Simple Transfer of 2 numbers between 2 houses in t...

You would have thought that this was the most simplest of requests to sort.
Myself and my daughter are swapping houses, so we want to swap telephone numbers.
Put in the order on 8/6/11, promised it would be sorted quickly as our number is used for our business, so it was vital that it wasn't unavailable for any length of time.
However our number was disconnected on 10/6/11, and still hasn't been reconnected, even worse they (BT) keep promising to get it sorted, but have recieved an email saying they are going to give us a new number!
This is not acceptable in this day and age.

Hi DRichardson,
I'll be happy to have a look over the order and try to ensure that the numbers are swapped.  The problem is we dont actually own the numbers so once a line is stopped the number becomes available.  We can reserve the number and do our best to keep it but it is not always possible.
If you can drop me in an email though we can keep a close eye on the order.
I'll need your BT account and telephone number along with a link back to this thread.
Just send using the contact us form in my profile under the 'about me' section.
BTCare Community Mod
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    Hi Godel,
    Since this discussion thread is over 3 years old, it would be better to start a new thread with your specific questions to get quicker help.
    I did a bit of research on your question, and found this helpful White Paper ( that discusses the resources used for components in LV FPGA code. For local variables (although it depends on hardware), it looks like it uses Flip-flops and LUTs.
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    Hi Sabir,
    Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting. I can look into this for you if you wish. Drop me an email with the details. You'll find the "contact us" form in the about me section of my profile. Once I have the details we'll take it from there.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)

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    "zbcong" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3e68318e$[email protected]..
    the appearance of xml enable the inter-communication between differencessystems.but
    i don't know how,such as following scinario:
    in the client side,we use the console that is written by using c#,if ifinish
    filling the text boxes that are within the console,click the submitbutton,the
    console will generate a xml format document.i want the other applicationthat
    is written by using jsp and servlet and deployed in weblogic server toreceive
    the xml document,then process the document.
    but i don't know how i can transfer the xml files between the twoapplications
    that is written in different languages? can i use http protocol?
    thanks for any helps!

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