Should i load office to my mac - some bits of office 10 i miss ?

I have been using my mac now for about 3 months and really love it to bits but I have office 10 [bought it thinking I would never be able to use pages etc] but for reports and bits I really miss like shapes for presentations and the thesaurus when typing - would just love best of both worlds but dont want to slow down my mac?

You've bought it, so why wouldn't you install it? Just use whichever app suits your purposes best for each individual job or task. You aren't going to slow down your Mac.

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    Use the Office for Mac and ignore using Parallels for that. If you have PC only apps you have to run that are MS Windows only then consider Parallels. Just transfer your main PC, using Migration Assistant.  If you don't know how then simply read over Pondini's article called Lion or Mountain Lion Setup Assistant tips and look for the section on migrating from a PC. Millions have done what you are about to, it's far from leading edge these days, if you go to an Apple Store to purchase they will offer this as a service, something you might be interested in.

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    Office 2011 will install in a separate folder. But do not install Office 2011 until you remove Office 2004. It comes with its own uninstalled located in the MS Office folder. Only use the uninstaller to get rid of it. Then install Office 2011.
    Office 2004 and Other Applications Don't Work in Lion/Mountain Lion
    If you have Office 2004 which is a PPC-only suite, it will not work in Lion/Mountain Lion. You need to upgrade to Office 2011 - Mactopia - or you can try the freeware suite, Libre Office, that is functionally similar to Office 2007 for Windows except it works on Lion/Mountain Lion.
    You may want to consider as well:
    These two suites are similar to Libre Office but not as current or as well-supported:
    Open Office
    And, then there is Apple's iWork suite:
    Pages - word processing and layout
    Keynote - presentation
    Numbers - spreadsheet
    Each can open and save Office compatible files. They may be purchased separately via the Mac App Store for $19.99 each.
    As for other software, any PPC-based software will not run in Lion or Mountain Lion because Rosetta is no longer part of OS X. You will need to upgrade to Intel versions of the software.
    (Access to the Mac App Store requires Snow Leopard 10.6.6 or higher and an Apple ID.)

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    Because Mac OS X on a G3 can run a mode called Classic, which brings up Mac OS 9 to be able to run Office 2001. In addition, you could have switched to Mac OS 9 booting on a G3 as well to run Office 2001.
    Here's my FAQ on the differences:

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    If you are saying that you have one license left of a three license edition MS Office for Mac 2011, then all you have to do is download a MS Office trial for Mac from the MS website. Using the available license registration number, you can activate the downloaded trial and have the same functionality as if you had used the disks and registered with that same number.

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    Yes. The whole process of registering is messed up.
    No guarantee this will work, try unistalling and reinstalling. Uninstall has to be done the Microsoft way. Go to Applications / MO 2008 / Additonal Tools / Remove Office / Remove Office.
    Then reinstall the usual way. This might work.

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    I have an early 2008 iMac running Yosemite and I am not experiencing any real difficulties. I did upgrade to 6 GB of RAM, which has helped.
    I purchased the RAM from OWC.
    Other World Computing


    but icon say to slide smile face into the square i do that then all disappears
    why are thing so diffcult
    plze help
    this is yahoo messenger im talking about

    okay george, I'll try to help you
    1-download yahoo messenger. save the .dmg file to your desktop or downloads, wherever your downloaded files go. Double click on it after it has downloaded and it should open up. (ah, I see-i checked out the youtube video on how to install it). then read the terms and conditions, click on agree, then drag the app (the smiley face) to the Applications folder (the square, as you call it), then it should copy it to the Applications folder. Then right or control click on the open yahoo messenger .dmg thing, and choose Eject, which should eject it into the trash. You are done installing Yahoo Messenger. click your hard drive icon on the right top of your screen and move to the Applications folder. Yahoo Messenger should be there. If you need quick access to it, or use it a lot, you can drag a copy to the dock....
    Why are things so difficult? it's good to be curious, george. Might I suggest booking some time at the Apple store, or if you can afford to, pay for some one-to-one training
    Using the Mac isn't difficult, but it does take some practise and getting used to
    John B

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    If you just bought the iMac and the Sjuperdrive take the superdrive back and get a refund. The by any other brand external DVD drive that connects by USB and try that. Most come with a Y USB cable to allow you to connect to 2 USB ports to supply enogh power to the drive IF Needed.
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    When you shut down this window appears.
    Uncheck the reopen box and it should stop this from happening

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    Than LR should have brought in the RAW files as well. ACR is the RAW
    processing engine used by LR under the covers so anything not supported by
    ACR would not be supported by Lightroom.
    Are you shooting RAW plus JPEG? By default, Lightroom will stack then
    unless you tell it not to. Check to see if there is a small badge on the
    preview that looks like two sheets of paper with a number. That is how
    Lightroom indicates a stack. You can unstack them by clicking on the badge.
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    to research but not sure why Lightroom would ignore the RAW photos but
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    If you can't install or update Flash, follow these instructions.
    If you have installed the latest version of Flash, please take each of the following steps that you haven't already tried. After each step, relaunch Safari and test.
    For a "blocked plug-in" error, see Step 4.
    For a "missing plug-in" error, start with Step 8.
    Back up all data before making any changes.
    Step 1
    You might have to log out or restart the computer before a Flash update takes effect.
    Step 2
    From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data...
    and confirm. Close the window. Then select
               ▹ System Preferences… ▹ Flash Player ▹ Advanced ▹ Delete All...
    In the sheet that opens, check the box marked
              Delete All Site Data and Settings
    then click Delete Data. Close the preference pane.
    Step 3
    If you're only having trouble with YouTube videos, log in to YouTube and load this page. You may see a link with the text "Leave the HTML5 Trial." If so, click that link.
    Step 4
    a. If you get a warning of a "blocked" or "outdated" plug-in, then select the Security tab in the Safari preferences window. In the list of plugins on the left, there should be one—and only one—entry for "Adobe Flash Player," showing the same version number that you installed. Select that entry. On the right there will be a list of websites for which you have specifically allowed Flash, if any. It's normal for the list to be empty. Below that is a menu labeled
              When visiting other websites
    From that menu, select either Allow or Ask.
    b. If you still get the alerts, then go back to the Flash Player preference pane and select the Advanced tab. Click Check Now. Quit and relaunch the browser.
    c. If the alerts still persist, triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted text and select
              Services ▹ Open
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open. Inside it, there should be a file named "XProtect.meta.plist". If that file is missing and you know why it's missing, restore it from a backup or copy it from another Mac running the same version of OS X. Otherwise, reinstall OS X.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.
    Step 5
    In the Safari preferences window, select the Advanced tab and uncheck the box marked
              Stop plug-ins to save power
    Step 6
    Open this folder as in Step 4:
    /Library/Internet Plug-Ins
    Delete the following item, or anything with a similar name, if present:
              Flash Player (failing).plugin
    You may be prompted for your login password.
    Step 7
    Re-download and reinstall Flash. Download it from the domain "". Don't click a link from any other website, including this one, because you can't trust links. They may be an attempt to trick you into installing malware masquerading as Flash. Type the address into the browser window. Never download a Flash update from anywhere else.
    Step 8
    If you get a "missing plug-in" error, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Security
    from the Safari menu bar and check the box marked 
              Allow (or Enable) plug-ins
    Then click the button marked
              Manage Website Settings...
    if present and make sure that the website is not blocked for Flash.
    Step 9
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Extensions
    from the Safari menu bar. If any extensions are installed, disable them.

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    You should upgrade to FCP 5.1 or 6 as Jerry says.
    However, if you are desperate you could try this :-
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    Whenever you try to open FCP you will probably get an error message. Click the "esc" key and FCP should open.

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    1) All duties ( Basic customs + cess + CVD + SAD) should get loaded to Inventory at the time of Goods Receipt.
    2) And also, Excise registers should get updated as all the materials are treated as excise materials!
    3) If for any customer, we want to treat the sales as non-excise (considering the above 2) sales, then how.
    Any thoughts how to achieve all the above 3 for one imported material. Note that its only trading goods.
    Thanks in advance

    In case of trading u will not be able to avail any credit, but you can pass on to customers.
    Please follow below steps.
    01. Create a pricing procedure in such a way that it should calculate all the duties as per your requirement, and complete schema determination
    02.In Vendor master select a schema group that triggers this Pricing procedure
    03.Create a Purchase Order , against the conditions of customs etc. enter the Vendor as " customs " ( customs office need to be created as vendor)
    04.MIRO with planned delivery cost option for Paying the Customs
    05.Goods receipts (MIGO) , the values of all your duties will hit material cost ( inventory) counter entry to the key attached in pricing procedure
    06.J1IG - Create Depot entry , Use Material document as reference and select CVD indicator update the required fields and save this will create RG23D register entries, and Folio numbers
    While invoicing the products to customers you can select the required invoice from the Depot, the duty amount will be passed to the customers.
    Hope this clarifies,
    Thanks & Regards,

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    FCPX 10.1.3
    Mac Pro end 2013

    Maybe I shoukd trash the whole application and reload

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