[Solved] Bash scripting and sed substitution

I am writing a script in order to substitute strings from one array to another one in texts.
For only one case it is working as the following :
sed '/ā/s/\(.*\)ā\(.*\)/\1a\21/g' temp.txt > temp2.txt
which converts ā in a word by the same word with a normal "a" and the number 1 at the end of the word (māng > mang1)
For many cases i've made some arrays and containing the rules in a srcipt file :
# These are the 4 databases containing the strings that are suposed to be replaced
# This is the data base of output correspondances
for base in {1..4} # For each database
for case in {1..6} # For each case
sed "/${data${base}[$count]}/s/\(.*\)${data${base}[$count]}\(.*\)/\1${data[$case]}\2$base/g" temp.txt > temp2.txt
let "count+=1" #go to the next case in the database
cat temp2.txt > temp.txt
I have a substitution issue in the sed line. In fact I am trying to make a double substitution and it doesn't works.
Like the first substitution ${data${base}[$count]} make 3 substitutions at a time… but I can't make it to work.
In that case it would give me, for instance, the string contained in data2[3].
I hope you understand what i mean. And i'd like to know how to deal with that substitution issue if you have an idea…
Last edited by jiehong (2010-09-26 07:49:25)

I've implemented what Procyon told in the part 2 and it's working with a small adaptation, which is great!!
I've just an issue now because the number will go right after a word but at the end of the ligne… even if words are spaced by a space… like :
wō wó wǒ wò wo
become :
wo wo wo wo wo1234
my sed ligne is now :
sed "/$(eval echo \$\{data$base[$count]\})/s/\(.*\)$(eval echo \$\{data$base[$count]\})\(.*\)/\1${data[$case]}\2$base/g" temp.txt > temp2.txt
Last edited by jiehong (2010-09-25 20:27:57)

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    Trent wrote:I don't think $() is portable outside of bash.  That's what I've heard, anyway.
    $() is adopted and recommended by POSIX, so protability should not be a problem.
    Search for command substitution in google and see by yourself
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    Thanks Steve, that worked perfectly.
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    Well, obviously not, as the string "ps aux | grep wmCalClock | head -n -1" is
    never empty What you probably wanted to write is
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    Last edited by handy (2008-11-19 04:11:02)

    Zariel wrote:
    i guess something like this?
    %optical ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
    I found the clues for this in the sudoers manual:
    handy   ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/umount /CDROM,\
                    /sbin/mount -o nosuid\,nodev /dev/cd0a /CDROM
    Which works in so far as now mounting no longer needs the password.
    Which leaves me with the problem of trying to understand how to get Worker to mount the optical drive on command.
    If I enter the bash command in the Terminal as follows:
    mount /mnt/dvd
    the media is mounted, after which I can push the button in Worker, which I have configured with:
    & the root list of the optical media is displayed in the active panel of Worker.
    I just haven't been able to get Worker to use "mount /mnt/dvd" yet, there will be a way, I wonder how long it will take me to find it? lol
    Last edited by handy (2008-11-19 06:48:09)

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    COLUMNS is not defined in a normal script.
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    you need the eval command to finish how you started:
    eval echo value=\$test$i
    Otherwise, use bash arrays:
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    ninja-edit to remove the comma's in the array
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    NEWMAIL=$(curl -su "You'd wish." https://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom | grep fullcount | cut -d ">" -f 2 | cut -d "<" -f 1)
    echo $NEWMAIL
    notify-send "Gmail" "You have $NEWMAIL new mails!"
    sleep 10s
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    Last edited by ThunderRush (2013-02-05 14:38:15)

    I tried that aesiris, of course with some gnome things, but it did not work either.
    And for jason: It's okay, thank you again for your help.
    I will see what else I can do, and will post a solution if I find one - which I doubt.
    What other alternatives to notify-send are there? Not a whole popup, but something more subtle?
    As always, my own stupidity.
    Since I had absolutely no right set on the file, since the password is there in clear text, ist had the Permissions 111.
    But - gnome did not belong to my root.
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    and set the rights to 500. So I can execute and read it.
    And it finally worked. Thanks again.
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    baz quuix
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    echo $TITLE
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    Last edited by pshevtsov (2012-05-23 09:42:13)

    pshevtsov wrote:
    So, I can't perform the following:
    mysql -e "SELECT title,summary,body,added,modified FROM news" \
    echo $TITLE
    How can I prevent such behavior?
    If you want to use \t as IFS you have to quote it
    mysql -e "SELECT title,summary,body,added,modified FROM news" \
    echo $TITLE

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    Thanks for any help.
    Last edited by valvet (2010-11-07 18:30:05)

    linux-ka wrote:That's strange. I am using xmonad and rxvt-unicode-256color too, but there's no problem. I am running the current version of both of 'em. Have you upgraded xmonad/-contrib? or try to build your rxvt version on your own machine.
    Also, yes - my xmonad stuff should be up to date.
    Name : xmonad-darcs
    Version : 20101103-1
    URL : http://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad
    Licenses : custom:BSD3
    Groups : None
    Provides : None
    Depends On : gmp libxinerama ghc haskell-x11>= haskell-mtl
    Optional Deps : None
    Required By : xmonad-contrib-darcs
    Conflicts With : xmonad
    Replaces : None
    Installed Size : 4404.00 K
    Packager : Unknown Packager
    Architecture : i686
    Build Date : Wed 03 Nov 2010 11:13:51 PM CET
    Install Date : Wed 03 Nov 2010 11:14:03 PM CET
    Install Reason : Explicitly installed
    Install Script : Yes
    Description : A tiling window manager
    Name : xmonad-contrib-darcs
    Version : 20101103-1
    URL : http://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib
    Licenses : custom:BSD3
    Groups : None
    Provides : None
    Depends On : haskell-x11-xft xmonad-darcs
    Optional Deps : None
    Required By : None
    Conflicts With : xmonad-contrib
    Replaces : None
    Installed Size : 26100.00 K
    Packager : Unknown Packager
    Architecture : i686
    Build Date : Wed 03 Nov 2010 11:16:53 PM CET
    Install Date : Wed 03 Nov 2010 11:17:21 PM CET
    Install Reason : Explicitly installed
    Install Script : Yes
    Description : Third party extensions for xmonad
    Could you try with my Xdefaults file above, see if you can reproduce it? Also try using the font I am (Droid).
    Last edited by valvet (2010-11-07 02:04:57)

  • [SOLVED] Bash scripting - figure out how much you've downloaded

    How would I aproach displaying how much (in mb/kb/gb whatever) I've downloaded?
    Last edited by valvet (2010-11-04 13:10:13)

    There's also http://www.archlinux.org/packages/?sort … =&limit=50
    [karol@black ~]$ vnstat -d
    eth0 / daily
    day rx | tx | total | avg. rate
    10/02/10 525.89 MiB | 28.77 MiB | 554.66 MiB | 52.59 kbit/s
    10/03/10 850.30 MiB | 20.01 GiB | 20.84 GiB | 2.02 Mbit/s
    10/04/10 353.02 MiB | 20.26 MiB | 373.28 MiB | 35.39 kbit/s
    10/05/10 601.78 MiB | 42.41 MiB | 644.19 MiB | 61.08 kbit/s
    10/06/10 471.46 MiB | 26.29 MiB | 497.75 MiB | 47.19 kbit/s
    10/07/10 312.86 MiB | 15.24 MiB | 328.10 MiB | 31.11 kbit/s
    10/08/10 250.51 MiB | 13.85 MiB | 264.36 MiB | 25.07 kbit/s
    10/09/10 456.25 MiB | 22.86 MiB | 479.11 MiB | 45.43 kbit/s
    10/10/10 1.21 GiB | 43.15 MiB | 1.25 GiB | 121.82 kbit/s
    10/11/10 442.58 MiB | 21.45 MiB | 464.02 MiB | 44.00 kbit/s
    10/12/10 757.99 MiB | 33.45 MiB | 791.44 MiB | 75.04 kbit/s
    10/13/10 274.19 MiB | 18.22 MiB | 292.41 MiB | 27.72 kbit/s
    10/14/10 1.11 GiB | 48.94 MiB | 1.16 GiB | 112.59 kbit/s
    10/15/10 1.08 GiB | 42.71 MiB | 1.12 GiB | 108.95 kbit/s
    10/16/10 921.70 MiB | 32.01 MiB | 953.71 MiB | 90.43 kbit/s
    10/17/10 929.25 MiB | 37.68 MiB | 966.94 MiB | 91.68 kbit/s
    10/18/10 1.78 GiB | 73.96 MiB | 1.85 GiB | 179.53 kbit/s
    10/19/10 391.16 MiB | 19.23 MiB | 410.39 MiB | 38.91 kbit/s
    10/20/10 1.30 GiB | 42.81 MiB | 1.34 GiB | 130.33 kbit/s
    10/21/10 2.67 GiB | 77.57 MiB | 2.75 GiB | 267.06 kbit/s
    10/22/10 1.17 GiB | 36.96 MiB | 1.21 GiB | 117.29 kbit/s
    10/23/10 3.91 GiB | 104.04 MiB | 4.01 GiB | 389.56 kbit/s
    10/24/10 4.43 GiB | 124.12 MiB | 4.55 GiB | 441.50 kbit/s
    10/25/10 2.48 GiB | 71.18 MiB | 2.55 GiB | 247.22 kbit/s
    10/26/10 7.25 GiB | 146.55 MiB | 7.39 GiB | 717.75 kbit/s
    10/27/10 0.98 GiB | 35.87 MiB | 1.02 GiB | 98.78 kbit/s
    10/28/10 1.22 MiB | 599 KiB | 1.81 MiB | 0.17 kbit/s
    11/02/10 1.77 GiB | 30.93 MiB | 1.80 GiB | 174.33 kbit/s
    11/03/10 961.69 MiB | 44.55 MiB | 0.98 GiB | 95.41 kbit/s
    11/04/10 1.09 GiB | 44.35 MiB | 1.13 GiB | 170.49 kbit/s
    estimated 1.69 GiB | 68 MiB | 1.76 GiB |
    [karol@black ~]$ vnstat -m
    eth0 / monthly
    month rx | tx | total | avg. rate
    Feb '10 66.99 GiB | 4.72 GiB | 71.71 GiB | 248.65 kbit/s
    Mar '10 31.77 GiB | 2.68 GiB | 34.45 GiB | 107.89 kbit/s
    Apr '10 28.77 GiB | 2.50 GiB | 31.26 GiB | 101.18 kbit/s
    May '10 6.38 GiB | 682.79 MiB | 7.05 GiB | 22.08 kbit/s
    Jun '10 6.10 GiB | 347.45 MiB | 6.44 GiB | 20.83 kbit/s
    Jul '10 41.02 GiB | 1.73 GiB | 42.75 GiB | 133.89 kbit/s
    Aug '10 49.31 GiB | 2.91 GiB | 52.21 GiB | 163.52 kbit/s
    Sep '10 14.49 GiB | 939.38 MiB | 15.40 GiB | 49.85 kbit/s
    Oct '10 41.93 GiB | 21.36 GiB | 63.29 GiB | 198.21 kbit/s
    Nov '10 3.79 GiB | 119.83 MiB | 3.91 GiB | 104.14 kbit/s
    estimated 31.21 GiB | 979 MiB | 32.17 GiB |

  • Unexpected token `(' in my bash script [Solved]

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    Last edited by physicsshark (2015-04-07 20:09:07)

    Trilby wrote:I've never seen that syntax
    You mean the pipes or the bang?
    $ touch a.gz b.gz c.txt
    $ ls !(*.gz)
    This works as an alias and from the comeliness commandline, but not in a script.
    $ ls -l ~/2
    total 16
    drwxr-xr-x 2 karol users 4096 Apr 7 03:13 a
    drwxr-xr-x 2 karol users 4096 Apr 7 03:07 b
    drwxr-xr-x 2 karol users 4096 Apr 7 03:07 c
    drwxr-xr-x 2 karol users 4096 Apr 7 03:13 d
    $ mv ~/2/!(a|b|c) ~/2/a
    $ ls -l ~/2
    total 12
    drwxr-xr-x 3 karol users 4096 Apr 7 03:14 a
    drwxr-xr-x 2 karol users 4096 Apr 7 03:07 b
    drwxr-xr-x 2 karol users 4096 Apr 7 03:07 c
    $ ls -l ~/2/a
    total 4
    drwxr-xr-x 2 karol users 4096 Apr 7 03:13 d
    Last edited by karol (2015-04-07 01:20:14)

  • Using Bash script to edit config file

    This is a really simple question, but given that I'm just learning Bash scripting and having this solved now would be really illustrative for me, I would really thank some help here.
    I'm using uzbl, and running Tor+Polipo. So, as you will see below in the tail of the config file, there is a line to redirect the requests of uzbl through Polipo.
    # === Post-load misc commands ================================================
    sync_spawn_exec @scripts_dir/load_cookies.sh
    sync_spawn_exec @scripts_dir/load_cookies.sh @data_home/uzbl/session-cookies.txt
    # Set the "home" page.
    #set uri = https://duckduckgo.com
    # Local polipo proxy
    set proxy_url =
    # vim: set fdm=syntax:
    What I want to accomplish is to comment in/out that line with a key shortcut on Awesome. I've thought of doing 2 scripts to do so and using 2 differente key shortcuts, but I want to "toggle" the proxy redirection with only 1 shortcut. To do so, I suppose that the script should go something like:
    tool 'set proxy_url =' config_file
    tool '#set proxy_url =' config_file
    tool '#set proxy_url =' config_file
    tool 'set proxy_url =' config_file
    I know little about sed, but I think is the tool for this job. The most intriging part to me is to ask sed to print the regular expression when it finds it in the config file, and use that as an input in the conditional statement.
    Well, this is a mess I have done here. Hope there is a simple answer to this.
    Thanks in advance.-

    You can do this with a single sed command:
    sed -i 's/^#set proxy_url/set proxy_url/;
    t end;
    s/^set proxy_url/#set proxy_url/;
    : end' config_file
    This edits the file in-place (-i) and first tries to replace the commented with the uncommented line. If that suceeds, sed jumps to the "end" label. If not, it tries to replace the uncommented with the commented line. Thus you don't have to include any logic about the current state: if the first substitution succeeds, the line was obviously commented, if not, it was uncommented, and the second substitution should succeed.
    Note that my knowledge of sed is very limited. There might be a simpler way to do this.
    EDIT: For the sake of example, here's how to do the same in bash using regular expressions. Note how this script needs to use a temporary file to simulate in-place editing, how it needs to process the file line by line manually, etc. All things that sed does out of the box...
    echo -n "" > "$tmp"
    while read line; do
    if [[ "$line" =~ ^#set\ proxy ]]; then
    echo "${line/\#/}" >> "$tmp"
    elif [[ "$line" =~ ^set\ proxy ]]; then
    echo "#$line" >> "$tmp"
    echo "$line" >> "$tmp"
    done < test.conf
    mv test.conf.tmp test.conf
    To answer your original question, the line
    if [[ "$line" =~ ^#set\ proxy ]]; then
    reads: if the line begins with a "#", followed by "set proxy", then...
    Last edited by hbekel (2011-03-20 10:40:16)

  • Sending email using bash script

    I am working on writing a bash script to notify one or more users by email of certain events. Run from the Terminal command line, and having the script "echo" text of (what would be) a form letter with in-line variable expansion (i.e., ${VARIABLE}), all seems to work as anticipated. Eventually, I want cron to launch this shell script, and send an email to an "on-subnet" user (I have postfix enabled on my Mac, and there are multiple local user accounts).
    I found some stuff on the web about sending mail from bash scripts, and so I made a small little test script, that reads like this:
    VARIABLE[1]="The 12,345 quick brown foxes "
    VARIABLE[2]="jumped over the 67,890 lazy dogs."
    mail -s "a test email" jv << EOF
    This is a test:
    This is the last line of the test message.
    echo "script completed"
    It worked... almost... It sent a local email to my postfix mail account that read like this:
    This is a test:
    The 12,345 quick brown foxes
    jumped over the 67,890 lazy dogs.
    This is the last line of the test message.
    echo "script completed"
    So, I have two questions. First, the easy one (I hope):
    How do I delimit the end of the text, that I want to be the message body of the email, from portions of the script that follow said email text?
    Next question is a little more involved. You know how, in Mail.app, if you go to Mail Preferences>Accounts>Account Information, you can put multiple email addresses, comma-delimited, in the "Email Address" field? So, if a person entered "[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]" in this field, then, even though (s)he may be at home, and using their home ISP's mail server, (s)he could send an email apparently from either their home, work, or school email address. Of course, the mail headers clearly would show it came from and through their home machine and home ISP, but it would be displayed in the recipient's Mail client viewer as having come from one of [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].
    I'd like to do something similar here, whereby the email (that is being sent to one or more local users' postfix account on my computer) would apparently be sent from "watchdog@localhost" rather than from "jv@localhost" like it seems to do by default. Whatever account the script is run from (or presumbably, whose cron tab is launching the script) is what the "From" address is set to.
    I'd rather not create an additional mail account, because I am using Mac OS X built-in accounts for the postfix mailboxes (I don't want to have to maintain a plaintext username:password file in postfix, and I don't want to create an additional user account on the computer).
    So, is there a way to specify an alternate "From" username when invoking the mail -s ${SUBJECT} ${RECIPIENT} command in a bash script? Or is there a different, alternate mail command that will let me do so? (please include a description of syntax and how I'd package the above message text for the alternate method).
    Thanks in advance, all!

    Hi j.v.,
    The > after EOF is just a typo (or may be added by the Discussion ?) and you must delete it; other > are prompts from the interactive shell. Andy's post shows an interactive use of shell, not a shell script (note the shell prompt % in front of the commands). A typical use of here document may look like
    command <<ENDOFDATA
    There must be no spaces before and after ENDOFDATA. The word ENDOFDATA can be EOF or any other string which is guaranteed not to appear in the text (the .... in the example above).
    You can modify the From: header by using sendmail command (postfix has it as a compatibility interface):
    /usr/sbin/sendmail -t <<EndOfMessage
    Subject: test mail
    To: jv
    From: watchdog
    This is a test:
    This is the last line of the test message.
    There must be a blank line between the headers and the mail body.
    I assume that you send these mails only to users on your local Mac. Please do not send mails to remote users by using the sendmail command unless you know what you are doing completely.
    PowerMac G4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

  • How do I save a "bash" script? (in attempt to fix one of my other problems)

    Here is my original problem:
    I came across this that sounds like it will help my issue:
    However, what am I supposed to do with that code? Put it in the Terminal? Save it as an Apple Script? I also got the "lingon" program set up, all I need to do is figure how how to save this "bash" script and all set!
    Any ideas?

    This link might help as it shows how to create the plist using lingon:
    http://mymacfixes.blogspot.com/2009/06/how-do-i-stop-clicking-noise-from-hard.ht ml

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