Slow Keyboard fix

So i have 2.02 and i still have the slow keyboard. I found an easier fix than restarting though. If you exit SMS, play a song for sec or 2 in the ipod function, and then return to the SMS the keyboard miraculously works.

Heh, this is actually getting comical if not downright absurd.
I thought this level of half-assed fixes died with the original Nintendo when you had to push the cartridge in halfway to get it to work.
Way to go Apple! Great product.

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    Well a corolation between keyboard and WiFi seems very unlikely as I cannot think of why there would be link, save one (maybe).
    Do you know what type of network is being ran at your work, Ethernet (your standard LAN)?
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    A reset/reboot is:
    Go to Home Screen
    Press and Hold Home Button
    Keep holding and press and hold Lock Button
    Keep holding Both
    You will see Slide to Turn Off (Don't let go to slide, just keep holding)
    The phone will turn off (in time, but screen will look like it has some white lines)
    Keep Holding
    When you see the Apple Logo, you can let go.
    Turning off via the Slide to Turn off while good and fine to turn off, is more like the Sleep Mode on a computer. Thus any locked up issues in memory remain when you turn back on. A reboot as described is like doing a real Turn off and Turn On on a computer.

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    If you restart in Safe Boot mode then continue to log into your User's account is safe boot, do you see a difference?
    *  shutdown
    *  start the Mac and *wait* for the startup chime to sound
    *  after the sound, press and hold down the shift key
    *  keep holding and *wait* until the grey  Apple logo appears
    *  now release the shift key and just wait (it could take a few minutes)
    *  eventually the login screen appears with the words SAFE BOOT
    These are some of the items disabled on safe boot:
    Disables all fonts other than those in /System/Library/Fonts
    It moves to the Trash all font caches normally stored in /Library/Caches/
    Disables all startup items and login items
    To continue troubleshooting see this link. It includes help for Microsoft Office, but covers steps to eliminate the source of the problem for Macs.

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    2. When he made it to the enter passkey and typed in the PK but it didn't work, he would hit the continue button, turn the keyboard off/on super fast and retype in the PK.
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    Hope this helps

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    2. Somehow both devices were affected by being paired with a different machine.
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    I scoured the web and forums for a solutions and found nada.
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    I had the same problem, but never knew it was because of the pedometer. It would start skipping and slowing the beat after a few minutes of running. I tried all different kinds of arm bands or putting it in my pocket, because I thought it was because of the movement. I saw this comment, though, and just ran without the pedometer, and it works like a charm. I'm not sure the fix for this, but it sure defeats the purpose of a pedometer. good luck.

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    I have an iPhone 3gs updated from 4.3.3 to 5.1.1.. I experiencing keyboard lag issue after updated my phone..
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    Did you already reset the phone by holding the sleep and home button for about 10sec, until the Apple logo comes back again? You will not lose data, but it can cure some glitches after installing new software.

  • HP Pavilion dm1 - 1102ea - cost to get "y" and "o" on keyboard fixed out of warranty?

    i wanted to contact hp directly but can't seem to find hardware support only software. My "Y" and "O" were pulled off by my 2 year old boy and wanted to know how much it would cost to get them fixed. they still work it's just the buttons that have fallen off and they are not the type to just click back on otherwise i wouldn't be wasting everyone's time asking this. if anyone can help or if anyone from hp sees this please feel to comment/message. thanks all and happy new year

    I have never come across where the keys can not be put back in place, there must be something broken or HP has changed the design _ again.
     It may be easier to replace the keyboard, HP doesn't sell just the keys.
     The keyboards themselves are inexpensive.

  • DC7700 VPRO Slow Imaging Fix

    Morning All,
    If you have Patrick Farrell's initrd witch works with the HP DC7700
    machines and they are painfully slow to image or even load the RAM disk
    then the fix is below. I think the slowness is due to the VPRO technology.
    Anyway, just flash your BIOS to a later version. I used v2.09 from the HP
    site and the machine now really cranks.
    I do get a Management Engine error in the POST, but i thing this is just
    another BIOS upgrade that I am yet to investigate.

    On Thu, 29 Mar 2007 00:42:56 GMT, [email protected] wrote:
    > Just re-read the HP doco and You must upgrade the ME firmware before the
    > other BIOS upgrade.
    thanks for letting us know..
    If you have already compiled drivers or have linux.2 please put them on
    Live BootCd and USB Disk from Mike Charles
    Marcus Breiden
    If you are asked to email me information please change -- to - in my e-mail
    The content of this mail is my private and personal opinion.

  • Slow Keyboard Response

    I'm developing applications in flex and notice there is a
    slow response from text input boxes that sometimes miss keystrokes.
    This is particularly noticeable in login entry forms where keying
    in username / password which is normally done very rapidly, will
    often miss key strokes.
    I've tried upping the frameRate to 60 in the application,
    however this does not seem to improve the situation.
    I'm just starting to develop a new web content application
    that will require lots of keying, and this response issue will kill
    the usability.

    Are you experiencing the problem on a Vista Machine? I was
    suspicious that it's a potential problem with Vista and not so much
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    I'll do some more testing on one of XP machines and make

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    jpplumbing -
    Couple things that might be causing this.
    1. Go into App Store and make sure there's no updates to Mavericks or Safari.  Apple usually releases updates after updates fixing bugs in new software.  If Safari has an update take it - as much as I love Apple, if you don't have most up-to-date software you're in trouble.
    2. Go check out Activity Monitor and see what your computer is doing - might have a lot of stuff running in the background.  Activity Monitor is in Applications/Utilities/
    3.  Reset Safari - from menu bar, click Safari > Reset Safari (check everything, except maybe Remove saved names and passwords)
    Other way of resetting Safari, which could possibly be more thorough:
    Click on the hard drive icon located on the desktop.
    Browse to Users > (Users Home) > Library > Safari folder.
    Drag every file but "Bookmarks.plist" into the trash.
    Browse to Users > (User Home) > Library > Preferences.
    Locate "", "", and "" and drag them to the trash. If " does not exist, ignore it and just trash the other two files.
    Safari should now be back to factory default status.
    Steps as found here:
    Hope something in here helps.

  • New Santa Rosa - Slow Keyboard Typing

    I have another issue with the brand new MBP. Today for some reason, the keyboard has become very slow at keeping up with my typing. When I have a string of characters to erase with the backspace key, it is very slow erasing them. When I use the down arrow, to scroll down a web page, it is very slow scrolling and jerky. Has anyone seen this issue?

    Ahh, just like Windows. I solved this problem with a simple reboot.

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