Shortcuts for opening Applications

I have tried to set, for instance, F1 to open Word, but it doesn't work. The way I have tried is to open system Preferences, then Keyboard & mouse, then Keyboard Shortcuts, then +, then select an application. I've tried entering "Open" and "Open Microsoft Word" under "Menu Title," then setting the shortcut, to no avail. I'd like to set shortcuts to open several different apps. Can this be done?

Will Spotlight do? Command-space, type word, press Enter. Spotlight is how I launch any app that is not already in my Dock. It's much faster than navigating through Finder windows with a mouse.
Otherwise, you can use a program like Spark to set F keys to open applications.

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    Time and motion studies in terms of Gilbreth‘s therbligs do not favor your approach. The keyboard lies in the heart of the area of minimall motion requirements. The mouse requires more movement to accomplish the same task. It’s all in what’s comfortable with the user, regardless of efficiency, or what the user’s bent may be for finding other ways. Antagonistic responses are oxymoronic in terms of the definition of “help”: verb sap.
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    Hey everyone!
    I have reffered the earlier discussion upon creating a shortcut for the open with function and the below is the correct answer for it by using applescript editor submitted by Barney. However, I couldn't get past the 1st paragraph. It all just went over my head. Especially the "open (thefilelist) " part. Which filelist is being referred to here? All I want is a shortcut for opening files with .avi, .mpeg, and .3gp exts. with VLC player. Please help me out by providing the exact stuff I need to paste in the applescript.
    Ok, this one works both on the finder selection and as a droplet:
    property htmlList : {"htm", "html"}
    property htmleditor : "TextWrangler"
    property textList : {"txt", "text"}
    property texteditor : "TextEdit"
    --property myappextlist: {"ext1","ext2","ext3"}
    -- property myappsname: "myAppName" on run
    tell application "Finder"
    set the fileList to the selection
    repeat with aFile in fileList
    set theFile to aFile as string
    my myOpen(theFile)
    end repeat
    end tell
    end run on open (thefileList)
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in thefileList
    set this_item to item i of thefileList
    my myOpen(this_item)
    end repeat
    end open on myOpen(aFileAlias)
    set theItemInfo to info for (alias aFileAlias)
    if not folder of theItemInfo then
    set theExtension to name extension of theItemInfo
    if theExtension is in htmlList then
    tell application htmleditor
    open aFileAlias
    end tell
    end if
    if theExtension is in textList then
    tell application texteditor
    open aFileAlias
    end tell
    end if
    -- if theExtension is in myappextlist then
    -- tell application myAppName
    -- open this_item
    -- activate
    -- end tell
    -- end if
    end if end myOpen

    Luds.R wrote:
    I have reffered the earlier discussion
    I have the feeling of dropping in in the middle of the conversation.
    Anyway, try this
    --script begins
    property myVLC : "/Applications/VLC/"
    property myTypes : {"avi", "mpeg", "mpg", "3gp"}
    on run
              my vlcTest(myVLC)
              tell application "Finder" to set fileList to selection
              my vlcOpen(fileList)
    end run
    on open fileList
              my vlcTest(myVLC)
              my vlcOpen(fileList)
    end open
    on vlcTest(myVLC)
      POSIX file myVLC as alias
              on error
                        display dialog "Sorry, could not locate VLC. Please add the correct POSIX path to the script." buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
              end try
    end vlcTest
    on vlcOpen(fileList)
              tell application "Finder"
                        repeat with i in fileList
                                  if name extension of i is in myTypes then open i using (POSIX file myVLC)
                        end repeat
              end tell
    end vlcOpen
    --script ends

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    It's a bit confusing, but you cannot assign a keyboard short-cut to launch an app. That window is for assigning a keyboard shortcut to an EXISTING menu command in the app you selected, if that menu command does not have a keyboard shortcut already.
    So if you select System Preference as the app, and enter Menu Title of "About System Preferences" and enter Opt-Cmd-A as the shortcut, once you close and reopen System Preferences, Opt-Cmd-A will open the About System Preferences window, which is an existing command under the File menu that previously did not have a keyboard shortcut.
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    Highlight the item you wish to open quickly. Hold down option + command and drag the item to a convenient location such as your Desktop to create an alias (shortcut) to the item.
    - cfr

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    It can be opened by another person if they simply navigate to the Applications folder: unless you only allow them access to a separate account with Parental Controls in place (they can limit access to specified applications). And it's never wise to allow other people access to your own account.
    If you want to open an application on a keystroke you will need a third-party application. QuicKeys can do just about anything but is expensive: there are other programs which can do this.

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    Thank you!
    Sometimes things are just simply right in front of you without being seen.
    The solution was spot on. I'd somehow not 'seen' the "Application Menu" drop-down in the keyboard shortcuts dialog box.
    Now back to post-processing!
    Thanks again.
    - Bonnie

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    Not only is this very possible, it's also very easy. You can do this not just for Quark but for any application in OS X. To accomplish what you want, do the following:
    * Firstly, quit QuarkXPress completely. The rest of the steps won't work if it is still running.
    * Go to the Apple menu and select System Preferences.
    * Click the Keyboard & Mouse System Preference Pane
    * Click Keyboard Shortcuts
    * Click the + button to add a new shortcut.
    * Select QuarkXPress as the application.
    * In the Menu Title field type "Place Name" exactly like that but without the quotes.
    * Click inside the Shortcut field and type the key combination you want to use for this shortcut. I suggest using Command + one of the F keys, like Command+F1.
    * Click Add.
    * Close System Preferences
    * Run Quark, open a document, and try it out!

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    Do a Google search for the program Butler or for the program Spark. Both of these programs allow you to create Hot Keys for opening specific programs.
    You can also find the programs on

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    The Apple Help for Keyboard Shortcuts in "System Preferences" (the Question Mark "?" down at the bottom) says the following: "Note: You can create keyboard shortcuts only for existing menu commands. You cannot define keyboard shortcuts for general purpose tasks such as opening an application or switching between applications."
    I use a program called "Quicksilver" from . It is not easy to get used to, but it is quite powerful. To open a program (once Quicksilver is installed properly), you can either set a keyboard shortcut such as "Control-i" (or whatever you want), or use their universal opener "Control-space" and type the first letter or two of the application you want to open and then hit or type open.
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    Personally I use the Hide command in a program to hide the window, not a minimize command to the Dock, but just literally hides the window. Then if you use the Alt + Tab command to select the program you want, the hidden window will return like you are looking for. Hope that helps.
    White 2 Ghz MacBook, 2 Gigs Ram, 120 Gb HD   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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    Go to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts > Menu Commands > File and remove or modify the default shortcut for Bridge.

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      Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    I've also noticed this. In my case, it's odder than what you describe.
    When I close the last window for an app (like Mail or TextEdit) but do not quit the app, and then switch focus to another app (like Safari or even Finder), sometimes the indicator light remains lit like it should (since I have not quit the app) but other times it goes out.
    When I check in Activity Monitor, the app is still shown as being active even though its indicator light is not lit. The unlit but active app is also not available via app switcher (Command-Tab).
    If I go back to the app by clicking its icon in the Dock, it loads fast; if I then quit it, it disappears from Activity Monitor like it should.
    Seems to be a Limbo status at play.
    And, yes, Dock prefs are set to show indicator lights.
    I don't have a solution.

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    Delete this file.
    Drag that file form the Preferences folder to the Trash, empty the Trash and restart your Mac.
    Anothere user reports restarting did the job.
    If deleting the finder.plist file didn't help.. delete this file also.
    Found this also... Snow Leopard 101: Application Switcher Exposé
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

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