Show Bookmarks Upon Opening PDF

When users open my PDF document I want the bookmarks (that go to specific points of interest) to be showing.
I don't want them to have click on the icon to make the bookmarks appear after they open the document.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.

Set the initial view in the properties of the document.

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    Open the document properties and select the intial view tab. The selection for what it to be viewed is on that menu (under the navigation tab selection).

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    If the video is only linked it would reduce the file size of the pdf and it would make it accessible for people opening on a device (like iPad) which does not allow flash which must be installed with Acrobat to view embedded media.
    But I would recommend to send the people only a link to the PDF. I hate it, when my iPhone filled with useless stuff, if I would like to see it I could donwload, but as attachment make my space overfilled.

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    Why open the PDF? The AI is better.
    What happens if you create a new document in CC, then tick Paste Remembers Layers in the Layers palette, then File>Place the CS5 document (and untick Paste Remembers layers afterwards)?
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    Everytime you change the page Acrobat needs to redraw all of the page elements. The dealy is probably a reflection of the amount off video memory available, as much as anything.

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    File>Properties>Initial View>Bookmark panel and page. Then save the document.

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    Maybe... under Acrobat Preferences, General section there is a Reset All Warnings button.

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    Thank you,

    Simply open or close the hierachy of bookmarksto look exactly as you want to see it when the pdf opens and then save the file. When you open it up in reader, it displays the bookmarks as they were at the time of your last save.
    This allows you to decide on a bookmark by boomark level what is open and what remains closed.
    This also allows you to open the 1st and say 4th bookmark to show all 3 tiers, the 2nd bookmark to show no tiers, and the last two bookmarks to show only the first and second tiers. Endless combinations. It isn't all or nothing.
    Hope that is helpful. Terri

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    Drive A is 60 GB with 3.66GB free.
    Running OSX from that drive should really slow it to a Crawl, and is getting to the dangerous point... you need at least 12GB fre, 30 GB would be better.
    Nt certain why the other is so slow... did you open Activity Monitor & observe CPU, Memory & such while it is slow?
    If you can free some space on the Internal, Might give a try with Applejack...
    After installing, reboot holding down CMD+s, then when the prompt shows, type in...
    applejack AUTO
    Then let it do all 5 of it's things.
    At least it'll eliminate some questions if it doesn't fix it.
    The 5 things it does are...
    Correct any Disk problems.
    Repair Permissions.
    Clear out Cache Files.
    Repair/check several plist files.
    Dump the VM files for a fresh start.

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    Photoshop has to have full administrator rights to have read/write access.
    This means you need to run Photoshop CS5.1 in an Administrator account and set it up to "Run as Administrator."
    1. Close Photoshop if it's open.
    2. Right click on your Photoshop CS5.1 launch icon then select "Run as Administrator" from the context menu. (You will have to enter Admin Password if UAC is enabled to change this setting.)
    3. Launch Photoshop CS5.
    4. See if you create and save a document.
    Even if you are in an Administrator account you have to do this as Vista's Admin account isn't really the Super Admin as it is in XP so you have to elevate the rights by selecting "Run as Administrator". This setting is sticky so you should only have to do this once. I am not sure why CS3 is suddenly acting as if it does't have Admin rights unless you are running it in a new account that isn't an administrator or maybe uninstalled (cleanScript?) then reinstalled.
    If can't create or save a document, check that the account that Photoshop is in is an Administrator account.
    To check if you are in an Administrator account...
    1. Type user account in your Vista or Windows7 start search bar. (Start search bar is at the bottom of the panel that opens when you click the start Windows start globe located on the far left hand side of your Windows task bar.)
    2.  Click on "User Accounts" which should show up at the top of the list. This will open the dialog to User Accounts where you can "Change Your Account Type". If UAC (User Account Control) is turned on, you will need to enter the Admin password to change this setting.

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    Thanks for all (Ocean20 & Courcoul) who replied. 
    Reset the device did not help me but it does triggers me to attempt to resend the PDF file attachment on email--and it works the 2nd time.  My problem is now solved.
    The Adobe Reader is very helpful--it allows me to scroll through the document easily, unlike iBooks, where I cannot scroll straight up or down.

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  • Open PDF at specific bookmarks

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    pass a parameter to Acrobat to open to a specific page or bookmark?
    run a script to control this function?
    any another way to do this?
    I am using Acrobat 6.0 but willing to buy 8.0 if it has this needed capability.
    Thanks in advance,
    Larry Aaron
    Las Vegas, NV

    Found the answer to my question! The article linked below explained PDF Open Parameters. I created a named destination in my pdf and then added #nameddest=name of destination to the end of my URL.
    Bernd Alheit - 8:57am May 8, 07 PST (#1 of 2)
    Read this:

  • READER XI - How to open PDF files with bookmark pane minimized (hidden)

    In Reader XI, cannot make the Bookmark Pane minimized (hidden) by default, and it opens for many PDF files that do not need it.  I want to locate a setting or option that allows opening of PDFs without the Bookmark Pane opening.

    "Google" is a search engine (website) and NOT (repeat: NOT) a PDF viewer. It can't and won't open PDFs in any real or imaginable way.
    Firefox added their own proprietary PDF viewer with version 20 - they're on 21 now. I'll be the first to admit "it sucks". You CAN'T fill in PDF forms with it, and you can't email them from the page like with Opera, Safari or Chrome (which use the reader plug-in still).
    Unfortunately, the ONLY option you have now that they've added it and killed the ability for the Reader plug-in to work with Firefox, is Tools>Options>Applications - select Portable Document Format(PDF) and choose "Use Adobe Reader (Default)". What that will do is FORCE Firefox to download the PDF instead of opening it in their terrible PDF viewer in the browser window.
    Or... use one of the other browsers I mentioned. They're all free.

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    Safari has just stopped opening PDF docs, it shows the message that I get on my PC when the server is unavailable etc.  Foxbrowser opens them fine.  Thanks  I.M.

    Hello kmanthie,
    I just sent you a private message. If you are not sure how to check your forum messages, this post has instructions.
    I worked on behalf of HP.

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