Sliding Menu. HELP!

I am trying to create a sliding menu in Flash 8 and am not
very adept at actionscripting yet. I have been watching all the
tutorials i can find and reading them as well. I have this file
uploaded here :
Basically what im trying to do is have the menu hidden behind
the main whote area andd have only the tab showing. the tab has an
open/close button on it and thats what i want it to be able to do
is when the user clicks on it and it is hidden, it slides out. When
it is out and is clicked it slides back.
I would really appreciate any help anyone can give me!

Basically you need to create a movie clip that contains your
menu that is masked to only show up when one of the main buttons is
clicked. The menu movie clip would have two important keyframes...
a closed frame where the menu is to the left of the mask... and an
open frame where the menu is under the mask and visible. A tween in
between these frames would make the menu slide out. A third
keyframe would have the menu returned to starting position, with a
tween there too for the retracting action of the menu. Each
keyframe has a stop action. You could then write ActionScript to
make the menu respond to clicks on the main menu. A click on a main
menu example would play the menu movie clip, causing it to slide
out... A click of a button on menu could then cause the menu to
slide back.
Does that help?

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    turn the menu into a movieClip- put it on a layer beneath the
    main interface- use actionscript to tween it to x/y position so
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    As you observed, Encore's Library panel categorizes the items. Your movie reel is obviously a small PSD file that Encore somehow imported as a menu (I have no idea how this occurred - it's not clear from your description).
    If I were you, I'd read the documentation again and begin with an actual menu. If the menus available are unsuitable, then you'll want to design your own in Photoshop. Again, all the information you need to do this in Encore's Help files.

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    You will need to search Google to try to find a tutorial that you can learn from and modify to suit your needs.  Search using terms like "AS3 sliding image tutorial" and "AS3 sliding menu tutorial"
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    Check this out:

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    onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
    direction = (320-_root._xmouse)/30;
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    ((this._x<=-805) && (direction<0))) {
    direction = 0;
    this._x = this._x+direction;

    I like this tutorial:
    click here
    to see link

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    yes, if you use a movieclip button you can encode something like:
    var slideTween:Tween;
    function f(e:Event):void{
    if(e.currentTarget.currentFrame==1){  // ie, text is show
    e.currentTarget.gotoAndStop(2):  // text is hide
    slideTween=new Tween(e.currentTarget.parent,"x",Strong.easeOut,e.currentTarget.parent.x,stage.stageWidth -e.currentTarget.parent.width,1,true);
    } else {
    slideTween=new  Tween(e.currentTarget.parent,"x",Strong.easeOut,e.currentTarget.parent.x,stage.stageWidth -20,1,true);

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