Show query from prepared statement

Hi all!
Does someone knows how to get the whole generated query from a prepared statement?
I want to know if the parameters are set correctly and therefore want to print it out to screen
before the query is executed.
Thanks in advance.

You can't. At least not using standard JDBC. This is partially because the driver doesn't necessarily generate a query from the prepared statement, it can make a remote procedure call instead, for example.

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  • How to retrieve a prepared statement from prepared statement cache?

    Hi All,
    I have created the connection pool during application server startup. The connection pool are getting created successfully. I have also created the prepared statements and stored as part of each connection in the connection pool.
    can anyone please tell me on how do I retrieve a prepared statement from prepared statement cache from a connection object.
    Any pointers to info source will be REALLY appreciated.
    Many Thanks in Advance,
    C R Baradwaj

    Raghuram Bharatwaj C wrote:
    Hi Joe,
    I have created a connection poool in my startup class and created the
    neccessary prepared statements for a each connection. I have 10 prepared
    statements to be created for each connection. I have created all the 10 prepared statements using the loop as mentioned below
    String [] epc_stmts;
    private java.sql.PreparedStatement[] _pstmts;
    if (epc_stmts!= null)
                   _pstmts = new PreparedStatement [len = epc_stmts.length];
                   for (i=0; i<len; i++)
                        _pstmts[i] = db.prepareStatement (epcstmts);
    I have closed the connection after the prepared statements are created.
    Now, How do i access a prepared statement from the connection object.
    Nothing. Are you talking about a WebLogic pool? If so, then therafter,
    whenever your application gets a pool connection, when it calls
    prepareStatement() with the same SQL as you prepared those statements,
    it will get a cached statement. Your array is unnecessary.
    Many Thanks in Advance,
    C R Baradwaj

  • How do I handle NULL returns from prepared statement?

    Thanks in advance to all those who respond. As a beginner with Java/JSP/JDBC, I need all the help I can get!
    Here's the problem...
    I'm using a prepared statement in JSP to query a MySQL database.
    If there is a value to return, everything works properly.
    If the query returns a NULL (empty set) value, I get the following error:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Before start of result set
    Here's the code (no negative comments please...I know I'm violating some conventions! I'll restructure it later. Right now I just need help with handling the NULL case):
    Driver DriverAppt = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_test_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnAppt = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_test_STRING,MM_test_USERNAME,MM_test_PASSWORD);PreparedStatement StatementAppt = ConnAppt.prepareStatement("SELECT lastname FROM appts_pid1 WHERE user_id = " + Recordset1__MMColParam + " AND year = " + yy + " AND month = '" + months[mm] + "' AND date = " + dates[dd] + " AND appttime = '16:15:00'");
    ResultSet Appt = StatementAppt.executeQuery();
    boolean Appt_isEmpty = !Appt.first();
    boolean Appt_hasData = !Appt_isEmpty;
    Object Appt_data;
    int Appt_numRows = 0;
    Thanks for the help!!!

    I think I have a better handle on what's occurring here. To cut to the heart of the problem, I'm going to give a very simple example that illustrates what type of error handling I need.
    Let's say that I have a database of users. There are only two columns in the database: user_id and lastname. There are only 2 users, user_id "1" has lastname "Jones" and user_id "2" has lastname "Smith".
    I built a very simple web interface that let's a user enter a number to see if there's a lastname associated with that record. The user has no way of knowing if the user_id exists or not, so they may or may not enter a valid number.
    If the user enters a valid user_id (in this case "1" or "2"), then the correct lastname is displayed. If the user enters an invalid user_id (in this case, anything other than "1" or "2") then I get the same "Before start of result set" error that I'm getting in my real application.
    The goal here is to have the sentence say "The user's lastname is .", basically returning null. If there has to be a value, then have the last sentence say "The user's lastname is unknown."
    If you can solve this simple example, you'll have also solved the problem with my main application!!!! :-)
    Here's the example code:
    <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*" errorPage="" %>
    <%@ include file="Connections/example.jsp" %>
    String Recordset1__MMColParam = "1";
    if (request.getParameter("user_id") !=null) {Recordset1__MMColParam = (String)request.getParameter("user_id");}
    Driver DriverRecordset1 = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_example_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnRecordset1 = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_example_STRING,MM_example_USERNAME,MM_example_PASSWORD);
    PreparedStatement StatementRecordset1 = ConnRecordset1.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE user_id = " + Recordset1__MMColParam + "");
    ResultSet Recordset1 = StatementRecordset1.executeQuery();
    boolean Recordset1_isEmpty = !;
    boolean Recordset1_hasData = !Recordset1_isEmpty;
    Object Recordset1_data;
    int Recordset1_numRows = 0;
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <form action="test.jsp" method="get" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="form1" target="_self">
    <p> Submit a user id and a lastname will be displayed.</p>
    <input type="text" name="user_id">
    <input type="submit" name="" value="Submit">
    <p>The User's lastname is <%=(((Recordset1_data = Recordset1.getObject("lastname"))==null || Recordset1.wasNull())?"":Recordset1_data)%>.</p>
    A huge "THANK YOU!!!!" to all those who've helped me here!!!

  • Escape Characters - simulate the setString from Prepared Statements

    I would like to see what the value of setString() is for a given prepared statement call.
    Because of reasons that would take me to long to explain that I cannot use preparedstatements with their parameters - I need a way to execute a query like the following:
    String query = "insert into blahtable (somestring) values (\"asdfds\'\s sdsfdasfd \"\& ...\");
    PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);
    I know prepared statements can take care of this, but I want to know and write the query as above without the need of prepared statements help for string.
    Below is an example with prepared statement - but not what I want to do
    For example:
    String oddstringwithunusalcharacters = "...";
    String query = "insert into blahtable (somestring) values (?)";
    PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);
    stmt.setString(1, oddstringwithunusalcharacters);
    I would like to see what the actual query looks like and what the actual string was passed:
    --> insert into blahtable (something) values ("asdfds\'\s sdsfdasfd \"\& .... ")
    It is not sufficient enough for me to escape quotes and apostrophes because there maybe other unusual characters that I do not know of since the string is passed by an unknown source.
    Thank you in advance

    PreparedStatements actually doesn't escape quotes. It basically precompiles statements in the DB and only passes the values to the DB.
    But if you're using a plain vanilla SQL statement where you quote the string with a single quote ' then you need to escape all occurrences of exactly the same single quote ' in the actual String value. If you for example quote the string with an apostrophe ` then you just need to escape all occurrences of exactly the same apostrophe ` in the actual String value. And so on. It is nothing more than logical, is it?

  • Ouput sql from prepared statement

    I'm using prepared statements and I want to output the sql that is being run in the statement to the console. For example:
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@xx.xx.x.xx:xxxx:xxxx", "xxxx", "xxxx");
    stmt = conn.prepareStatement("update table set a = ? where b = ? and c = ?");
    stmt.setString(1, "a");
    stmt.setString(2, "b");
    stmt.setString(3, "c");
    System.out.println(?????????);So the statement would be something like: "update table set a = 'a' where b = 'b' and c = 'c'"
    How can I get the sql from the statement? I would have thought this would be easy but there doesn't seem to be any obvious method.

    I also came across the article about overpowering the PreparedStatement, neat stuff.
    But as I downloaded the classes and compiled them, I got some errors due to the fact that some methods from the PreparedStatement- and Statement-interfaces were not implemented by the DebuggableStatement-class.
    I suspect this has something to do with the JDK-version being used.
    I myself am using version 1.4.1_01-b01.
    Anyone came across this same problem?
    As I do want to compile under the version mentioned, I just insert the method(-stubs) myself. Or is this a bad idea?

  • How to avoid or replace a sub query from Exists statement.

    Hello all,
    I have a query regarding sql query.
    DB 1
    Table A                                 Table B
    ID   Code   HeaderID            ID   
    1    100      1                          1
    2    200      1                          2
    3    100      2                          3
    DB 2
    Table C
    ID    Code  Type
    1     100     1
    2     101     1
    3     100     2
    set @HeaderID = 1
    IF EXISTS (SELECT Code From Table A WHERE HeaderID=@ID AND Code  not in (SELECT Code FROM Table C WHERE Type=1))
    RAISERROR('code is not set.',16,1)
    Table A and Table C are in different databases say DB1 and DB2.
    How can we replace this with another query using join or something. Can we do it using one query by avoiding sub query.I want to get Code 200 which is not match with Table C Code.
    Regards, Ranjith T Rajan Acty System India Pvt Ltd.

    Instead of checking later and raising an error you can create a check constraint on the table so that it raises error when you insert the non existent code itself.
    You can create a UDF like below
    CREATE FUNCTION CheckCodeExistence
    @Code int,
    @HeaderID int
    RETURNS bit
    DECLARE @Ret bit
    FROM DB2.dbo.TableC
    WHERE Code = @code
    AND [TYPE] = @headerID)
    THEN 0
    ELSE 1 END
    Then create a check constraint on Table A based on it as
    ALTER TABLE TableA ADD CONSTRAINT Chk_TableA CHECK (dbo.CheckCodeExistence(Code,HeaderID) =1 )
    Now when you try to insert record with Code 200 you'll get the below
    Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
    The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "Chk_TableA". The conflict occurred in database "DB1", table "dbo.TableA".
    The statement has been terminated.
    See similar example here
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Help with streaming result sets and prepared statements

    hi all
    I create a callable statement that is capable of streaming.
    statement = myConn2.prepareCall("{call graphProc(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}",java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,
    the class that contains the query is instantiated 6 times the first class streams the results beautifully and then when the second
    rs = DatabaseConnect.statementOne.executeQuery();
    is executed I get the following error
    java.sql.SQLException: Can not use streaming results with multiple result statements
    at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.readAllResults(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeInternal(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeQuery(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.CallableStatement.executeQuery(
    the 6 instances are not threaded and the result set is closed before the next query executes is there a solution to this problem it would be greatly appreciated
    thanks a lot

    Database resources should have the narrowed scope
    possible. I don't think it's a good idea to use a
    ResultSet in a UI to generate a graph. Load the data
    into an object or data structure inside the method
    that's doing the query and close the ResultSet in a
    finally block. Use the data structure to generate
    the graph.
    It's an example of MVC and layering.
    Ok that is my bad for not elaborating on the finer points sorry, the results are not directly streamed into the graphs from the result set. and are processed in another object and then plotted from there.
    with regards to your statement in the beginning I would like to ask if you think it at least a viable option to create six connections. with that said would you be able to give estimated users using the six connections under full usage.
    just a few thoughts that I want to
    bounce off you if you don't mind. Closing the
    statement would defeat the object of of having a
    callable statement How so? I don't agree with that.
    %again I apologise I assumed that since callable statements inherit from prepared statements that they would have the pre compiled sql statement functionality of prepared statements,well If you consider in the example I'm about to give maybe you will see my point at least with regards to this.
    The statement that I create uses a connection and is created statically at the start of the program, every time I make a call the same statement and thus connection is used, creating a new connection each time takes up time and resources. and as you know every second counts
    thanks for your thoughts

  • Prepared statements related problem

    i have this strange problem with prepared statements i think.
    When i execute an insert query without prepared statements i works fine (always), when i use prepared statements it sometimes gives a db error saying i'm trying to insert a null value.
    The problem is that I'm not!!!
    If i were why does it work sometimes?
    It may be a bug but i don't know where to look for it... is it a prepared statements, application server or db2 problem?

    This is the code...
         public void insertArticolo(Articolo item) throws Exception {
              PreparedStatement ps = null;
                   try {          
                        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("insert into RUW.RUWT1_ARTICOLO (");
                        sql.append("C_TRIBUTO, C_TIPO_UFF,C_UFFICIO,");
                        sql.append("C_TIPO_IMP, N_ANNO_IMP, L_CARICO, S_ARTICOLO");
                        sql.append(") values (");
                        sql.append("?" + ", ");
                        sql.append("?" + ", ");
                        sql.append("?" + ", ");
                        sql.append("?" + ", ");
                        sql.append("?" + ", ");
                        sql.append("?" + ", ");
                        sql.append("?" + ", ");
                        sql.append("?" + ", ");
                        sql.append("?" + ", ");
                        sql.append("?" + ", ");
                        sql.append("?" + ", ");
                        sql.append("?" + ", ");
                        sql.append("?" + ", ");
                        ps = connectionCreatePreparedStatement(sql.toString());
                        KeyArticolo keyArticolo = item.getKeyArticolo();
                        KeyPartita keyPartita = keyArticolo.getKeyPartita();
                        Ente ente = keyPartita.getKeyRuolo().getEnte();
                        System.out.println("/"+ ente.getCodEnte()+ "/");
                        System.out.println("/"+ keyPartita.getKeyRuolo().getConcessione().getCodConc()+ "/");
                        System.out.println("/"+ keyPartita.getKeyRuolo().getAnnoRuolo()+ "/");
                        System.out.println("/"+ keyPartita.getKeyRuolo().getProgRuolo()+ "/");
                        System.out.println("/"+ keyPartita.getNumPartita()+ "/");
                        System.out.println("/"+ keyPartita.getProgPartita()+ "/");
                        System.out.println("/"+ item.getKeyArticolo().getProgArticolo()+ "/");
                        System.out.println("/"+ item.getCodEntrata()+ "/");
                        System.out.println("/"+ ente.getTipoUfficio()+ "/");
                        System.out.println("/"+ ente.getCodUfficio()+ "/");
                        System.out.println("/"+ item.getTipoImposta()+ "/");
                        System.out.println("/"+ item.getAnnoImposta()+ "/");
                        System.out.println("/"+ item.getCaricoOrigine()+ "/");
                        if (item.getDescArticolo().equals("")) {
                             item.setDescArticolo(" ");
                        System.out.println("/"+ item.getDescArticolo()+ "/");
                   catch (Exception e) {
                        throw e;
              }and this is the result of the systemout
    [10/03/06 14.07.07:051 CET] 76357635 SystemOut O insert into RUW.RUWT1_ARTICOLO (C_ENTE, C_CONCESSIONE,N_ANNO_RUOLO,N_PROGR_RUOLO,N_PARTITA,N_PROGR_PARTITA,N_PROGR_TRIBUTO, C_TRIBUTO, C_TIPO_UFF,C_UFFICIO,C_TIPO_IMP, N_ANNO_IMP, L_CARICO, S_ARTICOLO) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    / /

  • Query slow when executing using prepared statement compared to sqlDeveloper

    Oracle version is
    I have got a query which when submitted from java code using prepared statement and parameter substitutions, takes more than 20 seconds to give results.
    I can see this SELECT sql sitting there when I run Monitor Sessions through sqlDeveloper, with its wait time increasing and then finally getting through. During that time no other SQLs are waiting.
    DURING THAT TIME then I am able to run the same query (with values included) multiple times using sqlDeveloper, and it gives results in no time.
    Sqldeveloper connects using thin client using lib provided by oracle in windows.
    Java code runs from linux and uses the thin client using lib provided by oracle in linux.
    Both are hitting the same DB running on a separate Linux machine.
    What could be the cause of this problem?
    What db parameters, queries should I run to identify the bottleneck?
    Edited by: user10390517 on Jun 14, 2010 3:06 AM

    Hi Rob,
    at least you should see some differences in the statistics for the different child cursor (the one for the execution in the application should show at least a higher value for ELAPSED_TIME). I would use something like the following query to check the information for the child cursors:
    select sql_id
         , PLAN_HASH_VALUE
         , CHILD_NUMBER
         , EXECUTIONS
         , ELAPSED_TIME
         , USER_IO_WAIT_TIME
         , DISK_READS
         , BUFFER_GETS
      from v$sql
    where sql_id = your_sql_idRegards

  • Executiong prepared statement with Like% in SQL Query?

    We are developing GUI project.In which we need to retrieve the contract details based on the Name which we enter in eVision page.Here we will not enter the whole name,we will enter only the part of the name,for example if the actual name is Sun Seebeyond,I will enter only Su.So if there are five records in data base which starts the name with Su.Then it should return the five names..
    For this I am using the prepared statement as
    select name,contractid from table1 where name Like '?%'.
    Here my runtime input value will set to this parameter ?.When I execute this qry in my project I am getting error as "Unable to set parameters on the Object: Invalid parameter index 1".
    If I replace the ? with Su in query itself ,then it works fine..
    Please let me know is there any effective way,using which I can solve..

    This option I already tried and it work fine too.
    I am looking for an option ,where we can handle with in the Query,so we dont need to write any code appending % into the actual valus.

  • Describe a parameter from a prepared statement

    With OCI programming, is it possible to describe a prepared statement parameter information such as the parm's OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_FORM? if possible how to check the parm information?
    sword rt;
    wchar_t* cmd = L"select * from b3 where c2 = :1";
    wchar_t* data = L"adfa";
    short indicator = 0;
    if(rt = OCIStmtPrepare(hpStmt, hpErr, (OraText*)cmd, (ub4)wcslen(cmd)*2, OCI_NTV_SYNTAX, OCI_DEFAULT))
    checkerr(hpErr, rt);
    iReturn = -1;
    goto EXIT;
    if(rt = OCIBindByName(hpStmt, &hpBind, hpErr, (OraText *)L":1", (sb4)4, (dvoid *)data, 4, SQLT_STR, (dvoid *)&indicator, 0, 0, 0, 0,OCI_DEFAULT))
    checkerr(hpErr, rt);
    iReturn = -1;
    goto EXIT;
    how to get parm :1 information?
    if parm :1 charset form is SQLCS_NCHAR, I need set the parm's charset form before execute the statement by:
    //ub1 cform = SQLCS_NCHAR;
    //OCIAttrSet(hpBind, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_BIND, (dvoid *) &cform, (ub4) 0, (ub4) OCI_ATTR_CHARSET_FORM, hpErr);
    If I directly set parm's form to SQLCS_NCHAR, it would bring performance problem.

    String date;
    String sql = "Select Accepts.TimeOfAccept FROM Accepts where Accepts.TimeOfAccept = 'jComboBox2';";
    ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
    date = result.getString("TimeOfAccept");
    String day = date.substring(0, 2);
    String month = date.substring(3, 5);
    String year = date.substring(6);
    i have fixed it to a point but before i get the substring i am supposed to check the formats of the metadata in case the format of the date changes the query is supposed to build dynamically off the meta data as a but i dont know how to do this i am accessing an access database to test it initially but i will be moving it onto an sql database where the date format may differ
    thanking you in advance

  • Resultset from a batch select using prepared statement

    Is it possible to add results of batch execute of select statements and retrieve the result set ..
    I am running select statement in a batch mode setting in value for a column.I add this to a prepared batch.
    I would like to get the reults as a batch and spin through the result set like a Is this possible ?
    I have given the code below
    sql = "select ordervalue , orderdate from discreet_orders "+
    "where order_no = ? ";
    for (int i=0; i < orderNoVect.size(); i++) {
    r = dbObject.execPrepared();
    I would like to do a r.getNext() process the values form the resultset.
    Is this possible ? If not is there an other way to do it ?

    Olek wrote:
    Is there a way do a batch update using prepared statement?
    I don't want to insert every row in a single query...
    OlekPossibly the confusion here stems from the existence of two addBatch methods in PreparedStatement.
    addBatch(String sql)inherited from Statement adds a new query to the batch of SQL statements for the statement. However you don't want to use this with PreparedStatements Instead you want
    addBatch()which adds the current set of parameters to the prepared statements batch of commands.
    In this scenario you prepare your query (insert statement) and then call setXXX(x,y) for each parameter and then addBatch for each tuple. Then call executeBatch to execute all the queries based on your batched parameters.
    If this didn't answer your question I don't know what your question is exactly. I would add that you probably want to set a "reasonable" size on your batches and break them into smaller batches as is reasonable. Mainly because the implementation of batched PreparedStatements widely varies depending on the database and driver, thus there are certainly scenarios where given enough batched parameters you could have various unpleasant things visited upon your program. Like terminal slowness, running out of memory, etc.

  • PLD Report does not show data from Query

    SAP b1 9.0 PL08 on MSSQL 2008 and I get data on the query, but when the PLD prints, it shows nothing. Is there a way to filter the data that the PLD shows? Does PLD have its own SQL script it uses b/c its not showing data from the query.

    Hi Nicholas,
    Please check below links.
    query based print layout design
    Print Layout Designer \Custom Reports
    How to Make a Print Layout (PLD) Report from a SBO Query |
    Hope this help
    Atul Chakraborty

  • Bex Query - Show rows from another characteristic

    Hi Guys,
    I have a problem, I need to create a query to be displayed in Excel that shows accounting informacion by number, like this:
    Account         Balance
    12110201       1 USD
    12110202       1 USD
    12110204       1 USD
    That works so far, the problem is that I need to add 2 more columns and in 1 of the new columns I need to show only some accounts, like this:
    Account          Balance        NewColumn1
    12110201       1 USD      
    12110202       1 USD            Balance of 12110202
    12110204       1 USD
    the other one is more challenging because it need to show informacion from a different account, like this:
    Account          Balance        NewColumn1            NewColumn2
    12110201       1 USD      
    12110202       1 USD           Balance of 12110202
    12110204       1 USD                                           Balance of 2406910000
    the first values came from my accounts tables that contain balance from sub accounts, but the value 2406910000 is in fact a sub account value.
    Can some of you expers can help me on this? Is it possible?
    Please help.

    let me ask this:
    You have multiprovider A
    in that u have Chars
    Source of subaccount
    & Keyfigures
    $ amounts
    okey now, lets say u want to display the data as follow:
    bal. of 1234
    2247--$1200-----bal. of 734
    is that what u are asking to display....
    if yes, bring Account in Rows
    bring $amount in Collumns
    add new selection1, in that add $amounts, then add Subaccounts from characteristics
    that way it will show $ for subaccount
    for e.g. in above case it will show $value for 1234 which is subaccount of 2245.
    My question is when you say "Balance of 22140000" what is that you intend to display want to show $ of Balance i.e $45, $56 etc, or
    do you want to show Subaccount Number i.e 1234 or
    do u want to show specific texts "Balance of 22140000"
    my response above was related to this only, what is that you want to show in ur reports?
    what is available in ur multiprovider?
    if you wanna show specific texts  "Balance of 22140000", this cannot be done because you cannot just create texts in Query designers.
    If you wanna show specific $ amounts for that subaccount, answer is create restricted keyfigure
    if you wanna show Subaccount Number i.e 1234 etc, that means  you will have to create Replacement path variable and then replace values of Subaccount number into that column.
    Maybe you will not need cell definition then.
    i hope you understand what i am trying to explain..
    dont hesitate to reply with detailed explaination, and any questions.

  • Prepared statement not releasing from access db

    Hello all,
    I have several prepared statements like the following:
    public void storeUpdate(String userId,String ws,String wm,String wl,String wx,String wxx,String bs,String bm,String bl,String bx,String bxx, String tq, String tp,Timestamp ts)
         String updatePurchase = "UPDATE store SET smallWhite=?,medWhite=?,lrgWhite=?,xlrgWhite=?,xxlrgWhite=?,smallBlue=?,medBlue=?,lrgBlue=?,xlrgBlue=?,xxlrgBlue=?,totalQty=?,totalPrice=?,ot=? WHERE playerNo='"+userId+"'";
             objConn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:myDB","","");
             PreparedStatement ps = objConn.prepareStatement(updatePurchase);
             ps.setString(1, ws);
             ps.setString(2, wm);
             ps.setString(3, wl);
             ps.setString(4, wx);
             ps.setString(5, wxx);
             ps.setString(6, bs);
             ps.setString(7, bm);
             ps.setString(8, bl);
             ps.setString(9, bx);
             ps.setString(10, bxx);
             ps.setString(11, tq);
             ps.setString(12, tp);
                catch (SQLException s)
                    System.err.println("DataBase PROBLEM");
                catch (Exception e)
                        System.err.println("Error in updateStore method");
    } The prepared stmts seem to be "hanging on to" the access(dont laugh)table that the prepared stmt just updated. The reason I know this is because when I try to look at the table in access's design view I get a message saying:
    "Microsoft access
    You cant open the table 'store' for modification.
    A query or form bound to the table is open, you may not have permission to open this table in design view, or another user has the table open.
    If you have opened a query or form bound to this table, close it, and then try again to open the table in design view."
    The only way to open the table in design view is to shut down tomcat and restart.
    Should I be worried about this?
    Am i forgetting to close something in my ps?

    I use PreparedStatement all the time with Access and never have a problem. The only thing I noticed about your code is that if an exception gets thrown in your method, the close statements won't get executed. This might leave the tables locked. You might want to try moving the close statements into a finally block. That way your statement and connection will get closed if an exception gets thrown or not.

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