SHOW ALL in sqlplus

SQL*Plus® User's Guide and Reference
Release 11.1
Part Number B31189-01
Lists the settings of all SHOW options, except ERRORS and SGA,
in alphabetical order.xquery is not listed
should be
Lists the settings of all SHOW options, except ERRORS, SGA
and XQUERYin alphabetical order.SQL> show xquery
SQL> show all
underline "-" (hex 2d)
verify ON
wrap : lines will be wrapped
errorlogging is OFF
Also not that ERRORLOGGING is displayed after WRAP, which breaks the alphabetic order.

Thanks Laurent. I'll report this to the SQL*Plus doc people.

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    I populated a DB through SQL Developer but when I access the DB control of EM and hit "view data" for the correspondant table, only few of the rows are shown.
    Any idea why and HOW I can get it to show all the data I inserted?
    Many thanks!

    There could be few reasons as follows.
    1. You could have filter set in Sql Developer - Try the same from a sqlplus.
    2. you can have a VPD policy on the table - Check for policies on that table using dba_policies.
    3. Also try to analyze the table and check for num_rows from dba_tables. That will tell you exactly how many rows you have irrespective of tool, policy, etc etc.

  • "SHOW ALL" command output comes from where?

    when we give command "SHOW ALL" it gives parameter values.
    actually from where it gathers this data?

    those are SQLPLUS settings. sqlplus is a CLIENT. it's an app, and it has it's own settings. read the SQLPLUS manual

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    Where can I find a list / explanation of the SHOW commands in SQLPlus?

    Also, try this cool glogin script from Chris Foot to show the instance name in your SQL*Plus promt:
    COLUMN file_name FORMAT a44
    COLUMN tablespace_name FORMAT a20
    COLUMN owner FORMAT a15
    COLUMN segment_name FORMAT a20
    set lines 132
    set pages 100
    set termout off
    col dbname new_value prompt_dbname
    select instance_name dbname from v$instance;
    set sqlprompt "&&prompt_dbname> "
    set termout on
    set time on
    Here are the set options:
    Application info for performance monitor (see DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO)
    ARRAY[SIZE] {15|n}
    Fetch size (1 to 5000) the number of rows that will be retrieved in one go.
    Autocommit commits after each SQL command or PL/SQL block
    Automatic PRINTing of bind variables.(see PRINT)
    Configure the RECOVER command to automatically apply
    archived redo log files during recovery - without any user confirmation.
    Display a trace report for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements
    EXPLAIN shows the query execution path by performing an EXPLAIN PLAN.
    STATISTICS displays SQL statement statistics.
    Using ON or TRACEONLY with no explicit options defaults to EXPLAIN STATISTICS
    Set the non-alphanumeric character used to end PL/SQL blocks to c
    CMDS[EP] {;|c|OFF|ON}
    Change or enable command separator - default is a semicolon (;)
    COLSEP { |text}
    The text to be printed between SELECTed columns normally a space.
    Version of oracle - see also init.ora COMPATIBILITY=
    You can set this back by up to 2 major versions e.g. Ora 9 supports 8 and 7
    CON[CAT] {.|c|OFF|ON}
    termination character for substitution variable reference
    default is a period.
    COPYC[OMMIT] {0|n}
    The COPY command will fetch n batches of data between commits.
    (n= 0 to 5000) the size of each fetch=ARRAYSIZE.
    If COPYCOMMIT = 0, COPY will commit just once - at the end.
    Suppres the comparison of datatypes while inserting or appending to DB2
    DEF[INE] {&|c|OFF|ON}
    c = the char used to prefix substitution variables.
    ON or OFF controls whether to replace substitution variables with their values.
    (this overrides SET SCAN)
    Sets the depth of the level to which you can recursively describe an object
    (1 to 50) see the DESCRIBE command
    Display commands as they are executed
    OFF = report printing will start at the top of a new page.
    ON = report printing may begin anywhere on a page.
    ESC[APE] {\|c|OFF|ON}
    Defines the escape character. OFF undefines. ON enables.
    FEED[BACK] {6|n|OFF|ON}
    Display the number of records returned (when rows > n )
    OFF (or n=0) turns the display off
    ON sets n=1
    Checks to make sure that SQL statements conform to the ANSI/ISO SQL92 standard.
    non-standard constructs are flagged as errors and displayed
    Buffer display output (OS)
    (no longer used in Oracle 9)
    print column headings
    HEADS[EP] {||c|OFF|ON}
    Define the heading separator character (used to divide a column heading onto > one line.)
    OFF will actually print the heading separator char
    see also: COLUMN command
    INSTANCE [instance_path|LOCAL]
    Change the default instance for your session, this command may only be issued when
    not already connected and requires Net8
    LIN[ESIZE] {150|n}
    Width of a line (before wrapping to the next line)
    Earlier versions default to 80, Oracle 9 is 150
    Starting position from which CLOB and NCLOB data is retrieved and displayed
    LOGSOURCE [pathname]
    Change the location from which archive logs are retrieved during recovery
    normally taken from LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST
    LONG {80|n}
    Set the maximum width (in chars) for displaying and copying LONG values.
    LONGC[HUNKSIZE] {80|n}
    Set the fetch size (in chars) for retrieving LONG values.
    [HEAD text] [BODY text] [TABLE text]
    Output HTML text, which is the output used by iSQL*Plus.
    NEWP[AGE] {1|n} NULL text
    The number of blank lines between the top of each page and the top title.
    0 = a formfeed between pages.
    NULL text
    Replace a null value with 'text'
    The NULL clause of the COLUMN command will override this for a given column.
    NUMF[ORMAT] format
    The default number format.
    NUM[WIDTH] {10|n}
    The default width for displaying numbers.
    PAGES[IZE] {14|n}
    The height of the page - number of lines.
    0 will suppress all headings, page breaks, titles
    press [Return] after each page
    enclose text in single quotes
    Print a single line of the RECSEPCHAR between each record.
    WRAPPED = print only for wrapped lines
    EACH=print for every row
    RECSEPCHAR {_|c}
    Define the RECSEPCHAR character, default= ' '
    OFF = disable substitution variables and parameters
    whether to display the output of stored procedures (or PL/SQL blocks)
    SIZE = buffer size (2000-1,000,000) bytes
    Display old and new settings of a system variable
    SPA[CE] {1|n}
    The number of spaces between columns in output (1-10)
    Allow blank lines within an SQL command. reverts to OFF after the curent command/block.
    Convert the case of SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks
    (but not the SQL buffer itself)
    Set the behavior or output format of VARIABLE to that of the
    release or version specified by x.y[.z].
    SQLCO[NTINUE] {> |text}
    Continuation prompt (used when a command is continued on an additional line using a hyphen -)
    Set the prompt for the second and subsequent lines of a command or PL/SQL block.
    ON = set the SQL prompt = the line number.
    OFF = set the SQL prompt = SQLPROMPT.
    SQLPRE[FIX] {#|c}
    set a non-alphanumeric prefix char for immediately executing one line of SQL (#)
    SQLP[ROMPT] {SQL>|text}
    Set the command prompt.
    Set the char used to end and execute SQL commands to c.
    OFF disables the command terminator - use an empty line instead.
    ON resets the terminator to the default semicolon (;).
    Default file extension for SQL scripts
    Format white space in terminal output.
    OFF = use spaces to format white space.
    ON = use the TAB char.
    Note this does not apply to spooled output files.
    The default is system-dependent. Enter SHOW TAB to see the default value.
    OFF suppresses the display of output from a command file
    ON displays the output.
    TERMOUT OFF does not affect the output from commands entered interactively.
    TI[ME] OFF
    Display the time at the command prompt.
    ON = display timing statistics for each SQL command or PL/SQL block run.
    OFF = suppress timing statistics
    Display trailing blanks at the end of each line.
    ON = remove blanks, improving performance
    OFF = display blanks.
    This does not affect spooled output.
    SQL*Plus ignores TRIMOUT ON unless you set TAB ON.
    Allows trailing blanks at the end of each spooled line.
    This does not affect terminal output.
    UND[ERLINE] {-|c|ON|OFF}
    Set the char used to underline column headings to c.
    ON = list the text of a command before and after replacing substitution variables with values.
    OFF = dont display the command.
    WRA[P] OFF
    Controls whether to truncate or wrap the display of long lines.
    OFF = truncate
    ON = wrap to the next line
    The COLUMN command (WRAPPED and TRUNCATED clause) can override this for specific columns.

  • Syncing iphone and can't seem to transfer audiobooks that i have put in a playlist.  Sync menu doesn't show all playlists.  Help

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    I have the same problem with podcast playlists.  When I go to the music window in my iPhone devices section, the playlists I have created on my macbook pro in iTunes do not appear as an option to sync with the iPhone.  I know some web radios streams, like the BBC, won't transfer because of compatibility issues, but the playlists of podcasts that I have created consist entirely of podcasts downloaded from the podcasts section on the iTunes Music Store.  They used to show up and sync properly before I upgraded to OS 5.1.1, but now they don't.
    Does anyone have a fix and am I right in surmising that the cause is a glitch in OS 5.1.1?

  • How to show all records by default on search result page?

    I am trying to make a search page that would execute the search in the database based on one or more field constraints.
    (Using MySQL,PHP)
    I have  2 columns in the database "vm_ip" (primary key) <IP address>, "Operating_System" <Any, Windows, Solaris, AIX>
    need to search vm_ip based on other two fields.
    PROBLEM: Need to show all the record when I select "Any" in the Operating_System  drop down menu.
    <p>Operating System:
        <select name="os_select" id="os_select">
    foreach($os_type as $value) //(os_type is array with possible values of OS)
    echo "<option value=".$os_count.">".$value."</option>";
          <option value=" " selected="selected">Any</option>
    this code POSts  NULL value to the search page.
    Below code is of recordset on  search page
    $varOS_virtual = "Operating_System"; // recordset variable set to same as column name (default value)
    if (isset($_POST['os_select'])) //this should not be true
      $varOS_virtual = $_POST['os_select'];
    mysql_select_db($database_xyz_db, $xyz_db);
    $query_virtual = sprintf("SELECT table.VM_IP FROM table
    WHERE table.Operating_System=%s", GetSQLValueString($varOS_virtual, "int"));
    $virtual = mysql_query($query_virtual, $xyz_db) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_virtual = mysql_fetch_assoc($virtual);
    $totalRows_virtual = mysql_num_rows($virtual);
    I expected the 'os_select' field to be null and default value of Operating_System to be "Operating_System" so that the Query shows all records.
    But instead the value being passed in the Query is "0". and no records are shown.
    What can I do to show all records?
    As probably obvious I am new to php/MySQL so all the help is most welcomed .

    Thanks for the prompt reply but this does not solve my problem.
    First thing I appologise for giving you incorrect info. Actually I have many more constraints on the search apart from OS.
    Didn't think I would get single constraint specific ans.
    Here is what all i tried and problems I faced:
    1. I cannot use seperate queries cause I have around 7-8 other constraints on the search.
    2. I cannot play around with the Record set code. For some reason even if I mess with it a little bit Dreamweaver stops recognising the recordset. for eg i tried the below code:
    $query_virtual = sprintf("SELECT table.VM_IP FROM table WHERE
    table.Operating_System=%s ,($_POST['os_select']=="")? TRUE:GetSQLValueString($varOS_virtual, "int"));
    this ran well for the first time, and then the record set was screwed up. kept on asking me to "Discover" the links, which it couldn't do.
    3.  take a look at this code:
    $varOS_virtual = "Operating_System";
    if (isset($_POST['os_select'])) {
      $varOS_virtual = $_POST['os_select'];
    $varState_virtual = "State";               //second constraint
    if (isset($_POST['state_select'])) {
      $varState_virtual = $_POST['state_select'];
    mysql_select_db($database_xyz, $xyz);
    $query_virtual = sprintf("SELECT table.VM_IP FROM table AND table.Operating_System=%s AND State=%s",
    GetSQLValueString($varOS_virtual, "int"),GetSQLValueString($varState_virtual, "int"));
    $virtual = mysql_query($query_virtual, $xyz) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_virtual = mysql_fetch_assoc($virtual);
    $totalRows_virtual = mysql_num_rows($virtual);
    here on passing NULL value for "Any"  GetSQLValueString($varOS_virtual, "int") functions returns NULL and though the Default value of
    varOS is set to 'Operating_System" query takes NULL value only which when executed shows no records.
    My problem majorly revolves around how to put something like "WHERE Operating_System= Operating_System" OR  "WHERE Operating_System= TRUE" in the query, when passed through variable they are sent as Strings or NULL.
    Thats why WHERE 1=1 also doesnt work, because it has "WHERE Operating_System= NULL" in AND.
    Logically when NULL is passed default value of variable should comeinto picture, but tha isnt happening.
    Thanks again for answering. hope I was able to explain my problem.

  • Report -- filter with selection list -- show all values after select page

    I have the following problem:
    - I have a report
    - this report can be filtered with a selection-list
    - the selection list is based on dynamic LOV and has a null-value
    - I added the code of the report the following, to filter the report after choosing a value of the selection list:
    ... and (instr(type, decode(:P8_FILTER_type, '%null%',type,:P8_FILTER_type)) > 0)
    This works very well.
    But my problem is: When the user logs out and the next time, he logs in, the selection list shows " --- show all values --- " (my null-display-value) and the report is empty "no values found".
    ---> I want to show the first time, the page is selected ALL the values of the report. (this is now only possile if I press the button which belongs to the selection list)
    I hope, somebody understands my problem.
    Thank you so much,

    Hello Lisa,
    The first time it's probably NULL.
    So what you can do in your where: (instr(type, decode(NVL(:P8_FILTER_type,'%null%'), '%null%',type,:P8_FILTER_type)) > 0)
    Off topic: I also wonder if that where clause can't be simpler? Do you rely need the instr?

  • How do you delete songs from iphone5, that are not in your iTunes library on the computer?! I have the spot unchecked where it says show all music and I still have songs on my iPhone that I want gone, but they're not in my iTunes library...HELP

    I have a iPhone 5 with the most up to date software and I have songs appearing on my phone that I've deleted prior too from iTunes on the computer. How do I remove them from my phone, I've tried the left to right swipe and that just plays the songs! :/ Can anyone help me, I'd be forever grateful if I didn't have to go back to the store! I went I today abc he unchecked the show all music and there's still songs I don't want on my iPhone! :(

    The answer to the question in the title of the thread is yes, but it is not necessarily a good idea. At some point you are likely to find you need to restore your iPod for one reason or another, or it could be lost, stolen or damaged. If your songs aren't on your computer, and backed up too, then you will be less than happy.

  • Text Entry Box not showing all text

    I am creating a simple exercise where I would like the user to copy text from the course, paste it into word, and report back what the word count is.  I thought perhaps the Text Entry Box would be the best way to go, since if you click on the existing (default) text, you can copy it.  However after I place the paragraph of text in the box, and resize in the editor so that all the text shows, it does not show all the text when playing back, either previewd or published.  It only shows the last few words of the last line at the top of the box.
    Is there something I am missing?  Or, is there an easier/better way to do what I need?

    Hi all
    If this is Captivate 4, there may not be any need for a widget to do this. I'm guessing you haven't tried enabling the Scroll Bar for the Text Entry Box (TEB)?
    When I just plop a TEB on a slide, I get this in edit view:
    During playback it looks like this:
    But if I edit the TEB properties and enable the Show Scrollbar option:
    I get this in the output:
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Rich Text Box Issue - Expand to show all Text

    Hi everyone
    I'm having a pretty frustrating issue with the rich text box when viewing a line item (not when editing the item, but viewing the item)
    I want my rich text box to expand with the text, which I have changed in the options on InfoPath with the "Expand to show all text" scrolling option. However, in IE, the table row will expand, but the actual rich text box will not and I'll have
    a scroll bar there and you cant see all of the text at one time. If I look in Chrome, then it works the way I want and I can see all of the lines of text that were entered into the rich text box.
    The only solution for IE to work correctly is to change the Display settings to "Enable enhanced rich text content...". But the big issue with that is now you can no longer highlight the text (the highlight disappears right after highlighting it),
    and the users will need to copy text from the text box, so it renders the "enhanced" rich text box useless for us
    It's kind of a lose-lose situation that I'd love to find the solution for

    I guess a better solution would be how can you highlight text from an enhanced rich text box, because changing these to "rich text box" gets rid of font colors in the pre-existing data.
    The original problem was that they couldn't highlight text unless they went into edit mode

  • InfoPath 2013 - Rich Text box - Expand to show all text option not working

    I have create an InfoPath form and created a view which will be used for printing. I have a rich text box in this print view and the scroll option for this rich text box is set to "Expand to show all text". However, it is not working and it doesn't
    expand the size of the text box based on the content length.
    same thing used to work in InfoPath 2010.
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Wendy,
    Here are the steps I have used:
    1. On default view added a rich text box.
    2. Created another view called Print and mapped it to the same Field which I added to default view
    3. Set the Wrap text and Expand to show all text on both the Rich Text Box Properties - in default view and in Print
    view. Also set the height of the rich text box to auto.
    4. Set the print views as the print view for default view
    5. Deployed the form to SharePoint Form Library
    6. Opened the form in browser
    7. Entered the content in the rich text box in default view. It expands well if I have much content
    8. Clicked on Print preview and that opens up the print preview and it shows the rich text box only one line in height and with scroll bar
    I missed to mention that it is a web browser enabled form and I am using InfoPath 2013 and SP 2013.
    It does work fine in InfoPath client.

  • IPhone not showing all replies to group messages

    In the last month my iPhone 5 has stopped showing all replies to group messages.
    For example a friend shall send a group message to another friend and I, I shall either  not see this message but see another friends reply in a text message that appears to be between the two of us. Or see the group message as an individual conversation between two people with no replies from other parties.
    I am currently running iOS 7.1.1
    Can anyone help me?

    did you ever fix this issue?? Same thing happening to me as well.

  • SelectOneChoice not showing all values from database

    I have to put a list of values in my select one choice. When I do the query in database, all the values are selected. But, with the same query on JPQL, the select on choice do not show all values in database. Anyone can help me, please?
    P.S.: I am using SelectOneChoice with SelectItems, in JDeveloper 11g
    <af:selectOneChoice id="selAction" value="#{row.idCmd}"
    <af:forEach var="alertTypeNode"
    <af:selectItem value="#{alertTypeNode.dataProvider.idCmd}"

    In your page binding check the rangesize setting for the executable you use - set it to -1.

  • How to show "ALL" Values by default in Page Drop-Down Lists in Pivot Tables

    Hi Everyone,
    Iam stuck with 1 problem please can any 1 help me if u know the solution.
    Here is my problem:
    How to show "ALL" Values by default in Page Drop-Down Lists in Oracle BI Pivot Tables?
    For example, if you place Region in the pages area, a Region drop-down list allows the user to select a particular region, and see the data for only that region, rather than seeing all the Regions,But by default its not showing "ALL" option in the drop down list ,rather than doing that its showing result for only 1 region by default.
    And an other problem with this pages area is, if we palce the multiple attributes in the Pages area in the pivot table, the (Fields)result is showing in vertically, the attributes 1 by 1(Every attribute in a new line) ,rather than showing like that, is there any way to show the results in horizantally?(We want to have it as a seperate drop drown list for every field horizantally not as a concatenated list).

    Thanks Nikhil. But I am fetching the values from the
    I am using <af:selectManyChoice>. Is there any way I can use value for selecting default values instead of hard coding?
    I mean to say can I write
    where LOVCache.entityTypeSelectionList is used to populate the drop down box.

  • How do I replace bookmark bar that was lost when a new Mozilla Fox Start page suddenly appeared with a Zone Alarm Community Toolbar, and nothing I have so far tried, working with "Show all Bookmarks", works ("Unable to process the backup file).

    My current version is 6.0.2. A box appeared a few days ago informing me of an update to 7 (x?). I declined for the time being.
    Then a Start Page just showed up missing the bookmark tool bar. I tried to import a bar from another browser. Nothing showed up. Then, I went to "Help". First, I clicked on "About Firefox" where I was informed of an update. This time, I tried it. When I clicked on "Apply Update", I received a message; 'Update could not be installed" despite there being no other Firefox browsers running.
    I went back to "Help" and clicked on "Firefox Help". A page came up with the URL in place, but the page would not load ("Cannot find server at"). After several clicks on "Try Again" with the same result, I copied the URL and pasted it into a different browser, from which I am now working.
    Before sending this question, I tried the two procedures ("Manual Backup" and "Restoring From Backup") found on Bookmarks/Show All Bookmarks/Import And Backup/Restore, using both "stored backups" from Mozilla's Profile folder and "Choose a file", as well as Bookmarks/Show ... /Backup. In each case, the response was, "Unable to process the backup file".
    I had previously tried another method I found on Google which involved copying and saving a Mozilla backup file (this is the file I used in the procedure above - "Choose a File") found in the C:/Documents And Settings/.../Profile Folder, then renaming the original file "backup.HTML" and saving it in a folder one level up from its original location. The Bookmark bar was to show up after shutting down and reopening Mozilla - it never happened. I replaced the original backup file.
    It occurred to me to locate the Bookmark File for this browser (Chrome) and using it in the "Choose a File" method, referred to above. But there is no extension included in the file name, and I was afraid to try it.
    I'm out of ideas. Is there something else to try?

    Check that the Bookmarks Toolbar is visible and that the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is still placed on the Bookmarks Toolbar.
    If the menu bar is hidden then press F10 or hold down the Alt key, that should make the "Menu Bar" appear.
    Make sure that toolbars like the "Navigation Toolbar" and the "Bookmarks Toolbar" are visible: "View > Toolbars"
    * Open the Customize window via "View > Toolbars > Customize" or via "Firefox > Options > Toolbar Layout" (Linux, Windows)
    * Check that the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is on the Bookmarks Toolbar
    * If the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is not on the Bookmarks Toolbar then drag it back from the toolbar palette in the customize window to the Bookmarks Toolbar
    * If you do not see the "Bookmarks Toolbar items" or other items that are missing in the toolbar palette or on a toolbar then click the "Restore Default Set" button
    See also:

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