[SOLVED] Allowing root ssh?

Do you guys think it would be a good idea if I allowed root ssh on a system that only allows key authentication? I gave the root user a 4096 byte (or at least I think it was byte) long key, just because I want an even smaller chance of someone getting in. Is it possible to run two instances of sshd on boot-up, both using different configs?
Basically, this is what I would like to do https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pa … cman_cache using sshfs. During my first attempt, I had the issue of all of my ownership rights being changed from root:root to frosty:users. Then I moved to giving root access, and I haven't moved really on (I've only done basic testing) because I want to know your guys' opinion on whether or not this is a good idea, and if it's possible to make it even more secure. I know allowing root login over ssh is a big taboo in the *nix world, but it is the only solution that I could find to fixing this and clearing some needed disc space.
my basic(ish) config (with non-related settings to login mostly stripped out):
port 4000 # i'm hoping to use a different port for root access over only the LAN
protocol 2
addressfamily any
listenaddress # same as above comment
usepam 1
serverkeybits 1024
logingracetime 120
keyregenerationinterval 3600
permitrootlogin yes # would be disabled on the normal port
rsaauthentication yes
pubkeyauthentication yes
kerberosauthentication no
kerberosorlocalpasswd yes
kerberosticketcleanup yes
gssapiauthentication no
gssapicleanupcredentials yes
passwordauthentication no
kbdinteractiveauthentication no
challengeresponseauthentication no
strictmodes yes
tcpkeepalive yes
permitemptypasswords no
useprivilegeseparation yes
*heads off to bed for the night*
Last edited by frostyfrog (2012-04-22 04:01:20)

I think it would be better to just have the packages owned by a seperate user used for this job only.
Since the packages are actually readable by any user, packages put there by the remote machine would be owned by that user, sure, and packages put there by the local machine are owned by root.
Both could still read from it, and it's not like you usually want a package to be overwritten - since the point of it is to share the downloaded packages
Thinking about this even further, I personally would give every machine its own user, so I can a) see which package came from which machine, and b) easily lock single machines out even in a DHCP LAN environment.
Plus, it would keep the remote machines to delete the packages from the local machine.
So basically it boils down to how you want to really manage things: Which machine gets what kind of access etc.

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    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0
    LABEL=home /home ext4 defaults 0 1
    LABEL=root / ext4 defaults 0 1
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    Last edited by muzzel (2012-05-30 20:39:58)

    See: NTFS-3G for important setup information.
    My fstab line looks like:
    /dev/sdb1 /media/Win_USB ntfs-3g uid=1000,gid=users,fmask=113,dmask=0022 0 0
    This sets up some important parameters which the NTFS-3G Wiki Page covers.  Basically, "ntfs" is only a basic driver and is built into the kernel.  "ntfs-3g" is a much better, and less disk-eating, driver that you should install and use if you need the drive in Linux any more than occasionally.  My fstab line makes my user (1000) the owner and the masks lets me write and etc to it.  When you install NTFS-3G it is automatically used when you use the mount command to mount NTFS drives.  In fstab, as above, you would specify it explicitly.
    You can find your own user number by entering "id" at a terminal.

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    Last edited by muh3 (2014-01-10 13:26:36)

    To handle power from XBMC polkit rule is needed. It is probably the same with mythtv.
    polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
    if (action.id.match("org.freedesktop.login1.") && subject.isInGroup("mythtv")) {
    return polkit.Result.YES;
    Save this as /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/10-mythtv.rules and add user to mythtv group.

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    modifying only as needed for my own local network:
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    Last edited by kekules_dream (2011-07-24 19:18:05)

    Thanks for that info I understand now the points about CIDR masks.  However, my iptables configuration is still preventing ssh locally, with:
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    netstat -tnlp | grep ssh
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    iptables -N TCP
    iptables -N UDP
    iptables -P FORWARD DROP
    iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
    iptables -P INPUT DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP
    iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type 8 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT
    iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j UDP
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j TCP
    iptables -A INPUT -p udp -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreach
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-rst
    iptables -A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-proto-unreach
    iptables -I TCP -p tcp -m recent --update --seconds 60 --name TCP-PORTSCAN -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-rst
    iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-rst
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m recent --set --name TCP-PORTSCAN -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-rst
    iptables -I UDP -p udp -m recent --update --seconds 60 --name UDP-PORTSCAN -j REJECT --reject-with port-unreach
    iptables -D INPUT -p udp -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreach
    iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m recent --set --name UDP-PORTSCAN -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreach
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
    /etc/rc.d/iptables save

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    Ehm, do you mean your root-Partition with the mount-point "/" or the home-directory of the user "root" with the mount-point "/root"? If it's the second one I'd reccommend to you not to save this much data in your root-account. If it's the first one, Gparted is your choice. Don't forget to backup before and take your time, resizing partitions can be very slow.
    Edit: Oh I see that your problem is solved now, so my post is obsolete now...
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  • [SOLVED] Allow to run some programs in sudo witout password

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    # This is /etc/sudoers file.
    # This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
    # Failure to use 'visudo' may result in syntax or file permission errors
    # that prevent sudo from running.
    # See the sudoers man page for the details on how to write a sudoers file.
    # Root is allowed to run all commands:
    root    ALL=(ALL) ALL
    alvarez ALL=(ALL) ALL
    alvarez ALL =(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/controlbrillo
    # Allow members of group wheel to run all commands:
    %wheel    ALL=(ALL) ALL
    # Allow members of group power to shutdown and reboot the computer:
    %power ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown,/sbin/halt,/sbin/reboot
    # Allow members of group power to use hibernate and suspend:
    %power ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate,/usr/sbin/pm-suspend
    # Allow members of group power to change CPU frequenzy scaling governor:
    %power ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/cpufreq-set
    # Allow members of group network to use wvdial for call-up network connection:
    %network ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wvdial,/usr/bin/killall wvdial,/usr/bin/poff
    # Allow members of group video to change screen settings catalyst driver:
    %video ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/amdcccle
    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by vladimir_1922 (2011-10-19 23:13:45)

    Here's what I use (single user mode), which is a little different than yours, OP:
    root ALL=(ALL) ALL
    dspider ALL=(ALL) ALL
    dspider ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/mount, /bin/umount
    dspider arch=NOPASSWD: /sbin/reboot, /sbin/poweroff
    I'm guessing instead of "/sbin/poweroff" you could add your own command/script (path included).
    "dspider@arch" -- obviously replace the user and hostname accordingly... Probably something like this:
    alvarez your_hostname=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/controlbrillo
    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by DSpider (2011-10-18 22:34:54)

  • [SOLVED] Encrypted root, /boot on USB, cryptkey issue

    Well to the topic. Followed this guide.
    Usb flash drive with GRUB and a keyfile on it. Encrypted root.
    linux /vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=<uuid> ro cryptdevice=/dev/disk/by-id/<id>:luks cryptkey=/dev/disk/by-uuid/<uuid>:ext2:/key ipv6.disable=1 quiet
    echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
    initrd /initramfs-linux.img
    MODULES="ata_generic ata_piix nls_cp437 ext2 i915"
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block encrypt filesystems keyboard fsck consolefont"
    Result: "Meh can't read a keyfile. Please input a passphrase om nom nom."
    1. Quadruple-checked UUID's, used /dev/sdX instead of them.
    2. Using different modules, like nls_utf8, removing ata_* stuff.
    3. Playing with <path> and <keyfile> strings, slashes, e t c.
    4. A barrel roll.
    Is it actually possible to make that filesystem key reading work? If not, how can I get physical offset of keyfile in a filesystem?
    Trouble in device detection speed. Any other usb media get's recognized instantly, while the one I booted from is slow like hell.
    Last edited by wfoojjaec (2013-08-14 14:37:11)

    Marked as solved.
    It seems that origin of a bug was somewhere in a kernel. After a recent update, done today of a 'linux' package a /boot usb device is properly recognized after about 5 seconds passed from poweron (instead of a full initialization at ~270 sec and hanging udev before).
    A hack with fstab & noauto is not required now. <_<

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      /dev/sdb1 - big fat32
      /dev/sdb2 - ext2 boot with Grub, kernel and initrd image
      /dev/sdb3 - root fs, reiserfs encrypted with LUKS
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    Kernel panic screenshot:
    PS: how can I put busybox to initrd image? echo * sucks.
    Last edited by Trained.Monkey (2007-10-10 09:42:13)

    I solved, problem is that encrypt is running BEFORE usb drive is fully initialized. Encrypted partition is not found and not used.
    put sleep 5 at beggining of encrypt hook. You must also add sleep binary at installer.

  • Prime Collaboration Assurance 10.6 root ssh login

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    Hi Stephen,
    root access to the CLI has been disabled (for security reasons) in Prime Collaboration Assurance 10.6.
    This Information can be found here (look for the heading 'General'):
    There is a hidden page that you can use for viewing logs, etc.:
    https://<FQDN or IP-Address of Prime>/emsam/index.html#pageId=com_cisco_emsam_page_diag_links
    Best regards

  • [SOLVED] Disable root; possible error in the wiki

    The wiki states that to disable root, one could lock it with
    # passwd -l root
    However, the man page suggests something different.
    $ man passwd
    -l, --lock
    Lock the password of the named account. This option disables a password by changing it to a value which
    matches no possible encrypted value (it adds a '!' at the beginning of the password).
    Note that this does not disable the account. The user may still be able to login using another authentication
    token (e.g. an SSH key). To disable the account, administrators should use usermod
    --expiredate 1 (this set the account's expire date to Jan 2, 1970).
    Should the wiki suggest this strategy instead?
    Also, it seems like a recent update changed the default formatting of /etc/shadow, using "x" instead of "!" to denote no matching password? I haven't seen this documented anywhere.
    Last edited by Salkay (2014-08-03 06:54:54)

    WonderWoofy wrote:The system will still need to run certain things as root in order for the machine to function properly.
    Ah yes, this makes sense. The wording of the man page is a little confusing to me. It says after `passwd -l`, users can still log in. Then, it suggests disabling the account instead. Hence, I interpreted "disable" to mean "unable to login", whereas it seems that you are suggesting "disable" means "unable to do anything at all".
    I've also tried to search more about using "x" instead of "!" in /etc/shadow, but can't find anything. I presume "x" is a better alternative since the new config files ship with it?

  • [solved] can't ssh AWS EC2 anymore - iptables flushed

    I killed a AWS's EC2 connexion by flushing iptables on server side, can't connect anymore.
    I connect to an Amazon's EC2 instance (with Ubuntu) mainly as a proxy, from a linux system based laptop, to go through an university's firewall.
    (For a heads up, I do have some experience with sysadmin on linux, however not that much with network (close to none). I could be qualified as an "aware beginner". As a mean to get some experience with network, a friend of mine, who is most skilled, suggested to use, and helped me to set up an Amazon EC2 instance.
    I get a connexion by pulling a ssh tunnel on a terminal:
    ssh -i key.pem -D 8080 -p 443 -o 'IdentitiesOnly yes' [email protected]
    However for the tricky part,  the university's firewall blocking ssh too.
    I could get over it when I eventually setup "stunnel4" to encrypt the whole connection with ssl (found it myself, with some luck in research).
    (Installed it when I had the chance to find a proper connexion, which are rare: I found most of hotspot restrictive in that case).
    So, it worked well for a while, until I wanted to set up a p2p system (don't laugh guys! It is mostly for study purpose: I needed to down/upload geology maps, which are huge, the firewall always shut our long transfers down, my professors and me).
    I tried rtorrent on the server, it worked well.
    But because the EC2's 8GB were not big enough, I needed to setup another p2p tool from the laptop (went with Deluge), going through the EC2. For this reason, I opened a range of ports on the Amazon board's security groups (56880-56890, tcp and udp), and added them to iptables, both on ubuntu and laptop, and setup the software accordingly.
    # iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 56881:56889 -j ACCEPT
    # iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 56881:56889 -j ACCEPT
    However, because it still did not work, I asked for help to this friend. He told me I set up the software wrong, and suggested me to flush iptables. So, I did it recklessly,  on both laptop and EC2'ubuntu.
    # iptables --flush
    Of course, doing so killed the connexion to the EC2. There, I could not connect to the server anymore:
    ssh: connect to host xx.xxx.xxx.xxx port 443: Connection timed out
    Trying to fix it, I found this post, but I faced two difficulties I can not get over with during the process.
    1st, on the Amazon EC2 board, after I created a temporary instance, I went to stop the broken instance (i-08091d4b: ok),
    detached the broken EBS volume (ok) ,
    in order to attach it to the temporary instance (i-64402427: not ok).
    I couldn't because the two EBS are supposed to be on the same avaibility zone, which I couldn't setup.
    Therefore I couldn't attach the broken EBS on the temp instance.
    (I tried then create 2 others temporary instances, in order to check if I could set this avaibility zone).
    2nd, I anticipate the fact that the temporary instance doesn't have the "stunnel4" system deployed (software, settings and key), then I won't be able to connect to it anyway.
    Is anybody faced similar situation? What can I do to fix the situation?
    Last edited by OlaffTheGreat (2014-08-17 23:11:21)

    Thanks for your reply.
    Unfortunaly, I can't have a physical acces as it is a virtual hard drive somewhere.
    As the tuto suggested, I tried also to just reboot the session, hopping the iptables would just reset afterward. It could have looked like what you say about "only partialy resetted the firewall". But it seems really out of order.
    Edit: well, it is back online... but I don't know why.
    I played randomly with the EBS volumes: detach/reattach them, and when I tried to ssh again to the broken session, I get the connexion...
    Last edited by OlaffTheGreat (2014-08-17 23:10:53)

  • [Solved] Only root (or using sudo) can start wbar 2.3.4-1

    Since the update from 2.3.0-1 to 2.3.4-1 wbar can only be started using either the root account or starting it with sudo. Due to this its (normal user) config file is ignored.
    I have taken a peek at the wbar site and seen that there have been newer versions before this last one but it is only this one that popped up in pacman. Therefore I do not know if this problem already started with any of these.
    I have downgraded to the previous version I used and all works as it should (and has always done). Anyone else has experienced this?
    Last edited by root (2012-09-27 22:50:24)

    When I try to run wbar as regular user I only get a blank line and back to 'console command line' so to speak. I tried to debug it using
    LD_DEBUG=files wbar > wbar.log 2>&1
    but, suprisingly as it always had worked before in other cases, got a 'permission denied' message for the wbar.log file.
    Right now I checked again and, again suprisingly, it (the debug procedure) worked with the following output,
    14214: file=libImlib2.so.1 [0]; needed by wbar [0]
    14214: file=libImlib2.so.1 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb77a2ea0 base: 0xb774b000 size: 0x0006c690
    14214: entry: 0xb7750b40 phdr: 0xb774b034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=libX11.so.6 [0]; needed by wbar [0]
    14214: file=libX11.so.6 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb7747d88 base: 0xb7615000 size: 0x00135b38
    14214: entry: 0xb7629280 phdr: 0xb7615034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=libstdc++.so.6 [0]; needed by wbar [0]
    14214: file=libstdc++.so.6 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb760c91c base: 0xb752d000 size: 0x000e7614
    14214: entry: 0xb7573620 phdr: 0xb752d034 phnum: 8
    14214: file=libm.so.6 [0]; needed by wbar [0]
    14214: file=libm.so.6 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb752bea8 base: 0xb74ed000 size: 0x0003f080
    14214: entry: 0xb74f1490 phdr: 0xb74ed034 phnum: 9
    14214: file=libgcc_s.so.1 [0]; needed by wbar [0]
    14214: file=libgcc_s.so.1 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb74ec330 base: 0xb74d0000 size: 0x0001c670
    14214: entry: 0xb74d2020 phdr: 0xb74d0034 phnum: 6
    14214: file=libc.so.6 [0]; needed by wbar [0]
    14214: file=libc.so.6 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb74cad7c base: 0xb7324000 size: 0x001aaac4
    14214: entry: 0xb733d760 phdr: 0xb7324034 phnum: 10
    14214: file=libfreetype.so.6 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=libfreetype.so.6 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb7322e90 base: 0xb7288000 size: 0x0009b360
    14214: entry: 0xb728fea0 phdr: 0xb7288034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=libz.so.1 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=libz.so.1 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb7286ec8 base: 0xb7271000 size: 0x000160fc
    14214: entry: 0xb72729f0 phdr: 0xb7271034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=libbz2.so.1.0 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=libbz2.so.1.0 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb7270060 base: 0xb7261000 size: 0x0000fe44
    14214: entry: 0xb7262030 phdr: 0xb7261034 phnum: 6
    14214: file=libXext.so.6 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=libXext.so.6 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb725fefc base: 0xb724e000 size: 0x000126c8
    14214: entry: 0xb7250a10 phdr: 0xb724e034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=libdl.so.2 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=libdl.so.2 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb724ceb8 base: 0xb7249000 size: 0x00004074
    14214: entry: 0xb7249ad0 phdr: 0xb7249034 phnum: 9
    14214: file=libxcb.so.1 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/libX11.so.6 [0]
    14214: file=libxcb.so.1 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb7246f00 base: 0xb7226000 size: 0x000211d0
    14214: entry: 0xb722e650 phdr: 0xb7226034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=libXau.so.6 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/libxcb.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=libXau.so.6 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb7224f20 base: 0xb7222000 size: 0x00003090
    14214: entry: 0xb7222a70 phdr: 0xb7222034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=libXdmcp.so.6 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/libxcb.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=libXdmcp.so.6 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb7220f20 base: 0xb721b000 size: 0x00006078
    14214: entry: 0xb721bf10 phdr: 0xb721b034 phnum: 7
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libc.so.6
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libXdmcp.so.6
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libXau.so.6
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libxcb.so.1
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libdl.so.2
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libX11.so.6
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libXext.so.6
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libbz2.so.1.0
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libz.so.1
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libfreetype.so.6
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libgcc_s.so.1
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libm.so.6
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1
    14214: initialize program: wbar
    14214: transferring control: wbar
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/zlib.so [0]; dynamically loaded by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/zlib.so [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb77d2ee0 base: 0xb77d1000 size: 0x00002060
    14214: entry: 0xb77d17e0 phdr: 0xb77d1034 phnum: 7
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/zlib.so
    14214: opening file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/zlib.so [0]; direct_opencount=1
    14214: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/zlib.so: error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: save (fatal)
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/xpm.so [0]; dynamically loaded by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/xpm.so [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb77cfedc base: 0xb77cc000 size: 0x0000406c
    14214: entry: 0xb77cc8c0 phdr: 0xb77cc034 phnum: 7
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/xpm.so
    14214: opening file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/xpm.so [0]; direct_opencount=1
    14214: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/xpm.so: error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: save (fatal)
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/tiff.so [0]; dynamically loaded by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/tiff.so [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb77caed4 base: 0xb77c7000 size: 0x0000407c
    14214: entry: 0xb77c7a00 phdr: 0xb77c7034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=libtiff.so.5 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/tiff.so [0]
    14214: file=libtiff.so.5 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb6ff8e64 base: 0xb6f88000 size: 0x00073204
    14214: entry: 0xb6f8d760 phdr: 0xb6f88034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=liblzma.so.5 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/libtiff.so.5 [0]
    14214: file=liblzma.so.5 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb6f86e94 base: 0xb6f61000 size: 0x000260f0
    14214: entry: 0xb6f62f00 phdr: 0xb6f61034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=libjpeg.so.8 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/libtiff.so.5 [0]
    14214: file=libjpeg.so.8 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb6f4fd00 base: 0xb6f0a000 size: 0x000561a4
    14214: entry: 0xb6f0cb70 phdr: 0xb6f0a034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=libpthread.so.0 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/liblzma.so.5 [0]
    14214: file=libpthread.so.0 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb6f06e98 base: 0xb6eef000 size: 0x0001a1fc
    14214: entry: 0xb6ef4b50 phdr: 0xb6eef034 phnum: 9
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libpthread.so.0
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libjpeg.so.8
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/liblzma.so.5
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libtiff.so.5
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/tiff.so
    14214: opening file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/tiff.so [0]; direct_opencount=1
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/tga.so [0]; dynamically loaded by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/tga.so [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb77c5ee0 base: 0xb77c3000 size: 0x00003044
    14214: entry: 0xb77c3690 phdr: 0xb77c3034 phnum: 7
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/tga.so
    14214: opening file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/tga.so [0]; direct_opencount=1
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/pnm.so [0]; dynamically loaded by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/pnm.so [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb77c1ee0 base: 0xb77bf000 size: 0x00003050
    14214: entry: 0xb77bf7a0 phdr: 0xb77bf034 phnum: 7
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/pnm.so
    14214: opening file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/pnm.so [0]; direct_opencount=1
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/png.so [0]; dynamically loaded by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/png.so [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb77bded4 base: 0xb77ba000 size: 0x000040c4
    14214: entry: 0xb77baed0 phdr: 0xb77ba034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=libpng15.so.15 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/png.so [0]
    14214: file=libpng15.so.15 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb6eedeb8 base: 0xb6ebf000 size: 0x0002f20c
    14214: entry: 0xb6ec35b0 phdr: 0xb6ebf034 phnum: 7
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libpng15.so.15
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/png.so
    14214: opening file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/png.so [0]; direct_opencount=1
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/lbm.so [0]; dynamically loaded by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/lbm.so [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb7016ee0 base: 0xb7014000 size: 0x00003048
    14214: entry: 0xb70146c0 phdr: 0xb7014034 phnum: 7
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/lbm.so
    14214: opening file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/lbm.so [0]; direct_opencount=1
    14214: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/lbm.so: error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: save (fatal)
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/jpeg.so [0]; dynamically loaded by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/jpeg.so [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb7012ed8 base: 0xb7010000 size: 0x00003078
    14214: entry: 0xb7010a70 phdr: 0xb7010034 phnum: 7
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/jpeg.so
    14214: opening file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/jpeg.so [0]; direct_opencount=1
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/id3.so [0]; dynamically loaded by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/id3.so [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb700eed4 base: 0xb700b000 size: 0x000040b8
    14214: entry: 0xb700bd90 phdr: 0xb700b034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=libid3tag.so.0 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/id3.so [0]
    14214: file=libid3tag.so.0 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb6ea1ef0 base: 0xb6e8d000 size: 0x00015228
    14214: entry: 0xb6e90e10 phdr: 0xb6e8d034 phnum: 7
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libid3tag.so.0
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/id3.so
    14214: opening file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/id3.so [0]; direct_opencount=1
    14214: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/id3.so: error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: save (fatal)
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/gif.so [0]; dynamically loaded by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/gif.so [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb6ebded8 base: 0xb6ebb000 size: 0x00003044
    14214: entry: 0xb6ebb6a0 phdr: 0xb6ebb034 phnum: 7
    14214: file=libgif.so.4 [0]; needed by /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/gif.so [0]
    14214: file=libgif.so.4 [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb7009f00 base: 0xb7001000 size: 0x0000953c
    14214: entry: 0xb70026c0 phdr: 0xb7001034 phnum: 7
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/libgif.so.4
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/gif.so
    14214: opening file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/gif.so [0]; direct_opencount=1
    14214: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/gif.so: error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: save (fatal)
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/bz2.so [0]; dynamically loaded by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/bz2.so [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb6fffee0 base: 0xb6ffe000 size: 0x0000205c
    14214: entry: 0xb6ffe7e0 phdr: 0xb6ffe034 phnum: 7
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/bz2.so
    14214: opening file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/bz2.so [0]; direct_opencount=1
    14214: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/bz2.so: error: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: save (fatal)
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/bmp.so [0]; dynamically loaded by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/bmp.so [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb6eb9ee0 base: 0xb6eb6000 size: 0x00004044
    14214: entry: 0xb6eb66f0 phdr: 0xb6eb6034 phnum: 7
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/bmp.so
    14214: opening file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/bmp.so [0]; direct_opencount=1
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/argb.so [0]; dynamically loaded by /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/argb.so [0]; generating link map
    14214: dynamic: 0xb6eb4ee0 base: 0xb6eb3000 size: 0x0000203c
    14214: entry: 0xb6eb36b0 phdr: 0xb6eb3034 phnum: 7
    14214: calling init: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/argb.so
    14214: opening file=/usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/argb.so [0]; direct_opencount=1
    14214: calling fini: wbar [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/zlib.so [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/xpm.so [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/tiff.so [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libtiff.so.5 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/liblzma.so.5 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libpthread.so.0 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/tga.so [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/pnm.so [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/png.so [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libpng15.so.15 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/lbm.so [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/jpeg.so [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libjpeg.so.8 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/id3.so [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libid3tag.so.0 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/gif.so [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libgif.so.4 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/bz2.so [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/bmp.so [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/imlib2/loaders/argb.so [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libImlib2.so.1 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libXext.so.6 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libfreetype.so.6 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libbz2.so.1.0 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libz.so.1 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libm.so.6 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libX11.so.6 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libxcb.so.1 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libXdmcp.so.6 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libXau.so.6 [0]
    14214: calling fini: /usr/lib/libdl.so.2 [0]

  • [SOLVED] Non-interactive SSH login and shell startup files

    I have a problem getting git-annex connecting to my arch box because of
    PATH not being correctly set. When diagnosing this problem I noticed that
    ~/.bashrc seems to be ignored for non-interactive SSH logins. More specifically,
    ssh myhost env
    Shows that when connecting to my other computer running gentoo, or to a
    separate server (probably running some flavor of Debian, I am not sure),
    environment variables defined in ~/.bashrc are present, but when connecting
    to my arch box, they are not. All three computers have identical ~/.bashrc
    files and ~/.bash_profile is set to read ~/.bashrc, and in all cases the file is
    sourced for an interactive login (i.e., 'ssh myhost' followed by 'env'). I tried to
    search through the various bash files in /etc, but didn't find anything related.
    Is there some bash or SSH setting that controls this behavior?
    I looked into this a bit more and found BASH_ENV which can be used to point to
    a file which is sourced for non-interactive shells. So I set
    in /etc/environment, and now ~/.bashrc is sourced even for non-interactive
    shells and thus my PATH is correctly set. What I still don't know is why
    arch behaves differently in this respect, but I guess that will remain a mystery.
    Last edited by Nuteater (2012-07-27 18:59:30)

    try creating a .login file and put exec bash in there.
    Not _super_ familiar with csh, but I *think* csh loads .login only on login shells (as apposed to always loading .cshrc).
    Barring that, the following should work.
    if (! $?prompt) goto cshrc_end
    exec bash

  • [SOLVED] /dev/root is not a valid block device

    After trying to boot my system after a few days of it remaining off, it fails to boot with:
    Booting the kernel.
    ERROR: resume: hibernation device '/dev/sda9' not found
    mount: /dev/root is not a valid block device
    You are now being dropped into an emergency shell.
    sh: can't access tty; job control turned off.
    [rootfs /]#
    The sda9 error has been around for quite some time, even back when it was working and I've been ignoring it all these days.
    Last edited by SgrA (2013-03-28 18:00:35)

    I did try that. Now after a few suggestions on #archlinux, I'm using LABEL's instead of device names, and SYSLINUX. The scene isn't much different, now it complains that it can't find "LABEL=Arch" instead. Here's the current fstab:
    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    LABEL=Boot /boot ext2 defaults 0 1
    UUID=c9e24897-af78-4768-bf67-2302ebf17a2b /mnt/Algenib ext4 defaults 0 1
    LABEL=Arch / ext4 defaults 0 1
    UUID=2cc33548-62ef-4c22-a2c8-13bb5a979273 /mnt/Acrux ext4 defaults 0 1
    UUID=cd53f792-f142-45b2-aa0c-ab314950b53b /mnt/Mimosa ext4 defaults 0 1
    UUID=122606f2-7ef7-4746-a688-806caaacc86f /mnt/Gacrux ext4 defaults,noauto 0 1
    UUID=5b4c6ccb-b90c-488b-aa5d-135a2e98eaf0 swap swap defaults 0 0
    and here's syslinux.cfg:
    # Config file for Syslinux -
    # /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
    # Comboot modules:
    # * menu.c32 - provides a text menu
    # * vesamenu.c32 - provides a graphical menu
    # * chain.c32 - chainload MBRs, partition boot sectors, Windows bootloaders
    # * hdt.c32 - hardware detection tool
    # * reboot.c32 - reboots the system
    # * poweroff.com - shutdown the system
    # To Use: Copy the respective files from /usr/lib/syslinux to /boot/syslinux.
    # If /usr and /boot are on the same file system, symlink the files instead
    # of copying them.
    # If you do not use a menu, a 'boot:' prompt will be shown and the system
    # will boot automatically after 5 seconds.
    # Please review the wiki: [url]https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Syslinux[/url]
    # The wiki provides further configuration examples
    DEFAULT arch
    PROMPT 0 # Set to 1 if you always want to display the boot: prompt
    TIMEOUT 50
    # You can create syslinux keymaps with the keytab-lilo tool
    #KBDMAP de.ktl
    # Menu Configuration
    # Either menu.c32 or vesamenu32.c32 must be copied to /boot/syslinux
    UI menu.c32
    #UI vesamenu.c32
    # Refer to [url]http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/Doc/menu[/url]
    MENU TITLE Arch Linux
    #MENU BACKGROUND splash.png
    MENU COLOR border 30;44 #40ffffff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR title 1;36;44 #9033ccff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR sel 7;37;40 #e0ffffff #20ffffff all
    MENU COLOR unsel 37;44 #50ffffff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR help 37;40 #c0ffffff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR timeout_msg 37;40 #80ffffff #00000000 std
    MENU COLOR timeout 1;37;40 #c0ffffff #00000000 std
    MENU COLOR msg07 37;40 #90ffffff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR tabmsg 31;40 #30ffffff #00000000 std
    # boot sections follow
    # TIP: If you want a 1024x768 framebuffer, add "vga=773" to your kernel line.
    LABEL arch
    MENU LABEL Arch Linux
    LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
    APPEND root=LABEL=Arch ro
    INITRD ../initramfs-linux.img
    LABEL archfallback
    MENU LABEL Arch Linux Fallback
    LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
    APPEND root=LABEL=Arch ro
    INITRD ../initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    LABEL algenib
    MENU LABEL Algenib
    LINUX ../vml-alg
    APPEND root=UUID=c9e24897-af78-4768-bf67-2302ebf17a2b
    INITRD ../ini-alg
    #LABEL windows
    # MENU LABEL Windows
    # COM32 chain.c32
    # APPEND hd0 1
    LABEL hdt
    MENU LABEL HDT (Hardware Detection Tool)
    COM32 hdt.c32
    LABEL reboot
    MENU LABEL Reboot
    COM32 reboot.c32
    LABEL off
    MENU LABEL Power Off
    COMBOOT poweroff.com
    This is what happens:
    Last edited by SgrA (2013-03-28 13:20:22)

  • [SOLVED] Ask root password automatically [question]

    Hi, everybody. 
    Is there any way for console apps that need to be run as root to ask root password when we type the command?
    [user@localhost ~]$ pacman -Syu
    You cannot perform this operation unless you are root. Please, insert the root password:
    I know that there is "sudo", but i really dont like it because i have allways to type "sudo command".
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by eldarion (2007-10-06 18:46:50)

    Alias them to whatever you like.
    alias pacman='su -c /usr/bin/pacman'
    alias pacman='sudo /usr/bin/pacman'

Maybe you are looking for