[SOLVED] Can't hibernate with xfce as normal user

Until recently, I can't hibernate using xfce menu as normal user. All other operations such as poweroff, reboot, logout... works.
When I tried systemctl:
> systemctl hibernate
Failed to issue method call: Operation not supported
Failed to issue method call: Access denied
"sudo systemctl hibernate" works
All other operations also works for normal user (without sudo).
When I checked CanHibernate:
>sudo dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.CanHibernate
method return sender=:1.0 -> dest=:1.56 reply_serial=2
string "na"
Which is totally not true since I could hibernate as root.
CanReboot, CanShutdown... returns "true".
As expected, this doesn't work:
> dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.Hibernate boolean:true
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed: Operation not supported
And of course, all other operations work, which is confusing.
Package versions:
> pacman -Q xfwm4 xfdesktop xfce4-session xfce4-power-manager systemd slim polkit
xfwm4 4.10.1-1
xfdesktop 4.10.2-1
xfce4-session 4.10.1-3
xfce4-power-manager 1.2.0-5
systemd 208-1
slim 1.3.6-1
polkit 0.112-1
Any ideas what's wrong? Thanks in advance.
Last edited by bullno1 (2013-10-05 05:57:20)

qr wrote:
I experienced the same problem after todays update and after I downgraded systemd and systemd-sysvcompat to 207-5 it's working again.
I still have to figure out what changed, but it's a temporary fix. Hope it helps.
Thanks. Downgrading seems to fix it.
root wrote:As far as I see you are using polkit with XFCE, are you aware that recent updates (03/09 in my pacman log) established that polkit would not autostart anymore but in GNOME Flashback?
You might want to make sure polkit is running (not only installed) and consider switching to lxpolkit which is suggested as a lightweight alternative which will start automatically with DEs such as XFCE.
It is running. Thanks for the suggestion about lxpolkit. I'll check it out.

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    /dev/sda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
    /dev/sda3 / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1
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    Last edited by Slizzered (2010-04-15 05:51:45)

    Man, my fstab seems to be really crappy I think now..
    (gonna change the order immediately )
    more information:
    when I log in with tty1 as normal user, it says
    No directory, logging in with HOME=/
    "mount /home"
    gives me:
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    ls: cannot open directory /media/usb/: Permission denied
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    Last edited by LonelyStar (2009-02-10 22:03:55)

    What is the filesystem used in your partition ?
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    Last edited by fettouhi (2014-10-02 08:41:41)

    progandy wrote:I am using volumeicon to control pulseaudio (in XFCE and now in i3 too). It can display and manipulate the master volume of current default device, and I set it to open pavucontrol as mixer.
    The autostart was a bit difficult in XFCE, I don't know why. maybe try to run it as a shellscript and redirect stderr, stdout and stdin all to /dev/null. I had some problems with strange broken pipes crashing applications under XFCE when run with autostart.
    By the way, pasystray is not meant to control the volume, only to manipulate the connections between devices and streams.
    I tried using volumeicon as well and I can't it to autolaunch when xfce starts either.

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    /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer \
    org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement.Suspend int32:0
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    (sleep 3 && /usr/bin/nm-applet --sm-disable) &
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    tim 2311 2306 0 15:27 tty1 00:00:00 /usr/bin/nm-applet --sm-disable
    tim 2332 2327 0 15:27 pts/0 00:00:00 grep nm-applet
    [tim@(none) ~]$ ps -ef|grep networkmanager
    root 497 476 0 14:14 ? 00:00:00 /sbin/dhcpcd -B -K -L -G -c /usr/lib/networkmanager/nm-dhcp-client.action eth0
    root 869 476 0 14:30 ? 00:00:00 /sbin/dhcpcd -B -K -L -G -c /usr/lib/networkmanager/nm-dhcp-client.action ra0
    tim 2345 2327 0 15:27 pts/0 00:00:00 grep networkmanager
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    Tim (newbie to Arch but previously ran ArchBang for six months)
    Last edited by ratcheer (2012-05-02 22:34:30)

    I have now switched to tint2 from pypanel, anyway. It is much cleaner and easier to use. At least in my opinion.
    Last edited by ratcheer (2012-05-03 02:31:59)

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    OpenGL vendor string: Mesa Project
    OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer
    # sudo glxinfo
    OpenGL vendor string: DRI R300 Project
    OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 20060815 x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL
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    xorg-server 1.6.2
    Last edited by leniviy (2009-08-01 11:14:16)

    Is your user added to the video group?

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    Did I miss some config file?
    For the sake of clarity:
    1) /etc/locale.gen has "it_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8" uncommented
    2) /etc/locale.conf contains "LANG=it_IT.UTF-8"
    3) /etc/vconsole.conf contains "KEYMAP=it"
    $ locale
    Thanks for any help.
    Last edited by bull3t (2013-03-03 14:10:15)

    cfr wrote:Have you tried specifying a variant?
    I exclude a variant problem considering that in any other condition the keyboard layout is right. The system is configured for an it KEYMAP but it is obvious that in entrance/kdm is used an 'us' map. Is this hardcoded somewhere? I also tryed to comment out any entry in /etc/locale.gen except 'it_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8': still 'us' keymap in graphical login screen.
    Probably a kind user with a non-us keyborad layout could create a dummy user with password containing '@' or '#' or any other special symbol to verify that this condition is reproducible, a first step for a bug report.

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    Thank you for helping me to keep Archlinux on my second computer!
    Last edited by Achille (2008-06-29 21:59:09)

    I finally solved my problem!
    In the file /etc/mkinitcpio.conf, I modified the MODULES loaded:
    MODULES="pata_acpi ata_generic ata_piix usbcore usb_storage uhci_hcd ehci_hcd sg scsi_mod sd_mod dm_mod"
    I also add in the file /lib/initcpio/hooks/lvm2 the line /bin/sleep 10
    /bin/sleep 10
    msg "Scanning logical volumes..."
    And finally, I ran the command:
    mkinitcpio -p kernel26

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    HP_Officejet_4500_G510g-m (Idle, Accepting Jobs, Not Shared)
    Description: HP Officejet 4500 G510g-m
    Driver: HP Officejet 4500 g510g-m hpijs, 3.14.10 (color, 2-sided printing)
    Connection: usb://HP/Officejet%204500%20G510g-m?serial=CN21CG201N05CQ&interface=1
    Defaults: job-sheets=none, none media=na_letter_8.5x11in sides=one-sided
    and it prints fine.
    But I can't scan now. I could before. This is what I see in my terminal:
    $ sudo hp-check
    Saving output in log file: /home/kirk/hp-check.log
    HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.14.10)
    Dependency/Version Check Utility ver. 15.1
    Copyright (c) 2001-13 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
    This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
    This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
    under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
    Note: hp-check can be run in three modes:
    1. Compile-time check mode (-c or --compile): Use this mode before compiling the HPLIP supplied tarball (.tar.gz or .run) to determine if
    the proper dependencies are installed to successfully compile HPLIP.
    2. Run-time check mode (-r or --run): Use this mode to determine if a distro supplied package (.deb, .rpm, etc) or an already built HPLIP
    supplied tarball has the proper dependencies installed to successfully run.
    3. Both compile- and run-time check mode (-b or --both) (Default): This mode will check both of the above cases (both compile- and
    run-time dependencies).
    Check types:
    a. EXTERNALDEP - External Dependencies
    b. GENERALDEP - General Dependencies (required both at compile and run time)
    c. COMPILEDEP - Compile time Dependencies
    d. [All are run-time checks]
    Status Types:
    MISSING - Missing Dependency or Permission or Plug-in
    INCOMPAT - Incompatible dependency-version or Plugin-version
    warning: arch distro is not found in AUTH_TYPES
    warning: unknown- version is not supported. Using unknown-0 versions dependencies to verify and install...
    Kernel: 3.17.4-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 21 21:14:42 CET 2014 GNU/Linux
    Host: arch
    Proc: 3.17.4-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 21 21:14:42 CET 2014 GNU/Linux
    Distribution: unknown
    Bitness: 64 bit
    HPLIP-Version: HPLIP 3.14.10
    HPLIP-Home: /usr/share/hplip
    warning: HPLIP-Installation: Auto installation is not supported for unknown distro version
    Current contents of '/etc/hp/hplip.conf' file:
    # hplip.conf. Generated from hplip.conf.in by configure.
    # Following values are determined at configure time and cannot be changed.
    Current contents of '/var/lib/hp/hplip.state' file:
    Plugins are not installed. Could not access file: No such file or directory
    Current contents of '~/.hplip/hplip.conf' file:
    warning: Could not access file: No such file or directory
    <Package-name> <Package-Desc> <Required/Optional> <Min-Version> <Installed-Version> <Status> <Comment>
    | External Dependencies |
    policykit Admin-Policy-framework OPTIONAL - 0.112 OK -
    gs Ghostscript REQUIRED 7.05 9.15 OK -
    network Network-wget OPTIONAL - 1.16 OK -
    scanimage Shell-Scanning OPTIONAL 1.0 1.0.24 OK -
    avahi-utils avahi-utils OPTIONAL - 0.6.31 OK -
    dbus DBus REQUIRED - 1.8.10 OK -
    cups CUPS REQUIRED 1.1 2.0.1 OK 'CUPS Scheduler is running'
    xsane SANE-GUI OPTIONAL 0.9 0.999 OK -
    | General Dependencies |
    error: reportlab Python-PDF-Lib OPTIONAL 2.0 - MISSING 'reportlab needs to be installed'
    libcrypto OpenSSL-Crypto-Lib REQUIRED - 1.0.1 OK -
    error: pil Python-Image-Lib OPTIONAL - - MISSING 'pil needs to be installed'
    pyqt4-dbus PyQt4-DBUS REQUIRED 4.0 4.11.3 OK -
    libjpeg JPEG-Lib REQUIRED - - OK -
    libpthread POSIX-Threads-Lib REQUIRED - 2.20 OK -
    python-dbus Python-DBUS REQUIRED 0.80.0 1.2.0 OK -
    python-devel Python-SDK REQUIRED 2.2 3.4.2 OK -
    pyqt4 Python-Qt4 REQUIRED 4.0 4.11.3 OK -
    cups-devel CUPS-SDK REQUIRED - 2.0.1 OK -
    sane-devel SANE-SDK REQUIRED - 1.0.24 OK -
    libusb USB-Lib REQUIRED - 1.0 OK -
    sane Scan-Lib REQUIRED - 1.0.24 OK -
    cups-image CUPS-Image-Lib REQUIRED - 2.0.1 OK -
    libnetsnmp-devel SNMP-Networking-SDK REQUIRED 5.0.9 5.7.2 OK -
    python-xml Python-XML-Lib REQUIRED - 2.1.0 OK -
    python-notify Desktop-notifications OPTIONAL - - OK -
    | Compile Time Dependencies |
    gcc gcc-Compiler REQUIRED - 4.9.2 OK -
    libtool Build-tools REQUIRED - 2.4.2 OK -
    make GNU-Build-tools REQUIRED 3.0 4.1 OK -
    | Python Extentions |
    cupsext CUPS-Extension REQUIRED - 3.14.10 OK -
    pcardext PhotoCard-Extension REQUIRED - 3.14.10 OK -
    hpmudext IO-Extension REQUIRED - 3.14.10 OK -
    | Scan Configuration |
    hpaio HPLIP-SANE-Backend REQUIRED - 3.14.10 OK 'hpaio found in /etc/sane.d/dll.conf'
    scanext Scan-SANE-Extension REQUIRED - 3.14.10 OK -
    /^Cerror: User exit
    I kill it because it just hangs. The issue appears to be "reportlab needs to be installed" but I beleve I have all the packages installed:
    $ sudo pacman -Qs pyth
    local/cython 0.21.1-1
    C-Extensions for Python
    local/gnome-python 2.28.1-9
    PyGNOME Python extension module
    local/libftdi 1.2-1
    A library to talk to FTDI chips, optional python bindings.
    local/libreoffice-still-common 4.2.7-2 (libreoffice-still)
    Common files for LibreOffice maintenance branch
    local/pygtk 2.24.0-5
    Python bindings for the GTK widget set
    local/pygtksourceview2 2.10.1-5
    Python bindings for gtksourceview2
    local/pyorbit 2.24.0-5
    Python bindings for ORBit2
    local/pyqt4-common 4.11.3-1
    Common PyQt files shared between python-pyqt4 and python2-pyqt4
    local/python 3.4.2-1
    Next generation of the python high-level scripting language
    local/python-atspi 2.12.0-1
    Python 3 bindings for at-spi
    local/python-bsddb 6.0.1-3
    Python interface for BerkeleyDB
    local/python-cairo 1.10.0-4
    Python bindings for the cairo graphics library
    local/python-dbus 1.2.0-4
    Python 3.3 bindings for DBUS
    local/python-dbus-common 1.2.0-4
    Common dbus-python files shared between python-dbus and python2-dbus
    local/python-gobject 3.14.0-2
    Python 3 bindings for GObject
    local/python-pyqt4 4.11.3-1
    A set of Python 3.x bindings for the Qt toolkit
    local/python-reportlab 3.1.8-1
    A proven industry-strength PDF generating solution
    local/python-setuptools 1:7.0-1
    Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
    local/python-sip 4.16.4-1
    Python 3.x SIP bindings for C and C++ libraries
    local/python-xdg 0.25-2
    Python library to access freedesktop.org standards
    local/python-xlib 0.15rc1-6
    A fully functional X client library for Python programs
    local/python2 2.7.8-2
    A high-level scripting language
    local/python2-beaker 1.6.4-2
    Caching and sessions WSGI middleware for use with web applications and stand-alone Python scripts and applications
    local/python2-bonobo 2.28.1-9
    Python bindings for interacting with Bonobo
    local/python2-boto 2.34.0-1
    A Python interface to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    local/python2-bsddb 6.0.1-3
    Python interface for BerkeleyDB
    local/python2-cairo 1.10.0-2
    Python2 bindings for the cairo graphics library
    local/python2-crypto 2.6.1-2
    Collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols, implemented for use from Python 2.
    local/python2-dbus 1.2.0-4
    Python 2.7 bindings for DBUS
    local/python2-distutils-extra 2.38-2
    Enhancements to the Python build system
    local/python2-ecdsa 0.11-2
    Implementation of ECDSA in Python
    local/python2-gconf 2.28.1-9
    Python bindings for interacting with GConf
    local/python2-gnomecanvas 2.28.1-9
    Python bindings for the GNOME Canvas
    local/python2-gnomekeyring 2.32.0-15
    Python bindings for libgnome-keyring
    local/python2-gnomevfs 2.28.1-9
    Python bindings for interacting with gnome-vfs
    local/python2-gnupginterface 0.3.2-2
    A Python interface to GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG).
    local/python2-gobject 3.14.0-2
    Python 2 bindings for GObject
    local/python2-gobject2 2.28.6-11
    Python 2 bindings for GObject2
    local/python2-keybinder2 0.3.0-2
    Library for registering global keyboard shortcuts - Python 2 bindings
    local/python2-keyring 4.0-2
    Store and access your passwords safely.
    local/python2-libgnome 2.28.1-9
    Python bindings for libgnome
    local/python2-lockfile 0.10.2-1
    Platform-independent file locking module
    local/python2-mako 1.0.0-1
    Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python2 platform
    local/python2-markupsafe 0.23-1
    Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
    local/python2-notify 0.1.1-13
    Python bindings for libnotify
    local/python2-numpy 1.9.1-1
    Scientific tools for Python
    local/python2-paramiko 1.15.1-1
    Python module that implements the SSH2 protocol
    local/python2-pyqt4 4.11.3-1
    A set of Python 2.x bindings for the Qt toolkit
    local/python2-pysqlite 2.6.3-4
    A Python DB-API 2.0 interface for the SQLite embedded relational database engine
    local/python2-sip 4.16.4-1
    Python 2.x SIP bindings for C and C++ libraries
    local/python2-wnck 2.32.0-15
    Python bindings for libwnck
    local/python2-xdg 0.25-2
    Python library to access freedesktop.org standards
    local/sip 4.16.4-1
    A tool that makes it easy to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries
    A wxWidgets GUI toolkit for Python
    and I just reinstalled some and rebooted.
    I am a bit lost as to what's wrong.
    Last edited by CaptainKirk (2014-12-05 12:23:09)

    In reality I couldn't print either. Not sure what really fixed it, but it seemed that adding hpoj from AUR and rebooting did it. I then readded the printer and now all works.

  • [solved] Can find sisctrl with pacman

    I'm trying to install sisctrl. I need that tool in order to use my beamer with my laptop. The thing is, I can't find it with pacman. This command gives nothing:
    pacman -Ss sisctrl
    When I started Googeling on this, I found this page. So, it seems to be in Pacman. Or, at least had been in pacman.
    Could anyone help me out to install the on my system?
    Thanks a lot anyway
    Last edited by mariourk (2007-10-13 19:29:23)

    It worked like a charm. I have SiSCtrl up and running.
    I learned another nice feature of ArchLinux today. And I'm really starting to like it too.
    Thanks a lot for the help guys!
    Last edited by mariourk (2007-10-13 15:45:38)

  • Can't hibernate with tuxonice

    Hey folks,
    I have a problem with tuxonice. I have set it up like it said in the wiki, but when I type:"sudo hibernate" into the console, it comes up with the UI where it permanently says:"Freezing processes & Syncing filesystem"
    I don't have a clue, what this problem is caused by.
    EDIT: I don't know, if this interests, but I have the proprietary nvidia driver installed.
    Last edited by Fighter19 (2012-04-25 18:36:02)

    are you suspending to swap partition or swap file ?
    also see this wiki article, scroll to "NVIDIA specific settings "
    i am using "Pm-utils" method to hibernate.

  • [Solved] KDE cannot be starded as a normal user

    Hi there.
    I decided to fix my Arch i abandoned couple a months ago (bad me!). After the entire system update i happily rebooted, started kdm, logged in on my user account and kdm suddenly restarts itself. It happens every time i try to log in on any user account. Root account works normally, but i don't want to use it for everyday activity I've looked into logs and whatever, found nothing useful. Removed .kde4 from home dir, still nothing. i've run out of ideas now, what can be preventing me from enjoing my linux?
    Thanks for help.
    Last edited by kaszak696 (2010-11-01 10:32:12)

    ChoK wrote:did you look in ~/.xsession-errors ? it smells like a dbus/console-kit/policykit problem if root works.
    I've found there some errors regarding missing files in my home directory. Using google i tried recreating them, but nothing worked, so i kinda rage-deleted all config files in ~ and kde suddenly started working. Looks like it was just silly problem with outdated configs, sorry for wasting your time.

  • Can't Chat with BB OS 10 Users

    Hi, please i need assistance. I have been unable to chat with user's on th BB 10 series for over 2 weeks on  blackberry messenger.
    I receive their chats but mine doesn't get delivered to them. In addition, all the groups on my phone wiped out. I tried restoring to my most recent back up, but the issue wasnt resolved. What can i do?
    Go to Solution.

    Welcome to BlackBerry Support Forums
    Are you receiving a red X when trying to send any BBM message to any BB 10 users ?
    If you are then try to delete and reinstall BlackBerry Messenger from your device which helped few users with the same issue , To do that On On your Homescreen Go to Options > Device >  Application Management > Locate and delete BlackBerry Messenger from there. After deleting do a Battery Pull Restart like this device Powered On remove the battery wait a min. then re-insert it back .
    KB10040  :  How to view or remove installed application on a blackberry smartphone
    Finally after reboot use your BlackBerry Browser and  browse to www.blackberry.com/bbmdownload  and download the most recent available for your device model. If device prompt for a restart do it .
    After reinstalling for your group issues , ask any of your group member to reinvite you .
    Please Note :
    If you're having BBM7 or higher then your BBM Contacts are integrated with your BlackBerry ID , after installing when you login with your BlackBerry ID your Contacts will be restored back , but if you're having any previous version then first do a local backup , you can backup in your Media card, refer to this KB for further  help
    KB20554 How to back up and restore the BlackBerry Messenger contact list
    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

  • How many different iPods can I sync with my single iMac user/iTunes account?

    Good Day to All,
    Can anyone tell me how many different iPods &amp; iPhones can I successfully consistently sync/integrate using my one "user account" in iTunes on my iMac? This ist situation:
    I have always (and only) synced etc. my iPhone with my one iTunes UID which is under my ONE "User Account" on my  iMac. Recently, my elderly folks gave me 2 iPods they have never used. One is a little silver 4GB shuffle (the little guy with a built on "belt clip" &amp; it verbally tells you what song and artist is playing. The other is also an iPod shuffle ( only 1GB), also has the metal "pinch to open; belt clip"; also no display, however it came with a little USB Dock and THIS ONE has all of the user controls on the face of it in a circular patter of course..
    To have COMPLETE successful "interaction/integration/syncing" etc (with no issues/complications etc) with my iTunes currently and previously only used with my iPhone, do I have to create two new additional "User Login/accounts" on my iMac (one for each iPod) to have all three if my devices work perfectly fine, or can I just use my same iMac login (UID) &amp; iTunes that I use with my iPhone and have no worries?
    (ie: I created my girlfriend her own iMac login UID which she has always used for backing up/syncing etc her iPhone with HER iTunes library etc)
    In short, does iTunes have the ability to have multiple iPods &amp; my iPhone under my one existing iTunes account AND using the same single iMac login/UID I've always used with my iPhone?
    Obviously, I know I could create an iMac login for my mom's, another for my dad's &amp; create them both their individual iTunes accounts, but they really don't want to have to worry about dealing with all that. I'm teetering between just treating them as my iPods and mixing/adding their limited CD's into my library (again, if iTunes allows multiple iPods etc as explained above..
    OR; my other thought would be (again, if one iTunes account can integrate the two iPods as seperate devices and to just create ONE iMac UID login and ONE iTunes account under my dad's name, and use that one account for both of their music, both of their iPods, importing their CD's into the same iTunes library, then when syncing etc. just doing selective transfers/sync's of the specific music for each iPod... Even then, will iTunes be able to differentiate the two as far as backups/restored etc? I think  answering my own question as I type due to the cloud... For completely individual cloud interaction/integration, I would def need to create each of them their own iTunes accounts, otherwise they will have all of each other's songs on their devices.. (ie: And my dad def doesn't want to worry about skipping over my mom's Journey or Aerosmith tunes to get to his Willie Nelson and vice versa for example.
    (Sorry sooooo drawn out; thinking outloud) I guess it seems obvious that since all their digital music has to be on my iMac, I really should create them each their own iMac UID login as well as their own individual iTunes Acounts to insure cloud services work easily for restores/backups etc...
    Thanks for stumbling thru my thought processes here (if I didn't lose ya long ago); I'm exhausted and throwing thoughts at the classroom board to see what sticks.... The best easiest way that is.. (The two aren't always the same obviously!)
    Thank you all for your precious time and consideration and most if all; YOUR PATIENCE!! Any confirmation if the options and suggestions are greatly appreciated. You know, gotta take care of the folks &amp; what is the simplest for them as just end users is the most important or they'll NEVER bother with them in the end...
    Respectfully appreciative,

    You can use as many iPods with one iTunes library as you want.

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