finally contacted an Apple-authorized repair service for help; my machine's now been in the shop for over three weeks, and the tech there has had no better luck in pinning down the case or finding a fix than what I'd had.
    At the urging of another iMac user who's posted on this subject elsewhere in this forum, I've submitted feedback to Apple, suggesting that the company needs to recognize that this is a fairly widespread problem which is affecting older iMacs as well as the new, and urging the company to take it more seriously than what it seems to have been doing up until now.

    The Update 1.1 was apparently for aluminum models only, so it wouldn't have been installed on my machine. And, while the technique you've described as working for you has worked for some people who've tried it, it hasn't solved the problem for others.
    My guess is that a bad bit of code somewhere in OS 10.4.xx itself is at the root of the problem; maybe it just sat benignly, causing no problems, until some particuar driver or security or application update with incompatible code got installed and caused a conflict.

  • 2007 Intel iMac with sleep/wake issues

    Subject: 2007 Intel iMac, 2GHz, 4GB RAM, 10.5.6
    I'm having difficulty troubleshooting this one and would greatly appreciate any advice/help. Basically this iMac will develop all kinds of problems over night. It will be put to sleep in the evening and in the morning it will be off or it won't wake from sleep. I don't think it's a power issue, as other computers aren't affected.
    If you manually turn it off and then on again, it won't recognize the startup volume. Usually at this point nothing will work except Diskwarrior will find and repair some errors and it will work again for the rest of the day, but come morning, the problems return.
    I've replaced the memory, changed all peripherals, completely rebuilt the OS (clean install), even replaced the battery backup unit. I've reset the PRAM and the SMC, ran surface scans on the hard drive, as well as all available tests in Tech Tool and Rember. Nothing found. SMART status is clear.
    It seems to only happen over night. If I put it to sleep mid-day, it'll wake just fine, although perhaps there's a difference between that short sleep and its nightly slumber which is the key??
    I don't think there's a software issue because the person who uses it basically only uses Mail, Safari, Firefox, and occasionally iWork apps. I'll put the latest crash report in a follow-up post, but I don't quite understand its contents and I'm hoping it will provide a clue which someone can help me with.
    Thanks for reading this far - I look forward to any responses!

    Here's the latest crash report. It seems to have originated after sunday night's crash, which is why it shows 10.5.4, which was installed by combo update yesterday. Last night's crash doesn't seem to have a report...
    Process: DirectoryService [31]
    Path: /usr/sbin/DirectoryService
    Identifier: DirectoryService
    Version: ??? (???)
    Code Type: X86 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [1]
    ate/Time: 2009-04-06 14:57:34.297 -0600
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.4 (9E25)
    Report Version: 6
    Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread: 1
    Thread 0:
    0 dyld 0x8fe12fd1 ImageLoaderMachO::doTermination(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 241
    1 dyld 0x8fe04f7b dyld::runTerminators(void*) + 155
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9592afdc _cxafinalize + 241
    3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9592aed0 exit + 33
    4 DirectoryService 0x00015f3b main + 351
    5 DirectoryService 0x00015dbe start + 54
    Thread 1 Crashed:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959e3dbe _semwait_signalnocancel + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959d5c87 usleep$NOCANCEL$UNIX2003 + 61
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959f7434 __abort + 109
    3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959f7490 flockfile_debugstub + 0
    4 DirectoryService 0x00088ad7 CCachePlugin::WaitForDNSQueries(int, sDNSLookup*, opaque_pthread_mutext*, opaque_pthread_condt*) + 417
    5 DirectoryService 0x00088ea5 CCachePlugin::IssueParallelDNSQueries(sDNSLookup*) + 613
    6 DirectoryService 0x00088ff7 CCachePlugin::InitiateDNSQuery(sDNSLookup*, bool) + 65
    7 DirectoryService 0x00090934 CCachePlugin::DSgethostbyname_int(char*, char const*, char const*, int, bool, sDNSLookup*, int*) + 1276
    8 DirectoryService 0x00092d92 CCachePlugin::DSgetaddrinfo(kvbuf_t*, int) + 3448
    9 DirectoryService 0x00094700 CCachePlugin::ProcessLookupRequest(int, char*, int, int) + 614
    10 DirectoryService 0x0002e859 libinfoDSmigdoQuery + 585
    11 DirectoryService 0x0009921c _XQuery + 343
    12 DirectoryService 0x00098f79 DSlibinfoMIG_server + 109
    13 libSystem.B.dylib 0x95977ed3 machmsgserver + 343
    14 DirectoryService 0x00022ca1 CMigHandlerThread::ThreadMain() + 303
    15 ...ectoryServiceCore.Framework 0x00166f83 DSCThread::Run() + 39
    16 ...ectoryServiceCore.Framework 0x0016718e DSLThread::_RunWrapper(void*) + 84
    17 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959336f5 pthreadstart + 321
    18 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959335b2 thread_start + 34
    Thread 2:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x95932f66 kevent + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959336f5 pthreadstart + 321
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959335b2 thread_start + 34
    Thread 3:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959451d5 syscall + 5
    1 ...ectoryServiceCore.Framework 0x00166f83 DSCThread::Run() + 39
    2 ...ectoryServiceCore.Framework 0x0016718e DSLThread::_RunWrapper(void*) + 84
    3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959336f5 pthreadstart + 321
    4 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959335b2 thread_start + 34
    Thread 4:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959024a6 machmsgtrap + 10
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x95909c9c mach_msg + 72
    2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9592d47c vm_allocate + 135
    3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9595fd7f machmsg_serveronce + 252
    4 DirectoryService 0x00022c14 CMigHandlerThread::ThreadMain() + 162
    5 ...ectoryServiceCore.Framework 0x00166f83 DSCThread::Run() + 39
    6 ...ectoryServiceCore.Framework 0x0016718e DSLThread::_RunWrapper(void*) + 84
    7 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959336f5 pthreadstart + 321
    8 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959335b2 thread_start + 34
    Thread 5:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x95932f66 kevent + 10
    1 libresolv.9.dylib 0x90f0f9f8 pdnsquery + 96
    2 libresolv.9.dylib 0x90f0fd8c sdnssearch + 770
    3 libresolv.9.dylib 0x90f0ff26 sdnssearch + 1180
    4 libresolv.9.dylib 0x90f14363 dnslookup_soamin + 215
    5 DirectoryService 0x000ce728 idnadnslookup + 572
    6 DirectoryService 0x0008856c DoDNSQuery(void*) + 214
    7 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959336f5 pthreadstart + 321
    8 libSystem.B.dylib 0x959335b2 thread_start + 34
    Thread 1 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
    eax: 0x0000003c ebx: 0x959e390f ecx: 0xb01015fc edx: 0x959e3dbe
    edi: 0x00224b90 esi: 0xb0101658 ebp: 0xb0101638 esp: 0xb01015fc
    ss: 0x0000001f efl: 0x00000247 eip: 0x959e3dbe cs: 0x00000007
    ds: 0x0000001f es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x0000001f gs: 0x00000037
    cr2: 0xa06b88bc
    Binary Images:
    0x1000 - 0x10efef +DirectoryService ??? (???) <215b796060460ede1cfd684790280582> /usr/sbin/DirectoryService
    0x15f000 - 0x16dff3 3.5.4 (3.5.4) <bb75c970bee1da9e8b00a0a3ce2cae45> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DirectoryServiceCore.framework/Versions/A/Dir ectoryServiceCore
    0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe2da53 dyld 96.2 (???) <14ac3b684fa5a31932fa89c4bba7a29b> /usr/lib/dyld
    0x90c14000 - 0x90c1bfe9 libgcc_s.1.dylib ??? (???) <f53c808e87d1184c0f9df63aef53ce0b> /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib
    0x90c1c000 - 0x90cceffb libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib ??? (???) <330b0e48e67faffc8c22dfc069ca7a47> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
    0x90d0e000 - 0x90d90ff3 330.4 (330.4) <ce5b085df34a78b7f198aff9db5b52ec> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFNetwo rk.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
    0x90f0e000 - 0x90f2cfff libresolv.9.dylib ??? (???) <9602435a6eac87a0d1f41b8ca8541693> /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib
    0x924cc000 - 0x92557fff 1.5.1 (???) <60cfc4b175c4ef60bb8e9036716a29f4> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
    0x925cb000 - 0x92846fe7 6.5.5 (677.19) <bfd4ebea1a7739dd6b523f15dca01a37> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
    0x93387000 - 0x933abfff libxslt.1.dylib ??? (???) <4933ddc7f6618743197aadc85b33b5ab> /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib
    0x933ac000 - 0x933f0feb 3.0.3 (3.0.3) <8135bb4f34a3bf02b8c2ca869fe33a42> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PasswordServer.framework/Versions/A/PasswordS erver
    0x93703000 - 0x937e4ff7 libxml2.2.dylib ??? (???) <1baef3d4972ee789d8fa6c1fa44da45c> /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
    0x93f5e000 - 0x93f62fff libmathCommon.A.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib
    0x9469a000 - 0x94726ff7 289.2 (289.2) <3577886e3a6d56ee3949850c4fde76c9> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchS ervices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices
    0x9472c000 - 0x9473bfff libsasl2.2.dylib ??? (???) <b9e1ca0b6612e280b6cbea6df0eec5f6> /usr/lib/libsasl2.2.dylib
    0x94805000 - 0x9484bfef 10.5.2 (398.18) <9466e348fc3c1fece377ae1238fe74a7> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadat a.framework/Versions/A/Metadata
    0x94867000 - 0x94917fff 6.0.12 (6.0.12) <1dc515ebe407292db8e603938c72d4e8> /System/Library/Frameworks/Kerberos.framework/Versions/A/Kerberos
    0x94c4f000 - 0x94c65fff 1.0.0 (1.0.0) <ad0aa0252e3323d182e17f50defe56fc> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Diction aryServices.framework/Versions/A/DictionaryServices
    0x94d81000 - 0x94db3fff 1.4.4 (108) <00542ef6515aeb41a22ce0004a75b519> /System/Library/Frameworks/LDAP.framework/Versions/A/LDAP
    0x94e49000 - 0x95123ff3 786.4 (786.4) <059c4803a7a95e3c1a95a332baeb1edf> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonC ore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
    0x95458000 - 0x954d7ff5 1.2.0 (1.2.0) <277b460da86bc222785159fe77e2e2ed> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchK it.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit
    0x95510000 - 0x95510ffa 32 (32) <2fcc8f3bd5bbfc000b476cad8e6a3dd2> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices
    0x95883000 - 0x9588bfff 2.2.1 (2.2.1) <75b0c8d8940a8a27816961dddcac8e0f> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration
    0x9588c000 - 0x958e9ffb libstdc++.6.dylib ??? (???) <04b812dcec670daa8b7d2852ab14be60> /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
    0x95901000 - 0x95a61ff3 libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <98fc91f31f185411ddc46d3225e9af55> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    0x95b7f000 - 0x95c06ff7 libsqlite3.0.dylib ??? (???) <6978bbcca4277d6ae9f042beff643f7d> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.0.dylib
    0x95c58000 - 0x95c87fe3 402.2 (402.2) <e01596187e91af5d48653920017b8c8e> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.fram ework/Versions/A/AE
    0x95c88000 - 0x95e56fff 5.0.4 (34102) <f01d6cbd6a0f24f6c13952ed448e77d6> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
    0x95e57000 - 0x95f36fff libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) <a53206274b6c2d42691f677863f379ae> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
    0x96018000 - 0x960d2fe3 226.5 (226.5) <7e10d25c615a39fe1ab4d48e24a3b555> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSServi ces.framework/Versions/A/OSServices
    0x960d3000 - 0x960f7feb libssl.0.9.7.dylib ??? (???) <acee7fc534674498dcac211318aa23e8> /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.7.dylib
    0x964d9000 - 0x96510fff 1.9.2 (1.9.2) <8b26ebf26a009a098484f1ed01ec499c> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfi guration
    0x9663b000 - 0x96642ffe libbsm.dylib ??? (???) <d25c63378a5029648ffd4b4669be31bf> /usr/lib/libbsm.dylib
    0x96643000 - 0x9677bff7 libicucore.A.dylib ??? (???) <5031226ea28b371d8dfdbb32acfb48b5> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
    0x9677c000 - 0x9678affd libz.1.dylib ??? (???) <5ddd8539ae2ebfd8e7cc1c57525385c7> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
    0x9704e000 - 0x97180fff 6.5.3 (476.14) <7ef7f5db09ff6dd0135a6165872803cc> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
    0x971c1000 - 0x971ecfe7 libauto.dylib ??? (???) <42d8422dc23a18071869fdf7b5d8fab5> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
    0xfffe8000 - 0xfffebfff libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
    0xffff0000 - 0xffff1780 libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

  • Intel iMac randomly relaunching Finder. RAM problem?

    Several months ago I bought a new 3.06 GHz Intel iMac with 2GB of RAM. I also bought CS4 so I maxed out my RAM at 4GB with a 2x2GB RAM kit from Other World Computing.
    I've noticed in the lately that everything will suddenly hang, the Dock won't appear when I cursor to the bottom, and then my desktop pic will change. I have my prefs set to choose a random one each day but this isn't happening at the right time, it's random. Not only that but if I open Dashboard after that it has to reload all of my widgets again. Plus any docked Finder or app windows pop back out to the desktop. It's like the Finder is being relaunched or something.
    I'm wondering if this could be an issue with bad RAM or not having enough. With email, browser, FTP, time logger, and a few smaller apps going I can never really have more than a couple of the CS4 apps open without things getting sluggish. I try to avoid having more than 2 open at any one time. I've even dropped Photoshop's RAM usage settings from 70% to 60% to see if it makes any difference.
    The problem is still happening and it seems to be happening more frequently. Things just relaunched and I went into Mail to minimize an email window. As soon as I clicked the yellow button things hanged again but not in the same way. No windows would minimize, the Dock wouldn't appear and I couldn't switch Spaces. When I went to restart, as soon as my cursor rolled over the Dock item in the Apple menu it stalled there for a short time before I was able to go down to restart. Then the restart sequence stalled and I had to force a shut down.
    This is really frustrating as I was expecting a great new machine and software to replace my aging PowerMac G4 and older apps. Is there a way to test for bad RAM or does this sound like a known issue with CS4 or iMacs in general? I don't have the original 2x1GB RAM sticks any more, I sold them after installing my new RAM.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I've been trying a few things here and there when I've had time, giving time in between to see if the problem reoccurs. So far I've done the following:
    1. Repaired Permissions. No effect.
    2. Used Onyx to clean the System, User and Font cache options listed by default. It also told me that S.M.A.R.T., startup volume, Permissions and Prefs are all ok. No effect.
    3. I removed the RAM, inspected the boards and the slots. Can't see any sort of damage to either. I replaced the boards but swapped slots. Both boards are firmly seated. Also no effect.
    I'm going to try running 1 board at a time, swapping slots if the problem continues. If it does I'll try creating a 2nd admin account and go from there.
    I've also noticed at times when the hang happens it seems to be when I click on an item in my Dock (usually a folder of items). There have also been times that after it happens I'll switch to another space and the windows for different apps will have disappeared. The apps are still open but if I try choosing the missing window under View or Window they still won't appear. Same goes with trying to use Show All under the Finder menu.

  • Intel iMac stuck in reboot loop

    Since the last few days, my 6 month old Intel iMac is stuck in a reboot loop.
    Model Name:          iMac
    Model Identifier:          iMac12,1
    Processor Name:          Intel Core i5
    Processor Speed:          2.5 GHz
    Number of Processors:          1
    Total Number of Cores:          4
    OS: 10.6.8 (with patches applied as they become avaliable)
    It is connected to a UPS at all times.
    I always put it to sleep at night. Sometimes it stays in the Sleep mode for a couple of days (i travel and wife does not use for some time). But it always would "wake" up from Sleep on a keyboard touch. Magic mouse battery died a few days ago, so put in a new pair of battery, had the usual problem of "pairing", fixed that and continued on.
    (Coincidentally, it almost also marks where my problems started).
    Now, when i press any key, the iMac reboots. And then just before it looks like it will show the wallpaper, it reboots. and this continues on - sometimes 10-15 times. I press the power key and switch it OFF. Press the power key again, no go - stuck in the reboot loop. Run the Apple Hardware Test (exhaustive one included - it reports no issue found). Do a SMC reset (take off the power cord from the back of the iMac for 35 seconds) and put it back. Switch off the mouse and attach a USB mouse and press the Shift key to boot into the Safe mode. This works! Installed Pacifist to check for any non-Apple kernel extensions, none found...
    Since AHT reports all fine - can hardware be ruled out?
    Could it be the magic mouse? Need to try it (just wary of the reboot loop )?
    If it is the mouse, is it covered in the 12 month initial warranty (I am in India)?
    Console log reports this line:
    08/06/12 7:20:59 PM
    Sleep: Success - AC Success 0 Success A9EDA79D-440F-4CD5-B3FA-5A6451E6677B
    and this:
    08/06/12 7:20:59 PM
    Wake: Drivers Failure - AC - HDEF SATA Drivers Failure Failure
    Is it the HDD?
    Any/all help is appreciated. I am going to carry it in to an Apple Care tomorrow, but was curious to see what the community had to say.

    Well, it is getting odder now...when i read your message and click the console icon on the dock, the iMac just crashed and rebooted!
    Here are the console messages just before and after the most recent crash (at 12:07):
    08/06/12 11:53:34 PM
    asl_file_open_read() failed on path /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2012.06.04.asl with error Invalid Data Store
    08/06/12 11:53:35 PM
    asl_file_open_read() failed on path /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2012.06.04.asl with error Invalid Data Store
    08/06/12 11:53:36 PM
    asl_file_open_read() failed on path /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2012.06.04.asl with error Invalid Data Store
    08/06/12 11:53:37 PM
    asl_file_open_read() failed on path /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2012.06.04.asl with error Invalid Data Store
    09/06/12 12:07:00 AM[1]
    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    09/06/12 12:07:18 AM[87]
    ( Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:
    09/06/12 12:07:21 AM[87]
    ([112]) Exited with exit code: 1
    09/06/12 12:07:22 AM
    ThrottleProcessIO: throttling disk i/o
    09/06/12 12:07:23 AM[1]
    ([20]) Exited with exit code: 252
    09/06/12 12:08:37 AM
    [0609/] Breakpad disabled
    09/06/12 12:08:43 AM
    [] Critical error found -8
    Here are the console messages just before and after the most recent crash (at 12:07):
    Jun  8 23:53:01 localhost Console[919]: asl_file_open_read() failed on path /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2012.06.04.asl with error Invalid Data Store
    Jun  8 23:53:32: --- last message repeated 18 times ---
    Jun  8 23:53:32 localhost Console[919]: asl_file_open_read() failed on path /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2012.06.04.asl with error Invalid Data Store
    Jun  8 23:54:02: --- last message repeated 5 times ---
    Jun  9 00:07:00 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  9 00:07:04 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  9 00:07:04 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  9 00:07:12 localhost fseventsd[34]: event logs in /.fseventsd out of sync with volume.  destroying old logs. (14259 14 14295)
    Jun  9 00:07:12 localhost fseventsd[34]: log dir: /.fseventsd getting new uuid: 848839F3-1F7D-409B-A5F1-14170B9CD90D
    Jun  9 00:07:12 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339180618 0
    Jun  9 00:07:15 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost[22]: usbmuxd-268.5 on Jan  5 2012 at 03:34:01, running 64 bit
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost /System/Library/CoreServices/[30]: Login Window Application Started
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost[10]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/IOSerialFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/InternalModemSu pport.kext - no code for running kernel's architecture.
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost[10]: Failed to load /System/Library/Extensions/IOSerialFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/InternalModemSu pport.kext - (libkern/kext) requested architecture/executable not found.
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost[10]: Load failed; removing personalities.
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost configd[13]: network configuration changed.
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost configd[13]: bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en1) failed: Network is down (50)
    Jun  9 00:07:16 localhost configd[13]: DHCP en1: INIT-REBOOT transmit failed
    Jun  9 00:07:18 localhost loginwindow[30]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    Jun  9 00:07:18 localhost loginwindow[30]: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
    Jun  9 00:07:18 localhost loginwindow[30]: USER_PROCESS: 30 console
    Jun  9 00:07:18 localhost[87] ( Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:
    Jun  9 00:07:21 localhost configd[13]: network configuration changed.
    Jun  9 00:07:21: --- last message repeated 2 times ---
    Jun  9 00:07:21 localhost[87] ([112]): Exited with exit code: 1
    Jun  9 00:07:22 localhost com.hp.messagecenter.launcher[115]: ThrottleProcessIO: throttling disk i/o
    Jun  9 00:07:23 localhost XProtectUpdater[20]: Ignoring new signature plist: Not an increase in version
    Jun  9 00:07:23 localhost[1] ([20]): Exited with exit code: 252
    Jun  9 00:07:32 localhost warmd[21]: [fetcher_open_file:936] open("/var/db/dyld/dyld_shared_cache_x86_64") => -1 (errno: 2)
    Jun  9 00:07:35 localhost ntpd[19]: time reset +0.205296 s
    Jun  9 00:08:37 localhost [0x0-0x14014][147]: [0609/] Breakpad disabled
    Jun  9 00:08:43 localhost [0x0-0x14014][147]: [] Critical error found -8
    Here is the system.log when the iMac was first sought be woken up from sleep:
    Jun  8 07:21:47 Manoj-Satis-iMac loginwindow[30]: no spins reported for this wake
    Jun  8 07:22:46 Manoj-Satis-iMac loginwindow[30]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback WILL sleep
    Jun  8 07:22:54 Manoj-Satis-iMac loginwindow[30]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback will power on, Currenttime:6/8/2012 7:22:54.006 AM - Waketime:6/8/2012 7:22:53.330 AM = Deltatime:0.676087976
    Jun  8 07:22:54 Manoj-Satis-iMac applepushserviced[125]: <APSCourier: 0x106741520>: Stream error occurred for <APSTCPStream: 0x107315250>: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=57 UserInfo=0x107539b80 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Socket is not connected"
    Jun  8 07:22:54 Manoj-Satis-iMac applepushserviced[125]: <APSCourier: 0x106741520>: Stream error occurred for <APSTCPStream: 0x107529760>: Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=2 UserInfo=0x107318360 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)"
    Jun  8 07:22:54 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en1) failed: Network is down (50)
    Jun  8 07:22:54 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: DHCP en1: INIT-REBOOT transmit failed
    Jun  8 07:22:54 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: network configuration changed.
    Jun  8 07:22:58 Manoj-Satis-iMac mDNSResponder[29]: DeregisterInterface: Frequent transitions for interface en1 (FE80:0000:0000:0000:E6CE:8FFF:FE5D:48C6)
    Jun  8 07:22:58 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: Sleep: Success - AC - Software Sleep
    Jun  8 07:22:58 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: Wake: Success - AC - EHC2
    Jun  8 07:22:58 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: Hibernate Statistics
    Jun  8 07:22:58 Manoj-Satis-iMac configd[13]: network configuration changed.
    Jun  8 07:23:05 Manoj-Satis-iMac loginwindow[30]: loginwindow SleepWakeCallback WILL sleep
    Jun  8 19:20:45 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  8 19:20:48 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  8 19:20:48 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  8 19:20:55 localhost fseventsd[34]: event logs in /.fseventsd out of sync with volume.  destroying old logs. (319516 12 362581)
    Jun  8 19:20:55 localhost fseventsd[34]: log dir: /.fseventsd getting new uuid: 42A22C99-8FAD-40F4-AC9A-8DE55586FDCF
    Jun  8 19:20:55 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339163443 0
    Jun  8 19:20:58 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  8 19:20:58 localhost[22]: usbmuxd-268.5 on Jan  5 2012 at 03:34:01, running 64 bit
    Jun  8 19:20:59 localhost configd[13]: Sleep: Success - AC
    Jun  8 19:20:59 localhost configd[13]: Wake: Drivers Failure - AC - HDEF SATA
    Jun  8 19:21:19 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  8 19:21:24 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  8 19:21:25 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  8 19:21:26 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339163476 0
    Jun  8 19:21:29 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  8 19:21:30 localhost[22]: usbmuxd-268.5 on Jan  5 2012 at 03:34:01, running 64 bit
    Jun  8 19:21:56 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  8 19:22:01 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  8 19:22:02 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  8 19:22:03 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339163515 0
    Jun  8 19:22:06 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  8 19:22:33 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  8 19:22:38 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  8 19:22:39 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  8 19:22:40 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339163552 0
    Jun  8 19:22:43 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  8 19:22:44 localhost[22]: usbmuxd-268.5 on Jan  5 2012 at 03:34:01, running 64 bit
    Jun  8 19:23:07 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  8 19:23:13 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  8 19:23:14 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  8 19:23:15 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339163587 0
    Jun  8 19:23:18 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  8 19:23:19 localhost[22]: usbmuxd-268.5 on Jan  5 2012 at 03:34:01, running 64 bit
    Jun  8 19:23:46 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Jun  8 19:23:51 localhost DirectoryService[15]: Improper shutdown detected
    Jun  8 19:23:52 localhost blued[17]: Apple Bluetooth daemon started
    Jun  8 19:23:53 localhost bootlog[41]: BOOT_TIME: 1339163625 0
    Jun  8 19:23:54 localhost fseventsd[34]: event logs in /.fseventsd out of sync with volume.  destroying old logs. (147 9 179)
    Jun  8 19:23:54 localhost fseventsd[34]: log dir: /.fseventsd getting new uuid: 09B8A63F-56EF-4D9A-9E5C-A6D27EFCD26C
    Jun  8 19:23:56 localhost mDNSResponder[29]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
    Jun  8 19:25:04 localhost[9]: Safe boot mode detected; invalidating system extensions caches.
    Jun  8 19:24:28 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***

  • Printing with a networked Canon iR 3220 and my Intel iMac

    I am at my wits end and I hope someone can help.
    I am the sole Mac user in my company. I have a brand new, shiny 24" dual processor (intel) iMac running OS 10.4.9, that is connecting wirelessly to our network. We have a mixture of IIS and Linux servers (I believe the IIS is solely for the Windows Exchange server) Ther are 30 or so printers on the network and the one I am supposed to be printing to is a Canon Image Runner 3220 (iR 3220).
    I am no Mac newbie, but I can't get the thing to print correctly. I have updated the driver from Canon (v. 1.70PS) and the PPDs (v. 2.25), followed the instructions and it will not automatically select the correct PPD. When I reset the PPD manually, it spools to the printer, but then stops all my print jobs. I try to resume and it spools and stops.
    I have tried adding the printer via CanonIP, LPR, Appletalk (which gets me a message that I am connected incorrectly), setting up a sacrificial altar to the printing gods...nothing seems to work. I've tried using the iR 3200 driver and that doesn't work either.
    Does anyone have any suggestions? I would appreciate any help I can get at this point.

    Hello Mike,
    The first thing you need to do is determine if the iR C3220 is using the Canon printer board or the imagePASS-C1/C2 print server option. If you look at the back of the iR C3220, and there is a rectangular box with an Ethernet cable connecting to the copier, and what looks something like a SCSI-2 cable also connected between the white box and the copiers interface board, then you have the imagePASS controller. This device requires a different driver to the PS v1.70 and PPD v2.x you are currently using. It also requires a queue name of 'print' or 'direct' (or 'hold' if you don't want the job to print) and it must be entered in lower case.
    Since it sounds like there are PC's on the network, have a look at their printer setup and see which driver they are using. You can also check their port config to see how they are connecting.
    If the iR C3220 doesn't have the imagePASS print controller and the PC users have the PCL5c driver installed, then you may find that the iR C3220 doesn't have the PS option - it may be PCL5c only. The easiest way to tell is to open the printers web page (called RUI) by entering the printers IP address in your browser of choice. With the default page open, select Additional Functions and then Custom Settings (you may be prompted for a system ID & password). If you get past this the new view will show if you have PS as well as PCL. If there is no PS, then you will have to look at installing the latest version of Gutenprint and selecting Generic PCL5c as your 'ppd'.
    If the PS option is installed, then the v1.70 driver should be okay, although there is a trick to adding it. In the Printer Setup Utility, after clicking Add, select More Printers and then Canon IP (PS). In the new window input the IP address and a queue name of LP. When you click Add the copier is queried by the driver to determine what model it is, meaning that once it is displayed in the printer list it should show the iR C3220. Given that this didn't happen for you (and if the imagePASS is not being used) then a likely cause can be the disabling of SNMP in the copier setup. You may have to get the IT guys to enable this (or at least explain why it is off).
    If you go the other way of manually selecting LPD as the protocol (AppleTalk is not supported by the PS v1.70 driver) then you need to ensure that for the print using you select iR C3220 CanonPS for the ppd. If you see Canon iR C3220, don't use this as it is the wrong ppd for the PS driver - it is there as part of the PPD installer.
    If you want to try using the PPD, then you can use AppleTalk but of course this has to be enabled in the copier, and if your the only Mac then it is likely that it is disabled. Again the RUI page can tell you this or you can print a Config page from the copier (I think you go Additional Functions > Report Settings > Network > User Data List).
    Hope something above is helpful and if not, please reply back.

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