Slow in Reading XML response

Hello Guys,
I'm trying to upload from the Itemlist of SAP to MSDE and DBF tables, but it takes 10 hours to upload 29000 records of Items.  I'm reading in the XML file i got from the SOAP response.  Is there anyway that I can fasten the process?

Hi Gilbert,
Extracting the data from the XML is apparently not a way to be preferred when handling a larger number of records. At least performance might become an issue - as you already found out.
You might consider to use ODBC directly (or maybe even DI APIs Recordset object) to get the data <b>or</b> export the data into a text file - depending on which data you want to export exactly (everything, a subset or a few) one or the other method might suit better. (You don't give to much information about the requirements )
The only alternative I can think of is hardware upgrade...

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    Accept: /
    Host: 999.97.19.45:9999
    Content-ID: <>
    Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=""
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    Content-Description: SOAP
    Content-Length: 5530
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    Connection: close
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xmlns:dsig=""><dsig:SignedInfo><dsig:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""></dsig:CanonicalizationMethod><dsig:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""></dsig:SignatureMethod><dsig:Reference URI="#Id-wS1xP_ArcYYXY4qkqYznI7_W"><dsig:Transforms><dsig:Transform Algorithm=""></dsig:Transform></dsig:Transforms><dsig:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></dsig:DigestMethod><dsig:DigestValue>tr3NrozQWsKrvH38naIEnQXrzgQ=</dsig:DigestValue></dsig:Reference><dsig:Reference URI="#Id-1vPAqVSMhSLH3WiBQkTTfldz"><dsig:Transforms><dsig:Transform Algorithm=""><c14n:InclusiveNamespaces xmlns:c14n="" PrefixList="xsd n1"></c14n:InclusiveNamespaces></dsig:Transform></dsig:Transforms><dsig:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></dsig:DigestMethod><dsig:DigestValue>AUWlqeyq6w5LQnggK5dT6flLUU=</dsig:DigestValue></dsig:Reference></dsig:SignedInfo><dsig:SignatureValue>Yx5Pre8VChTLOhPVln5xhO21dM93a2FPxQTsZY1BBIWlqeHkAEQqXvhI/EU459QZIGDOubLK0Z9AT0SRmDOgtnWNBT0duqveQ1Ippbd0hXaehW48ObrMIKnYfq5ub1kNYv9mslybPRZw9OaiijNmLfIty8qc8ctRV0lFwAjcQyk=</dsig:SignatureValue><dsig:KeyInfo><wsse:SecurityTokenReference><wsse:Reference URI="#Id-2DXBQHwdRE0oquWQV0mjtw1U"></wsse:Reference></wsse:SecurityTokenReference></dsig:KeyInfo></dsig:Signature><wsu:Timestamp xmlns:wsu="" wsu:Id="Id-wS1xP_ArcYYXY4qkqYznI7_W"><wsu:Created>2008-04-03T13:23:55.459Z</wsu:Created></wsu:Timestamp></wsse:Security></env:Header><env:Body xmlns:wsu="" env:encodingStyle="" wsu:Id="Id-1vPAqVSMhSLH3WiBQkTTfldz"><xenc:EncryptedData xmlns:xenc="" Type="" Id="Id-yMgwZrtQctSvW1mT1sDWdZ8D"><xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""></xenc:EncryptionMethod><xenc:CipherData><xenc:CipherValue>LB6IKwEJgvTPdPGNeIzcpjPjC9GXi3sou5PaCnF3m4x6ToA6gDV5Sw/ODnCEeqFURgWFX8ZgxYF9YJdyj7ERAifs8MNBh/rHCitT02mU8pirwGdqSXlfCX4KYsHtUnyiGKbbMCwvCCs4LgBPnx8tCN39aazA1Ge/5JPfwupYMU/lAbyajdP1qva/gxhMCqGkgAnQgB1TJDfARvDsJnx6p2zqKsnRnNreBFClyBG7GHeMvpnzg4poPCFlj2baIoK2CSQmVbPdcPk4rgg1PAWDQwIIzBCKpZjysHeb/sW9jObekbnn4mCnUdzjRERoklstpZNeWKi/jLEaNsIX1ixhsUyWIyknYGaBjDiiGqmS6BIO1RHu0SydiMv1L/FzIWgyO9VhilGdTWsVDP6CxljxTqg41bobuPazkjQHyBK9rCGQI9J/bjSiA2S6FBDHxhA6SfDjyhvGzDhGNLMd/***2ieUGQWg/atFbqItqW2HZzb7T0cuIiROBYaGLUbWnghcUXAn9dV38GbCMfWk65OhpkD5EQXr/5bPxK41L3sPIrAs2JnMM9nLuj6gLo35VMlsdVQ1c0o3JYQ4JARnSlnUrgW20Cilwf3Fn2m7Yj4QicC6RUhChEudnbgYIjqq0Ypc8BsjJWAPYRuVAUVArINqgUjCNuOxQKV3dyEayS0lZ8UOBfopGBnIlEDS9h62ZIiIKfRhCD6xLsY1PED7K5ZHRvj2TEtQtYoZxeTNDH7/IdukO/cATF9B0DhSvx2YK8EzlG3pygcLGeHZ4DfwmGC5lnO5NZrqFaHXa1LNNgZ9H1rezZyOfizbvT/O5mC8tvINNvP5Ik37OdD6Lmjnc4u0gAKee6QqQ7uk8A6xbrjrnOWp46vnoNmvMZxyAMAD8xFBz9b8MVHu0IJX5etLdRbjsSsMYNpUomqFjfweFe3NeHESUA5IhkYUQVNNwJJ3MCpJDWWHFNLEbzRoUolXVOQhC0PC6j6KmHQH2yib0KWKKJn7kLrUtgGazJMatLDhWDU5oEtZbDJzauxikxto0R6ZirhjKqmVCeVu51yrbW4lgC2upXxJsQ2q5igBaX7Qvz4D1ICkp1m7CRG7cWrU6MfBSXusRsPIp/7wJsdBpXSPb97cZi6y82EP6iQhsyRJ9YODUr22WObb4CvIYo8bDFW1Sw6BImoqkgsoXB/j2oNp0g6vLhYy0OjF5LAdDbhDk23WA00KGj9xAHEPVkqfXdivfc3quxWdpIBri0JnQGA/T1GsxwM4YKvhp5hPl28sgLeo7/I0DstkK6Jispkt5/03N364bRQBAHykAqUAyDvMHz8jiZK0Jo2cnTDTzoDtDi9q2wbSI25lh31FZ68kKJ1t399VRdF4JlSKvaXE8pj1ljE3J6GsII6haD3W17Kns2hmnduL0pEeChUgq0VrXaK8k5e0CR1JdmzVEHNo7WKWwB901cOrtRfxh1yQWvw0dHCSlxzAlISAb7Y2t0MlIoITIKi9XzJSpbxtp5zCQiup3PPDni1wQWotYd9WVZ2Zs2KxDkusDbENOAu68RjtWoOQxGXPrek73CQ9ja2D6doNjdbwX9Exrhqlek9507Sn0J2RO5kJG6huXD3TTXcBcBlD8HYq76JfSNtqgpUwKztPCxaECMmvTm4n1YRT5pkpKfOmlx262TJllv1l2B5cs3f6ODWf/ULarjwMPT2ajviYvCDXl4Kl8HNcmXKhR3W8IzCvWCsPwwDoFbjCk5Xkdd6IVPAX9i0LP5hZqS1bMrJnTreNTVd4glne7T6SdjkFt2MR1UJnsNHlVDoeGhb5VhfphgPg2r1DUyY7k3QlXHGxCBctjlkTUVg9D0NgWf4JrE2KXtdCPR/gX7HjrR6wq24UsibqOH5yi2Zh2hGwP2OWrPRQ6QMqIdW2voAux0GOkL7Ip8GCRml5eilopmRyh8D3PxWw8CwfC81slylodVHvGP8AjGE9cddQhMzQ2s96ZPQVTLEo734UQFkH511HtJGWVCTbxGBmtpEyoJZSJJ9CeG2sXuwEGF7YXR31xJJZbtOKFyskQw3BJGb1SE35iF5lr0hshYB1/gm2YmlTX68nZtux9NWRIKnJ3EHvWUc9UIudzoEMf0LyLZm5pFtkZAUQ16F4BfqEVJekVlUBOs1dCSYN6lUcsVzinhUcY1eBni75vEXaO8zSTy4ZwcOiGYvR9QK2bSuzYen1LKBaFK6UIAVstr29avGAGp5nk3qM63/05rUv2jnDM6XYIoFSx1lpE7SwtvbiRUQjgUA4ZX7Oa7Mp9HJj5W0o7ZVViKbYTtxux5/2AXgXxLo/i3YsHd7BUE/2KTjUrKokTYUzCgTlXkSmYOfRY1wdxeixrLfbSWBD1Y4ZbcMw3l/57XIPmGl42HrRyEFIxGnt7kQHR9A3abfJ93E0Y8AMiQuhG2/WTZho/IzxQ/OfDJm78o97K10pbe7OUIrfpPNTfM3cenEd37ZFWI67yPNwYfiZw8E7uks8GIKSAqrt7q55C10EpmizEcydD5EKtGyElXk6ifr3GO6WbHJNUp6FvgyHQTF6VXRiC91Rv/ZvUQggxRDyF6HibOq5BqDwTbMY0OnbB6nR3KlGYfhkBfEUiqbd10HYzCzWx0uGv54swAwsRUtOQFMpbr5B17yXdE5vGN2uTm02Bgr3EwOUyuw2ttgdUedDH8APmOlDr23wPiFljsTgWbbX/UZQGCyhNxa8avQtDdlymu8e8PS5tMupjMSkJtULUUXQyoKGwcXwwvp25iubNODEt5aZNt45bGKwOW5P3Xzu2ZJ6tAtW/zh7NfN1EHVZIwIlxWgPaag0ComeirsmZfNu3W2wge7Cg9aOYws81iIRaLa0YgYWZwH3C6yTRRQcM8fx1U1TiK2tIkFcc4iAjefZKMHBsodtTzo4EYaYvb9SyjGgZLTMYSlTbpx31Ot0T/t8kFxpML/ObDgoKoxWUVXxfD74HDW/0Uo9JDgdaV/lxJ2CJ7y8gb4ayKsVRNB4BmP5OzA/q9vzZWgtfoM4ODu//vsAed9Dvi4f1pJt5Cf8WWxv1PtWS4gvFe87a03kyhwSzI4obai23oYlCcyrUyL9LBZCwcBgn4tDcno6HPIHT2iEpi00sTuTD2bqXyTkXrxgzGSwlfBzCXr7xczoZDJoU5oj5t59cyq/faUZZkhc0bb8dhOH2/oYcanpfdtNS64VeO42eXaPbkMP00IrHTAUb2KxXQa7h80vB3LMA29cS3EBaJ8pnIJ/sPh0bT5A/FiiiJVJNm8g7EBcvd2nbJWRAkVNp1SxLPoUKF1dRt3OiJwhbdOASOnmJS8IXRjskuIYRsMgXSNdlMGxadedsdB9TKRvgzGkutWu9mQ3+0XJJIp7S23E8b3OLH1CAxhH3wyWu8TmeksImbGc0VY7oSTTtNNWOdeRDQ==</xenc:CipherValue></xenc:CipherData></xenc:EncryptedData></env:Body></env:Envelope>

    Any thoughts???
    Appreciate your input.

  • SOAP XML Response in the form of JSP

    I am using a command in Websphere Commerce(WC) as "WebServices Provider " .For new users command is WC specific java program which takes input and throws back the result to the calling program.
    when a client sends a SOAP xml request to WC WebService Command,it sends back the SOAP XML response in the form of JSP to client.The Client is in Microsoft .Net language.
    My Question is:
    1)How the client is interpreting the SOAP XML response in JSP.
    2)Since the client being a .Net provider,to understand this response,he has to make any extra
    configuration ???
    Can somebody in the forum can help me in this regard.

    Hi Mike1999 ,
    I am assigned with one project that is based on SOAP,I dont know abc of this technology.How the events are handled by SOAP....Etc Etc....
    Just eloberate What is ment by SOAP.Why it is used.

  • Problem in reading XML - tags in same line

    Hi All,
    I am using DOM to read XML , my problem is that.I can only read xml entries like folllowing- i.e when tags are in same line only... Please help.
    <src from-page="jsp/Home.jsp"><navigation-case><action>loginaction</action><from-outcome>true</from-outcome><to-page>jsp/WelcomePage.jsp</to-page></navigation-case><navigation-case><action>loginaction</action><from-outcome>false</from-outcome><to-page>jsp/Error.jsp</to-page></navigation-case>
    I am not able to read following XML file-
    <src from-page="*">

    Thanks for your response.You are right I am not handling spaces anywhere. How to do that?
    Can you please help in doing this?
    I am posting my code also-
    org.w3c.dom.Document doc = parser.getDocument();
    org.w3c.dom.NodeList srcList = doc.getElementsByTagName("src");
    for (int i = 0; i < srcList.getLength(); i++) {
    org.w3c.dom.Node sourceNode = srcList.item(i);
    if (sourceNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("from-page").getNodeValue().equalsIgnoreCase(from)) {
    org.w3c.dom.NodeList navigationCaseList = sourceNode.getChildNodes();
    for (int j = 1; j < navigationCaseList.getLength(); j++) {
    org.w3c.dom.Node navigationCase = navigationCaseList.item(j);
    org.w3c.dom.NodeList childList = navigationCase.getChildNodes();
    System.out.println("node : " + navigationCase.getNodeName());
    System.out.println("list : " + childList.getLength());
    Node action = childList.item(0);
    int type = action.getNodeType();
    // case Node.ELEMENT_NODE :
    System.out.println("node : " + action.getNodeName()+ " "+ action.getNodeValue());
    org.w3c.dom.Node fromOutcome = action.getNextSibling();
    org.w3c.dom.Node toPage = fromOutcome.getNextSibling();
    System.out.println("fromOutcome : " + fromOutcome.getNodeName());
    System.out.println("toPage : " + toPage.getNodeName() + " " + toPage.getNodeType());
    if(action.getNodeType()==1 & fromOutcome.getNodeType()==1 & toPage.getNodeType()==1){
    String actionValue = action.getTextContent();
    String outValue = fromOutcome.getTextContent();
    System.out.println("actionValue : " + actionValue);
    System.out.println("outValue : " + outValue);
    if (actionValue.equalsIgnoreCase(action1) & outValue.equalsIgnoreCase(outcome)) {
    return toPage.getTextContent();
    Seeking your support

  • Send from file to http server and save http/xml response to another file

    is there anybody who made running simple think. Read xml file, send it to http server using plain HTTP adapter and then wait for response which is to be saved as another file?
    ThanX a lot.
    Honza Vrzak

    Hello Honza,
    I've made running these two asynchronous scenario. Maybe that might help you?
    1.a) FileAdapter picks up XML and sends it to XI2.0
    1.b) XI uses PlainHTTP-Adapter to sends the message to Webserver
    1.c) HTTPRequestHandler (written in C#) receives the XML and writes it to HD.
    2.a) JavaScript sending an XML to PlainHTTP adapter of XI2.0.
    2.b) XI sends the message to FileAdapter
    2.c) FileAdapter writes the XML to HD
    What you need is an synchrounus scenario and I think I remember that the fileadapter is not able to work synchrounus. So I think you have to combine these two scenarious to one.
    Regards Björn

  • The EWS URL wasn't found in the EXPR settings of the Autodiscover XML response.

    Hi Guys,
    I have posted this on
    Spiceworks Fourm as well as I have run into some urgency on this issue. I know its not fair to post twice but I really need help on this one. 
    I am busy troubleshooting an issue for one of my customers and was wondering if anyone has come across this issue before.
    One External Service Provider utilizes Autodiscover to pull EWS information in their app. There is no way we can change that to directly input EWS information. The issue I am getting is on Microsoft's Remote Connectivity Analyzer. I am testing EWS
    functionality and its failing with this response: 
    The Exchange Web Services URL wasn't found in the EXPR settings of the Autodiscover XML response.
    HTTP Response Headers:
    request-id: 5d020de0-cb52-4329-b60b-c75952247360
    X-CalculatedBETarget: MBXSERVER
    X-DiagInfo: MBXSERVER
    Persistent-Auth: true
    Content-Length: 6925
    Cache-Control: private
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 10:21:01 GMT
    Set-Cookie: X-BackEndCookie=S-1-5-21-1935655697-1770027372-1801674531-47214=u56Lnp2ejJqBx8mdmZ3Jx8/SzM7Ly9LLnczM0p6ezszSy5rGzcrPms2dycvJgYHNz87L0s7P0s7Gq87Pxc3Oxc/N; expires=Sun, 19-Oct-2014 08:21:02 GMT; path=/Autodiscover; secure; HttpOnly
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5
    X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    Elapsed Time: 9135 ms.
    If I test this internally using Test-OutlookWebServices cmdlet i have all successes. If I Test Email Auto-Configuration, i get the EXPR information with the EWS URl's internally and externally. I believe there is an issue somewhere along the lines however I'm
    not sure when to continue from here. I have run Set-OutlookProvider EXPR -CertPrincipalName ********** and also tried it again with $null.
    See the post of my email test (XML Response attached on this URL): Spiceworks URL
    All other services on ExRCA works perfectly except for EWS Autodiscover. 
    If anyone out there has seen this before as i cannot find any documentation on this specific issue.
    This one is rather confusing as it usually is external works but internal fails. Certificates have been assigned correctly.
    Your prompt response would be highly appreciative!
    The Environment is Exchange 2013 CU6 with IU for the DB & ActiveSync issues as this environment is in the process of being migrated from 2007 SP3 RU10

    IIS shows no errors, I get a 200 response in the logs nothing further. I found that SSLOffloading was enabled, I disabled that as it isnt necessary as the load balancers are not performing SSL Acceleration. I have also recreated the AutoDiscoverVirtualDirectories.
    I have bypassed the Load Balancers to eliminate the issue of possibly they causing the issue. I also recreated the OutlookProvider EXPR
    If i do a test Email Auto-Configuration, I get a full XML response out of Autodiscover:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Autodiscover xmlns="">
      <Response xmlns="">
          <DisplayName>Jonathan Goldberg</DisplayName>
          <LegacyDN>/o=********/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=GoldbergJ</LegacyDN>
            <ServerDN>/o=********/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=3812143b-8669-4232-a576-ae4d59e462d0@**************</ServerDN>
            <MdbDN>/o=********/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=3812143b-8669-4232-a576-ae4d59e462d0@************** Private MDB</MdbDN>
    It’s so easy to sit on the side-line and being a world champion commentator, but only a select few climb into the ring knowing that there is going to be a whole lot of pain.

  • Invalid XML Response - missing xmlns=''

    I have a simple BPEL WebService using a xsd elementFormDefault="unqualified".
    {color:#0000ff}+&lt;schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified"+
    +&lt;element name="InvalidXMLResponseProcessRequest"&gt;+
    +&lt;element name="input" type="string"/&gt;+
    +&lt;element name="InvalidXMLResponseProcessResponse"&gt;+
    +&lt;element name="result" type="string"/&gt;+
    I invoke this WebService with the Web Service Test Page of OC4J
    and get an invalid xml-response (missing xmlns="").
    If i look inside the bpel-console in the instance-flow at the reply activity the
    xml-response looks good.
    GOOD Reponse (at bpel-console):
    +&lt;InvalidXMLResponseProcessResponse xmlns=""&gt;+
    +&lt;result {color:#ff0000}*xmlns=""*{color}&gt;test&lt;/result&gt;+
    Invalid Response (at every WS Client):
    +&lt;InvalidXMLResponseProcessResponse xmlns=""&gt;+
    It seams that the xml serializer of the oc4j container does create a valid xml-response.

    I just retested the testcase with an other test environment ( MLR#3) and everything worked fine.
    {color:#0000ff}+&lt;env:Envelope xmlns:env=""&gt;+
    +&lt;InvalidXMLResponseProcessResponse xmlns=""&gt;+
    +&lt;result xmlns=""&gt;test&lt;/result&gt;+
    So there should be an availagle bugfix for this issue.
    I need this bugfix for because this is our production environment.

  • Xml response is auto coverting to text format unable to view result

    Xml Response is auto matiacally covert as simple text. unable to resolve this issue.
    This issue from firfox v30.
    Same service if I check with other browser I can able to see xml response.

    Hi yesprakash,
    Please check the encoding of the page as well as please update to the latest Firefox version 31: [[Update Firefox to the latest version]]
    [[Set how Firefox handles different types of files]] xml can be added here, and how to check the encoding of the page:
    # Click View > Character encoding and select the right one for xml.
    Do you have an xml parser for the xml file? Do you have the header:
    header( 'Content-Type: text/xml, charset=utf-8' );
    I hope this helps.

  • Read XML from a hardware sensor file into ODI

    Read XML from a hardware sensor file into ODI
    I am trying to extract xml data from a flowmeter that generates XML data.
    The xml file is found in http://ip_address/history.xml
    I’ve defined my Topology as such
    JDBC Driver: com.sunopsis.jdbc.driver.xml.SnpsXmlDriver
    JDBC URL: jdbc:snps:xml?f=
    Please note to access the file I have to supply a username and password so I did in the definition But when testing my setup I get an error:
    ava.sql.SQLException: The DTD file "" doesn't exist: Server redirected too many times (20)
    Please note I cannot write dtd to the device as it is a read only device.
    Has anyone came across such an issue, how can I achieve this.

    Hi David,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I've tried this jdbc url
    but when I test the connection i get the following error
    java.sql.SQLException: While generating the DTD from the XML file, a exception occurred saying: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL:
    If I browse and i supply the username and password I get an xml page.
    I've supplied the username and password in the definition tab of the Data Server windows but still getting the above error.

  • Reading XML from Oracle directory to generate charts

    I have a requirement create graphs, charts and maps based on data from a data warehouse (dw).  As I see things, there are two possibilities:
    Graphs, charts and maps based on an XML file
    Graphs, charts and maps based on Oracle tables
    Both would contain small data sets that will allow for quick response.  The intent of these graphs, charts and maps is to generate a dashboard that would allow the user to quickly drill down to the desired warehouse data.
    The proof of concept has already been validated using the Oracle table scenario.  My question is whether or not this could be accomplished reading xml files for generating the same set of dashboard items?
    My Oracle database and APEX environments configuration are as follows:
    NLSRTL                                                                  Production
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition                         64bit Production
    PL/SQL                                                                            Production
    TNS for Solaris:                                                               Production
    Application Express
    APEX Listener Release 2.0.2.  / Tomcat
    An Oracle database directory has been setup and is accessible to our APEX application.
    Any suggestions/help is appreciated.

    An Oracle Directory has an underlying OS directory associated with it, Oracle just overlays it's control structure onto an existing folder in the OS. You can manipulate the files with stored procedures in Oracle or at the OS level from outside of Oracle.
    If you manipulate the files from the OS level, outside of Oracle, you may need a refresh of the Oracle Directory structure.

  • Load and Read XML file size more than 4GB

    Hi All
    My environment is Oracle on Solaris and I have processes to work with XML file as below detail by PL/SQL
    1. I read XML file over HTTP port into XMLTYPE column in table.
    2. I read value no.1 from table and extract to insert into another table
    On test db, everything is work but I got below error when I use production XML file
         ORA-31186: Document contains too many nodes
    Current XML size about 100MB but the procedure must support XML file size more than 4GB in the future.
    Belows are some part of my code for your info.
    1. Read XML by line into variable and insert into table
    UTL_HTTP.read_text(http_resp, v_resptext, 32767);
    DBMS_LOB.writeappend (v_clob, LENGTH(v_resptext), v_resptext);
        END LOOP;
    2. Read cell value from XML column and extract to insert into another table
    CURSOR c_xml IS
    (SELECT  trim(y.cvalue)
    XMLTable('/Table/Rows/Cells/Cell' PASSING xt.XMLDoc
    PATH '/') y;
    OPEN c_xml;
    FETCH c_xml INTO v_TempValue;
    <Generate insert statement into another table>
    CLOSE c_xml;
    And one more problem is performance issue when XML file is big, first step to load XML content to XMLTYPE column slowly.
    Could you please suggest any solution to read large XML file and improve performance?
    Thank you in advance.

    See Mark Drake's (Product Manager Oracle XMLDB, Oracle US) response in this old post: ORA-31167: 64k size limit for XML node
    The "in a future release" reference, means that this boundary 64K / node issue, was lifted in 11g and onwards...
    So first of all, if not only due to performance improvements, I would strongly suggest to upgrade to a database version which is supported by Oracle, see My Oracle Support... In short Oracle 10.2.x was in extended support up to summer 2013, if I am not mistaken and is currently not supported anymore...
    If you are able to able to upgrade, please use the much, much more performing XMLType Securefile Binary XML storage option, instead of the XMLType (Basicfile) CLOB storage option.

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  • Loading U3D via JS

    Hi;      I tried to find in the forums but didn't find anything that worked.      I have some u3d files attached to my pdf and I want to load them in the same annotation depending on the user input.      I know how to reference them but i dont know h