Signing message with certificate: JCE, IAIK or similar in IBM SDK 5.0

So, I'm in a very difficult problem.
Using Java:
I've an enterprise certificate (in .p12 format) altogether with its public key ("password" string). Also I've a text message which I've to sign in PKCS7 format. I've been reading a lot and I've realized that there's no STANDARD implementation to do what I want to do. There is the JCE/JCA API and the Certification API, but they are just API's, no implementation. Here are the facts:
-I've to run the application in the IBM JDK 5.0 (AS400 system).
-My application actually works in the SUN JDK 6.0 using the IAIK security provider, but not using JCE, its a very ugly code which I dont know really what it does, but it works. When I put it on the IBM JDK 5.0 it fails (java nullpointer blah blah).
-IAIK Documentation says that it works on JDK 5.0. Yeah, it works, but in SUN implementation, not in IBM's.
Today I don't know what the heck to do, really. What do you think it's the best solution?
-Trying to make the IAIK code work in IBM SDK 5.0 by test-and-error method.
-Trying to sign the message using JCE and the IBM JCE provider (this is what I'm actually trying to do). It would be very nice if somebody provides something to read about (I've read lot of IBM/SUN documentation and I couldnt find anything useful for now.
-Trying to put the SUN JDK 6.0 in the AS400. This would be the easy solution but my bosses said that this is impossible and very dangerous, and additionally this wouldn't work.
-Also I've another code which uses the BouncyCastle provider but this doesn't work. Would this be better to learn how to use? I prefer using standards, though.
In conclusion:
I've 4 security providers: IBM, SUN, IAIK and BouncyCastle (just IAIK works, and I need IBM), and
I've 4 SDK's: IBM 5.0, IBM 6.0, SUN 5.0 and SUN 6.0 (just SUN/IBM 6.0 works, and I need IBM 5.0).
I would like any documentation useful to read. I would provide any information which could be important to answer my question.

But I hope this could fix it :(
My last code:
public static String firmar(String contenido, String certificado, String password)
     throws Exception {
          System.out.println(new Date() + ":: Signing using IAIK provider.");
          boolean dettached = true;
         boolean attributes = true;
         boolean CRLF = true;
         IAIK iaik = new IAIK();
       byte aByteInfoToSign[] = contenido.getBytes("UTF8");
        if(aByteInfoToSign == null)
            throw new IOException("Empty message.");
        byte digest[] = SHA1(aByteInfoToSign);
        String digestHEX = toHexString(digest);
        KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
        FileInputStream fileinputstream = new FileInputStream(certificado);
        keystore.load(fileinputstream, password.toCharArray());
        String alias = null;
        Enumeration enumeration = keystore.aliases();
            alias = enumeration.nextElement().toString();
             throw new KeyStoreException("Firmador IAIK: Empty Keystore.");
        Certificate certificate = keystore.getCertificate(alias);
        PrivateKey privatekey = (PrivateKey)keystore.getKey(alias, password.toCharArray());
         * Declared absolutely to avoid incompatibilities betwenn IAIK and Sun classes.
        iaik.x509.X509Certificate ax509certificate[] = new iaik.x509.X509Certificate[1];
        ax509certificate[0] = new iaik.x509.X509Certificate(certificate.getEncoded());
        IssuerAndSerialNumber issuerandserialnumber = new IssuerAndSerialNumber(ax509certificate[0]);
        SignerInfo asignerinfo[] = new SignerInfo[1];
        asignerinfo[0] = new SignerInfo(issuerandserialnumber, AlgorithmID.sha1, AlgorithmID.rsaEncryption, privatekey);
          Attribute aattribute[] = new Attribute[4];
          aattribute[0] = new Attribute(ObjectID.contentType, new ASN1Object[] {
          aattribute[1] = new Attribute(ObjectID.signingTime, new ASN1Object[] {
               (new ChoiceOfTime()).toASN1Object()
          ObjectID oid = new ObjectID("1.2.840.113549.3.2");
          SEQUENCE seqRC2 = new SEQUENCE();
          seqRC2.addComponent(new INTEGER(40));
          SEQUENCE seqEncrypAlgoritmos = new SEQUENCE();
          Attribute atributo = new Attribute(ObjectID.symmetricCapabilities,
                               new ASN1Object[] {seqEncrypAlgoritmos});
          aattribute[2] = atributo;
          aattribute[3] = new Attribute(ObjectID.messageDigest, new ASN1Object[]{ new OCTET_STRING(digest) });
        byte byte0;
            byte0 = 2;
            byte0 = 1;
        SignedData signeddata = new SignedData(digestHEX.getBytes(), byte0);
        ContentInfo contentinfo = new ContentInfo(signeddata);
             throw new Exception("Couldn't create the sign");
        ByteArrayOutputStream result = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        ByteArrayOutputStream source = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        contentinfo.writeTo(source); // <-- here is the error (line 136)
        Base64OutputStream base64outputstream = new Base64OutputStream(result);
        String resFinal;
             resFinal = result.toString();
             resFinal = result.toString().replaceAll("[\r\n]+","");
//         resFinal = sinCRLF(result.toString());
            throw new Exception("Couldn't create the sign");
         * Restore the Security variable.
        return resFinal;
     private static byte[] SHA1(byte abyte0[])
            MessageDigest messagedigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
            byte abyte1[] = messagedigest.digest(abyte0);
            return abyte1;
        catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException nosuchalgorithmexception)
             throw new Error("Configuration error",  nosuchalgorithmexception);
     private static String toHexString(byte abyte0[])
        StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer();
        int i = abyte0.length;
        for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
            byte2hex(abyte0[j], stringbuffer);
        return stringbuffer.toString().toUpperCase();
     private static void byte2hex(byte byte0, StringBuffer stringbuffer)
        char ac[] = {
            '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
            'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'
        int i = (byte0 & 0xf0) >> 4;
        int j = byte0 & 0xf;
}Using the IBM SDK 5.0, the error:iaik.pkcs.PKCSException: iaik.asn1.CodingException: iaik.asn1.CodingException: Unable to encrypt digest: No installed provider supports this key: (null)
     at iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.SignedData.toASN1Object(Unknown Source)
     at iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.SignedDataStream.toASN1Object(Unknown Source)
     at iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.ContentInfo.toASN1Object(Unknown Source)
     at iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.ContentInfo.writeTo(Unknown Source)
     at aeat.FirmadorIAIK.firmar(
... more irrelevant data...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    ejp has answered your question, but it seems you did not understand. This forum is not a good place to learn about public key cryptography and message encryption. You should already understand these fundamentals before asking questions here. This forum is about how to implement these crypto operations in the Java programming language. If you are cheap or poor, you can try googling for the more information; wikipedia is good starting point also. If you can afford it, I recommend you buy Practical Cryptography_ by Schneier.

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    Well, it seems that we've come across something finally.
    In comparing notes, my friend (who is currently able to sign and encrypt messages) and I were comparing notes on our respective certificates. In doing so, he pointed out that he'd noticed a difference in the PURPOSE of my cert versus his cert.
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    3 - Apple .Mac Identity
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    5 - Apple iChat Encryption
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    Another thing I noticed while comparing his cert to mine after he pointed this out...his cert is due to expire at the end of October. Mine, on the other hand, was created this past Friday.
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    Now I'm curious why Apple would do this, make it actually relatively easy to create a cert that could be used for iChat and Mail encryption, then suddenly take it away. Is this actually what has happened here?
    I'd be really interested in seeing what the renewal dates are and the corresponding "Purposes" are for many of the folks that are reporting trouble with this very issue.
    If you are one of those people who had mail encryption working using your .mac certificate, and it suddenly stopped working...feel free to post your cert information here.
    To get the ball rolling, here's the information from mine...
    Issued By:
    - Apple .Mac Certificate Authority
    - September 14, 2007
    - Client Authentication
    - Apple iChat Signing
    - Apple iChat Encryption
    G4 800 (Quicksilver) / Powerbook 1.5 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    Hi Sean,
    Thanks for replying but I am not sure that the application does quite what I am after...
    I am not trying to add an image with my signature on it but rather add a cryptographic signature which allows the recipient to know that it came from me. My knowledge on this topic is a little sketchy but I think that, for it to work, a hash of the entire message would need to be calculated and then encrypted with a private key found in my signature certificate (which only I have). The recipient can then check that the message has not been altered using the public key (provided in the email and signed by a certificate authority) to confirm that the hashes match.
    Please reply if I have misunderstood something with the application.
    Also thank you for looking into this for me. Any help is appreciated.

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    Just a quick note on the certificates; if you want to encrypt messages sent from PI you need the public key of the receiver stored in PI (J2EE key store) with which to encrypt the messages. When receiving files back from partners, they would need to encrypt the messages with the public key of F5 certificate. F5 would then use its private key to decrypt the message before passing to PI.
    So, yes, you are correct to store the certificates of your partners in PI which will be used in encryption of outbound messages. F5 would only need the private keys of the certificate that your partners have encrypted with, no need for PI certificates to be stored in F5 (unless you also need digital signatures).
    Hope this helps.

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    It sounds like your problems stem from needing to adhere to whatever protocol pdfwriter uses. I'm not familiar with that piece of software myself.
    Basically, you have three options in front of you: pdfwriter uses some open specification which *nix has already implemented under some other name; pdfwriter uses a closed specification which has been partially re-implemented in *nix so you can do basic stuff; pdfwriter uses a totally closed spec which no one else cares about.
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    What version of Windows are you on (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 )? Is it 32-bit or 64-bit?
    What is the version of Internet Explorer installed on your computer?
    In Internet Explorer go to Help -> About Internet Explorer.
    P.S. Please, don’t say that you are not using Internet Explorer. This is irrelevant. Skype depends on Internet Explorer.

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    Of course you should get a new mail server. There's so many to choose
    from, including many free options, why put up with one that doesn't care
    enough to implement the IMAP spec correctly?
    If you're stuck, use the MimeMessage copy constructor to copy the IMAP
    message to a new MimeMessage object, then access all the data through
    the MimeMessage object. The entire message will be fetched from the
    server in one FETCH command.

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    3.- I Have configured the sign-body ws-policy in business service.
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    Can you please confirm the following
    1. You are setting up an expired certificate as the host certificate for your host (or) are you trying to sign an ASPX file with an expired certificate?
    2. The webserver where you are hosting this ASPX (IIS I presume), has only certificate based authentication enabled - is that right?
    3. You are seeing that when the user opens the website they are prompted that the certificate has expired, and even if they chose to move forward, they are not able to - is that the issue?
    4. If (3) is not the issue and you want to be able to get access to the certificate-expiration error as part of the ASPX code, then that wouldn't be possible because the certificate validation would happen as part of the TLS connection negotiation
    If you can please provide some more details, it will help.
    Thank you

  • How to send digitally sign S/MIME messages with Powershell cmdlet Send-MailMessage?

    using AD Windows PKI I assigned a certificate EKU ( to sign emails and get this with
    autoenrollment also to my CERT Store PS
    CERT:\CurrentUser\UserDS\ or the certificate could found via MMC / certificates in the store structur under "Active Directory User Object".
    Signed messages (red icon) to send as S/MIME message using Outlook 2010 is not a problem.
    Using PowerShell cmdlet Send-MailMessage to be sent company notification for a new passwordpolicy some days before pwd expired?! I use the cmdlet already successfully to filling HTML bodies with variables and send to individuals accounts.
    Reduced simplified PS code:
    $SMTPBodyHtmlTemplate = Get-Content "C:\PS\Template\HTMLBody.html" | Out-String
    Function SendEmailNotification # /* SEND E-MAIL Notification to User */#
    [string] $SMTPServer = "mail.domain.local"
    $CurrentUser = "$env:username"
    [string]$SMTPFrom = (Get-ADUser $CurrentUser -properties mail).mail
    [string[]] $SMTPTo = $($Obj.EmailAddress)
    [string]$SMTPSubject = "Notification!"
    [String]$SMTPBodyHtml = $SMTPBodyHtmlTemplate.Replace("UserDisplayname","$($UserDisplayname)")
    Send-MailMessage -From $SMTPFrom -To $SMTPTo -Subject $SMTPSubject -BodyAsHtml $SMTPBodyHtml -dno OnFailure -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -encoding ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8) -ErrorAction Continue
    How can I use the PSDrive own CERT and using PowerShell cmdlet Send-MailMessage
    to send a signed message, without development experience?
    Thanks in advance for cooperation.
    Manfred Schüler

    could create with an other colleague a DLL file (with this informations) for successfully sending sign messages from PS-Script. 
    Function SendEmailNotification # /* SEND SIGN E-MAIL */#
    $SMTPBodyHtmlTemplate = Get-Content "C:\PS\Template\HTML.html" | Out-String
    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("C:\PS\Assembly\Cpi.Net.SecureMail.dll") | Out-Null
    [string]$strSmtpServer = "smtp.domain.local"
    [string]$strSmtpPort = "25"
    [string]$strFrom = (Get-ADUser $CurrentUser -properties mail).mail
    [string]$strFromAlias = (Get-ADUser $CurrentUser -properties DisplayName).DisplayName
    [string]$strTo = $UserEmailAddress
    [string]$strToAlias = $UserEmailDisplayName
    [String]$strSubject = "Subject as you like"
    [string]$strBody = $SMTPBodyHtmlTemplate.Replace("UserDisplayname","$($UserDisplayname)")
    $objMail = New-Object Cpi.Net.SecureMail.SecureMailMessage
    $objFrom = New-Object Cpi.Net.SecureMail.SecureMailAddress($strFrom,$strFromAlias,$objCert,$objCert)
    $objTo = New-Object Cpi.Net.SecureMail.SecureMailAddress($strTo,$strToAlias)
    $objMail.From = $objFrom
    $objMail.Subject = $strSubject
    $objMail.Body = $strBody
    $objMail.IsBodyHtml = $TRUE
    $objMail.IsSigned = $TRUE
    $objMail.IsEncrypted = $FALSE
    $objSMTPClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient($strSmtpServer,$strSmtpPort)
    $objSMTPClient.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
    Maybe Microsoft can implement this in future versions of the cmdlets Send-MailMessage ;-)
    Manfred Schüler

  • Replace Self-Signed FAST Search Certificate with Third Party Certificate

    We are trying to replace the Self-Signed FAST Search Certificate with Third Party Certificate in our SP 2010 environment. And are facing issues while enabling the SSL communication between the FAST servers and the corporate servers.
    Our FAST search servers are in a different farm than that of the Corporate Servers.
    The details of the certificate we received is as follows:
    Issued to : FastSearchCert
    Issued By: Issuer Name
    Valid From: 4/21/2015 to 4/20/2017
    We were able to successfully renew the certificate on the FAST Search Server by following the below steps:
    1.  Login to the Administrative and the Non-Administrative nodes 
    of the FAST server. Go to Windows Service and stop the FAST Search for SharePoint and the FAST Search for SharePoint Monitoring services in both the servers.
    Follow the below steps in the Administrative Node followed by the Non-Administrative Node
    Install the certificate in the following paths in the certificate store:
    “Certificates(Local Computer)\Personal”
    “Certificates(Local Computer)\Trusted Root Certification Authorities”
    3. Ensure that the user account configured for the “FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint” has access to the private key of the certificate.
    4. Go the Administrative node of the FAST farm and follow the below steps:
    Go to the certificate store.
    Expand the Personal folder and then click the Certificates folder. Double-click the third party signed FAST certificate.
    Open the Details tab and then click Thumbprint. Note down this thumbprint.
    5. Next, open
    Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint with Administrator
    Navigate to the directory, “D:\FASTSearch\installer\scripts” and execute the below command to replace the current certificate with the newly created
    third party signed FAST certificate.
    .\ReplaceDefaultCertificate.ps1 -thumbprint "certificate thumbprint".
    7. The FAST certificate was renewed successfully.
    Once the certificate has been renewed successfully in both the nodes, follow the below step:
    8. Start the FASTSearch for SharePoint and the FAST Search
    for SharePoint Monitoring services in the administrator server.
    Next, while enabling the SSL communication between the FAST servers and the other corporate servers, we follow the below steps:
    Copy the new certificate from any of the FAST servers to all the web-front end and application servers in the corporate farm, in order to enable SSL communication between these servers and the FAST farm.
    2.   Also, copy the script
    ‘SecureFASTSearchConnector.ps1’ from the location “%FASTSearchFolder%\installer\scripts” in the FAST servers 
    to the web-front end and application servers of the corporate farm.
    3.  Follow the below steps on each of the servers in the corporate farm:
    Open ‘SharePoint 2010 Management Shell’ with administrator privileges and navigate to the directory in which
    SecureFASTSearchConnector.ps1’ script is located.
    And then, execute the below command:
     .\SecureFASTSearchConnector.ps1 -certThumbprint "certificate thumbprint" –ssaName “FASTCibtebtSSA” –username “DOMAIN\SP_Farm”
    - Thumbprint of the certificate
    -ssaName – FAST Content SSA
    -username – The account configured to run the SharePoint
    Search Service
    On execution of the above command, we receive an error message stating that the "Connection to the Content Distributor 14391 could not be validated...instance of FAST search server backend is running"
    Please help us resolve this issue. We have not been able to find the cause of the above error for a long time.
    Any help is much appreciated.

    Your tip on exporting from eDir to locate a missing private key was very helpful. Here are my steps to renew an expired third party certificate when the private key, generated 30 months ago in my case, could not be located.
    In iManager, browse the tree and locate the likely certificate object. The Attributes for the object show Subject Name = Selected the certificate and exported to webmailcert.pfx.
    Then, the openssl commands in TID 7004039, "How to convert a SSL PFX to a PEM file", were run against the .pfx file to create cert.pem, key.pem and server.key files.
    TID 7015500, "How to determine if private key belongs to public key (certificate)", was followed to determine if the public key (downloaded from third party) and private key (just retrieved from iManager) match - they did - that is, the private key converted from webmailcert.pfx matches the downloaded certificate.
    TID 7013103, "How to create a .pem File for SSL certificate Installations", was followed to manually create a server.pem file using openssl.
    TID 7010584, "How to setup SSL Certificate for Apache", part labeled "Additional Information" was followed to modify /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/vhost-ssl.conf file. Server.pem file created above copied to /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/ and /etc/ssl/servercerts/ directories as specified in vhost-ssl.conf.
    Restarted apache2. has an SSL Certificate Checker that can be used to verify the installation is successful.

  • Problem Signing Email with Digital Certificate from Smart Card, Outlook 2013

    Hi there, I'm the IT guy for a small company.  I've configured several people in the company to use their smart cards for email signing through Outlook 2013, but a a few computers are giving me this error:
    "Microsoft Outlook cannot sign or encrypt this message because there are no certificates which can be used to send from the e-mail address '<e-mail address>'. Either get a new digital ID to use with this account, or use the Accounts button to
    send the message using an account that you have certificates for."
    I've been in the Trust Center, I see the signing and encrypting certificates. (SHA-1 and 3DES).  Yet when I try to sign, Outlook always fails on the error.
    For my computer, I was able to fix this by adding a "SupressNameChecks" DWORD set to 1 in the Registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook.  However, this fix is not working for the other people in the company.
    Any other ideas?  Really pulling my hair out on this one, I've tried everything I could find on the net it seems.

    Please checked “E-mail name” under the section ‘Include this information in alternate subject name” on the Subject Name tab of the certificate template.
    We can export the entrust managed services root CA cert from a working machine and import into the trusted root store of a non-working machine. For detailed steps about it, please refer to:
    How To Import and Export Certificates So That You Can Use S/MIME in Outlook Web Access on Multiple Computers
    Hope it helps.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problems with receiving signed message in outlook

    I have a problem with signing message using Javamail. I use a sample program code that I got from some tutorial - it seems to work fine but when I receive the message using outlook express there are fallowing warnings:
    - the message has been changed by untrusted people
    - the e-mail address from the certificete:... (here ma address) doesn't match the address of the sender:... (here no adress)
    I set all the varables: 'sender', 'replyTo', 'return-path' and 'from' with my address used in the certificate. I don't know why there is no address after the word: sender. Maybe some of you had such a problem, solved it and could share with me what is wrong with my message?

    It's me again. I solved the problem.
    The first warning was because I changed the message after signing it, before sending :), and the second (that was worse) was because I was setting up all possible fields: sender, from, reply to and return-path - only sender should be set - now everything works great :)

  • Using a Self Signed Root CA Certificate with Mail

    Hello -
    I'm experimenting with public/private encryption using Mail 3.5 on Mac OS 10.5.6, Keychain Access 4.0.2 and Certificate Assistant 2.0.
    I created a Certificate Authority with CA 2.0, granted a certificate to two different users with different email addresses and loaded the certificates into Mail 3.5 on two different machines running 10.5.6. I am able to send and receive signed messages between the two accounts but I'm unable to send encrypted messages, the 'lock' icon remains dimmed.
    When I look at keys in Keychain Access I don't find a public key for the receiver's address but I do have a certificate for both sender and receiver and a public and provate key for the sender.
    Can anyone shed light on why Mail won't let me encrypt the message?

    Anyone have any information at all? This seems like a very basic need for maintaining certificates beyond the usable life of the equipment on which they were created.
    I have found precious little information about this specific to Apple OS.

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