Slideshow fullscreen controls

Lightroom creates slideshows as PDFs. One of the options when saving a slideshow is to run the slideshow in full screen mode. When you use Abrobat Reader to display your slideshow in full screen there are no controls. You can add controls to advance your show or to step back but the slideshow continues to run. I need to stop the slideshow and advance one slide at a time. Does anyone know if this can be done?

To change the time of the duration of the slides or turn "Auto Flip" you can do this:
Open the exported PDF with Adobe Acrobat Professional.
When the PDF have opened to full screen, press ESC to exit.
Click on the Pages tab on the left side of the window to reveal the thumbnails for the pages.
Click an a page.
Press Command+A to select all.
Right click on one of the thumbnails to reveal the context menu and select "Set Page Transitions".
There you will find a check-box to turn of "Auto Flip".
You can also change the transition speed, transition effects and more.
If you turn of the "Auto Flip" you can advance by clicking the mouse button once.
You can shift+click to go back one page.
You can also use the arrow keys to go forward or back.

Similar Messages

  • Arrows not showing up in slideshow, cant control slideshow

    So I have a slideshow that is on one of my pages and the arrows on the two sides will not appear.  Before the pictures all load I can see the arrows behind the pictures but once they the arrows end up behind the pictures.  The pictures rotate normaly through the slideshow but I want people to be able to control if they want to go back and forth.  Here is my code for the slideshow.
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-2.0.3.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.cycle.all.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        fx:     'scrollHorz',
        speed:  'slow',
              timeout: 3000,
        next:   '#next',
        prev:   '#prev'
    <meta name="keywords" content="LADC Companies,commercial lawn service, services, snow removal, concrete romval, Home Depot, Kohl's">
    <link href="CSS/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <style type="text/css">
    #NavBar {
              height: 36px;
              width: 960px;
              margin-right: auto;
              margin-left: auto;
              margin-top: 102px;
              margin-bottom: 146px;
              border-top-style: none;
              border-right-style: none;
              border-bottom-style: none;
              border-left-style: none;
              position: absolute;
              left: auto;
              top: auto;
              right: auto;
              bottom: auto;
    .titleservices {
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              position: absolute;
    h1 {
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              text-transform: uppercase;
    .leftside {
              background-color: #03F;
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              position: absolute;
              opacity: 0.75;
              filter: alpha(opacity=75);
    .rightside {
              background-color: #03F;
              height: 400px;
              width: 300px;
              border: medium solid #000;
              margin-top: 250px;
              margin-left: 600px;
              position: absolute;
              opacity: 0.75;
              filter: alpha(opacity=75);
    .background {
              background-color: #FFF;
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              opacity: 0.30;
              filter: alpha(opacity=30);
    .background2 {
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              opacity: 0.30;
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    p1 {
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    p2 {
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    #apDiv1 {
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              border: thin solid #00F;
    #wrapper {
              display: block;
              height: 483px;
              width: 879px;
              margin-top: 670px;
              margin-right: 41px;
              margin-left: 37px;
              position: absolute;
    #slider {
              display: block;
              float: left;
              height: 483px;
              width: 879px;
              margin-top: 670px;
              margin-right: 41px;
              margin-left: 37px;
              overflow: hidden;
              position: absolute;
              left: -39px;
              top: -671px;
              border: medium solid #000;
    #prev {
              background-image: url(Images/leftArrow.png);
              background-repeat: no-repeat;
              background-position: center center;
              display: block;
              float: left;
              height: 483px;
              width: 80px;
              position: relative;
              z-index: 10;
    #next {
              background-image: url(Images/rightArrow.png);
              background-repeat: no-repeat;
              background-position: center center;
              display: block;
              float: right;
              height: 483px;
              width: 80px;
              position: relative;
              z-index: 10;
    #contain {
              overflow: auto;
    #apDiv2 {
              position: absolute;
              width: 222px;
              height: 165px;
              z-index: 1;
              border: thin solid #00F;
              left: 365px;
              top: 465px;
    #apDiv3 {
              position: absolute;
              width: 200px;
              height: 115px;
              z-index: 1;
              left: 48px;
              top: 671px;
    Here is the slideshow part of my code
    <div id="wrapper">
      <div id="contain">
        <div class="controller" id="prev"></div>
                  <div id="slider">
                             <img src="Images/IMG_2418 2.JPG" width="879" height="483" />
                      <img src="Images/IMG_2447 2.JPG" width="879" height="483" />
                      <img src="Images/IMG_2453 2.JPG" width="879" height="483" />       
                      <img src="Images/IMG_2603 2.JPG" width="879" height="483" />       
                               <img src="Images/IMG_2711 2.JPG" width="879" height="483" />                                                                       <img src="Images/IMG_2822 2.jpg" width="879" height="483" />                            
                      <img src="Images/IMG_2839 2.JPG" width="879" height="483" />                            
                      <img src="Images/IMG_2313 3.JPG" width="879" height="483" />                            
                      <img src="Images/IMG_2460 2.JPG" width="879" height="483" />                            
                      <img src="Images/IMG_2430 2.JPG" width="879" height="483" />                            
                      <img src="Images/DSC_0318.JPG" width="879" height="483" />
        <div class="controller" id="next"></div>

    Pretty sure this is just a duplicate of this one:

  • Xml slideshow playback controls issue

    Hi, I'm trying to create a picture slideshow which can be controled by the user with play / stop / next buttons. I've managed to program the play / stop events with success, but I'm stuck trying to create the next button event since it doesn´t work properly. The first time I hit the next button it takes me to the same picture that has been currently loaded, the second time I hit the next button it works as expected, takes me to the next image.
    I appreciate your help, thank you in advance.
    Here's the Code:
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
    //Escondo botones navegación
    navigation.visible = false;
    //Declaro/inicio variables
    var loadernike:loadercreditos = new loadercreditos();
    var my_speed:Number;
    var my_total:Number;
    var my_images:XMLList;
    var my_loaders_array:Array = [];
    var my_labels_array:Array = [];
    var my_success_counter:Number = 0;
    var my_playback_counter:Number = 0;
    var my_contador_next:Number = 0;
    var my_slideshow:Sprite = new Sprite();
    var my_image_slides:Sprite = new Sprite();
    var my_label_slides:Sprite = new Sprite();
    var my_preloader:TextField;
    var my_timer:Timer;
    var my_prev_tween:Tween;
    var my_tweens_array:Array = [];
    var my_xml_loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    //Precarga xml
    my_xml_loader.load(new URLRequest("images/interior/NIKE/slideshow.xml"));
    my_xml_loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
    var htmlContent:TextField;
    function processXML(e:Event):void
        var my_xml:XML = new XML(;
        my_xml.ignoreWhitespace = true;
        //htmlContent = my_xml.title.text();
        my_speed = my_xml. @ SPEED;
        my_images = my_xml.IMAGE;
        my_total = my_images.length();
        trace("imag", my_images);
        my_xml_loader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);
        my_xml_loader = null;
    function loadImages():void
        for (var i:Number = 0; i < my_total; i++)
            var my_url:String = my_images[i]. @ URL;
            var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();
            my_loader.load(new URLRequest(my_url));
            my_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
            //formateo texto;
            var myFont = new Font1();
            var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
            myFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.RIGHT;
            myFormat.font = myFont.fontName;
            var my_label:TextField = new TextField();
            my_label.textColor = 0xffffff;
            my_label.embedFonts = true;
            my_label.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
            my_label.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
            my_label.text = my_images[i]. @ TITLE;
            //my_label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
            my_label.width = 450;
            my_label.background = true;
            my_label.border = true;
            my_label.backgroundColor = 0x000000;
            //my_label.htmlText = htmlContent;// Assign the HTML content to the text field*/
            loadernike.x = (stage.stageWidth - loadernike.width)/2;
            loadernike.y = (stage.stageHeight - loadernike.height)/2 + 50;
    function onComplete(e:Event):void
        if (my_success_counter == my_total)
        var my_loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = LoaderInfo(;
        my_loaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
    function startShow():void
        loadernike = null;
        //muestro botones navegacion
        navigation.navintback.visible = false;
        navigation.visible = true;
        my_slideshow.x = 30;
        my_slideshow.y = 160;
        my_timer = new Timer(my_speed * 1000);
        my_timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerListener);
        //boton stop;
        function clickstopboton(event:MouseEvent):void
            if (MisGlobales.vars.i == 0 && MisGlobales.vars.h != 1)
            else if (MisGlobales.vars.i==1 && MisGlobales.vars.h != 1)
            if (MisGlobales.vars.h == 1 && MisGlobales.vars.i == 0)
            else if ( MisGlobales.vars.h == 1 && MisGlobales.vars.i == 1 )
        navigation.navint.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickstopboton);
        navigation.navint.buttonMode = true;
        //boton next;
        function clicknextboton(event:MouseEvent):void
            if (my_playback_counter == my_total)
                my_playback_counter = 0;
        navigation.navintnext.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicknextboton);
        navigation.navintnext.buttonMode = true;
        //boton back;
        function clickbackboton(event:MouseEvent):void
            if (my_playback_counter == 0)
                my_playback_counter = my_total;
        navigation.navintback.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickbackboton);
        navigation.navintback.buttonMode = true;
        //slide auto
        function nextImage():void
            var my_image:Loader = Loader(my_loaders_array[my_playback_counter]);
            my_tweens_array[0] = new Tween(my_image,"alpha",Strong.easeOut,0,1,1,true);
            var my_label:TextField = TextField(my_labels_array[my_playback_counter]);
            my_label.x=(stage.stageWidth - 63) - my_label.width;
            my_tweens_array[1] = new Tween(my_label,"alpha",Strong.easeOut,0,1,1,true);
        function timerListener(e:TimerEvent):void
            if (my_playback_counter == my_total)
                my_playback_counter = 0;
        function hidePrev():void
            var my_image:Loader = Loader(my_image_slides.getChildAt(0));
            my_prev_tween = new Tween(my_image,"alpha",Strong.easeOut,1,0,1,true);
            my_prev_tween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, onFadeOut);
            var my_label:TextField = TextField(my_label_slides.getChildAt(0));
            my_tweens_array[2] = new Tween(my_label,"alpha",Strong.easeOut,1,0,1,true);
        function onFadeOut(e:TweenEvent):void
        function clickbotonskb(event:MouseEvent):void
            my_timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerListener);
            MovieClip(root).main.main_bar.seccinteriors.my_playback_counter_sk = 0;
        skunkfunk_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickbotonskb);
        skunkfunk_btn.buttonMode = true;
    See example at:

    I did a workaround by using the slideshow component shown in
    Thank you to FlashOtaku

  • .Mac slideshow timing control.

    AJAX slideshow with its snazzy look, but lack of timing control made it a poor implementation. I had cracked it. Here is the procedure:
    1. Download:
    2. Put KBDIF.js in the same folder as slideshow.html --> typically: Photos_files folder
    3. Edit slideshow.html
    3a. open it with TextEdit
    3b. search for 'slideshow.js'
    3c. insert:
    <script src="KBDIF.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    just below:
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    so it looks like:
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="KBDIF.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    That's it, you just added timing control. Keyboard inputs:
    1 - 9 = number of seconds delay between slide.
    0 = 10 seconds delay
    Note: When AJAX slideshow first starts up, there is a 10-15 seconds delay for the slides and thumbnails to be loaded. I can't control that, unless I hack a lot more of AJAX js.
    And default delay is 5 seconds.
    Demo here, click Start Slideshow button:

    I just uploaded new AJAX Slideshow converter to my host, and can be found here:
    This is for non .Mac server - or Publish to a Folder - method.
    .Mac users will have apply the changes manually, sorry, my script magic couldn't work through iDisk (WebDAV protocol).

  • How to implement fullscreen controls?

    Hi I've been struggeling to implement fullscreen controlls when using pure AS3. I want to show a non-streached playback controller in fullscreen mode. How can I do this using OSMF. Any code samples would be great.

    And thanks every one in advance for your kind help.

  • Slideshow - player controls, fwd, rew, pause

    Wondering why the transport buttons (rew, fwd, pause) on DVD machine don't work with discs created by iDVD?
    I've tried putting the disc in different players, still can't pause on any of my photos.
    Also tried checking the box for 'display during slideshow'.
    btw I have tried searching for an answer on this discussion - forgive me if it's here but I couldn't find it.
    Any known fixes?
    thanks, dg

    Okay - a little more testing has revealed the menu < and > arrows do work - but still don't have ability to pause a shot - can be frustrating.

  • HELP PLEASE: .swf Controls take over in Powerpoint Slideshow

    I have a .swf embedded within an Powerpoint slideshow. When I
    use the controls I've set within the .swf file (pause, play, replay
    animation) I no longer can use the Powerpoint slideshow mode
    controls (forward or backward to next slide). If I don't touch the
    controls within the .swf, letting the .swf animation play through,
    the Powerpoint slideshow controls work fine.
    Can anyone offer any workarounds that may enable me to use
    the .swf file controls while in Powerpoint slideshow mode, yet not
    loose the ability to advance to the next slide (using the arrow
    keys) in Powerpoint?

    Hi Michael,
    I'm  not an expert however if I understand the links correctly, it's saying that you are missing the .webm extension for apache which is server side. I'm not a dev geek so I really can't dive into it with any type of authority.
    I viewed it with IE and I got "invalid source". Which means the files maybe corrupted, something is just slightly off in your coding, or you need to add that .webm extension (which I have no idea how to do). It seems highly unlikey that your server is not set up for this though >
    For some reason this doesn't seem right to me. If the files are .mp4, ogg and vp8 then what is the reference to shockwave?
    <embed src="Laser.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="650" height="400" />
    Try this link: N9
    Give that technique a shot and see how it goes.
    Hopefully somebody with more technical expertise will put in their "two cents".
    Good luck.

  • Simple way to insert  custom Jquery Slideshows and Plugins in Muse

    Hi guys, I know the Adobe Muse team is working hard to make this revolutionary tool better by the day. They have done a lot of foundation work to get this tool up to this state. I say congrates guys keep the good work on.
    But before we get to the promised land. I know a lot of 'creative non-coders' still want to take up the challenge of doing some cool stuff spread around the internet nowadays such as jquery fullscreen image slideshow, fullscreen image jquery sliders, etc. But Muse is not there yet. I believe the next release will enable designers to take advantage of the height feature missing right now(I just believe so, no insider hint, please don't quote me.).
    Okay let me not bore you.
    Now I have noticed you can bring any slideshow into Muse if you have the bravery to do it. It's so simple. See this:
    The slideshow was a backstretch jquery plugin with some custom javascript to load the page before displaying the page.
    The trick is,  follow the instruction provided by the author of any of this script, especially the ones relating to the jquery-1.4min.js... jquery-1.7.min.js... upto the latest version that could possibly be available. Note: Adobe Muse also have almost the latest version of the jquery plugin. So after authoring your stuff in Adobe Muse, export as HTML then move and replace any of the code provided by the author of the code you intent to use with the one that Muse generates always:
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    This is often placed toward thge bottom section before the closing </body> and </html> tags. Move it up to the head section using notepad or DW. Though this is not the intended workflow by the Muse team, but it gives you the edge to do stuff you want to do.

    Okay Maurya, am suggesting the Muse dev team can take a cue from the edge team. In the publishing setting of Edge their is an option for Framework via CDN! Introducing this feature into Muse will go along way to enhance the workflow of psuedo-developers using Muse  to cut down on web design time.  if I have some jquery codes for slideshows and so on that I have lifted from some places or purchased on the internet, I can conveniently place the codes as usual where they need to be and on export  indicate to Muse whether I want it to include its own code:
    " has been further modified in the new beta 2 release as:
    <script type="text/javascript">
       if (document.location.protocol != 'https:') document.write('\x3Cscript src="" type="text/javascript">\x3C/script>');
    in the export and during publish (a publish setting kinda of could be added to the preference area) or use my own framwork that I have included in the head section. So Muse will not include the above jquery musecdn...  in the publish version. That way you are giving us more control and winning more developers over to Muse and of course more money for Adobe . See screnshot in Adobe Edge:

  • Preview Slideshow

    Whenever I open a batch of pics in Preview and choose the option to view them as a Slideshow the pics display in a completely random order.
    Is there any way that I can get them to display in numerical order? i.e the order I took them in.

    not to offend anyone, but with all respect that isn't a solution. There are many reasons why someone would want to view images in Preview in the order they were taken or some other sorted order. A slideshow program is not a PREVIEW program. Preview is a program for doing exactly what it says PREVIEWING. Unfortunatley Apple has stricken it with many limitations that make it less than desirable for PREVIEWING sets of images efficiently. hopefully though, i can help you with your problem.
    as for your issue, i personally do not have that problem when viewing images. i see you're running 10.4, so i assume you've also run all software updates that it has thrown your way. if that is the case, im stumped as to why your Preview would behave differently than mine.
    so here are a few things to look at, if you've not been aware of them to this point.
    have you right-clicked (ctrl-clicked) on an image in the drawer before going to Slideshow mode? If you do this it gives you options for sorting your images in a particular order. You can also drag and drop the images in the image drawer to change their order. you can also drag images from the Finder into the image drawer to add them to the set. i've tested these features and when i go to Slideshow they appear in Slideshow in the order I sorted or placed them in. MAKE SURE you realize that whichever image in the drawer is currently selected when you choose Slideshow, that it will be the first image to be shown. Selecting the first image in the drawer will get Preview to start with the first image in your set when you go into Slideshow mode. You should also notice that if you go to Index view when in Slideshow, that your images should appear from Left-to-Right-Top-to-Bottom (like reading a book) in the same order as they appeared in the image drawer (Top-to-Bottom) before entering Slideshow mode.
    i hope this helps. if you continue to have problems, i would suggest next taking a look at your filenames. i've not been able to test this theory, but if the images you're viewing don't share a similar structure (ie, DSC001.jpg, DSC002.jpg) but are random filenames (ie JohnBoylaughing.jpg , 2007vacationpic.jpg) then it could be possible that the Image Drawer is sorting "properly", but the Slideshow component of Preview is interpretting the names, dates, etc different. To test this, rename the files 001,002,003, etc, and see if that makes a difference for you.
    again i hope that helps.
    i personally struggle with the fact that when an external display is attached to my laptop, i am unable to get Preview to go into Slideshow (fullscreen) mode on the attached display. It always defaults to the laptops display. oddly you can drag the Slideshow controls to the external display, and it will stay there, EVEN if you leave Slideshow and return, it'll stay on the External display, but the Slideshow will default to the built-in one. but thats a whole different discussion now isn't it
    good luck

  • Fullscreen video disappears when using CSS transform on parent element

    I have a <code>video</code> element that opens in an overlay. The overlay is <code>position: fixed</code>, and the element inside of it is centered vertically & horizontally using <code>position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%);</code>.
    All of the above works just fine, until a user clicks the fullscreen icon, then the video disappears... You can still hear the audio, but the video disappears...
    If I cancel the <code>transform: translate(-50%, -50%);</code> in the debugger, the video pops right back into place...

    If you toggle this feature in about config:
    browser.fullscreen.autohide to false.
    Good reference [] and []
    It is also possible to use the webkit fullscreen controls:
    [] and [ Fullscreen API] and example: []

  • Missing some songs in beginning of slideshow

    I created a slideshow using fotomagico. however, the first 2 songs are missing. where did they go? and how do i fix it so they dont not show up in idvd again?

    Is the music / audio track originally from iTunes?
    (if so, try burning a cd and then import directly from the CD into iMovie or iDvd)
    A Playlist will also work (most the time). But you may wish to follow these steps from the iDvd Help Menu:
    Adding sound to a slideshow
    Adding a soundtrack to a slideshow can enhance the mood or tone of the slideshow, provide information, or tell a story. You can use a song or entire playlist from your iTunes library, music you composed in GarageBand, and even a voiceover you recorded in GarageBand or some other application. You can also use any audio files that QuickTime supports (including AIFF/AIFC, Audio CD, AAC, MP3, WAV, and MPEG-4).
    If you add audio to your slideshow, you can’t set the slideshow to advance manually.
    To add a soundtrack to a slideshow:
    Double-click the button for your slideshow on the DVD menu to open the slideshow editor.
    Click the Media button to open the Media pane, and then click Audio.
    Click GarageBand to find songs in GarageBand, or iTunes to find music in your iTunes library.
    Drag a playlist or a song from the Audio pane to the audio well (shown below) in the slideshow editor.
    You can also drag audio files from another folder on your hard disk or from a connected server to the audio well. The audio well icon changes from a speaker to one that corresponds with the type of file you added.
    The slide duration is automatically set to “Fit to Audio” to ensure that the slideshow and soundtrack finish at the same time. If you want to manually change how long each slide stays onscreen, choose the number of seconds from the Slide Duration pop-up menu.
    When you do this, the slideshow and music may become out of sync, so it’s important to preview the slideshow to make sure you like it. Click the Preview button at the bottom of the iDVD window, which brings up the iDVD remote control. Click Exit in the remote control to return to the slideshow editor.
    Click the Return button to exit the sideshow editor.
    If the Slide Duration pop-up menu is set to “Fit to Audio,” and the music is too short for all the slides and transitions, iDVD sets the slide duration to the smallest duration above 1 second that allows it to play or repeat the song completely.
    If you add a playlist to the audio well, the songs play in the slideshow in the same order they appear in the playlist. If you want to change the order of songs, do that in iTunes and then add the playlist to your DVD again.
    If you add movies that have audio to your slideshow, you can hear this audio when a movie is playing in the slideshow. If your slideshow has a soundtrack, the soundtrack fades out while the movie is playing so that the movie audio can be heard. This is a default setting (”Duck audio while playing movies”) in the slideshow editor, controlled in the Settings dialog.
    To delete the audio from a slideshow, simply drag the music icon out of the audio well. To replace the existing audio, drag a new song or playlist into the audio well.
    Message was edited by: SDMacuser

  • Display full-screen controls NOT visible

    I exported my keynote presentation as a QuickTime full-screen movie. In Preferences, I have the controls checked to display full-screen controls and to never hide them. They do not show up anywhere. I also set the presentation as a slideshow to control the presentation using the arrow keys and they do not show up. In the Guide it states that as long as "Display full-screen controls" is selected in QT Player Preferences, you can make hidden controls appear by moving the pointer. They don't.
    Any help out there would be appreciated...I have a deadline to meet!

    Huh, I didn't realize you had to format a flash drive for a Mac, I'll check that out.
    O.K. I may have something that I said I was going to try...I unlocked the file, changed *_My* permission_, the Staff and Everyone else to "Read Only" privileges, then locked again. I then zipped it and sent it to my son this morning. He said he could open it, change it but it would not allow him to save it! I'm going to test it further somehow but I don't know anybody else that has a Mac w/Keynote '08. Do you have Keynote 08? Can I send it to you to test (it would be alot easier) or to someone in the Keynote discussion area?
    This message should now have a subject line..."Keynote presentation to CD to be accessed, but not changed?" When this all began, I searched discussions in Keynote on this and found nothing with a concrete answer, only that you cannot save a keynote presentation as password protected. I posted twice and no one answered. I think this part of our discussion will help Keynote people.
    *Back to your area of expertise and my original question!*... Can you still look to see what key commands force the HUD for me for my QuickTime Movie as Slideshow? I know they could not change that, but the arrow controls would have to be displayed. I don't know what HUD means but I'm going to search too... I found this link:
    Could you take a look and see if this is what I need? I do have Mac OS X v10.5.4 and QT v7.5 and my Preferences window does not have a recording tab but my Full screen window looks that same. When I view my A/V controls it also doesn't view as in figure 1-8. I'm confused again! QT 7.5 is the latest version, isn't it?

  • VLC fullscreen problem

    I use VLC to watch videos on my eeePC. I have a up-to-date Arch install with kdemod 4.1.
    The player works quite well, but I don't have (and never did) a fullscreen control (i.e. a progress bar when the video is on fullscreen) as shown on vlc homepage. I tried modifying nearly all options in the program and also tried deleting my ~/.config/vlc directory to no avail.
    Does anyone have dome insight on this problem?
    Thank you!

    This is a bug in VLC and QT integration. A rare race condition is corrected in 1.0 (due in ~march). So devs disabled completely the integration. That sucks: if does crash, just uncheck the pref and be it! Now the preference is not consitent.
    See: … 61b050bd18 … 40#p168540
    And from one of the devs (Rémi Denis-Courmont) wrote:It has been fixed in 1.0. There is no way we can backport the fix to 0.9 as it is way too invasive, and depends on 1.0 APIs.
    Last edited by big_gie (2009-02-13 15:38:58)

  • Full screen square or slide show opacity?

    I have a problem regarding a full screen website and would like to know how to do one of the possible solutions:
    1) Is is possible to set opacity on a Full Screen slideshow? That way the images are faded in the background?
    2) Another option would be being able to create a fullscreen square on a layer above of the Full Screen slideshow and set the opacity on the square. Is it possible to set a square to be 100% full screen?
    Please help

    Here is the solution to your issues :-
    1) Yes, you can set the opacity of the images on a Full Screen Slideshow using the opacity option available in the control panel of Muse. Here is the screenshot :-
    2)Now if you  want to control the way the images are faded out in your slideshow and control that change in opacity and transition. You can do that using the Slideshow options of " Transition" and "Transition Speed" . Set the Transition to "Fade" and control the transition speed(Change in opacity during transition) according to your wish. Please refer to this screenshot :-
    3) Not you can create a square and place it above the Fullscreen Slideshow as well as control its Opacity using the opacity option. However as of now Muse does not offer this feature to create fullscreen objects, what you do is use the 100% width option and that will cover the entire width if the browser. Please refer to this screenshot :-
    Also, I would request you to post this "Fullscreen Objects" feature request of yours at Ideas for features in Adobe Muse
    I hope this helps
    Rohit Nair

  • Preview and external displays.

    Hey I was wondering if anyone could help me with the following:
    1) I'm using Preview to view pdf-files, when I hookup my external display
    and make preview display in fullscreen-mode it uses my laptops screen
    to do this. Is there a way to force preview to use the external display?
    I've already tried setting my external display as the default display and than
    it uses this one for fullscreen, but it would be easier for me not to change these settings each time.
    2) When in fullscreen-mode Preview blacks out the other display. Is there a way to turn this off so that I'm still able to use the other screen will preview stays in fullscreen?
    Thanks in advance!

    i've wondered the same thing. for the longest time, when i have my MUCH LARGER display attached to my laptop, i can't seem to find a way to get preview to do full-screen to it.
    dragging the window with images (and drawer) to the display before choosing slideshow (fullscreen), it makes no difference.
    i'm not expecting there to be a solution. i can only hope that Preview in 10.5 has a preference tab for Slideshow options. It has tabs for other features, why not that one!? its really no difference than presenter mode in keynote or any other program that allows you to select the primary display for certain functions and features. Apple if you read this please add this capability. i also find it frustrating that there is no mention of Preview on Apple's support website for Application support. They have QT, iCal, Font Book, iSync, blah blah blah, but nothing for Preview. I know Preivew is more a component of QT, but it is a stand alone application, so Apple support would be appreciated.
    Although i don't care too much about transitions, timing, etc., i can understand that some people would like to be able to control those options. i use Preview to do just that PREVIEW. It would make sense that I should be able to go fullscreen (slideshow) with a set of images in order to PREVIEW them. Having to import to Aperture or iPhoto to have a decent slideshow (fullscreen) mode just isn't good for my workflow.
    i'll stop rambling. crossing my fingers.

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