Showing digital pulse from SCC-DI01 into waveform graph

I am trying a simple VI to read battery voltage. The problem comes when I try to connect the "data assistant" block to the "waveform block" ... it show the bad connection.
Error mssg: you have connected two terminals of different types. The type of the source is boolean ..... the type of the sink is dobule.
Specs: Labview 8.5.1, SC-2345 connector block, SCC-DI01 digital input module, PCI-6251 DAQ Card.

If you are trying to get a measure of the volts given by you battery I am afraid you cannot use this module since it is intended for digital input/output, not analogical. However, you can still get to know if you battery is working or not. This module can detect a positive voltage as a digital 1 or zero voltage as a digital 0. Thus, when acquiring a signal with this module, all data will be represented as a boolean array. If you want to represent this signal, you can convert it to a 16-bit integer using the VI Boolean to (0,1) which can be found in the conversion palette.
Best regards.

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    Howdy, Justin
    Thanks for your reply.
    I've actually been connecting the meter across Vss and Vout. Actuating the digital output, I can see the state of the switch. Attached is the VI which involves this DO01, specifically, it's associated with the VFD RUN/STOP.
    Since I sent this question out, I've actually gotten some help from Andy Watchorn of NI. This switch holds state much better.
    All the best,
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    The Detect All is not included, so I cannot tell what it is doing.
    Several things may affect your results.
    1. It appears that you have the DAQ assistant set to sample at 250,000 samples per second and to acquire 100,000 samples. It creates the task, configures the timing, acquires data, stops and clears the task on every iteration of the loop. The only part which needs to be inside the loop is the acquire data part. All the rest should be outside the loop. You can open up the DAQ Assistant and pull the parts out to do this.
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    3. The Detect All Triggers boolean output which connects to the case structure where Counter is updated only allows Counter to increment once pper iteration of the while loop, maximum, regardless of the number of pulses detected in the dataset. Unless you never get more than one pulse in 400 ms Counter cannot accurately represent the number of pulses produced by the flowmeter.
    4. Get rid of the local variables. The are not needed and often contribute to race conditions.
    5. Learn about dataflow. The "initialization" of the chart history and local variables at the left of the diagram could occur after the while loop has started or even completed. The sequence structure in the True case is probably not needed either. Shift registers are your friend

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    HE ‏203 KB

    Thanks for the response Dennis. 
    The first problem that I originally wrote about was that the readback from the DAQmx in my VI "flickers" between the two signals, indicating to me that perhaps the signals needed to split and re-merged.  Using the test function of the DAQmx task manager, the data flow smoothly and simultaneously, but in my VI there will always be, for instance, a changing y-axis in a chart if I set the two voltage signals to different values.  Meanwhile, numeric readbacks seem simultaneous, but that is harder to determine.
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    Points will be awarded for reply.
    Thanks ,

    Hi Rakesh,
    I have found some links which may help you.

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    thanks anyways.
    kind regards

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    wind data.txt ‏1253 KB

    I don't know about your calculations to get the Wattage.  But as far as integration, you really should supply a dt (sample rate) in order to get a proper energy measurement.  I would use your second integration method (the one with "Result" as the indicator) and give it the dt as well.
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    Best Regards
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Hooovahh
    Thanks for the solution. One more problem. In the waveform graph, it is displaying the labels, X-axis and Y-axis values. I woud like to have only the waveform without any labels   is it possible to remove these lables from displaying in the waveform graph. could you please help. Thankyou in advance
    Best Regards
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    Go to Solution.

    By this Vi you can convert the waveform
    Vara Prasad A
    Kudos are Accepted
    analog to ‏14 KB

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