Show image at end of encoded movie

I have encoded a wma movie and have it streaming on a page.
Thing is the screen goes black at the end of the movie. I don't
want to repeat the movie, rather I would like to display a jpg once
the movie has finished. I'm assuming I need to use a cue point, but
I have no idea what the parameters mean or what event type I should
use or any of that. It seems like this should be simple but I
cannot figure it out. Any help is appreciated.

hi werdup - there is another, better way, which I use instead of Still-Frame, but it needs QT Pro - have you got this? If not it's well worth buying.
1. Drag the clip to the Desktop - this creates a QT copy of it.
2. Double-Click it - this opens it in QTPro.
3. Drag the playhead to the far right end, and go Edit>Trim to Selection.
4. Go Command-C (to copy it), then Command-P (to paste it) - you must hold down those two keys until the duration you want for this new Still is what you want - the duration counts up at the left end of the the bar.
5. Go Window>Show Movie Properties, highlight the video track, then tick the 'High Quality' box.
6. Go File>Save As, name it something, and save it as a self-contained movie to the Desktop.
7.Drag this file into the iMovie Timeline next to the original clip - it should follow seamlessly from the end of that clip.
NOTE - it is much faster and easier to do than it would seem from the above steps!!

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    Hi Experts,
    I am trying to send email from pl-sql procedure. The following procedure works,but does not show image,i wantto show the jpg file for message.
    Is it possible to show image and how? Please help.
    p_sender IN VARCHAR2,
    p_recipient IN VARCHAR2,
    p_subject IN VARCHAR2,
    p_message IN CLOB)
    l_mailhost VARCHAR2(255) := '';
    l_mail_conn utl_smtp.connection;
    v_add_src VARCHAR2(10000);
    v_addr VARCHAR2(10000);
    slen number := 1;
    l_message clob;
    crlf VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10);
    i NUMBER(12);
    len NUMBER (12);
    part NUMBER(12) := 16384;
    l_stylesheet CLOB := '<html><head>
    <style type="text/css">
    body { font-family     : Verdana, Arial;
    font-size : 8pt;}
    .green { color           : #00AA00;
    font-weight : bold;}
    .red { color           : #FF0000;
    font-weight : bold;}
    pre { margin-left     : 10px;}
    table { empty-cells     : show;
    border-collapse : collapse;
    width : 100%;
    border : solid 2px #444444;}
    td { border          : solid 1px #444444;
    font-size : 8pt;
    padding : 1px;}
    th { background      : #EEEEEE;
    border : solid 1px #444444;
    font-size : 8pt;
    padding : 2px;}
    dt { font-weight     : bold; }
    <img src="BANKALAR/HALKBANK/GelenSenetDosyalari/KUTLAMA.JPG"/>';
    l_mail_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(l_mailhost,25);
    utl_smtp.helo(l_mail_conn, l_mailhost);
    utl_smtp.mail(l_mail_conn, p_sender);
    if(instr(p_recipient,';') = 0) then
    utl_smtp.rcpt(l_mail_conn, p_recipient);
    v_add_src := p_recipient || ';';
    while(instr(v_add_src,';',slen) > 0) loop
    v_addr := substr(v_add_src, slen, instr(substr(v_add_src, slen),';')-1);
    slen := slen+instr(substr(v_add_src, slen),';');
    Dbms_Output.put_line('rcpt ' || v_addr);
    utl_smtp.rcpt(l_mail_conn, v_addr);
    end loop;
    end if;
    --utl_smtp.rcpt(l_mail_conn, p_recipient);
    utl_smtp.open_data(l_mail_conn );
    'MIME-version: 1.0' || crlf ||
    'Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-9 ' || crlf || -- charset=ISO-8859-9
    'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' || crlf ||
    'Date: ' || to_char(sysdate, 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY hh24:mi:ss') || crlf ||
    'From: ' || p_sender || crlf ||
    'Subject: '|| p_subject || crlf ||
    'To: ' || p_recipient || crlf);
    utl_smtp.write_raw_data(l_mail_conn, utl_raw.cast_to_raw(l_stylesheet));
    i := 1;
    len := DBMS_LOB.getLength(p_message);
    WHILE (i < len) LOOP
    utl_smtp.write_raw_data(l_mail_conn, utl_raw.cast_to_raw(DBMS_LOB.SubStr(p_message,part, i)));
    i := i + part;
    utl_smtp.write_raw_data(l_mail_conn, utl_raw.cast_to_raw('</body></html>'));
    utl_smtp.close_data(l_mail_conn );
    Thanks a lot

    Thank you for your replay, it is helpful for me, i examine the examples, they are explain how to insert jpg file as an attachment(i tried attached and it succeed)
    but i want to show the jpg as the message body, so my problem is continue, do you have any other suggestion?

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    hi werdup - there is another, better way, which I use instead of Still-Frame, but it needs QT Pro - have you got this? If not it's well worth buying.
    1. Drag the clip to the Desktop - this creates a QT copy of it.
    2. Double-Click it - this opens it in QTPro.
    3. Drag the playhead to the far right end, and go Edit>Trim to Selection.
    4. Go Command-C (to copy it), then Command-P (to paste it) - you must hold down those two keys until the duration you want for this new Still is what you want - the duration counts up at the left end of the the bar.
    5. Go Window>Show Movie Properties, highlight the video track, then tick the 'High Quality' box.
    6. Go File>Save As, name it something, and save it as a self-contained movie to the Desktop.
    7.Drag this file into the iMovie Timeline next to the original clip - it should follow seamlessly from the end of that clip.
    NOTE - it is much faster and easier to do than it would seem from the above steps!!

  • IDVD 08 audio/video sync drift toward end of DVD movie - fix/workaround?

    Anyone know how I can fix this issue? It's driving me crazy.
    I've just spent a few evenings in iMovie 08, editing together the video of my son's birth. All looked & amazingly good in iMovie. The "Large" .m4v file output by iMovie - Shared with the Media Browser - plays perfectly in Quicktime too.
    However, after adding that shared movie to iDVD 08, and burning a DVD, I noticed that the audio sync drifts toward the end of the Movie when plated back. At the start of the DVD all seems well, but by the end of the ~1hr 20 minute movie the audio is unbearably out of sync with the video. Completely unwatchable.
    After a little Googling I came across some reports that iDVD might not deal well with video that's been recorded with 12-bit audio. I've confirmed that my camcorder is (was!) set to 12-bit rather than 16-bit (the default, I'm sure). So if that's the problem I'm hosed... it's not like I can get a retake on that footage
    Is there a reasonable workaround for this issue? I'm obviously unable to re-take the video (or the other 10 hours of DV video tape I've yet to use in an iMovie project). Ideally I'd like Apple to release a patch for this. Shouldn't it be possible for iDVD to account for audio that was originally recorded in 12-bit... even if it's just a checkbox you have to select to tip it off?
    Then again, perhaps this is totally unrelated to the 12-bit issue, and this is just a run of the mill bug?
    As I said... iMovie generates a MPEG4 video file of the Movie that looks/sounds perfect, so it seems this sync issue's being created somewhere in iDVD as it's rendering the audio/video to burn to the DVD...
    Thanks in advance.

    I've tried most of the options I can think of, and the audio sync drift issue continues on this ~1hr 12 minute iMovie/iDVD 08 project.
    A couple of promising ideas tried used QT Pro, to export the audio track from the iMovie generated MPEG-4 file - as a WAV file, resampling to 48kHz and 16-bit... then Adding this back to the video track in the MPEG-4 file (having deleted the original audio track). In another test I also tried the Add to Selection and Scale option. Oddly enough I think the Add to Selection and Scale attempt generated more sync issues than before in the final DVD movie... so I stuck with the MPEG-4 file containing the video track and the added, resampled at 48kHz & 16 bit, WAV audio track.
    This was saved as a self contained Movie file, producing a QT .mov file. I moved this .mov file into the iDVD projects directory structure so that it was avalable in iDVD's Media Browser. I then reworked the iDVD project to use this QT file, instead of the original iMovie large.m4v file.
    As a reminder... the original large.m4v file has the following properties:
    29.97 FPS H.264 Decoder, 960 x 540, Millions
    AAC, Stereo (L R), 44.100 kHz
    0:01:12:07.16 duration
    The resampled and saved QT MOV file has the following properties:
    29.97 FPS H.264 Decoder, 960 x 540, Millions
    16-bit Integer (Little Endian), Stereo, 48.000 kHz
    0:01:12:07.16 duration
    BOTH versions of this Movie file play flawlessly within QT Pro... there's no audio sync drift evident toward the end of the movie unless I use iDVD 08 to burn either movie file to a Physical DVD (or DVD Disk Image). In both cases the resultant DVD Movie exhibits significant audio sync drift as the ~1hr 12 minute movie progresses. The sync goes out by ~ <= 1 second based on a rough visual assessment.
    I've not yet tried to burn either the original iMovie produced MPEG-4 video file or my QT Pro tweaked audio track .MOV file version to a DVD on my PC...
    ... But I have used an application called Burn (referenced in this earlier/archived iDVD sync drift forum post: by user F Shippey - to take the QT Pro tweaked .mov file version of the original MPEG-4 file and burn it to a DVD...
    The Burn app burnt DVD plays with NO audio sync issues!... Even though it was generated from the same audio tweaked (48kHz/16-bit resampled) QT Pro .mov file.
    However, whenever I burn a DVD using iDVD 08 the audio sync gradually drifts. It matters not whether I use the original iMovie 08 generated MPEG-4 movie file, or the QT Pro version of that file with the resampled audio track (the same one that works fine with Burn).
    It sure looks to me like iDVD has a problem... Again, refer to for someone else who seems to have run into similar challenges.
    Am I overlooking something?
    Thanks in advance.

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    Can I customize the categories to only show ones I'm interested in or prohibit certain categories? My kids use the iPad as well, so I don't want horror movie images etc slammed across the movie wall.
    Also, I don't rent rated R movies, so it would be easier to just have those not show up at all. It doesn't appear there are any handy settings that allow me to customize what I see, but thought I'd ask in case I'm wrong.

    You can't control which genres show, but you can control which films show by their age ratings. On your iPad you can use Settings > General > Restrictions > Movies (under the 'Allowed Content' heading). On your computer's iTunes you can use Edit > Preferences and use the Parental tab to set which films (and there is a similar setting for TV programmes) can be accessed (screenshot is from a Mac, but it should be similar on a PC) :

  • Apache: showing images in ascending order by name

    i have several detail pages where i show images contained in
    a folder:
    $folder = dir($path);
    while ($folderEntry = $folder->read()){
    if ($folderEntry <> "." && $folderEntry
    <> ".." &&
    substr($folderEntry, -6, 2) <> "00") {
    echo '<li><img src="'.$path.$folderEntry.'"
    in the local server they appear in the way i want, in
    ascending order by
    name (img_01.jpg, img_02.jpg, img_03.jpg, ...) but in the
    remote server
    they appear in, apparently, random order
    i activated FancyIndexing in the httpd.conf file but it
    doesn't solved
    the problem:
    # Directives controlling the display of server-generated
    # FancyIndexing is whether you want fancy directory indexing
    IndexOptions FancyIndexing
    # End of indexing directives.
    i know i can store the filenames names in an array an sort it
    but i
    prefer to control it in the server
    local (OS X 10.4.10)
    Apache/1.3.33 (Darwin) PHP/5.1.6
    remote (Red Hat Linux 2.6.9-34.ELsmp)

    Templeton's suggestion is best if needing help with Microsoft Entourage. Since I know the answer is "not possible" I can at least steer you toward an AppleScript that will give you a workaround. Have a look here <>.
    Further questions about this script should be directed either to its author or to Microsoft's Entourage newsgroup <>.
    Hope this helps! bill
    1 GHz Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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    Sorry I'm new to Final Cut Express. How do you make an image (jpeg file for example) move across the screen slowly as I've seen in many films.

    Neil from bristol wrote:
    … How do you make an image … move across the screen …
    by setting KEYFRAMES
    (read, what FC/e's built-in Help-feature tells about it)
    resize and set pic to start position
    set keyframe
    move playhead in timeline to desired length
    set pic to end position
    set keyframe …

  • Showing Image Stored In DataBase

    Hello Friends,
    I have images stored in MySQL database. In a blob field. In a desktop application i have used
    blob b=rs.getBlob("Picture");
    byte[] buf=b.getBytes((long)1,(int)b.length());
    ImageIcon imgIcon= new ImageIcon(buf);
    Image img=imgIcon.getImage();
    Graphics g=image.getGraphics();
    the thing worked fine. But now i have to show images over web. I am not able to uderstand that how to show images. As i m unable to get Graphics from any of the component.
    Help Me,
    Its urgent,
    thanking u all
    Abhilash Jain

    The common method to include binary information (image, PDF, document, etc) is to Base64 encode the file and store the resulting character string in the XML. It would be up to the receiving system to handle the encoded information in the XML.

  • How to make mouseover effect text show image in popup window or tooltip?

    I am trying to display a popup image in a new window when the mouse moves over some text. Or perhaps, the image could display in a tooltip when the mouse moves over some text.
    However, I have achieved the functionality of an image appearing above the text when the mouse moves over some text. This is how I did this:
    I put this code into the Page HTML Header:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function setFirstChildImgDisplay(el,vis) {
    if(!el || !el.getElementsByTagName) return;
    // -->
    I created a region and put this in the Region's Title field:
    {div onmouseover="setFirstChildImgDisplay(this,'inline')"  onmouseout="setFirstChildImgDisplay(this,'none')">Check out Page 1 here <img src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#DGNR Preview Page 1.bmp" alt="Page 1 Preview" style="display:none;">{/div}
    I am thinking that I should not have all of this code in the Region's Title field. But, I don't know where else to put it in APEX.
    So my questions are:
    1. how to get an image to display in a popup window or as a tooltip when the mouse is moved over some text?
    2. where should the {div} content be placed in APEX, if not in the Title field?
    Please note that I used '{' & '}' instead of '<' & '>' just so the div would display in this post.
    Also, I would like to give credit to this website because this is where I found out how to do what I have provided above.
    Thank you in advance,

    It's just an image map. Play with the settings. Here's a shape layer making a hole in the water and adding a bit of color.

  • How do I change the image selected for the finalized movies pane in all events?

    How do I change the image selected for the finalized movies pane in all events? I made a movie some time ago in iMovie, and a still from this now appears as the image for Finalized Movies in the All Events pane (as well as showing up if I then click on this pane to take me to Finalized Movies). Anyone know how to change or delete this image, please?

    Unfortunately, the suggested solution in that thread does not work and the thread appears to be closed to replies.  That is, even though I am logged in the Reply|Quote|Mark as answer|Report as abuse items are missing.
    The suggested solution is:
    First, I found I had "img100.png" in  C:\Windows\Web\Screen  and
    1. Belonging to the Administrators Group, I replaced file Owner TrustedInstaller with my Username on both "img100.png" files
    2. After resizing the image I wanted to see on the Login screen to the resolution of "img100.png" file,
    I copied and pasted it to both "img100.png" files keeping this way the format (extension) and resolution of the original "img100.png" file,
    which I permanently deleted.
    However, I have not been able to replace the img100.pgn in C:\Windows\Web\Screen even after taking ownership of it and setting the permissions for my userid to All.  I edit it with mspaint and then try to save it. The save starts that then says the
    save was interrupted.
    The appears to be some additional protection besides the standard acls.

  • Show image in JDev

    Why the picture cannot be showed? Is there any wrong with the servlet code? What's wrong with my code?
    package javaclass;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import fuego.lang.ConnectionPassport;
    import fuego.lang.DynamicObject;
    import fuego.papi.Activity;
    import fuego.papi.Arguments;
    import fuego.papi.CommunicationException;
    import fuego.papi.InstanceInfo;
    import fuego.papi.OperationException;
    import fuego.papi.Process;
    import fuego.papi.ProcessService;
    import fuego.papi.ProcessServiceSession;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import fuego.workspace.UrlActions;
    import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    public class showWorkloadImgServlet extends HttpServlet {
    private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "text/html; charset=UTF-8";
    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {response.setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE);
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("<p>The servlet has received a GET. This is the reply.</p>");
    out.println("</body><img src=''></a></html>");
    Properties configuration = new Properties();
    configuration.setProperty(ProcessService.DIRECTORY_ID, "default");
    configuration.setProperty(ProcessService.DIRECTORY_PROPERTIES_FILE, "F:\\share\\192_168_1_16\\directory.xml");
    configuration.setProperty(ProcessService.WORKING_FOLDER, "/tmp");
    ProcessService processService=null;
    try {
    processService = ProcessService.create(configuration);
    } catch (CommunicationException e) {
    // TODO
    ConnectionPassport passport=null;
    passport = processService.createPassport("jcooper");
    ProcessServiceSession session=null;
    try {
    session = processService.createSession(passport, "");
    } catch (OperationException e) {
    // TODO
    Arguments arguments = Arguments.create();
    DynamicObject argument = DynamicObject.create();
    argument.setField("condition", 600);
    argument.setField("orSplit", 400);
    String processId2="/P1";
    try {
    session.processCreateInstance(processId2, arguments);
    } catch (OperationException e) {
    // TODO
    UrlActions ua=new UrlActions();
    String st="";
    String instanceId="/P1#Default-1.0/9863/0";
    String processId="/P1#Default-1.0";
    st=ua.showWorkloadImage(request, response, processId /*, instanceId*/);
    OutputStream output = response.getOutputStream();
    String imagePath = getServletContext().getRealPath(st);
    InputStream imageIn = new FileInputStream(new File(imagePath));
    JPEGImageDecoder decoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(imageIn);
    BufferedImage image = decoder.decodeAsBufferedImage();
    JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(output);
    [Starting OC4J using the following ports: HTTP=8988, RMI=23891, JMS=9227.]
    D:\JDeveloper11g_20090318\jdk160_05\bin\javaw.exe -client -classpath E:\Jdeveloper10131_20090318\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar;E:\Jdeveloper10131_20090318\jdev\lib\jdev-oc4j-embedded.jar -Xverify:none -DcheckForUpdates=adminClientOnly -Doracle.application.environment=development -Doracle.j2ee.dont.use.memory.archive=true -Doracle.j2ee.http.socket.timeout=500 -Doc4j.jms.usePersistenceLockFiles=false oracle.oc4j.loader.boot.BootStrap -config E:\Jdeveloper10131_20090318\jdev\system\oracle.j2ee.\embedded-oc4j\config\server.xml
    [waiting for the server to complete its initialization...]
    Oct 5, 2009 3:19:39 PM com.evermind.server.XMLDataSourcesConfig parseRootNode
    INFO: Legacy datasource detected...attempting to convert to new syntax.
    Oct 5, 2009 3:19:41 PM com.evermind.server.jms.JMSMessages log
    INFO: JMSServer[]: OC4J JMS server recovering transactions (commit 0) (rollback 0) (prepared 0).
    Oct 5, 2009 3:19:41 PM com.evermind.server.jms.JMSMessages log
    INFO: JMSServer[]: OC4J JMS server recovering local transactions Queue[jms/Oc4jJmsExceptionQueue].
    Ready message received from Oc4jNotifier.
    Embedded OC4J startup time: 13718 ms.
    Target URL --
    09/10/05 15:19:47 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized
    WARNING: Code-source D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\mail.jar (from manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/fuegopapi-client.jar) has the same filename but is not identical to /E:/Jdeveloper10131_20090318/j2ee/home/lib/mail.jar (from <code-source> (ignore manifest Class-Path) in META-INF/boot.xml in E:\Jdeveloper10131_20090318\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar). If it contains different versions of the same classes, it will be masked as the latter is already visible in the search path of loader current-workspace-app.web.GDHZdemo-javaclass-webapp:0.0.0.
    WARNING: Code-source D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\jaxrpc-api.jar (from manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/fuegopapi-client.jar) has the same filename but is not identical to /E:/Jdeveloper10131_20090318/webservices/lib/jaxrpc-api.jar (from <code-source> (ignore manifest Class-Path) in META-INF/boot.xml in E:\Jdeveloper10131_20090318\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar). If it contains different versions of the same classes, it will be masked as the latter is already visible in the search path of loader current-workspace-app.web.GDHZdemo-javaclass-webapp:0.0.0.
    WARNING: Code-source D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\saaj-api.jar (from manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/fuegopapi-client.jar) has the same filename but is not identical to /E:/Jdeveloper10131_20090318/webservices/lib/saaj-api.jar (from <code-source> (ignore manifest Class-Path) in META-INF/boot.xml in E:\Jdeveloper10131_20090318\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar). If it contains different versions of the same classes, it will be masked as the latter is already visible in the search path of loader current-workspace-app.web.GDHZdemo-javaclass-webapp:0.0.0.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\catalina-optional.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\catalina.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\commons-el.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\commons-logging.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\commons-modeler.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\jasper-compiler-jdt.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\jasper-compiler.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\jasper-runtime.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\jsp-api.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\naming-factory.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\naming-resources.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\servlet-api.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\servlets-default.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\tomcat-coyote.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\tomcat-http.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    Could not canonicalize 'D:\BPM_HOME_standalone\client\papi\lib\D:\fuego\trunk\local\thirdparty\tomcat-embed\dist\apache-tomcat-5.5.15-embed\lib\tomcat-util.jar' (????????????????). From manifest of /D:/BPM_HOME_standalone/client/papi/lib/catalina.jar.
    09/10/05 15:19:50 25
    09/10/05 15:19:50 28
    09/10/05 15:19:50 30
    09/10/05 15:19:50 32
    09/10/05 15:19:51 ????????????????
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at Method)
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at fuego.boot.ClassPath.getBaseDir(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at fuego.boot.ClassPath.getBaseDir(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at fuego.boot.Loader.getInstallationDir(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at fuego.util.FuegoDirectories.installationDir(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at fuego.util.FuegoDirectories.installationRelativeFile(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at fuego.util.FuegoDirectories.configDir(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at<clinit>(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at fuego.papi.impl.ProcessServiceFactoryImpl.create(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at fuego.papi.ProcessService.create(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at javaclass.showWorkloadImgServlet.doGet(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at$
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at$700(
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at$
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    09/10/05 15:19:51      at
    09/10/05 15:20:40 25
    09/10/05 15:20:40 28
    09/10/05 15:20:40 30
    09/10/05 15:20:40 32
    Process exited.

    I guess the ImageServlet class of the StoreFront demo of JDeveloper 11g is a good start for you. Below is the code snippet:
    package oracle.fodemo.storefront.servlet;
    import java.sql.Blob;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.sql.DataSource;
    public class ImageServlet extends HttpServlet {
    private static final String CONTENT_TYPE =
    "image/jpg; charset=utf-8";
    * @param config
    * @throws ServletException
    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
    * @param request
    * @param response
    * @throws ServletException
    * @throws IOException
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
    IOException {
    String detailProductId = request.getParameter("detail");
    String thumbnailProductId = request.getParameter("thumbnail");
    boolean thumbnail = true;
    String productId = null;
    OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
    Connection conn = null;
    try {
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/FODDS");
    conn = ds.getConnection();
    PreparedStatement statement = conn.prepareStatement(
    "SELECT ProductImageEO.PRODUCT_IMAGE_ID, " +
    " ProductImageEO.PRODUCT_ID, " +
    " ProductImageEO.DEFAULT_VIEW_FLAG, " +
    " ProductImageEO.DETAIL_IMAGE_ID, " +
    " ProductImageEO.IMAGE " +
    "FROM PRODUCT_IMAGES ProductImageEO " +
    "WHERE ProductImageEO.DEFAULT_VIEW_FLAG = ?" +
    " AND ProductImageEO.PRODUCT_ID = ?");
    if (detailProductId != null) {
    productId = detailProductId;
    thumbnail = false;
    } else {
    productId = thumbnailProductId;
    statement.setString(1,(thumbnail ? "Y" : "N"));
    statement.setInt(2, new Integer(productId));
    ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery();
    if ( {
    Blob blob = rs.getBlob("IMAGE");
    BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(blob.getBinaryStream());
    int b; byte[] buffer = new byte[10240];
    while ((b =, 0, 10240)) != -1) { os.write(buffer, 0, b); }
    } catch (Exception e){
    } finally {
    if (conn != null){
    } catch (SQLException sqle){
    System.out.println("SQLException error");

  • Why are slide show images less sharp than preview images?

    Dear Aperture users,
    as documented in the manual and on Apple's support pages, Aperture 3 uses the preview images for its slide show. However, when I compare the quality of my preview images in full-screen mode with the quality of the slide show images, the preview images clearly look sharper.
    Apparently, Aperture's slide show does not simply use the preview images as documented, but applies some sort of "adjustment", resulting in less crisp looking images. Since I haven't found any satisfying answer yet, my questions are:
    1). What exactly is the adjustment that slide show applies to the preview images?
    2). Can I somehow tweak this adjustment, say, with a terminal command?
    Best regards,

    iPhoto can make two different types of slide show movies. It would help to know which you're making.
    One is made via the File/Export to QuickTime movie and makes a 4 track file with a simple fade effect. These use the Photo-JPEG codec.
    The other is a 30 fps "video" using H.264 video codec via the "Share" menu.
    A third method (rarely used) is to Export to iDVD. This makes an absurdly high data rate MPEG-4 video. This is also found under the Share menu.
    The MPEG-4 video codec also includes an "automatic" gamma correction feature which compensates for the gammas difference between Mac's and PC's.
    Try one export to iDVD. Include your audio track prior but use a high quality (.aiff) sound file. No need to actually "burn" the DVD. You can even close iDVD after it opens. You'll find the new movie in your Users Movie folder.
    Open it with QT Pro and export to a new .mov file. Adjust the data rate to something more reasonable and add some audio compression.
    If the colors still look too dark you can use the built in Filters in the Export dialog. You can adjust B&C or HSL or even use ColorSync Profiles that can help correct the image quality (if needed).

  • Finder doesn't show image dimensions

    I have a problem with image dimensions in Finder. Finder doesn't show image dimension info in preview column and Get Info window. But when I open in Preview app I can see dimensions in Get Info window. How to solve this problem. If I want to sort images by dimension, I can't do that. Because Finder doesn't know image dimensions. You can see images below.

    Terence Devlin wrote:
    That's because the Finder is a file manager and works from file metadata. The data you're seeking is about the file contents. You need to use a Photo Manager or Browser.
    There is someone who can sort images by dimensions and see dimensions in list view. Also if Finder will not show image dimensions, why give me "Dimensions" and "Resolution" option to select in list view.
    VikingOSX wrote:
    Launch a Finder window. Press command+J, and set Show Item Info. Now the image dimensions will show below each image icon. If it is a movie, then the duration of the movie is shown.
    I have done this. But doesn't show information.

  • Help........Show image from database

    I am stuck at one point. I have to show image stored in the database on the browser. I am able to fetch the image and show it after storing it in one .gif file. But what I want it is : I don't want to store the fetched image in to a .gif file instead I would like to show the image on the fly after fetching it from the database.
    The reason I need it this way is...If I store it as .gif before showing, after showing the file the file still will be present in the disk, which after sometime will go beyond the limit.
    If at all it is not possible to show it on the fly, then I would like to know if there is any "SESSION ON END" kind of even available in Java so that I can clean up the image when user exits the browser!!!
    Please reply as soon as possible.

    For the first part of your question: If the image is the
    only thing you are showing on the browser.. then
    you can stream the data (I think I never tried with
    try {
         ServletOutputStream outf =
    // Print the steamed image data to this
         } catch (Exception e){
              System.out.println("Exception Caught"+e.toString());

  • IMovie events not showing images

    Previously created Project (that has been Shared with iTunes) suddenly no longer shows images in the Viewer in from the Event; the shared movie in iTunes is still good. Still have audio from the Event. Thumbnails still are visable in both the Project and Event. But the actual images themselves from the Event and Project are not viewable. However, if I go to the Event folder and click any of the .mov files from that Event QuickTime shows the images completely ... so the issue seems to be with iMovie. Any help on this matter would be great.

    Thanks for your reply ... it gave me an idea and that cleared up the problem.
    No, I did not move any of the files from the Folder (Event) but the links to the files must have gotten corrupted. Can't answer for why it happened or what it the best method in iMovie for re-establishing them. But what I decided to do what create a new Folder (Event) in iMovie and then move the files from the affected Folder to the new Folder--that was just a simple Finder move. Tested to see if the movie files were viewable from the new Folder (Event), and all was fine. Then I moved the files back to the original folder (Event) and the Event and Project were both viewable again. (You have to close and open iMovie to get it to process the Event of course....)
    Again, I can't explain what corrupted the Event Links. Anyway, if anyone else has this problem just remove the movie files and restoring will re-establish the links.
    Thanks for your help.

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