Simple digital clock script

Hi All,
Since I am a new bee, I am seeking a simple digital clock MIDlet. Last two days I have been searching internet but I haven't found. If you do not consider me as RTFM or too lazy, could you please either post a script or simple give a shortcut?
Many thanks in advance

this is my code but it is not updating. I know tha I am being too much. Help is really appriciated.
* Draw mutable image on a canvas
import java.util.*;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
public class emuezzin extends MIDlet
private Display display; // The display
private ImageCanvas canvas; // Canvas
public emuezzin()
display = Display.getDisplay(this);
canvas = new ImageCanvas(this);
protected void startApp()
display.setCurrent( canvas );
protected void pauseApp()
protected void destroyApp( boolean unconditional )
public void exitMIDlet()
* Class ImageCanvas
* Draw mutable image
class ImageCanvas extends Canvas implements CommandListener
private Command cmExit; // Exit midlet
private emuezzin midlet;
private Image im = null;
private String message = "developerWorks 1";
public ImageCanvas(emuezzin midlet)
this.midlet = midlet;
// Create exit command and listen for events
cmExit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
* Draw mutable image
protected void paint(Graphics g)
// Clear the display
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
int hours = now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
int minutes = now.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
int seconds = now.get(Calendar.SECOND);
String message = hours+":"+minutes+":"+ seconds;
System.out.println("Current Time = "+message);
// Create mutable image
im = Image.createImage(100, 20);
// Get graphics object to draw onto the image
Graphics graphics = im.getGraphics();
// Specify a font face, style and size
Font font = Font.getFont(Font.FACE_SYSTEM, Font.STYLE_PLAIN, Font.SIZE_MEDIUM);
// Draw a filled (blue) rectangle, with rounded corners
graphics.setColor(0, 0, 255);
     graphics.fillRoundRect(0,0, im.getWidth()-1, im.getHeight()-1, 20, 20);
     // Center text horizontally in the image. Draw text in white
graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255);
          (im.getWidth() / 2) - (font.stringWidth(message) / 2),
          (im.getHeight() / 2) - (font.getHeight() / 2),
          Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT);
g.setColor(255, 255, 255);
g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
// Center the image on the display
if (im != null)
g.drawImage(im, getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2,
Graphics.VCENTER | Graphics.HCENTER);
public void run(){
System.out.println("Current Time =");
} catch (Exception e){}
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d)
if (c == cmExit)

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    have a go at making your own, post any specific problem you have

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    by the nature of your questions, it appears that you don't know much about swing, timers, and java date time functions. We can't just tell you what you need for your clock, otherwise we'd be building it for you. What you need to do is study these areas and learn for yourself. I suggest that you start with the Sun Java Swing tutorials. Start out here:

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    hi prah_Rich,
    I have created a digital clock you can use. You will most likely have to change some things to use it in another app although that shouldn't be too hard. A least it can give you some ideas on how to create one of your own. There are three classes.One that creates the numbers. a gui class and frame class.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    public class DigitalClock extends Panel{
              BasicStroke stroke = new BasicStroke(4,BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND,
              String hour1, hour2;
              String minute1, minute2;
              String second1, second2;
              String mill1, mill2, mill3;
              int hr1, hr2;
              int min1, min2;
              int sec1, sec2;
              int mll1, mll2,mll3;       
        public void update(Graphics g){
         public void paint(Graphics g){
              Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D)g;
              DigitalNumber num = new DigitalNumber(10,10,20,Color.cyan,;     
              GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
              String hour = String.valueOf(c.get(Calendar.HOUR));
              String minute = String.valueOf(c.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
              String second = String.valueOf(c.get(Calendar.SECOND));
              String milliSecond = String.valueOf(c.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND));
                   hour1 = hour.substring(0,1);
                   hour2 = hour.substring(1,2);
                   hour1 = "0";
                   hour2 = hour.substring(0,1);
                   minute1 = minute.substring(0,1);
                   minute2 = minute.substring(1,2);
                   minute1 = "0";
                   minute2 = minute.substring(0,1);
                   second1 = second.substring(0,1);
                   second2 = second.substring(1,2);
                   second1 = "0";
                   second2 = second.substring(0,1);
                   mill1 = milliSecond.substring(0,1);
                   mill2 = milliSecond.substring(1,2);
                   mill3 = milliSecond.substring(2,3);
              }else if(milliSecond.length()==2){
                   mill1 = "0";
                   mill2 = milliSecond.substring(0,1);
                   mill3 = milliSecond.substring(1,2);
                   mill1 = "0";
                   mill2 = "0";
                   mill3 = milliSecond.substring(0,1);
              hr1  = Integer.parseInt(hour1);     
              hr2  = Integer.parseInt(hour2);
              min1 = Integer.parseInt(minute1);
              min2 = Integer.parseInt(minute2);
              sec1 = Integer.parseInt(second1);
              sec2 = Integer.parseInt(second2);
              mll1 = Integer.parseInt(mill1);
              mll2 = Integer.parseInt(mill2);
                   if(!(hr1 == 0)){     
         String dayOfweek = "";     
                   dayOfweek = "Sunday, ";
                   dayOfweek = "Monday, ";
                   dayOfweek = "Tuesday, ";
                   dayOfweek = "Wednesday, ";
                   dayOfweek = "Thursday, ";
                   dayOfweek = "Friday, ";
                   dayOfweek = "Saturday, ";
         String month = "";     
                   month = "January ";
                   month = "February ";
                   month = "March ";
                   month = "April ";
                   month = "May ";
                   month = "June ";
                   month = "July ";
                   month = "August ";
                   month = "September ";
                   month = "October ";
                   month = "November ";
                   month = "December ";
         int day = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
         int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);
         Font font = new Font("serif",Font.PLAIN,24);
         g2D.drawString(dayOfweek+month+day+", "+year,10,80);
         public static void main(String args[]){
              AppFrame aframe = new AppFrame("Digital Clock");
              Container cpane = aframe.getContentPane();
              final DigitalClock dc = new DigitalClock();
              class Task extends TimerTask {
                 public void run() {
              java.util.Timer timer = new java.util.Timer();
             timer.schedule(new Task(),0L,250L);
    class DigitalNumber {
         private float x=0;
         private float y=0;
         private float size=5;
         private int number;
         private Shape s;
         private float space = 0;
         public static final int DOTS = 10;
         private Color on,off;
         DigitalNumber(float x,float y, float size,Color on,Color off){
              this.x = x;
              this.y = y;
              this.size = size;
              this.on = on;
     = off;
         public void drawNumber(int number,Graphics2D g){
              int flag = 0;
                        flag = 125;
                        flag = 96;
                        flag = 55;
                        flag = 103;
                        flag = 106;
                        flag = 79;
                        flag = 94;
                        flag = 97;
                        flag = 127;
                        flag = 107;
                        GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath();
              if((flag & 1) == 1){
              GeneralPath Top = new GeneralPath();
              Top.moveTo(x + space, y);
              Top.lineTo(x + size - space, y);
              if((flag & 2) == 2){
              GeneralPath Middle = new GeneralPath();
              Middle.moveTo(x + space, y + size); 
              Middle.lineTo(x + size - space,y + size);     
              if((flag & 4) == 4){
              GeneralPath Bottom = new GeneralPath();
              Bottom.moveTo(x + space, y + (size * 2));  
              Bottom.lineTo(x + size - space, y + (size * 2));
              if((flag & 8) == 8){
              GeneralPath TopLeft = new GeneralPath();     
              TopLeft.moveTo(x, y + space);
              TopLeft.lineTo(x, y + size - space);          
              if((flag & 16) == 16){
              GeneralPath BottomLeft = new GeneralPath();     
              BottomLeft.moveTo(x, y + size + space);
              BottomLeft.lineTo(x, y + (size * 2) - space);
              if((flag & 32) == 32){
              GeneralPath TopRight = new GeneralPath();     
              TopRight.moveTo(x + size, y + space);
              TopRight.lineTo(x + size, y + size - space);
              if((flag & 64) == 64){
              GeneralPath BottomRight = new GeneralPath();     
              BottomRight.moveTo(x + size, y + size + space);
              BottomRight.lineTo(x + size, y + (size * 2) - space);
         public void setSpacing(boolean spacingOn){
              if(spacingOn == false){
                   space = 0;
         public void setSpacing(boolean spacingOn,float gap){
                   gap = 2;
              if(spacingOn == true){
                   space = size/gap;
         public void setLocation(float x,float y){
              this.x = x;
              this.y = y;
         public void setSize(float size){
              this.size = size;
    class AppFrame extends JFrame{
              this("Demo Frame");
         AppFrame(String title){

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    I need to connect the NI USB-6211 to control a digital to analog convertor chip (AD5541). However, this chip requires three input signals :1) Clock input, 2) Logic input or a synchronization signal  and 3) Signal Serial Data input (CS, SCLK, DIN).
    how to output the digital clock and the synchronization signal from the NI USB-6211?

    Hi SaberSaber,
    You should be able to use the counters to generate a pulse train that could be used for clock and synch purposes.  
    Hope this helps.  Let us know if you have more questions.  
    Dave C.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    I want to be able to Display a digital clock which randomly selects different colours which were passed from my Applet
    Thanks for any help
    Clock Code:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class dclock extends Applet implements Runnable{
    Thread animThread = null;
    int delay = 1000;
    public void init(){}
    public void paint (Graphics g){
    // get the time
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    Date date = cal.getTime();
    // format it and display it
    DateFormat dateFormatter =DateFormat.getTimeInstance();
    g.drawString(dateFormatter.format(date), 5, 10);
    public void start(){
    if(animThread == null){
    animThread = new Thread(this,"Animation");
    public void stop(){animThread = null;}
    public void run(){
    while(animThread !=null){
    try{ Thread.sleep(delay);}
    catch(InterruptedException e){};

    Why doesn't the clock just decide what colour it is going to be? If you need to pass the colour choices in, just let the clock accept a collection of colours in its constructor or something. I don't understand what bit of this you are having problems with as you haven't really explained. Please also use code tags.

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    Graham is currently out of the office, so I am taking over dealing with this support request.
    I have attached a VI which shows an example of how to read the current time from the Time Stamp, and then specify a Start and End Time for the lights in your system to turn on. The example currently just activates an LED on the Front Panel, but you should be able to easily change this to an operation that sends the different string commands you require to your power supply for the lights and the water pump to turn them on and off respectively.
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       Thank you!

    There were a few problems with the circuit which is why the clock was not reseting at 3. I have modified the file. Please take a look and see. You will need to add a buffer between the second input and the AND gate because otherwise, the gate will trigger before the output has actually reached the desired state.
    I had to edit the delay time in the buffer to make it work of this circuit. To edit the delay time, double-click the Buffer and under the Value tab, click on Edit Model. You can change the rise time and fall time from this window.
    Hope this helps.
    Tayyab R,
    National Instruments.
    NEW140712 mod.ms11 ‏545 KB

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    Go to Solution.
    Untitled.png ‏187 KB

    You should post to the multisim board. You can click on Options and request that the moderator move your question. It really had nothing to do with an NI digital I/O device.

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    Hi, i'm designing a digital clock circuit.
    However, i faced problems during reset part.
    when i tried to reset on 3(U11) with 1 NAND gate and 2 NOR gates,
    i think i don't make mistake to reset with 0011(U3),how come the 3 will also appear on the seven-segment display?
    Well,i also wonder how can i reset  the other seven-segment display(U9) to show the following sequences:
    Lastly, is that possible to configure the transmition speed in multisim 11.0?
    NEW140712.ms11 ‏363 KB

    There were a few problems with the circuit which is why the clock was not reseting at 3. I have modified the file. Please take a look and see. You will need to add a buffer between the second input and the AND gate because otherwise, the gate will trigger before the output has actually reached the desired state.
    I had to edit the delay time in the buffer to make it work of this circuit. To edit the delay time, double-click the Buffer and under the Value tab, click on Edit Model. You can change the rise time and fall time from this window.
    Hope this helps.
    Tayyab R,
    National Instruments.
    NEW140712 mod.ms11 ‏545 KB

  • Analog or Digital Clock in movie

    I am wanting to put a analog or digital clock in a video I am making for a class. I doesn't have to show the real time but hopefully it will have hours:minutes:seconds. Does anyone know where I can get one?

    If you have access to After Effects, you can do it under the "Textt" filter, then click on "Numbers." Pick a font, and then you can set what you need under the format tab. That should square you away. Or you could make your own digital clock with numbers in FCP, or with photoshop layers and set it up on a timeline manually. You could set up your incoming clip for one frame and just drop in the layers and theyll drop in sequence instead of dropping in every number one by one. All you would have to do is go through the trouble of making 01-59. Hope that helps.

  • Digital Clock in ADF

    Hi All,
    How can I add the digital clock in ADF( Studio Edition Version /Build JDEVADF_11.
    Version Details :
    ADF Business Components
    CVS Version     Internal to Oracle JDeveloper 11g (client-only)
    Java(TM) Platform     1.6.0_11
    Oracle IDE
    Versioning Support
    Please help me....

    How can I Show the Current Date Time In a page. Time will be is an example:
          <af:form id="f1">
            <af:poll id="p1"  interval="1000" immediate="true"
                <af:outputText value="Time:#{viewScope.clockBKB.strTime}" id="ot1" partialTriggers="p1"/>
          </af:form>backing bean (
    import java.util.Date;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.PollEvent;
    public class ClockBKB {
        private String strTime;
        public ClockBKB() {
        public void pollListener(PollEvent pollEvent) {
            strTime = new Date().toString();
        public String getStrTime() {
            return strTime;
    }You may want to format the date as per your requirements.

  • How to get digital clock (and weather back)

    A couple of weeks ago, I was going to ask how to change the analog clock on the "main screen" to a digital one.
    But now it is gone completely.
    My little local weather info underneath also disappeared.
    How do I get them back? ... While also changing to a digital clock.
    PS: There is a little digital clock on the screen before I do the finger-trace security login, but not afterward.

    Have you tried Beautiful Widgets at
    Weather and Toggle from

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    Can anybody tell me how to overcome this?

    And now I am at the stage it wont automatically start despite it being ticked in the Log In Items.
    As Imp68 has asked, do you mean the "Hide" Checkbox is selected?
    If you have checked the box, that says, to start the application, however, hide it so it is not visible when you start.
    If you run Applications -> Utilities -> Activity Monitor, can you find Simple Floating Clock as a running app? (Activity Monitor has a Search box to make this easier).
    Is Simple Floating Clock on your Menu bar?
    Is Simple Floating Clock set to float?

  • How do i build a digital clock in multisim

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    Design3.ms11 ‏302 KB

    For those of you are still interested in knowing how to build a digital clock in Multisim, you can find a digital clock in the component database under The Sources group, Digital_Sources family.  After placing the digital clock on your schematic you can change its frequency, duty cycle, and delay time in its property window (you can access by double-clicking on the component).
    Sharanya R
    Market Development Engineer
    National Instruments

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