Sizing SGA

Hi All,
what is the standard method to resize sga, and what are all the things to be considered. Is there any formulat to do that.

There are couple of good notes in metalink. However, there is no any thumb rule for siging SGA. I would recommend you to start with a reasonable value and increase accordingly, if required. It alos depends on whether your db is OLTP or DSS.

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    Dear All,
    We are using Oracle 10g R2 on windows 2003.Our sga_max_size=2000m and sga_target=800m.We have enabled ASM.
    I got an alert message in enterprize manger which says virtual memory paging is happening and its impact is 100%.
    Now,Is this problem related to SGA?Do i have to resize my sga_max_size ?
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    For guidelines over SGA & memory, refer discussion here...
    Re: windows 32bit sga and pga limits
    But actual sizing of SGA depends on your application needs. If it needs more SGA, it does. You might need to add more RAM to your server to cope up with existing workload for a given number of users.

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    Dear Sir,
    I have an oracle10g installed on a 64 bit OS and want to allocate 8GB to SGA and want to confirm if i am using the right settings
    My sysctl.conf settings are :
    cat /etc/sysctl.conf
    # Kernel sysctl configuration file for Red Hat Linux
    # For binary values, 0 is disabled, 1 is enabled. See sysctl(8) and
    # sysctl.conf(5) for more details.
    # Controls IP packet forwarding
    net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
    # Controls source route verification
    net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
    # Do not accept source routing
    net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
    # Controls the System Request debugging functionality of the kernel
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    # Controls whether core dumps will append the PID to the core filename
    # Useful for debugging multi-threaded applications
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    # Controls the maximum size of a message, in bytes
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    # Controls the default maxmimum size of a mesage queue
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    kernel.shmmax = 8589934592
    kernel.shmmni = 4096
    kernel.shmall = 2097152
    kernel.sem = 3000 32000 100 128
    My init Settings are :
    Want to confirm is this a proper tuend settings as per memory provided ?
    I am aware that it also depends on my appication behaviour , but i just want to check whether the above settings would suffice for a 16GB RAM machine and 64 bit oracle10g
    Also let me know if any other setttings apart from this are required , i choose to use SGA Target .Further my application is read intensive . Your suggestions will be highly appreciated.

    I suggest you to increase the value kernel.shmmax = 8589934592 of this parameter in sysctl.conf to kernel.shmmax = 1288490188
    Later if you want to increase the size of SGA then you need to modify the kernel.shmmax = 8589934592 value. In general practice we keep kernel.shmmax value little greater then the value of SGA.
    Refer MOS tech note:
    *ORA-27102 Database Will Not Start With SHMMAX Set To 8589934592 (8GB) [ID 461519.1]*
    *Linux Big SGA, Large Memory, VLM - White Paper [ID 260152.1]*
    X A H E E R
    Edited by: ora_tech on Dec 26, 2010 10:14 AM

  • Is properly sized sga?

    hello all,
    my database size is around 60gb, frequently iam getting performance problems, that job executing not in a time some times 4 hours some times 40 mins like that , when i look for sga and pga i thought parameters not tuned properly iam mentioning all sga & pga parameter here, can anyone tell what could be the best size we can put for every parameter?
    to improve performance.
    thanks in advance! its urgent.
    SQL> show sga
    Total System Global Area 629145600 bytes
    Fixed Size 2067848 bytes
    Variable Size 381682296 bytes
    Database Buffers 243269632 bytes
    Redo Buffers 2125824 bytes
    SQL> show parameter pg
    pga_aggregate_target big integer 115762790
    SQL> show parameter sort
    nls_sort string
    sort_area_retained_size integer 0
    sort_area_size integer 65536
    SQL> show parameter hash
    hash_area_size integer 131072

    552 1 618141 1 48146030
    276 .5 1875872 3.0347 130687584
    414 .75 697139 1.1278 52267330
    1104 2 504218 .8157 39888986
    828 1.5 504218 .8157 39888986
    966 1.75 504218 .8157 39888986
    690 1.25 511079 .8268 39888986

  • Thump rule for SGA sizing depends on TOTAL DB SIZE

    Is there any thump rule for sizing SGA depends on TOTAL database size for OLTP system?

    Please dont do that. There was a thumb rule that if you are using oracle >=9i, you can go upto 80% of your physical RAM. But, I will not advice you so.
    Start your SGA with an optimal value, keep on eye on your performance, take statspack report and if further increase required in the SGA, go ahed.
    Because, setting over size SGA cause problems as well setting below par sga also provide poor performance. It should be sized optimially.
    There are few good notes available in metalink.

  • Getting ORA-27102: out of memory while creating DB using DBCA

    Hi All,
    I am working on oracle version and linux OS. I am trying to create a new database using dbca and getting error "ORA-27102: out of memory".
    Please find the DB version and OS level parameters info below and let me know what i need to do to overcome this issue.
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    $uname -a
    Linux greenlantern1a 2.6.18- #1 SMP Tue Nov 4 17:10:53 EST 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    $cat /etc/sysctl.conf
    kernel.shmall = 2097152
    kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
    kernel.shmmni = 4096
    kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
    net.core.rmem_default = 4194304
    net.core.wmem_default = 262144
    net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
    net.core.wmem_max = 1048576
    fs.file-max = 6815744
    fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576
    net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500
    $free -g
    total used free shared buffers cached
    Mem: 94 44 49 0 0 31
    -/+ buffers/cache: 12 81
    Swap: 140 6 133
    $ulimit -l
    $ipcs -lm
    ------ Shared Memory Limits --------
    max number of segments = 4096
    max seg size (kbytes) = 4194303
    max total shared memory (kbytes) = 8388608
    min seg size (bytes) = 1
    Please let me know for any other details.
    Thanks in advance.

    Ok, first, let's set aside the issue of hugepages for a moment. (Personally, IMHO, if you're doing manual memory mangement, and you're not using hugepages, you're doing it wrong.)
    Anyhow, looking at your SHM parameters:
    kernel.shmall = 2097152
    kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
    kernel.shmmni = 4096
    Let's take those in reverse order:
    1.) shmmni - This is the max number of shared memory segments you can have on your system, regardless of the size of each segment.
    2.) shmmax - Contrary to popular belief, this is NOT the max amount of shared memory you can allocate system wide! This is the max size, in bytes of a single shared memory segment. You currently have it set to 4GB-1. This is probably fine. Even if you wanted an SGA larger than 4GB, having shmmax set to this wouldn't hurt you. Oracle would simply allocate multiple shared memory segments, until it had allocated enough memory for the SGA. There's really no harm there, unless this parameter is set really low, causing a huge number of tiny shared memory segments to be allocated.
    3.) shmall - This is the real shared memory segment limit. This number is the total amount of shared memory you're permitted to allocate, system wide, expressed in pages. Pagesize here is the native OS pagesize, which is 4096 bytes, so, this is 2097152 * 4096 = 8589934592, or, 8GB. So, 8GB is the maximum amount of memory that can currnetly be allocated to shared memory, on your machine.
    So, having said all that, you haven't mentioned how many, if any, other Oracle databases are running on the server or their sizes. Secondly, we have no idea what memory sizing parameters you have set on the database that you're trying to create, that's getting the error.
    So, if you can provide more details, in terms of how many other databases are already on this server, and their SGA sizes, and the parameters you've chosen for the database that's failing to create, perhaps we can help more.
    Finally, if you're not using SGA_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET, you really need to take the time to configure hugepages. Particularly if you've got a server that has as much memory as you do, and you're planning to have non-trivially sized SGA (10s of GB), then you really want to configure hugepages.
    Hope that helps,

  • DB_BUFFER_CACHE is static or not in Oracle10g v.2....?????

    Hi ,
    I would like you to confirm if the database's buffer size area in SGA is static or dynamic according to the system needs....
    I have somehow been blocked as :
    SQL> select * from v$sga;
    NAME                      VALUE
    Fixed Size              1248600
    Variable Size         125829800
    Database Buffers 159383552
    Redo Buffers            7139328In the above sql statement the database buffers are not included in the variable size of the sga.... so can it be assumed that it is a static component ..????
    The above values are confirmed (they cannot be otherwise....) in the results of the following statement:
    SQL> select * from v$sgainfo;
    NAME                                  BYTES RES
    Fixed SGA Size                      1248600 No
    Redo Buffers                        7139328 No
    Buffer Cache Size 159383552 Yes
    Shared Pool Size                  109051904 Yes
    Large Pool Size                     4194304 Yes
    Java Pool Size                     12582912 Yes
    Streams Pool Size                         0 Yes
    Granule Size                        4194304 No
    Maximum SGA Size                  293601280 No
    Startup overhead in Shared Pool    37748736 No
    Free SGA Memory Available                 0However , there is a table in the Oracle Admininistation e-book which titled "Automatically Sized SGA Components and Corresponding Parameters" and includes , among others , the Buffer Cache component......!!!!!
    So , what is true......?????
    They seem to be one contrary to the other....!!!!!
    Thanks , a lot

    Hi ,
    I have just been blocked because in the followng sql statement:
    SQL> select * from v$sga;
    NAME                      VALUE
    Fixed Size              1248600
    Variable Size         130024104
    Database Buffers      155189248
    Redo Buffers            7139328The database buffers is not included in the variable size but in an individual section.....
    However , as you have pointed out right executing the statement:
    SQL> select * from v$sga_dynamic_components
      2  /
    shared pool                                                         113246208  109051904          0                   0          1 GROW           IMMEDIATE      26/03/2007 18:      4194304
    large pool                                                            4194304    4194304          0                   0          0 STATIC                                            4194304
    java pool                                                            12582912   12582912          0                   0          0 STATIC                                            4194304
    streams pool                                                                0          0          0                   0          0 STATIC                                            4194304
    DEFAULT buffer cache                                                155189248  155189248          0                   0          1 SHRINK         IMMEDIATE      26/03/2007 18:      4194304
    KEEP buffer cache                                                           0          0          0                   0          0 STATIC                                            4194304
    RECYCLE buffer cache                                                        0          0          0                   0          0 STATIC                                            4194304
    DEFAULT 2K buffer cache                                                     0          0          0                   0          0 STATIC                                            4194304
    DEFAULT 4K buffer cache                                                     0          0          0                   0          0 STATIC                                            4194304
    DEFAULT 8K buffer cache                                                     0          0          0                   0          0 STATIC                                            4194304
    DEFAULT 16K buffer cache                                                    0          0          0                   0          0 STATIC                                            4194304
    DEFAULT 32K buffer cache                                                    0          0          0                   0          0 STATIC                                            4194304
    ASM Buffer Cache                                                            0          0          0                   0          0 STATIC                                            4194304The database buffers is a dynamic parameter.........if of course the automatic shared memory management is active.....

  • SGA_TARGET Doubt

    We have Oracle 10g database, which have the following parameters.
    So planned to use SGA_TARGET and set the size to 2G.
    (ie) sga_target=2G
    Do I have to comment the shared_pool_size=704m ??

    Chinar wrote:
    Aman.... wrote:
    So I won't suggest that you remove the shared pool parameter completely. You may reduce the value given to it and start of from a smaller value rather than from the default one granule.
    If you want to manage shared memory automatically(by enabling ASMM) there you should be give this to oracle fully automate it.So in general do not need for minimum values for specific automatically sized components.This is also important when investigating performance related problems in future(how application designed?).Hi Chinar
    Sometimes your application needs a minimum amount of specific pool as it's written in the documentation:
    You can exercise some control over the size of the automatically sized SGA components by specifying minimum values for the parameters corresponding to these components. Doing so can be useful if you know that an application cannot function properly without a minimum amount of memory in specific components. You specify the minimum amount of SGA space for a component by setting a value for its corresponding initialization parameter

  • Size of oracle.exe

    I have installed Oracle8i (8.1.7) for NT. I sized SGA to require about 15MB. But when the instance initiates, the oracle.exe process is getting about 30MB of memory! Do you know the reason??
    Thanks in advanced,

    If you are running 32-bit Windows, then it doesn't matter that you've got 8GB physically in the box: that's a common over-configuration. A 32-bit Windows system can only see 4GB of RAM -and only 2GB of that is available to user-mode programs like Oracle.
    If you use a /3GB switch, you can let user-mode programs see 3GB instead of 2GB. But that's your lot.
    Unless you are also using a /PAE switch, though that has interesting interactions with the /3GB switch and everything else!
    Let's assume you're using a bog-standard Windows environment with no odd boot-time switches. That means 2GB is your limit. And that's for everything Oracle might want to use it for: PGA and SGA alike. I don't know how big your PGA needs to be, but assume a worst-case: allow 50% for the PGA, and 50% for the SGA. That means your SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter should be no bigger than 1GB.
    For some reason, you say this sort of thing is "not an option". That's fine: but then you live with the massive swapping to disk that will ensue if you don't keep within bounds. Your choice, really.
    From memory, LOCK_SGA does indeed work. But if you're locking into memory an over-allocation of SGA, you'll just be making your paging problems worse.

  • Reconfigure Server Disks

    I have an 11.1 database on a HP ProLiant DL380 G5 running windows 2003 SP2. When the server was originally built the drives hosting the the database files and archive logs were configured as RAID 5. Since then my enterprise manager console is filled with ADDM reports about I/O bottlenecks, I/O intensive SQL statements and the like. Queries are taking longer to run and generally speaking people are bummed. These same queries didn't have a problem on the old server that used ASM. Nonetheless, I am not sure what the best approach to reconfiguring the underlying disks is and how to manage the database recovery.
    One thought that I had, since this is windows, was to copy the contents of the logical drive, do the reformat and then copy everything back. I think that in theory the database should be fine. But I am both paranoid and afraid of this approach. The contents of the drive are backed up to tape and there is an RMAN backup catalog on a different server.
    Given that, what is the best approach to fooling with the underlying disks and not loosing any data?
    Regards, Tony

    Queries are taking longer to run Be careful about jumping to the conclusion that RAID-5 causes queries to take longer to run. RAID-5 still does striping of reads. It is writes that suffer the penalty.
    You must be sure that RAID-5 is the cause of the problem and not something else -- eg inherently inadequate I/O bandwidth (faulty HBA cards have caused misery many a times !), insufficiently sized SGA / FileSystem Cache, concurrency of other I/O bound jobs etc.

  • Oracle SGA sizing

    I have an oracle rac 10g with 4 nodes on linux and each node has 12G RAM memory. my current SGA sizing from pfile looks like this, I need suggestions to change values to have better performance...

    SQL> select * from v$sga_target_advice;
           268           1         471             1            37727
           134          .5       10732          22.7856            54293
           201            .75         498           1.0573            43363
           536           2         435            .9236            29420
           402            1.5         435            .9236            29420
           469           1.75         435            .9236            29420
           335           1.25         442            .9384            31046
    7 rows selected.

  • The SGA was inadequately sized, causing additional I/O or hard parses.

    Dear all,
    We are using 10g RAC On Solaris 5.10
    Very freuently,we are getting the below message in DB Console
    The SGA was inadequately sized, causing additional I/O or hard parses.
    Additional Information
    The value of parameter "sga_target" was "15360 M" during the analysis period.
    Under recommendations,
    I found that
    Increase the size of the SGA by setting the parameter "sga_target" to 30720 M.
    Findings Path
    Findings Impact (%) Additional Information
    The SGA was inadequately sized, causing additional I/O or hard parses. 27 Additional Information
    Wait class "User I/O" was consuming significant database time. 13.2
    Hard parsing of SQL statements was consuming significant database time. 4.9
    Contention for latches related to the shared pool was consuming significant database time. 0.6
    Wait class "Concurrency" was consuming significant database time
    Can I rely on this info alone and increase SGA.. Is there any other way I confirm this ?.
    Dear Seniors,
    Please ignore this Thread if you find this question silly..
    Please advise

    Hi Kai,
    Can I rely on this info alone and increase SGA.. Is there any other way I confirm this ?.Yes. Oracle has specific "cache" advisors to say if your data buffers of shared pool regions are too small.
    I have my notes here:
    The besy way to see them is to run a STATSPACK or AWR report . . .
    if you find this question silly..It''s not silly at all, it's a VERY common question!
    If you are running Oracle on a dedicated server, it's wasteful NOT to allocate all of the RAM to Oracle, less 20% for the OS . . .
    Lastly, remember that Oracle has an insatiable appetite for RAM, but there is a point of diminishing marginal return . . .
    Hope this helps . . .
    Donald K. Burleson
    Oracle Press author
    Author of "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference"

  • Sizing the SGA

    I would like to know how to size the initial SGA size while creating the database.
    What are the things that we have to consider for sizing the SGA?
    If we have to consider if it is OLTP/DSS system, how many concurrent transactions, how many users and all, then provide me a detailed info, like if there are 100 users assign this much space, and so on.
    Thank you in advance.

    See Rajesh, Tuning is not a rocket science, It can not be learned at the rate of knotes. coming back to your question, you assume your database is going to be used for OLTP, well, even that case, there are number of things still matters.
    these are...
    1. what would be the size of your database ?
    2. No of cuncurrent users conneted to oracle database?
    3. What are the physcial resources you have (cpu's, memory etc) ?
    4. Amount of sorting peromed by each session.
    5 Many more ....
    But if you really like to make an educative guess, then you can start with optimal values and increase the size according to demand. Yinguan is already suggested you to go through with tuning guide, which is the basic need for that person like to jump into tuning ocean.
    hare krishna

  • Error : SGA was inadequately sized, causing additional I/O or hard parses

    Friends ,
    I got the Following error in my Production server's (Oracle10g with AIX 5.3 platform ) PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS part of OEM :
    "The SGA was inadequately sized, causing additional I/O or hard parses." And it shows the Impact result of Database 1.4% .
    In present my SGA size is = 9584 MB , And oracle itself recommended to increase it to = 19168 MB (that means twice time of the present value) .
    And my total OS Ram size = 32 GB
    In this moment , can anybody plz suggest me ,
    For increasing the SGA Size , which things(or Database related matters) I need to consider .
    Can I face any major problem If I increase the SGA size ?
    ORacle version : ORacle 10g
    Platform : AIX 5.3 unix server
    Number of Database : One
    Waiting for ur kind reply .. ...
    Edited by: shipon_97 on Oct 19, 2008 6:45 PM

    For increasing the RAM Size , which things(or Database related matters) I need to consider .
    Can I face any major problem If I increase the RAM size ?
    What is the oracle version you are using??
    Why do you want to increase the RAM size.Its already 32GB.Why don't you increase the SGA.How many databases are installed on the server.Is there some other applications running on the server.

  • Needing to add keep pool to SGA, sizing and checking for room?

    Hi all,
    I'm needing to experiment with pinning a table and index (recommended by COTS product vendor) to see if it helps performance.
    I'm trying to set up a keep pool...and put the objects in it
    I've gone into the database, and found that I will need to set up a keep pool:
    SQL> show parameter keep
    buffer_pool_keep string
    control_file_record_keep_time integer 7
    db_keep_cache_size big integer 0
    That being said, and I'm having a HUGE senior moment right
    do I go about making sure I have enough room to make a little keep
    I've looked at my objects I want to put in there, and one is about
    .675 MB, and the other is about .370 MB. So, roughly a little more
    than 1MB
    Looking at my SGA parameters:
    SQL> show parameter sga
    lock_sga boolean FALSE
    pre_page_sga boolean FALSE
    sga_max_size big integer 572M
    sga_target big integer 572M do I find out what is being used in SGA, to make sure I have room?
    I've been searching around, and trying to come up with some queries. I
    came up with this one:
    SQL> select name, value / (1024*1024) size_mb from v$sga;
    Fixed Size 1.97846222
    Variable Size 232.002007
    Database Buffers 332
    Redo Buffers 6.01953125
    From this, it appears everything is being, not sure what to
    do from here.
    Suggestions and links greatly appreciated!

        WHERE NAME          = 'KEEP'
         AND ADVICE_STATUS = 'ON';
             Substr(do.object_name,1,9) object_name,
             ds.blocks                  object_blocks,
             Count(* )                  cached_blocks
    FROM     dba_objects do,
             dba_segments ds,
             v$bh v
    WHERE    do.data_object_id = v.objd
             AND do.owner = ds.owner (+)
             AND do.object_name = ds.segment_name (+)
             AND do.object_type = ds.segment_type (+)
             AND ds.BUFFER_POOL IN ('KEEP','RECYCLE')
    ORDER BY do.object_name,
             ds.BUFFER_POOL; Edited by: sb92075 on Jul 9, 2009 2:48 PM

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