Silver style array

I kind of like the new silver style but I do not like the new array style.
For instance here is the default layout for a 1D DBL array:
What is that void around the numeric control? It looks like it is floating above the array object...
Wouldn't have been easy to use a style similar to the matrix object? (but limited to 1D):
Go to Solution.

I am adding this remark, which belongs to the gray area between a stylistic feature and a design bug:
There is a 2-PIXEL SHIFT between the index display and the silver style array frame:
Of course, this is easily corrected by Edit>> Customize Control and shifting the index:
but why do we have to do that?

Similar Messages

  • Cosmetic Glitch when Replacing a Silver Style Combo Box by a String

    As the title says, if you replace a Silver Style Combo Box by a String (same data type), things turn ugly:
    Nothing of the sort happens with the other styles as can be seen above too.

    Hi X
    Yea I get the same behavior in 2012 and 2013. A workaround for this would be to replace the original control or indicator with a non-silver version of the control and then replace that control with the desired silver style control. This seems to work for me.
    Paolo F.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

  • Silver style other style subVI

    When I create a control for a subVI it will always use the style used in the subVI. I want to create all my controls in Silver style, but now I am stuck between part silver style and part modern style. Is there a way to bypass the style of the subVI? If not, is there a way to create literally any control without using right-click create control on the subVI? 
    PS. the last question is my problem mainly with DAQmx VI's. I don't know how to make a physical channel of the exact right type, for instance one that only recognises counters. If I create a physical channel in Silver style in the front panel, I will only be able to select analog inputs, regardless of whether I am connecting to a counter physical channel, analog output or analog input.
    I am using Labview 14.01 (64-bit)
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Bob,
    Thanks very much for your answers. We're not really on the same page yet, I hope my answers to your answers will clarify this. Hope you find the time to reply again.
    Bob_Schor wrote:
    I'm not sure I understand your question.  If you are creating a control on the Front Panel, and your default Palette is the Silver Controls, then any Control/Indicator you place down should be Silver.  If you want to convert a Front Panel Control to its Silver counterpart, and Silver is the default palette, you can use Quick Drop.  Left-click the Control/Indicator, type Ctrl-Space to bring up Quick Drop, type the name of the Control (e.g. Error In), then type Ctrl-R (Replace).  Voilà.
    Thanks for the reply. altenbach underston the first question. The subVI's style determines the style of the control you make, the built in functions of LabView do follow what you're stating. Indeed, replacing is an option which I don't mind too much, but I want people who use and adapt the code after me to not have to go through such a tedious and indirect process. I would like to find a way to bypass this feature where controls are automatically in the subVI's style.
     An I/O Channel is the same, regardless of the Style of the Control.  The value will differ depending on whether the device is Analog or Digital, Input or Output, but you should be able to put a Silver Physical Channel Control on your Front Panel and wire it to any DAQmx function (in the upper left corner, of course).  Just "adjust" the content of the Control as appropriate.
    I'm afraid you misunderstood my question. I am unable too choose anything else but analog inputs when I connect the physical I/O channel to any "Create Virtual Channel", whether it's a counter, analog output or analog input. The options I can select are limited only to the inputs that actually fit the channel (if I use modern controls), and in the Silver case where I make a physical channel on the front panel I am limited only to the analog output. Indeed, I can make modern controls, select the input I want, convert them to Silver controls and it works. However, I am then unable to change the physical channel without first changing back to modern and selecting the channel I want (for instance I cannot change my counter from Dev1/ctr1 to Dev1/ctr0 without doing this).
    I am using Labview 14.01 (64-bit) Why?  Do you really need the Address Space, and are you willing to give up the relative lack of 64-bit LabVIEW drivers and other support?  Most of us run LabVIEW 32-bit on Windows 64-bit
    I have no real reason to run the 64-bit version of LabView. The computer I am using now is not a research computer (just my office computer with an old DAQ board), I'll be sure to think about this regarding the choice of LabView version on the lab computer. Judging from the national instruments link I found it's probably better if I keep to the 32-bit version in the end.

  • Odd Silver Style String Replacement Behavior

    I have got a Typedef Cluster built using the Silver Style:
    Later, I decided to create a new Typedef String (also using the Silver Style):
    Then I decided: let me replace the first element of my Typedef Cluster by the (better looking) Typedef String I just created.
    I am not doing anything fancy here. I am just right-clicking the string in the cluster and choose: Replace>> navigate to the folder where my "Burst Statistics Definition" Typedef String is located and click OK.
    Here's the result:
    For some reason the string has been squeezed to a ridiculously small height, which I suspect is that of the original string minus the decoration of the silver style.
    Worse, if I expand said string to the next largest size, it snaps to the following:
    Notice how the background has absolutely nothing to do with the default Silver String.
    The only way to get out of this nightmare is to first replace the String in the Typedef Cluster by a non-Typedef Silver String and THEN ONLY, replace the Sivler String by the Typedef Silver String I wanted to use in the first place.

    I think "intended" is the word. It is certainly not the user-expected behavior. I doubt anybody doing what I was doing would expect the squeezed string result. Instead, I think it is fair to say that most would expect a frame to be added around the frameless string (therefore expanding the footprint of the string control). Think about frameles glasses versus glasses with frame.
    I must correct my statement above: I think the original string control might have been a frameless silver string.
    If I drop a simple frameless silver string on the FP and replace it by a standard silver string (with frame), the squeezed aspect and dark background is evident (no need to go through typedefs).
    Tested in LV 2012 12.0f3 (Windows XP 32bits).

  • Silver Combo Box Display Style Bug

    [LV2011, Windows XP]
    There appears to be a small bug with the Silver-style Combo Box control when you right-click and select Visible Items->Display Style.  For the string control a glyph appears properly, but for the combo box the glyph appears in the wrong place, and the colours are wrong.  In fact, the glyph only appears properly if you click on it, or do something else to force a redraw of the control.
    This combo box is a bit confusing, since it has no "Radix Shadow" part like the string control does, and in fact only the Silver-style combo box lets you display the "Display Type" glyph.  The other styles of combo box have no "Display Type" feature in the "Visible Items" menu, but the "Display Style Visible" checkbox does appear on the "Appearance" tab of the Properties dialog box (though checking it has no effect, and it appears unchecked if you re-launch the dialog box".
    I've attached a new version of the control which is close to fixing the bug, but the glyph region is 1 pixel skinnier than the string version.  Copy this to your "..\vi.lib\silver_ctls\String" folder if you want it to replace the version in the palettes.
    Go to Solution.
    Combo Box NI_Silver.ctl ‏6 KB

    Good catch, there is now a Corrective Action Request filed for this issue. It is correct that this property is
    not supported by the Combo Box found in the Modern Palette. However, this should at least be documented in the
    "Display Style Visible" property documentation if this is case, which it is not.
    Thanks for alerting us to this error and if you would like to follow the CAR, look for CAR# 312717 listed in
    bug fix reports for later releases of LabVIEW.
    Please let me know if you have any questions or need any more help with this issue.
    Tori W.
    National Instruments

  • Round Color Box (Silver): Slows VI Server Access

    Continued from here:
    Christina (et al),
    I've attached two examples demonstrating the obervation.  I first ran into this because I use a simple flags framework in some of my applications.  If the flag name input is unwired, I auto-name the flag based on the calling VI name.  So, I get a reference to the calling VI and determine a flag name respectively as you can see in the attachment.
    The "Wait for Flag" primitive can be called in a loop as quickly as you like (limited by how long it takes to access the calling VI reference of course).  So, I had an application where the consumer loop had to run in the 100+ Hz range and because the Round Color Box (Silver) was on the panel, I couldn't get this kind of performance.  Switching to the Round Color Box (Modern) solved the issue (but doesn't look nearly as nice).
    The "test color boxes_Rapidly Access VI Refnum" example below is a simplified version illustrating the problem.  The "test color boxes_Wait for Flag" example better represents what I'm actually doing.  Just unzip and run the "test color boxes_Rapidly Access VI Refnum" VI and follow the instructions on the panel.
    Then, unzip and run the "test color boxes_Wait for Flag" VI for an actual use case.
    Thanks for taking a look.  Do you see what I'm seeing?
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Wait for Flag / Set Flag
    Separate Views from Implementation for Strict Type Defs
    test color boxes_Rapidly Access VI ‏26 KB
    test color boxes_Wait for ‏93 KB

    The problem here is that the "Silver" style frame draws relatively slowly. In most cases, this isn't noticeable because LabVIEW doesn't need to redraw the frame when the value of a control or indicator changes. But, when the control is an element of an array, LabVIEW does redraw the entire control for each element value change.
    So, for the time being, I'm afraid it's not advisable to use Silver controls (other than the "frameless" ones) as array elements.
    You can see that it's the frames that are causing the slowdown by coloring them transparent so that they're invisible. 
    I'm embarrassed to mention this, but the coloring trick also shows that there's a workaround where you take a picture of the array of Silver color boxes, put it in the background, and then color the frames of the actual color boxes transparent. I'm not saying it to recommend it, just to say that it does get you something that looks the same without the performance problem.
    Christina Rogers, Senior Software Engineer and UX Technical Lead, LabVIEW R&D

  • Array of references to references to objects? Skip lists...

    I'm trying to hammer out a SkipList ADT by tomorrow night. The structure of my SkipList is basically: A Skip list has a reference to the first SkipListNode. Each SkipListNode has an array of links, where a link of level 1 links to the next node that is at least level 1 (every node is at least level 1), and array of 2 links to the next node down the list that is at least that tall, etc. For the last tallest node in the list, it will have links that are null, as there are no nodes after it which can reach up to its higher level links.
    My problem is that as I traverse the list looking for the insert position, I need to keep track of the taller links which may be 'cut-off' by the newly inserted node. Just as with a normal LinkedList, I would want to make the new node point to where these old links pointed, and point the old links to the new node. What I have been trying to do is build an array:
    SkipListNode previousLinks[] = new SkipListNode[levelOfTallestNodeInSkipList];
    As I traverse a SkipListNode, I over-write the previousLinks[i] with every level i link I encounter. For example say I'm in a level 5 node (currentNode) with key 15. I'm trying to inser key 17. I try the level 5 node's level 5 link and its null, so I would want to make previousLinks[5] = currentNode[5]. I then try currentNode's level 4 link, it's not null but it points to a node with key 47, which is past the insertion point for a node with key 17. So again, I want previousLinks[4] to REFER TO currentNode[4]. Etc, etc... I get down to currentNode's level 1 link and see it links to a node with key 16 and level 1. Ok, this is less than 17 so I make currentNode = key 16 node (which is lvl 1). Then I traverse currentNode's only link- a level 1 link- and see that it links to a node with key 18. BOOM: here's the insert point. I randomly select level 4 for the new node which will hold 17. This means that I will 'cut-off' the level four link of the node holding key 15. What I want to be able to do is:
    /*connect new links to where old links point to*/
    for (int k = 0; k < newNode.level; k++) {
    if (k < current.level)
    newNode.links[k] = previousLinks[k];
    newNode.links[k] = null;
    /*connect old links to newly created node*/
    for (int k = 0;
    k < Math.min(current.level, newNode.level); k++)
    previousLinks[k] = newNode;
    But this doesn't work. The previousLinks array seems to only hold the values which were copied from the earlier nodes, not references to the fields in the nodes which point further down the list. What I want is a C++ style array of pointers to fields in an object's array so that I can change where these fields point (refer).
    I hope this post makes enough sense for someone to at least give me a clue... thanks.

    My skiplist implementation has a method to lookup a node. The resultant array of nodes has length the maximum height of the skiplist. At each level the array containes a reference to the node prior to the one I am looking for at that level. This allows me to patch all the relevant nodes when I add/remove an item to/from the skiplist.
    My code might help give you the idea.
         * Looks up the payload in the list returning an array
         * of nodes that point to the element immediately before
         * the desired element.
         * @param target the node we are searching for
         * @return and array of Nodes that are just prior to the
         * node we are looking for.
        private Node[] lookup(Node target)
            Node[] update = new Node[MAX_HEIGHT+1];
            int k = m_height;
            Node p = m_header;
                Node q = null;
                while (((q = p.getNext(k) )!= null) && (m_comparator.lessThan(q, target))) p = q;
                update[k] = p;
            }  while (--k >= 0);
            return update;

  • Multi-dimensional arrays in Cocoa

    Oh, dear. After spending the best part of 12 hours entering 2,000+ elements of a multi-dimensional array into a 'plist', I then start looking on the net for reasons why my C-style code won't compile and read that I can only use single-dimensional arrays?
    WHAT? Arrrrrgghhh! ^#&}@!
    Looking at both array types in a 'plist' they look like:
    // one-dimensional...
    // ...and multi-dimensional
    <string>XXVII</string> // pre-1852 style
    <string>11b</string> // modern style
    <string> XXVII </string>
    but apparently I can't access the other column elements using say:
    [aTextField setStringValue: [anArray objectAtIndex: [counter][2]]];
    What makes it even more frustrating is that when my app is launched, the runlog quite happily displays the contents of the array as:
    'districts array' returned (
    (Aberayron, XXVII, 11b),
    (Abergavenny, XXVI, 11a),
    (Aberystwyth, XXVII, 11b),
    ....... etc. etc .........
    Can anyone (hopefully) tell me I misread all those 'net posts and suggest a simple way I can access this data using maybe, an offset of bytes in memory please?

    Ernie Thompson wrote:
    Oh sure, with the benefit of hindsight my beginners example had serious Cocoa syntax errors, but what was so wrong with the underlying idea on which my question was based?
    There wasn't anything "wrong", it was just in the wrong context. I'll explain...
    I am mindful of the efforts good people like yourself put into helping us 'newbies' here, and rather than waste your collective times posting every trivial question that we ourselves could solve in a few short minutes with an internet search, I spend a considerable amount of time doing just exactly that before I post. However, I constantly come across statements like:
    ...Since Obj-C, like C++, is a superset of C (and basically IS C...)... It's actually one of the
    major annoyances (to me anyway) of working in pure Obj-C code on this project: there is no direct
    support for multi-dimensional arrays... etc. etc..
    I completely understand your confusion. The Internet is stuffed full of information of all kinds. Not all of it is correct information, however. I'm not even sure the majority is correct.
    and that is just a tiny cross-section of comments. As I found myself doing on at least one previous occasion, I once again apologise for having been misled, Quite clearly, with arrays being supported in Obj-C (as you have demonstrated) -- while at the same time not being supported , and Obj-C being C -- while also not being C, learning Cocoa is clearly going to take a little more time than I initially anticipated.
    OK, I'll explain. Objective-C is a superset of C. Anything you can do in C, you can do in Objective-C. You can certainly create and use multidimensional arrays in Objective-C exactly how you wanted to originally. But that kind of array is a C array, such as:
    int arr[512];
    double * matrix = malloc(sizeof(double) * 32 * 32);
    An "NSArray" is an entirely different thing. It is not a C array, it is an Objective-C object. Any time you have bracket characters, you are dealing with Objective-C objects. They have no built-in syntax other than:
    [receiver message: arg param2: arg2 param3: arg3 ... paramN: argN];
    If you really want to get confused, you could look at C++ or even Objective-C++. There, you can have arrays that really are arrays but are objects too. On second thought, you probably don't want to do that
    PS: Don't worry about wasting my time. I only post here so I can clear my mind from whatever I'm working on and give my subconscious an opportunity to find a fix for all the screw-ups I've done in my code.
    Message was edited by: etresoft

  • Silver numeric controls

    I noticed a small bug while converting some front panels to silver style in LV 2014.
    If you replace a numeric control of another style, which has display increment/decrement buttons turned off, with a silver numeric control then the silver control appears with the buttons missing but the thicker boarder where they would be in place. If you cycle the increment/decrement buttons on then off the thick boarder vanishes
    e.g replace this modern control (with buttons turned off)

    I thought I had but lets try again
    Replace this modern control with buttons off
    With a silver control to get
    Cycle buttons on then off to get

  • Is there a Silver (palette) Variant control?

    I've been (consistently) using Modern controls, but for a new Project (and a spiffier-looking Front Panel), I started using controls and indicators from the Silver palette.  So that my sub-VIs have some visual consistency, I wanted to use Silver there, as well (I especially like not having to change the names of the default Error In and Error Out to "Error In" and "Error Out", which has been my own "style" with the Modern controls).
    I can't find the Variant control (which I want to put inside a Silver Cluster).  Is it simply "not there" (and are there plans to create it, given that this is no longer the Silver Anniversary of LabVIEW?).  If so, are there hints on how I could "build my own"?  If not, where is it?
    Bob Schor

    The Silver controls were designed for user interfaces, not as a general replacement for Modern controls, so there are some controls that do not have Silver versions. (There are also some Silver controls that we want but haven't gotten staffed to implement yet, e.g. tab controls and radio buttons).
    However, someone inside NI wanted a Silver Variant recently and made the attached version. It looks pretty good without the scrollbar visible, but unfortunately the scrollbar is drawing at the wrong size and I don't think I can fix it without making changes to the LabVIEW executable itself.
    It is possible to "make your own" Silver style controls using the Control Editor - you can copy/paste the decorations from the Silver controls into the parts of other controls. There are limitations, however, such as not being able to edit some things (such as scrollbar style) in the Control Editor.
    Christina Rogers, Senior Software Engineer and UX Technical Lead, LabVIEW R&D
    Silver Variant (sort of).vi ‏6 KB

  • REF CURSOR to Associative Array

    I have a procedure that builds up a collection (associative array / index-by table). Is there any way to hand the collection over to ODP.NET without putting the contents into a temporary table? REF CURSOR seems to fit, but I cannot find the syntax to OPEN a REF CURSOR for the collection.
    I am trying to turn the GetResourceGroup() a_Resources parameter into a ref cursor in the example below (which, as I understand it, would also hold the collection in memory until the cursor is closed).
    Alternatively, is there a direct method? I.e. is it possible to get the collection directly into a DataTable or similar?
    Any advice gratefully received,
    ResourceId Resource.ResourceId%TYPE,
    ResourceName Resource.ResourceName%TYPE
    TYPE Resources IS TABLE OF RsrcRow INDEX BY VARCHAR2(80);
    PROCEDURE GetResourceGroup(
    a_ResourceType IN VARCHAR2,
    a_Resources OUT Resources
    l_LocalCollection Resources;
    GetResourcesByType(a_ResourceType, l_LocalCollection);
    -- Return resource set (need to port this to ODP.NET).
    a_Resources := l_LocalCollection;
    END GetResourceGroup; does not have collection support right now.
    PL/SQL Associative Array should be available in next release (see other forum threads)
    1. Support for Varchar2 indexes is unlikely (since OCI does not provide such functionality). Which means you can only return an C style "array" like structure at best.
    2. Your 'GetResourceGroup' need to return REF CURSOR (or other primitive type like VARCHAR2), until Associative Array become available.

  • LabVIEW new "Silver" error cluster and TestStand

    I have some new VI's that use the new "Silver" style error controls and indicators.  I started calling the VI's from TestStand and noticed that the new VI's were not auto populating the TestStand error to the VI's error out.  Not sure how this mechanism works but it doesn't work with the default "Silver" controls.  I think it is name based case sensitive and I just have to rename the "Error Out" cluster to be lower case "error out".

    Paul -
    Can you confirm that the problem you're describing is that because the name of the Silver error cluster is "Error Out", when you configure a LabVIEW step to call a VI that has the Silver error cluster wired to the connect pane, TestStand does not automatically assign Step.Result.Error to that parameter? If so, we have reproduced this behavior and yes, you are correct that it is due to case sensitivity. We have taken note of this in order to fix the problem in a future version of TestStand.
    I also just wanted to confirm that the problem is not that the error information is not correctly passed from LabVIEW to TestStand, when you assign Step.Result.Error to a Silver error cluster parameter.
    Please let me know.
    Manooch H.
    National Instruments

  • Initialise the array length via a function

    Dear forum,
    II need a number of integers as an array, but I don't know how many in advance. An I need this array only in the scope, then do waya with it. So I used
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace::std;
    const int f ();
    int main () {
    int array[f ()];
    return 0;
    const int f () {
    return 42;
    . It worked fine under gcc, but CC compains with
    Error: An integer constant expression is required within th\
    e array subscript operator.
    Is there a switch which makes CC swallow this program?
    Cheers, Peter.

    You are posting this question in the C forum, but
    your question is about the C++ compiler.Hello Clamage,
    this I realised 1e-6 s after clicking submit. It shall not happen again. Anyway, thanks for the quick response!
    In standard C++, the dimension of an array allocated
    statically or in a block must be a constant integer
    expression. Reference: C++ Standard, section 8.3.4.
    If g++ allows a non-constant value, that would be
    non-standard extension.... which are getting at you after a while...
    You can get the effect by allocating the array on the
    int* array = new int[f()];Indeed. But what made me make the array static is that with new[], you also have to delete[] (which one always forgets).
    But in C++ you have alternatives to C-style arrays.
    You can use the standard vector class template. It
    manages memory for you, allows a vector to be
    expanded, optionally checks subscripts for being in
    range. When you create a vector, you can specify the
    starting capacity when you know the sizeI should try this.
    Once again, thanks for your patience!
    Cheers, Peter.

  • Using a variable in "arrayTerminatedBy" clause while using a file adapter

    Hi All,
    How can read a file of sample shown below using a file adapter.
    first line is the header
    last line is footer
    middle portion is the body
    '3' in the footer is the total no of record count in the body
    I am able to read the header and body.
    The problem i am facing is; when it is reading the footer it is treating the footer as a record in the body and is throwing an error stating - expected the format as "yyyy"
    I have to use "arrayTerminatedBy" to indicate the end of the body. But that terminating field is a varying field. How can i use this variable field in the "arrayTerminatedBy" clause.
    Can any one help in reading this file
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: user10308218 on 11-Oct-2008 02:23
    Edited by: user10308218 on 11-Oct-2008 02:24

    See if this helps, I haven't tested it but it will give you a hint in how to achieve it. As you can see I use the startsWith command. I'm not sure how to handle your detail as it seems to start with different elements every time.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
    attributeFormDefault="unqualified" nxsd:encoding="ASCII" nxsd:stream="chars" nxsd:version="NXSD">
    <xsd:element name="FileRecord">
    <xsd:element name="Header" nxsd:startsWith="ABC|" maxOccurs="1">
    <xsd:sequence nxsd:style="array" nxsd:arrayTerminatedBy="${eol}">
    <xsd:element name="FileDate" type="xsd:string" nxsd:style="terminated" nxsd:terminatedBy="${eol}" nxsd:quotedBy="&quot;"/>
    <xsd:element name="Record" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:sequence nxsd:style="array" nxsd:arrayTerminatedBy="${eol}">
    <xsd:element name="DetailData1" type="xsd:string" nxsd:style="terminated" nxsd:terminatedBy="|" nxsd:quotedBy="&quot;"/>
    <xsd:element name="DetailData2" type="xsd:string" nxsd:style="terminated" nxsd:terminatedBy="${eol}" nxsd:quotedBy="&quot;"/>
    <xsd:element name="Footer" nxsd:startsWith="3|" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:sequence nxsd:style="array" nxsd:arrayTerminatedBy="${eol}">
    <xsd:element name="FooterData" type="xsd:int" nxsd:style="terminated" nxsd:terminatedBy="${eol}" nxsd:quotedBy="&quot;"/>

  • Is there a webkit or other fix to get my slide to work in IE?

    Thank you in advance for the help/advice. I am first a designer and second a developer. So I'm not quite fluent in developing/applying certain code to be compatible for all/most browsers and enviornments. Here's what I got thus far:
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
              fx: 'fade' // choose your transition type, ex: fade, scrollUp, shuffle, etc...
    .slideshow {
      height: 510px;
      width: 1280px;
      margin-right: auto;
      margin-left: auto;
      background-image: url("assets/slideshowPlaceholder.png");
    <div class="slideshow">
                             <img src="slideshow/1280X500/photo6.png" width="1280" height="500" alt="AVS1" longdesc="slideshow/1280X500/photo6.png" />
                             <img src="slideshow/1280X500/photo5.png" width="1280" height="500" alt="AVS2" longdesc="slideshow/1280X500/photo5.png" />
                             <img src="slideshow/1280X500/photo4.png" width="1280" height="500" alt="AVS3" longdesc="slideshow/1280X500/photo4.png" />
                             <img src="slideshow/1280X500/photo3.png" width="1280" height="500" alt="AVS4" longdesc="slideshow/1280X500/photo3.png" />
            <img src="slideshow/1280X500/photo2.png" width="1280" height="500" alt="AVS5" longdesc="slideshow/1280X500/photo2.png" />
            <img src="slideshow/1280X500/photo1.png" width="1280" height="500" alt="AVS6" longdesc="slideshow/1280X500/photo1.png" />
    Thank you again for the help. Please ask anything that may help in troubleshooting this.

    closer... it think. 
    ok so, getting everything in place/revised per you suggestion resulted in the "tiling" of the images in all 3 browser
    When I remove the "<div> from the individual images.... tiling goes away for (chrome/Firefox) not for IE... and no functionality for any.
    HOWEVER... I get proper preview, with functionality using the following (code below) but ONLY in DW preview mode. If I preview in any browser... tiling.  Could it by any be a matter of when I preview it in a browser that the "src=" paths are not correct for the scripts? Hence DW is able to preview it (pulling from localdisk) and browser preview does not have the correct paths? I've ran into that befoure  [src="js/script.js"   compared to   src="/js/script.js"]
    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <!-- jQuery library -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <!-- Cycle plugin -->
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