Size down a picture to send it via MMS

Can´t my N95 shrink a picture automaticly if i take a 5 MP picture and want to send it via MMS. My SE would do that

01-Feb-2008 11:29 AM
psychomania wrote:
It does do it.
Check your mms settings.
Menu > Messaging > Settings > Multimedia Message > Image Size.
If it's set to original then it will be too big to send. Try large or small instead.
Message Edited by psychomania on 01-Feb-2008 11:30 AM
Thanx psycho, you rock!

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    Hello and welcome to the forums;
    I would recommend first trying a restart. Hold down the power button and move the ringer mute switch (on the right side of the phone above the volume up/down buttons) back and forth 3 times. Then let go of the power button. Within 3-5 seconds, your screen will turn off, and your phone will restart.
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    AT&T = [email protected]
    Boost Mobile = [email protected]
    Cingular (AT&T) = [email protected]
    Einstein PCS = [email protected]
    Sprint = [email protected]
    T-Mobile = [email protected]
    US Cellular = [email protected]
    Verizon Wireless = [email protected]
    Virgin Mobile = [email protected]
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