Snow Leopard on late 2007 Macbook?

I have a late-2007 model Macbook. Is it possible to run Snow Leopard 10.6.8? I just updated my iPhone 4 to iOS 7 and was told that I then had to update iTunes to v11.1, which requires an OS update from my current 10.5.8. I know I can't run Mountain Lion, but can I use Snow Leopard on this machine?

Yes, Snow Leopard will run on all MacBooks. The 10.6 Snow Leopard DVD is in the Apple online store. You can get it for $19.99.
System Requirements for 10.6:
Mac computer with an Intel processor
1GB of memory
5GB of available disk space
DVD drive for installation
Some features require a compatible internet service provider: fees may apply.

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    I have been trying to perform an erase and reinstall of this machine for my daughter to use.  The ram had been upgraded to 2GB, and my son had it partitioned to run Windows also.  There was never any problem with the machine -- I just bought him a new MacBook Pro last year.
    So - I have successfully performed the "erase" part - but Snow Leopard (from retail discs - that this machine had been upgraded to) will not complete installation.  I have gotten as far as "28 minutes remaining" and then it hangs up - spinning beachball - etc.. I hear the drive start up, and then stop, over and over.
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    Thanks in advance,

    kiminfl wrote:
    Ok - so I am back into Disk Utility (booted from disk and selected disk utility).  There are 2 hard drive icons on the left hand side ' 60.01 GB Toshiba, and then below it (indented) "Untitled".
    The 60GB Toshiba is your entire boot hard drive, the "Untitled" below it is a partition on that drive if it's indented or else it's the optical drive.
    What you want to do is select the "60GB toshiba" and click Erase, then Security Option > Zero All Data and click Erase, this will map off any bad sectors that old drive might have. Will take some time so wait about a hour.
    (Ideally it would be good to replace it with a newer/larger one)
    Install/upgrade RAM or storage drive in Mac's
    Once that is complete you head to Partition: Select 1 Option: GUID and Format: OS X Extended Journaled, give the drive a name and click "Apply"
    Now your drive is formatted, quit Disk Uitlity and select the drive and install OS X 10.6.
    Once it's completed reboot and setup, enter your wifi/network and get online and Apple menu Software update until clear.
    The machine is ready to use.
    How to erase and install Snow Leopard 10.6

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    OSX directory structures get a little wierd over time (thus the "Repair Disk" item under DU which many people need for very minor fixes).
    Also some of your system files may have been living on hard disk sectors that were questionable, and the upgrade process forced enough of a re-evaluation of disk sectors to find good ones.
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    <Following OSXFreak> ... Or maybe I know nothing about Tiger ... which is very likely.

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    You cannot use the install disks which came with another computer (if that is in fact what you are doing); you have to use a retail Leopard install set.

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    Do you mean some of your software does not work in Lion? Do you want to return to using Snow Leopard? If so, then do this:
    Downgrade Lion to Snow Leopard
    1.  Boot from your Snow Leopard Installer Disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button.  When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
    2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Note the SMART status of the drive in DU's status area.  If it does not say "Verified" then the drive is failing or has failed and will need replacing.  SMART info will not be reported  on external drives. Otherwise, click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Quit DU and return to the installer. Install Snow Leopard.
    This will erase the whole drive so be sure to backup your files if you don't have a backup already. If you have performed a TM backup using Lion be aware that you cannot restore from that backup in Snow Leopard (see below.) I suggest you make a separate backup using Carbon Copy Cloner 3.4.1.
    If you have Snow Leopard Time Machine backups, do a full system restore per #14 in Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions.  If you have subsequent backups from Lion, you can restore newer items selectively, via the "Star Wars" display, per #15 there, but be careful; some Snow Leopard apps may not work with the Lion files.

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    I've got the same problem - did you get any help on this?

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    It's Mountain Lion after Lion. Then Mavericks (10.9) and Yosemite (10.10, current OS).
    The older OS's still work just fine, though you may find that security updates don't get released for them. I haven't seen anything about such updates not being released for Lion so far, though Snow Leopard has been left behind the last few times an update was released. I would not be surprised if Lion gets dropped sooner rather than later.
    The only other issue is that Safari would probably too old to work well on some websites (Gmail, for example, will show you a message that says the browser isn't supported), but you can switch to Firefox or Chrome to get around that issue.
    There are free programs that do about the same as Microsoft Office - Libre Office ( is one of them. Office for Mac is kinda pricey unless you can get it through a school or work license. They may end up releasing a new version in the next year or two, though they've been pushing the Office 365 subscriptions instead so who knows.
    Software developers for the most part are pretty good about including the older OS's - many of them only require Snow Leopard (10.6), so that's a plus!
    Best of luck with the upgrade - I think you'll find it breathes new life into that computer of yours

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    Why can't I upgrade to yosemite? I'm currently running snow leopard on my white macbook.

    White MacBooks are NOT eligible to upgrade to either 10.8 Mounain Lion, 10.9 Mavericks or 10.10 Yosemite.
    You maybe able to upgrade your white MacBook to OS X 10.7 Lion
    OS X Lion system requirements
    To use Lion, make sure your computer has the following:
    An Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or Xeon processor
    Mac OS X v10.6.6 or later to install via the Mac App Store (v10.6.8 recommended)
    7 GB of available disk space
    2 GB of RAM
    You can purchase a OS X 10.7 Download code here.
    Before embarking on a major OS upgrade, it would be wise, advisable and very prudent if you backup your current system to an external connected and Mac formatted Flash drive OR externally connected USB, Thunderbolt or FireWire 800, Mac formatted hard drive. Then, use either OS X Time Machine app to backup your entire system to the external drive OR purchase, install and use a data cloning app, like CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper, to make an exact and bootable copy (clone) of your entire Mac's internal hard drive. This step is really needed in case something goes wrong with the install of the new OS or you simply do not like the new OS, you have a very easy way/procedure to return your Mac to its former working state.
    If you run any older Mac software from the earlier PowerPC Macs, then none of this software will work with the newer OS X versions (10.7 and onward). OS X Snow Leopard had a magical and invisible PowerPC emulation application, called Rosetta, that worked seamlessly in the background that still allowed older PowerPC coded software to still operate in a Intel CPU Mac.
    The use of Rosetta ended with OS X Snow Leopard as the Rosetta application was licensed to Apple, from a software company called Transitive, which got bought out, I believe, by IBM and Appe  could no longer secure their rights to continue to use Rosetta in later versions of OS X.
    So, you would need to check to see if you have software on your Mac that maybe older than, say, 2006 or older.
    Also, check for app compatibilty  here.
    If you have any commercial antivirus installed and/or hard drive cleaning apps installed on your Mac, like MacKeeper, CleanMyMac, TuneUpMyMac, MacCleanse, etc. now would be a good time to completely uninstall this apps by doing a Google search to learn how to properly uninstall these types of apps.
    These types of apps will only cause your Mac issues later after the install of the new OS X version and you will have to completely uninstall these types of apps later.
    Once you have determined all of this, you should be able download OS X 10.7 Luon from the Mac App Store icon in the OS X Dock and then login to the Mac App Store using your Apple ID and password.
    You can then begin the download and installation process by using the paid download code to Download and install OS X 10.7 Lion rom the Mac App Store.
    Good Luck!

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    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Same problem, though with an early-2008 MBP. Things worked fine with 10.6.x and as soon as I went to 10.9 the external display stopped working.
    The first time I plug in the adaptor (whether or not there is a video cable attached) the screen goes black and nothing shows up on the external screen. When I unplug the adaptor, I get the display back on the MBP but it's at low resolution and it has put me at the general login screen. When I put the adaptor back in the second time, it essentially locks up the display to where it is black and no key presses or adaptor removals brings the display back. I have to reset the MBP by holding down the power button. I submitted a bug report too, but have no faith Apple will do anything. Big fail, Apple.

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    How can I install Snow Leopard on my 15" MacBook Pro without using its DVD drive?

    I'm assuming your dvd drive is broken? if you have a thumb drive large enough (8GB or better), you can use another computer to make a bootable image from the install dvd to the thumb drive. then you can install from the the thumb drive.
    that's a step by step walkthrough.

  • How do I reinstall Snow Leopard on an erased MacBook?

    I think I did something stupid. I used the Disk Utility Tool from a booted Snow Leopard installation disk to erase my Mac partition. I needed to erase all old data. My Windows XP partition works fine. My previous Mac partition still exists but has nothing on it. At first I thought the installation disk was bad. However, I have gotten through about 10 minutes of the installation several times, but I keep getting an error saying it is unable to copy files for the installation. I have used the booted installation Disk Utility to repair the partition a couple of times and everything runs OK. I no longer have the orignial restore disks so that is out as an option unless I can find them or some to borrow that happen to match this MacBook. Again, the machine was running fine until I decided to do a clean installation the way I did. I have since discovered from the Apple Web site that I should after run the installation from the same session where I zero-erased the partition. Thanks. In over 20 years of using and supporting Macs I have not seen this problem before.

    Thanks for your quick response. I am sorry for taking so long to give feedback. You were sort of right, but I never could boot from a different optical drive. However, your idea reinforced an idea we have been kicking around.
    With firewire, I teathered my MacBook Pro (with Snow Leopard) to the leopardless MacBook. (Remember the MacBook did have two functioning partitions and the Boot Camp partition was working fine. The Mac partition had been erased.)
    With the MacBook off, I booted the MacBook Pro and inserted the Snow Leopard installation disk. Then I powered on the MacBook while holding down the T key. The two MacBook partitions jumped up on my MacBook Pro and I started the installation from disk to the troubled MacBook Mac partition. The installation was quick and flawless.
    I still don't know if my built-in DVD drive has a problem. It might.
    Whatever the cause, now it works. Thanks for sharing your ideas and giving me a push to try some other out-of-the-MacBook solutions.
    -- JM

  • I'm about to install snow leopard on my 2006 macbook, OSX 10.4.11. I read that I'm supposed to copy my old OS to an external drive before hand. Why is this? What does it accomplish? If I upgrade to 10.6.3, why do I need a copy of my old 10.4.11?

    I'm about to install snow leopard onto my 2006 macbook with OSX 10.4.11. I read that I should copy my old OSX to an external drive before I start. Why? What is the purpose of this? Once I have snow leopard, why do I want a copy of 10.4.11? Won't I be able to import what I need while installing?   Also, what is the point of partitioning my disk?  I don't understand what that's for if I'm only going to run one OS on there. Any experience or advice is greatly appreciated.

    It is always wise to have a copy of your latest working system ... preferably on an external drive.   As Neil says, you may run into trouble and if you do you can always return to the original situation and start again.
    Once you have installed Snow Leopard (an excellent system if I might say so) then you probably won't need 10.4.11 though you can never have enough back ups in my opinion.   It's amazing how often a need arises.
    Having a backup on an external drive allays the need to partion your hard iMac drive for the same purpose..

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