[SOLVED] DWM Layout w/ 2 Columns in Master Area?

So far I've been using DWM with a text editor (vim or emacs depending on what I'm working on) in the master pane and a few terminals in the slave area for compiling/debugging/etc.  Then I create a vertical split in the text editor so I effectively divide my workspace into 3 columns, 2 for text editing and one for terminals).
The problem with this setup is that I have one set of keyboard shortcuts to switch focus between the columns in my editor, and then I have the DWM shortcuts to switch between terminals.  It'd be really nice if I could have two separate text editor instances laid out as columns in my master area so I could just use the native DWM commands to switch between everything.
I've tried the nmaster patch on suckless, but its ntile layout splits the master column into multiple rows rather than columns.
Does anyone else have a patch or layout that can achieve this behavior?  I think this is a very useful layout for coders with widescreen monitors.
Last edited by choogi (2010-09-03 16:05:03)

I'm getting nmaster from suckless:
Mod+{a,z,x} would increase/decrease/set the number of windows in the master area.  The problem is the ntile layout, which tiles slave windows off to the side (which I want), splits the master pane horizontally (which I don't want) when you increase the number of master windows.  Alternatively, the nbstack layout splits the master pane vertically (which I want), but then it tiles the slave windows at the bottom of the screen (which I don't want).
Is there a layout that both splits the master area vertically and tiles slave windows at the side?  I could try patching it myself but I haven't had time to dive into the dwm source code yet

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    sap.ui.jsview("split_practice.master.master1", {
      createContent : function(oController) {
      oEventBus = sap.ui.getCore().getEventBus();
      var oMasterPage1 = new sap.m.Page("master1",{
        title : "Master",
        content : [ new sap.m.List({
      items : [ new sap.m.StandardListItem({
      title : "To Master 2",
      type : "Navigation",
      press : function() {
      viewName :"split_practice.master.master2",
      viewId : "split_practice.master",
      data : {}
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      oEventBus = sap.ui.getCore().getEventBus();
      var oMasterPage2 = new sap.m.Page("master2",{
        title : "Master2",
    /*   navButtonPress : function() {
        content : [ new sap.m.List({
      select: function(oEv) {
        if(oEv.getParameter("listItem").getId() == "listDetail1") {
      viewName :"split_practice.detail.detail1",
      viewId : "split_practice.detail",
      data : {}
        if(oEv.getParameter("listItem").getId() == "listDetail2") {
      viewName :"split_practice.detail.detail2",
      viewId : "split_practice.detail",
      data : {}
      items : [ new sap.m.StandardListItem("listDetail2",{ title : "To Detail 2"}),
               new sap.m.StandardListItem("listDetail1",{  title : "To Detail 1"})
      return oMasterPage2;
    Thanks in advance

    I'm getting nmaster from suckless:
    Mod+{a,z,x} would increase/decrease/set the number of windows in the master area.  The problem is the ntile layout, which tiles slave windows off to the side (which I want), splits the master pane horizontally (which I don't want) when you increase the number of master windows.  Alternatively, the nbstack layout splits the master pane vertically (which I want), but then it tiles the slave windows at the bottom of the screen (which I don't want).
    Is there a layout that both splits the master area vertically and tiles slave windows at the side?  I could try patching it myself but I haven't had time to dive into the dwm source code yet

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  • [SOLVED] dwm doesn't compile with moveresize function

    I'am trying to compile dwm with moveresize function but I get this error:
    dwm build options:
    CFLAGS = -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Os -I. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/X11 -DVERSION="5.7.2" -DXINERAMA
    LDFLAGS = -s -L/usr/lib -lc -L/usr/lib/X11 -lX11 -L/usr/lib/X11 -lXinerama
    CC = cc
    CC dwm.c
    In file included from dwm.c:254:0:
    config.h: In function 'moveresize':
    config.h:23:7: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
    config.h:23:34: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
    config.h:26:9: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
    config.h:26:17: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
    config.h:27:6: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
    config.h:28:6: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
    config.h:29:6: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
    make: *** [dwm.o] Error 1
    Here's my config.h
    /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
    /* appearance */
    static const char font[] = "-*-terminus-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*";
    static const char normbordercolor[] = "#454545";
    static const char normbgcolor[] = "#454545";
    static const char normfgcolor[] = "#C0C0C0";
    static const char selbordercolor[] = "#C0C0C0";
    static const char selbgcolor[] = "#454545";
    static const char selfgcolor[] = "#FFFFFF";
    static const unsigned int borderpx = 1; /* border pixel of windows */
    static const unsigned int snap = 32; /* snap pixel */
    static const Bool showbar = True; /* False means no bar */
    static const Bool topbar = True; /* False means bottom bar */
    /* moveresize */
    static void moveresize(const Arg *arg) {
    XEvent ev;
    Monitor *m = selmon;
    if(!(m->sel && arg && arg->v && m->sel->isfloating))
    resize(m->sel, m->sel->x + ((int *)arg->v)[0],
    m->sel->y + ((int *)arg->v)[1],
    m->sel->w + ((int *)arg->v)[2],
    m->sel->h + ((int *)arg->v)[3],
    while(XCheckMaskEvent(dpy, EnterWindowMask, &ev));
    /* tagging */
    static const char *tags[] = { "term", "web", "fm", "im", "media", "float" };
    static const Rule rules[] = {
    /* class instance title tags mask isfloating monitor */
    { "Gimp", NULL, NULL, 1 << 5, True, -1 },
    { "Chromium", NULL, NULL, 1 << 1, True, -1 },
    { "MPlayer", NULL, NULL, 0, True, -1 },
    { "Wine", NULL, NULL, 1 << 5, True, -1 },
    { "Gpicview", NULL, NULL, 0, True, -1 },
    { "Pcmanfm", NULL, NULL, 1 << 2, True, -1 },
    { "Xarchiver", NULL, NULL, 0, True, -1 },
    { "Amsn", NULL, NULL, 1 << 3, True, -1 },
    /* layout(s) */
    static const float mfact = 0.55; /* factor of master area size [0.05..0.95] */
    static const Bool resizehints = False; /* True means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
    static const Layout layouts[] = {
    /* symbol arrange function */
    { "[]=", tile }, /* first entry is default */
    { "><>", NULL }, /* no layout function means floating behavior */
    { "[M]", monocle },
    /* key definitions */
    #define MODKEY Mod4Mask
    #define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
    { MODKEY, KEY, view, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask, KEY, toggleview, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, KEY, tag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, KEY, toggletag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} },
    /* helper for spawning shell commands in the pre dwm-5.0 fashion */
    #define SHCMD(cmd) { .v = (const char*[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL } }
    /* commands */
    static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-fn", font, "-nb", normbgcolor, "-nf", normfgcolor, "-sb", selbgcolor, "-sf", selfgcolor, NULL };
    static const char *tdmenucmd[] = { "tdmenu_run", "-fn", font, "-nb", normbgcolor, "-nf", normfgcolor, "-sb", selbgcolor, "-sf", selfgcolor, NULL };
    static const char *termcmd[] = { "roxterm", NULL };
    static const char *mutecmd[] = { "amixer", "-q", "sset", "Master", "toggle", NULL };
    static const char *volupcmd[] = { "amixer", "-q", "sset", "Master", "5-", "unmute", NULL };
    static const char *voldowncmd[] = { "amixer", "-q", "sset", "Master", "5+", "unmute", NULL };
    static const char *bgltupcmd[] = { "xbacklight", "-inc", "15", NULL };
    static const char *bgltdowncmd[] = { "xbacklight", "-dec", "1", NULL };
    static const char *displayoff[] = { "xset", "dpms", "force", "off", NULL };
    static const char *suspend[] = { "sudo", "pm-suspend", NULL };
    static Key keys[] = {
    /* modifier key function argument */
    { 0, 0x1008ff12, spawn, {.v = mutecmd } },
    { 0, 0x1008ff11, spawn, {.v = volupcmd } },
    { 0, 0x1008ff13, spawn, {.v = voldowncmd } },
    { 0, 0x1008ff02, spawn, {.v = bgltupcmd } },
    { 0, 0x1008ff03, spawn, {.v = bgltdowncmd } },
    { 0, 0x1008ff59, spawn, {.v = displayoff } },
    { 0, 0x1008ff2f, spawn, {.v = suspend } },
    { MODKEY, XK_p, spawn, {.v = dmenucmd } },
    { MODKEY, XK_r, spawn, {.v = tdmenucmd } },
    { MODKEY, XK_Return, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    { MODKEY, XK_b, togglebar, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_j, focusstack, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_k, focusstack, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_h, setmfact, {.f = -0.05} },
    { MODKEY, XK_l, setmfact, {.f = +0.05} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Return, zoom, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Tab, view, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_c, killclient, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_t, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[0]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_f, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[1]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_m, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_space, setlayout, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_space, togglefloating, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_0, view, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_0, tag, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_comma, focusmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_period, focusmon, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_comma, tagmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_period, tagmon, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_q, quit, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Down, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 0, 25, 0, 0 }}},
    { MODKEY, XK_Up, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 0, -25, 0, 0 }}},
    { MODKEY, XK_Right, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 25, 0, 0, 0 }}},
    { MODKEY, XK_Left, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ -25, 0, 0, 0 }}},
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Down, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 0, 0, 0, 25 }}},
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Up, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 0, 0, 0, -25 }}},
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Right, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 0, 0, 25, 0 }}},
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Left, moveresize, {.v = (int []){ 0, 0, -25, 0 }}},
    TAGKEYS( XK_1, 0)
    TAGKEYS( XK_2, 1)
    TAGKEYS( XK_3, 2)
    TAGKEYS( XK_4, 3)
    TAGKEYS( XK_5, 4)
    TAGKEYS( XK_6, 5)
    TAGKEYS( XK_7, 6)
    TAGKEYS( XK_8, 7)
    TAGKEYS( XK_9, 8)
    /* button definitions */
    /* click can be ClkLtSymbol, ClkStatusText, ClkWinTitle, ClkClientWin, or ClkRootWin */
    static Button buttons[] = {
    /* click event mask button function argument */
    { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button1, setlayout, {0} },
    { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button3, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
    { ClkWinTitle, 0, Button2, zoom, {0} },
    { ClkStatusText, 0, Button2, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button1, movemouse, {0} },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button2, togglefloating, {0} },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY|ShiftMask, Button1, resizemouse, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button1, view, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button3, toggleview, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button1, tag, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button3, toggletag, {0} },
    Last edited by Aakko (2010-05-30 18:21:30)

    ber_t wrote:A vanilla dwm compiles fine with your config.h. So I guess you're using other patches that rearrange the #include directive for config.h in dwm.c, e.g. pertag. If that's the case, you have to put the moveresize function in dwm.c and declare it before config.h get's included, just like any other function in dwm.c.
    Yes I had dwm.c patched with pertag. Vanilla compiles fine. Thanks!

  • [Solved] DWM and extra key's.

    I'm using DWM and now I have new keyboard with extra kyes Audio Mute, Raise or Lower volume you know
    I tried:
    And I have my key in .Xmodmap , I typed:
    and all was ok
    And typed xmodmap and my keys was in mod4 section , this is the output of xmodmap:
    xmodmap: up to 4 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses):
    shift Shift_L (0x32), Shift_R (0x3e)
    lock Caps_Lock (0x42)
    control Control_L (0x25), Control_R (0x6d)
    mod1 Alt_L (0x40), Meta_L (0x9c)
    mod2 Num_Lock (0x4d)
    mod4 XF86AudioRaiseVolume (0x73), XF86AudioRaiseVolume (0x74), Super_L (0x7f), Hyper_L (0x80)
    mod5 Mode_switch (0x5d), ISO_Level3_Shift (0x71), ISO_Level3_Shift (0x7c)
    Now I care to play with config.h of my DWM.
    Here is part of it:
    { MODKEY, XF86AudioRaiseVolume, spawn, SHCMD("exec mpc volume -5")}
    And when I tried to compile it with that config I got following errors:
    In file included from dwm.c:271:
    config.h:41: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'Key'
    config.h:65: warning: ISO C does not allow extra ';' outside of a function
    config.h:69: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'Button'
    config.h:80: warning: ISO C does not allow extra ';' outside of a function
    dwm.c: In function 'buttonpress':
    dwm.c:440: error: 'buttons' undeclared (first use in this function)
    dwm.c:440: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
    dwm.c:440: error: for each function it appears in.)
    dwm.c: In function 'grabbuttons':
    dwm.c:929: error: 'buttons' undeclared (first use in this function)
    dwm.c: In function 'grabkeys':
    dwm.c:952: error: 'keys' undeclared (first use in this function)
    dwm.c: In function 'keypress':
    dwm.c:1020: error: 'keys' undeclared (first use in this function)
    make: *** [dwm.o] Errpr 1
    And building stop's :(
    Is someone use extra keys with DWM.
    Thanks for any help
    Last edited by SpeedVin (2009-08-12 18:33:25)

    SpeedVin wrote:
    Tillotson wrote:/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
    /* appearance */
    static const char font[] = "-*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*";
    static const char normbordercolor[] = "#C7C7C7";
    static const char normbgcolor[] = "#000000";
    static const char normfgcolor[] = "#888888";
    static const char selbordercolor[] = "#1793D1";
    static const char selbgcolor[] = "#000000";
    static const char selfgcolor[] = "#FFFFFF";
    static unsigned int borderpx = 1; /* border pixel of windows */
    static unsigned int snap = 32; /* snap pixel */
    static Bool showbar = True; /* False means no bar */
    static Bool topbar = True; /* False means bottom bar */
    /* tagging */
    static const char *tags[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" };
    static Rule rules[] = {
    /* class instance title tags mask isfloating */
    { "Thunar", NULL, NULL, 0, True },
    { "VirtualBox", NULL, NULL, 0, True },
    { "MPlayer", NULL, NULL, 0, True },
    { "Vlc", NULL, NULL, 0, True },
    { "XCalc", NULL, NULL, 0, True },
    /* layout(s) */
    static const float mfact = 0.55; /* factor of master area size [0.05..0.95] */
    static const Bool resizehints = True; /* False means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
    static const Layout layouts[] = {
    /* symbol arrange function */
    { "[]=", tile }, /* first entry is default */
    { "><>", NULL }, /* no layout function means floating behavior */
    { "[M]", monocle },
    /* key definitions */
    #define MODKEY Mod4Mask
    #define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
    { MODKEY, KEY, view, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask, KEY, toggleview, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, KEY, tag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, KEY, toggletag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} },
    /* helper for spawning shell commands in the pre dwm-5.0 fashion */
    #define SHCMD(cmd) { .v = (const char*[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL } }
    /* commands */
    static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-fn", font, "-nb", normbgcolor, "-nf", normfgcolor, "-sb", selbgcolor, "-sf", selfgcolor, NULL };
    static const char *termcmd[] = { "urxvtc", NULL };
    static const char *browsercmd[] = { "firefox", NULL };
    static const char *musiccmd[] = { "urxvtc", "-e", "ncmpcpp", NULL };
    static const char *talkcmd[] = { "urxvtc", "-e", "weechat-curses", NULL };
    static const char *shutcmd[] = { "sudo", "shutdown", "-h", "now", NULL };
    static const char *filebrowse[] = { "thunar", NULL };
    static const char *mutecmd[] = { "amixer", "-q", "sset", "Master", "toggle", NULL };
    static const char *volupcmd[] = { "amixer", "-q", "sset", "PCM", "5-", "unmute", NULL };
    static const char *voldowncmd[] = { "amixer", "-q", "sset", "PCM", "5+", "unmute", NULL };
    static const char *calccmd[] = { "xcalc", NULL };
    static Key keys[] = {
    /* modifier key function argument */
    { 0, 0x1008ff12, spawn, {.v = mutecmd } },
    { 0, 0x1008ff11, spawn, {.v = volupcmd } },
    { 0, 0x1008ff13, spawn, {.v = voldowncmd } },
    { 0, 0x1008ff1d, spawn, {.v = calccmd } },
    { MODKEY, XK_p, spawn, {.v = dmenucmd } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Return, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_b, spawn, {.v = browsercmd } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_m, spawn, {.v = musiccmd } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_f, spawn, {.v = filebrowse } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_t, spawn, {.v = talkcmd } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Delete, spawn, {.v = shutcmd } },
    { MODKEY, XK_b, togglebar, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_j, focusstack, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_k, focusstack, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_h, setmfact, {.f = -0.05} },
    { MODKEY, XK_l, setmfact, {.f = +0.05} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Return, zoom, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Tab, view, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_c, killclient, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_t, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[0]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_f, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[1]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_m, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_space, setlayout, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_space, togglefloating, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_0, view, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_0, tag, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_comma, focusmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_period, focusmon, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_comma, tagmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_period, tagmon, {.i = +1 } },
    TAGKEYS( XK_1, 0)
    TAGKEYS( XK_2, 1)
    TAGKEYS( XK_3, 2)
    TAGKEYS( XK_4, 3)
    TAGKEYS( XK_5, 4)
    TAGKEYS( XK_6, 5)
    TAGKEYS( XK_7, 6)
    TAGKEYS( XK_8, 7)
    TAGKEYS( XK_9, 8)
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_q, quit, {0} },
    /* button definitions */
    /* click can be a tag number (starting at 0),
    * ClkLtSymbol, ClkStatusText, ClkWinTitle, ClkClientWin, or ClkRootWin */
    static Button buttons[] = {
    /* click event mask button function argument */
    { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button1, setlayout, {0} },
    { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button3, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
    { ClkWinTitle, 0, Button2, zoom, {0} },
    { ClkStatusText, 0, Button2, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button1, movemouse, {0} },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button2, togglefloating, {0} },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button3, resizemouse, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button1, view, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button3, toggleview, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button1, tag, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button3, toggletag, {0} },
    Thank you very much I will see what I can do .
    Sadly still no reaction

  • [SOLVED] dwm react strangely - azerty keycodes error

    I'm trying dwm after some time on Spectrwm, but i'm facing a strange behaviour it is impossible at all to switch to n tag with ModKey + n or put client to desired tag.
    Also dmenu wont spawn with ModKey + p. It spawn perfectly with  "$: dmenu_run" in a terminal but not with dwm shortcut.
    Other things seems to works fine.
    is anyone already had the same behaviour ?
    here is my config.h the only things that have changed from the config.def.h template is the termcmd (st replaced with terminology) and the modkey which I have change from "Alt" to "WindowsKey"
    /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
    /* appearance */
    static const char font[] = "-*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*";
    static const char normbordercolor[] = "#444444";
    static const char normbgcolor[] = "#222222";
    static const char normfgcolor[] = "#bbbbbb";
    static const char selbordercolor[] = "#005577";
    static const char selbgcolor[] = "#005577";
    static const char selfgcolor[] = "#eeeeee";
    static const unsigned int borderpx = 1; /* border pixel of windows */
    static const unsigned int snap = 32; /* snap pixel */
    static const Bool showbar = True; /* False means no bar */
    static const Bool topbar = True; /* False means bottom bar */
    /* tagging */
    static const char *tags[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" };
    static const Rule rules[] = {
    /* xprop(1):
    * WM_CLASS(STRING) = instance, class
    * WM_NAME(STRING) = title
    /* class instance title tags mask isfloating monitor */
    { "Gimp", NULL, NULL, 0, True, -1 },
    { "Firefox", NULL, NULL, 1 << 8, False, -1 },
    /* layout(s) */
    static const float mfact = 0.55; /* factor of master area size [0.05..0.95] */
    static const int nmaster = 1; /* number of clients in master area */
    static const Bool resizehints = True; /* True means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
    static const Layout layouts[] = {
    /* symbol arrange function */
    { "[]=", tile }, /* first entry is default */
    { "><>", NULL }, /* no layout function means floating behavior */
    { "[M]", monocle },
    /* key definitions */
    #define MODKEY Mod4Mask
    #define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
    { MODKEY, KEY, view, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask, KEY, toggleview, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, KEY, tag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, KEY, toggletag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} },
    /* helper for spawning shell commands in the pre dwm-5.0 fashion */
    #define SHCMD(cmd) { .v = (const char*[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL } }
    /* commands */
    static char dmenumon[2] = "0"; /* component of dmenucmd, manipulated in spawn() */
    static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-m", dmenumon, "-fn", font, "-nb", normbgcolor, "-nf", normfgcolor, "-sb", selbgcolor, "-sf", selfgcolor, NULL };
    static const char *termcmd[] = { "terminology", NULL };
    static Key keys[] = {
    /* modifier key function argument */
    { MODKEY, XK_p, spawn, {.v = dmenucmd } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Return, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    { MODKEY, XK_b, togglebar, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_j, focusstack, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_k, focusstack, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_i, incnmaster, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_d, incnmaster, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_h, setmfact, {.f = -0.05} },
    { MODKEY, XK_l, setmfact, {.f = +0.05} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Return, zoom, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Tab, view, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_c, killclient, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_t, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[0]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_f, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[1]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_m, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_space, setlayout, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_space, togglefloating, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_0, view, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_0, tag, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_comma, focusmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_period, focusmon, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_comma, tagmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_period, tagmon, {.i = +1 } },
    TAGKEYS( XK_1, 0)
    TAGKEYS( XK_2, 1)
    TAGKEYS( XK_3, 2)
    TAGKEYS( XK_4, 3)
    TAGKEYS( XK_5, 4)
    TAGKEYS( XK_6, 5)
    TAGKEYS( XK_7, 6)
    TAGKEYS( XK_8, 7)
    TAGKEYS( XK_9, 8)
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_q, quit, {0} },
    /* button definitions */
    /* click can be ClkLtSymbol, ClkStatusText, ClkWinTitle, ClkClientWin, or ClkRootWin */
    static Button buttons[] = {
    /* click event mask button function argument */
    { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button1, setlayout, {0} },
    { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button3, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
    { ClkWinTitle, 0, Button2, zoom, {0} },
    { ClkStatusText, 0, Button2, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button1, movemouse, {0} },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button2, togglefloating, {0} },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button3, resizemouse, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button1, view, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button3, toggleview, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button1, tag, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button3, toggletag, {0} },
    Last edited by core_sum (2013-10-03 18:23:05)

    It was in fact the 6.0.1 so I presum this the 6.0 version.
    I have try to recompile with and without modification in config.h switching tags or sending clien to specified tag still not working.
    Also I have try with 
    #define MODKEY Mod4
    but it wont compile.
    All others keybiding works well like toggling the status bar with ModKey4 + b, increase client size, switching layout...but not the dmenu and tags functions.
    I have try on my laptop and on my workstation and it does the same behaviour so it should be an error from me
    Last edited by core_sum (2013-09-30 18:59:51)

  • [Solved] DWM with w0ng' config

    Hi everyone,
    Im using dwm on archlinux, and i try to install w0ng' config. But it is not working, i cant press anykey, i try shift+alt+q, shift+alt+p, alt+1, alt+2..... my screen no change, i must switch to tty2 and recompile dwm to default.
    I upload 4 images for more details. This is top-left and top-right of my screen:
    I installed font terminus2 and xbmicons:
    fc-list | grep termi
    /usr/share/fonts/local/terminus2.bdf: Terminus2:style=Regular
    /root/.fonts/terminus2.bdf: Terminus2:style=Regular
    fc-list | grep xb
    /root/.fonts/xbmicons.pcf: xbmicons:style=Regular
    /usr/share/fonts/local/xbmicons.pcf: xbmicons:style=Regular
    and here is how do i do:
    cd /home/user/Download/dwm-master/
    cp PKGBUILD /root/dwm/
    cp 0* config.h bstack.c gaplessgrid.c push.c /root/dwm/src/
    cd /root/dwm/
    makepkg -efi
    Tks for reading.
    -- mod edit: changed images to links - Trilby --
    Last edited by x3004 (2014-07-12 17:37:00)

    Here is my config, i change a bit on w0ng' config:
    /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
    /* appearance */
    static const char font[] = "-*-xbmicons-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" ","
    #define NUMCOLORS 12
    static const char colors[NUMCOLORS][ColLast][9] = {
    // border foreground background
    { "#282a2e", "#373b41", "#1d1f21" }, // 1 = normal (grey on black)
    { "#f0c674", "#c5c8c6", "#1d1f21" }, // 2 = selected (white on black)
    { "#dc322f", "#1d1f21", "#f0c674" }, // 3 = urgent (black on yellow)
    { "#282a2e", "#282a2e", "#1d1f21" }, // 4 = darkgrey on black (for glyphs)
    { "#282a2e", "#1d1f21", "#282a2e" }, // 5 = black on darkgrey (for glyphs)
    { "#282a2e", "#cc6666", "#1d1f21" }, // 6 = red on black
    { "#282a2e", "#b5bd68", "#1d1f21" }, // 7 = green on black
    { "#282a2e", "#de935f", "#1d1f21" }, // 8 = orange on black
    { "#282a2e", "#f0c674", "#282a2e" }, // 9 = yellow on darkgrey
    { "#282a2e", "#81a2be", "#282a2e" }, // A = blue on darkgrey
    { "#282a2e", "#b294bb", "#282a2e" }, // B = magenta on darkgrey
    { "#282a2e", "#8abeb7", "#282a2e" }, // C = cyan on darkgrey
    /* edit here */
    static const char normbordercolor[] = "#444444";
    static const char normbgcolor[] = "#222222";
    static const char normfgcolor[] = "#bbbbbb";
    static const char selbordercolor[] = "#005577";
    static const char selbgcolor[] = "#005577";
    static const char selfgcolor[] = "#eeeeee";
    static const unsigned int borderpx = 0; /* border pixel of windows */
    static const unsigned int snap = 8; /* snap pixel */
    static const Bool showbar = True; /* False means no bar */
    static const Bool topbar = True; /* False means bottom bar */
    /* tagging */
    static const char *tags[] = { "\uE000", "\uE001", "\uE002", "\uE003", "\uE008",
    "\uE004", "\uE005", "\uE006","\uE007 " };
    static const Rule rules[] = {
    /* class instance title tags mask isfloating iscentred monitor */
    { "feh", NULL, NULL, 0, True, True, -1 },
    { "Gcolor2", NULL, NULL, 0, True, True, -1 },
    { "XFontSel", NULL, NULL, 0, True, True, -1 },
    { "Xfd", NULL, NULL, 0, True, True, -1 },
    { "Firefox", NULL, NULL, 1, False, False, -1 },
    { "URxvt", "ircmailbt", NULL, 1 << 1, False, False, -1 },
    { "Gvim", NULL, NULL, 1 << 2, False, False, -1 },
    { "Zathura", NULL, NULL, 1 << 3, False, False, -1 },
    { "libreoffice-calc", NULL, NULL, 1 << 3, False, False, -1 },
    { "libreoffice-impress", NULL, NULL, 1 << 3, False, False, -1 },
    { "libreoffice-startcenter", NULL, NULL, 1 << 3, False, False, -1 },
    { "libreoffice-writer", NULL, NULL, 1 << 3, False, False, -1 },
    { "mpv", NULL, NULL, 1 << 4, False, False, -1 },
    { "TeamViewer.exe", NULL, NULL, 1 << 5, True, False, -1 },
    { "Wine", NULL, NULL, 1 << 5, True, False, -1 },
    { "Gimp", NULL, NULL, 1 << 5, True, False, -1 },
    { "URxvt", "filemgr", NULL, 1 << 6, False, False, -1 },
    { "Chromium", NULL, NULL, 1 << 7, False, False, -1 },
    /* layout(s) */
    static const float mfact = 0.50; /* factor of master area size [0.05..0.95] */
    static const int nmaster = 1; /* number of clients in master area */
    static const Bool resizehints = False; /* True means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
    #include "bstack.c"
    #include "gaplessgrid.c"
    static const Layout layouts[] = {
    /* symbol arrange function */
    { "\uE020 \uE009 \uE020", tile }, /* first entry is default */
    { "\uE020 \uE00A \uE020", NULL }, /* no layout function means floating behavior */
    { "\uE020 \uE00B \uE020", monocle },
    { "\uE020 \uE00C \uE020", bstack },
    { "\uE020 \uE00D \uE020", gaplessgrid },
    /* key definitions */
    #define MODKEY Mod4Mask
    #define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
    { MODKEY, KEY, toggleview, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask, KEY, view, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, KEY, tag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, KEY, toggletag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} },
    /* helper for spawning shell commands in the pre dwm-5.0 fashion */
    #define SHCMD(cmd) { .v = (const char*[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL } }
    /* commands */
    static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-fn", font, "-nb", colors[0][ColBG], "-nf", colors[0][ColFG], "-sb", colors[1][ColBG], "-sf", colors[1][ColFG], NULL };
    static const char *termcmd[] = { "urxvtc", NULL };
    static const char scratchpadname[] = "scratchpad";
    static const char *scratchpadcmd[] = { "urxvtc", "-name", scratchpadname, "-geometry", "100x25", NULL };
    static const char *volupcmd[] = { "amixer", "-q", "set", "PCM", "5%+", NULL };
    static const char *voldncmd[] = { "amixer", "-q", "set", "PCM", "5%-", NULL };
    static const char *mpctog[] = { "ncmpcpp", "toggle", NULL };
    static const char *mpcprev[] = { "ncmpcpp", "prev", NULL };
    static const char *mpcnext[] = { "ncmpcpp", "next", NULL };
    #include "push.c"
    static Key keys[] = {
    /* modifier key function argument */
    /* edit here: change XK_o to XK_p
    { MODKEY, XK_o, spawn, {.v = dmenucmd } },
    { MODKEY, XK_p, spawn, {.v = dmenucmd } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Return, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    /* edit here
    { MODKEY, XK_s, togglescratch, {.v = scratchpadcmd} },
    { MODKEY, XK_apostrophe, spawn, {.v = volupcmd } },
    { MODKEY, XK_semicolon, spawn, {.v = voldncmd } },
    { MODKEY, XK_slash, spawn, {.v = mpctog } },
    { MODKEY, XK_bracketleft, spawn, {.v = mpcprev } },
    { MODKEY, XK_bracketright, spawn, {.v = mpcnext } },
    { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_b, togglebar, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_j, focusstack, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_k, focusstack, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_j, pushdown, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_k, pushup, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_i, incnmaster, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_d, incnmaster, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_h, setmfact, {.f = -0.05} },
    { MODKEY, XK_l, setmfact, {.f = +0.05} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Return, zoom, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Tab, view, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_c, killclient, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_t, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[0]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_f, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[1]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_m, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_b, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[3]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_g, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[4]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_space, setlayout, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_space, togglefloating, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_0, view, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_0, tag, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_comma, focusmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_period, focusmon, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_comma, tagmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_period, tagmon, {.i = +1 } },
    TAGKEYS( XK_1, 0)
    TAGKEYS( XK_2, 1)
    TAGKEYS( XK_3, 2)
    TAGKEYS( XK_4, 3)
    TAGKEYS( XK_5, 4)
    TAGKEYS( XK_6, 5)
    TAGKEYS( XK_7, 6)
    TAGKEYS( XK_8, 7)
    TAGKEYS( XK_9, 8)
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_q, quit, {0} },
    /* button definitions */
    /* click can be ClkLtSymbol, ClkStatusText, ClkWinTitle, ClkClientWin, or ClkRootWin */
    static Button buttons[] = {
    /* click event mask button function argument */
    { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button1, setlayout, {0} },
    { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button3, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
    { ClkWinTitle, 0, Button2, zoom, {0} },
    { ClkStatusText, 0, Button2, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button1, movemouse, {0} },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button2, togglefloating, {0} },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button3, resizemouse, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button1, toggleview, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button3, view, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button1, tag, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button3, toggletag, {0} },
    And here is "makepkg -efi" output:
    => 01-statuscolours.diff
    patching file dwm.c
    => 02-monoclecount.diff
    patching file dwm.c
    => 03-noborder.diff
    patching file dwm.c
    => 04-centredfloating.diff
    patching file dwm.c
    => 05-scratchpad.diff
    patching file dwm.c
    => 06-attachaside.diff
    patching file dwm.c
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 161 with fuzz 2 (offset 8 lines).
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 426 (offset 28 lines).
    Hunk #3 succeeded at 1223 with fuzz 1 (offset 106 lines).
    => 07-nopaddedbar.diff
    patching file dwm.c
    dwm build options:
    CFLAGS = -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Os -I. -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/X11 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -DVERSION="6.0" -DXINERAMA
    LDFLAGS = -s -L/usr/lib -lc -L/usr/lib/X11 -lX11 -L/usr/lib/X11 -lXinerama
    CC = cc
    CC dwm.c
    CC -o dwm
    dwm build options:
    CFLAGS = -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Os -I. -I/usr/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -DVERSION="6.0" -DXINERAMA
    LDFLAGS = -s -L/usr/lib -lc -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXinerama
    CC = cc
    installing executable file to /root/dwm/pkg/dwm/usr/bin
    installing manual page to /root/dwm/pkg/dwm/usr/share/man/man1
    loading packages...
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Packages (1): dwm-6.0-2
    Total Installed Size: 0.09 MiB
    Net Upgrade Size: 0.00 MiB
    checking keyring...
    checking package integrity...
    loading package files...
    checking for file conflicts...
    checking available disk space...
    reinstalling dwm...
    @jasonwryan: I saw your name in here, nice to meet you (statuscolors-6.0 patch is not exists).

  • [SOLVED] dwm tiling and monocle not work in virtualbox arch

    I installed arch in virtualbox on my office windows computer.
    I installed dwm from abs and configured by recompiling using config.h like this below:
    /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
    /* appearance */
    static const char font[] = "-*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*";
    static const char normbordercolor[] = "#444444";
    static const char normbgcolor[] = "#222222";
    static const char normfgcolor[] = "#bbbbbb";
    static const char selbordercolor[] = "#005577";
    static const char selbgcolor[] = "#005577";
    static const char selfgcolor[] = "#eeeeee";
    static const unsigned int borderpx = 1; /* border pixel of windows */
    static const unsigned int snap = 32; /* snap pixel */
    static const Bool showbar = True; /* False means no bar */
    static const Bool topbar = True; /* False means bottom bar */
    /* tagging */
    static const char *tags[] = { " A ", " R ", " C ", " H " };
    static const Rule rules[] = {
    /* class instance title tags mask isfloating monitor */
    { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, True, -1 },
    /* layout(s) */
    static const float mfact = 0.55; /* factor of master area size [0.05..0.95] */
    static const int nmaster = 1; /* number of clients in master area */
    static const Bool resizehints = False; /* True means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
    static const Layout layouts[] = {
    /* symbol arrange function */
    { "[]=", tile }, /* first entry is default */
    { "[M]", monocle },
    /* key definitions */
    #define MODKEY Mod1Mask
    #define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
    { MODKEY, KEY, view, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask, KEY, toggleview, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, KEY, tag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, KEY, toggletag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} },
    /* helper for spawning shell commands in the pre dwm-5.0 fashion */
    #define SHCMD(cmd) { .v = (const char*[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL } }
    /* commands */
    static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-fn", font, "-nb", normbgcolor, "-nf", normfgcolor, "-sb", selbgcolor, "-sf", selfgcolor, NULL };
    static const char *termcmd[] = { "lxterminal", NULL };
    static Key keys[] = {
    /* modifier key function argument */
    { MODKEY, XK_p, spawn, {.v = dmenucmd } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Return, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    { MODKEY, XK_b, togglebar, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_j, focusstack, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_k, focusstack, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_i, incnmaster, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_d, incnmaster, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_h, setmfact, {.f = -0.05} },
    { MODKEY, XK_l, setmfact, {.f = +0.05} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Return, zoom, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Tab, view, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_c, killclient, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_t, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[0]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_f, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[1]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_space, setlayout, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_space, togglefloating, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_0, view, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_0, tag, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_comma, focusmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_period, focusmon, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_comma, tagmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_period, tagmon, {.i = +1 } },
    TAGKEYS( XK_1, 0)
    TAGKEYS( XK_2, 1)
    TAGKEYS( XK_3, 2)
    TAGKEYS( XK_4, 3)
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_q, quit, {0} },
    /* button definitions */
    /* click can be ClkLtSymbol, ClkStatusText, ClkWinTitle, ClkClientWin, or ClkRootWin */
    static Button buttons[] = {
    /* click event mask button function argument */
    { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button1, setlayout, {0} },
    { ClkWinTitle, 0, Button2, zoom, {0} },
    { ClkStatusText, 0, Button2, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button1, view, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button3, toggleview, {0} },
    now, I can switch tiling to monocle and monocle to tiling.
    but windows appears as floating or not tiling in tiling mod.
    Last edited by mshan (2015-03-09 06:16:31)

    Yes, I can switch, this means I can hit Alt+space or click on layout symbols:
    [ ]=
    the symbols toggle.
    but windows don't change their layout from tiling to monocle or monocle to tiling.
    they just open as floating. For example: my Lxterminal appears as in openbox except window title bar.
    sorry for my english.

  • [SOLVED] dwm manager taskbar font howto

    I'm trying to make my default dwm taskbar font bigger. After I installed dwm the default taskbar font looks small for me. How can I make it bigger?
    I tried editing config.h file and edited default font to:
    static const char font[]            = "*-*-fixed-medium-r-normal--*-110-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1";
    just the way it was set in my other distro.
    But still no result, same small font.
    Does anybody have a good font in mind, that will look good, like the one from terminus pack. I don't know the names of good fonts and googling doesn't give any good alternatives.
    Maybe somebody has already have something in mind?
    1. why does my dwm font do not change, even when I edit config.h, compile and install (makepkg -efi)?
    2. could you provide any good font alternatives?
    ps. also this default dwm font does not understand cyrillic or any other language, so when I try "Mod+p" in ru layout it screws my typing.
    Last edited by tasty_minerals (2011-05-13 20:34:22)

    no, that doesn't work.
    ls Public/dwmls Public/dwm_sync/dwm/_sync/dwm/
    config.h                       dwm-5.8.2.tar.gz  dwm.install  PKGBUILD
    dwm-5.8.2-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz  dwm.desktop       pkg          src
    1. What I did is, edited config.h line to:
    static const char font[]            = "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*";
    2.makepkg -efi
    Result: nothing changed in taskbar
    ps. didn't find any of your fonts, I've installed lots of fonts via pacman.
    my config.h cat:
    /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
    /* appearance */
    static const char font[] = "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*";
    static const char normbordercolor[] = "#9eeeee";
    static const char normbgcolor[] = "#2e3436";
    static const char normfgcolor[] = "#d3d7cf";
    static const char selbordercolor[] = "#55aaaa";
    static const char selbgcolor[] = "#3e4446";
    static const char selfgcolor[] = "#d3d7cf";
    static const unsigned int borderpx = 1; /* border pixel of windows */
    static const unsigned int snap = 32; /* snap pixel */
    static const Bool showbar = True; /* False means no bar */
    static const Bool topbar = True; /* False means bottom bar */
    /* tagging */
    static const char *tags[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" };
    static const Rule rules[] = {
    /* class instance title tags mask isfloating monitor */
    { "Gimp", NULL, NULL, 0, True, -1 },
    { "jumanji", NULL, NULL, 1 << 8, False, -1 },
    /* layout(s) */
    static const float mfact = 0.55; /* factor of master area size [0.05..0.95] */
    static const Bool resizehints = True; /* True means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
    static const Layout layouts[] = {
    /* symbol arrange function */
    { "[]=", tile }, /* first entry is default */
    { "><>", NULL }, /* no layout function means floating behavior */
    { "[M]", monocle },
    /* key definitions */
    #define MODKEY Mod4Mask
    #define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
    { MODKEY, KEY, view, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask, KEY, toggleview, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, KEY, tag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
    { MODKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, KEY, toggletag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} },
    /* helper for spawning shell commands in the pre dwm-5.0 fashion */
    #define SHCMD(cmd) { .v = (const char*[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL } }
    /* commands */
    static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "dmenu_run", "-fn", font, "-nb", normbgcolor, "-nf", normfgcolor, "-sb", selbgcolor, "-sf", selfgcolor, NULL };
    static const char *termcmd[] = { "xterm", NULL };
    static Key keys[] = {
    /* modifier key function argument */
    { MODKEY, XK_p, spawn, {.v = dmenucmd } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Return, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    { MODKEY, XK_b, togglebar, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_j, focusstack, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_k, focusstack, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_h, setmfact, {.f = -0.05} },
    { MODKEY, XK_l, setmfact, {.f = +0.05} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Return, zoom, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_Tab, view, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_c, killclient, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_t, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[0]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_f, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[1]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_m, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
    { MODKEY, XK_space, setlayout, {0} },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_space, togglefloating, {0} },
    { MODKEY, XK_0, view, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_0, tag, {.ui = ~0 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_comma, focusmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY, XK_period, focusmon, {.i = +1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_comma, tagmon, {.i = -1 } },
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_period, tagmon, {.i = +1 } },
    TAGKEYS( XK_1, 0)
    TAGKEYS( XK_2, 1)
    TAGKEYS( XK_3, 2)
    TAGKEYS( XK_4, 3)
    TAGKEYS( XK_5, 4)
    TAGKEYS( XK_6, 5)
    TAGKEYS( XK_7, 6)
    TAGKEYS( XK_8, 7)
    TAGKEYS( XK_9, 8)
    { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_q, quit, {0} },
    /* button definitions */
    /* click can be ClkLtSymbol, ClkStatusText, ClkWinTitle, ClkClientWin, or ClkRootWin */
    static Button buttons[] = {
    /* click event mask button function argument */
    { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button1, setlayout, {0} },
    { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button3, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
    { ClkWinTitle, 0, Button2, zoom, {0} },
    { ClkStatusText, 0, Button2, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button1, movemouse, {0} },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button2, togglefloating, {0} },
    { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button3, resizemouse, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button1, view, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, 0, Button3, toggleview, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button1, tag, {0} },
    { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button3, toggletag, {0} },
    Last edited by tasty_minerals (2011-04-03 11:28:20)

  • Difficult to achive the report layout with dynamic column names

    I have a report layout as below.
    So here the column names are dynamic.And each fixed row group has different calculations. I have a date parameter. If I select July 2013, then I need to show data from July 2012 to July 2013 with Columns(Jul-12, Aug-12...Jul-13). How to achive below layout
    with dynamic columns?

    Hi Sarayu_CM,
    According to your description, you want to filter the records of prior year based on only one parameter selection. Right?
    In this scenario, we can create two parameters. The first one is for user to select. The second parameter is based on the first parameter selection. We don't need to specify Available Values for the second parameter, but we should use expression to specify
    Default Values based on the first parameter selection. Use the expression below:
    Then we just need to apply a filter on the matrix/dataset to get the records which the date is between values in these two parameters.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • How to set unequal columns using master pages in InDesign CS3?

    How to set unequal columns using master pages in InDesign CS3?

    I don't have CS3 anymore but I don't think this has substantially changed in the last few versions of InDesign.
    Choose View > Grids & Guides > uncheck Lock Column Guides. Then drag the column guides to the position you want.

  • Need help with Fluid Grid Layout and variable column balance.

    I'm using the fluid grid layout.  I have multiple columns that are actually fluid grid layout columns done by Dreamweaver.  I'd like them to extend as high as each other (all to the maximum height of each other) within the same section.  An added catch is that in the desktop layout, I have three side by side under one that takes the whole width of the page.  On tablet size, it's 2x2 in a square grid.  On mobile, they're vertically stacked.  I'm trying to get it so that background colour and/or borders looks decent and is fully balanced, no matter which layout is hit with the fluid layout.  The columns reflow, no problem.  But the height of any background and/or border is variable. 
    Any help on fixing this? 
    Example at:  https://music2help.thoughtburst.net/ 
    The example doesn't have borders or colours, as it looked silly unbalanced.  The music2help.css is the only one I'm modifying manually.
    Love the fluid grid layout, but I need a way to make it behave decently with backgrounds/borders.  Any help would be hugely appreciated!

    I tried the solution Nancy posted.  It altered things, but doesn't seem to do the trick.
    Just some quick background.  I did HTML from 1994 through about five years ago by hand in vi on *nix systems.  I learned HTML through 4.01, and never bothered with XHTML at all.  I learned CSS through most of CSS2.  The CSS3 and HTML5 stuff is all new to me, but it can't be that hard.  I'm not exactly a novice in JS (I've done a fair bit of AJAX programming), but it's not even close to my primary language (I'm a Perl guy).
    I'm "stuck on" wanting to use Fluid Grid Layouts.  It's billed as one of the selling points of DW CS6, and I really like the concept and results.  I just want the results embellished a little, namely with sensible identical heights on grid containers set in the same row, so that you can apply background colours, dropshadows, and borders.  That's really all I want to do that it doesn't already do.
    I have a test page at:  http://music2help.thoughtburst.net/ that you can try with your Quick Columns.  I'd be interested to know if you can get it to work.
    Here's the catch, though...  Resize the browser, shrinking it inwards.  (I suggest Firefox, as Chrome only shrinks so far, and you won't get to Mobile width.)  As you can see, on a Tablet, one of the columns that should be equal height actually moves up a row and should be equal height with the row that, on a desktop, would take the entire width of the page area.  So that's like a 4-up output in printing terms.  At Mobile size, the entire thing is vertical, so none of the columns should be resized.
    If your product works and can accomodate these conditions, I think I would be interested in spending the $35 it costs. 
    Let me know?  Thanks!
    EDIT:  Changed URL to be non-SSL.  The server has multiple vhosts on it, and I keep forgetting that I don't have a cert on this new one.  Sorry about that.  You can just add anything to one of the the three middle columns, if you're pulling it down to test.

  • I have no master area? What am I doing wrong?

    Windows stack on top of each other and there's no master area. I'm having trouble googling this.
    I've only started using dwm last night and I like it. Alt+h or Alt+l doesn't seem to change anything.
    SCREENSHOT: http://i.imgur.com/fmtz1Eq.jpg

    http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions … 5900#65900

  • Hi there, i installed a system update earlier on my MacBookPro and now it wont connect to wi-fi, working through Network Diagnostics hasn't solved the issue.  all other devices here are connecting normally.  any ideas?

    hi there, i installed a system update earlier on my MacBookPro and now it wont connect to wi-fi, working through Network Diagnostics hasn't solved the issue.  all other devices here are connecting normally.  any ideas?

    Hi, this has worked for a few...
    Make a New Location, Using network locations in Mac OS X ...
    10.7 & 10.8…
    System Preferences>Network, top of window>Locations>Edit Locations, little plus icon, give it a name.
    10.5.x/10.6.x/10.7.x instructions...
    System Preferences>Network, click on the little gear at the bottom next to the + & - icons, (unlock lock first if locked), choose Set Service Order.
    The interface that connects to the Internet should be dragged to the top of the list.
    10.4 instructions...
    Is that Interface dragged to the top of Network>Show:>Network Port Configurations.
    If using Wifi/Airport...
    Instead of joining your Network from the list, click the WiFi icon at the top, and click join other network. Fill in everything as needed.
    For 10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8, System Preferences>Network, unlock the lock if need be, highlight the Interface you use to connect to Internet, click on the advanced button, click on the DNS tab, click on the little plus icon, then add these numbers...
    Click OK.

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