Show the picture which in my songs in my iPod?

In the iTunes, the picture in my songs can be showed, but in my iPod, when I listen to the music, the picture can't be showed.
PS: I come from China/Shanghai.My English isn't very well.Can you understand my question?

from what i understand, your album art isn't displaying in your ipod. open ipod preferences while its plugged in to itunes and choose show album art at the bottom. right click on the ipod icon on the left and choose update. hope that works.

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    Michael Spencer wrote:
    BTW: original question indicates 2 helpful and 1 solved on this question but darn if I can find those three posts; anyone?
    Michael ~ You missed mentioning the key word "available":
    ""Helpful" answers available: 2 . "Solved" answers available: 1 ."
    ...It doesn't mean there are Helpful or Solved answers available +to view+, rather it means what options the thread originator has of marking a reply as either Helpful or Solved, which will add points to the respondent's account. Every topic marked as a question starts out with the situation quoted above — and as the originator marks replies, so the number of answers "available" for points is reduced. Read more here:

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    Which file extension do those files get when you save them?
    If they do not have a valid file extension for an image like .jpg or .png then try to rename the files and give them a .jpg file extension to see if that helps.<br />
    If Windows is hiding the file extension then use quotes ("image.jpg") around the name.<br />
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    Try tapping on the icon and see if the download resumes. Check and see if you a stalled download in iTunes - a song or a podcast - something that did not complete in there. If so - tap on that download to try to resume.
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    ME TOO.
    I think mine are all still in alphabetical order, but :
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    And I am very confused by your query. Your iTunes account is the same on all devices - unless of course you have multiple accounts to begin with.
    If you do have another Apple ID that you use for the iPad purchases, you can sign out of the account that is on the iPad in Settings>Store.
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    @ Settings>iCloud
    1. Icloud account being used
    2. I see the following switches
    >keychain (not a toggle switch)
    >photos (not a toggle switch)
    >find my iPhone
    3. Storage & Backup
    delete account option

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    I have no idea what may have caused your MacBook to stop working, but from your description it kind of sounds like it may have started before you ran Software Update and installed the new Apps. Just the general slow feeling and bugginess is what tips me off. You said that you weren't sure if you had closed all open windows, that doesn't matter if the computer restarts itself. It automatically closes all other open applications when restarting.
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    I am glad to hear that you have taken into the Apple Store to get it fixed, and that you have all of your purchased music backed up to your iPod. You should be able to just transfer it all back to iTunes once you get your computer back should it be necessary.
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    I had a similar problem, and i found that the photo was of very low resoluton. As a test I resized the image to a lrager resolution using photoshop CS4 and re saved it as JPG. I imported the new saved image and it seem to have fixed the problem.

  • Can the SAP uses the pictures which located on SAP server itself?

    Hi all,
    Please help me to figure out the solution.
    Can i use the picture which located on a shared place? The pictures are already existing and used by other software, e.g., Peoplesoft. then i want to attach the pictures on report output (SapScriupt/Smartform). In this case, can i use those pictures directly from other places/servers? I mean, can the SAP uses the pictures which not upload to SAP server? if yes, what criteria the pictures are e.g., tiff, jpeg, or size.
    Thanks in advance,

    Use the following FM's to do the Upload of Pictures from the Server to your SAP System
    1) SAPSCRIPT_IMPORT_GRAPHIC - this will import graphic as a Text
    2) SAPSCRIPT_IMPORT_GRAPHIC_BDS - this will import graphic as a BDS element and can be viewable in SE78.
    Hope That Helps
    Anirban M.

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