Showing "Anniversary" Dates in Account Page

I am building a "My Account Page" and was trying to show Anniversary Dates to customers.
However, it looks like there is no {module_Anniversary1} tag??  Bummer.
The nice thing about having those built-in tags is getting to use them.  Also, I see in another discussion, that even if I set them up, they only work for a year?  So, if a policy renews each 4 years, then does the reminder email only go out in for those dates within the 12 months in which you set it up?  So, there are no notices for those policies which renew in years 2, 3, and 4 in my case?  Or does it go out just once in each case?  I also, do not understand why you have this restriction!  This is a great option for clients, but the restrictions are making it relatively useless....

Good news.  Although I didn't see any documentation for {module_Anniversary1}  it is now working!!! Yeah!! (It wasn't earlier... hmmm...)
So, I think from Mario's answer in another discussion, my clients must "redo" their loyalty campaign each year...

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    CA Forum: .NET
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    Thanks a lot

    Originally posted by:
    If you were previously using <mxXML> you WERE using
    So remove that tag, create an instance variable of the same
    name, typed as xml, and in your result handler, do as VarioPegged
    suggests, though I would cast/convert to xml first:
    companies = XML(event.result);
    trace(companies.toXMLString()); to look at your xml
    var xlCompanies:XMLList =; //all such
    expressions return XMLList, never XML
    trace(xmlCompanies.length()); //
    Ok so the ID of the mxXML was being interpreted as an E4X
    variable at compile time?
    I tried changing the name of the ID of the HTTPService call
    from "marketData" to "MDATA" and assigning the variable marketData
    to the result of the HTTPService query, which if I understand you
    correctly should basically make everything work as it was before,
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    labelField="@cname" weightField="@amount"
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    reference above to "MDATA" (the ID of the HTTPService) the App
    compiles, but I get two errors at runtime:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of
    a null object reference.
    ReferenceError: Error #1081: Property @age1 not found on
    mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService and there is no default value.
    What should I change this reference to? It won't compile if I
    use the variable I made for the e4x results and it is reading
    gibberish if I have it read directly from the

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    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
    if (typeof bobj == 'undefined') {
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      '<table class=\"crExceptionBorder\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 border=0>' +
      ' <tr><td class=\"crExceptionHeader\">The viewer was unable to find the resources required to render the report.</td></tr>' +
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      ' <table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>' +
      ' <tr><td><span class=\"crExceptionText\">Please check the following to resolve the issue.<br>1. Verify that crystalreportviewers/ is accessible to your WebApp and is the correct path to the viewer resources.<br>2. You may customize this location by altering the crystal_image_uri and crystal_image_use_relative properties in the web.xml.<br>3. Validate that the file crv.js exists at crystalreportviewers/js/crviewer/crv.js.</span></td></tr>' +
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VariantType=\"Double\">2209.0<\/Value><\/Value><IsNoValue>false<\/IsNoValue><\/CurrentValues><ParameterType>ReportParameter<\/ParameterType><AllowCustomCurrentValues>false<\/AllowCustomCurrentValues><AllowNullValue>false<\/AllowNullValue><DefaultValueSortOrder>NoSort<\/DefaultValueSortOrder><DefaultValueSortMethod>BasedOnValue<\/DefaultValueSortMethod><ValueRangeKind>Discrete<\/ValueRangeKind><Usage>DataFetching,InUse<\/Usage><DefaultValueDisplayType>DescriptionOnly<\/DefaultValueDisplayType><IsOptionalPrompt>false<\/IsOptionalPrompt><\/Field><Field xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.ParameterField\" id=\"5\"><Name>From_Date<\/Name><Description><\/Description><Type>xsd:date<\/Type><Length>0<\/Length><Attributes xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.PropertyBag\" id=\"6\"><Property><Name>IsDCP<\/Name><Value VariantType=\"Boolean\">false<\/Value><\/Property><\/Attributes><AllowMultiValue>false<\/AllowMultiValue><CurrentValues xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.Values\" id=\"7\"><Value xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.ParameterFieldDiscreteValue\" id=\"8\"><Value xsi:type=\"dateTime\">2014-7-1T0:0:0.0<\/Value><\/Value><IsNoValue>false<\/IsNoValue><\/CurrentValues><ParameterType>ReportParameter<\/ParameterType><AllowCustomCurrentValues>true<\/AllowCustomCurrentValues><AllowNullValue>false<\/AllowNullValue><DefaultValueSortOrder>NoSort<\/DefaultValueSortOrder><DefaultValueSortMethod>BasedOnValue<\/DefaultValueSortMethod><ValueRangeKind>Discrete<\/ValueRangeKind><Usage>DataFetching,InUse<\/Usage><DefaultValueDisplayType>DescriptionAndValue<\/DefaultValueDisplayType><IsOptionalPrompt>false<\/IsOptionalPrompt><\/Field><Field xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.ParameterField\" id=\"9\"><Name>To_Date<\/Name><Description><\/Description><Type>xsd:date<\/Type><Length>0<\/Length><Attributes xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.PropertyBag\" id=\"10\"><Property><Name>IsDCP<\/Name><Value VariantType=\"Boolean\">false<\/Value><\/Property><\/Attributes><AllowMultiValue>false<\/AllowMultiValue><CurrentValues xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.Values\" id=\"11\"><Value xsi:type=\"CrystalReports.ParameterFieldDiscreteValue\" id=\"12\"><Value xsi:type=\"dateTime\">2014-7-1T0:0:0.0<\/Value><\/Value><IsNoValue>false<\/IsNoValue><\/CurrentValues><ParameterType>ReportParameter<\/ParameterType><AllowCustomCurrentValues>true<\/AllowCustomCurrentValues><AllowNullValue>false<\/AllowNullValue><DefaultValueSortOrder>NoSort<\/DefaultValueSortOrder><DefaultValueSortMethod>BasedOnValue<\/DefaultValueSortMethod><ValueRangeKind>Discrete<\/ValueRangeKind><Usage>DataFetching,InUse<\/Usage><DefaultValueDisplayType>DescriptionAndValue<\/DefaultValueDisplayType><IsOptionalPrompt>false<\/IsOptionalPrompt><\/Field><\/CrystalReports.Fields>"},"reportSourceSessionID":"","toolPanelWidth":200,"toolPanelWidthUnit":"px"},"curViewId":"1"});
    <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
    new bobj.crv.ViewerListener('CrystalViewer', new bobj.crv.FacesAdapter('reportviewer', 'CrystalReportViewerHandler'));
       <input type="hidden" name="javax.faces.ViewState" id="j_id1:javax.faces.ViewState:0" value="8699192975832549599:-7190272799067789315" autocomplete="off" />

    There are two things to check :
    1.  Check the driver which you are using in BO ( If you are try to connect using ODBC try to change the drivers and check)
    2.  Viewer--In infoview go in preferences and try to change the viewer.  If your report is using DHTL, try to change it to Java or Web viewer and check.

  • How to show database data in jsp page?

    actually i m doing a small appliaction of quiz test.
    where i m keeping my question and answers in the database.
    now i want to pull questions from the database and display in the jsp or html page.for each question i m having 4 options 4 them.
    like this user has to answer the question and display the resuklt in the end.
    so how can i do this?
    can i get any example or source code for this from any sites?

    Hope this will be ur assignment. Pls try to start ur assignment and post ur doubts with ur code. So that some one can help u.

  • How to show specific data for user on redirected page once they logged in

    I and fairly new, but have a general understanding of Dreamweaver. Using CS3 or CS4, how do you get the redirected page after the user logges in to show only the data for that user? I have creater the login page and it works fine but i dont know what needs to be on the redirected page for it to show only the data for the user that just logged in.
    I am not very good with the coding part so if it requires it any help with that would also be helpful.
    thank all.

    I should be able to get the understanding if explained.
    As for scripting i believe its PHP. at lease thats the page i created the login page with.
    As for user-specific information: basiclly there account information.
    As for database i have dreamweaver linked to a MySQL database. it pulls from 2) tables
    1st table has the following: ID - User Names - Password  - account number
    2nd table has the following: ID - account number - names - address - ect
    So basiclly i want when a user loges in for it to redirect them to a page which then only shows the data for that users. if i can link the data the pulls up by the account number that would be ideal
    Thank you Murry

  • When creating a comment summary, I want to end up with a pdf of comments only. In addition, I do not want author, date, time, or page number to show in my comments summary. How can I do this?

    When creating a comment summary, I want to end up with a pdf of comments only. In addition, I do not want author, date, time, or page number to show in my comments summary. How can I do this? I do a lot of reading, and when I summarize my comments, I like to save these comments in a larger document I compile over time. I typically create a comment summary, export it to a text editor and find myself having to delete author, date, time, page number, and anything else that is not the raw and net comment. It would save me some good time if someone showed me how to do this. The reason I do not want any additional information is because it simply adds stuff I do not need in my compilation of summaries for large amounts of papers over time.

    What you're describing can't be achieved using the built-in comments summary function of Acrobat, but it can certainly be done if a custom-made script it used to generate the summary because then you're in full control of what's included in it and what's not.

  • Fonts not showing correctly only when on my account page on app store

    fonts not showing correctly only when on my account page on app store

    Firstly, make sure that your device is not hidden (left hand pane). If it just reads device then toggle between SHOW and HIDE.
    Secondly, try all the other ports on your computer, even a number of times.
    Thirdly, if you have another computer try plugging your device into it without taking any action, give it a moment, remove it and try it back in your other computer again.
    Failing all that, see here - for Windows and for Macs
    And failing all that put the device into Recovery mode. See here and note the paragraph 'If you restore from a different computer.... ' down near the bottom of the page -

  • IF a jsp page shows xml  data then is that coded in jsp?

    Suppse a jsp page showing following data .. what will the code like ..
    is it code in jsp ?
    or it embeded XML
    can u figure out this ?
      <site name="FD">
      <dependency name="PBMMonitor" status="PASS" time="Thu Feb 01 22:02:53 EST 2007" elapsedmilliseconds="63" id="0">
        <description>PBM monitored : tps with timeout of 600000 ms.</description>
      <dependency name="PBMMonitor" status="PASS" time="Thu Feb 01 22:02:53 EST 2007" elapsedmilliseconds="47" id="1">
        <description>PBM monitored : RGSImporter with timeout of 600000 ms.</description>
      <dependency name="DBConnection" status="PASS" time="Thu Feb 01 22:02:53 EST 2007" elapsedmilliseconds="0" id="2">
        <description>Database monitored : tps</description>
      <dependency name="DBConnection" status="PASS" time="Thu Feb 01 22:02:53 EST 2007" elapsedmilliseconds="0" id="3">
        <description>Database monitored : tpsactive</description>
      <dependency name="PBMMonitor" status="PASS" time="Thu Feb 01 22:02:53 EST 2007" elapsedmilliseconds="31" id="4">
        <description>PBM monitored : email_popper with timeout of 600000 ms.</description>
      <dependency name="TPSQueueMonitor" status="PASS" time="Thu Feb 01 22:02:53 EST 2007" elapsedmilliseconds="2281" id="5">
    Processing current queue length: 299 with TransactionID of '8801EB0B129401108043EA0200000000' in the queue for 29.928 minutes.
    Sent to Dealix current queue length: 216 with TransactionID of '8801EB0B097C011051C648E26EE70000' in the queue for 6.928 minutes.
      <dependency name="PBMMonitor" status="PASS" time="Thu Feb 01 22:02:55 EST 2007" elapsedmilliseconds="47" id="6">
        <description>PBM monitored : steve with timeout of 600000 ms.</description>
      <dependency name="SteveQueueMonitor" status="PASS" time="Thu Feb 01 22:02:55 EST 2007" elapsedmilliseconds="47" id="7">
    Received from Dealix current queue length: 41 with TransactionID of '8801ED7D07440110803433D400000000' in the queue for 4.563 minutes.
    Sending to Dealer current queue length: 16 with TransactionID of '8801EB110BA7011051BBCE5659E50000' in the queue for 2.313 minutes.
    Compass send queue length: 1
    Fax send queue length: 0
    SalesPoint send queue length: 5
    TOC send queue length: 3
    ALM send queue length: 0
      <dependency name="FD3ImportMonitor" status="PASS" time="Thu Feb 01 22:02:55 EST 2007" elapsedmilliseconds="0" id="8">
        <description>FD3Import monitored : with max unimported lead count of 300 leads</description>
    </monitorservice>thiis is the entire webpage looks like !!

    That is not a webpage, the JSP is most likely used as a Plain Old Xml (POX) transaction page. So it acts as a sort of webservice.
    Suppse a jsp page
    is it code in jspBit of a nobrainer, wouldn't you think? It would be hardly of any use if that XML was static content.

  • Explain me briefly about evaluation order.As per my knowledge it show data type order.but I have different data type in same diemension ex:account- acc_001 is smart list data type.account-ac_002 is percentage.So fot this i will accont dim in evaluation or

    Explain me briefly about evaluation order.As per my knowledge it show data type order.but I have different data type in same dimension ex:account->acc_001 is smart list data type.account-ac_002 is percentage.So fot this i will accont dim in evaluation order.What going can any one explaining brifly ?

    2786712 wrote:
    thanks John for reply.If you dont mine can you explain clearly with example and screenshot.
    @John: You got a task
    Here you go: Hyperion Planning and More...

  • Page shows different data when saved after few minutes

    I have a peculiar problem to describe.
    I have a page which contains af:table inside af:panelCollection layout. I use a af:commandLink to drilldown to another page using setCurrentRowWithKey method.
    I am able to drill down to the correct data in another page which contains data that is editable. Once after editing the page when i click save button, i am able to save the data. This is working fine.
    But the problem is, once i drilled down to this edit page and edit some fields and save it after few minutes, say 5 minutes later, it is not saved. Also, the page is refreshed to bring some random record.
    Can anyone let me know why is this happening and how to resolve it?

    Hi Timo,
    Which jdev version?I am using jdev
    Is it possible that the data has changed (e.g. by an other user) after you drilled to the one record you want to change?There is a possibility that the data can be changed by other user as well. But, for the time being we have implemented for the single user environment.
    When you click save after some time, do you get any error (on the screen or in the logs)?Yes. On the screen, it is displayed as "oracle.jbo.JboException: Document type mismatch (source INVOICE, type Sales)". It is a validation exception thrown at viewRowImpl level by me. But it validates the data perfectly when saved immediately after editing
    Which session timeout do you have configured in your web.xml?Session-timeout is given as 240
    Have you tried your use case with the HR schema?Yes. when i reproduce the situation in HR schema, it is getting saved perfectly

  • My Ipad Air is not showing in my itunes account, even though I have gone threw all of the steps and my data has downloaded to my device

    My Ipad Air is not showing in my itunes account, after I have gone through all the steps and download all my information from my previous ipad

    Did you enable the Side Bar?
    Select "Show Side Bar" from the "View" menu of iTunes.

  • My app is showing up dates to other accounts not mine

    my app store is showing updates from another account not mine

    I need to clean up cache from my apple store through terminal who knows ?

  • My Lightroom 5 upgrade serial number not showing up on My Products page; chat support useless

    I purchased a Lightroom 5 upgrade license on July 25th.  I didn't receive a confirmation email but my serial number was displayed on the order summary page after purchase.  I tried registering the serial number repeatedly through the My Products page but for some reason the serial number wasn't showing up, even though the registration process reported a successful result.  Furthermore, Adobe products bought from the Adobe store should automatically be registered according to Adobe's web site.  Apparently this must have failed.  I need to reinstall Lightroom 5 but the serial number is still not showing up on the My Products page.  I just spent an extremely frustrating hour with Adobe "Live" chat who did nothing but send me in circles and repeat the same canned responses over and over again.
    I'm currently on hold with "phone support" but I'm not optimistic as I've been on hold for 28 minutes.  The only other support option was a link to this forum, hence this post.  Hopefully someone from Adobe can retrieve my serial number and contact me.  Failing this my only other option will be to contact VISA and open a claim.
    My comical-if-it-weren't-so-sad conversation with Adobe support:
    Hi, there are 36 customer(s) in line ahead of you. We'll be with you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
    Hi, there are 35 customer(s) in line ahead of you. We'll be with you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
    Hi, there are 31 customer(s) in line ahead of you. We'll be with you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
    You are now chatting with Bhagawan.
    Bhagawan: Hello! Welcome to Adobe Customer Service.
    Joel: Hello
    Bhagawan: Hi Joel.
    Joel: I need to reinstall Lightroom 5 but my serial number is not showing up under My Products & Services on the website
    Joel: I bought a Lightroom 5 upgrade back in July
    Bhagawan: I will be glad to check and help you with this issue.
    Joel: For some reason the product registration is not showing up under my account. I have my VISA transaction info if it helps you find my purchase.
    Joel: Thanks
    Bhagawan: I'll be right with you.
    Joel: ok
    Bhagawan: Okay.
    Bhagawan: May I know the email address, please?
    Joel: ******
    Bhagawan: Thank you.
    Bhagawan: Let me check on this.
    Bhagawan: For security reasons, could you verify your complete name and billing address as mentioned on your account please?
    Joel: Sure:
    Joel: Joel ****
    Joel: **********
    Bhagawan: Thank you Joel.
    Bhagawan: Joel, I see that your serial number is registered under your adobe account, please sign out and sign in your adobe account click on My Products and service information to retrieve the serial number.
    Joel: I only see Lightroom 4 ... not Lightroom 5.
    Joel: But I'll try
    Joel: Give me a sec
    Bhagawan: Sure.
    Joel: Nope...still only shows Lightroom 4
    Joel: Products in use Version Platform Registration date Lightroom 4 Mul October 4, 2012 Register new products
    Bhagawan: Okay.
    Joel: Not sure why it isn't showing my upgraded license for Lightroom 5
    Bhagawan: Please give me a minute or two.
    Joel: ok
    Bhagawan: Sure.
    Bhagawan: Thanks for staying online.
    Joel: np
    Bhagawan: Joel, In this case, I'll transfer this chat to our Concern Team to check and help you with the serial number.
    Joel: ok
    Bhagawan: Please stay online.
    Joel: ok
    Please wait while I transfer the chat to the appropriate group.
    You are now chatting with Naveen R.
    Naveen R: Sorry for the wait. Please do stay online.
    Naveen R: Hello! Welcome to Adobe Customer Service.
    Joel: ok
    Joel: Hello
    Naveen R: Hi Joel.
    Naveen R: I understand that you are unable to locate the serial number.
    Joel: I purchased Lightroom 5 on July 25, 2013 as an upgrade for Lightroom 4. I need to reinstall Lightroom 5, but my serial number is not showing up in the products & services page.
    Joel: I looked through my email receipts and couldn't find an order confirmation (or anything from Adobe related to my recent purchase.) After purchasing the upgrade, the serial number was displayed and I thought I had registered it using the Adobe account portal
    Joel: Apparently, this didn't work. I have my VISA transaction information if required.
    Naveen R: Thank you for the information.
    Naveen R: I will be glad to check and help you with that.
    Joel: Thanks
    Joel: As I mentioned to the previous agent, when I got into My Products on the Adobe portal, I can see my Lightroom 4 info, but the Lightroom 5 Upgrade info isn't there.
    Joel: got = go
    Joel: sry
    Naveen R: Thank you for waiting. One moment please.
    Joel: ok
    Naveen R: I'll be right with you.
    Naveen R: Sorry for the wait. Please do stay online.
    Joel: ok
    Naveen R: Thank you for waiting. One moment please.
    Naveen R: Sorry for the wait. Please do stay online.
    Joel: Will it take much longer?
    Naveen R: Let me check on that.
    Joel: Are you alive?
    Naveen R: I'm sorry due to application error I'm unable to check on that.
    Joel: Can I please get a phone number to call? My only other choice would be to open a claim with VISA for fraud since Adobe seems unwilling to help in this matter
    Naveen R: I will provide the steps to locate the serial number on your Adobe account.
    Joel: I already know how to look for a serial number. The problem is that it doesn't show up in the Adobe account portal.
    Naveen R: Please login under a different browser.
    Joel: Already tried. Used IE then Chrome
    Naveen R: Delete the cookies refresh your browser.
    Joel: Same problem
    Joel: Please provide me with a number to call
    Naveen R: *Once you login to the Adobe account, click on "My products" under the "My products and services".
    Naveen R: *There you can locate the serial number which you have registered.
    Joel: I've already done that.
    Joel: It is NOT listed
    Joel: Which I've been saying for the past 40+ minutes
    Naveen R: May I know the email address you logged into Adobe account?
    Joel: ******
    Naveen R: Thank you.
    Joel: ...
    Naveen R: Thank you for waiting. One moment please.
    Naveen R: I see that your serial number is registered under your account.
    Joel: Lightroom 5
    Naveen R: I will provide you the serial number via email after ending this chat.
    Joel: ok but please make sure it isn't Lightroom 4 but my Lightroom 5 serial number
    Naveen R: Yes. Due to some technical error you are unable to locate it.
    Joel: ok please send the serial number
    Naveen R: Sure.
    Naveen R: Is there anything else I can help you with?
    Joel: No
    Naveen R: You are welcome.
    Naveen R: Thank you for contacting Adobe. We are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Goodbye!
    This chat session has ended.
    Thank you for contacting Adobe.

    OK, I was able to recover my previous system's image and thankfully it appears you can get the serial number from Help->System Info.  I attempted to register the serial number again via the My Products page and while it indicated that the registration was successful, we'll see.  At least I should be able to install LR5 on my new machine now.
    Edit:  I also just discovered that the serial number is listed under My Orders, but not under My Products.  Weird.  In my defence , I never thought to check My Order history because I never received a confirmation email and the order wasn't listed after purchase...even as late as mid-August (when I last checked.)  Very strange but it's all good now.
    Edit #2: OK now I just feel silly.  I just received an email from Naveen with an actual support case AND the correct serial number.  So, I stand corrected.  The Live Chat process still felt incredibly long with some seemingly canned/automated responses but, in all fairness, he did get back to me.  Thank goodness I washed both feet today...

  • How to approach authorization taking data into account (?)

    I have been similar to "Introduction to ADF Security in JDeveloper" for an approach to authorization taking data into account.
    For example to solve something like this:
    Some users should be able to update SCOTT.EMP.SAL, but only for those records where they "are manager" (e.g. based on SCOTT.EMP.MGR).
    Because the current (10.1.3) "OracleAS JAAS Provider" Re: ADF Security : custom SecurityContext seem to provide the API hooks or customization features I think I need for this, I tried the following approach:
    (1) A solution implementation should preferably be "JAAS like", using classes from the "" package like or etc. This way it is more likely to be future proof and could possibly more easily be integrated with future JAAS solutions from Oracle.
    (2) To minimize dependencies in my application, I introduced only one custom interface that does what I really want to do, that is "to check permissions":
    public interface PermissionChecker
         public void checkPermission(Permission pPermission)
              throws AccessControlException;
    }(3) It should be possible to easily check permissions in the business service implementation (ADF BC) and the view/controller layer (JSF managed beans).
    I have created an example application that implements this approach (check README.txt) :
    It has an updateAllEmp.jspx page that has a button for each EMP row to give a raise (that is update SCOTT.EMP.SAL). It will show an error message when the user is not allowed to give a raise.
    It has an updateSomeEmp.jspx page that has a button only for the EMP rows where the user is allowed to give a raise.
    question :
    All suggestions for improvement, on the approach or the example application, are welcome.
    (using JDeveloper : ADF Business Components and ADF Faces)
    Jan Vervecken

    Thanks for you reply Frank and for going through the example.
    (a1) about "... the example could be coded without JAAS in the application as well ..."
    I'm not sure I understand when an application is "with JAAS" or "without JAAS" (in an Oracle context)?
    (The example includes an orion-application file that has a jaas-mode configured, which I could probably use for an implementation variation the works with a instance, but the current implementation works with the "no jaas-mode" variant using the getUserPrincipalName() method.)
    (a2) about "This makes it hard to manage security roles ..."
    I don't think I understand. For the example, all authorization configuration is in the EMP table, why would that be hard to manage?
    What alternative would you suggest to "manage" security on the EMP table as is intended in the example?
    (a3) about "I think the required enhancement would be to add the dynamic permissions to an existing ADFSecurityContext ..."
    That sounds like what I have been looking for (see forum thread "ADF Security : custom SecurityContext").
    (a4) about "... and make this available to the business service as well ..."
    That would probably be useful.
    see also
    that says : "The defense-in-depth security design pattern demands that application developers implement application security with multiple lines of defense. ..."
    Thank you for pointing developers to this thread.

  • *Manager Self Service Reminder of Dates not picking anniversary dates*

    The standard MSS work overview page has a standard I-View for Reminder of dates which includes the service anniversary dates.
    Technical Name iView --
    Technical Name Web Dynpro application --
    Details Component -- MSS_ROD_TRGT_GENERALDATA
    Object Selection I.D -- MSS_ROD_SEL1
    The data source for this view is RFC function module called: HRMSS_RFC_RD_DATES_GETLIST which uses in which is used FM 'HRWPC_RD_DATES_GETLIST_INTERNA' and within that 'HR_ENTRY_DATE'.
    My requirement is to have this iview to display the service anniversaries with respect to a specific Custom Date type.
    But in standard i find that the date is picked from the standard date type 01 and if date type"01" is not maintained then the BEGDA from the first records in table PA0000 for that employee
    In R/3 i have made the necessary configuration to change the selection rule BIFU (Used in class BIFU in Valuation model SENI - Entry in T77SO for ADMIN-LOSRV-SENI is available) to have set the priority of date type as 1 and have mentioned the Date type.
    And the service anniversary report when executed from R/3 gives the desired results.
    But in the portal i find that the iview is not reflecting the changes.
    Please help me with a solution as soon as possible.
    G Raj

    If you read the documentation for the MSS Business Package on for that particular iView, it tells you what settings are exposed to you and what is possible (like for example, showing it is an employee's birthday but not showing the year so as not to show age). It also tells you what kind of dates will display and where they are coming from. Past that, you would be looking at customization via code.

Maybe you are looking for

  • I cannot for the life of me, get the Adobe Flash Player installed!

    This is ludicrious. Please fix your product so it will install flawlessly. I have tried all the help suggestions with no results. Who can help! What about a chat from Adobe to help install their product? Using Windows 7 home and Internet Explorer 10.

  • Problem Bug With My Ipod 30Gb Black (5.5g)

    Hello everybody j'ai un ipod 30gb black (5.5gb) et j'ai un petit problem pour les vidéos j'ai a peux pres 40 clips vidéo donc je lance une pour regarder et apres si je mets une autre ou encore une autre ca bloque et je suis obliger de cliquer sur Cen

  • Windows 8.1 Fingerprint Sensor Driver not working - Fixed my issue

    When I upgraded to Win 8.1 the finger print sensor wasn't working.  I had the correct drivers installed.  What fixed the issue was upgrading the hardware driver in the Device Manager program, under Biometrics.  Highlight the Validity listing, choose

  • I have a problem installing greasemonkey 0.9.8 with firefox 8.0

    After updating to firefox 8.0 I found that my greasemonkey updated as well. Greasemonkey 0.9.8 says it is supported by FireFox 8 but yet when I try to install it downloads it all and then says that it is not supported. I know many will say the fix is

  • Help - viewing published captivate 3 projects

    Im new to using captivate. ive created a project and published it as flash (ticking the export to html box). when i view output it plays the first slide and then two white boxes appear at the bottom of the slide then it fades to grey and pauses. Any