[Solved] Add custom script to systemd

Hi !
Could be bash script added to systemd? Or should it be binary file?
I've created new service file and put him into /usr/lib/systemd/system. Also I've created /etc/systemd/system/Samba-umount.wants directory and put a simlink to '/usr/lib/systemd/system/Samba-umount.service' here.
The problem is that I can't start my Samba-umount. When tried to start it I got an error:
[root@arch archer]# systemctl start Samba-umount.service
Job for Samba-umount.service failed. See 'systemctl status Samba-umount.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
[root@arch archer]#
Here  journalctl -xn output:
[root@arch archer]# journalctl -xn
Apr 03 12:59:12 arch systemd[1]: Starting Umount samba shares...
-- Subject: Unit Samba-umount.service has begun with start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- Documentation: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/catalog/7d4958e842da4a758f6c1cdc7b36dcc5
-- Unit Samba-umount.service has begun starting up.
Apr 03 12:59:12 arch systemd[964]: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/lib/systemd/scripts/umount.sh: Exec format error
-- Subject: Process /usr/lib/systemd/scripts/umount.sh could not be executed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- Documentation: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/catalog/641257651c1b4ec9a8624d7a40a9e1e7
-- The process /usr/lib/systemd/scripts/umount.sh could not be executed and failed.
-- The error number returned while executing this process is 8.
Apr 03 12:59:12 arch systemd[1]: Samba-umount.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC
Apr 03 12:59:12 arch systemd[1]: Failed to start Umount samba shares.
-- Subject: Unit Samba-umount.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- Documentation: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/catalog/be02cf6855d2428ba40df7e9d022f03d
-- Unit Samba-umount.service has failed.
-- The result is failed.
Apr 03 12:59:12 arch systemd[1]: Unit Samba-umount.service entered failed state
Why script could not be executed? Script works fine when I starting it manually.
Here my script  (/usr/lib/systemd/scripts/umount.sh):
umount -f -l /mnt/share
umount -f -l /mnt/torr
and service file (/usr/lib/systemd/system/Samba-umount.service):
Description=Umount samba shares
What's wrong here?
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by chord (2013-04-03 22:01:36)

Thank for reply!
Yes, I want to run this script on shutdown/reboot, because systemd can't umnount share and my box hangs on every reboot/shutdown. Just hangs in 'Umount /mnt/torr' stage. So I should reset my box by hardware reset button.
Script works just fine when I starting it by hand from terminal. Chmod +x was did also.
Here systemctl status output, nothing helpful found (at least for me):
[root@arch archer]# systemctl start Samba-umount.service
Job for Samba-umount.service failed. See 'systemctl status Samba-umount.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
[root@arch archer]# systemctl status Samba-umount.service
Samba-umount.service - Umount samba shares
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/Samba-umount.service; enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2013-04-03 14:43:46 MSK; 3s ago
Process: 693 ExecStart=/usr/lib/systemd/scripts/umount.sh (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
Apr 03 14:43:46 arch systemd[1]: Starting Umount samba shares...
Apr 03 14:43:46 arch systemd[1]: Samba-umount.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC
Apr 03 14:43:46 arch systemd[1]: Failed to start Umount samba shares.
Apr 03 14:43:46 arch systemd[1]: Unit Samba-umount.service entered failed state
About service's location: All manuals says that service should be located in /usr/li/systemd/system.

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    Awebb wrote:You "seem to remember" has FUD potential, could you care to find the post again?
    he is probably referring to this: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php … 2#p1113682
    imho this is way different, the SYSTEMD_WANTS tag is completely ok to use. yes, he may be mounting the drive from the script, but imho he is not "exploiting" anything here. I personally don't see a much more elegant way to do this.
    these automount udev rules were however crappy and hackish. They were created by people who are like "but udisks is bloat!!1!" and whoever wrote them didn't really seem to know what he was doing because, for example, unmounting a device after it was unplugged from the system is completely non-sense.

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
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    Hi Deepak!
    This seems to be a well-known and quite widespread problem with this extension, unfortunately - the net is full of complaints about this issue, not to mention 'horror stories' about how this (otherwise fairly innocent and well-certified but clearly highly commercial) extension has 'sneaked' its way into peoples installations.
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    If you want (/need) to use this extension, I can only point you to the Browser Highlighter homepage for support; in [http://thebrowserhighlighter.com/help.jsp The Browser Highlighter Help section] it is clearly documented - first section, last paragraph - along with a link to [http://thebrowserhighlighter.com/blacklist.jsp this problem report form] where it seems you can ask for help solving the problem.
    However, given the (script-)name of the page, I suppose that reporting a problem on your own website (with all details) actually adds your site - or part of it - to a blacklist that TBH maintains to turn off TBH or at least problematic script injections when visiting sites registered in this list. So actually this might help you solve the problem quite easily, if they do what the page implies.
    Please let us know how above works out, and if we can be of further assistance. Detailed feedback is appreciated and helps us to help you better, plus enables us to better help more users with similar problems.

  • Issue with FDMEE custom script

    Hi All,
    I have written a custom script in FDMEE which pulls data from Oracle DB and writes it to a file in FDMEE App Inbox folder. This script is working perfectly in FDM where in I see file getting generated in Inbox folder. But, when I try to execute the same script in FDMEE, it is not working even though it is not giving any error.
    All I changed in the script is API syntax which is specific to FDMEE. Can any one please let me know what is that I am missing here..I am using this script to test FDMEE connectivity to DB.
    Below is the script:
    Sub TEST_MAPS()
    'Oracle Hyperion FDM Custom Script:
    'Variable Declaration
    Dim SQLRes
    Dim objfso
    Dim strFile
    Dim strLoadFile
    Const ForReading = 1
    Const ForWriting = 2
    Const adVarChar = 200
    Const MaxCharacters = 255
    Const adFldIsNullable = 32
    'Initialize objects
    Set cnSS = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    'Connect to Oracle database
    cnss.open "Provider=ORAOLEDB.ORACLE;Data Source=ds1;User ID=app;Password=xxxx"
    SQLRes = "Select * from ENTITY_MAP"
    'command for executing the query
    cnss. Execute SQLRes
    'Creates a .tra file in the below mentioned path
    strFile= fdmAPI.API.DataWindow.Connection.PstrDirInbox & "\Entity.tra"
    rs.open SQLRes,cnSS
    'Copy data from table to text file
    'Initialize the object for opening a text file for writing
    Set objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objWFile = objfso.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForWriting,True)
    With rs
    'Open the file for writing, overwriting if it exists
      Do While Not .EOF
          objWFile.Write .GetString(2,,",",vbCrLf)' Write the records to file
      'End If
    End With
    End Sub
    Below is the log:
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: FDMEE Process Start, Process ID: 13,949
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: FDMEE Logging Level: 5
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: FDMEE Log File: \\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\\outbox\logs\HFMCA_13949.log
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: User:502376825
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: Location:null (Partitionkey:null)
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: Period Name:null (Period Key:null)
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: Category Name:null (Category key:null)
    2015-02-24 15:41:38,991 INFO  [AIF]: Rule Name:TEST_MAPS (Rule ID:10,162)
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,003 INFO  [AIF]: Jython Version: 2.5.1 (Release_2_5_1:6813, Sep 26 2009, 13:47:54)
    [Oracle JRockit(R) (Oracle Corporation)]
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,003 INFO  [AIF]: Java Platform: java1.6.0_37
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,003 INFO  [AIF]: Log File Encoding: US-ASCII
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,440 DEBUG [AIF]: CommProcess.executeCustomScript - START
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,440 DEBUG [AIF]: customScriptName: TEST_MAPS.vbs
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,456 DEBUG [AIF]:
        ) VALUES (
          ,'458790678'      ,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,487 DEBUG [AIF]: Comm.doScriptInit - START
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: fdmContext: {BATCHSCRIPTDIR=E:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\app\FinancialDataQuality, SCRIPTFILE=TEST_MAPS.vbs, INBOXDIR=\\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\\inbox, TARGETAPPDB=NA, TARGETAPPNAME=HFMCA, APPID=57, RULENAME=TEST_MAPS, OUTBOXDIR=\\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\\outbox, SCRIPTSDIR=\\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\\data\scripts, EPMORACLEHOME=E:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1, RULEID=10162, EPMORACLEINSTANCEHOME=E:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\app, LOADID=13949}
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: The EpmOracleHome is set to: E:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: The EpmOracleInstance is set to: E:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\app
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: The JavaHome is set to: %EPM_ORACLE_HOME%/../jdk160_35
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: The executeEventScript is set to: YES
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: The OleDatabaseProvider is set to: ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: The AppRootFolder is set to: \\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: Comm.doScriptInit - END
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,768 DEBUG [AIF]: Comm.executeCustomScript - START
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,799 DEBUG [AIF]: Comm.executeVBScript - START
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,799 DEBUG [AIF]: The WindowsTempFolder is set to: c:\users\r00257~1\appdata\local\temp
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,799 INFO  [AIF]: Executing the following script: \\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\\data\scripts\custom\TEST_MAPS.vbs
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,799 DEBUG [AIF]: The command to be executed is:
    cscript \\app\FDMEEData\HFMCA\\data\scripts\custom\TEST_MAPS.vbs "13949" "****" "E%3A%5COracle%5CMiddleware%5Cuser_projects%5Capp" "%25EPM_ORACLE_HOME%25%2F..%2Fjdk160_35" "ORAOLEDB.ORACLE"
    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,939 DEBUG [AIF]: Comm.executeVBScript - END
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,939 DEBUG [AIF]: Comm.executeCustomScript - END
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,939 DEBUG [AIF]:
        END + NULL
          WHEN ('502376825' IS NULL) THEN LAST_UPDATED_BY
          ELSE '502376825'
        WHERE PROCESS_ID = 13949
    2015-02-24 15:41:41,939 DEBUG [AIF]: CommProcess.executeCustomScript - END

    If you're using CUE, there is a step called "Dial By Extension Menu", this should solve your problem.
    If you're using UCCX (or CUE and don't have this step) you can do the following:
    In the Get Digit String branch Timeout, use an If statement that check if the Number entered was "1" then Call Redirect to Technical Departement Number, else Call Redirect to Operator Extension.
    It should appear like this:
    Extension = Get Digit String
        if (Extension == "1")
                Call Redirect to Technical
                Call Redirect to Operator
    Hope This Helps,

  • Possible to set shortcut for file scripts custom script ?

    i have some custom scripts in file > scripts. i'd like to set a shortcut key for them, but you can't do that thru edit > keyboard shortcuts because the custom ones don't show up, only "other script F12" shows up.
    is there a way to set a shortcut to execute a custom script? i am using Ai CS3 version 13.0.2
    some work arounds i tried that didn't seem to work:
    - setting the script as an action - didn't work, the script does a bunch of stuff that can't be solved by actions
    - setting an action and inserting a menu item, then setting a shortcut to run the action - doesn't help because menu item (the script) gets disassocated from the action every time you shut down Ai. sometimes it disassociates itself. tried to save the actions and reload them, but the scripts were still disassociated

    As it sounds like you have already discovered, you should be able to define an Action with but one InsertMenuCommand step in it. That menu command would be the selection of your script from the File Menu.
    However, that functionality has been broken for four full versions now. The Menu Command step goes vacant after quitting and re-launching Illustrator.
    I keep an Action in my Actions palette titled CurrentScript. I can at least, at the beginning of a work session in which I know I will need to call a particular script repeatedly, re-do the Insert Menu Item step and have it survive during the work session. (It will, of course, be gone if I quit & relauch.)
    If Actions could reliably call scripts from the File menu, one could do some very cool things. Many operations in the standard UI are not available via the scripting model, and of course vice-versa. Simply being able to reliably call scripts as individual steps of an Action would open the door for elaborate automations that perform both scripted functions and those available in the UI.
    But alas, users have been complaining about this bug for four versions now.
    I think it is conceivable that one could build a Javascript that employs the ScriptUI functionality, and have that script run automatically at launch. That script could simply be a "dashboard" palette from which to call other scripts. But one should not have to go to such ridiculous lengths to work around a bug that has gone unaddressed for so long.

  • Add customer button on header level for BUS2201(PO) - SRM 7.0

    I want to define a customer button (with action) within PO on header level.
    Web Dynpro           FPM_OIF_COMPONENT
    Configuration          /SAPSRM/WDCC_FPM_OIF_PO_PURCH
    Add a customer button besides standard Export button.
    I assume-afterwards I have to enhance the method onactionbutton_pressed to create my event when customer button is pressed, right?
    Could anyone please guide me how to solve this issue?
    Thanks and best reagrds

    Here are the steps to add the button, I wrote it in other thread. In my case for PO is not displayed, try to follow the steps and if you are able to show the button tell me how please.
    Add custom button in PO
    And yes ,you need to create an enhancement point in the view CNR_VIEW of the component FPM_OIF_COMPONENT, you need to create a post-exit in the method BUTTON_PRESSED, here you have a sample code:
    DATA: lv_id TYPE string,
            lv_event_id TYPE fpm_event_id.
      DATA: lo_nd_oif_application TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
            lo_nd_variant TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
            lo_nd_toolbar TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
            lo_nd_button TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
            lo_el_button TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
            lo_nd_other_functions TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
      DATA: lv_substring TYPE string,
            lv_substring_i TYPE i,
            lv_node_name TYPE string,
            lv_position TYPE string,
            lv_length TYPE i,
            lv_seq TYPE i.
      DATA:lt_keys TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string,
           lv_key LIKE LINE OF lt_keys.
      TYPES:BEGIN OF y_parameters,
        name TYPE string,
        value TYPE string,
      END OF y_parameters.
      DATA: lt_parameters TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF y_parameters,
            ls_parameter LIKE LINE OF lt_parameters.
      DATA: lv_boid      TYPE bbp_guid,
            lv_botype    TYPE string,
            lv_objkey TYPE  swo_typeid,
            lv_objtype  TYPE  swo_objtyp,
            lv_object_id TYPE crmt_object_id_db,
            lv_process_type TYPE crmt_process_type_db,
            lv_object_type TYPE crmt_subobject_category_db,
            lv_rfc TYPE zgrs_co_logsys-rfc,
      DATA: lo_fpm TYPE REF TO if_fpm.
      lo_fpm = cl_fpm_factory=>get_instance( ).
      lo_fpm->raise_event_by_id( lv_event_id ).
      lt_keys = lo_fpm->mo_app_parameter->get_keys( ).
      LOOP AT lt_keys INTO lv_key.
        ls_parameter-name = lv_key.
          EXPORTING  iv_key = lv_key
          IMPORTING  ev_value = ls_parameter-value  ).
        INSERT ls_parameter INTO TABLE lt_parameters.
      lv_id = wdevent->get_string( 'ID' ).
      lo_nd_oif_application = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_oif_application ).
      lo_nd_variant = lo_nd_oif_application->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_variant ).
      lo_nd_toolbar = lo_nd_variant->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_toolbar ).
      lo_nd_other_functions = lo_nd_toolbar->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_other_functions ).
      lv_substring = lv_id.
      lv_length = STRLEN( lv_id ).
      lv_seq = lv_length - 3.
      IF lv_id+lv_seq = '_CP'.
        lv_substring = lv_substring(lv_seq).
        lv_id = lv_substring.
      WHILE lv_substring CS '_'.
        lv_position = sy-fdpos + 1.
        lv_substring = lv_substring+lv_position.
      IF lv_substring CO '1234567890'.
        lv_substring_i = lv_substring.
    * Item level action;
      IF lv_id CS '_item'.
    * Or header level action;
        IF lv_id CA '0123456789'.
          lv_position = sy-fdpos - 1.
          lv_node_name = lv_id(lv_position).
          IF lv_id CS 'OTHER_FUNCTIONS'.
            lo_nd_button = lo_nd_other_functions->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_button ).
            lo_nd_button->set_lead_selection_index( index = lv_substring_i ).
            lo_el_button = lo_nd_button->get_element(  ).
                  name =  `EVENT_ID`
                  value = lv_event_id ).
              CATCH cx_wd_context.
            READ TABLE lt_parameters INTO ls_parameter WITH KEY name = 'SAPSRM_BOTYPE'.
            lv_botype = ls_parameter-value.
            READ TABLE lt_parameters INTO ls_parameter WITH KEY name = 'SAPSRM_BOID'.
            lv_boid = ls_parameter-value.
    *         Obtain the object_id;
            SELECT SINGLE object_id INTO lv_object_id
             FROM crmd_orderadm_h
             WHERE guid EQ lv_boid.
    *         If not Z button, exits;
            IF lv_event_id(1) NE 'Z'. EXIT. ENDIF.
    *      Actions;
            CASE lv_event_id.
              WHEN 'ZBUTTON'.
              WHEN 'ZBUTTON2'.

  • How to add custom field to ical

    I run a small business from my mac pro and my iphone. I would like to get a good workflow but it seems I am missing a few bits of information.
    First I would like to add custom fields to ical so that I can gather all the information I need in one spot. For example, I create a meeting with new client Tim Smith on Friday so I want to enter his name and contact info into ical because I need his address and phone number on the event so I can reference it.
    Then I would like to find a way to automatically create a contact card based on that information. If I can find an apple script that reads the fields in Ical and creates new contacts based on new events that I created.
    Then I would like to automate extracting the email addresses to send out preformed group mailers for people who were in my calendar that day ie "Thanks for meeting with me, I think we got a lot accomplished and hope to see you at the next meeting." etc etc
    Then also automate reports based off of my ical events such as "Report for how many times I had a meeting in the Blue Room this week" or "How many times did I meet with Timothy Smith"  this year
    I have tried automator and it doesn't seem strong enough to do this so I am thinking AppleScript but I am not very good at it. Anyone have any ideas on any of these issues?

    Tried the iCal forum and support
    Tried Lion Community?
    you have notebook and tower?

  • Add a script to CFIDE/Administrator and run it?

    Hello, everyone,
    Is it possible to add a script (.cfm file) to /CFIDE/Administrator and run it?
    I've got a script that is used for reindexing and optimizing a small set of Solr collections, and the PTB do not want it publicly accessible (even though it will never touch a database, and I have conditions set so that only one of us can run it), so they are asking if it can be run from within the protected /CFIDE/Administrator folder.
    I copied my script (and an associated .gif image) to my local CF server /CFIDE/Administrator folder, but I can't run it.  Every time I browse to it, I get redirected to the login page.

    To be quite honest, WolfShade, even if it should work, I would strongly advise against it. /CFIDE/Administrator/ is a system directory. As such, it should contain no custom user scripts.
    A solution is possible that involves putting the script and GIF in a directory elsewhere in the web root. You could, for example, implement authentication in the directory or exclude its path in the web server settings. You should revisit the subject with your PTB and discuss these possibilities with them.

  • Anyway to add custom javascript on launching an iView

    Hi Expert,
      I would like to see is there anyway to add custom javascript on an iview (which contains standard SAP pcd contain).
    I would like to invoke a script on the onLoad to trigger a popup windows when that iview launch.

    Actually, I try to pop up a warning box when launching an iview.
    For example, when user try to click an iview. I want to pop up a warning box. After user clock "ok", the system would then launch the iview. Otherwise, it will navigate back to Home Page.

  • Add custom dictionary files

    I am trying to add custom dictionary files to our office installation on a TS server.
    its 2012 R2 server running office 365 32bit.
    i have a script that adds the paths to the custom dictionaries to the registry.
    the script adds 2 entries for each dictionary
    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\1.0\Custom
    the name and the value is the path
    and then "name_state" with a hex value of 01 00 00
    this worked on 2010 but isnt working with my current setup.
    the dictionaries work if manually added through word.
    though if done this way 4 reg keys are created
    with name_roamed and name_external.
    the name also contains the username.domain if created in word.
    in the script the name is just a number,  "10" for example.
    any ideas on how to deploy custom dictionary files into office 365 on server 2012?

    see this link for related info

  • Customized scripts within the Deployment Template environment

    In the endeca documentation I see that "The sample scripts provided with the Deployment Template control the Endeca operational tasks through the EAC. You can use these scripts, or create custom scripts based on them. The scripts typically run such processes as routine baseline and partial updates. You can also add specific scripts that run before the Dgraph is stopped or after it is started."
    I would like to call a .bat before the DGraph is stopped or after it is started, but I can't find where.
    I think it's in the AppConfig.xml file, right? Could you give me an example?

    1st Declare your action. Here is a sample that manually calls the set data ready flag...
    <shell id="SetDataReadyFlag" host-id="ITL_Local" >
    then in your custom tasks (or even the tasks that are part of the deploy template), you can call it....
    <script id="BaselineBuildDataFiles">
             // Get data
                // Verify Data
                // Set endeca data ready flag
    The only thing I don't think you can do is get a response from the external call that you make. In that case I usually have my .bat, .exe, etc Write out a result file and then I read and parse the results from that.
    Hope this helps

  • IE02 Add Customer Fields

    Is i possible to add Customer fields to IE01 transaction Classification tab.
    If possible ... How to add my own fields..
    Any Examples..

    thanks for the tip...
    i added a customized screen as 100 under function group XMG0 and then set through spro.
    so it has no problem to see screen by mm01, mm02, mm03.
    but i am struggling against handling data in EXIT_SAPLMGMU_001. I realized that it was saved in mara table as well when i modified some value on two fields added by me.
    however, values of  those fileds did not show by mm02 with same material code modified by me.
    could you help me where i should handle in order to solve that.?
    i willl highly appreciated if somebody help me.

  • How to run file (script) with systemd.

    Hi, i created a file resposible for setting up wireless connection:
    ip link set wlp12s0 up
    wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i wlp12s0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
    dhcpcd wlp12s0
    Then i saved it as internet.run into /usr/lib/systemd/system/internet.run, then i typed as root:
    systemctl enable internet.service
    I had of course internet.service file there too, with nothing special (filled descprition in [Unit] section, and ExecStart in Service), and I didn't work.... I know that the internet.run is written properly because if i type line by line it as root i works fine, but with systemd during boot it don't...

    There is a [email protected] and a [email protected], there is no need to set up any custom scripts.
    systemctl enable dhcpcd@wlp12s0
    You will have to symlink wpa_supplicant manually because the [Install] section still has wlan0 hardcoded.
    ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected] /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/[email protected]
    Then set up the config in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlp12s0.conf.
    The service file probably doesn't work because you haven't specified Type=forking, so systemd will kill the processes after they have forked. But as said, you don't need any custom service.

  • How to add custom label to a new contact in address book which is synced with outlook account

    Hello all,
    My iPhone is synced with outlook account. When I tried to create a new contact,'Add Custom Label' option was missing. Is Apple provides any solution to handle this? Is there any documentation provided about this behavior?

    The second script is working but if I need to change the link it will not allow me to edit or delete it in iCal on my desktop. The only way to edit it is to use the online iCal in me.com.
    And the worst problem is that the url does not show up on my iPhone iCal. The iPhone version of iCal has limited features. So if I'm away from the office on my iPhone I still have the problem of having no link to my iCal appointment. I still end up having to use both iCal and Contacts as separate Apps.
    I still dont understand why Apple wouldnt make these 2 Apps work together! It seems so obvious! thanks anyway.

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