Single SQL statement that does multiple column checks

I have multiple sql statements (see below) that do value and format checking on different columns within the same table. I am trying to condense these checks into one SQL statement, anyone know how to do this?
select colx, coly, col1 from table1 where col1 not in ('A','B','C')
select colx, coly, col2 from table1 where col2 not in ('X','Y','Z')
Note that I am looking for the value of the offending column (e,g col1 or col2) as the last of the three columns outputted,
Thanks in advance

SQL> create table t (colx number, coly number, col1 varchar2(1),
   col2 varchar2(1), col3 varchar2(1), col4 varchar2(1))
Table created.
SQL> insert all
   into t values(1,1,'A','D','G','J')
   into t values(1,2,'*','D','G','J')
   into t values(1,3,'A','D','G','J')
   into t values(1,4,'A','*','G','J')
   into t values(1,5,'A','D','G','J')
   into t values(1,6,'A','D','*','J')
   into t values(1,7,'A','D','G','J')
   into t values(1,8,'_','-','/','*')
select * from dual
8 rows created.
SQL> select colx, coly,
   trim(regexp_replace('Col1' || col1,'(Col1)([^A|B|C])|(Col1)([A|B|C])', '\1 ') ||
        regexp_replace('Col2' || col2,'(Col2)([^D|E|F])|(Col2)([D|E|F])', '\1 ') ||
        regexp_replace('Col3' || col3,'(Col3)([^G|H|I])|(Col3)([G|H|I])', '\1 ') ||
        regexp_replace('Col4' || col4,'(Col4)([^J|K|L])|(Col4)([J|K|L])', '\1')) offending_column,
   trim(regexp_replace(col1,'([^A|B|C])|([A|B|C])', '\1 ') ||
        regexp_replace(col2,'([^D|E|F])|([D|E|F])', '\1 ') ||
        regexp_replace(col3,'([^G|H|I])|([G|H|I])', '\1 ') ||
        regexp_replace(col4,'([^J|K|L])|([J|K|L])', '\1')) offending_value
from t
where regexp_replace(col1||col2||col3||col4,
      '(A|B|C)(D|E|F)(G|H|I)(J|K|L)') is not null
         1          2 Col1                 *                  
         1          4 Col2                 *                  
         1          6 Col3                 *                  
         1          8 Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4  _ - / *            
4 rows selected.Message was edited by:
Added offending_value
NOTE* this query only works on single character columns and requires modification for multi character columns

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    If you want a wizard to create the form and report for you then yes you need to have a table. One thing that you can do is define a view that contains the data you need and define an Instead Of trigger on that view so the automatic fetch and dml will work but you can have the data stored into the different objects. basically the view and the trigger work as a router/dispatcher for the data.
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    Good Luck!
    Message was edited by: TysonJouglet

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    user10382685 wrote:
    I'm using Oracle
    In an anonymous block I have a dynamic SQL statement that finds the table name and column name that a string value resides in.
    It looks like this:
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    ' = :b1)';
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    How can I do this?Well, it would be nice for you to post the whole context of your present solution so we know what's going on. I'll assume r comes from a loop referencing user_tab_cols or some equivalent view.
    If so, you'll likely need to check the DATA_TYPE column.
    Keeping in mind, doing something like this is going to be pretty ridiculous if you have a large amount of distinct values ... I'm hoping/assuming this is a one off type of thing.
      type        l_date is table of date;
      v_date      l_date;
      type        l_char is table of varchar2(4000);
      v_char      l_char;
      type        l_numb is table of number;
      v_numb      l_numb;
      l_distinct_ set sys_refcursor;
      open l_distinct_set for 'select distinct ' || r.column_name || ' from ' || r.owner||'.'||r.table_name;
      --expand on the data types you care about as needed, this is a BASIC set
      if r.data_type = 'DATE'
        fetch l_distinct_set bulk collect into v_date;
      elsif r.data_type in ('VARCHAR2', 'CHAR')
        fetch l_distinct_set bulk collect into v_char;
      elsif r.data_type = 'NUMBER'
        fetch l_distinct_set bulk collect into v_numb;
      end if;
      close l_distinct_set;

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    RETURN tbl_dealer_info.c_street%TYPE AS
    v_rc tbl_dealer_info.c_street%TYPE;
    CURSOR get_dealer_cur IS
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    FROM tbl_dealer_info
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    v_rc := NULL;
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    END IF;
    CLOSE get_dealer_cur;
    RETURN v_rc;
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    where DI.n_dealer_id = 1205;
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    Lori Neirynck

    "The reality is you've probably already put your blinders on and you won't learn the best approach to solving your problem because you insist on asking a courtroom style question (just "yes" or "no" please)."
    Actually, I asked this question because I was looking for the best approach to my problem. I have an SQL statement that correctly selects everything it needs to from all 15 tables. The thing of it is it is very long and difficult to read. I wanted to try using functions so that I could change 12 AND/OR statements into 3 IF statements so everything is easier to read. I have received a couple of different ways to do this from other forums that assumed I knew what I was doing. I have gotten one to work, the other I'm still working on. I'll post the one that worked for others that want to know.
    SQL> insert into dealer_info values (1,'Me','13 success street', 'Wonder Town','Wonderland','1313');
    SQL> commit;
    SQL> create type t_address as object (
    2 street varchar2(100),
    3 city varchar2(30),
    4 state varchar2(30),
    5 zip varchar2(10));
    6 /
    Type created.
    SQL> create or replace function get_address (p_id number) return t_address
    2 is
    3 ret t_address := t_address(null,null,null,null);
    4 rec dealer_info%rowtype;
    5 begin
    6 select * into rec from dealer_info where id=p_id;
    7 ret.street := rec.street;
    8 :=;
    9 ret.state := rec.state;
    10 :=;
    11 return ret;
    12 end;
    13 /
    Function created.
    SQL> col name format a10
    SQL> col address format a70
    SQL> select name, get_address(id) address from dealer_info;
    Me T_ADDRESS('13 success street', 'Wonder Town', 'Wonderland', '1313')
    1 row selected.

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    Use AUDIT to trace all sql statement about table, views etc. (except column) :
    Or, if you are in 9i or later, you can use DBMS_FGA (you can audit just a column) :

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      SELECT * FROM /BIC/ADSO00 AS tb1
          INNER JOIN /BIC/PMASTER as tbl2
          ON tbl1~field1 = tbl2~field1
          AND tbl12~field2 = tbl2~field2
          WHERE tbl1~field3 = SOURCE_PACKAGE-field3
          AND tbl1~field4 BETWEEN lv_minper AND lv_maxper
          AND tbl1~field5 = SOURCE_PACKAGE-field5
          AND tbl1~field6 = '0100'
          AND tbl2~OBJVERS = 'A'.
    thanks in advance !!
    Bharath S

    Hi Bharath,
    tb1 is your /BIC/ADSO00 table
    tbl2 is your  /BIC/PMASTER second table.
    It is selecting all contents from /BIC/ADSO00 table available and is selecting respective contents from /BIC/PMASTER second table using field 1 and field2 as key(unique in two tables) and moving into an internal table(structures used in program for holding values similar to DB and can hold values till program execution ends) and selection is valid only for entries in source_package another internal table.
    Conditions for the selections are
    tbl1~field3 = SOURCE_PACKAGE-field3
          AND tbl1~field4 BETWEEN lv_minper AND lv_maxper
          AND tbl1~field5 = SOURCE_PACKAGE-field5
          AND tbl1~field6 = '0100'
          AND tbl2~OBJVERS = 'A'.
    Hope it will be helpful.

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    how do i do it ? what configurations should i do ? how ?
    please help ... thanks

    Current SQL statements are viewed in dynamic tables:
    A historical log of all SQL statements is recorded in Oracle Archived Logs, and can be viewed using the Oracle Logminer approach. This process requires your database to be in ARCHIVELOG mode, and that Logminer be configured to read the archived logs.

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    Dana N wrote:
    When I query v$transaction, v$session and v$sql, all I can see is the SQL statement that is currently running in an active transaction.
    How can I view all SQL statements that have been executed in a currently running transaction since that transaction began?In the general case: impossible.
    In some special cases you can use v$sql, v$open_cursor, or "Availabilty>View and Manage Transactions" or something else.
    But be aware, transaction could be started long time ago, all cursor could be flushed from shared pool and closed, and redo (the page from Grid Control bring Log Miner) may not always be available.

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    select column1, column2
    from table1, table2
    where table1.x = table2.y
    order by column1
    In java I should build this query into a String:
    String sql = "select column1, column2"+
    "from table1, table2 "+
    "where table1.x = table2.y "+
    "order by column1";
    The problem is -- you may not noticed, but this sql is incorrect, because there is no space before the from clause. This error will only appear when the program is run.
    Is there some technique to help writing sql statements that span many lines?
    Luis Cabral

    Another suggestion:
    Use constants for the parts you always use and set a blank at first and last position of the constant:
    final String SELECT_ALL_FROM = " SELECT * FROM ";
    final String WHERE = " WHERE ";
    better it happens that you have more than one space between two words than none.

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    I know this can be done after enabling auditing.
    I would like to get the details without enabling the auditing option.
    I am using oracle 9i and oracle 10g.

    You can use {noformat}{noformat} tags to preserve the SQL format. Below is an example of how to use it.
    <place your code here>\When your do that your code may look like
         substr(sid || ',' || serial#,0,15) sid,
         sql_text Query
         and hash_value=sql_hash_value
         and status='ACTIVE'
    order by LOGON_TIME,sid,piece
    This one is more readable to everyone.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • JDBC, SQL-SELECT: Aliases for multiple columns?

    using SQL, JDBC with MaxDB 7.6, I am used to doing something like
    in order to make table columns have names sometimes more "meaningful" than in the actual database scheme. In a give environment, I will have to do a
    with the difficulty that FOO and BAR contain columns of the same name, yet they both contain too many columns to actually enumerate/alias each one of them manually. Playing around trying something like
    of course didn't work, and browsing the web I found there is no "standard SQL" way of doing something like this. Using
    provides a
    method which allows for determining the "table name" for a given column in the fetched result set, but unfortunately, the outcome returned by this method always seems to be empty. So to ask:
    - Is there any way in MaxDB-SQL to allow for "aliasing multiple columns"?
    - Alternatively, is there a way to make an SQL query joining multiple tables in MaxDB issued through JDBC generally return table columns in a <tablename>.<columnname> rather than just <columnname> style?
    Thanks a bunch in advance, best regards.

    HI Kristian,
    afaik the resultset.getMetaData() method should provide a MetaData-object that in turn implements methods like getColumnCount() or getColumnName() etc...
    Can you provide a piece of code to demonstrate that this is not working?
    I just tested DB Studio and Squirrel SQL (both use JDBC to connect to the database) and both are able to correctly figure out the structure of the result set for a query like yours.
    Anyhow, the whole requirement is not supposed to be supported.
    In fact, it's already a kind of 'glitch' that results with non-unique columnnames are actually produced, since relational theory forbids such results.
    That's also the reason for why you cannot further work with such a resultset (e.g. use it in a join).
    Therefore, no workaround in place here.
    If you´re going to have a query like this rather often, you may think about using views and define the aliases there only once.
    And besides all this, if you've got many duplicate column names it might also be a unlucky data design.
    best regards,

  • SQL statement that includes LEFT & RIGHT JOIN in the same statement??? Help

    How an I write an SQL statement with a GROUP BY that will both (a) include the NULL value from the left hand table, but also (b) include ALL columns from the right hand table. It's like I need a LEFT JOIN and a RIGHT JOIN in the query at the same time.
    Here's an example of the 2 tables I have and the result I'm after. As you can see I want the NULL's from Expenses Table summed, as well as include all categories from the right hand table (i.e. even if there are no expenses against them)
    Table = Expenses
    Amount Category
    $10 1
    $20 2
    $30 1
    $40 NULL {i.e. not yet categorised}
    Table = Categories
    ID Title
    1 Food
    2 Entertainment
    3 Travel
    4 Personal
    Category Total
    Food 40
    Entertainment 20
    Travel 0
    Personal 0
    NULL 40

    SQL> create table expenses (amount,category)
      2  as
      3  select 10, 1 from dual union all
      4  select 20, 2 from dual union all
      5  select 30, 1 from dual union all
      6  select 40, null from dual
      7  /
    Table created.
    SQL> create table categories (id,title)
      2  as
      3  select 1, 'Food' from dual union all
      4  select 2, 'Entertainment' from dual union all
      5  select 3, 'Travel' from dual union all
      6  select 4, 'Personal' from dual
      7  /
    Table created.
    SQL> select c.title category
      2       , nvl(sum(e.amount),0) total
      3    from expenses e
      4         full outer join categories c on (e.category =
      5   group by
      6       , c.title
      7   order by
      8  /
    CATEGORY                                       TOTAL
    Food                                              40
    Entertainment                                     20
    Travel                                             0
    Personal                                           0
    5 rows selected.Regards,

  • Execute PL/SQL statement on rendered report column only (APEX 4.02)

    i have a classic report which selects approx. 100.000 rows. For one of the columns in the sql i am executing
    a rather complex PL/SQL function which generates additional html. This function slows down the query
    by a tremendous amount (over one hour for the select, without this function it's 30 seconds) so i don't
    want to execute it for each selected row but for the rendered ones only (15 per page).
    Is it possible to do so in a report?

    Steven Mark wrote:
    So if APEX does not give us the option to execute PL/SQL scripts on actually rendered columns onlyI have long thought that this is a major limitation of APEX. We know from Marc's post Re: Reports/Tabular Form and number of executions of a Lov Query that built-in column display operations are only performed for the rows rendered on the current page. However, there are many requirements (even relatively simple ones like row-level conditional display) that are impossible to meet using the built-in Display As/LOV, HTML Expression, Tabular Form Element, and Column Link display options. The alternatives are inefficient (context switching to user-defined functions) or poor practice (losing the separation of concerns by generating HTML/links in report queries).
    The ability to call user-defined functions at the same rendering point as built-in column display operations, and to apply row-level conditions to built-in display options are long overdue enhancements.

  • What is the sql statement for doing this?

    I am currently doing a simple search engine that allows a user to key in a filename and display all the files' name close to keyed filename(the first two letters are the same).What is the proper sql statement to select from Document according to DocumentType and the first two letters of the filename? Am i doing it the right way? I am currently use Access 2002, dunno if it will affects me.Thanks in advance
    [What i did]
    String filename="doc,txt"
    SELECT DocumentType from Rule where UserType='1' and Action='Search';
    DocumentType=1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37,41,45 // This is all the document Type the user can see.
    Next i used StringTokenizer break the DocumentType.
    SELECT * from Document where DocumentType and Name <<< I want to select from Document according to DocumentType and the first two letters of the filename

    One more try - from what I can follow?
    If I assume you have a table named for example "UserRules"
    which has fields UserID,UserType,UserAction
    and has records like this that controls the document types
    a user is allowed to see
    UserID UserType Action
    TOM 1 Search
    BILL 7 Search
    ROY 2 Search
    And if I assume you have a table named for example "AllowedUserDocumentTypes"
    which has fields UserType,DocumentTypes
    and has records like this that controls the document types
    a user is allowed to see
    UserType DocumentTypes
    1 1,3,4,5,6,19
    2 7,9,12,18
    3 1,19,33,27
    And you have the document table which has
    fields are DocNo,Name,Title,Date,Filename,DocumentType
    and it has records like this
    DocNo Name Title Date Filename DocumentType
    12345 BILL Cars CarTypes 18
    12346 ROY Trucks TruckTypes 2
    12347 TOM Toys ToyTypes 17
    12345 JACK Car Colors CarColors 19
    12345 TOM Car Shapes CarShapes 7
    Then the select statement
    Select DocumentTypes from AllowedUserDocumentTypes
    join UserRules where UserRules.UserType = AllowedUserDocumentTypes.UserType
    and UserRules.UserID = 'ROY' and UserRules.Action = 'Search';
    will return 7,9,12,18
    If the DocumentType field is numeric and the user entered "CarCrap" the
    select statement would have to look like this
    SELECT * from Document
    where left(Filename,2) = 'Ca' and DocumentType in (7,9,12,18);
    If the DocumentType field is say varchar
    select statement would have to look like this
    SELECT * from Document
    where left(Filename,2) = 'Ca' and DocumentType in ('7','9','12','18');
    You will have to build these select statements related to the user.
    Note you should also allow for upper and lower case differences. I
    would suggest you convert the user entry into uppercase and do a select
    like below
    SELECT * from Document
    where Ucase(left(Filename,2)) = 'CA' and DocumentType in (7,9,12,18);
    This is all written from memory, not tested and I have not done this
    in several years.
    I was showing approximately how to build the statements before.

  • Af:treeTable: how build tree that displays multiple columns?

    I only find a default single column behavior in the dev guide regarding af:treetable. Perhaps some of you might have already tried this out, I'm trying to build a master detail using a treetable with multiple columns. After establishing the ViewLink association and dragging the Master View Object onto the cavas, the default generated code looks like:
    <af:treeTable ...
    <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
    <af:column binding="#{backing_tree.column1}" id="column1"
    sortable="false" headerText="">
    <af:outputText value="#{node}"
    This renderes the entire tree in one column, but my detail ViewObject contains multiple attributes and I would like seperate columns to display those values. I'm not sure how to extract the "#{node}" EL to output the detail or child ViewObject's values in seperate af:column. Can someone advise? Thank you.

    Luis, thanks for the suggestion. I did get the header labels to show, however, the values are still not being printed correctly. I have department as the Master or parent node and employee as the Detail or child node. Here is what I have
    <af:treeTable value="#{bindings.DeptView1.treeModel}" var="node"
    binding="#{backing_treeTest.treeTable1}" id="treeTable1"
    rowsByDepth="0 0">
    <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
    <af:column binding="#{backing_treeTest.column1}" id="column1">
    <f:facet name="header">
    <af:outputText value="Department Name"/>
    <af:outputText value="#{node.Dname}"
    <f:facet name="pathStamp">
    <af:outputText value="#{node.Dname}"
    <f:facet name="header">
    <af:outputText value="Employee Name"/>
    <af:outputText value="#{node.Ename}"
    The Tree Table looks Like:
    Department Name | Employee Name
    - Accounting
    Thanks in advance,

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