Shortcut for Zoom to 200%

I'm not a Pixel Peeper put on my MacBook Pro the 1920 Pixels are narrow enough for my old eyes to let me want to zoom too 200% quite often (for evaluating noise and sharpening).
Is there an option to have a shortcut to zoom to 200%? The quickest way I find is "Z" and the Command-+. Can I reduce this to one shortcut?

Press command and + twice in succession, you do not need to press the z first. So one shortcut twice.
so, if you have a multi button mouse you could assign a button to command & + to quickly zoom in, you can then use z to go back to zoom to fit.

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    OK, I've been doing this since CS2 with no need for a script. To hide guides and show preview...
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    Message was edited by: jakudo

    it's called Zoom - found under the Window menu, and if you create a new shortcut for Safari in System Preferences-Keyboard & Mouse-Keyboard Shortcuts... you can assign a key combo of your choice to it.

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    OK, I've been doing this since CS2 with no need for a script. To hide guides and show preview...
    1) Go to 'Keyboard Shortcuts'
    2) Go to 'Product Area - Tools'. Yes, you'd think it would be in Views! But the buttons for this is at the bottom of the Tool Bar.
    3) Go to 'Commands: Toggle view setting between default and preview'
    4) Click your cursor inside 'New Shortcut' and hit the key you want or type it in. I choose the unused F2 key
    5) Click the 'Assign' button and you are set. Hit the key to switch back and forth.
    As for your mouse Zoom, use Power Zoom as described above or just hold down the Alt/Option button in 'Hand' mode and use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out. Not one step but it works!
    Now you won't miss Quark at all!

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    Beat Gossweiler

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