Slow Broadband speed arggghh

Hi, I hope someone out there can give me some helpful advice please?
Had my BT BB since 2006 without any speed issues. Then starting a month ago my BT hub2 started to drop the line, and then reconnect 2-3x a day. Purchased a new Netgear router to replace it with and all was good.
Now a couple of line drops, but for the last 3 days have only been getting 1.5-1.8mb download speeds, from the ~6mb that I had been used to.
I have tried :
Using the test socket on the backplate
using another filter
Using the old hub
Noise test 170702 option 2 = No noise at all
Still the same problem.
Any ideas or tips would be ace!
Thank you in advance.
From the diags page on the netgear :
Link Rate
8128 Kbps
448 Kbps
Line Attenuation
20.0 dB
13.0 dB
Noise Margin
11.1 dB
29.0 dB
Go to Solution.

Thank you for the reply.
I have run the btspeedtester diags :
 Download speedachieved during the test was - 1.21 Mbps
 For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 0.4 Mbps-2 Mbps.
 Additional Information:
 Your DSL Connection Rate :8.13 Mbps(DOWN-STREAM), 0.45 Mbps(UP-STREAM)
 IP Profile for your line is - 2 Mbps
Could anything have caused the drop due to the line disconnecting / reconnecting recently? and me rebooting the router to try and fix it?
Thanks. Andy

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  • From the old forum.... Slow broadband speeds in th...

    FROM THE OLD FORUM Original post by John Jorgensen...
    Slow broadband speeds in the evening all of a sudden
    Posted: Jan 22, 2010 9:17 AM           
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    I have had bt broadband opt3 for almost 3 months now and have always had a healthy 9mb+ connection, however have noticed it being very slow in the evening when I come home from work, I checked the speed last nite as iplayer was constantly freezing and was getting 1mb . A bit upset by this as I got bt broadband to play my ps3 online and to get faster speeds on my laptop, and I use these services mostly at nite.
    I checked my speed this morning and was getting 11mb, is this normal or am I being capped I cant believe Id be going over my download limit. Can someone from bt get back to me on this?
    alison griffiths     
    Posts: 54
    Registered: 11/3/09
        Re: Slow broadband speeds in the evening all of a sudden
    Posted: Jan 22, 2010 11:22 AM   in response to: John Jorgensen in response to: John Jorgensen           
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    Welcome to the world of BT , the tv advert when he says " business slow" when trying to load a webpage is not other companies thats BT.
    John Jorgensen     
    Posts: 2
    Registered: 9/2/09
        Re: Slow broadband speeds in the evening all of a sudden
    Posted: Jan 22, 2010 12:11 PM   in response to: alison griffiths in response to: alison griffiths           
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    Yes Alison, I think I can see that now. I wouldnt mind if broadband was a bit slower at peak times, I know thats normal, but when I'm only getting 1mb when my max is 14mb, I just dont feel I'm getting what I pay for. And when it gets to the point where I cant watch iplayer without it stuttering everywhere and online games lagging on the ps3, this is certainly not what I'm paying for.
    I was hoping one of the mods here would help me and check my line and see if there is any cap on the line and get it removed.
    I really dont wanna phone India, I deal with them 5 days a week as is...
    Think I will just send one of the mods an email to check my line and see if it is being capped or if somethings wrong.
    anthony dickerson     
    Posts: 72
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        Re: Slow broadband speeds in the evening all of a sudden
    Posted: Jan 22, 2010 3:52 PM   in response to: John Jorgensen in response to: John Jorgensen           
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    You will never get decent speeds on Iplayer,
    BT limit it because they want you to subscribe to their precious BT Vision service.
    The only way you are guaranteed to get decent speeds on BT is to subscibe to BT Vision and also unlimited broadband.
    Then you will get priority when you stream TV at your exchange unlike fighting it out with all the other broadband users as you currently are for the available bandwith.the more over subscribed your local exchange the worse it is
    Paddy B Mod     
    Posts: 199
    Registered: 10/13/08
        Slow broadband speeds in the evening all of a sudden
    Posted: Jan 23, 2010 2:04 PM   in response to: anthony dickerson in response to: anthony dickerson           
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    Hi John,
    I can take a look at the network side of things for you, to see if there is anything I can do to help improve your speed during peak periods. Please could you drop me an email with your BT account details? Please also include a link to this thread. It would also be very helpful if you could run a few speed tests using when you feel your Broadband is running slow. I can then check those results from here.
    BT Forum Moderator - [email protected] - if you're emailing please include a link to your thread so I can reference back to it.
    Mateusz Sokolin...     
    Posts: 2
    Registered: 10/11/08
        Re: Slow broadband speeds in the evening all of a sudden
    Posted: Jan 24, 2010 7:33 PM   in response to: John Jorgensen in response to: John Jorgensen           
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    Well John i'll tell you what it is...
    First of all welcome to BT and I hope you'll enjoy 18months of pain and suffer.
    OK here it goes....
    If you look at your contract, find a rule that says Fair Usage Policy.
    Basically it states that BT will cap anyone that is abusing their lines.
    However, it does not say what are the limits after which you are going to be capped for how long and at what times. (I'll come back to this later and explain)
    If you ring 08007076044 I'm sure that someone will confirm my theory. As constant 1MBit between 6PM till 11/12 PM is actually FUP applied on to your account.
    Ok time to explain my frustration about FUP.
    Since I signed my contract with "lovely" BT for constant 4 months I had similar issue but it took me even longer to find out what is going on and how to deal with this problem (thanks to google).
    FUP team states that if you exceed 100GB in a month (everyone will admit that these days 100GB is nothing when a single game for PS3/XBox360/PC sometimes is more than 5GB and 1080p film is about 12GB) will cap you for a month at peak times to outstanding and superfast 1Mbit (about 130-150KB/s).
    I'be been watching my download and for few months never exceeded that 100GB in a month. Been ringing FUP team to verify when suddenly they told me that from (cant remember exactly) March FUP will apply only to accounts that are using Torrents and other P2P.
    you won't believe how happy I was hearing that.... So i've started to download and next month guess what.... 1Mbit connection.
    Really mad rang FUP team and asked them what on earth is going on. They confirmed that its only P2P and I've explained them that I only use Youtube, BBC iPlayer, Rapidshare, Steam and XBox Live, Beatport (just don't understand how ppl can use torrents and other P2P as they are just way to slow). So they were happy to take the cap off my broadband connection.
    Next month same issue solved exactly the same way.
    After that for consecutive few months I had no problem whatsoever until September where FUP Team said that there is no such thing and FUP applies to everyone.
    So just want to say that BT is rubbish that can't keep their word.
    I went to one of the sales advisor in the shopping centre and asked him how FUP works as it does not say in the contract "how, when, who and what".
    So he said that policy is applied based on amount of files downloaded within that 100GB. So if I download e.g. 3x 50GB (although its 150GB altogether) files I wont be affected but 100x 1GB will put a cap on me.
    I've been so curious if what he said was right and started to download 2x 60GB and guess what... Got frigging FUP placed on my account!!!.
    I've got 2months left with them and will be extremely happy to cancel my contract, moreover, I will do everything in my power to sue them under EU Consumer Rights Law (that states that contract should be clear and fair to both sides) as Fair Usage Policy is one of those things that allows BT to do anything they want to their customers;
    1. No clear explanation of what FUP is.
    2. Does not states the amount of downloaded data required to have cap on the acount
    3. Does not states for how long it will be applied
    4. Does not states when it will be applied
    If you look at e.g. Virgin Broadband everything is clearly written in nice and understandable way. It warns you at what times FUP will be applied under what circumstances and for how long. Isn't it what we all want to know??
    Alex Owen     
    Posts: 3
    Registered: 12/13/09
        Re: Slow broadband speeds in the evening all of a sudden
    Posted: Jan 24, 2010 9:35 PM   in response to: Mateusz Sokolin... in response to: Mateusz Sokolin...           
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    @Mateusz I think I maybe a victim of this outragous stint BT have done. I have 2 XBOX 360's running on XBOX Live, 2 Desktop PCs connected to the web constantly, and 3 laptops, we have a torrent sharing running and World Of Warcraft on one of the PCs. All of this is shared across a 6 person family. How can a family where two members goto to college and university do their college ork, download application such as do their coursework and revise without the hassle of a **** connection. Seriously BT get your ******* head outta your **** and stop this ********, we are customers, we pay for what we are offered. When I signed up several years ago I could download everything on the net woithout infracions on my line being set in motion. You altered my contract without telling me. You will lose custom from this. Also you have ****** my wireless
    Edited by: Alex Owen on Jan 24, 2010 9:36 PM
    amanda jones     
    Posts: 33
    Registered: 1/8/10
        Re: Slow broadband speeds in the evening all of a sudden
    Posted: Jan 25, 2010 8:42 PM   in response to: Alex Owen in response to: Alex Owen           
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    You lot are lucky, We wish we could be capped to 1mbit. Our IP profile is capped to 500kbit because BT say the line isn't good enough for anything more. We are paying for option3 up to 8mbit and BT have said we must continue to pay for it for the remainder of the contract, or buy ourselves out of it early, the reason they give.... Up to 8mbit means up to 8mbit. If you dont get 8mbit then TOUGH LUCK SUCKERS!!
    The outcome? We feel like we've been turned over by a dodgey second hand car salesman called BT. The internet deal he flogged us was a dog, a ringer, it wasn't cosher and certainly had a false MOT certificate.
    Computer Geek     
    Posts: 429
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        Re: Slow broadband speeds in the evening all of a sudden
    Posted: Jan 25, 2010 8:49 PM   in response to: amanda jones in response to: amanda jones           
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    Hi Amanda,
    Why have you joined BT Option 3 when you can not get what BT can offer?
    No pun intended but you are a bit of a sucker for paying high prices where other suppliers are cheaper and can provide what your line can support.
    amanda jones     
    Posts: 33
    Registered: 1/8/10
        Re: Slow broadband speeds in the evening all of a sudden
    Posted: Jan 26, 2010 9:13 PM   in response to: Computer Geek in response to: Computer Geek           
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    we moved house last october to this one, the connection was rubbish from the get-go, BT said the router was broken and we needed a new one, we said OK. That "OK" meant that we had entered into a new contract for option 3 same as out old one. The router wasn't broken, the new one didnt fix or improve the problem, we have since asked for a price reduction or compensation and been told "no". we are in contract and can pay to buy ourselves out of it if we like but otherwise we have to pay for option 3 and recieve fixed rate 500kb.
    Clare Thurston     
    Posts: 4
    Registered: 10/17/06
        Re: Slow broadband speeds in the evening all of a sudden
    Posted: Jan 27, 2010 11:57 AM   in response to: amanda jones in response to: amanda jones           
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    Hi Amanda,
    I think you'll find that the Hold To Term rules have changed. BT are now unable to charge you for the account if you no longer require it. It is against OFCOM's rulings for a company to make more money out of you as a leaving customer than an existing one. However, You will need to pay for the connection charge (if that has not expired it's original differed contract) which is £40. A cancellation fee of £25 if you are simply cancelling and not migrating using a MAC key and for any hardware. The Routers are advertised at £88 and i would suggest that if they believed on to be faulty then that would be replaced under guarantee and not be put on a differed basis. I would check exactly what they say the are charging you and query this through OFCOM.

    Months of impecable service form BT as an option 3 customer. (I've even recommended BT to people)
    For the past 2 weeks peak traffic has murdered my connection.
    I can get 14mbit off peak, and it used to drop to about 7-9 at peak times.
    Now its down to 1-2mbit at peak times. (no i haven't breached FUP as I check my btinternet inbox for the 80GB warning)
    I think its resonable to experience drop off but 90%!!!
    BT advertising says fast speeds at peak times. less than 2mbit is not fast. (that the governments minimum standard!!!)
    I don't know how to procede because when I'm experiencing these issues if I ring up I will end up waiting so long to speak to someone (because its peak time) the concection wiill be better again.
    I can think of no recourse other than to approach trading standards...
    Guarnetee me 5mbit at peak times (enough to stream HD iplayer) and I'd be happy
    That is what BT vision customers are in essence are getting + what ever their PC is using.
    Fair usage? what about Fair Supply.

  • Very slow broadband speeds

    My first post, and I'm hoping that someone will be able to help me with this.
    For a few days now, I've been experiencing very slow broadband speeds (100kbps or less), in contrast to the 1.5 - 2Mbps that I would usually expect to get.  I've been on hold to BT technical support for some time, and have got through twice, on both occasions being told that this is a widespread issue and to wait until the next day. However, I'm not seeing any improvement.  I'm aware of the problems in Edinburgh and the North of England,but I'm in East Anglia. shows:
    Your configured download throughput speed for this service is 135 k
    and then:
    Two consecutive attempts have failed to initialise an Assured Rate session for your service.Please raise a fault with your service provider stating that the Performance Tester tool indicated a problem with initialising your Assured Rate session. <script type="text/javascript">// paintProgressAndMessageTestBar(-1,""); paintProgressAndMessageOnBar(-1,'An Error has Occured! '); // </script>
    My hub stats are:
    ADSL line status
    Connection information
    Line state Connected
    Connection time 1 day, 13:59:54
    Downstream 1,504 Kbps
    Upstream 448 Kbps
    ADSL settings
    VPI/VCI 0/38
    Type PPPoA
    Modulation ITU-T G.992.1
    Latency type Interleaved
    Noise margin (Down/Up) 15.0 dB / 19.0 dB
    Line attenuation (Down/Up) 60.0 dB / 31.5 dB
    Output power (Down/Up) 16.6 dBm / 11.9 dBm
    Loss of Framing (Local) 0
    Loss of Signal (Local) 0
    Loss of Power (Local) 0
    FEC Errors (Down/Up) 4586 / 92
    CRC Errors (Down/Up) 297 / 2147480000
    HEC Errors (Down/Up) nil / 72
    Error Seconds (Local) 221
    I hope this is enough information, but I'll happily supply anything else if I can.  The uptime of 1.5 days is the time since I was advised to restart / reset to defaults etc.
    Thanks for any help.

    Once a line is stable and working well, it's best left running 24/7
    Interventions like resets, replacing accelerators, unplugging the router etc. will cause line "flapping"
    And the dslam sees this as instability, and in turn the BRAS lowers the IP profile ....
    This is done to achieve stability, and decrease throughput purposefully, all done automatically.
    What you have to do, is cure any line noise, plug directly into the master or test socket behind the NTE
    faceplate, leave it connected and wait for the throughput to increase.
    Very often a rock bottom IP may need a kick to get it out of the doldrums.
    Eventually the noise margin will decrease, sync will increase, and IP profile go up.
    Depending on how long the line has suffered impulse noise, will determine the time for SNR to come down.
    Regardless of which type of phone you used to test quietline ... hum or crackle is a no-no.
    It may be the cause of the problems.  It could be REIN on the network portion of the connection or dslam
    crosstalk, either way it needs to be reported as line noise before you can count it out of the equation.

  • VERY slow broadband speeds (0.76mbps) Phoneline?

    VERY slow broadband speeds (0.76mbps)
    on 28-10-2012 12h38
    System Up Time: 0:08:24
    Port Status TxPkts RxPkts Collisions Tx B/s Rx B/s Up TimeWANLANWLAN
    ADSL Link Downstream UpstreamConnection SpeedLine AttenuationNoise Margin
    766 kbps
    414 kbps
    48.5 db
    27.1 db
    15.7 db
    16.3 db
    I'm with Sky, and have had very slow broadband for a while now. Above are the statistics from the test socket. Sky seem to think there is a problem with the line. I've now plugged the router into the main socket. 
    Any help would be appreciated. 
    **EDIT** My phone line is with BT, my broadband is with Sky. The problem Sky says is with the phone line it seems. 

    Hi Joe,
    Try sticking your telephone number into this line tester page and let us know if it finds a fault. If it comes back clear, you'll need to go back to Sky as there'll be no issues with your telephone line. If it comes back with a line fault, we can get it progressed towards a fix
    BTCare Community Mod
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Incredibly Slow broadband Speed

    Hi, I'm servering from a Incredibly Slow broadband Speed and can't nail the reason why.
    The broadband for my street was down for a whole weekend although box said connection was ok - helpline was no help - just said try again tomorrow. Now we have internet but the speed is very very slow - speed test results are :
    Download = 53 kps
    acceptable range = 100-250 kps
    DSL Connection Rate 486 Kps (Down-Stream), 712 kps(Up-Stream)
    IP Profile for line = 135 kps
    Upload = 541 Kps
    Addition Hub Info:
    Noise Margin (Down/Up) = 8.5 dB / 6.7 dB
    Line Attenuation (Down/Up) = 63.8 dB / 35.8 dB
    Output power (Down/Up) = 1.3 dBm / 1.1dBm
    Prior to loss of service, my speeds although weren't great were about 1.2 Mps
    I've tried all the suggestions like changing channels, filters etc and nothings change in my house since the degrading of service.
    Can someone please help !
    Best regards

    I don't know if this will help, but I do notice that your output power is only 1.3dBm / 1.1dBm.  can I ask you to look on the back of your home Hub and check to see if it is a Type A or Type B, this will be on the label in the bottom right corner.  If it is a type B Hub then ring and ask for a Type A Hub as I have found that I get a better output power reading of around 16.0dBm.  When I was sent out a relacement Hub when mine went wrong they sent out a Type B and my speed went very slow, so I put the original Type A  Hub back on to see if it made a differance and my speed increased and my IP Profile went up.  So if this is the case, ring up tech support and don't ask tell them that you wont a Type A replacement Hub.  All the best in your efforts and don't forget that the more you insist the more you can achieve.

  • Slow broadband speed/connection dropping.

    Hi, I discovered yesterday that my Hub was unable to connect to broadband, this was around 5pm, at around 7-8pm, the hub was then able to connect to broadband, but with painfully slow speeds, (under 1Mbps download). Connection ha not been any better today and regularly cuts out before reconnecting. Until around 5pm the broadband cut out completely, and did not reconnect. Much like yesterday's problem. It can't be a line fault without our house as the phone works fine, and the broadband was reaching 7Mbps downloads before Wednesday. It's as if BT have come out and downgraded the line. Infact, I'm writing this message using a BT Openzone hotspot from another router in my street, which is capable of 3Mbps download speeds, much faster than what my Hub is able to manage.
    Obviously can't give ADSL stats as there is no connection to the Broadband.
    Any ideas as to what the problem might be, and how to solve it?

    Hi Welcome to the forums
    Here are some help pages done by CL Keith
    If you post the full stats from your router
    For homehub – type into your browser
    Navigate to ADSL Settings or use the A-Z at the top right of the home page and scroll down to ADSL Settings and click on it
    Click on More Details and then post the full results.
    also post the full results from
    Have you tried connecting to the test socket at the rear of the master socket
    Have you tried the quiet line test? - dial 17070 option 2 - should hear nothing - best done with a corded phone. if cordless phone you may hear a 'dull hum' which is normal
    also you could try the hints given by poster RogerB in this link they may help
    Then someone here may be able to help and offer more advice.
    This is a customer to customer self help forum the only BT presence here are the forum moderators
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • Slow Broadband Speed

    Hello Whom May Consent
    I have just found out that I am not the only one have problem with BT broadband speed. Many people seem to have problem with their slow Internet speed due to the exchange problem. That’s good, because after 10 calls to BT, I still don’t know what the problem with my broadband. So let me tell you what the problem is.
    My Internet speed suddenly got very slow (0.4mb) since the morning of 05/11/2010. I thought this was just temporary problem with the Internet speed and nothing should be worry about. The next day, I still face the same Internet speed (0.4mb) which is ridiculous when you pay 25 pound per month. Therefore I took action and made a call to BT customer service. I am sure I dial the right number to an “ENGLISH” company and somehow the line goes to INDIA. Strange~~~
    The guy on the phone question me 10mins to check my identity and ask me lots of stupid question like have you try to connect your computer with wire instead of wireless or have you try to change the filter for my Internet connection etc. In the end, the India guys on the phone told me after 24hours my connection should back on the normal speed (5mb). Guess what, it didn't’t.
    Clearly I was very angry and made a call back to “India” again to find out that was the problem with my Internet. This time the India guy on the phone seems to know the problem and very helpful. He told me that there was engineering work by my area on the “BT Infinity” which slows my broadband down and this work should be done by Friday 12/11/2010. The India guy even made a promise that he will call me back on Saturday morning 13/11/2010 to check the Internet speed.
    Guess what, the India guy let me down. Not just he breaks his promise that he didn't’t call, my Internet speed is still 0.4mb. I was so frustrated at this point and made the call to BT for the third time. I went through the same procedure (10mins of ID check) and this time India guy told me there is a problem with my local exchanger and will get the engineer to fix it. Again, he promised me that he will solve the problem within 24hours.
    Sadly the problem is still unsolved. I called BT again. The India woman on the phone told me this time she need to send an engineer to my house on Tuesday on 16/10/2010. At this point I was so angry that I said something very bad to the India woman (I am sorry) but still agree to wait for the engineer to come to my house all morning (missed all lectures).
    Long story short, engineer comes and nothing has changed and today 20/11/2010, the engineer comes again to try and solve the problem with my Internet speed. What all his done is change my telephone filter and nothing has changed. Internet speed is still is still 0.4mb. I have been told by the India guy on the phone after the engineer visit that my line is been investigated by the engineers and the engineer will call me tomorrow 21/11/2010.
    I just hope this time the problem can be solved otherwise I will cancelled the BT broadband and get my money back for this month’s broadband usages.
    PS if they charge me any money for the engineer visit, I will make sure who ever pickups my complain call to feel suffer

    Broadband connection details:
    Downstream  462 Kbps
    Upstream  910 Kbps
    Connection time  0 days, 2:25:16  
    Data transmitted  38.15 MB 
    Data received  43.81 MB
    Broadband user name  [email protected]  
    Test1 comprises of two tests
    1. Best Effort Test: -provides background information.
    Download Speed
    354 Kbps
    0 Kbps
    500 Kbps
    Max Achievable Speed
     Download speedachieved during the test was - 354 Kbps
     For your connection, the acceptable range of speedsis 100-500 Kbps.
     Additional Information:
     Your DSL Connection Rate :460 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 908 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
     IP Profile for your line is - 350 Kbps
    The throughput of Best Efforts (BE) classes achieved during the test is - 23.84:31.1:45.05 (SBE:NBEBE)
    These figures represent the ratio while sententiously passing Sub BE, Normal BE and Priority BE marked traffic.
    The results of this test will vary depending on the way your ISP has decided to use these traffic classes.
    2. Upstream Test: -provides background information.
    Upload Speed
    719 Kbps
    0 Kbps
    908 Kbps
    Max Achievable Speed
    >Upload speed achieved during the test was - 719 Kbps
     Additional Information:
     Upstream Rate IP profile on your line is - 908 Kbps
    We were unable to identify any performance problem with your service at this time.
    It is possible that any problem you are currently, or had previously experienced may have been caused by traffic congestion on the Internet or by the server you were accessing responding slowly.
    If you continue to encounter a problem with a specific server, please contact the administrator of that server in the first instance.

  • Slow broadband speed after BT replaced cable to th...

    Until recently I always had a good stable broadband connection. However a couple of weeks ago it started dropping out often. This turned out to be because of a very noisy line, I rarely use the phone and when I went to check it I could hear a lot of noise on the line. I went through BT and an engineer came round this Monday and discovered the cable from outside my house had pretty much corroded away - it had likely been there 40 years! So the cable was replaced and the noise on the phone line went away (Engineer fixed it on the 11th June in the afternoon)
    However during the time the line was bad my broadband (clearly in an attempt to cope with the noise) gained much higher noise margins and gradually got slower and slower, this I can understand.
    The problem is now the line is repaired its still stuck at this lower speed which is really rather slow. I have read that eventually the IP profile will reset itself, but I work from home some of the time and this current speed is a real problem for me. Is there anything I can get done to get it back up to speed?
    Line state:
    Connection time:
    2 days, 06:28:53
    286.3 Kbps
    440 Kbps
    ADSL Settings
    G.992.5 Annex A
    Latency type:
    Noise margin (Down/Up):
    32.3 dB / 29.7 dB
    Line attenuation (Down/Up):
    9.5 dB / 4.8 dB
    Output power (Down/Up):
    9.6 dBm / 12.9 dBm
    FEC Events (Down/Up):
    0 / 0
    CRC Events (Down/Up):
    0 / 54
    Loss of Framing (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    Loss of Signal (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    Loss of Power (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    HEC Events (Down/Up):
    0 / 7
    Error Seconds (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0

    Keith, is this really the only Solution? My conneciton made it to a bit over 3 days, then for some reason its reset again
    This time the upload speed has gone up some but download is unacceptable. If I have to wait another 5 days then its going to end up about 2 weeks I have had very slow broadband from BT (and who knows if it will stay up 5 days this time...), yet I boubt they will be refunding me my money for the BT vision service I can't use due to the speed issues with the BT connection. Seriously having to wait 5 days after they fix a problem is ridiculous, especially when it might reset at any point!
    Line state:
    Connection time:
    0 days, 01:57:23
    286.3 Kbps
    888.9 Kbps
    ADSL Settings
    G.992.5 Annex A
    Latency type:
    Noise margin (Down/Up):
    31.4 dB / 13.2 dB
    Line attenuation (Down/Up):
    9.7 dB / 4.8 dB
    Output power (Down/Up):
    10.7 dBm / 10.6 dBm
    FEC Events (Down/Up):
    0 / 0
    CRC Events (Down/Up):
    0 / 0
    Loss of Framing (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    Loss of Signal (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    Loss of Power (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    HEC Events (Down/Up):
    0 / 0
    Error Seconds (Local/Remote):
    4 / 0

  • Advice needed about slow broadband speed

    Hi there,
    I was wondering if you could help me. I live in the countryside and wouldn't you guess it, I get slow internet speeds. Obviously I don't expect superfast broadband but I just want to see if there is any other reason to my slow speeds other then my distance from the exchange (which I believe is 4.3Km, a long distance I know).
    I am posting my router statistics (BT HomeHub 3) and the BT Wholesale Performance test report. Essentially I am curious whether old wiring or noise on the line is playing an issue. I'm certainly no expert but my home is quite old and I'm not sure when the wiring was installed so I'd really appreciate any advice. I've also just emailed BT Customer support about resetting the IP Profile as it has been extremely slow ever since the outages due to last weeks weather playing havoc. Any advice appreciated. 
    Thanks very much.
    ADSL Line Status
    Connection Information
    Line state: Connected
    Connection time: 4 days, 11:07:43
    Downstream: 2.125 Mbps
    Upstream: 448 Kbps
    ADSL Settings
    VPI/VCI: 0/38
    Type: PPPoA
    Modulation: G.992.1 Annex A
    Latency type: Fast
    Noise margin (Down/Up): 5.8 dB / 12.0 dB
    Line attenuation (Down/Up): 63.5 dB / 31.5 dB
    Output power (Down/Up): 17.2 dBm / 12.3 dBm
    FEC Events (Down/Up): 0 / 91
    CRC Events (Down/Up): 6871 / 77
    BT Wholesale Broadband Performance Test:
    Download Speed (Mbps): 1.25
    Upload Speed (Mbps): 0.31
    Ping Latency(ms): 43.88

    Thank you for such a fast reply.
    There is the further diagnostic test below. The strange thing is I was getting around 3-3.5mbps downstream a week ago but with the frequent disconnections due to the weather I have a bad feeling the exchange has downgraded my line.
    1. Best Effort Test: 
    Download Speed : 1.5 Mbps
    Your speed test has completed and the results are shown above, however during the test an error occurred while trying to retrieve additional details regarding your service. As a result we are unable to determine if the speed you received during the test is acceptable for your service. Please re-run the test if you require this additional information.

  • Re: Very slow broadband speed 128kbps

    Dear John
    Have read your posts with interest.
    I am suffering v slow broadband ( shows Download 0.13 Upload 0.38)
    My Netgear modem stats are below.
    BT came and said that noise levels were too high and reset at the exchange, after replacing the box. Nothing improved and they are coming back. Done all the usual tests but nothing works.
    Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated.
    System Up Time 20:18:59
    Tx B/s
    Rx B/s
    Up Time
    ADSL Link
    Connection Speed
    3840 kbps
    448 kbps
    Line Attenuation
    40 db
    11.5 db
    Noise Margin
    9 db
    24 db

    as the original post is marked as solved and your problem does not appear the same I have started your own thread where you will get more replies
    when is the engineer coming back?  if next day or so then there is no point in making any changes until the engineer has been and hopefully sorted the problem
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Slow broadband speed and freezes 1 hour early morn...

    I sometimes work during the night at home - but most nights between 01.30 and 02.30 am my broadband speed slows down drastically, sometimes causing freezing and websites cannot be accessed.  By 3am it starts to ease up. At the moment speed is ok at other times. Anyone any idea why this might happen, especially since it is so regular. When I spoke to the call centre they hadn't a clue why this would be happening. This has been happening over the last couple of years but I have never been given a possible explanation. 

    Do you have any software that could be doing a backup or other scheduled task such as a virus scan.

  • Slow broadband speed and a lack of customer care -...

    I am so close to throwing in the towel with BT. The service I receive is both inconsistent and laughable, the customer care is non-existent and the price I pay is more than VirginMedia.
    Why do I stay? Why do I persist with an organisation who are just not interested?
    My broadband speed veers from 500Kb to 2Mb, but BT Technical insist I am capable of receiving 8-10Mb
    The full story of my latest attempt to deal with BT Technical is here:
    I am really at the end of my tolerance and tether, but if anyone can help with a last-ditch throw of the dice, please let me know - otherwise I'm off to VirginMedia.

    Hello David,
    The results of the test are below. What do we do now?
    <script type="text/javascript">// paintProgressAndMessageOnBar(-1 ,"One Last Test Required" ); // </script>
    This Test comprises of two tests
    1. Best Effort Test: -provides background information.
    Download  Speed
    1845 Kbps
    0 Kbps
    7150 Kbps
    Max Achievable Speed
     Download speedachieved during the test was - 1845 Kbps
     For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 600-7150 Kbps.
     Additional Information:
     Your DSL Connection Rate :8032 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 448 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
     IP Profile for your line is - 7000 Kbps
    2. Assured Rate Test: -provides background information.
    Download Speed
    542 Kbps
    0 Kbps
    600 Kbps
    Max Achievable Speed
     Download speedachieved during the test was - 542 Kbps
     For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 576-600 Kbps.
     Additional Information:
     Assured Rate IP profile on your line is - 600 Kbps

  • Re: Slow Broadband Speed

    I am having the same type of problems I just joined BT from another provider as they have cut my broadband speed in more than half since July the 1st 2012 I live in a small Welsh Vallley called Gilfach Goch.  I have two seperate internet lines into this house one with BT and one with Sky they have both has their speed cut by more than half I spoke with a BT engineer at the local exchange today who told me that BT know that there are severe Broadband problems here in Gilfach but that the BT management is refusing to allow engineer's to track and repair the fault.  So all I can say is that unless BT does it's job and repairs the fault in this area I will not pay them for such a extremely poor levell of service and I would also suggest that people start complaining to Ofcom about the service issues as I most certainly will be.

    As you can see from above the BT Mods do not appear to like the truth being told about how bad BT service is in essence you must not say anything bad about BT.  I can honestly say that I do not suffer from the rose tinted spectacles of the Mods myself as someone else has pointed out that BT make you sign an 18 month contract in advance I will point out now that BT if they are providing less than the service that you agreed to and were receiving prior to signing said contract will be in breach of their own terms and conditions and they are also liable under the Goods and Services act which states that a company must provide the agreed to service in a reasonable time frame and with due care.  If this is not the case then they potentially face a claims for damages against them and they would have to explain their lack of services in a open court room you can file these types of claims using the Money claim online service should the individual choose to do so and you would of course have to be prepared to argue your case and pay the required fees.  As I have already been informed that BT knows about the problems here in Gilfach and is not willing to do the required repairs to deal with the loss of services this clearly puts them in a breach of contract situation and potentially liable for said damages as well as a fomal complaint to the Telephone regulator ofcom finally it is up to the individuals own choice as to what course of action they choose to take whether they wish to continue paying for poor service or trying to deal with it the facts around here speak for themselves. 

  • Another Slow Broadband Speed Post

    Hi there, having read through a few of the posts on here regarding slow BB speeds, I hope I'm able to provide all the necessary info for some assistance in narrowing down the problem.
    Having recently moved back into my parents house (temporarily) I instantly noticed the drop in speed from my previous house, depsite knowing that previously they had a faster connection. This slowness has been persistant over the last 3 weeks until I've finally arrived here. results:
    Ping 33ms
    Download Speed - 0.25mps
    Upload Speed - 0.99mps
    After this, I changed micro filters, plugged direct into the phone line, even changed the router to my own but still got persistantly similar results.
    I've tried the BTSpeedtest which failed to get a result due potentially to slow line speed? or an error in the speedtest.
    The BT Wholesale speedtest came back with:
    Download Speed - 0.24mps
    Upload Speed - 0.75
    Ping - 41.25
    The Homehub Line Stats:
    Line state
    Connection time
    1 day, 21:00:35
    283 Kbps
    1,152 Kbps
    ADSL settings
    ITU-T G.992.3
    Latency type
    Noise margin (Down/Up)
    5.9 dB / 6.0 dB
    Line attenuation (Down/Up)
    41.0 dB / 22.6 dB
    Output power (Down/Up)
    0.0 dBm / 12.9 dBm
    Loss of Framing (Local)
    Loss of Signal (Local)
    Loss of Power (Local)
    FEC Errors (Down/Up)
    2940224 / 4294967265
    CRC Errors (Down/Up)
    154 / N/A
    HEC Errors (Down/Up)
    N/A / 1
    Error Seconds (Local)
    I've also done the Quietline test, had quite a loud hum on the line but no distinctive crackling/noise.
    I hope this is enough information to go off but let me know if I need to do anything else to help diagnose this issue before speaking with India!!
    many thanks,

    Connection time is <2days was that a manual reset?  Have you had problems with the router dropping connection?
    are you connected to test socket?  Was quiet line test with cordless phone?  If so should be dull hum. Have you tried a new filter?
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Slow broadband speed after exchange upgrade

    I wonder if anyone can help.  My local exchange was 'upgraded' on 14th August, immediately following that my Broadband speed has halved and never recovered, I used to get approx 7Mbps connection speed with a 5.8 ~ 6.3 Mbps down load speed.  SInce then and upto now I only get a connection speed of approx 3.3Mbps with a download speed of around 2.8Mbps.
    Since we have BT Vision this is now close to the limit of what it requires to work for on demand content.
    I have spoken to BT Technical on a number of occasions.  At first they told me it was my router (HomeHub V1) and that I could have a new one if a signed up for another 12 months.  Since I doubted this and I also had a Home Hub V1.5 router I swapped to this router and it gave the same results!  This was on the 7th September.
    Since then I have spoken to BT Technical on a number of occasions, always this involves the same path - get asked whether I have tried different microfilter, connection to the main socket blah blah.  Then they check the exchange, it comes up with a CC12 ADQ error, they ask BT Wholesale to investigate, BT Wholesale clear the error, BT technical ring back, ask me if speed is any better, tell them no, they say they will reset the line profile, this makes no difference!
    If I ring again then we just go round in the same circle again.
    Has anyone got any ideas or can someone sort this out, fed up of pointless phone calls at the moment!
    Here are the line statistics from the BT Home Hub (V1.5) as things currently stand.:
    Hope someone can help,
    DSL Connection
    Link Information
    0 days, 13:08:25
    G.992.5 annex A
    Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]:
    664 / 3,327
    Data Transferred (Sent/Received) [MB/MB]:
    11.57 / 62.47
    Output Power (Up/Down) [dBm]:
    9.5 / 0.0
    Line Attenuation (Up/Down) [dB]:
    8.5 / 18.5
    SN Margin (Up/Down) [dB]:
    11.0 / 27.5
    Vendor ID (Local/Remote):
    Loss of Framing (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    Loss of Signal (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    Loss of Power (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    Loss of Link (Remote):
    Error Seconds (Local/Remote):
    0 / 0
    FEC Errors (Up/Down):
    0 / 0
    CRC Errors (Up/Down):
    0 / 6
    HEC Errors (Up/Down):
    0 / 0
    Line Profile:

    Well 12 days later and still no improvement.  Changed back to the homehub V1.0 (10 days ago) as the Homehub V1.5 was to unstable and kept dropping connection every few hours.
    Spoke to BT technical last Sunday, they agreed to send me a new HomeHub in the end.  This has now been lost / stolen during delivery - what a farce.  Spoke to BT Technical again last night, went through the same sets of testing same results.  Technical this time said I shouldn't have been sent a new homehub anyway as I was not in contract!
    Reading through this forum and others it seems that there are a lot of people reporting speed issues (speed halving from original sync/download speed) when exchange has been upgraded to ADSL 2+ and the home hub is V1.0 or V1.5. 
    The tech i spoke to last night seemed to think it was the homehub but said i wouldn't get another one unless I signed a new contract.  Told him there was no way I would sign a new contract when their customer service was so poor and they are unable to resolve problems.
    He stated he would reset the I.P. profile.  This morning download SNR has shot up to 30db (has got down to 18db) last night and sync speed was lower.
    It seems to me that BT know there is an issue with HH V1.0 and V1.5 and ADSL 2+ but rather than send you a new router ask that you sign up to a new contract.  This seems partly a ruse just to tie people into another 12 month contract. 
    My neighbours have the same set up and are experiencing the same problems since the exchange upgrade!

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