Sleep Question

Hi all,
I upgraded my MacBook Pro to Lion a few days ago (still trying to get used to it, but I’m liking it). Anyway, one thing that keeps happening which does concern me a little is that the time that it takes my computer to sleep has increased quite a bit.
When I was running Snow Leopard my laptop would go to sleep in about 20-30 seconds, but now with Lion it takes well over 3 minutes. I haven’t timed it exactly, but I know that when I close the display and walk away for a few minutes then come back I can still hear the HD making noise and the sleep light is not pulsing.
So I was just wondering if anyone else has noticed this problem or if it's just me.
Thank you in advance to anyone who answers.
Cheers to all

Sonicray said "Lion stores a lot more stuff than other OSX versions".
tjk indicated what to turn off and uninstall.
micro85 asked about more ram installed.
I agree with all, but I also advise you to set hibernatemode to 0:
going to sleep in the default hibernatemode (3) means that all ram is written to your harddisk ("sleepimage" file which has the size of your ram). this is not necessary (only when you want to switch batteries in sleepmode).
There are several ways to turn sleepimage off:
in Terminal type
sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
sudo rm /var/vm/sleepimage
and then restart: now when going to sleep, you don't have to write a 4GB file, and you save 4GB on the hdd, by having removed the sleepimage file.
There is a "smartsleep" app in Appstore, but I am not sure it works well in Lion, this app can set sleepimage off or on.

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    So it will not overheat no matter what?
    If you are playing some 3D action game, or having the computer encode video for one hour straight, it may start to heat up. But then, the fans should kick up to a faster speed (you'll actually hear them), to keep the temp within the acceptable range. If the iMac is just sitting there, waiting for you to do something, it will not overheat. Now... If there is dust blocking airflow, or the Mac has some hardware issue that prevents the fans from running properly, then it is possible for a Mac to overheat, which may cause it to shut down unexpectedly or give you something called a +kernel panic+ (which is basically a system-level crash).
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    [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1
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    Message was edited by: saberworks

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    Yes, from what you describe, it is a problem.
    No problems with "sleep mode" on this end. Are you experiencing any other oddities with your system besides waking from sleep?
    Possible problem areas:
    Simple things first - in your User Library/Preferences, move to your desktop. Log-out, log-in, log-out and try sleep. If it crashes again, see below.
    directory corruption - have you verified the condition of your Hard Disk using Disk Utility? (you can do this without having to boot your Installer DVD). Just go to Disk Utility, select your Hard Drive, go to the First Aid panel, and select "verify disk". If there is a problem, you'll need to boot the Installer DVD, select Disk Utility from the Installer menu and run the same test as above, except this time select "repair disk". Keep running the repair until you get a clean run.
    Hardware: Sometimes hardware problems can create operational problems. My hunch is this is not what's at play here, however, never hurts to check.
    From your Installer DVD you can run Apple's Hardware Test. Boot the DVD holding down the option key. Release the option key when Icons start to appear. Eventually, you'll see the Hardware Test icon. Click on it, then click Next. A panel will appear explaining the Test. Select the "quick test" first. It will probably take about 10 - 20 minutes. Post back if it shows any problem with hardware, including RAM chips.
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    Thank you.

    Hi, and welcome!
    I very much doubt that the computer would wake from sleep. If my understanding is correct, the auto-update feature works by just checking every now and then if there are any updates available. It cannot perform this check while it is sleeping.
    So, I think I can safely say that the answer is: no.

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    Oh outstanding JerBear!
    I honestly don't know if MaxScreenSaver runs in
    classic - I don't think it does. Let me check, since
    I'm running that right now...
    <checks classic>
    Oooo! It apparently does run under classic..
    I did not realize this.
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    9. Boo-hiss! There is some sort of workaround, I'll
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    There used to be an abandonware site for classic apps
    that had the full compliment of AfterDark modules
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    turn this thing off - yeah, it works..
    - back to the modules,, oh yeah.. They had all of
    them, the Simpsons, StarTrek, the lot. I have the
    .sit files somewhere still. I should check if the
    modules will run on DarkSide of the Mac. Hmm.
    If you play with OS 9 lots still and are looking for
    any code, let me know. I got tons of classic stuff -
    data hound that I am.
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    Brian H.

    Boottime didn't seem long, or at least not long enough to where I noticed it. It's just that when I turned my TV on, and switched to the HDMI input, the Apple logo came up on the screen for a few seconds, then went to the list of possible resolutions. After picking the correct resolution (720p), it went through the intro video and then to then normal starting list of TV shows, movies, etc. All of my other settings remained what they were.

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    It doesn't sound like anything to worry about to me but if you want to double check everything we can do that. I'll need to know some more details about your system though like which iMac you have, how much RAM etc.. and maybe you can narrow down the times when it takes longer to sleep as opposed to when it sleeps faster. One thing you can try is to restart your computer and try putting it to sleep right after a fresh boot.
    Another thing you can try is resetting the SMC:

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    My main worry is that it goes into sleep and then it shuts itself off, where with my PB it would automatically shut off( no sleep 1st) and according to Apple it's supposed to go to sleep for 5+ hours.
    Am I confusing that "automatic sleep after exhaustion" with "manually putting it to sleep after the warning for 5+ hours"?
    I second you on the calibration being a pain, but I do see much better results afterwards.

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    Thanks Frank
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      Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    > what happens if I close the lid? Does that option get overridden and the hard drive goes to sleep?
    Yes, it's over-ridden, the heads park and you can move it around happily
    Make sure it does actually go to sleep and not hang up on some run-away (BootCamp) process or similar ... you can tell by the noise. If it's not silent within 10 seconds of the lid closing open it up again and check Activity Monitor.

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