Slave to the Format: Title Line

I hate that the App Store insists on only a few characters for titles.  I spend way too much time clicking through to the next page just to see the full name of the Application--only to find that it isn't remotely what I want.  This is a perfect case of form over function; pretty but annoying.
Please, Apple, be user-friendly and allow two lines of bold type for titles.  Imagine the collective time saved!

In case you aren't aware you aren't addressing Apple here. This is a user to user forum.
But you can provide feedback to Apple here >  Apple - Mac OS X - Feedback

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  • Error at the Format title view

    Using obiee 11g, encountered few things
    I created a title view in my answers.Now i go to edit the Format Title Viewi.e. there is a underline below that titlei changes the colour of it to green.
    No problem works fine
    Now when i again go to change the colour to red i see there the border colour is null.But the report works finw.When i try to change to red.
    It gives a huge error.
    At the end it shows this error msg
    Error Codes: EIRWWH9E
    Location: saw.httpserver.processrequest, saw.rpc.server.responder, saw.rpc.server, saw.rpc.server.handleConnection, saw.rpc.server.dispatch, saw.threadpool, saw.threadpool, saw.threads
    Same thing happens when i have a static text and when i try to add the font of a static text.
    First time no problme but then whatever we added never will be visible and then when we try to change its gves error.
    Please tell me why like this is happening...

    This is the error i am getting when i try to add a font family as Arial to my existing static view.
         Error Displaying Results
    The current xml is invalid with the following errors: Bad xml instance! <?xml version="1.0"?> <saw:report xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlVersion="201008230" xmlns:sawx=""><saw:criteria xsi:type="saw:simpleCriteria" subjectArea="&quot;ToolsReporting&quot;" withinHierarchy="true"><saw:columns><saw:column xsi:type="saw:regularColumn" columnID="c732bb9dae8dd66c3"><saw:columnFormula><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">&quot;F3 APT&quot;.&quot;Distinct Cases&quot;</sawx:expr></saw:columnFormula><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec suppress="repeat" wrapText="true"><saw:dataFormat xsi:type="saw:number" minDigits="0" maxDigits="0" commas="true" negativeType="minus"/></saw:formatSpec></saw:displayFormat><saw:tableHeading><saw:caption fmt="text"><saw:text>F3 APT</saw:text></saw:caption></saw:tableHeading><saw:columnHeading><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat><saw:caption fmt="text"><saw:text>Cases</saw:text></saw:caption></saw:columnHeading></saw:column><saw:column xsi:type="saw:regularColumn" columnID="c3a4a8c02a76fa939"><saw:columnFormula><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">&quot;F3 APT&quot;.&quot;Distinct Users&quot;</sawx:expr></saw:columnFormula><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec suppress="repeat" wrapText="true"><saw:dataFormat xsi:type="saw:number" minDigits="0" maxDigits="0" commas="true" negativeType="minus"/></saw:formatSpec></saw:displayFormat><saw:tableHeading><saw:caption fmt="text"><saw:text>F3 APT</saw:text></saw:caption></saw:tableHeading><saw:columnHeading><saw:caption fmt="text"><saw:text>Users</saw:text></saw:caption><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:columnHeading></saw:column><saw:column xsi:type="saw:regularColumn" columnID="cffa55d9d04d4333a"><saw:columnFormula><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">&quot;D3 APT TIME&quot;.&quot;Actual Year 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APT</saw:text></saw:caption></saw:tableHeading><saw:columnHeading><saw:caption fmt="text"><saw:text>PPT's Downloaded</saw:text></saw:caption><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:columnHeading></saw:column></saw:columns><saw:filter><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:logical" op="and"><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:logical" op="or"><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:comparison" op="notEqual"><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">&quot;D0 GEN_LDAP_DETAILS_NEW&quot;.&quot;LEVEL3&quot;</sawx:expr><sawx:expr xsi:type="xsd:string">[email protected]</sawx:expr></sawx:expr><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:comparison" op="null"><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">&quot;D0 GEN_LDAP_DETAILS_NEW&quot;.&quot;LEVEL3&quot;</sawx:expr></sawx:expr></sawx:expr><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:special" op="prompted" setVariable="dashboard.currentPage.variables['Region']"><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">&quot;D0 GEN_LDAP_DETAILS_NEW&quot;.&quot;Region_All&quot;</sawx:expr></sawx:expr><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:special" op="prompted" setVariable="dashboard.currentPage.variables['Industry']"><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">&quot;D3 APT&quot;.&quot;Industry_All&quot;</sawx:expr></sawx:expr><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:list" op="notContains"><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">&quot;D3 APT&quot;.&quot;USERNAME&quot;</sawx:expr><sawx:expr xsi:type="xsd:string">[email protected]</sawx:expr></sawx:expr><sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sql">cast( &quot;D3 APT TIME&quot;.&quot;USEDTIME&quot; as Date) &gt;=@{StartDate}{Current_Date} and cast( &quot;D3 APT TIME&quot;.&quot;USED_TIME&quot; as Date) &lt;=@{EndDate}{Current_Date}</sawx:expr></sawx:expr></saw:filter><saw:columnOrder/></saw:criteria><saw:views currentView="2"><saw:view xsi:type="saw:compoundView" name="compoundView!1"><saw:cvTable><saw:cvRow><saw:cvCell viewName="titleView!2"><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec/></saw:displayFormat></saw:cvCell></saw:cvRow><saw:cvRow><saw:cvCell 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visibility="hidden"><saw:headerFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec wrapText="true"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:headerFormat></saw:edgeLayer><saw:edgeLayer type="column" columnID="cffa55d9d04d4333a"><saw:headerFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec fontStyle="bold" wrapText="true" fontSize="14"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:headerFormat><saw:memberFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec wrapText="true" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="14" fontStyle="bold"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:memberFormat></saw:edgeLayer></saw:edgeLayers></saw:edge><saw:edge axis="column"><saw:edgeLayers><saw:edgeLayer type="measure"/></saw:edgeLayers></saw:edge></saw:edges><saw:measuresList><saw:measure columnID="c3a4a8c02a76fa939"><saw:memberFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec fontStyle="bold" wrapText="true" fontSize="14" fontFamily="Arial"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:memberFormat><saw:dataBodyFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec wrapText="true" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:dataBodyFormat></saw:measure><saw:measure columnID="c732bb9dae8dd66c3"><saw:memberFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec fontStyle="bold" wrapText="true" fontSize="14" fontFamily="Arial"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:memberFormat><saw:dataBodyFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec wrapText="true" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:dataBodyFormat></saw:measure><saw:measure columnID="c410b08ca33dd1272"><saw:memberFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec fontStyle="bold" wrapText="true" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="14"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:memberFormat><saw:dataBodyFormat><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec wrapText="true" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="12"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:dataBodyFormat></saw:measure></saw:measuresList></saw:view><saw:view xsi:type="saw:htmlview" name="htmlview!1"><saw:staticText><saw:caption fmt="text"><saw:text>Region = @{Region}{All} Industry = @{Industry}{All}</saw:text></saw:caption></saw:staticText><saw:displayFormat fontFamily="Arial"><saw:formatSpec fontColor="#000000"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:view><saw:view xsi:type="saw:titleView" name="titleView!2" includeName="false" startedDisplay="none"><saw:title><saw:caption fmt="text"><saw:text>CPT Usage</saw:text></saw:caption><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec fontColor="#FF0000" wrapText="false" fontFamily="Arial" fontStyle="bold" fontSize="16"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:title><saw:displayFormat><saw:formatSpec borderColor="#FF0000" borderPosition="8" borderStyle="thick" wrapText="true"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:view></saw:views><saw:prompts scope="report" subjectArea="&quot;APTReporting&quot;"/></saw:report> Line:4, Col:7234, Attribute 'fontFamily' is not declared for element 'displayFormat'
    Error Details
    Error Codes: EIRWWH9E
    Location: saw.httpserver.processrequest, saw.rpc.server.responder, saw.rpc.server, saw.rpc.server.handleConnection, saw.rpc.server.dispatch, saw.threadpool, saw.threadpool, saw.threads
    Can u pls tell me how ill remove the Cube Definition is invalid?
    My only intention is Region = @{Region}{All} Industry = @{Industry}{All} i would like to make this appear little bigger so want the font size to be 14 and family as Arial.
    Is there any other way i can do?

  • In Notes, I do not have a format bar. Under views there is no option to toggle this feature on or off. How then, can I set line spacing in documents? or is there some trick to getting the format bar that they say exists?

    I want to be able to adjust line spacing in the Notes program. The help menu says that there is format bar and that I can choose this spacing. I do not have a format bar. They said that you can toggle this on and off under the View menu. I have not option in my dropdown that gives me an option to show or hide the format bar. Is there a reason why my version does not seem to have this feature?

    Sorry for the wishy washy response but potential YES and possibly NO. Your user data should be intact but the OS may not be able to boot. You have a backup?

  • I have an iPhone 5c I tapped the lines at the top of the calendar and the format changed to a list. My calendar events disappeared and I can no longer fill any events in. I want to return my calendar to its previous format and can't get it to go back.

    I have an iPhone 5c I was messing with my calendar and pushed the little lines at the the top to create a list format. My events all disappeared and now I can not get anything back or add anything back. June reappeared and I can renter anything in July or August. I would like to undo this list format and return to my previous calendar view? Does anyone know what I am talking about?

    tap again and choose the format month or let it be the day.

  • How do I change line spacing in a Mail signature?  Where's the formatting menu?

    I want to reduce double-spacing in my Mail signature to single spacing so it's more compact and doesn't take up all kinds of vertical space (more than the email itself--I've had recipients complain about this--and it's a business email).  I have a logo (.png) in the signature that I've been using with no problem.  I have text above and below the logo.  It's just too widely spaced.  Surely there must be a formatting menu that I can use to shrink the line spacing in Mail Signatures?  Or elsewhere, then reimport and have the formatting stick?  This is a pretty basic feature for an email client to offer.  Is there a simple solution to this?

    Since it's a windoze app, ask at

  • How do I fix the format of plot lines for an arbitrary number of sets of data plotted on the same x-y graph?

    I have written a VI to control an LCR meter and perform sweep functions. I have two x-y graphs on my front panel (one for each of 2 measured parameters). The VI is designed with a button to take a measurement, plot the data, and then wait for another event (like write data, clear plot, or measure again). The user can take simultaneous measurements and these are plotted on top of the data already there in the same x-y graphs (using an array of clusters with shift registers). There is no limit on how many sets of data can be on the x-y graph. 
    Now, my issue is in formatting the plot lines (color, thickness, marker type). I can fix the first plot line by adjusting the parameters of the x-y graph. However, I also want to control the format of all consecutive plot lines. How can I do this for an arbitrary number of lines? The main thing I want to do is to have all of them show the square marker type (the default is no marker type, just a line). 

    Hi maximum23,
    You can use properties of plot to format the plot lines. You just have to select Active plot using property and then select color and line width etc..
    You can define color and width etc parameter by asking user or you can just make them default.
    Gaurav k
    CLD Certified !!!!!
    Do not forget to Mark solution and to give Kudo if problem is solved.

  • How can I insert a line that extends from a word without it affecting the formatting of the WHOLE document?

    I am trying to create a simple form for people to print out and fill in. I want fields like 'Name' with a line extending from the word for people to write on. What should be the simplest of tasks has confounded me for HOURS. Inserting a line as a 'shape' or 'drawing with pen' just messes up the formatting of the whole document. I've used Pages 'Help' but it almost forced me to staple my eyelids to the carpet. Surely there is a SIMPLE way to do this. I even tried 'tricking' Pages by 'underlining' a row of spaces. It won't even allow you to do this because Pages is far more clever than a human.
    My cat is looking at me with increasing consternation.

    I would use a right-aligned tab with an underline leader.

  • How can I have the title of the document be in the email subject line automatically when sending?

    How can I have the title of the document be in the email subject line automatically when sending?

    It can be done if you use a script, like this one:
    this.mailDoc({cTo: "[email protected]", cSubject: this.title});

  • How to change color in the title line?

    Hi experts, How to change color in the title line, i show an image for explained better

    in Views.css file
    file below object.and change border-color as you desired to reflect.
    .TitleTable {
         font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
         border-width: 0 0 4px 0;
         border-style: solid;
         border-color: #6666cc; ----> change here.
    hope this helps !
    -Niranjan K

  • How do I double space a document using Pages There is NO Line Spacing control in the drop down menu in the format bar

    How do I double space a document in Pages. The instruction say to use the Line Spacing control in the format bar, but there is NO Line Spacing control in the drop down menu under Format. I'm writing a novel and I am having to manually double space after every line. It is **** when I am trying to edit my work.

    The computer is not too old (and neither are you ).   It may be better if you could upgrade it from 10.5.8 to 10.6 ... but that would not solve this problem.
    As both Paul and I have advised ... get yourself on Pages > go to the View menu and halfway down is the option 'Show Inspector'.   You'll end up with a panel like Paul showed you in his post of 08:42.   Let's see what you can do from there.

  • The source code for my website shows up wrong for title line in firefox but not in other browsers-how can i correct it? My ranking depends on this.

    My title line is correct when I check the source code in Google Chrome. Why is it coming out differently in Firefox?

    Works here.<br />
    I see the same "Accent and English Skills Training for Success" title in Firefox as in Google Chrome although the title tag has a different value: &lt;title&gt;;/title&gt;
    Is that title set via JavaScript?
    Reload web page(s) and bypass the cache to refresh possibly outdated or corrupted files.
    *Press and hold Shift and left-click the Reload button.
    *Press "Ctrl + F5" or press "Ctrl + Shift + R" (Windows,Linux)
    *Press "Command + Shift + R" (MAC)

  • After updating my iPad for ios7.0.2 the formatting across many apps has changed or lost; notes has lost its lines, sirfari is bear......

    I recently updates for iOS 7.0.2  .  I have now lost the formatting of apps such as notes (the lines has disappeared), Safari is bear.  Any ideas

    u can give try to using external enclosre and backup ur files. I hope u will get files back. or using external enclosre with ur hdd boot into Linux and try to mount ur harddisk.
    there are multiple no of tutorial to mount apple partion in Linux.

  • Trouble in the colour of line when saving a AI file into PDF format

    I am using ai CS5. When i save it the colours of line get changed to some other colour.

    How about some information? What colour is the line to begin with? What colou is it changing to? What foramt are you saving the file to? How are you determining the colour of the line after saving? What is the Document Color Mode (File menu) Of the Illustrator file to begin with? If saving as a PDF what preset are you using?

  • Adding Titles & Lines in Numbers

    How can I add a title to my spreadsheet?
    How can I add lines in the spreadsheet to distinguish some of the cells and rows? A partial line would be sufficient, either a ..... or a - - - - .

    How can I add a title to my spreadsheet?
    You can display the name of any table by selecting the table, then checking the Name box in the Table Inspector. Table names are edited in the Sheets list. Double click the name beside the Table's icon to place the insertion point in the box, then edit as you would a file name.
    (Page) Headers can be used to display Sheet titles. Headers (and footers) are visible only in Print View (View menu > Show Print view), where they appear at the top of each page. Text is usually centered, but I've used Left alignment here to compact the image. Headers are independent for each Sheet. The light grey lines in the image are the page layout markers (View > Show Layout), and are generally hidden. 
    For a title that is to appear when Print view is hidden, and is to appear only once, use a Text box.
    How can I add lines in the spreadsheet to distinguish some of the cells and rows? A partial line would be sufficient, either a ..... or a - - - - .
    You can use Borders on individual cells, a group of cells or a full row or column.
    You can use fill colour in individual cells, a group of cells or a full row or column.
    You can set the contents to bold, italic or underline or change the text colour to highlight cells or rows.
    All of these are set using controls in the format bar or in the Inspector. Details on much of this can be found in Chapter 5, Working with Table Styles of the Numbers '09 User Guide. Numbers vocabulary, which will help in clarifying your future questions, may be found in Chapter 1. The guide may be downloaded via the Help menu in Numbers.

  • Need the format for input file for standard program

    hi can any one please give me the format in which the file to be uploaded to program RFBIBL00 ,
    must be in for example my excel file to be uploaded has the following columns.
    company code
    accounting doc
    line item
    fiscal year
    doc type
    doc date
    so is there any program which can create a file in the format to be uploaded taking this excel sheet.
    i read the documentation but i am little confused about that.
    thank you.

    Ok.. I have created one small test program for RFBIBL00.
    That program uses this file format:
    indicator     company code      fiscal year      doc type      doc date     positng date     header text     Account     posting key      amount      item text      assignment number ....
    H     0001     2007     SA     11/21/2007     11/21/2007     Test from RFBIBL00                         
    D                                   106210     40     123.3     Line 1     
    D                                   106210     50     123.3     Line 2     
    H     0001     2007     SA     11/21/2007     11/21/2007     Test from RFBIBL00                         
    D                                   106210     40     123.3     Line 1     
    D                                   106210     50     123.3     Line 2     
    Copy this data into one notepad and save it as .txt file. you need to provide this path to the test program.
    The source code of the program (Currently it is only test version):
    *& Report  ZTEST_NP_RFBIBL00
    TABLES:  BGR00,                        " Batch-Input Mappendaten
             BBKPF,                        " Batch-Input Tcode + Belegkopf
             BBSEG,                        " Batch-Input Belegsegment
             BBTAX,                        " Batch-Input Belegsteuern
             BSELK,                        " Batch-Input Selektionskopf
             BSELP.                        " Batch-Input Sel.positionen
          END   OF IT_FILE.
    DATA:    C_NODATA(1)  TYPE C VALUE '/'.   " NODATA
                      DS_NAME TYPE CHAR70 OBLIGATORY LOWER CASE,  "< Server file
                      GR_NAME(12) TYPE C DEFAULT 'FI_TEST'.
    *&      Form  upload_data
      L_FILE = P_LFILE.
          FILENAME                      = L_FILE
          FILETYPE                      = 'DAT'
    *    HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR           = ','
          DATA_TAB                      = IT_FILE
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
        MESSAGE S398(00) WITH 'Error while uploading'.
    ENDFORM.                    " upload_data
    *&      Form  set_data
          WHEN 'H'.
            PERFORM SET_BBKPF.
          WHEN 'D'.
            PERFORM SET_BBSEG.
    ENDFORM.                    " set_data
    *&      Form  set_BGR00
    FORM SET_BGR00 .
      BGR00-GROUP = GR_NAME.
      BGR00-USNAM  = SY-UNAME.
    ENDFORM.                                                    " set_BGR00
    *&      Form  set_bbkpf
      BBKPF-TCODE     = 'FB01'.
      BBKPF-BLDAT+0(6) = IT_FILE-BLDAT+0(6).
      BBKPF-BLDAT+6(2) = IT_FILE-BLDAT+8(2).
      BBKPF-BUDAT+0(6) = IT_FILE-BUDAT+0(6).
      BBKPF-BUDAT+6(2) = IT_FILE-BUDAT+8(2).
    ENDFORM.                    " set_bbkpf
    *&      Form  set_bbseg
    ENDFORM.                    " set_bbseg
    *&      Form  submit_rfbibl00
                      WITH CALLMODE = 'B'
                      WITH XLOG = 'X'
                      AND RETURN.
    ENDFORM.                    " submit_rfbibl00
    If you have any problem getting file, send me an e-mail (my id is on my business card) I will send you the file as a attachment
    Naimesh Patel

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