Ability to sign emails with certificates

Hi all,
I was just wondering if anyone had been able to setup their email on the iphone (I am using a mobile me account which syncs - I don't know the terminology) with digital signatures.
I have setup my macbook that, when I compose an email, I can sign it with a free certificate I got from Comodo.
I was wondering if there was a way of setting up the iphone so that I can also sign the messages I compose when I am about?
I had a look at the iphone configuration utility (briefly) but got scared that I might change some other setting and break my phone (everything else is working so nicely).
Is there any guides as to how set this up (am happy to look at the iphone utility if I could get all the current settings I have loaded onto it and then just change the required changes). I don't know if this is even allowed in the device...
Any information would be helpful

Hi Sean,
Thanks for replying but I am not sure that the application does quite what I am after...
I am not trying to add an image with my signature on it but rather add a cryptographic signature which allows the recipient to know that it came from me. My knowledge on this topic is a little sketchy but I think that, for it to work, a hash of the entire message would need to be calculated and then encrypted with a private key found in my signature certificate (which only I have). The recipient can then check that the message has not been altered using the public key (provided in the email and signed by a certificate authority) to confirm that the hashes match.
Please reply if I have misunderstood something with the application.
Also thank you for looking into this for me. Any help is appreciated.

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    Any ideas on why it is the case and what I could do about that?
    Many thanks!

    Actually yes, I just asked my colleague to assist me with this, he password-protected the PDF with Acrobat 8, explicitly allowing for signing and fill-out functions, it also appears in Adobe Reader under security properties as "allowed", but it is not open to use in the Reader for me anymore (grey buttons).

  • Problem Signing Email with Digital Certificate from Smart Card, Outlook 2013

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    send the message using an account that you have certificates for."
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    Please checked “E-mail name” under the section ‘Include this information in alternate subject name” on the Subject Name tab of the certificate template.
    We can export the entrust managed services root CA cert from a working machine and import into the trusted root store of a non-working machine. For detailed steps about it, please refer to:
    How To Import and Export Certificates So That You Can Use S/MIME in Outlook Web Access on Multiple Computers
    Hope it helps.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Signing pdf with certificate

    I am using pdfwriter on Windows to sign my pdf's with a certificate. Does an equivalent exist for archlinux? My google-fu didn't turn up anything... Thanks!

    It sounds like your problems stem from needing to adhere to whatever protocol pdfwriter uses. I'm not familiar with that piece of software myself.
    Basically, you have three options in front of you: pdfwriter uses some open specification which *nix has already implemented under some other name; pdfwriter uses a closed specification which has been partially re-implemented in *nix so you can do basic stuff; pdfwriter uses a totally closed spec which no one else cares about.
    If it's one of the first two, you'll be able to find a work around. If it's the last one, you should kick your employer right in the nuts.

  • Signing message with certificate: JCE, IAIK or similar in IBM SDK 5.0

    So, I'm in a very difficult problem.
    Using Java:
    I've an enterprise certificate (in .p12 format) altogether with its public key ("password" string). Also I've a text message which I've to sign in PKCS7 format. I've been reading a lot and I've realized that there's no STANDARD implementation to do what I want to do. There is the JCE/JCA API and the Certification API, but they are just API's, no implementation. Here are the facts:
    -I've to run the application in the IBM JDK 5.0 (AS400 system).
    -My application actually works in the SUN JDK 6.0 using the IAIK security provider, but not using JCE, its a very ugly code which I dont know really what it does, but it works. When I put it on the IBM JDK 5.0 it fails (java nullpointer blah blah).
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    -Also I've another code which uses the BouncyCastle provider but this doesn't work. Would this be better to learn how to use? I prefer using standards, though.
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    I've 4 SDK's: IBM 5.0, IBM 6.0, SUN 5.0 and SUN 6.0 (just SUN/IBM 6.0 works, and I need IBM 5.0).
    I would like any documentation useful to read. I would provide any information which could be important to answer my question.

    But I hope this could fix it :(
    My last code:
    public static String firmar(String contenido, String certificado, String password)
         throws Exception {
              System.out.println(new Date() + ":: Signing using IAIK provider.");
              boolean dettached = true;
             boolean attributes = true;
             boolean CRLF = true;
             IAIK iaik = new IAIK();
           byte aByteInfoToSign[] = contenido.getBytes("UTF8");
            if(aByteInfoToSign == null)
                throw new IOException("Empty message.");
            byte digest[] = SHA1(aByteInfoToSign);
            String digestHEX = toHexString(digest);
            KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
            FileInputStream fileinputstream = new FileInputStream(certificado);
            keystore.load(fileinputstream, password.toCharArray());
            String alias = null;
            Enumeration enumeration = keystore.aliases();
                alias = enumeration.nextElement().toString();
                 throw new KeyStoreException("Firmador IAIK: Empty Keystore.");
            Certificate certificate = keystore.getCertificate(alias);
            PrivateKey privatekey = (PrivateKey)keystore.getKey(alias, password.toCharArray());
             * Declared absolutely to avoid incompatibilities betwenn IAIK and Sun classes.
            iaik.x509.X509Certificate ax509certificate[] = new iaik.x509.X509Certificate[1];
            ax509certificate[0] = new iaik.x509.X509Certificate(certificate.getEncoded());
            IssuerAndSerialNumber issuerandserialnumber = new IssuerAndSerialNumber(ax509certificate[0]);
            SignerInfo asignerinfo[] = new SignerInfo[1];
            asignerinfo[0] = new SignerInfo(issuerandserialnumber, AlgorithmID.sha1, AlgorithmID.rsaEncryption, privatekey);
              Attribute aattribute[] = new Attribute[4];
              aattribute[0] = new Attribute(ObjectID.contentType, new ASN1Object[] {
              aattribute[1] = new Attribute(ObjectID.signingTime, new ASN1Object[] {
                   (new ChoiceOfTime()).toASN1Object()
              ObjectID oid = new ObjectID("1.2.840.113549.3.2");
              SEQUENCE seqRC2 = new SEQUENCE();
              seqRC2.addComponent(new INTEGER(40));
              SEQUENCE seqEncrypAlgoritmos = new SEQUENCE();
              Attribute atributo = new Attribute(ObjectID.symmetricCapabilities,
                                   new ASN1Object[] {seqEncrypAlgoritmos});
              aattribute[2] = atributo;
              aattribute[3] = new Attribute(ObjectID.messageDigest, new ASN1Object[]{ new OCTET_STRING(digest) });
            byte byte0;
                byte0 = 2;
                byte0 = 1;
            SignedData signeddata = new SignedData(digestHEX.getBytes(), byte0);
            ContentInfo contentinfo = new ContentInfo(signeddata);
                 throw new Exception("Couldn't create the sign");
            ByteArrayOutputStream result = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ByteArrayOutputStream source = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            contentinfo.writeTo(source); // <-- here is the error (line 136)
            Base64OutputStream base64outputstream = new Base64OutputStream(result);
            String resFinal;
                 resFinal = result.toString();
                 resFinal = result.toString().replaceAll("[\r\n]+","");
    //         resFinal = sinCRLF(result.toString());
                throw new Exception("Couldn't create the sign");
             * Restore the Security variable.
            return resFinal;
         private static byte[] SHA1(byte abyte0[])
                MessageDigest messagedigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
                byte abyte1[] = messagedigest.digest(abyte0);
                return abyte1;
            catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException nosuchalgorithmexception)
                 throw new Error("Configuration error",  nosuchalgorithmexception);
         private static String toHexString(byte abyte0[])
            StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer();
            int i = abyte0.length;
            for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                byte2hex(abyte0[j], stringbuffer);
            return stringbuffer.toString().toUpperCase();
         private static void byte2hex(byte byte0, StringBuffer stringbuffer)
            char ac[] = {
                '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
                'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'
            int i = (byte0 & 0xf0) >> 4;
            int j = byte0 & 0xf;
    }Using the IBM SDK 5.0, the error:iaik.pkcs.PKCSException: iaik.asn1.CodingException: iaik.asn1.CodingException: Unable to encrypt digest: No installed provider supports this key: (null)
         at iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.SignedData.toASN1Object(Unknown Source)
         at iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.SignedDataStream.toASN1Object(Unknown Source)
         at iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.ContentInfo.toASN1Object(Unknown Source)
         at iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.ContentInfo.writeTo(Unknown Source)
         at aeat.FirmadorIAIK.firmar(FirmadorIAIK.java:136)
    ... more irrelevant 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    please help :)

    ejp has answered your question, but it seems you did not understand. This forum is not a good place to learn about public key cryptography and message encryption. You should already understand these fundamentals before asking questions here. This forum is about how to implement these crypto operations in the Java programming language. If you are cheap or poor, you can try googling for the more information; wikipedia is good starting point also. If you can afford it, I recommend you buy Practical Cryptography_ by Schneier.

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    I had a similar problem in that my wife's iphone 5 could not send pics with imessage.  Had to set the settings to default to SMS or whatever.  After laboring many hours on the web I coincidentally was on the phone with the internet people to question my internet speed.  They changed the router channel, which is something that I am capable of doing myself.  After that, the pics go over imessage.  My own Iphone didn't have the problem.  We are both latest IOS 7.0.6.

  • User unable to read attachment​s from digitally signed emails

    I have an Army user with a Blackberry 8830 World Edition, paired with a Bluetooth Smart Card reader.  Whenever he tries to open up digitally signed emails, it always requires him to use his CAC card to decrypt the message, whereas with other users, they don't require the same.
    As well, when the user has digitally signed emails with attachments, the attachments show up as a garbled mess.  He las the latest Bluetooth Smart Card reader drivers, as well as the SMIME package, installed on his Blackberry.  Does anybody know of any ideas we could try?

    Good evening....
    I am not sure if you have received any more information on the issue.  I just came across the same issue.  I am not completely familiar with this setup but I am going to look into the different settings on the BB device for SMIME and see if I can fix it.
    I would be grateful if you have gotten a fix for this and could provide some guidance.  I will post resolution if found.
    Good luck.

  • Send S/MIME signed email

    Does anybody have experience sending S/MIME signed email with Adobe LiveCycle?

    Hi Casper,
    I don't understand what do you mean by saying "multipart/signed email".
    EWS managed API has already shown how to create and send email, please take a look at this link:
    Or if you like, here is a tutorial about how to encrypt and sign mail in .net:
    If the links above doesn't help, please describe your requirement clearly, and I will be glad to help you.
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
    Develop and promote your apps in Windows Store
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • Mail does not allow signed message with .Mac certificate

    Hi all,
    until a few weeks ago, I was able to send signed or encrypted message with my .Mac account and .Mac certificate. Both of them are still valid, and I can still read all messages I sent as encrypted and/or signed, however, Mail does not show the two buttons to crypt and/or sign emails. The certficate seems to work to encrypt iChat dialogs as well.
    I repaired my Keychain, looked at how certficates were configured, everything seems normal to me.
    Any clue ??

    Well, it seems that we've come across something finally.
    In comparing notes, my friend (who is currently able to sign and encrypt messages) and I were comparing notes on our respective certificates. In doing so, he pointed out that he'd noticed a difference in the PURPOSE of my cert versus his cert.
    His cert shows the following purposes:
    1 - Client Authentication
    2 - Email Protection
    3 - Apple .Mac Identity
    4 - Apple iChat Signing
    5 - Apple iChat Encryption
    Whereas mine only shows these purposes:
    1 - Client Authentication
    2 - Apple iChat Signing
    3 - Apple iChat Encryption
    Another thing I noticed while comparing his cert to mine after he pointed this out...his cert is due to expire at the end of October. Mine, on the other hand, was created this past Friday.
    Now, from what I understand, these certs expire one year from date of issue, unless they are revoked earlier. So, I suppose the big question to everyone else out there that is having trouble with using their .Mac issued certificates is "When did yours get renewed?".
    I'm suspecting at this point that somewhere around the end of June the certificates issued by Apple for iChat signing suddenly stopped having the "Purpose" of mail protection. It would also seem that they suddenly stopped having the purpose of .Mac Identity.
    Now I'm curious why Apple would do this, make it actually relatively easy to create a cert that could be used for iChat and Mail encryption, then suddenly take it away. Is this actually what has happened here?
    I'd be really interested in seeing what the renewal dates are and the corresponding "Purposes" are for many of the folks that are reporting trouble with this very issue.
    If you are one of those people who had mail encryption working using your .mac certificate, and it suddenly stopped working...feel free to post your cert information here.
    To get the ball rolling, here's the information from mine...
    Issued By:
    - Apple .Mac Certificate Authority
    - September 14, 2007
    - Client Authentication
    - Apple iChat Signing
    - Apple iChat Encryption
    G4 800 (Quicksilver) / Powerbook 1.5 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

  • Is it true that After March 30, 2015, AOL will no longer support your ability to sign in to the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store or did I just receive a phishing email?

    I just received the following email.....Is this legit? Makes no sense.
    Dear iTunes Customer,
    Our records indicate that you have been using your AOL Username to sign in to the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store.
    After March 30, 2015, AOL will no longer support your ability to sign in to the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store. In order to continue using store features, including the ability to access your previously purchased content, you must transition from signing in with your AOL Username to signing in with an Apple ID.
    To make this transition, simply sign in once more with your AOL Username to iTunes on your Mac or PC. You will automatically be taken through a few short steps to complete the process.
    When the process is complete, your new Apple ID will allow you to continue to purchase and download music, movies, TV shows, apps, books, and more. Additionally, your Apple ID will allow you to access other Apple services, such as iCloud and the Apple Online Store.
    This transition does not affect any AOL services you may be using with your AOL Username.
    AOL Usernames which have not been transitioned to Apple ID will permanently lose access to the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store after March 30, 2015. Apple will be unable to provide support for AOL Usernames which are not transitioned by this date.
    To learn more about this transition, visit support.apple.com/kb/HT204268.
    The iTunes Store team

    The link that appears in the copy in the OP does not go to an Apple site, it is something to the effect of newitunes.com, whereas the text tells you it is an Apple support document.
    However, if you take the text of the support document listed, I put it in my browser and it does lead to a legit Apple Support document about coverting. Convert your AOL Username to an Apple ID - Apple Support  Seems this needs to be done by March 31, 2015, as AOL will no longer allow users to use their AOL identification.

  • Difficulty with Digitally Signed Email

    I have been having trouble downloading and displaying email messages that are digitally signed. I have downloaded the required certificates and imported them onto the Pre, using the methods outlined both here and in the Pre documentation. I have confirmed that they are the correct certificates by importing the certificates into Thunderbird and seeing the verification of the digital signatures there.
    The behavior I am seeing is that the messages take forever to load the body and eventually just time out. This is happening for ORC ECA SW3 and DoD Email CA-19 certificates. It may occur for others also, but I have not received signed messages using any other certificates.
    Has anyone else seen this behavior, after correctly installing certificates? Are there any work-arounds?
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    The Exchange server here will send messages to clients under the IMAP protocol with the proper certificates attached.  I would not recieve the digital signatures on Thunderbird if the server did not send them.  I can view the signature information using Thunderbird without difficulty.  These same messages will not load, except for the headers, using the IMAP portion of the WebOS client.  Using the EAS portion of the WebOS client, they load both the headers and the body, but do not indicate that they have been signed.
    While I am not the IT person for this server, I have run email serves in the past.  In addition, the IT people are just a door or two down from me here.  I believe the problem is really on your (Palm's) side.  Can anyone there confirm that a properly digitally signed email can be fully loaded using the Palm Pre's email client from a conforming IMAP server?
    Remember, IMAP is a well defined protocol, and it should conform to rigid guidelines.  Therefore, using a conforming IMAP server, you should be able to test the reception of digitally signed emails using the Pre client.

  • Experiences sending email with a Secure Certificate

    Hopefully this post will save others some of the time it's taken me to discover the following.
    _Cause of my confusion with Mail 4.1, Address Book and Keychain Access Utility:_
    1) Address Book shows its "starred ticks" against both my mac.com and me.com email addresses and when clicked these ticks display valid certificate details .... so you'd be forgiven for thinking that you could send digitally signed emails from these addresses ... but you can't ... not until you've taken one of the two options below - and each option has different consequences for your email recipients.
    2) Discussion threads from previous Mac OS X releases suggest you can use iChat Encryption certificates for signing and encrypting emails. I don't think you can do this (anymore). I could make the iChat certificates "Always Trusted" in Snow Leopard's Keychain Access Utility but Mail would still not recognise them as being valid for authenticating outgoing (digitally signed) email.
    In other words the "starred ticks" didn't appear in the outgoing message composition window heading as it should do.
    I thought you'd be interested to know what I found out after experimenting with:
    1) A Self-signed certificate created in the Mac OS X Keychain Access Utility
    2) A Secure email Certificate obtained (for free) from C.O.M.O.D.O
    [I looked at Thawte and VeriSign but Thawte are no longer doing Personal email certificates and are passing all their existing ones over to VeriSign this month (Oct / Nov 2009). Personal Secure email certificates are a bit harder to find on the Verisign website and a certificate costs $20 for a year and seems to offer no more "trust" value than a C.O.M.O.D.O one ... which is free and relatively easy to find.
    _The experiment:_
    I found that a Windows Outlook Express recipient would be notified that:
    1) the self-signed certificate "could not be trusted" but that
    2) the one simply obtained from C.O.M.O.D.O was accepted (without any warning) as trusted by a known CA (Certification Authority)
    You could argue that both methods are pretty well identical in terms of real-world authentication value but, to the recipient, they both look very different:
    1) a warning dialog obscures the email and reports that the self-signed certificated appears untrustworthy
    2) the CA-issued one "Inherits Trust from Issuer" (according to Outlook Express's inspection of the certificate details) just displays a little rosette symbol and thus gives confidence.
    In fact, the C.O.M.O.D.O. process involves emailing the applicant her certificate downloading instructions. In this sense the email address associated with the certificate is authenticated. That's the most authentication one of these certificates can really support, anyway.
    _Obtaining the CA-issued certificate:_
    It's an easy two-step process to request and download the certificate from COMODO's web site. The certificate is automatically installed into Mac Keychain Access Utility upon Safari download.
    Hope this helps someone!

    The solution is when you started in Firefox to collect all these requested certificates with the same browser.
    Then to export (Preferences > Advanced > Encryption > View certs > Your certs > Create backup of all...) the certs to a PKCS12 file; and import that file into keychain (by double clicking within Finder)

  • Signing works with wrong iCloud email alias

    I've succesfully created a free StartSSL S/MIME certificate for the email address I want to sign/encrypt, and have succesfully added it (along with its private key) to my iPhone 4S using the iPhone Configuration Utility.  I had to include the two StartCom root certificates and two Intermediate certificates (a Class 1 and a Class 3) from my Mac to make it work.  Here's what I have now:
    Settings > Mail, Contacts… > iCloud account > Account > Mail > Advanced > S/MIME: ON; Sign: YES; Encrypt: YES
    Under Sign (and Encrypt) > Certificates it displays the email alias I want to encrypt with a tick next to it.  Tapping on this certificate shows that it is Trusted.
    Now, if I open Mail and choose Compose, it displays "Encrypted" under "New message", but with the wrong "From" address.  If I change the "From" address to match the address on the certificate, "Encrypted" disappears.
    The address the certificate works with is the iCloud login address, which differs a great deal from the alias I created the certificate for.  The same certificate/private key pair works just fine for sending signed emails for that alias from Mail.app on the Mac.  Why won't it work on the iPhone?
    Additional info that might be relevant: if I turn off "Encrypt" and just use "Sign", Mail on the iPhone doesn't sign any of the iCloud addresses - it doesn't appear to work at all.
    I know that S/MIME is a tricky business on the iPhone, but this problem seems to differ from the other problems I've read about here on the forums.
    Anyone know what to do?
    EDIT: I've tried re-booting the iPhone too.  Didn't change anything.

    I have recently set up S/MIME on my iPhone and Mac using StartSSL Class1 certificates. I only use IMAP on my iPhone with email aliases so it's a bit different than your setup. My experience is that Mail on iPhone only uses the first email address of the account to sign/encrypt messages, even if the certificate belongs to the second or third alias. In my case I had to make the alias that the certificate belongs to the first to make it work.
    You can try to make your alias the default address to see if it helps.
    Another note: have you installed the intermediate certificates in your Mac and iPhone or you created a certificate bundle? My understanding is that they should be part of your certificate bundle because otherwise it won't work on other machines (that don't have the intermediate certificates installed). Also I think you need only the intermediate class 1 or class 3 client certificate but not both. If you want to make it in an easy way you can use the "Create PKCS#12 (PFX) File" under "Tool Box" in the StartSSL control panel to generate the bundle with all the necessary additional certificates.

  • Cannot sign - get and error with "Sign with Certificate"

    I am trying to sign a document using "Sign with Certificate".  I have created an electronic signature.  I click the button that says "sign with certificate".  I then drag and draw the signature box.  The pop up the appears with a place to "save" the signed document.  I navigate to the proper folder and then I name the document.  When I click OK, I get and error that reads "there was an error when attempting to commit this signature.  the document was not saved.  the file may be read-only, or another user may have it open.  Please save this document with a different name or in a different folder."  I then tried to re-name the original document.  No luck.  I then printed the original document to a new pdf and tried again, no luck.  I tried to save it to a different folder, no luck.  I tried to save it with a different name, nl luck.  I restarted the computer and tried again, no luck. what should i do?

    No.  I am solo and doing this on my stand alone PC, I do not have any of those platforms that you mentioned.  BTW, because of another technical glitch, I only recently – within the last month  - re-installed Adobe on my local machine
    John C Carrozzella, MD
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