Odd Silver Style String Replacement Behavior

I have got a Typedef Cluster built using the Silver Style:
Later, I decided to create a new Typedef String (also using the Silver Style):
Then I decided: let me replace the first element of my Typedef Cluster by the (better looking) Typedef String I just created.
I am not doing anything fancy here. I am just right-clicking the string in the cluster and choose: Replace>> navigate to the folder where my "Burst Statistics Definition" Typedef String is located and click OK.
Here's the result:
For some reason the string has been squeezed to a ridiculously small height, which I suspect is that of the original string minus the decoration of the silver style.
Worse, if I expand said string to the next largest size, it snaps to the following:
Notice how the background has absolutely nothing to do with the default Silver String.
The only way to get out of this nightmare is to first replace the String in the Typedef Cluster by a non-Typedef Silver String and THEN ONLY, replace the Sivler String by the Typedef Silver String I wanted to use in the first place.

I think "intended" is the word. It is certainly not the user-expected behavior. I doubt anybody doing what I was doing would expect the squeezed string result. Instead, I think it is fair to say that most would expect a frame to be added around the frameless string (therefore expanding the footprint of the string control). Think about frameles glasses versus glasses with frame.
I must correct my statement above: I think the original string control might have been a frameless silver string.
If I drop a simple frameless silver string on the FP and replace it by a standard silver string (with frame), the squeezed aspect and dark background is evident (no need to go through typedefs).
Tested in LV 2012 12.0f3 (Windows XP 32bits).

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    Hi X
    Yea I get the same behavior in 2012 and 2013. A workaround for this would be to replace the original control or indicator with a non-silver version of the control and then replace that control with the desired silver style control. This seems to work for me.
    Paolo F.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi Bob,
    Thanks very much for your answers. We're not really on the same page yet, I hope my answers to your answers will clarify this. Hope you find the time to reply again.
    Bob_Schor wrote:
    I'm not sure I understand your question.  If you are creating a control on the Front Panel, and your default Palette is the Silver Controls, then any Control/Indicator you place down should be Silver.  If you want to convert a Front Panel Control to its Silver counterpart, and Silver is the default palette, you can use Quick Drop.  Left-click the Control/Indicator, type Ctrl-Space to bring up Quick Drop, type the name of the Control (e.g. Error In), then type Ctrl-R (Replace).  Voilà.
    Thanks for the reply. altenbach underston the first question. The subVI's style determines the style of the control you make, the built in functions of LabView do follow what you're stating. Indeed, replacing is an option which I don't mind too much, but I want people who use and adapt the code after me to not have to go through such a tedious and indirect process. I would like to find a way to bypass this feature where controls are automatically in the subVI's style.
     An I/O Channel is the same, regardless of the Style of the Control.  The value will differ depending on whether the device is Analog or Digital, Input or Output, but you should be able to put a Silver Physical Channel Control on your Front Panel and wire it to any DAQmx function (in the upper left corner, of course).  Just "adjust" the content of the Control as appropriate.
    I'm afraid you misunderstood my question. I am unable too choose anything else but analog inputs when I connect the physical I/O channel to any "Create Virtual Channel", whether it's a counter, analog output or analog input. The options I can select are limited only to the inputs that actually fit the channel (if I use modern controls), and in the Silver case where I make a physical channel on the front panel I am limited only to the analog output. Indeed, I can make modern controls, select the input I want, convert them to Silver controls and it works. However, I am then unable to change the physical channel without first changing back to modern and selecting the channel I want (for instance I cannot change my counter from Dev1/ctr1 to Dev1/ctr0 without doing this).
    I am using Labview 14.01 (64-bit) Why?  Do you really need the Address Space, and are you willing to give up the relative lack of 64-bit LabVIEW drivers and other support?  Most of us run LabVIEW 32-bit on Windows 64-bit
    I have no real reason to run the 64-bit version of LabView. The computer I am using now is not a research computer (just my office computer with an old DAQ board), I'll be sure to think about this regarding the choice of LabView version on the lab computer. Judging from the national instruments link I found it's probably better if I keep to the 32-bit version in the end.

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    You can work around the bug by just doing a find, then looping through the<br />results, changing the color one at a time. It'll be a fraction slower, but<br />should do the trick:<br /><br />tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"<br />    set find text preferences to nothing<br />    set properties of find text preferences to {applied paragraph style:"The<br />name"}<br />    set theFinds to find text document 1<br />    repeat with i from 1 to count of theFinds<br />        set properties of item i of theFinds to {fill color:"Replace color"}<br />    end repeat<br />end tell<br /><br />The bug is fixed in CS4, BTW.<br /><br />-- <br />Shane Stanley <[email protected]><br />AppleScript Pro Florida, April 2009 <a href=http://scriptingmatters.com/aspro>

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    Hope to hear from anyone really soon. Very urgent!!!

    There is no direct method to replace a string in file. The code goes like this:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class StringReplacer
         private String replaceString;
         private String replacerString;
         private String filePath;
         public StringReplacer(String replaceString, String replacerString, String filePath)
              this.replaceString = replaceString;
              this.replacerString = replacerString;
              this.filePath = filePath;
              catch (Exception ex)
         private void replace() throws Exception
              File file = new File(filePath);
                   System.out.println("File doesnot exists");
              DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
              StringBuffer fileData = new StringBuffer("");
              String strTemp = "";
              while((strTemp = dis.readLine()) != null)
              StringTokenizer stTemp = new StringTokenizer(fileData.toString(), replaceString);
              int tokens = stTemp.countTokens();
              if(tokens <= 1)
                   //No matches found for string to be replaces.
                   System.out.println("No matches found for string to be replaced");
              fileData = new StringBuffer("");
                   fileData.append(stTemp.nextToken() + replacerString);     
              file = new File(filePath);
              DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
         public static void main(String [] args)
              //create an object of StringReplacer here.

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    Are you trying to remove all occurences of the underscore character from the string? If so create a StringBuffer from the string, loop through it and remove the characters as you find them.
    If you're using JDK1.4 you should eb able to use the new String method:
    public String replaceAll(String regex,
    String replacement)

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    I tend to think it would be nice to ammend String further with
    String replace(String a, String b)
    proponents/opponents? It seems like a nice thing to have.

    This type of method is available in the regex package
    (available in JDK 1.4). I am not expert or regular
    expressions but it will allow you to do this and much
    much more.I guess it will. Still it would be nice to have the ability directly inside String without explicitly having to instantiate a Pattern. I know there is a split method in String in JSDK 1.4 which takes a String specification of a regexp and internally compiles it. I guess my point is convenience but I should know the new APIs fully before writing more.

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    I have some problem regarding String replacing.
    I have following string ::
    This is the java manager the main purpose for the jasper is used to create reports.
    And the Java language is very extensible.
    Is this the proper string functions provided by java isn't it ?
    *i want to replace word "is"  with "IS". but that word is not connected to word like  Th{color:#ff00ff}is{color}*
    *differ from simple separate "{color:#ff0000}is{color}" so Word should not be replaced in This only separate "is"*
    *must be replaced. ?*
    *Any Idea ?*
    Edited by: Ghanshyam on Sep 14, 2007 4:27 PM

    How about just searching for and replacing
    " is "
    instead of
    So, using this code from the Java Developers Almanac 1.4 (2002 Addison-Wesley):-
    static String replace(String str, String pattern, String replace) {>    int s = 0;>    int e = 0;>    StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();> >    while ((e = str.indexOf(pattern, s)) >= 0) {>       result.append(str.substring(s, e));>       result.append(replace);>       s = e+pattern.length();>  result.append(str.substring(s));
    return result.toString();
    }Your would use:-
    String newStr = replace(originalStr, " is "," IS ");
    Edited by: mad_scientist on Sep 14, 2007 4:16 AM (Sorry about all the edits, just getting used to the formatting on here)
    Edited by: mad_scientist on Sep 14, 2007 4:22 AM
    Edited by: mad_scientist on Sep 14, 2007 4:24 AM

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    Looking at the documentation for PLD, I can see no prebuilt Replace function - is there any way this can be achieved?
    If not, is there any Sum in Words function in B1 queries so I can at least do the replace there rather than writing an entire convert to words query?
    Thank you.

    Wasn't able to force a string replace - had to hex edit the LRF instead. Quick and dirty, but it works.

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    I decided I would rather have DRZ (My initials) instead of "Zemke" as the prefix. I was able to get it done with some contortions:
    Remove all files from Lightroom
    Rename all the external files to start with DRZ
    Reimport all the files
    Delete the XMP files
    I think what is needed is for Rename to include string replacement (and string deletion) functionality. Is it already there?

    Stefano, nonadjacent selection can be done by holding down Control and manually selecting the additional image. If you want to select a lot of separate ranges, the way to do it is to add each range to the quick collection (press the B key), then go to the quick collection and select all. It's exactly for those kinds of scenarios that quick collection exists. Once you get used to doing it, it's easier working with a "sticky" selection like the quick collection rather than the contortions required to extend standard selections.
    To slightly add to Rory's comments: two-digit year plus spelled out month names and day of the week names are also available. Combine into any order you want, with any additional supporting text anywhere you want it, and you've got huge flexibility there. And no matter how complex it is, you can save it as a preset so it's readily accessible later.

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    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines - Hooovahh - LabVIEW Overlord
    If 10 out of 10 experts in any field say something is bad, you should probably take their opinion seriously.

  • Help needed with String replace!

    I would like to replace all '\' characters with '/' in my string, ie:
    Howeve, it complain about the '/' (Unclosed character literal).
    Any suggestions?

    Show us the line, you are probably using your regex incorrectly.
    In order to get the '\' you have to escape it (the '\' char. is used as the escape character so that you can look for things like " ' and new lines by useing \" \' and \n. Otherwise, how would java know you are looking for quotes and not closing your string?) As a consequence, your regex should look like '\\" for the \.
    The replace statement should probably be:
    string.replace("\\", "/");

  • String Replace  has $

    Hi All,
    How do i replace the text with text that has $.
    String s = "Sample text XYZ";
    s.replaceAll(XYZ, "$ABC");
    Error: Illegal Group Reference.
    "\\$ABC" works.
    In my case "$ABC" is dynamic text. Position of $ can be any where in in the text, need not be first char.

    I think you'd need to find the $ in your search string first and put the escape character in their before attempting to do the replace all. In case you're unaware, RegEx uses $ as a special character, so that's why it must be replaced..
    String a = "This is XYZ";
    String replace = "$ABC";
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(replace);
    sb.insert(sb.indexOf("$"), "\\ ");
    a = a.replaceAll("XYZ", sb.toString());
    System.out.println(a);(Note: The extra space after the \\ in the insert was just so this forum would display everything properly).

  • Silver style array

    I kind of like the new silver style but I do not like the new array style.
    For instance here is the default layout for a 1D DBL array:
    What is that void around the numeric control? It looks like it is floating above the array object...
    Wouldn't have been easy to use a style similar to the matrix object? (but limited to 1D):
    Go to Solution.

    I am adding this remark, which belongs to the gray area between a stylistic feature and a design bug:
    There is a 2-PIXEL SHIFT between the index display and the silver style array frame:
    Of course, this is easily corrected by Edit>> Customize Control and shifting the index:
    but why do we have to do that?

  • PHP String Replace

    I am looking to add my date to the beginning of my articles.
    Previously, I
    was using the string replace function to look for the
    begininng of my
    paragraph and then place the date in front of that. Bad Jon!
    I forgot that
    any article with multiple paragraphs would then have multiple
    $artContent = str_replace('<p>', '<p>
    '.$artDateEdited.' - ',
    So, what I am looking for is how do I do a string replaceon
    just the first
    Jon Parkhurst

    Are you sure there are <p> tags in the data? The only
    way that could get
    there would be if someone explicitly put them there.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "crash" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > LOL, just now getting back to this.
    > I've got myself in a little bit of a bind, b/c I didn't
    foresee my data
    > having more than one paragraph.
    > This is what I'm thinking of doing. If there's a better
    way, can somebody
    > pipe in?
    > Take data from database.
    > Search for <p> tags, and capture all text within
    the first instances
    > Limit text to X number of chars
    > Replace <p> tags, and my ...Full Story links
    > Looking now through all of the string functions and
    preg_replace right
    > now.
    > Basically, I"m having some problems finding a function
    that will replace
    > $var on the Xth instance.
    > Will post tomorrow with my results.
    > "Joe Makowiec" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    >> On 26 Aug 2006 in macromedia.dreamweaver.appdev,
    crash wrote:
    >>> I am looking to add my date to the beginning of
    my articles.
    >>> Previously, I was using the string replace
    function to look for the
    >>> begininng of my paragraph and then place the
    date in front of that.
    >>> Bad Jon! I forgot that any article with multiple
    paragraphs would
    >>> then have multiple dates.
    >>> $artContent = str_replace('<p>',
    >>> '.$artDateEdited.' - ',
    >>> $artContent);
    >>> So, what I am looking for is how do I do a
    string replaceon just the
    >>> first paragraph?
    >> In particular, the optional 4th parameter to
    preg_replace() is a limit;
    >> you can set this to 1.
    >> --
    >> Joe Makowiec
    >> Email:

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