Singer/Songwriter genre

Excuse me but if they don't write the song they are NOT a songwriter. Even if they write other songs, if they didn't write this one, the song should NOT be filed under Singer/Songwriter.
I use iTunes's genres to help me filter the new releases to find the music I want. I want to find GENUINE singer-songwriters, not cover-artists. In the past few weeks I have seen several covers, including many versions of Ed Sheeran's "Sing", and several versions of a song called "Am I Wrong". It's a shame you don't include songwriter info with your songs, then we could know who really wrote them.
These are the "singer-songwriter" singles I have (up to 4 songs) from 9th to 15th June:
Peter Hollens
Into the West (feat. Taylor Davis)
Emmanuel Villagomez
La Luna
Craig Stuart
Don't Waste My Time
Julie Foldesi
Is It Too Late?
Se7en Hurts
Tan Brown
Home (feat. Christopher Celiz)
Mike Culligan
In Your Corner (Live Acoustic)
The Edward James Project
Fix You
Donovan Tucker
It's a Dog's Life
Charlotte Brimner
Summer of One Four
Kirsten Mhairi
Aaron Crites
Fell so High
Dakota Drive
Save Me (All the Hope)
Kelley Ellis
All About You
Jim Cruise
One (Mix Version)
Love Is
Dylan Lackey
Chapter One
Life Goes On
Ashley Michelle
Dangerous Love
Just Adamm
Brent Puls
Golden Mean
Alan Goodwin
Worth the Wait
Ahmir & Ali Brustofski
The Monster
Wendy McAuslan
Turn Around Again
I Took Your Name
I Took Your Name
A Sea of Infantry
Het Sterrenteam
O, O, O, Oranje
Eva Ricci
Who's It Gonna Be
Si Roxby
Rivers Underground
Dream On
Grace Fuller
When I'm with You
Nathaniel O'Brien
Take Me Back
Hudson Taylor
Sandii Jane
Emanuele Barbati
Stai sicura
Paul Donovan
Never Let Go
Rodrigo Almeida
Ghostbrother Project
Back into Your Heart
Alonzo Holt
Stay With Me
Frankie Davies
John Stuart Carlisle
Sweet Success
Fall into Pieces
Falling off the Edge of the World

We are fellow users here on these forums, you're not talking to iTunes Support nor Apple.
Song info is supplied (or omitted) by the record companies/rights-holders. If you want to leave feedback for Apple then you can do so here : - but it's the people who supply the songs that will have to add info to their songs.

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    Suscribe to him!
    Acoustic Session

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    And is there a way to get the grid back?

    Thanks for the reply.
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    Thanks a lot.

    Opcode eh? Who are they..?
    (just kidding!
    A MBP will hold it's resale value longer, it has FW400 and FW800 ports for high bandwidth options (such as audio), it has a card slot for ESATA drives or UAD Xpanders, it has a larger screen size (13in on the MB is cramped for pro work), it has a dedicated graphics card (the MB shares the system RAM), and more ports in general.
    Plenty of reasons why the MBP is a better machine for pro work - there are others too.
    Always get FW interfaces / drives for audio work. Leave USB for mice and dongles etc - it has really bad performance for things like audio.
    You can probably fulfill your requirements with Express, if the cost is an issue. Logic Studio has some advantages, especially in terms of core content and other utilties/plugins, but Logic Express is nearly Logic Pro these days.


    Hey does anybody know some really good quality instrument software that I can run midi with logic? I know about the Jam packs but from what I hear they are not as great as they should be. Im looking for drums,orchestra, piano, brass, strings etc. Any help would be great, thanx.

    whoa, first i gotta say that the jam packs ARE Excellent! i was a GarageBand user first who has since made the jump to Logic (currently 7.2 and about to upgrade to 8). the jam packs for me were a must for GBand although some of those types of sounds are already in Logic.
    For the record jam Packs include the following:
    1. Loops. There are 2 kinds of loops. The first is a "real instrument loop" that is a recording of a real musician in a real studio playing real instruments. These are of high quality though i don't personally use them very much except for some of the percussion loops. However these loops have been analyzed and will conform to tempos and keys (within reason) automatically. You may also cut them up at will. i have created some good Amen type breaks as i make Drum and Bass. The new vocal jam pack has some very well recorded and produced samples.
    The second kind of loops are midi loops. These can conform to all tempos and keys and can be re-arranged at will. Midi loops can be applied to any Software Instrument these are great if you find something close but want to alter it or for analyzing certain styles. Some of the midi guitar loops suprisingly realistic.
    2. All jam packs include Software Instruments. These are of the EXS24 type but can be loaded into both logic and garageband which doesn't feature the EXS24 as it appears in logic, though the basic functionality is there. These instruments can be loaded into GBand and Logic directly. In logic they are in the channel strip settings under GarageBand. They load a simplified version of EXS. The jam packs make use of the instruments by providing loops made with those instruments. Of course you can use the loops and instruments separately.
    Here is the break down.
    The ReMix Jam Pack (my favorite) is a collection of synthetic sounds primarily for Dance Music. you will find 808's 909's though no 303's. These were made in cooperation with Roland (which is rare) you will also find some great although somewhat simplified synth emulations. The loops are primarily synths and drums but they cover almost every genre of dance from House, Trance Electro and Drum and Bass.
    The World Music Jam Pack covers a lot of ground (literally) with asian, latin european, and african instruments and loops. Some of these are great the sitar and steel drums are awesome. Some are disappointing the Bag Pipes for instance. However bag pipes are kind of hard to do and to program correctly however i did download a Amazing Grace midi file and they actually sounded really good.
    The Rhythm Section Jam Pack is a more Rock oriented one with electric and acoustic guitars and basses, horns drum etc. there a really good loops and software instruments. Since these instruments are so well known and since people are so used to hearing them played by real musicians careful programming of the virtual instruments is a must for a finished song. But these can be great for sketches to be played by a real musician later. The drum loops are wonderful, very usable and a singer songwriter's dream come true.
    The Symphonic Orchestra Jam Pack has exactly what you think it would. I feel less qualified to give an opinion on this but can probably safely say that this would not be able to compete with a larger and much more expensive dedicated symphonic instrument. They are usable for a quick spot of drama or as a symphonic backing.
    The last available Jam Pack is the Voices one. This is a weird one because you can't really make a complete vocal line from samples. Mostly because you can't tell a sample what to sing. Also the Voices software instruments are mostly oohhs and ahhs choirs which never sound "real" there is one that you can go through vowels with the mod wheel but again who just talks or sings in vowels? To its credit the samples that are sung by real singers sound incredible though some may find the production a bit OTT. They do work well for my chosen genre which tends to use just vocal snippets and i produced a song that is just lovely using a few lines from one of the "singers" But like all the Jam packs they are completely royalty free and legal to use in a song. They also sync perfectly with Logic and GBand.
    There is one more Jam Pack which i don't have because it is no longer available, so I can't really comment on it.
    i know this was long and i apologize. i probably should have said. " Don't worry about it just buy Logic 8 because you get the first five Jam Packs (not including voices but it does include the first and no longer available one) FOR FREE!" Even for the full version of Logic it's like buying the Jam Packs and getting Logic for free!
    also about the original question about instrument plug-ins. Logic can only use Audio Unit (AU) Plug-ins VSTs will not work in (natively) Logic. For most plug ins you can usually download a "Demo" version to get an idea if it is right for you. There are freeware, shareware, and for pay AU's all over the web and there are multiple forums for discussing them. is an excellent forum completely dedicated to digital audio production with an emphasis on Plug-Ins and many developers of plug-ins actually have their user forums there and communicate directly with users of their products.
    I hope this clarifies things- gos

  • How can I make iPhone 4S Video's fill the screen when using them in iMovie 11 on My MacBook Pro

    Hey Guys.
    I am a singer songwriter from he UK.... I recently bought an Iphone4s, Ipad and Mac book pro (haha, apple hero, I know). I have always wanted to make the big jump to apple, just was waiting a little while.
    I am thrilled so far, it's all great. But, I use Imovie (i am still getting to grips with it, but the features are amazing) to make videos of me singing coversand original videos for youtube.
    The Camera on the iphone4s is great.
    But, when I import videos into Imovie11, the videos do not fill the screen in their original form.
    In some videos, I use the Ken Burns effect. Now, on the parts of my video when I use this effect, it fills the screen as it should do.
    Why do the videos in their untampered form not do this?  I have tried importing widescreen, original size, and Large, but it alwys sits in the middle of the screen, fairly thin lookin. It fills the screen when it's on my Iphone, I am very lost.
    plesse help.

    if i can offer any more info please just ask

  • Is Garage Band right for me?

    Hi - I'm completely a novice at recording. I'm a singer/songwriter and am looking into getting a recording program. I've heard people say that Garage Band is really user friendly to the novice. Would it be a good program for me to start on? My goals are to be able to take my recordings and release them as albums and hopefully not have to go into a studio anymore. I won't be recording anything except for my vocal tracks and guitar. I plan on trying to use the virtual instruments provided for everything else.
    Also if you have suggestions on what type of equipment (mics, speakers, plug ins) I'll be needing/wanting to go with a new Mac to reach my goal please let me know. Thanks

    GB is perfect for what you want to do.
    equipment depends a lot on what your budget is, but you can find interfaces here:
    with links on the left for mics and other things.

  • Help choosing an Audio Interface Please

    I am new to the mac world, and GB'08 is my first exposure to computer-based recording. I have been using the internal mic to record guitar and vocals, but want to upgrade so I can get better quality. I am not a pro, and am not looking to spend a bunch of money on this. I currently have a Tascam US-122, but although I have th most recent driver (and it shows up in system pref, GB, etc.) I cannot get it to work properly. I'm ready to move on.
    I have found 2 devices that I think would be sufficient for my purposes, the Miglia Harmony Audio Interface (firewire) and the Imic (USB). Does any one have any ecperience working with either of these? Preferences? Other recommendations?
    I have the imac 20", 2.4ghz, 2gb RAM with Leopard OSX.

    I am a singer songwriter who uses GB to do my songs. I bought a 10 input Behringer mixer for $70 and the iMic for $30. I run the guitar and mic into the mixer and the tape outs (Y Card - two RCA outs to 1/8" in) into the iMic. I get really good sound. iMic is a 2 way device so you can monitor also. Also, I converted all my bands old cassette recordings to MP3 using the iMic. And those recordings sound really great. So I speak from experience that the A to D converter in the iMic is pretty good. I owned a studio in LA back in 80's so I know the difference good sound and bad.
    Another idea would be to buy a $50 Behringer mixer and run your audio into the audio in jack on your computer. Have never tried this but I am guessing it would be better than using the internal Mic (the worst possible scenario).
    And the good thing about the iMic just works and it is cheap. So later if you get money you can spring on a "pro" interface like the Apogee Duet.
    The absolute key to getting a good sound is to have a "hot signal" going into your computer so you don't have to crank up the input gain and introduce a bunch of noise. The Behringer mixers come with XLR inputs for your Mic with ok gain. I actually plug my Mic into a Symetrix preamp to make the signal "hot" and then feed it into the Behringer.
    Good luck!!

  • ITunes radio has deleted my station

    I keep trying to load 80s rock radio but the station is "unavailable temporarily" and then after I clicked OK the station was deleted
    .. Was this station removed or is it a temporary problem?

    I have had the same issue. iTunes Radio deleted my favorite station (Chillout - Singer/Songwriter) and now I can't get it back. In fact there are only four stations in the Singer/Songwriter section when there used to be around twenty. This is very disappointing if the radio on iPhones is going to be reduced. I hope they bring it back I subscribed to Match for this service deleting Pandora but I may go back if they continue to remove stations.

  • USB mic/Audio MIDI setup help.

    I'm going crazy and have spent two+ hours today trying to resolve what should be a simple issue, especially since I had it working at one time...
    I'm looking to set up my USB mic in Logic (MXL USB.007, if it matters). First, in going to my System Prefs > Sound, I can see that it is indeed registering sound. Simple.
    So I go to Audio MIDI Setup, as I've seen on the boards. Though the mic automatically shows up as "USB Audio Codec", I'm following the process to create an aggregate device (as shown here: Since after doing this, it's not working, my newbie Logic 101 question is, then, what is the correct setup I'm looking for? My choices are USB Audio Codec In and Out, and Built-In Input, Output and Microphone (I'm assuming I should use USB Audio Codec In and Built-In Output).
    After this I've gone to Logic's Audio Pref's and changed it to the Aggregate Device, but the mic produces no sound and the audio track monitor doesn't move.
    I'm completely frustrated and would be very appreciative of some help. Thanks.

    Okay, after much hair pulling, it had to do with my Bus setting on the track. (sigh) What do I know...I'm a singer-songwriter, not a producer.

  • Best practice for audio?

    I am building a website for an historical novel ( and wish to include a recording of a radio interview with the authors. I work on the web very sporadically – picking up as I go along.
    What I have read so far is suggests that a swf file with attached audio is likely to reach the largest audience, due to the widespread availability of the Flash Player.  (I've heard 95%.  Is this real?)  If I go this route, it looks like I will have to roll my own controller in ActionScript, which would be fun, but I'm under time constraints and would have to pick up AS's syntax in a hurry.
    An alternative would be to link to a QT audio-only .mov file.  Presumably, this would give me instant controller, but I'm not sure how many listeners I would lose over on the Windows side.  Anyone know how widespread the QT Player is over there in PC land?  Any comments on preferred compression?  (Voice-level mono is okay. The music in the clip is incidental.)
    Or, it could be that both of the above options may be foolish, and a simple and effective solution has eluded me because I'm basically a thrill-seeking newbie to web delivery.
    In any event, I'd really appreciate a little nudge in the right direction.
    Richard Hurley
    Grass Valley MultiMedia

    I've used the JPlayer Audio Playlist generator before for a little site for a local singer / songwriter.
    The generator:
    It was quite straightforward to restyle for the site:
    Once its set up, its easy to change the tracks to be included in the playlist - simply add or remove them from the defined folder on the server.
    Having said that, I'me going to bookmark Nancy's links, as a long with Murray, they're possibly the two most consistantly helpful people posting here.

  • Setting up my 5.6 NCB543W with my iMac over my wi-fi network

    Hi I just recieved my new ad watchfull a watchful eye of my home and family when I am on the road touring. I am singer songwriter  http:/ AND I'm getting ready to set up my fall tour. Recently I relocated from Miami, Fl to Dallas , Texas. Off-corse it was because of a girl, why else would a reasonably sane person do this lol. So I recieved the camera by speedy delivery and as advertised is user friendly with my 27' IMac. How do I know this ? well it said so on the internet lol.  No but seriously I did research before I purchased the cam and after trying to follow all the antiquated pc "destructions of how to"I knew I would need to ask for help from a place I knew I  would be welcome, and this challenge would be met with sense of urgency and compedentcy I would be very thankful for any assistance . Please understand I want to mount this camera outside so a wi fi conection is whats desired. In the manual it suggests that I will have to connect via a LAN port before I can set the camera to function over my wi fi network. Keep in mind I also have a 13' Mac Pro as well that I would like to have viewing access of the camera as well. Also My girlfriend and I two I Phone 5"s that when we are not at our residence we would like to recieve via text sms or email alerts of any activity that is suspect. I also read that with this mobile feature also I will recieve the

    Hi I just recieved my new ad watchfull a watchful eye of my home and family when I am on the road touring. I am singer songwriter  http:/ AND I'm getting ready to set up my fall tour. Recently I relocated from Miami, Fl to Dallas , Texas. Off-corse it was because of a girl, why else would a reasonably sane person do this lol. So I recieved the camera by speedy delivery and as advertised is user friendly with my 27' IMac. How do I know this ? well it said so on the internet lol.  No but seriously I did research before I purchased the cam and after trying to follow all the antiquated pc "destructions of how to"I knew I would need to ask for help from a place I knew I  would be welcome, and this challenge would be met with sense of urgency and compedentcy I would be very thankful for any assistance . Please understand I want to mount this camera outside so a wi fi conection is whats desired. In the manual it suggests that I will have to connect via a LAN port before I can set the camera to function over my wi fi network. Keep in mind I also have a 13' Mac Pro as well that I would like to have viewing access of the camera as well. Also My girlfriend and I two I Phone 5"s that when we are not at our residence we would like to recieve via text sms or email alerts of any activity that is suspect. I also read that with this mobile feature also I will recieve the

Maybe you are looking for