Smoothing keyframe motion

I'm playing with curving/beliziar keyframe motions for the first time. I'm working in FCP5.
I have one video clip, scaled to 40%, it starts on the left side of the screen,
moves to the center, then goes straight up and off the top of the screen.
No problem doing it with "hard" motions.
But, how do make it into a curved motion...meaning instead of going hard
straight to the center of the screen and then up, as it's moving towards
the center of the screen it starts to smoothly curve upwards so it's not
a hard hit in the center and then up,...but more like a swoop up.
I've tried adding a SMOOTH to the centering keyframe but it won't let me,
and I'm not changing scale during the move.
Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

right click or control click on your center motion point in the canvas and select "linear". It will change to a bezier point.

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    Does anyone else have this problem? Any fixes out there?

    Thanks for the replys, guys.
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    Upgraded to FCP5 about 2 months ago.
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    What do you think?

  • Smooth Slow Motion from 50 fps Clip in 50 fps Timeline

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    First video clip - recorded at 25 fps
    second video clip - recorded at 50 fps
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    I've only done the experiment once and may have to repeat to be absolutely sure.

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    I have a Canon Vixia HFS100, which saves AVCHD files to an SD card... exactly what model is your camera?
    If you are copying from an SD card to your hard drive, read these two links
    Metadata contained in folder

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    To remove all the motion parameters you can use the Remove Attributes command (opt-cmd-V) and select Basic Motion.
    If you want to use the same parameters and the same keyframes on the lengthened clips you might keep a "template" clip in the timeline with the original Basic Motion values, and after lengthening all clips you can Copy (cmd-C) that template clip and Paste Attributes (opt-V)/Basic Motion over all the lengthened clips, making sure the Scale Attribute Times is selected.

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    PCI 7330 Motion controller
    MID-7604 Motor Drive
    LabView 2009
    Any information towards this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you,
    Go to Solution.

    as it looks like you have already found all possible solutions for your task. In fact arc moves with a dummy axis would be the only reliable solution for your setup. If you can't afford to waste an axis, the only alternative solution is to switch to a 7344, which supports contouring.
    Please note, that the 7330 is our low cost solution for basic motion control tasks with stepper motors. Advanced trajectories are not within the scope of this product, so if this is a requirement, please contact your local NI branch. Depending if you have just recently purchased the 7330 or not, they might be able to offer you a hardware upgrade to the 7340.
    Kind regards,
    Jochen Klier
    National Instruments

  • Acceptable File Size and Resolution for Still Photos in Keyframe Motion

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    I know that FCE HD (as other Video Editors), will automatically fit a still photo's size to it's default capability of 720 x 480 Correct?
    Well, in regard to making the best possible ZOOMS, and Pans from Still Photos, is it neccessary to re-size all your photos (from an external editor like photoshop), to a specfic size?
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    And I noticed that when I inserted larger JPG still sizes (like about a meg), on the FCE timline, and when applying Panning, or Zooms, some of the rendered images with motion didn't pan or zoom smoothly.
    Is that because those file sizes were TOO large?
    Well I have soooo many stills that need to be imported into this particular project that it would be a lot easier for me to just generally reduce these stills (by percentage).
    And is the magic resolution amount supposed to be 72?
    Because if that's the case I can re-size all my photos to 72, and try to keep the file sizes down to say 300 KB's or so.
    Sound like a plan?

    Thank you guys
    "basically, you should try to make your images large enough so they never have to be scaled beyond 100% in the motion tab in fcp."
    Actually as I mentioned some of these file sizes are very large. About 800-900 KB's - and what as a result, what I've noticed is that I actually had to DECREASE the viewing area in both the Browser Window, and the Canvas Winbow just to be able to see the whole image.
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    *With some clipping of the original image of course ...
    Why do I do this?
    So that you don't see the usual border with horizontal images, or vertical images - know what I mean?

  • Smoothing combined motion, pan + truck-in

    I know there's been some talk on this before, but I couldn't find an answer to my problem.
    Smoothing a pan is easy, by using the beziers in the canvas window. And creating a smooth zoom by itself aswel, though this works differently as I can (so it seems) only rightklick the keys and turn them into 'ease-in / ease-out, or smooth or somthing.
    But the problem is when I run a combined motion, like a pan and truck-in, I can't find a way to combine them into one smooth movement. The default smoothing of both ways (the truckin and the pan) isn't synchronised.
    I wonder if there's a way to put both 'hard' movements in a clip or something (like in 3D) and smooth that, might give the same result.
    Or any 'free' plugin I could use ?

    About a year and a half ago, Tom Wolsky posted the following to a thread that isn't on the server now:
    "Let's say you're zooming into a picture. You're starting say a scale of 20% centered on the screen and you going to scale up to 100%, and as you zoom in (scale) you want to move to the upper right corner of the image. Scaling takes place around the anchor point. The anchor point is normally the center of the image. As you move toward the upper right you're actually scaling around a point that's moving farther and farther away from where you're going. This causes overshoot, especially if the scale and center values are eased. (Scaling is not exponential anyway so this exacerbates the problem.) If you animate the anchor point to move opposite the center point, the scaling will continue to happen around the anchor point, which is now moving with you toward where you're going. It'll give you a bit better motion, but you still have to give yourself a little wiggle room.
    "Let me give you some numbers. I'm starting with an image that's 3600x2670. At it's start the image is centered and scaled to 24%. I can't go all the way to 20% because I'll get overshoot on the start when I put on easing because scale is logarithmic, while center is arithmetic. At the end of the motion the image is scaled to 100. It's center is now -1335, 932. (Again because of overshoot I can't go much closer to the edge.) Easing is set for center and scale, and as I'm sure you've seen you get the image sliding off the screen even with leaving the slack that I did. Now add the anchor point animation. Set the start keyframe at 0,0 the same as the center point. Set the end keyframe to 1335, -932, the opposite of the center keyframe and you'll get a motion that stays in the screen. If you could set easing for the anchor point it would be even smoother, but that's not practical in the FCP interface. You get a little snaking effect at the end. All in all pretty inadequate for good motion control.
    "I tried it Motion as well. The first problem is the application can't handle the image at full resolution. It could do the movement with scale animation and a motion path behavior. It was kind of adequate, but easing on the scaling was pretty poor and didn't achieve good results.
    A major issue in both applications is the the scaling starts quickly and gets slower and slower. This is because of the lack of exponential scaling, and until this is addressed neither application will be more than barely adequate at best when it comes to large scale motion control. Basically neither of them are acceptable for professional work on large format, large scale images. I won't even go into how totally inadequate FCP is for easing stop and go motion."

  • Converted Symbol can't be Pasted into Keyframe: Motion Tweening

    I have two files one is called tween_start.fla and the other is called tween_end.fla I am trying to create a motion tween where the animation begins at tween_start.fla and ends at tween_end.fla Each file consists of 7 shapes (it's a tangram if you're curious). At frame 10 of the tween_start.fla timeline I right-click on each layer and do Insert Blank Keyframe. Then I go to tween_end.fla click on a shape and do Modify>Convert to Symbol. Then I go back to the timeline for tween_start.fla, right-click on frame 10 and do Paste Frames or Insert Keyframe. If I do Paste Frames with all of the symbols I've created in tween_end.fla then the shapes end up stacked on top of each other. If I do Insert Keyframe it doesn't insert the symbol I've just created, instead it just keeps the same shapes that were at the first frame of tweet_start.fla. So how do I insert the symbols from tween_end.fla into the tenth frame of tweet_start.fla and then execute a motion tween between the frames?

    I have created the same number of keyframes and kept the layers the same as you suggested and it still doesn't work. What I don't understand about this problem is, how does the timeline know that what you are pasting into the keyframe is the new symbol that you have just created? There is no command that says Copy Symbol and when you paste into the keyframes you can only choose Insert Frame, Insert Keyframe, or Paste Frames so how do you get it to paste the symbol you just made? Thanks for your help anyway.

  • Smooth Slow motion - THIS IS HOW !

    Just thought i'd throw this in to try and give back a little to these boards.
    I have seen slo motion come up quite a bit .
    I work with alot of action footage and beat match soundtracks so speed changes are important to me!
    I work in DV PAL - this should still work for NTSC!
    Change the speed of your clip in FC via any one of the 3 methods that are available.
    Anything below 50%starts to look choppy on the standard settings
    Double click on the clip - go to the viewer -that now references the clip to be retimed - click on motion tab - go to motion blur and check the box
    Here is the trick - set motion blur to ZERO and resample 16 or 32 times
    render away.
    voila !- pretty good smooth slo mo that can get down to as low as 20% and still look pretty good!

    Oh James you beat me to the response.
    I just tried the OPs technique on a wide shot of a baseball double play @ 40% slowmo. It looks much better than the choppy slo mo that I would have had to settle with. I purposely chose a wide shot because I wanted to see if the blur would make a distracting visual difference. It does of course on a wide shot, (at least for my eye) but I bet on medium and clos-ups it's a true gem.
    Thanks Oz for the post

  • How do you create a smooth slow motion

    Attached are both the original clip, 2 second long, and 5 times slower clip of the original.
    for some reason the slow motion is not smooth. is there a way to make it smooth?

    If your camcorder can shoot 60p, import that clip, then right-click it and Modify > Interpret. The frame rate should show up as 59.94, go ahead and change that to 29.97 and then put the clip on the timeline. This should have the result of doubling the length of the clip and providing silky smooth 50% slow motion (without adding Speed Change, leave that at 100%).
    Just picked up a new GoPro Hero 3 White, and it has 720p60 and I tried the above and it looks nice! The more expensive GoPros offer 720p120 and that should yield excellent 25% slow motion using the same methods. With the waterproof housing and wide angle lens, you could get right up close to that waterfall!

  • How can I smooth keyframes when moving objects onscreen?

    This "effect handle" nomenclature is what we're using now, I guess. But if we can't move an object onscreen without slamming it around like a rider on a bull, that's ridiculous. The keyframe smoothing functionality must be there somewhere. Where is it?

    on the timeline there is a little tab on top of your clips where you can view all of the animation properties of that clip. If you right click between the two keyframes you will get an interpolation box that you can chose from.

  • How about using a 60fps video for a smooth slow motion effect in a 30fps project ?

    Hey all,
    I happen to have a video camera that is able to shoot either in 720p/60fps or 720p/30fps.
    As you guessed it, 60 fps mode is very useful for action sports when you want to do some slow motion effect running very smoothly.
    I have few questions I would love to be answered, and I was not able to find answers till now.
    Here they are :
    1/ If I want my final video file to be, let's say, 25 fps, is it mandatory that my project is 25 fps too ?
    What will happen if I do a 30fps project and that I export to a 25fps file ? Does Premiere simply remove some extra frames ? Or will it lead to a longer video ? What consequence on the final result if frames are removed ? I mean, will I be able to see any difference or will the difference remain theorical ?
    2/ Let's say I have both 30fps and 60fps videos. I set my project to 30fps. If I import my 60fps video to the timeline, it will be adjusted to 30fps and some frames disappear to keep the duration the same. Okay, this is clear to me.
    But now, what if I import my 60fps to the timeline, but set the speed to 50% ? Will Premiere apply the 50% to the original file (therefore I should have all the frames displayed on the timeline : 60/2=30 fps), or to the 30fps-adjusted file of the timeline, leading to some jerky footage?
    3/ If I want to use my 60fps for slow motion purpose in my 30fps project, would it be a good idea to right-click on this file in the project windows, going to the "modify" menu to set the image frequency to 30fps ?
    Because while doing so, if I drag the file to the timeline, I noticed it would last 2 times longer (resulting in a slow motion video) Does that mean that ALL the frames of the original video are displayed ? Can someone tell me what exactly does Premiere ?
    I would be very grateful if someone could tell me what are the correct settings to chose in order to realise the best slow motion videos as possible.
    Thanks in advance !

    With due respect... this does not answer my question and does not help me that much , but anyway, thank you for the very constructive answer ^^.
    I'm not sure I would even have considered doing this by myself...
    I hope I do not get this kind of answer because you feel like my question was silly or unpolite... To my mind this was a pretty serious question.
    Shooternz, next time you need to go 150 km far away from where you are, go by feet rather than with a car, I'm sure you will have plenty of satisfaction too. Just cross the fingers for you not to be in a hurry while it's raining outside.
    Well, I may be naive but i thought some experts already had the answer to this (I guess I'm not the only one who intend to do some slo mo), and would have been kind enough to share this knowledge with me. That's what sometimes happens in communities.
    Please note I do not intend others to do the job for me, I'm just asking if someone already knows the answer.
    I asked this question because I couldn't find any documentation about this, and I guess asking on internet was the next step, as testing would be like the last resort, being very time consuming.
    It was easy to check the effect of dragging a file to the timeline to see if it played normally or not, but it's definitely not to count and compare each frame of some sample file to find if some are lacking, or have been doubled or what....
    I assume I would be very happy with just a simple theorical answer either...
    So once again, if someone already has been into such questions, I would really pleased him or her to share or report what they experienced. Thanks in advance.

  • Smooth Slow Motion

    I am looking for a way to create 50 percent slow motion based on odd and even fields. Instead of replicating the odd or even field to make a 15 frames per second, jittery, slow motion, I want to separate the odd and even field, and then interpolate the missing half frame, thus producing a 30 frame per second smooth motion clip that is based on the 60 half frames per second frame rate of video. I know this can be done because Premiere does it automatically. Note: I am not trying to make smooth motion where there is a half translucent image of the preceding frame always on top of the current frame.

    Okay, I think Graeme Nattress wrote a plugin to do that, but here's a way to do it in FCP...
    Cut your clip on V1 and V2, slow each down 50% with no frame blending. On each clip put the de-interlace filter, on V1 take it from field 1, on V2 take it from field 2. Now apply the blink filter and set it for 1 frame on and 1 frame off. This way it will take first one frame from V1, then one from V2, etc...
    Mind you this is a lot of monkey motion, but it should give you the effect you are looking for.
    Try it, post back...

  • Smoothing slow motion

    Hi everyone. I'm using fcp7 and I do skateboarding videography. I'm using a Sony PD170 at 29 frames per sec. When I add a slow motion to a clip it doesn't look really clear, I'm slowing it down 65%. Is there an effect or something that I can add to it to make it smoother? Thanks for your help.

    I'm using fcp7 and I do skateboarding videography. I'm using a Sony PD170 at 29 frames per sec. When I add a slow motion to a clip it doesn't look really clear, I'm slowing it down 65%. Is there an effect or something that I can add to it to make it smoother? < </div>
    We see this post from-- interestingly, skate auteurs-- often so there is some searching you can do to discover past threads.
    The issue is probably your shutter speed, not the number of framesper seconds. The 170 can only shoot NTSC at 29.97fps. Fast action requires more frames per second to allow more descreet slices to spread out. But if you were shooting at the default shutter of 1/60th second, your skater has moved a great distance while the shutter is open creating image/motion blur that cannot be removed.
    If you were shooting at, say, 1/250 or 1/2,000th second, your individual frames would be crisp and you might be able to separate the fields out from the frames for twice the number of discreet slices of time at the cost of the loss of half the vertical resolution resolution, only half of the horizontal lines would be available in each field.

Maybe you are looking for