Simple Mask Feather Problems - Help!

I have placed a Mask Shape filter on a clip and then placed a Mask Feather filter underneath on the same clip, however the results of the feather do not show until rendered.
I am sure I have been able to manipulate the feather filter before and seen the results immediately without rendering.
In the 'View' menu I changed the channel to RGB+Alpha which displayed the results immediately, however it also placed a transparent red overlay over the entire clip. This disappeared during playback.
How can I preview the clip with the feather but without this red overlay that has appeared form nowhere? What is this red overlay?
Thanks in advance,

Works fine on my system. Try shutting down (Shut Down, not Restart), then boot up again and try it from scratch.
Does it works now?
If not, try creating a new user account (allow it to admin the computer), log in to the new account and try it from there.
Please report back.
BTW, which specific version of Final Cut?

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    Breaking apart - will work - will also not permit you to have
    the ability to edit the text as a font
    - so if you decide breaking apart is the way to go (always
    better to shange text to Static or embed
    font outlines), make sure you copy/paste the textfield to a
    new layer off the stage or set it to a
    guide layer so it is not included in exported SWF in canse
    you ever want to edit it later.
    --> Adobe Certified Expert
    KrahnikBoi wrote:
    > It will work if you break it apart. It should also work
    if you embed the
    > font.
    > --KB
    > "fudge_ona_stick" <[email protected]> wrote in
    > news:ejhsb0$qbc$[email protected]..
    >>yep, i've heard that too...
    >>static text will mask but dynamic and input text have
    serious issues...
    >>you could always "break apart" the text and you won't
    have masking issues.

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    9. play the movie in which the circle object covers the text on the masked layer as it moves across the stage
    Thanks for your help!

    Update 8-2-10: In play mode the text was still visible when it shouldn't be but once I tested the movie the mask worked correctly with the text. So problem solved
    Thanks for all who viewed this. I finally figured out why it wasn't working. I had the mask layer locked. But now the circle is moving across the text but the text is viewable when it shouldn't be until the circle moves across it. How come it's doing this?
    Message was edited by: ashmic19
    Message was edited by: ashmic19

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    Banding  is a complex topic and is not going to be resolved here.  Something you wrote  should  to be clarified, however. You mentioned  using 32  bits five times, though I think you were referring to two different measures of bit depth.   I am assuming you meant that you were doing your tests in Photoshop's 32  bits/channel image mode.  You then went on to talk about your Nvidia video setup  stating that it was also 32-bit.  That's fine, but the latter represents 32 bits per pixel, not per channel, and that translates to 8 bits per channel.   One significant reason you cannot set your graphics card  for higher per channel  bit depth is that only experimental displays can handle  more than 8 bits per channel.  In fact, some  LCD displays cannot even produce 8 bits worth of resolution even though they are so specified - they use spatial dither to up the color measure.
    The point is that your stated premise that using 32 bits should eliminate banding may be true, but your implementation to verify it is ineffective  as you have only 8 bits per channel on the output or dispay end.   How obvious banding is depends on too many parameters to discuss in this forum, but a significant one is the quality and the calibration of your monitor as well as its contrast settings. One needs to have a correct and smooth monitor gamma set and matched color channel to color channel.   In black and white smooth gradients what sometimes shows as banding, is the color channels being off by 1 color value (or more), that is, the R, G and B values are not equal . Looking at the info panel as you scan across a gradient will show you if this is the case.  This is common in inexpensive monitors.
    Changing the smoothness setting in Photoshop's Gradient editor can also change the appearance of banding.  Relevant to this forum, my experience is that looking at smooth gradients in the 32 bit/channel mode produces no banding on my display. So I will assume Adobe has done the coding correctly.   It is the software + the video processing and display adapter + the display hardware and settings + the visual perception of the viewer that all contribute to the perception of banding or contouring.  Kind of a long non answer, but I think relevant to the topic.

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    I too suffered from this error after I upgraded my workstation to HP820z/nvidia gtx690 (driver 311.06)/win7 64. I should note my previous setup did not have this problem (dual xeon/nvidia quadro 1700.) Mask feathering was either excruciatingly slow or would outright crash the software under CS6. I believe (unfortunately for you) that the 11.0.2 update fixed it (it's still slow, though). Once I upgraded to CC, however, the problem seems to have gone away...although pushing feathered mask points seems still slower than it should be.
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    Thanks for the quick reply. I seem to remember that about png's from a first year class
    Well my footage comes from a cg application and there are too many frames to manage in photoshop (unless there is a macro or batch script).
    So there is no way to feather the transparency in AE (or premiere pro)?
    As a last resort I suppose I can render an alpha channel as a separate sequence an use that.
    Sent from my iPhone

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    Thanks in advance

    That's sad to hear.
    The company I'm working for is specialised to work with such high resolutions, as I am for about 5 years.
    We had a resolution of about 28.218px * 15.600px for the Volkswagen Beijing Auto Motor Show in 2008.
    I also had a 48.000*720 project 2 years ago and now we have one with about 57.000px*224px
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    Since we are workin in 16bit/32float a banding problem is not ocurring when you know how to handle it.
    A mask feather on an adjustment layer that is controlling for example exposure on 3D renderings can go higher than 1000px to look good, but here again, we have to make workarounds to achieve certain looks because we are limited by AE here.
    Oh and we are working in 50p, not 24p, but the final renderings are getting splitted for the final output in the end.
    The 1000px feather and 30.000 buffer limits are artificially set and I wonder why there is no (hidden) option to change it.

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    Dirt simple VI attached.
    Still confused after 8 years.
    Timed ‏18 KB

    This is a quick simple VI that may help you, I made it ASAP.
    Compares a target hour versus the output of the Format Date Time String, which receives the current time.
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    Robst - CLD
    Using LabVIEW since version 7.0
    Timed ‏9 KB

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    I couldn't log into my apple account on my iPad, then i couldn't unlock it resulting in it being disabled, however it's the same as my iPhones password, I then called apple, i was hung up on twice and they said it will cost £70 to fix THEIR problem, help?

    If you cannot remember the passcode, you will need to restore your device using the computer with which you last synced it. This allows you to reset your passcode and resync the data from the device (or restore from a backup).
    If you restore on a different computer that was never synced with the device, you will be able to unlock the device for use and remove the passcode, but your data will not be present.
    You may have to force iPad/iPod into Recovery Mode

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    I was thinking of restoring, but I've never done it...  should I? 
    thank you!

    Hello florafromnv,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    The following article addresses how to resolve the issues related to this message:
    iOS: "Not enough free space" alert when trying to sync
    Jeff D.

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    This topic has been moved to Overclockers & Modding Corner.
    KT333 Ultra; fuzzy logic, 1.6xp overclocking problem help !!!!!

    Not that I am an expert o/c but here are some thoughts on the matter.
    My comments are based on my experiences of the KT3 Ultra2 which is basically the same as the Ultra version.
    This mobo does not have the ability to lock the PCI/AGP bus freely from the FSB. However, it does have dividers. At 133 a 1/4 divider kicks in. Above 152FSB the 1/5 divider works, so that at 166 the PCI & AGP buses will be back in sync. If you are o/c your cpu, don't go from 133 to 145, etc since you will be running the PCI/AGP buses further out of whack. Just go to either the mid 150's or to 166 in one jump. The other problem / issue relates to your cpu. From what you say you have one of the old Palominos which are not great o/c's. I would personally o/c your cpu from the BIOS rather than 'Fluffy Logic' which I would tend to stay away from. 
    With a 166FSB cpu a very stable o/c would be 175-177 beyond 180 gets decidedly tricky.
    Hope this helps

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    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down page in case one of them applies.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there is backup and recovery advice elsewhere in the user tip.
    If you've already tried a complete uninstall and reinstall try opening iTunes in safe mode (hold down CTRL+SHIFT as you start iTunes) then going to Edit > Preferences > Store and turning off Show iTunes in the Cloud purchases. You may find iTunes will now start normally.

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