Simulate the presence of an instrument

Hello Everyone!
I'm reading the data from an instrument that is in the lab and where there is junt a run-time version of labview instaled.
The instrument is an multiplexer GPIB interface that uses SCPI. To get the information i am using the VISA pallete.
But everytime that I change something and have to test it, i need to compile go to the lab test it, come back to the office, correct something, and so on...
My question if there is a way of "simulate" the presence of the instrument.
If someone can give me a light I will be thankfull!
Best Regards,
Thiago Bach 
Go to Solution.

you cannot simulate GPIB devices. At least not directly in software. So either you have a GPIB interface in the development system with a dummy (hardware) connected which understands the used SCPI commands you use for the multiplexer device. Or you can write some simulation module which simulates the complete GPIB interaction and never accesses real hardware.
hope this helps,
CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

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    Problem Description :
    Dear Sir,
    We are doing a project where we are using Lookout with
    Front end Modicon PLC. The communication is by
    Ethernet, using Modbus.
    Since the installation is at a distant place, we wanted
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    PLC. For this, we tried to communicate
    a: the server Lookout PC running Modbus Ethernet mode of
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    b: with another PC (for simulating the PLC) running
    Modbus Slave
    We did not get any communication. (we have given the
    details of what we have done, at the end of this email)
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    b: with another PC (for simulating the PLC) running
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    Again we did not get any communication.
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    and Modbus Ethernet. A detailed step by step procedure
    would help us a lot.
    Thanking you
    Warm Regards
    Raja Mahbubani
    Procedure of our trial with ethernet.
    This is what we have done in detail.
    On PC A:
    We created an object (Pot) and connected it to
    the modbus data member of the modbus object say 40001. In the
    properties of the modbus object we selected modbus ethernet mode
    of communication and in the IP address field we wrote the IP
    address of the machine B to which we are trying to communicate
    On PC B: we tried the following two methods
    Trial 1 : We created a modbus slave object and
    inserted an expression for the same data memeber to which the
    object was connected hoping to get the value of the pot of machine
    A on machine B.
    Trial 2 : We created a modbus object on machine B and we wrote
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    the value of the pot of machine A on machine B.
    NI Software : Lookout
    Version : 4.0.1 or 4.5
    OS : Windows 98
    NI Hardware : N/A
    Drivers : N/A
    Other Hardware/Instruments : N/A
    CPU : Pentium
    RAM : 64
    Vendor : S-Tech
    Customer Information :
    Raja Mahbubani
    Theta Controls
    [email protected]
    Ph: (+91) 20 4222556/7

    The ModbusSlave which comes with Lookout currently supports only Serial communication. So, you cannot use Ethernet between your two PCs. At least not with Modbus Master-Slave setup (if you must speak Ethernet between the two PCs, IPASCII object lets you do that, but then you'll need to implement your own protocol).
    Since all you want to do is simulate a Modbus PLC on a PC, you can use the Serial mode of communication for now. And later on just modify the Object in your Server Lookout to use the Ethernet mode.
    For setting up a Serial Modbus Slave, use a null-modem cable between the two PCs (lines 2 and 3 are swapped). On your PC 'B,' create the Modbus Slave object with the right COM port for that PC. And on your PC 'A' create the regular Modbus Object as if you w
    ere connecting to the Modbus Simulator box. The only difference here is the cable. The simulator box uses a straight-through cable whereas the Slave needs a null-modem cable.
    Hope this helps.

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    I work in the power conversion industry and do these types of measurements all the time…
    Do you want to just measure power quality or create and measure power quality problems?
    What hardware are you using?
    Power quality analyzer?
    Programmable AC power source?
    Fast Transient Generator?
    Here is an example of what I do.
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    For measuring power quality I use a Voltech PM3000A power analyzer and Labview to measure everything from voltage, current, and frequency, to  harmonics and %THD
    Message Edited by RTSLVU on 07-23-2008 10:31 AM

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    The new Apogee Duet for iPad and Mac, is compaible with iOS devices and includes a USB Midi input. This sounds like the perfect solution for your workflow.

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    Looking at the rendered code the list web part generates:
    <IMG name=imnmark width=12 height=12 title="" class=ms-imnImg id=imn_48683,type=smtp alt="No presence information" src="/_layouts/images/blank.gif" border=0 sip="[email protected]">
    Locations where the presence indicator works the code is:
    <IMG name=imnmark width=12 height=12 title="" class=ms-imnImg id=imn{20140822-1752-098D-8C11-188AD0B8B8B6},type=sip alt=Available src="" border=0 sip="[email protected]" valign="middle">
    It appears that the List web part is not detecting that the users have a sip address and they appear to be rendered using smtp instead.  It's also odd that the list web part is pulling the correct sip address while the one that works is pulling the
    email address, not the sip address stored in the user profile.  I spent considerable time going through the xslt to try and figure how the tag is rendered but I haven't been able to figure it out.
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    in IE 9.0/10/11.
    Any ideas?

    We don't have a Lync server and I don't have the software available.  Are you saying just having Lync installed even though it won't work might help?
    I did some more digging and believe that this is an issue with the XsltListViewWebPart.  If I go to the UserInformationList the web part used to render the list is the ListViewWebPart and the presence indicator works there.  Also our environment
    was migrated from 2007 and there are a number of pages that are using the old ListViewWebPart and the presence indicator works fine in this part.  If edit the page and add the same list library to it, it's added as a XsltListViewWebPart and the presence
    indicator does not work.
    The presence control is not rendered by the xsl files used by the webpart.  I modified the xsl to display the raw xml and the html code for the presence is part of the xml.  I'm guessing this can't be changed and is part of how SharePoint is rendering
    the data for the XsltListViewWebPart.  You can see the Editor and CheckoutUser lines have the html code embedded in the data.
    HTML_x0020_File_x0020_Type.File_x0020_Type.mapall="icxlsx.png|Microsoft Excel|SharePoint.OpenDocuments"
    FileRef="/sites/BPIT/Shared Documents/Database Sizes.xlsx"
    FileLeafRef="Database Sizes.xlsx"
    FileLeafRef.Name="Database Sizes"
    CheckoutUser="&lt;span class=&quot;ms-imnSpan&quot;&gt;&lt;a href='javascript:;' onclick='IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;' class='ms-imnlink'&gt;&lt;img name='imnmark' class='ms-imnImg' title='' border='0' height='12' width='12' src='/_layouts/images/blank.gif' alt='No presence information' sip='[email protected]' id='imn_77,type=smtp'/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a onclick=&quot;GoToLink(this);return false;&quot; href=&quot;/sites/BPIT/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?ID=526&quot;&gt;Ian Howe&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/span&gt;""526"
    CheckoutUser.title="Ian Howe"
    CheckoutUser.span="&lt;nobr&gt;&lt;span&gt;&lt;a onclick=&quot;GoToLink(this);return false;&quot; href=&quot;/sites/BPIT/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?ID=526&quot;&gt;Ian Howe&lt;/a&gt;&lt;img border=&quot;0&quot; height=&quot;1&quot; width=&quot;3&quot; src=&quot;/_layouts/images/blank.gif&quot;/&gt;&lt;a href='javascript:;' onclick='IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;' class='ms-imnlink'&gt;&lt;img name='imnmark' class='ms-imnImg' title='' border='0' height='12' width='12' src='/_layouts/images/blank.gif' alt='No presence information' sip='[email protected]' id='imn_78,type=smtp'/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/nobr&gt;"
    Created_x0020_Date="0;#2014-08-22 09:47:01"
    Modified="8/22/2014 10:51 AM"
    Editor="&lt;span class=&quot;ms-imnSpan&quot;&gt;&lt;a href='javascript:;' onclick='IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;' class='ms-imnlink'&gt;&lt;img name='imnmark' class='ms-imnImg' title='' border='0' height='12' width='12' src='/_layouts/images/blank.gif' alt='No presence information' sip='[email protected]' id='imn_79,type=smtp'/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a onclick=&quot;GoToLink(this);return false;&quot; href=&quot;/sites/BPIT/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?ID=526&quot;&gt;Ian Howe&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/span&gt;""526"
    Editor.title="Ian Howe"
    Editor.span="&lt;nobr&gt;&lt;span&gt;&lt;a onclick=&quot;GoToLink(this);return false;&quot; href=&quot;/sites/BPIT/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?ID=526&quot;&gt;Ian Howe&lt;/a&gt;&lt;img border=&quot;0&quot; height=&quot;1&quot; width=&quot;3&quot; src=&quot;/_layouts/images/blank.gif&quot;/&gt;&lt;a href='javascript:;' onclick='IMNImageOnClick(event);return false;' class='ms-imnlink'&gt;&lt;img name='imnmark' class='ms-imnImg' title='' border='0' height='12' width='12' src='/_layouts/images/blank.gif' alt='No presence information' sip='[email protected]' id='imn_80,type=smtp'/&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/nobr&gt;"
    ecb.dispex="return DispEx(this,event,'TRUE','FALSE','FALSE','SharePoint.OpenDocuments.3','0','SharePoint.OpenDocuments','','1','526','526','1','0','0x7fffffffffffffff','','')" />
    I just find it strange that the old ListViewWebPart works.  Our SP environment has not been patched to the latest version, I'll try that next and see if it makes a difference.

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    I used the  test expression "activeDocument in app", and everything worked as expected. And when I installed the script
    in the Photoshop scripts folder and ran it from Photoshop with a document open, it also worked.
    But when I ran the script from Photoshop with no document open, it failed.
    Moreover, after that,the script failed when I tried to run it in ESTK.
    I did some testing and found that my test expression, "activeDocument in app"
    was returning true, even though no document was open.
    Still in ESTK, I replaced the “app” with ”Application” in the test expression.  That worked when
    I stepped through the script.  But when I tried to run it without stopping, it stopped at the
    test expression, and displayed the error message, “Application is undefined.”
    So how do I test for the presence of an open document in Photoshop ??

    After posting this, I discovered the Photoshop Scripting Forum, and I found my answer there.—
    I should have used “app.Documents.length” as my test expression.

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    I have set the presence to screen only but the checkbox still prints. I am using adobe LiveCycle design 9 and it is a dynamic form
    This check box is part of an action, where when clicked, it copy's the data from one row and puts it in another. It is also in a row that can be added and removed.
    But basically I want the check box to appear on the screen but not print (including when the form is converted to a PDF when its completed)

    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    The computer sleeps or shuts down unexpectedly.

  • TS3391 I movie 09 on my Macbook Pro isn't recognizing the presence of my Sony handycam dvd201E - nor does it offer options - any advice please?  dave R

    I movie 09 on my Macbook Pro isn't recognizing the presence of my Sony handycam dvd201E - nor does it offer options - any advice please?  dave R

    I have a MacBook Pro 15 inch early 2011.
    The new features available in OS X Yosemite like Continuity, Handoff,etc are not supported in this model.
    I did upgrade RAM to avoid any possible slowdown.
    I found replacing the HD with SSD is  too expensive for  a 4 years old model.
    Replacing the CPU/GPU is not for amateurs.
    If you think that rebuilding a Mac part by part is a viable option, please go ahead and rebuild it.

  • How can a cable tv provider recognize the  presence of the AV adapter and hence blockning  the mirroring of the IPad screen?

    I am using the Xfinity Play app to acces Comcast/xfinity material.
    IPad refuse to mirror its screen picture but let the sound through.
    Instead  the TV display the text  'you are not permitted  to use this material on a non mobile unit.'
    If I use a non-Apple AV adapter the problem is gone.
    How come that  Xfinity recognize the presence of a non mobile unit  in one case but not in another?
    Does Apple deliberately provide the  source. with this information?

    That is what the content providers want and hit has nothing to do with Apple.
    The ATV certainly is not about cutting the cord, it is not a replacement for cable/satellite or OTA TV.

  • [AS] How to test the presence of at least one table?

    Hello everyone,
    I would like to test for the presence of at least one table in a document before starting a process (on edge strokes). 
    I found this, but I do not know if this is really effective:
                                  set CountOfTables1 to count of tables of every story
                                  set CountOfTables2 to every table of every story
    The first gives me a list of the number of table in each story; the second gives me the objects reference of every table.
    Is there another way?

    The test I did for nested tables stank (table pasted in rectangle and that rectangle pasted in a table ).  It does not work for nested tables
    I tested .isValid and it's a lot slower.
    Yes, I noticed that difference after posting my eeakk comment.
    Using slice(0) after the getElements can make a big difference but still the simple length going to be quicker in this case.
    Also the getElements without the slice(0) will return "too many elements" if there are to many elements (between 1500 - 15,000).
    On the other hand for repeated access of the variable (looping) it's as know normally quicker to use the getElements().slice(0).length than just length
    In summary
    1) Your anyItem() method is going to be very quick on a document which has a high ratio of stories containing tables.
    2) Although your method could and possibly probably be 100 times quicker than mine I would definitely use my method in terms of typing time and space verses the 1/2 second it might save on execution time per 10,000 tables.
    3) The only accurate method (in this thread) for counting the tables including nested and footnotes is Marc's Grep method.
    So I guess the 3 of us can share first place.
    I just wonder if using the same technique as Marc used in our discussion sometime back on nested buttons might get to a quick count than using the Grep method here.
    Clearly needs to be repeated on different types of document setups one can try the below
    if (! {alert ("Really!?"); exit()};
    var scriptCount = 1;
    // Script 1 table.length
    var doc = app.activeDocument,
          start =,
          t = doc.stories.everyItem().tables.length,
          finish =;
    $.writeln ("\rtable.length Script (" + scriptCount++ + ") took " + (finish - start) + "ms\r" + ((t) ? t + " Table" + ((t>1) ? "s" : "") : "Diddlysquat"));
    // Script 2 getElements
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var start =;
    var t = doc.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().getElements().length;
    var finish =;
    $.writeln ("\rgetElements Script (" + scriptCount++ + ") took " + (finish - start) + "ms\r" + ((t) ? t + " Table" + ((t>1) ? "s" : "") : "Diddlysquat"));
    // Script 3 getElements.slice(0)
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var start =;
    var t = doc.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().getElements().slice(0).length;
    var finish =;
    $.writeln ("\rgetElements.slice(0) Script (" + scriptCount++ + ") took " + (finish - start) + "ms\r" + ((t) ? t + " Table" + ((t>1) ? "s" : "") : "Diddlysquat"));
    // Script 4      isValid
    var start =;
    var t = doc.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().isValid;
    var finish =;
    $.writeln ("\risValid Script (" + scriptCount++ + ") took " + (finish - start) + "ms\rThe document contains " + ((t) ? "tables" : "no tables"));
    // Script 5   Marc's Grep
    var start =;
    var t = countTables();
    var finish =;
    $.writeln ("\rMarc's Grep Script as said only accurate one but slow (" + scriptCount++ + ") \rtook " + (finish - start) + "ms\r" + ((t) ? t + " Table" + ((t>1) ? "s" : "") : "Diddlysquat"));
    // Script 6 very lot of anyItem
    var start =;
    var myResult = atLeastOneTableInDoc(app.documents[0]);
    var finish =;
    $.writeln ("\rUwes Anyone for Bingo Script (" + scriptCount++ + ") took " + (finish - start) + "ms\rThe document contains " + ((myResult) ? "tables" : "no tables"));
    // Script 7 anyItem length
    var start =;
    var myResult = detectATable();
    var finish =;
    $.writeln ("\ranyItem length Script (" + scriptCount++ + ") took " + (finish - start) + "ms\rThe document contains " + ((myResult) ? "tables" : "no tables"));
    // Script 8 anyItem elements length
    var start =;
    var myResult = detectATable2();
    var finish =;
    $.writeln ("\ranyItem elements length Script (" + scriptCount++ + ") took " + (finish - start) + "ms\rThe document contains " + ((myResult) ? "tables" : "no tables"));
    function atLeastOneTableInDoc(myDoc){
        var myResult = 0;
        if(myDoc.stories.length === 0){return myResult};
        var myStories = myDoc.stories;
        //LOOP length == length of all Story objects
        //using anyItem() for checking length of Table objects
        for(var n=0;n<myStories.length;n++){
            if(anyStory = myStories.anyItem().tables.length > 0){
                myResult = 1;
                return myResult;
        //FALL-BACK, if anyItem() will fail:
    //EDIT:    if(!myResult){
            for(var n=0;n<myStories.length;n++){
                if(myStories[n].tables.length > 0){
                    myResult = 2;
                    return myResult;
    //EDIT:       };
        return myResult;
    }; //END function atLeastOneTableInDoc(myDoc)
    function detectATable(){
            return true; // Bingo
       for(var n=0;n<s.length;n++){
            if(s[n].tables.length) return true
        return false
    function detectATable2(){
            return true; // Bingo
        var sl = app.documents[0].stories.everyItem().getElements().slice(0);
       for(var n=0;n<s.length;n++){
            if(s[n].tables.length) return true
        return false
    function countTables()
        app.findTextPreferences = null;
        app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = "\x16";
        var t =||0;
        return t&&t.findText().length;
    A bit of homework. I didn't test it on the above but I found the your highRes function trimmer seems to have a large favoritism to the first function to compare.
    I was testing 2 prototypes and swapping the order swapped the result. One can make the prototypes the same and see the time difference.

  • Windows support software not detected the presence of Windows support software

    I have already downloaded the Windows support software but why the Mac warning that it could not detecte the presence of Windows support software (I use USB for install)


  • Due to the presence of characters known to be used in Cross Site Scripting

    I am getting following error when I try to send single quote as part of URL. I tried javascript escape to encode the URL. But still getting same error. Does anybody know workaround for the issue. Thanks
    Due to the presence of characters known to be used in Cross Site Scripting attacks, access is forbidden. This web site does not allow Urls which might include embedded HTML tags.
    403: Access Forbidden
    Your client is not allowed to access the requested object

    FYI. We are using IIS Webserver and Weblogic Appserver.
    When the page is accessed through Weblogic , cross site script does not occur. It happens when the page is rendered via IIS.

  • Reg: Simulate the system i/0 and user i/o

    Hi all,
    Currently am in the process of testing the database perfomance. As per , want to simulate the system i/o and user i/o upto 30ms.
    Please let me know the ways. your early will be highly appreciated.
    Thank you

    system and User i/o are not different.
    But single block read ('sequential read') and multiblock read ('scattered read') are different (difference is the size of i/o)
    On unix, you can use dd (blocksize is your oracle blocksize for single block reads)

  • How to identify the presence of scroll bars in browser from the plug-in

    I am developing a plug-in for the type application/x-shockwave-flash. In windowless mode, firefox window client area shared by all the plug-ins. Since plug-in runs in plugincontainer.exe, and DC is passed from firefox.exe, i couldn't the any api or the way to query the firefox for the presence of scrolling bars.
    Could you please tell me the way to identify the presence of scrolling bars in the browser from the plug-in?

    Go to DB02 --> Additional functions --> BW analysis , you will see rows (in pink) highlighted for cubes , dsos and PSA.
    For cubes click on highlighted row for cube and put filter *cube name * , it will shows all related tables with the space . Space occupied by different tables of the cube can be summed up to get total value .
    Similarly for DSO and PSAs.
    You may download this information on an excel and then put descending order on space column to get cubes occupying max space .
    Also look for table RSDODSO (directory for all DSOs) and RSDCUBE ( directory for all cubes) , i suppose you will get space information there as well.

Maybe you are looking for