SMS messages using IOS5

Hi, am reciving text messages with no content. I have reset my phone, turned it off and on but still not working. Help!

If you mean iMessage.... it uses data, so the only charges are for data usage.
If you are roaming and using iMessage, then you will be charged the appropriate rate for roaming data usage.
If on Wi-Fi, there are no charges from the carrier.
Regardless, there are never charges from Apple... you might get clearer answers about charges from the carrier.

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    I was dealing with this last week. On a mobile phone, you use an email center number. This is not the same as an SMS message center number. Your carrier may not call it this. Cingular calls it a routing number. Anyway, its a three digit number. For Cingular its 121, on VoiceStream, its 500.
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    The first run of Messages will ask you to enter an Apple ID to "register' with iMessages.
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    If you then press the + icon to add you will get the choices you posted.
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    As Diane then points out you can link this to your iPhone number.
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    I have my Mac version set to start from my Apple ID and the iPhone from it's number.
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    This is apparently coming with iOS 8 and OS 10.10 (Yosemite)
    An AIM account can send SMS Messages but only to a limited number of USA based phone users on these carriers.
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    Mocked up number  (It not really an auto responder although you do get sent back and Error message about it not being valid)
    8:37 pm      Sunday; July 13, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

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    throw new Exception("File not found");
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    byte[] abyPicture = new byte[oInputStream.available()]; );

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    What is your technical question?

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    Can someone help?
    Is there something I am missing?
    Message was edited by: Host

    You are not missing something here and no one here can help you. This is not an included Bluetooth profile with the iPhone at the present time anyway.
    If you purchased your iPhone within the last 14 days, you can return it for credit less a 10% restocking fee and if not, here is Apple's feedback link for the iPhone.

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    Hi Steve,
    Have you tried dealing with the return value from your macro? If you are invoking the MsgBox function in your test macro, you may need to allow the return value from MsgBox to pass thru back to AS. Something like :
    set MyRetCode to run VB macro "Macintosh HD:Users:xxx:Desktop:test.xls!test"
    (Note unless you've changed the hard drive name to "hard drive", the default boot drive name will probably be "Macintosh HD". Case does matter here)
    I also suspect you'll need to have Entourage up as well in the full case of running a macro in Entourage from Excel (or the other way around). Hence, the command ActivateMicrosoftApp in the Excel dictionary may also be useful.
    Second, you can have a macro, in a startup template, in Entourage call a macro in a startup template in Excel to accomplish what you want without going into AppleScript at all. This latter, VB-only, method will require a "Reference", as it's called in VBA, to be added to the TemplateProject in Entourage that points to the Excel macro you want to fire off. The added benefit of this latter method is that you will have access to the full range of VBA commands/options, rather than the smaller dictionary available in AS.
    PB G4   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

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    Problem solved
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    I just discovered that it's related to iMessage. If you have the e-mail sound turned on in settings-sounds-new mail, it give you one tone for the iMessage and the second tone because you are receiving the iMessage at your e-mail address. This seems to me like it's a bug and that they should only give one tone for an iMessage and still allow us to receive tones for e-mails. Hopefully it'll be fixed in the next iOS release! :) As a workardoun until then, if you turn off the email sound, you'll only get one tone for a message, but you won't get any e-mail tones.

  • How to recover deleted sms text messages using iMessage.

    I accidently deleted an entire text conversation on my iPhone, and would like to recover it.  I understand I can restore a backup from iCloud but the last back I made was over 6 months ago and I do not want to lose the last 6 months of data when i back up the whole phone. But i noticed that in iMessage (on my macbook air) the entire conversation I want to restore is still there. Does anyone know of a way to either....
    1. Restore the iPhone SMS conversation using the iMessage version  or
    2. Restore only SMS conversations with iCloud without replacing the rest of the phone data

    1. no
    2. restoring from a backup is all or nothing.

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