[SOLVED]After a logout/in , can't start conky as user.

I logged out of my xfce session. Logged back in and conky did not start.
I now get this error:
xxx@xxx~]$ conky -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky
[1] 1442
bash: -c: command not found
[xxx@xxx ~]$ conky: no process found
No changes at all were made to the computer. No software was uninstalled/reinstalled.
Here is my conky config that I've been using for months:
## killall conky && conky -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky &
# 1e_Accuweather_USA_Images script by TeoBigusGeekus
# http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/post/212605/
### Begin Window Settings ##################################################
# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window yes
# Use the Xdbe extension? (eliminates flicker)
# It is highly recommended to use own window with this one
# so double buffer won't be so big.
double_buffer yes
own_window_type normal #override
own_window_transparent yes
#own_window_hints undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_colour black
own_window_class Conky
own_window_title tedbell
### ARGB can be used for real transparency
### NOTE that a composite manager is required for real transparency.
### This option will not work as desired (in most cases) in conjunction with
### own_window_type override
# own_window_argb_visual yes
### When ARGB visuals are enabled, this use this to modify the alpha value
### Use: own_window_type normal
### Use: own_window_transparent no
### Valid range is 0-255, where 0 is 0% opacity, and 255 is 100% opacity.
#own_window_argb_value 150
#minimum_size 310 0 ## width, height
maximum_width 310 ## width, usually a good idea to equal minimum width
gap_x 10 ### left &right
gap_y 10 ### up & down
alignment top_right
#################################################### End Window Settings ###
### Font Settings ##########################################################
# Use Xft (anti-aliased font and stuff)
use_xft yes
xftfont MonoCondensed:bold:size=10
# Alpha of Xft font. Must be a value at or between 1 and 0 ###
xftalpha 1
# Force UTF8? requires XFT ###
override_utf8_locale yes
draw_shades yes #no #### <<<--- To see it easier on light screens.
default_shade_color black
draw_outline yes #no #### <<<--- Amplifies text if yes
default_outline_color black
uppercase no
###################################################### End Font Settings ###
### Color Settings #########################################################
default_shade_color gray
default_outline_color black
default_color DCDCDC #Gainsboro
color0 ffe595 #Teo Gold
color1 778899 #LightSlateGrey
color2 FF8C00 #Darkorange
color3 7FFF00 #Chartreuse
color4 FFA07A #LightSalmon
color5 000000 #NavajoWhite
color6 00BFFF #DeepSkyBlue
color7 00FFFF #Cyan #48D1CC #MediumTurquoise
color8 FFFF00 #Yellow
color9 FF0000 #Red #A52A2A #DarkRed
##################################################### End Color Settings ###
### Borders Section ########################################################
draw_borders no
# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 0
# border margins
border_inner_margin 5
border_outer_margin 0
# border width
border_width 0
# graph borders
draw_graph_borders no
##################################################### End Borders Secton ###
### Miscellaneous Section ##################################################
# Boolean value, if true, Conky will be forked to background when started.
background no
# Adds spaces around certain objects to stop them from moving other things
# around, this only helps if you are using a mono font
# Options: right, left or none
use_spacer right
# Default and Minimum size is 256 - needs more for single commands that
# "call" a lot of text IE: bash scripts
text_buffer_size 256
# Subtract (file system) buffers from used memory?
no_buffers yes
# change GiB to G and MiB to M
short_units yes
# Like it says, ot pads the decimals on % values
# doesn't seem to work since v1.7.1
pad_percents 2
# Maximum size of user text buffer, i.e. layout below TEXT line in config file
# (default is 16384 bytes)
# max_user_text 16384
############################################## End Miscellaneous Section ###
### LUA Settings ###########################################################
## Above and After TEXT - requires a composite manager or blinks.
# lua_load ~/Conky/LUA/draw-bg.lua
#${lua conky_draw_bg 10 0 0 0 0 0x000000 0.6}
## ${lua conky_draw_bg corner_radius x_position y_position width height color alpha}
## OR Both above TEXT (No composite manager required - no blinking!)
lua_load ~/Conky/LUA/draw-bg.lua
lua_draw_hook_pre draw_bg 5 0 0 0 0 0x000000 0.0
####################################################### End LUA Settings ###
# The all important - How often conky refreshes.
# If you have a "Crey" try: 0.2 - smokin' - but watch the CPU useage go UP!
update_interval 1
## ${image ~/Conky/images/red_1.png -p 0,15 -s 67x40}
## ${image ~/Conky/images/red_1.png -p 165,52 -s 125x75}
## $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/acc_int_images
default_bar_size 100 12
# stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
${color0}${time %A %d %b %Y} ${color1}--${color0} Scarborough, ON ${color1}--${color0} ${time %T}${color}\
${texeci 500 bash $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/acc_int_images}\
${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/cc.png -p 220,25 -s 67x40}
${execpi 600 sed -n '1p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/messages}
${font Instruction:size=20} Now ${execpi 600 sed -n '29p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}${goto 120} FL ${execpi 600 sed -n '30p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}${font}
${color0}Wind: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '31p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond} ${execpi 600 sed -n '32p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}\
${color0}Today Tonight${color}
${color0}Hum: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '33p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}\
${font Toronto Subway:size=14}${goto 170}${color6}${execpi 600 sed -n '26p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}${color}\
${goto 210}${color9}${execpi 600 sed -n '27p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}${color}\
${goto 245}${color6}${execpi 600 sed -n '32p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}${color}\
${goto 290}${color9}${execpi 600 sed -n '31p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}${color} ${font}
${color0}Bar: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '34p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}\
${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/tod.png -p 160,100 -s 67x40}\
${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/ton.png -p 235,100 -s 67x40}
${color0}Cloud: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '35p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}
${color0}UVI: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '36p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}
${color0}Vis: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '38p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}
${color0}DP: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '37p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}°
${color0}Sunrise: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '39p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}\
${goto 160}${color0} Sunset: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '40p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}
${color0}Moonrise: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '41p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}\
${goto 160}${color0}Moonset: ${color}${execpi 600 sed -n '42p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/curr_cond}
${color0}9 DAY FORECAST ${color1}${hr}${color}
${color1}${execpi 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}\
${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}\
${execpi 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}${color}\
${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/6.png -p 5,232 -s 67x40}\
${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/11.png -p 120,232 -s 67x40}\
${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/16.png -p 220,232 -s 67x40}
${font Toronto Subway:size=11}
${color6}${execpi 600 sed -n '8p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°\
${color6}${goto 180}${execpi 600 sed -n '13p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°\
${color6}${goto 283}${execpi 600 sed -n '18p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°
${color9}${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°\
${color9}${goto 180}${execpi 600 sed -n '14p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°\
${color9}${goto 283}${execpi 600 sed -n '19p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}° ${font}${color}
${color1} ${execpi 600 sed -n '20p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}\
${execpi 600 sed -n '1p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}\
${execpi 600 sed -n '6p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}${color}\
${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/21.png -p 5,310 -s 67x40}\
${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_2.png -p 120,310 -s 67x40}\
${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_7.png -p 223,310 -s 67x40}
${font Toronto Subway:size=11}
${color6}${execpi 600 sed -n '23p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°\
${color6}${goto 180}${execpi 600 sed -n '4p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°\
${color6}${goto 283}${execpi 600 sed -n '9p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°
${color9}${execpi 600 sed -n '24p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/first_days}°\
${color9}${goto 180}${execpi 600 sed -n '5p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°\
${color9}${goto 283}${execpi 600 sed -n '10p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}° ${font}
${color1} ${execpi 600 sed -n '11p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}\
${execpi 600 sed -n '16p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}\
${execpi 600 sed -n '21p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}${color}\
${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_12.png -p 5,385 -s 67x40}\
${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_17.png -p 120,385 -s 67x40}\
${image $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_22.png -p 225,385 -s 67x40}
${font Toronto Subway:size=11}
${color6}${execpi 600 sed -n '14p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°\
${color6}${goto 180}${execpi 600 sed -n '19p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°\
${color6}${goto 283}${execpi 600 sed -n '24p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°
${color9}${execpi 600 sed -n '15p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°\
${color9}${goto 180}${execpi 600 sed -n '20p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}°\
${color9}${goto 283}${execpi 600 sed -n '25p' $HOME/AccuW_2/Toronto/last_days}° ${font}
${color0}COMPUTER ${color1}${hr}${color}
${font Instruction:size=7.5}
${color1}CPU0:${goto 70}${color7}${cpubar cpu0}${goto 70}${color1}${cpubar cpu4}${goto 80}${color5}${cpu cpu0}%${color}${goto 190}${color7}${execi 8 sensors | grep 'Core 0:' | cut -c16-17}°
${color1}CPU1:${goto 70}${color6}${cpubar cpu1}${goto 70}${color1}${cpubar cpu4}${goto 80}${color5}${cpu cpu1}%${color}${goto 190}${color6}${execi 8 sensors | grep 'Core 1:' | cut -c16-17}°
${color1}RAM:${goto 70}${color4}${membar}${goto 70}${color1}${cpubar cpu4}${goto 80}${color5}${memperc}%${color4}${goto 190}$mem/$memmax${font}
${color0}DISK ${color1}${hr}${color}
${color1}sda: ${color9}Write: ${diskio_write /dev/sda} ${color3}Read: ${diskio_read /dev/sda} ${color8}Temp: ${color8}${execpi 15 hddtemp -n /dev/sda} °
${font Instruction:size=7.5}
${color1}/:${goto 70}${color2}${fs_bar /}${goto 70}${color1}${cpubar cpu4}${goto 80}${color5}${fs_used_perc /} %${color2}\
${goto 190}${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}
${color1}/home:${goto 70}${color8}${fs_bar /home}${goto 70}${color1}${cpubar cpu4}${goto 80}${color5}${fs_used_perc /home} %${color8}\
${goto 190}${fs_used /home}/${fs_size /home}
${color1}../sda3:${goto 70}${color0}${fs_bar /media/sda3}${goto 70}${color1}${cpubar cpu4}${goto 80}${color5}${fs_used_perc /media/sda3} %${color0}\
${goto 190}${fs_used /media/sda3}/${fs_size /media/sda3}${font}
${color0}NETWORK ${color1}${hr}${color}
${color1}wlan0: ${color9}Down: ${downspeedf wlan0}${color3}Up: ${upspeedf wlan0}
${color8}RX${goto 110}${color8}TX${goto 200}${color8}Total
${color} ${execi 300 vnstat -i wlan0 | grep "today" | awk '{print $2 $3}'}\
${color}${goto 110}${execi 300 vnstat -i wlan0 | grep "today" | awk '{print $5 $6}'}\
${color}${goto 200}${execi 300 vnstat -i wlan0 | grep "today" | awk '{print $8 $9}'}${color}
${color} ${execi 300 vnstat -i wlan0 | grep "yesterday" | awk '{print $2 $3}'}\
${color}${goto 110}${execi 300 vnstat -i wlan0 | grep "yesterday" | awk '{print $5 $6}'}\
${color}${goto 200}${execi 300 vnstat -i wlan0 | grep "yesterday" | awk '{print $8 $9}'}${color}
${color0}Last Week:${color}
${color} ${execi 300 vnstat -w -i wlan0 | grep "current week" | awk '{print $3 $4}'}\
${color}${goto 110}${execi 300 vnstat -w -i wlan0 | grep "current week" | awk '{print $6 $7}'}\
${color}${goto 200}${execi 300 vnstat -w -i wlan0 | grep "current week" | awk '{print $9 $10}'}${color}
${color0}${time %B}:${color}
${color} ${execi 300 vnstat -m -i wlan0 | grep "`date +"%b '%y"`" | awk '{print $3 $4}'}\
${color}${goto 110}${execi 300 vnstat -m -i wlan0 | grep "`date +"%b '%y"`" | awk '{print $6 $7}'}\
${color}${goto 200}${execi 300 vnstat -m -i wlan0 | grep "`date +"%b '%y"`" | awk '{print $9 $10}'} ${color}
Can anyone tell me how to get it to be able to run as user again. I've traced the problem down to that.
Last edited by tedbell (2012-08-14 11:22:09)

DSpider wrote:
tedbell wrote:
P.s. In never needed the '&' to run this. If it matters, I edited my bash rc to alias the command to just 'conky'
alias conky='killall conky && conky -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky &'
Ok, there's your problem. When you're running "$ conky -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky", you're effectively running:
$ <insert 'conky' alias here> -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky
Or in other words:
$ killall conky && conky -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky & -c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky
Heh. Told you this belongs in the newbie section.
There's an "-c ~/AccuW_2/accuw.Toronto.conky" appendage at the end that Bash doesn't know how to interpret.
I guess I never noticed the problem because conky always autostarted. I deleted the line and restarted and everything works now. Thanks!
Mods. move this to newbie or better yet delete it, it's embarassing.

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    I also have the same error:
    But may have found a solution here in this thread ( Comment by 'parndt' ):
    I havnt tried it yet, As I spent half of yesterday, formatting, then trying to compile Apache, php, mysql, openssl on on a seperate partition, but changing the Apache LAYOUT config, yet the mac wouldn't listen to my changes and kept trying to use the original broken version.
    I am formatting now, and going to try on a clean install, so will let you know.
    This is a good reference site:

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    Hi David.
    Sorry we haven't received any response yet. getting used to the new forum is occupying a lot of peoples time at present I fear. I've yelled a bit louder this time!
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    091125 18:33:48 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
    091125 18:33:48 [Note] Plugin 'ndbcluster' is disabled.
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    total 84
    drwxr-xr-x 20 root      root      4096 2009-11-25 18:08 .
    drwxr-xr-x 13 root      root      4096 2009-11-25 13:51 ..
    drwxrwx---  2 root      policykit 4096 2009-05-10 09:10 PolicyKit
    drwxr-xr-x  2 policykit root      4096 2009-05-10 09:10 PolicyKit-public
    drwxr-xr-x  3 root      root      4096 2009-09-19 12:19 bluetooth
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root      root      4096 2009-09-16 22:09 dbus
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root      root      4096 2009-11-23 17:38 dhcpcd
    drwxrwxrwt  2 root      root      4096 2009-07-19 18:17 ex
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root      root      4096 2009-09-16 22:38 hwclock
    drwxr-x---  2 root      locate    4096 2009-10-22 06:55 locate
    -rw-r--r--  1 root      root       462 2009-09-20 00:02 logrotate.status
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root      root      4096 2009-09-17 09:14 misc
    drwxr-x---  2 root      locate    4096 2009-11-25 18:09 mlocate
    drwxrwxrwx  4 mysql     mysql     4096 2009-11-25 18:33 mysql
    drwxr-xr-x  6 root      root      4096 2009-09-07 08:54 nfs
    drwxr-xr-x  4 root      root      4096 2009-11-25 18:08 pacman
    drwx------  3 root      root      4096 2009-11-21 03:30 polkit-1
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root      root      4096 2008-09-06 14:33 rarian
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root      root      4096 2009-09-17 09:14 syslog-ng
    drwxr-xr-x  3 root      root      4096 2009-10-19 20:10 wicd
    drwxr-xr-x  2 root      root      4096 2009-11-21 02:35 xkb
    /etc/mysql/my.cnf is out-of-the-box
    What seems to be the problem here? Please shed some light...thank you
    Last edited by akiglobal (2009-11-26 07:41:00)

    How silly of me.....first of all...I entered 'mysqld start', I should have just entered 'mysqld', second of all, I didn't change the file permission on /var/run/mysqld. I change /var/run/mysqld file permission into 'chmod 777 /var/run/mysqld -R', after that mysql works!

  • Can't start KDE applications after update to KDE 4.9 [SOLVED]

    After updating to KDE 4.9, I can not start systemsettings, kwrite, konversation, digikam or any other KDE application using krunner or from a shell. Non-kde applications starts fine. Any help deeply appreciated!
    Last edited by sredna (2012-08-09 15:10:14)

    I got no messages on the terminal, and restarting KDE or even rebooting did not help. But killing some stale processes did, so now I just wonder where those came from...
    Thanks for your help anyways!

  • Can't get OPP service started after OATM due to can't open file for reading

    This is my second run on the OATM upgrade. OPP (and thus XML reports) came up fine after the 2nd run. After this run, had some issues with enqueing and solved them in an S/R with Oracle, but now I can't start OPP. I have tried all sorts of things, like aborting it in OATM, restarting, shutting down instance, running cmclean twice, resubmitting request, etc. Here is the error I get:
    As System Administrator in forms, go to:
    Concurrent -> Manager -> Administer
    -> pick Output Post Processor (from the many manager in the list)
    -> by the way it says "Activating" under status, seems stuck there.
    -> then hit the Processes button
    -> it will show a long list of "Terminated" and default to the first
    one at the top.
    -> Hit the "Manager Log" button
    -> you now get
    "APP-FND-01632: Cannot open file
    /sechi/applcsf/log/SECHI_orav880d/FNDOPP1380237.txt for reading
    Cause: [Routine] encountered an error when attempting to open file
    sechi/applcsf/log/SECHI_orav880d/FNDOPP1380237.txt for reading
    Action: Verify that the filename is correct, the environment variables
    controlling that filename are correct, and the file exists.
    Action: Verify that protections on that file permit reading by this
    - but what is wierd is that the permissions on this dir are 777. I can see old OPP logs in that directory from before OATM. I can manually create a file with the name it complains about , then the app opens up the blank file with nothing in it. It seems that file is not getting created, not that it can't be opened.
    If I need to change the log level of OPP please also tell me how to do that if it would provide some clues.
    THanks Marvin

    One more thing I am going to try first....
    I am going to change the service ID of the OPP manager. It keeps trying
    to restart the dead process maybe that it is..
    Starting INVMGR Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:34
    Starting INVMGR Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:34
    Starting INVMGR Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:34
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:34
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:34
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:35
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:35
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:35
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:35
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:35
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:35
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:36
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:36
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:36
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:36
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:36
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:36
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:36
    Starting MRPMGR Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:36
    Starting MRPMGR Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:36
    Starting MRPMGR Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:36
    Starting MRPMGR Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:36
    Starting MRPMGR Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:36
    Process monitor session ended : 25-JUN-2010 20:31:36
    Process monitor session started : 25-JUN-2010 20:33:36
    Starting WFMGSMD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:33:37
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383584), Service Instance=(1012)
    Starting WFMGSMS Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:33:37
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383585), Service Instance=(1013)
    Starting FNDCPOPP Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:33:37
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383586), Service Instance=(1011)
    Starting FNDCPOPP Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:33:37
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383587), Service Instance=(1011)
    Starting FNDCPOPP Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:33:38
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383588), Service Instance=(1011)
    Starting FNDCPOPP Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:33:38
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383589), Service Instance=(1011)
    Starting FNDCPOPP Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:33:38
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383590), Service Instance=(1011)
    Process monitor session ended : 25-JUN-2010 20:33:38
    Process monitor session started : 25-JUN-2010 20:35:38
    Starting WFMGSMD Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:35:39
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383591), Service Instance=(1012)
    Starting WFMGSMS Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:35:39
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383592), Service Instance=(1013)
    Starting FNDCPOPP Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:35:39
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383593), Service Instance=(1011)
    Starting FNDCPOPP Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:35:39
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383594), Service Instance=(1011)
    Starting FNDCPOPP Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:35:39
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383595), Service Instance=(1011)
    Starting FNDCPOPP Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:35:40
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383596), Service Instance=(1011)
    Starting FNDCPOPP Concurrent Manager : 25-JUN-2010 20:35:40
    Found dead process: spid=(999999), cpid=(1383597), Service Instance=(1011)
    Process monitor session ended : 25-JUN-2010 20:35:40

  • Can't start xfdesktop[solved]

    i have installed xfce4 and xfce4-goodies,follow this wiki http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xfce,
    I choose xfce session in login screen,only black screen with two panels,no wallpaper,no icons...
    the xfdesktop doesn't start automatic,then i want to start it myself,but i got these messages:
    ** Message: Querying Xkb extension
    ** Message: Xkb extension found
    ** Message: This build doesn't include support for XF86Misc extension
    is there some one who can help?
    Last edited by ashunter (2007-09-15 09:21:38)

    grey wrote:Since you've posted the same post on the ubuntu forum: which Linux distribution are you actually using?
    well,i use archlinux:D
    i posted same post on the ubuntu forum just because i want this problem to be solved as early as it can,i thought may be people there could help.
    after i upgraded xdg-utils,this problem has been solved.
    thanks for your replay.

  • Last week I've install Mac OS X Mountain Lion and then after the installation finish my IMAC start up in verbose mode. How can I turn off this mode and start my IMAC normally. I've try to key in the code "sudo nvram boot-args=" in terminal also.

    Last week I've install Mac OS X Mountain Lion and then after the installation finish my IMAC start up in verbose mode. How can I turn off this mode and start my IMAC normally. I've try to key in the code "sudo nvram boot-args=" in terminal also.
    Thank you for all of your answer.

    I've seen it mentioned on here that a PRAM reset may solve it:
    Reset PRAM
    Shut down the computer.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P and R.
    You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Why am I getting fonts issues after upgrading to Mavericks?

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  • Error logging in using BPEL Console

    Hi When I try to login using BPEL Console, I get following error: "No domains accessible to the user logged in" I tried link "Goto BPEL Admin". I found no domains there. I am unable to add new domain also. Can anyone let me know if I need to change a

  • Xslt map in biztalk

    I am trying to use XSLT in map. I am struggling there as not much familiar . I created .xslt in visual studio and write required logic. Now I am trying to call it as xslt template . But when I try to do got error "There is not xsl:template node as ro

  • I downloaded Lion to my iMac and now can not get on the internet

    I cant figure what i have done wrong  my other computers are working fine.