Size and duration of a MDM Project

I have a difficult question (because I know that the answer depends on the situation), but I would appreciate to have some ideas based on real experience :
1) what is the man-month effort for a typical MDM project? Say to put in place a repository for products + customers, so that at the end, we are able :
- to maintain them centrally and distribute them to sevaral systems
- to use the unduplication fonctionality
The project should have the following steps : requirements gathering, specifications, customizing, tests, data migration and cutover.
2) What profiles do we need for such a project ?
3) Is it realistic to plan a MDM project in less than 6 months ?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Best regards,

Hi Christoper,
My experience of MDM Project for Resource estimation is as below.
  The most important thing to look at MDM project is to know what are the interfacing issues from source systems.  What are the final Attributes that need to be mapped in MDM.  what are the total no of mapping profiles that need to be build for Importing and Sysdicating.  what are the taxonomy, lookup or hirearchy that are required to customer?   Does RPCM is a required scenario?  What are ports that need to be required?  how many client systems are required for inbound/outbound and so on? 
Note:  MDM implementation is driven more by architecture and its integration to other systems.  It is not a worry to know the no of records in MDM.  MDM Attribute list is something that shows the impact on the load of the project.
Hope i gave you little insight.
If you any futher queries you can write back here or can talk to me.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- *** GENERATED FROM project.xml - DO NOT EDIT *** -->
    <project xmlns:projdeps2="" basedir=".." default="jar" name="-impl">
    <target name="pre-init"/>
    <target depends="pre-init" name="pre-load-properties">
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    <property location="${netbeans.user}/" name=""/>
    <available file="${}" property=""/>
    <target unless="" depends="pre-load-properties" name="">
    <echo message="Active configuration ( property) is not set - using default." level="warning"/>
    <property name="" value=""/>
    <target unless="netbeans.user" depends="pre-load-properties" name="exists.netbeans.user">
    <echo message="NetBeans IDE user directory (netbeans.user property) is not set. By specifying this property many properties required by the project will be automatically evaluated (e.g.: ant-ext library home, ...). You could also open this project in the NetBeans IDE - in this case this property would be set automatically." level="warning"/>
    <target unless="" depends="pre-load-properties" name="">
    <echo message="User properties file ( property is not set. By specifying this property many properties required by the project will be automatically evaluated (e.g.: libraries, platforms, ...)." level="warning"/>
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    <echo message="Platform configuration (platform.configuration) is not set. Using default (CLDC-1.0) configuration." level="warning"/>
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    <target depends="load-properties" unless="platform.profile" name="exists.platform.profile">
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    <target depends="pre-init,load-properties,,exists.platform.configuration,exists.platform.profile" name="init">
    <fail unless="libs.j2me_ant_ext.classpath">Classpath to J2ME Ant extension library (libs.j2me_ant_ext.classpath property) is not set. For example: location of mobility/modules/org-netbeans-modules-kjava-antext.jar file in the IDE installation directory.</fail>
    <fail unless="platform.home">Platform home (platform.home property) is not set. Value of this property should be ${} emulator home directory location.</fail>
    <fail unless="platform.bootclasspath">Platform boot classpath (platform.bootclasspath property) is not set. Value of this property should be ${} emulator boot classpath containing all J2ME classes provided by emulator.</fail>
    <fail unless="src.dir">Must set src.dir</fail>
    <fail unless="build.dir">Must set build.dir</fail>
    <fail unless="build.classes.dir">Must set build.classes.dir</fail>
    <fail unless="preprocessed.dir">Must set preprocessed.dir</fail>
    <fail unless="preverify.classes.dir">Must set preverify.classes.dir</fail>
    <fail unless="obfuscated.classes.dir">Must set obfuscated.classes.dir</fail>
    <fail unless="dist.dir">Must set dist.dir</fail>
    <fail unless="dist.jar">Must set dist.jar</fail>
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    <fail unless="obfuscator.srcjar">Must set obfuscator.srcjar</fail>
    <fail unless="obfuscator.destjar">Must set obfuscator.destjar</fail>
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    <property value="" name="abilities"/>
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    <property value="file://" name="dist.jad.url"/>
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    <property value="1.1" name=""/>
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    <condition value="" property="">
    <istrue value="${deployment.override.jarurl}"/>
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    <target description="Preprocess project sources." depends="init,pre-preprocess,deps-jar,conditional-clean" name="preprocess">
    <mkdir dir="${preprocessed.dir}"/>
    <echo file="${preprocessed.dir}/.timestamp" message="ignore me"/>
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    <fileset excludes="${filter.excludes.evaluated}" defaultexcludes="${filter.use.standard}" dir="${src.dir}"/>
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    <target description="Extracts all bundled libraries." depends="init,deps-jar,conditional-clean" name="extract-libs">
    <mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
    <nb-extract excludeManifest="true" dir="${build.classes.dir}">
    <path path="${libs.classpath}"/>
    <target name="pre-compile"/>
    <target description="Compile project classes." depends="init,preprocess,extract-libs,pre-compile" name="compile">
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    <target description="Compile selected project classes." depends="init,preprocess,extract-libs,pre-compile-single" name="compile-single">
    <fail unless="javac.includes">Must select some files in the IDE or set javac.includes</fail>
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    <target unless="contains.manifest.configuration" name="add-configuration">
    <echo append="true" file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}">MicroEdition-Configuration: ${platform.configuration}
    <echo append="true" file="${build.dir}/">MicroEdition-Configuration: ${platform.configuration}
    <target unless="contains.manifest.profile" name="add-profile">
    <echo append="true" file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}">MicroEdition-Profile: ${platform.profile}
    <echo append="true" file="${build.dir}/">MicroEdition-Profile: ${platform.profile}
    <target name="pre-obfuscate"/>
    <target description="Up-to-date check before obfuscation." depends="init,compile" name="obfuscate-check">
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    <dirname property="obfuscator.destjar.dir" file="${obfuscator.destjar}"/>
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    <property value="" name="obfuscation.custom"/>
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    <mkdir dir="${obfuscated.classes.dir}"/>
    <unjar dest="${obfuscated.classes.dir}" src="${obfuscator.destjar}"/>
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    <mkdir dir="${preverify.classes.dir}"/>
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    <target unless="skip-sign-alias-password-input" if="netbeans.home" depends="init" name="set-alias-password">
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    <mkdir dir="${dist.jar.dir}"/>
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    <target name="post-jar"/>
    <target description="Rebuild the application." depends="init,clean,jar" name="rebuild"/>
    <target description="Run MIDlet suite." depends="init,jar" name="run">
    <nb-run commandline="${platform.runcommandline}" securitydomain="${}" execmethod="${run.method}" platformtype="${platform.type}" platformhome="${platform.home}" device="${platform.device}" jadurl="${dist.jad.url}" jadfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}"/>
    <target description="Quick Run already built MIDlet suite." depends="init" name="run-no-build">
    <nb-run commandline="${platform.runcommandline}" securitydomain="${}" execmethod="${run.method}" platformtype="${platform.type}" platformhome="${platform.home}" device="${platform.device}" jadurl="${dist.jad.url}" jadfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}"/>
    <target depends="init,clean,jar" description="Debug project." name="debug">
    <delete file="${preprocessed.dir}/.timestamp"/>
    <nb-run commandline="${platform.debugcommandline}" securitydomain="${}" execmethod="${run.method}" jadfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}" device="${platform.device}" platformhome="${platform.home}" platformtype="${platform.type}" debuggeraddressproperty="jpda.port" debugserver="true" debugsuspend="true" debug="true"/>
    <sleep seconds="5"/>
    <antcall target="nbdebug"/>
    <target if="netbeans.home" description="Start NetBeans debugger" name="nbdebug">
    <nb-kjava-debug period="2000" timeout="30000" name="${app.codename}" address="${jpda.port}">
    <path path="${platform.bootclasspath}"/>
    <path path="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}"/>
    <path path="${src.dir}"/>
    <path path="${libs.src.path}"/>
    <target depends="init,preprocess" name="javadoc">
    <mkdir dir="${dist.javadoc.dir}"/>
    <javadoc private="${javadoc.private}" windowtitle="${javadoc.windowtitle}" version="${javadoc.version}" author="${}" splitindex="${javadoc.splitindex}" noindex="${javadoc.noindex}" nonavbar="${javadoc.nonavbar}" use="${javadoc.use}" notree="${javadoc.notree}" bootclasspath="${platform.bootclasspath}" destdir="${dist.javadoc.dir}" source="${javac.source}">
    <path path="${libs.classpath}"/>
    <pathelement location="${preprocessed.dir}"/>
    <fileset dir="${preprocessed.dir}"/>
    <antcall target="browse-javadoc"/>
    <target unless="no.javadoc.preview" if="netbeans.home" name="browse-javadoc">
    <nbbrowse file="${dist.javadoc.dir}/index.html"/>
    <target name="pre-clean"/>
    <target description="Clean build products." if="" depends="init,conditional-clean" name="clean">
    <antcall inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" target="do-clean"/>
    <target depends="pre-clean" name="do-clean">
    <delete dir="${preprocessed.dir}"/>
    <delete dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
    <delete file="${obfuscator.srcjar}"/>
    <delete file="${obfuscator.destjar}"/>
    <delete dir="${obfuscated.classes.dir}"/>
    <delete dir="${preverify.classes.dir}"/>
    <delete file="${build.dir}/"/>
    <delete file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}"/>
    <delete file="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}"/>
    <delete dir="${dist.javadoc.dir}"/>
    <antcall inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" target="post-clean"/>
    <target name="post-clean"/>
    <target name="pre-deploy"/>
    <target if="" depends="init,jar,pre-deploy" name="override-jad">
    <property value="${dist.jar}" name="deployment.jarurl"/>
    <nb-jad aliaspassword="${sign.alias.password}" alias="${sign.alias}" keystorepassword="${sign.keystore.password}" keystore="${sign.keystore}" sign="${sign.enabled}" url="${deployment.jarurl}" jarfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}" jadfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}"/>
    <target unless="skip.deployment" if="deployment.method" depends="init,jar,override-jad,pre-deploy" name="deploy">
    <fail unless="deployment.scriptfile">Property deployment.${deployment.method}.scriptfile not set. The property should point to an Ant script providing ${deployment.method} deployment.</fail>
    <ant inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" antfile="${deployment.scriptfile}">
    <property location="${dist.dir}/${dist.jad}" name="deployment.jad"/>
    <property location="${dist.dir}/${dist.jar}" name="deployment.jar"/>
    <propertyfile file="nbproject/private/">
    <entry pattern="000000" default="2" operation="+" type="int" key="deployment.counter"/>
    <entry value="${deployment.counter}" key="deployment.number"/>
    <replaceregexp replace="deployment.number=\2\3.\5\6.\8\9" match="^deployment.number=[0-9]*(0|([1-9]))([0-9])(0|([1-9]))([0-9])(0|([1-9]))([0-9])$" file="nbproject/private/" byline="true"/>
    <antcall inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" target="post-deploy"/>
    <target name="post-deploy"/>
    <target name="for-all-configs">
    <antcall inheritrefs="false" inheritall="false" target="${}">
    <param value="" name=""/>
    <target name="jar-all">
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="jar" name=""/>
    <target name="javadoc-all">
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="javadoc" name=""/>
    <target name="deploy-all">
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="deploy" name=""/>
    <target name="rebuild-all">
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="rebuild" name=""/>
    <target depends="load-properties" name="clean-all">
    <fail unless="build.root.dir">Property build.root.dir is not set. By default its value should be \"build\".</fail>
    <fail unless="dist.root.dir">Property dist.root.dir is not set. By default its value should be \"dist\".</fail>
    <delete dir="${build.root.dir}"/>
    <delete dir="${dist.root.dir}"/>
    <antcall target="for-all-configs">
    <param value="clean" name=""/>
    I have pasted the content of that file, please do the needs....

  • Questions on image size and duration

    im putting still pictures into the video timeline. Is 640x480 the proper size for TV? Is there a way to size the images in FCP or do i have to do it in photoshop?
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  • Hi Picture size and durations

    Two problems. Pictures inported are from my camera fro animation sequence but they do not fit into the imovie window - about a third is cut off the bottom. Is there a way for imovie to resize them on import? or do I need to resixe them all manually?
    Next problem asked before and thought it was fixed but no longer!
    Imported photos to timeline adopt a duration of 9:25 seconds tried selecting all and chainging photo info but in;y applries mew duration to the last on.
    Tried to alter the first and then import the others this doesn't work either-it defaults to 9,25 seconds again.
    Any ideas how I can fix this?

    Pls bear with me. First time using this forum. I'm new to iMovie, but making progress. I can't bring in still clips without chopping large areas of the image. Tried resizing in PS Elements. Tried bringing in directly from iPhoto. This problem is a show stopper for me. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Pat Malone

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    Contexts: I am very competent with GFX and have worked on many projects.
    When dragging an image onto a fresh canvas, the resizing feature presnaps the image into the canvas size. I can confirm that this has not happened to me in previous projects. I've also tested this problem by making a new larger document size and dragging in the same render. It snaps again. I don't want to re-size from the canvas dimensions, I want to resize from the render's original dimensions.

    Ap_Compsci_student_13 wrote:
    ok sorry but doesn't sscce say to post the whole code?the first S is Short, and yes, it needs to be all the code needed to illustrate the problem and let use reproduce it. If you were developing a new Web framework, your example might be short, but for a student game it's very long.

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    From time to time, we experience significant speed issues when loading and editing topics.  How much does project size affect this? At what point does a project's size become "dangerous"? Can a project get so big that is damages itself (i.e., corrupts files, etc), or does it just reach a point where it won't compile anymore?
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    full size of the volume.
    The histry is we had a 2003 x64 file share that started life as a scratch place to store files so was RAID 0, according to the original specs for the project that was what they wanted.  After time passed the share became permenant storage and loosing
    it was actually a problem.  At that point I wanted to make it RAID 5.  However I also was hoping to keep the Shadow Copies to enable them to find previous versions of files so I ended up creating an iSCSI target and mirroring them through windows,
    which made a full backup including the copies.  I then broke the mirror rebuilt the RAID and then re-mirrored to the new volume.  However becuase of going from RAID 0 to 5 I lost some space so had to resize the volume.  I used a 2008 R2 machine
    to shring the volume and then raised the capacity back up to the full size.  However the space available never actually grew.
    At that point I figured the problem was from the machine still running 2003 R2 and having been touched by a 2008 R2 machine.  So I scheduled an upgrade and the server is now running 2008 R2, however I am still missing 600GB.
    I can't expand the Volume at this point since there is no free space on the disk, and if I try to shrink the volume I get the option of how much to shrink, then after saying ok I get the error: "The parameter is incorrect."   When I look in the
    Application Log I see an error saying the volume wasn't defragmented because an error was encountered. "The parameter is incorrect. (0x80070057)"
    Please let me know any suggestions or if there is any additional information that would be helpful.
    Thank you,

    Here is the chkdsk result:
    CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3)...
      406672 file records processed.
    File verification completed.
      3368 large file records processed.
      0 bad file records processed.
      0 EA records processed.
      0 reparse records processed.
    CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 3)...
      469986 index entries processed.
    Index verification completed.
      0 unindexed files scanned.
      0 unindexed files recovered.
    CHKDSK is verifying security descriptors (stage 3 of 3)...
      406672 file SDs/SIDs processed.
    Security descriptor verification completed.
      31658 data files processed.
    CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
      314844376 USN bytes processed.
    Usn Journal verification completed.
    CHKDSK discovered free space marked as allocated in the
    master file table (MFT) bitmap.
    Windows has made corrections to the file system.
    1035144191 KB total disk space.
     912448340 KB in 341209 files.
        165660 KB in 31659 indexes.
             0 KB in bad sectors.
        809607 KB in use by the system.
         65536 KB occupied by the log file.
     121720584 KB available on disk.
          4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
     258786047 total allocation units on disk.
      30430146 allocation units available on disk.
    Even though it reports altering the free space when I go look at the disk I see this:
    (This is the best command I've found to copy into here, if you know a better one please let me know)
    DISKPART> detail volume
      Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt
    * Disk 1    Online         1670 GB      0 B   *
    Read-only              : No
    Hidden                 : No
    No Default Drive Letter: No
    Shadow Copy            : No
    Offline                : No
    BitLocker Encrypted    : No
    Installable            : No
    Volume Capacity        :  987 GB
    Volume Free Space      :  116 GB
    I don't think this is just the difference between size and size on disk, I think for some reason my MFT or something is screwed up.
    Please let me know what you would like me to try next.

  • Image size and/or cropping with iMovie 9

    I have a video in .mov format that was created by Roxio's Easy VHS to DVD software. The movie is a copy of a 4:3 aspect ratio videotape. When I review the clips from this movie in iMovie, the size and aspect ratio are identical to the original. However, when I move the clips into an iMovie project, the aspect ratio appears to be the same but all of the edges are severely cropped (it's like one used a zoom feature on the image). I get the same result whether I select 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio for the project. I have also had this experience with iPhoto -cropping occurs on any photo being printed or exported. I can convert the .mov into a video DVD or any format, without aspect ratio change cropping. But, that conversion doesn't allow me to edit the .mov.
    How do I solve this problem?

    I wish someone could answer this. I'm having the same problem. I imported video from my digital tape camera using iMovie (automatically saved as .dv files). In the clip viewer of iMovie (lower right part of iMovie), they appear whole. But when I drag into a project, the clips are severely cropped, just like the original post describes. It doesn't matter if I set the project to 16:9, 4:3, or 3:2 - the same cropping occurs.
    What's up with this?

  • Aarrrghh - can't find image size and position in captivate 8!

    I was using Captivate 8 and it was under a tab in properties (don't remember the name of the "sub-tab").
    Now, I'm using a newly downloaded version and cannot find size and position (x, y, width, length, etc.).
    This should NOT be so hard
    Any suggestions?

    Totally agree, don't like the UI change neither. One of the reasons I'm happy to know all moving and resizing shortcuts by heart, they still work in CP8. But wouldn't it be wonderful to have rulers?
    Shortcut Keys: Moving and Resizing Objects - Captivate blog
    It is not as simple neither, because it is in a different location for a normal and for a responsive project.
    For the normal project it is under the Options tab, for responsive projects you need the Position panel, both for Size and Location.

  • How to view long file names and sort files within folders/projects?

    Hello, like so many people here, I am a new mac user, but certainly not computer illiterate. I have been a professional photographer for 10 years and recently change to mac and have been slowly trying to adapt my work flow accordingly.
    However I have become increasingly frustrated with Aperture 3 and after reading posts here it looks like I am certainly not the only person. While in my case I am sure it is because of my inexperience with mac systems so any guidance or assistance is much appreciated.
    Hopefully my questions are simple. I have been importing my images and re-naming images as I do so. A very simple combination of date, custom name, and counter. However, when I look at the images once the import has completed, they are not in any logical order within the 'project'. I have tried to sort them by file name, orientation, file size, etc, both ascending and descending, but they will not list in the correct order. eg the file '2010-03-09 Lyon France 001', continually falls between '2010-03-09 Lyon France 022' and '....021'.
    This has also lead me to a further question. While my file names can generally be read when the image is a landscape format, on the portrait images the file name it too long for me to read the whole name, and I can not find anyway to read the file name, eg browser, split screen, viewer, or full screen.
    Im sorry for all the details, and I am sure it is just my lack of experience, so appreciate your help.
    PS. On a separate note, I notice on another thread from the frustrated user 'ultratechy' that he got a reply from Tony who stated 'Also after installing any application you should always run disk utility and repair permissions....' Now as I am completely new to mac, I had no idea about this. Any other tips that I should always be aware of? Thanks again.

    Thanks for your reply Calx. If it makes you feel better, I am actually a New South Welshman - just living in the sunshine state!
    You are correct, I am trying to get my head around a new way of working and thinking, but I suppose it will all become clearer as time goes by. I have re-visited the manual many times, and been doing loads of research online, but just trying to put it all into practice now, so any tips or advice is always appreciated.
    At the moment, I am just working with a small part of my library until I do get my head around things before moving onto the bulk of my images. I have my images stored and backed up on multiple external hard drives. I am trying to import my images into aperture from an external drive as I have been slack over the years with keywording, metadata, organising, etc etc, so I figure from what I have read that aperture may assist me with making these time consuming tasks a bit quicker and easier.
    I have put a bit of thought into my filing structure, but I am sure that with further use and understanding, this may change in the future, but I hope not. To give you an example of how I am thinking and working - I have used folders for my regular clients, eg, Ray White, and then made another level of folders within 'Ray White' for the date, and then in each 'date folder' I place my projects and name them with the address of the property I have photographed. I select and edit images from each project and place them in albums under each project. Not sure if this is the most perfect structure, but any advice is welcome.
    Keywords is always an issue with me. Over the years I have compiled a number of list for each client and each 'type' of photography. For example, real estate images have there own list, I just simply manually add keywords for specific jobs, eg the address and any specific location or features.
    Again, advice and guidance always welcome and I would appreciate how you go about these topics? And maybe you can help explain something that I have pre-emted may be a problem, and it may happen when I move onto my larger library, and I am not sure how to explain this as it may show my lack of management previously. When I worked on my PC, I used PS4, Adobe Bridge and Camera RAW pretty much exclusively. For my landscape images for example, I might have 2 or 3 variations of the one images, eg, black and white, sepia, and color for instance. But the file name remained the same, I just stored them in different folders indicating what version of the image was stored there. Now I am thinking that when I import images in Aperture, I will come across difficulties because Aperture will think the I am importing duplicate images because I will in fact have 3 images with the same file name, even though the adjustments I have made to them are different. Is this the case? Will I have to make adjustments again? Will I have to change the name of the files prior to importing? If so, any advice or tips?
    Well, I should stop there. Im sorry to bombard you with some much text, but as mentioned, I am new, and finding my feet, so thanks for your time.

  • Hit something when editing presentation and now slides are all reduced in size and not filling screen.  Preferences, scale to fit doesn't work.  What did I do?

    Hit something when editing presentation and now slides are all reduced in size and not filling screen.  Preferences, scale to fit doesn't work.  What did I do?

    Please give complete details of your system and the media and the project properties.

  • How can I set which projects use Proxy Media and not just change every project?

    Hi there
    I can see how to change ALL projects to use Proxy Media or Original/Optimised Media
    But I'm switching between projects a lot and I only want to use Proxy Media on one project, so how can I tell FCPX to only use Proxy Media on that ONE project?

    Perhaps if apple didn't take back prores LT this wouldn't be as much of an issue.
    Pores LT was a great compromise between file size and quality. It produced a fine image for most peoples needs and was 30% smaller.
    Hopefully it will be returned soon. I can't imagine why it's not already there. Unless they want to charge for it, ... again..
    Have you tried capturing as full res, then change prefs back to proxy, open a new project and import the full res files?
    In FCP7 the render pref was separate from the capture pref. is that gone too?
    If my idea doesn't work, Surely someone will chime in with a creative work around to this.
    And hopefully it'll get fixed soon in an update.

  • Error Deploying and Publishing a New BPM Project

    I'm trying to Deploying and Publishing a New BPM Project (based on, but the following error:
    The size of the attachment exceeds the limit of 10000000 bytes
    Thanks and Best Regards,

    There are two options (radio buttons) when you publish and deploy. Right now you are probably picking the second option (to publish and deploy the exported project from Studio).
    Try it again using the first option. I haven't had to do it in a while, but using this you should be able to point the Process Admin tool to your project's directory directly and not your export file.
    See if that helps,

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 8136: Adjustments to default size and padding for TextInput and TextArea skins.

    Revision: 8136
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-06-23 16:16:49 -0700 (Tue, 23 Jun 2009)
    Log Message:
    Adjustments to default size and padding for TextInput and TextArea skins.
    TextInput default with is big enough to hold 10 characters (it will actually hold more than 10 "normal width" characters)
    TextArea padding matches TextInput padding
    These changes are done to the Spark and Wireframe skins.
    Bugs: SDK-16300 & SDK-16294
    QE Notes: New baseline bitmaps are needed (sorry Peter!)
    Doc Notes: None
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

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