Snow Leopard and FCE 3.5

Am running 3.5 and in the middle of a project.
Snow Leopard was installed on my computer and am now having all kinds of problems with FCE.
If I install FCE 4 is that going to cause problems with current project? What about uninstalling Snow Leopard?

Hi Al
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, have Mac OSX v10.5 something. . . .Leopard, I think it is. Of course, now it's Snow Leopard and QT10.
The preference around here is to stay with Snow Leopard, get FCE4 and hope I can update the project. Even if I have to reconstruct the project, it's not the end of the world. I've saved the media (title created in Live Type, etc) and didn't get too far with it yet.
My real question is FCE4. I'm happy as a clam with 3.5. Is 4 OK? I've not done much research about it.

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    Go to the  menu/About This Mac - what OS version shows there?
    Do a backup, preferably 2 separate ones on 2 separate drives.
    Revert to a Previous OS X
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    If you do revert, I'd use Setup Assistant to restore your data. This process takes a while, so do it when you won't need the computer for several hours, based on my experience.

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    Here are the directions:



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    Absollutely. This is a very common practice whenever a new OS or OS update comes out. By far the best way to do what you want is to install Lion onto an external firewire 800 disk, then boot off it when you want to use Lion and boot off your iMac's internal disk when you want to use Snow Leopard. USB 2 will work, but firewire 800 will be faster.
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    LibreOffice (donation-supported)
    NeoOffice (free)
    OpenOffice (free)
    In addition to the above I also recommend Apple's Pages ($19.99). I use OpenOffice and Pages and have been completely Microsoft - free for years. Life is better without Microsoft.

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