Solution for TABLESPACE Isuue .

Hi all,
In our XI system the Tablespace becomes full frequently and we keep on adding some space to it. Is there any other solution to it.. ? As adding space is not a good idea. can we clear the tablespace memory .
Please help

Check this recent detailed discussion: Deleting XML messages, database growing

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    ...// 5 nested elements or collections of elements
    <student id="2">
    <student id="3">
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    I don't know which version you have regarding 11g, but probably in this case I would go for a table with a XMLType Binary XML column. To make xpath and other statements perform use Structured or Unstructured XMLIndexes to support your queries. The following has worked for far smaller XML documents but the millions we used were good for a total of >> 1 TB total storage size...
    (    "ID" NUMBER(15,0),
          "DOC" "SYS"."XMLTYPE"
    -- XMLSCHEMA ""
    CREATE INDEX test_xmlindex on XMLTEST_data (doc) indextype is xdb.xmlindex
                 XMLTable test_cnt_tab_ParentInfo
                 GroupingID01 VARCHAR2(4000) PATH ''Parent/GroupingID'',
                 GroupingID02 VARCHAR2(4000) PATH ''Parent/Parent/GroupingID''

  • What is best solution for backup ?

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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Justin
    There are many possible ways to backup your database. You must decide the one that suits your environment.
    Following is the list of options that you have.
    1. Take Online Backups
    Issue this command to freeze tablespaces
    Copy all the files belonging to this tablespace to your backup location using OS commands.
    Release the tablespace by using this command.
    To find the data files belonging to a particular tablespace you can issue this statement
    SQL>SELECT file_name, tablespace_name FROM dba_data_files ORDER BY tablespace_name;
    2. If your db size is not BIG then you can take logical backups. Logical Backups can be FULL or incremental. In 10g you can have filesets to spilit your logical backups in more than one file with specified sizes. (By Logical Backups I mean EXPORT).
    To take export for example issue this command.
    ORACLE_HOME\bin\exp file=fullpath+filename.dmp log=fullpath+logfilename.log FULL=Y userid=system/pwd@dbconnectstring
    To get full list of export parameters type
    ORACLE_HOME\bin\exp help=y
    3. RMAN (Strongly recommended) but you ruled out its possibility so I won't elaborate on that.
    To perform this type of backup you will need to shutdown your database by issuing this command.
    (On RAC you will need to shutdown all the instances before copying files to the backup location).
    Use OS copy command to copy files to backup location.
    (This method is not recommended as it will flush your SGA and your client will complain about performance for the first few hours).
    Let me know if you need more details.
    Hopefully this helps.

  • Seeking a solution for synchronization of sequences in expdp

    Hi all,
    When i am exporting tablespaces from a live database, first the tables are being exported and then the sequences. and while these sequences are being exported, as this is the live database, the sequences are getting modified because of new insertions. So i am getting a conflict with sequences not being exported correctly.
    I am using Linux OS with oracle version
    Please provide me a solution for this.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Ravi kumar

    Sequences get exported before the table data. I find that kind of annoying too that the sequences can be behind the data after an import. To get around this problem I run the following to create a script that will regen the sequences. Do this any time after the export is complete and you will have no problem.
    set linesize 300
    set heading off
    set trimspool on
    set trimout on
    set pagesize 0
    spool regen_seq.sql
    Select 'DROP SEQUENCE '       || sequence_owner ||'.' || sequence_name || ';' || chr(10)
           'CREATE SEQUENCE '             || sequence_owner ||'.' || sequence_name ||
           ' MINVALUE '                   || min_value     ||
           ' MAXVALUE '                   || max_value     || chr(10) || '      ' ||
           ' INCREMENT BY '               || increment_by  ||
    --       ' START WITH 1'                 ||
           ' START WITH '                 || last_number   ||
           ' CACHE '                      || DECODE(cache_size, 0, 20, 1, 20, cache_size)    ||
    --       ' CACHE '                      || cache_size    ||
           ' '                            || DECODE(order_flag,'N','NOORDER', 'ORDER')  ||
           ' '                            || DECODE(cycle_flag,'N','NOCYCLE', 'CYCLE')  ||
           ';'                            || chr(10) || chr(10) || chr(10)
      From dba_sequences
    Where sequence_owner = '<my schema>'
    spool off

  • Providing DRC solution for ATMs in the enterprise network

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    I am looking for ideas on how to provide a Disaster Recovery solution for thousands of ATMs (Automated Teller Machine) deployed in the bank enterprise network. The solution should consider
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    what kind of solution are you looking for ?
    Is the concern the connection from ATM to central location ?
    Or is it a concern about the server at the central location ?
    For connection issues, I don't see any other solution than providing multiple lines.
    If the concern is the single server, you could have a loadbalancer somewhere in your network.
    The loadbalancer can use probes to check the health of the server.
    If the primary fails, or is unreachable, you can automatically redirect the traffic to the standby.
    ATM machines will point to the virtual ip (you could reuse the current ip and assign a new one to the servers).
    Not sure where to place the loadbalancer without a better idea of the problem to solve and the network.

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    thanks in advance.

    Consider MS System Center 2012.

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    I haven't been able to find any answers for this question by googling, So I would love if anyone here had some advice. I have the 10 License version of Final Cut Studio with 5 clients at the moment. I would like to set-up our office in the most effective way, however we are a non-profit organization, so we are working with a limited budget.
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    I hope this is a decent description of my situation, and would love some advice.
    Thanks Very Much,

    I haven't been able to find any answers for this question by googling, So I would love if anyone here had some advice. I have the 10 License version of Final Cut Studio with 5 clients at the moment. I would like to set-up our office in the most effective way, however we are a non-profit organization, so we are working with a limited budget.
    My question is, does anyone know of any networking solutions for Proxy Storage and Media storage, that wont bottleneck, but is not as high budget/high tech as using an Xserve/XSan system?
    Right now we would be looking at running Final Cut Server off of our 24inch Intel IMac (Going to beef up the RAM). We have a Gigabit Switch, 4 more intel machines running final Cut pro, and a direct attached Drobo for Media Storage. I know this is not an Ideal set-up, but it's what I have to work with right now. So, I'm looking for any kinds of tips and tricks to make this set-up work for us, and am looking at purchasing either a Network Attached or iscsI storage system for the Proxy Storage.
    I hope this is a decent description of my situation, and would love some advice.
    Thanks Very Much,

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    This article should help resolve your blank pages:
    Give the steps listed under your operating system a try and let us know if it helps.
    Best of Luck!
    You can say thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in my post. If my post resolves your problem, please mark it as Accepted Solution so others can benefit too.

  • Solution for scanning multiple pages from inside the form6i/10g

    Hi All,
    I need to scan multiple pages from Oracle forms (6i/10g) using a scanner which is scanning multiple pages per minute. Can any one post a solution for me.

    here are the two ways I use to scan images.
    1) if the image is a single TIF image then d2kwutil can upload the image into a BLOB field on the database (but it is limited to only SINGLE-page TIFs).
    2) if the image is a single or multi-page PDF, then your forms client must copy the image to a filesystem location known by the database (where the filesystem location is a directory on the database), and then the database can import the image into a BLOB field within the database.
    either solutions work pretty fast for me (<10 seconds per image)

  • Solution for: no audio in time line - conforming issues - unspecified error occurred

    these are all the same issue and i have the solution for it.
    Adobe has once again let down the non professional user but ignoring this bug. They have also deleted alot of my other posts on the adobe forums.. perhaps so you cannot receive help from me?? who freakin knows..
    b Problem:
    you import your footage and there is no audio in the time line. you see the audio clip there but no information in it. some people say its because of MPEG format but MPEG files works fine in Windows Movie Maker, Ulead, Pinnacle, Sony Vegas.. etc...
    let it be known that its an Adobe Premiere issue.
    b Solution:
    b step 1:
    close adobe premiere
    b step 2:
    open My Computer and go to tools at the top. From the drop down menu go to folder options. In folder options click the view tab. In the advanced settings section where it says 'Hidden files and folders' make sure 'show hidden files and folders' is selected.
    b step 3:
    open My computer and go to c:\ drive > Documents and settings. Now click into your user name (NOT 'All users') in my case its 'proGamer'. Now click into 'Application Data' > 'Adobe' > 'common' > 'Media Cache Files'.
    b step 4:
    in this folder find the files you were just trying to import by searching the name. in my case its file: 20081217030338. you will now see 3 different file types with the same file name you were importing: CFA, PEK, MPGINDEX. delete them all!
    b step 5:
    go back and open adobe premiere, open up your project again and it will automatically recreate those files you just deleted. hopefully correctly.
    b NOTE:
    If this hasn't worked then open your adobe premiere project, clear all trace of the files with no audio and start again from step 1. then after step 5 just import the files back into your project.
    This has proved to work with every file i've imported that had the audio not conformed.
    b your second option:
    simply play your clip in WMV or VLC or what ever player you use and record the audio in real time in stereo by using some music editing like cubase or logic audio. you can also use something more friendly like 'recordpad' found here: now you can buy it from these guys or get it how ever else you like
    lemme know how u go

    I've read plenty of places that they know about the bug and are going to fix it. Will from Adobe said so in a few older posts. It's also listed as an issue in the 4.0.1 readme.
    I agree that this is the most screwed up Adobe release ever but I doubt they're deleting your posts to hide it. Never know though.....
    "Adobe has once again let down the non professional user but ignoring this bug" I actually wish Adobe would forget the consumers and make Premiere Pro more friendly to professionals. Dozens of multimillion dollar movies have been edited with Avid and Final Cut over the past few years. Adobe doesn't put forth any effort make Premiere a pro application. Because they pander to the consumers and prosumers they end up messing up the product for everybody.
    Premiere Elements is for consumers, Premiere Pro should be for the 'Pros'

  • Is there a solution for Higher Ed Computer Labs?

    I am an instructional Technician for the Photography Department at a Community College. We currently purchase and use the Creative Suite 6 Design & Web Premium here in the Photography, Graphics and Journalism departments. We have over 150 Macintosh computers licensed with your product and we are very interested in the Creative Cloud.
    Currently we purchase the licenses for all of our student and faculty computers, we are hoping that you will be developing an education solution for computer labs like ours.
    What we would like to see is an arrangement that would allow our students to subscribe to the Creative Cloud for a three-month period that would be paid for prior to the first day of classes. This would avoid classroom disruptions from students failing to pay if the subscription was on a month-to-month basis.
    While I understand that the current Student and Teacher edition at $19.95 is a limited promotion, a price of $20–$25 per month or $75 for a three-month period would be less than the cost of a textbook and could be easily charged as a class fee.
    A potential problem is that students sometimes do not use the same computer all the time. If students are taking multiple classes in different labs, they need to be able to access the programs on several computers. I am currently subscribed to the free trial month and my impression is that the subscription is dependent on logging in with an Adobe ID. If this is the case, students should be able to use this log in to access the software they need on whatever computer they are at as long as they have an active (paid) login, and are not logged in on another computer.
    As it is everywhere in education, our program budgets are tight. The Creative Cloud would allow us to save a significant amount of funds while still offering the most current technology to our students and faculty. The ability to access any software we need and allowing students the ability to access the programs at school and at home will empower both our faculty and students. Additionally, the availability of cloud storage will allow students to work on files at home and at school seamlessly.
    I am making several assumptions:
    Pricing –
    Student and faculty pricing will be available.
    A price will be established for a three-month period to facilitate a college semester.
    Access –
    Students will be able to access the programs on more than one lab computer.
    Is access controlled by logging in with an Adobe ID?
    Once the software has been installed on a computer, will any student with an Adobe ID be able to access it?
    We are hoping to be able to implement this by next fall, so I am anticipating that these details will be worked out before then.

    Great to know this I will be sharing it with my professors also.  To have the "team" version would be great!  Many problems occur for students with portable storage units.  The worst is forgetting to download a project and take it with you. which really hurts our timing on a project to completion.  Also as the projects grow in size we can end up with storage issues as some files are very large.  This sounds like a grand solution.
    Thank you for answering my question earlier Mr. Rice.  Now I need to get back to my assignments. bye.

  • TS3297 "iTunes was unable to load data class information from Sync Services." What is this solution for the new phone to sync up with my iTunes acct?

    "iTunes was unable to load data class information from Sync Services." What is this solution for this new phone to sync up with my iTunes acct?

    Hi tadhunt,
    Here is an article that directly addresses that error message:
    iTunes for Windows: "Unable to load data class" or "Unable to load provider data" sync services alert
    I hope this helps!
    - Ari

  • Want robust solution for alternating row color, resetting every group

    I would like a solution for displaying an alternating row color for my detail rows that resets every group, so that row 1 is always gray.
    Our Crystal designer provided this code to me:
    @rowcnt formula, suppressed, placed in Detail row:
    Shared numbervar rowcnt;
    rowcnt := rowcnt + 1;
    @resetrowcnt, suppressed, placed in Group row:
    Shared numbervar rowcnt;
    rowcnt := 0;
    Formatting formula, placed in Color in Detail > Section Expert:
    Shared numbervar rowcnt;
    if Remainder(rowcnt, 2) <> 0 then
    This was working fine for me.
    However, it is suddenly not working in one of my reports.
    The report does happen to have two groups (rowcount.png).
    When the report is run, all rows are colored (rowcount02.png).
    This report was previously working fine!  I'm not sure what changed.
    In any case... surely there must be standard code to do this very standard formatting.
    I would be very grateful if someone could post some robust code to accomplish the following:
    - Data in Detail row displays alternating row colors
    - Odd rows are always shaded, even rows not
    - Banding resets every group / does not continue pattern from previous group
    Some of our reports place row data in a group row (just the way it happened).
    If you could also modify your code in this case.
    Thank you!

    Hi Abhilash/Sastry, since I'm going to switch to Sastry's formulas, could you please confirm correctness of the following. I can't actually run this report, I can only provide it to our London office, bit of a lag for testing.
    Numbervar cnt:=0;
    if {HedgeDetails.StrategyID} <> previous({HedgeDetails.StrategyID}) and
    {HedgeDetails.DealID} <> previous({HedgeDetails.DealID}) then
         Numbervar cnt:=cnt+1;
    Details section (Suppress):
    not(OnFirstRecord) and
    {HedgeDetails.StrategyID}=previous({HedgeDetails.StrategyID}) and
    Please note: Suppress checkbox is selected AND the above formula is entered.
    Details section (Color):
    Numbervar cnt;
    if cnt mod 2 <> 0 Then color(241,241,241) else crwhite

  • Ever since the last update, My iTunes continues to quit unexpectedly. It will open for one second and then close. Anyone have a solution for this. Please help.

    Ever since the last update, My iTunes continues to quit unexpectedly. It will open for one second and then close. Anyone have a solution for this. Please help.
    I've tried my best to troubleshoot. . . opening in safe mode nothing seems to work.
    In the problem report, this is the error that stood out:
    Crashed Thread:  8  Dispatch queue:
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000090

    Hi there navicin79,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the articles below helpful. The first thing I would try is reinstalling iTunes as outlined in the first article.
    Troubleshooting iTunes installation on Mac OS X
    OS X Mavericks: If an app freezes or quits unexpectedly
    -Griff W. 

  • I have installed 2010 microsoft office 2010 home and business version for my laptop,and i have installed lync 2013.Now i want create online lync meeting from outlook,but i am unable view that lync icon in outlook.Please give me the solution for this que

    I have installed 2010 Microsoft office 2010 home and business version for my laptop,and I have installed lync 2013.Now i want create online lync meeting from outlook,but i am unable view that lync icon in outlook.Please give me the solution for this issue.

    Hi Raghavendar,
    Generally, when you install Lync 2013 in the computer with Office 2010, a Lync Meeting Add-in will be installed and enabled in Outlook 2010. Please follow these steps to check it:
    1. In Outlook, click the File tab, click Options, and then click
    2. Please take one of the following actions:
    If the add-in is in the Inactive Application Add-ins list, follow these steps:
    a. In the Manage drop-down list at the bottom of the dialog box, click
    COM Add-ins, and then click Go.
    b. Click to select the check box next to the add-in, and then click OK.
    The New Online Meeting button should now be available in
    Calendar View, and the Online Meeting button should be available when you create a new calendar item.
    If the add-in is in the Disabled Application add-ins list, follow these steps:
    a. In the Manage drop-down list at the bottom of the dialog box, click
    Disabled Items, and then click Go.
    b. Select the add-in, and then click Enable.
    c. Restart Outlook, and then verify that the add-in is displayed in the
    Add-ins dialog box.
    The New Online Meeting button should now be available in
    Calendar View, and the Online Meeting button should now be available when you create a new calendar item.
    3. In Event Viewer, view the Application log to see whether an error was logged for Outlook, for Lync 2013, the Lync Meeting Add-in for Microsoft Office 2013.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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