[SOLVED] efibootmgr not generating boot loader (rEFInd, etc.) entry.

The following command runs without problem or any output. It wouldn't create any entry. Also my refind.conf is not being followed. rEFInd is able to detect kernels and boot fine from /boot
efibootmgr -c -g -d /dev/sda -p 1 -w -L "rEFInd" -l '\EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi'
efibootmgr 0.6.0-1
refind-efi 0.6.8-1
Linux 3.8.4-1-ARCH
sudo efibootmgr
BootCurrent: 000A
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 0006,0007,0008,0009,000A,000B,000C,000D,000E,000F,0010,0011,0012,0013
Boot0000 Setup
Boot0001 Boot Menu
Boot0002 Diagnostic Splash Screen
Boot0003 Startup Interrupt Menu
Boot0004 ME Configuration Menu
Boot0005 Rescue and Recovery
Boot0006* USB CD
Boot0007* USB FDD
Boot0008* ATAPI CD0
Boot0009* ATA HDD2
Boot000A* ATA HDD0
Boot000B* ATA HDD1
Boot000C* USB HDD
Boot000D* PCI LAN
Boot000E* ATAPI CD1
Boot000F* ATAPI CD2
Boot0010 Other CD
Boot0011* ATA HDD3
Boot0012* ATA HDD4
Boot0013 Other HDD
Boot0015* IDER BOOT Floppy
Boot0016* ATA HDD
Boot0017* ATAPI CD:
Boot0018* PCI LAN
ls -R /boot
EFI initramfs-linux-fallback.img initramfs-linux.img refind_linux.conf vmlinuz-linux
boot refind tools
bootx64.efi icons refind.conf
*** Icons
icons refind.conf refind_x64.efi
*** icons
drivers shells
ext2_x64.efi ext4_x64.efi hfs_x64.efi iso9660_x64.efi reiserfs_x64.efi
Shell.efi Shell_Full.efi
cat /boot/refind_linux.conf
"Boot to X" "root=PARTUUID=5416f920-35fc-42a8-8a34-564c8c332bfe ro rootfstype=ext4 add_efi_memmap systemd.unit=graphical.target"
"Boot to Console" "root=PARTUUID=5416f920-35fc-42a8-8a34-564c8c332bfe ro rootfstype=ext4 add_efi_memmap systemd.unit=multi-user.target"
# refind.conf
# Configuration file for the rEFInd boot menu
# Timeout in seconds for the main menu screen. Setting the timeout to 0
# disables automatic booting (i.e., no timeout).
timeout 5
# Hide user interface elements for personal preference or to increase
# security:
# banner - the rEFInd title banner (built-in or loaded via "banner")
# label - boot option text label in the menu
# singleuser - remove the submenu options to boot Mac OS X in single-user
# or verbose modes; affects ONLY MacOS X
# safemode - remove the submenu option to boot Mac OS X in "safe mode"
# hwtest - the submenu option to run Apple's hardware test
# arrows - scroll arrows on the OS selection tag line
# hints - brief command summary in the menu
# editor - the options editor (+, F2, or Insert on boot options menu)
# all - all of the above
# Default is none of these (all elements active)
#hideui singleuser
#hideui all
# Set the name of a subdirectory in which icons are stored. Icons must
# have the same names they have in the standard directory. The directory
# name is specified relative to the main rEFInd binary's directory. If
# an icon can't be found in the specified directory, an attempt is made
# to load it from the default directory; thus, you can replace just some
# icons in your own directory and rely on the default for others.
# Default is "icons".
#icons_dir myicons
# Use a custom title banner instead of the rEFInd icon and name. The file
# path is relative to the directory where refind.efi is located. The color
# in the top left corner of the image is used as the background color
# for the menu screens. Currently uncompressed BMP images with color
# depths of 24, 8, 4 or 1 bits are supported, as well as PNG images.
#banner hostname.bmp
#banner mybanner.png
# Custom images for the selection background. There is a big one (144 x 144)
# for the OS icons, and a small one (64 x 64) for the function icons in the
# second row. If only a small image is given, that one is also used for
# the big icons by stretching it in the middle. If only a big one is given,
# the built-in default will be used for the small icons.
# Like the banner option above, these options take a filename of an
# uncompressed BMP image file with a color depth of 24, 8, 4, or 1 bits,
# or a PNG image. The PNG format is required if you need transparency
# support (to let you "see through" to a full-screen banner).
#selection_big selection-big.bmp
#selection_small selection-small.bmp
# Set the font to be used for all textual displays in graphics mode.
# The font must be a PNG file with alpha channel transparency. It must
# contain ASCII characters 32-126 (space through tilde), inclusive, plus
# a glyph to be displayed in place of characters outside of this range,
# for a total of 96 glyphs. Only monospaced fonts are supported. Fonts
# may be of any size, although large fonts can produce display
# irregularities.
# The default is rEFInd's built-in font, Luxi Mono Regular 12 point.
#font myfont.png
# Use text mode only. When enabled, this option forces rEFInd into text mode.
# Passing this option a "0" value causes graphics mode to be used. Pasing
# it no value or any non-0 value causes text mode to be used.
# Default is to use graphics mode.
# Set the EFI text mode to be used for textual displays. This option
# takes a single digit that refers to a mode number. Mode 0 is normally
# 80x25, 1 is sometimes 80x50, and higher numbers are system-specific
# modes. Mode 1024 is a special code that tells rEFInd to not set the
# text mode; it uses whatever was in use when the program was launched.
# If you specify an invalid mode, rEFInd pauses during boot to inform
# you of valid modes.
# CAUTION: On VirtualBox, and perhaps on some real computers, specifying
# a text mode and uncommenting the "textonly" option while NOT specifying
# a resolution can result in an unusable display in the booted OS.
# Default is 1024 (no change)
#textmode 2
textmode 1024
# Set the screen's video resolution. Pass this option either:
# * two values, corresponding to the X and Y resolutions
# * one value, corresponding to a GOP (UEFI) video mode
# Note that not all resolutions are supported. On UEFI systems, passing
# an incorrect value results in a message being shown on the screen to
# that effect, along with a list of supported modes. On EFI 1.x systems
# (e.g., Macintoshes), setting an incorrect mode silently fails. On both
# types of systems, setting an incorrect resolution results in the default
# resolution being used. A resolution of 1024x768 usually works, but higher
# values often don't.
# Default is "0 0" (use the system default resolution, usually 800x600).
#resolution 1024 768
#resolution 3
resolution 1024 768
# Launch specified OSes in graphics mode. By default, rEFInd switches
# to text mode and displays basic pre-launch information when launching
# all OSes except OS X. Using graphics mode can produce a more seamless
# transition, but displays no information, which can make matters
# difficult if you must debug a problem. Also, on at least one known
# computer, using graphics mode prevents a crash when using the Linux
# kernel's EFI stub loader. You can specify an empty list to boot all
# OSes in text mode.
# Valid options:
# osx - Mac OS X
# linux - A Linux kernel with EFI stub loader
# elilo - The ELILO boot loader
# grub - The GRUB (Legacy or 2) boot loader
# windows - Microsoft Windows
# Default value: osx
#use_graphics_for osx,linux
# Which non-bootloader tools to show on the tools line, and in what
# order to display them:
# shell - the EFI shell (requires external program; see rEFInd
# documentation for details)
# gptsync - the (dangerous) gptsync.efi utility (requires external
# program; see rEFInd documentation for details)
# apple_recovery - boots the Apple Recovery HD partition, if present
# mok_tool - makes available the Machine Owner Key (MOK) maintenance
# tool, MokManager.efi, used on Secure Boot systems
# about - an "about this program" option
# exit - a tag to exit from rEFInd
# shutdown - shuts down the computer (a bug causes this to reboot
# EFI systems)
# reboot - a tag to reboot the computer
# Default is shell,apple_recovery,mok_tool,about,shutdown,reboot
#showtools shell, mok_tool, about, reboot, exit
showtools shell, mok_tool, about, reboot, exit
# Directories in which to search for EFI drivers. These drivers can
# provide filesystem support, give access to hard disks on plug-in
# controllers, etc. In most cases none are needed, but if you add
# EFI drivers and you want rEFInd to automatically load them, you
# should specify one or more paths here. rEFInd always scans the
# "drivers" and "drivers_{arch}" subdirectories of its own installation
# directory (where "{arch}" is your architecture code); this option
# specifies ADDITIONAL directories to scan.
# Default is to scan no additional directories for EFI drivers
#scan_driver_dirs EFI/tools/drivers,drivers
scan_driver_dirs /boot/EFI/tools/drivers,drivers
# Which types of boot loaders to search, and in what order to display them:
# internal - internal EFI disk-based boot loaders
# external - external EFI disk-based boot loaders
# optical - EFI optical discs (CD, DVD, etc.)
# hdbios - BIOS disk-based boot loaders
# biosexternal - BIOS external boot loaders (USB, eSATA, etc.)
# cd - BIOS optical-disc boot loaders
# manual - use stanzas later in this configuration file
# Note that the legacy BIOS options require firmware support, which is
# not present on all computers.
# On UEFI PCs, default is internal,external,optical,manual
# On Macs, default is internal,hdbios,external,biosexternal,optical,cd,manual
#scanfor internal,external,optical,manual
scanfor internal,external,optical,manual
# Delay for the specified number of seconds before scanning disks.
# This can help some users who find that some of their disks
# (usually external or optical discs) aren't detected initially,
# but are detected after pressing Esc.
# The default is 0.
#scan_delay 5
# When scanning volumes for EFI boot loaders, rEFInd always looks for
# Mac OS X's and Microsoft Windows' boot loaders in their normal locations,
# and scans the root directory and every subdirectory of the /EFI directory
# for additional boot loaders, but it doesn't recurse into these directories.
# The also_scan_dirs token adds more directories to the scan list.
# Directories are specified relative to the volume's root directory. This
# option applies to ALL the volumes that rEFInd scans UNLESS you include
# a volume name and colon before the directory name, as in "myvol:/somedir"
# to scan the somedir directory only on the filesystem named myvol. If a
# specified directory doesn't exist, it's ignored (no error condition
# results). The default is to scan the "boot" directory in addition to
# various hard-coded directories.
#also_scan_dirs boot,ESP2:EFI/linux/kernels
# Partitions to omit from scans. You must specify a volume by its
# label, which you can obtain in an EFI shell by typing "vol", from
# Linux by typing "blkid /dev/{devicename}", or by examining the
# disk's label in various OSes' file browsers.
# The default is "Recovery HD".
#dont_scan_volumes "Recovery HD"
# Directories that should NOT be scanned for boot loaders. By default,
# rEFInd doesn't scan its own directory or the EFI/tools directory.
# You can "blacklist" additional directories with this option, which
# takes a list of directory names as options. You might do this to
# keep EFI/boot/bootx64.efi out of the menu if that's a duplicate of
# another boot loader or to exclude a directory that holds drivers
# or non-bootloader utilities provided by a hardware manufacturer. If
# a directory is listed both here and in also_scan_dirs, dont_scan_dirs
# takes precedence. Note that this blacklist applies to ALL the
# filesystems that rEFInd scans, not just the ESP, unless you precede
# the directory name by a filesystem name, as in "myvol:EFI/somedir"
# to exclude EFI/somedir from the scan on the myvol volume but not on
# other volumes.
#dont_scan_dirs ESP:/EFI/boot,EFI/Dell
# Files that should NOT be included as EFI boot loaders (on the
# first line of the display). If you're using a boot loader that
# relies on support programs or drivers that are installed alongside
# the main binary or if you want to "blacklist" certain loaders by
# name rather than location, use this option. Note that this will
# NOT prevent certain binaries from showing up in the second-row
# set of tools. Most notably, MokManager.efi is in this blacklist,
# but will show up as a tool if present in certain directories. You
# can control the tools row with the showtools token.
# The default is shim.efi,TextMode.efi,ebounce.efi,GraphicsConsole.efi,MokManager.efi,HashTool.efi,HashTool-signed.efi
#dont_scan_files shim.efi,MokManager.efi
# Scan for Linux kernels that lack a ".efi" filename extension. This is
# useful for better integration with Linux distributions that provide
# kernels with EFI stub loaders but that don't give those kernels filenames
# that end in ".efi", particularly if the kernels are stored on a
# filesystem that the EFI can read. When uncommented, this option causes
# all files in scanned directories with names that begin with "vmlinuz"
# or "bzImage" to be included as loaders, even if they lack ".efi"
# extensions. The drawback to this option is that it can pick up kernels
# that lack EFI stub loader support and other files. Passing this option
# a "0" value causes kernels without ".efi" extensions to NOT be scanned;
# passing it alone or with any other value causes all kernels to be scanned.
# Default is to NOT scan for kernels without ".efi" extensions.
# Set the maximum number of tags that can be displayed on the screen at
# any time. If more loaders are discovered than this value, rEFInd shows
# a subset in a scrolling list. If this value is set too high for the
# screen to handle, it's reduced to the value that the screen can manage.
# If this value is set to 0 (the default), it's adjusted to the number
# that the screen can handle.
#max_tags 0
# Set the default menu selection. The available arguments match the
# keyboard accelerators available within rEFInd. You may select the
# default loader using:
# - A digit between 1 and 9, in which case the Nth loader in the menu
# will be the default.
# - Any substring that corresponds to a portion of the loader's title
# (usually the OS's name or boot loader's path).
#default_selection 1
default_selection "vmlinuz-linux"
# Include a secondary configuration file within this one. This secondary
# file is loaded as if its options appeared at the point of the "include"
# token itself, so if you want to override a setting in the main file,
# the secondary file must be referenced AFTER the setting you want to
# override. Note that the secondary file may NOT load a tertiary file.
#include manual.conf
# Sample manual configuration stanzas. Each begins with the "menuentry"
# keyword followed by a name that's to appear in the menu (use quotes
# if you want the name to contain a space) and an open curly brace
# ("{"). Each entry ends with a close curly brace ("}"). Common
# keywords within each stanza include:
# volume - identifies the filesystem from which subsequent files
# are loaded. You can specify the volume by label or by
# a number followed by a colon (as in "0:" for the first
# filesystem or "1:" for the second).
# loader - identifies the boot loader file
# initrd - Specifies an initial RAM disk file
# icon - specifies a custom boot loader icon
# ostype - OS type code to determine boot options available by
# pressing Insert. Valid values are "MacOS", "Linux",
# "Windows", and "XOM". Case-sensitive.
# graphics - set to "on" to enable graphics-mode boot (useful
# mainly for MacOS) or "off" for text-mode boot.
# Default is auto-detected from loader filename.
# options - sets options to be passed to the boot loader; use
# quotes if more than one option should be passed or
# if any options use characters that might be changed
# by rEFInd parsing procedures (=, /, #, or tab).
# disabled - use alone or set to "yes" to disable this entry.
# Note that you can use either DOS/Windows/EFI-style backslashes (\)
# or Unix-style forward slashes (/) as directory separators. Either
# way, all file references are on the ESP from which rEFInd was
# launched.
# Use of quotes around parameters causes them to be interpreted as
# one keyword, and for parsing of special characters (spaces, =, /,
# and #) to be disabled. This is useful mainly with the "options"
# keyword. Use of quotes around parameters that specify filenames is
# permissible, but you must then use backslashes instead of slashes,
# except when you must pass a forward slash to the loader, as when
# passing a root= option to a Linux kernel.
# Below are several sample boot stanzas. All are disabled by default.
# Find one similar to what you need, copy it, remove the "disabled" line,
# and adjust the entries to suit your needs.
# A sample entry for a Linux 3.3 kernel with its new EFI boot stub
# support on a filesystem called "KERNELS". This entry includes
# Linux-specific boot options and specification of an initial RAM disk.
# Note uses of Linux-style forward slashes, even in the initrd
# specification. Also note that a leading slash is optional in file
# specifications.
menuentry Linux {
icon EFI/refind/icons/os_linux.icns
volume KERNELS
loader bzImage-3.3.0-rc7
initrd initrd-3.3.0.img
options "ro root=UUID=5f96cafa-e0a7-4057-b18f-fa709db5b837"
# A sample entry for loading Ubuntu using its standard name for
# its GRUB 2 boot loader. Note uses of Linux-style forward slashes
menuentry Ubuntu {
loader /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi
icon /EFI/refined/icons/os_linux.icns
# A minimal ELILO entry, which probably offers nothing that
# auto-detection can't accomplish.
menuentry "ELILO" {
loader \EFI\elilo\elilo.efi
# Like the ELILO entry, this one offers nothing that auto-detection
# can't do; but you might use it if you want to disable auto-detection
# but still boot Windows....
menuentry "Windows 7" {
loader \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
# EFI shells are programs just like boot loaders, and can be
# launched in the same way. You can pass a shell the name of a
# script that it's to run on the "options" line. The script
# could initialize hardware and then launch an OS, or it could
# do something entirely different.
menuentry "Windows via shell script" {
icon \EFI\refind\icons\os_win.icns
loader \EFI\tools\shell.efi
options "fs0:\EFI\tools\launch_windows.nsh"
# Mac OS is normally detected and run automatically; however,
# if you want to do something unusual, a manual boot stanza may
# be the way to do it. This one does nothing very unusual, but
# it may serve as a starting point. Note that you'll almost
# certainly need to change the "volume" line for this example
# to work.
menuentry "My Mac OS X" {
icon \EFI\refind\icons\os_mac.icns
volume "OS X boot"
loader \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
# /dev/sda2
UUID=7b92a840-4747-43b7-b2cf-02cbf92afce7 / ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 1
# /dev/sda4
UUID=72f64fd4-a3f1-424c-8fe3-cdf7751a84e0 /home ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered 0 2
# /dev/sda1
# UUID=5447-7409 /boot vfat rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro 0 2
UUID=5447-7409 /boot vfat noatime 0 2
# /dev/sda3
UUID=1e11bea5-41db-4969-a8fa-a461734b71ac none swap defaults 0 0
This is a clean install using April 01 ISO with minimal or no modifications. I have tried to follow wiki as precisely as possible. I am not sure what I am missing. Thanks.
EDIT1: Updated and cleaned the post to better reflect current structure and added /etc/fstab.
EDIT2: @swordfish Removed /boot/EFI/arch.
Last edited by donniezazen (2013-04-04 06:37:07)

I used March ISO instead of April ISO and it worked flawlessly. There is some problem with April ISO where efibootmgr and UEFI Shell1/2 fail with ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (status = device error).
I have removed both /boot/EFI/boot and /boot/EFI/arch. I now have two entries one on vmlinuz-linux on 1024 Fat 32 partition which works and second one boot/vmlinuz-linux on 20G / partition which fails and takes me to rootfs. Also refind isn't showing UEFI shells that  I have in /boot/EFI/tools/Shells.
ls -R /boot
EFI initramfs-linux-fallback.img initramfs-linux.img refind_linux.conf vmlinuz-linux
drivers refind tools
ext2_x64.efi ext4_x64.efi hfs_x64.efi iso9660_x64.efi reiserfs_x64.efi
icons refind.conf refind_x64.efi
### Icons
# refind.conf
# Configuration file for the rEFInd boot menu
# Timeout in seconds for the main menu screen. Setting the timeout to 0
# disables automatic booting (i.e., no timeout).
timeout 5
# Hide user interface elements for personal preference or to increase
# security:
# banner - the rEFInd title banner (built-in or loaded via "banner")
# label - boot option text label in the menu
# singleuser - remove the submenu options to boot Mac OS X in single-user
# or verbose modes; affects ONLY MacOS X
# safemode - remove the submenu option to boot Mac OS X in "safe mode"
# hwtest - the submenu option to run Apple's hardware test
# arrows - scroll arrows on the OS selection tag line
# hints - brief command summary in the menu
# editor - the options editor (+, F2, or Insert on boot options menu)
# all - all of the above
# Default is none of these (all elements active)
#hideui singleuser
#hideui all
# Set the name of a subdirectory in which icons are stored. Icons must
# have the same names they have in the standard directory. The directory
# name is specified relative to the main rEFInd binary's directory. If
# an icon can't be found in the specified directory, an attempt is made
# to load it from the default directory; thus, you can replace just some
# icons in your own directory and rely on the default for others.
# Default is "icons".
#icons_dir myicons
# Use a custom title banner instead of the rEFInd icon and name. The file
# path is relative to the directory where refind.efi is located. The color
# in the top left corner of the image is used as the background color
# for the menu screens. Currently uncompressed BMP images with color
# depths of 24, 8, 4 or 1 bits are supported, as well as PNG images.
#banner hostname.bmp
#banner mybanner.png
# Custom images for the selection background. There is a big one (144 x 144)
# for the OS icons, and a small one (64 x 64) for the function icons in the
# second row. If only a small image is given, that one is also used for
# the big icons by stretching it in the middle. If only a big one is given,
# the built-in default will be used for the small icons.
# Like the banner option above, these options take a filename of an
# uncompressed BMP image file with a color depth of 24, 8, 4, or 1 bits,
# or a PNG image. The PNG format is required if you need transparency
# support (to let you "see through" to a full-screen banner).
#selection_big selection-big.bmp
#selection_small selection-small.bmp
# Set the font to be used for all textual displays in graphics mode.
# The font must be a PNG file with alpha channel transparency. It must
# contain ASCII characters 32-126 (space through tilde), inclusive, plus
# a glyph to be displayed in place of characters outside of this range,
# for a total of 96 glyphs. Only monospaced fonts are supported. Fonts
# may be of any size, although large fonts can produce display
# irregularities.
# The default is rEFInd's built-in font, Luxi Mono Regular 12 point.
#font myfont.png
# Use text mode only. When enabled, this option forces rEFInd into text mode.
# Passing this option a "0" value causes graphics mode to be used. Pasing
# it no value or any non-0 value causes text mode to be used.
# Default is to use graphics mode.
# Set the EFI text mode to be used for textual displays. This option
# takes a single digit that refers to a mode number. Mode 0 is normally
# 80x25, 1 is sometimes 80x50, and higher numbers are system-specific
# modes. Mode 1024 is a special code that tells rEFInd to not set the
# text mode; it uses whatever was in use when the program was launched.
# If you specify an invalid mode, rEFInd pauses during boot to inform
# you of valid modes.
# CAUTION: On VirtualBox, and perhaps on some real computers, specifying
# a text mode and uncommenting the "textonly" option while NOT specifying
# a resolution can result in an unusable display in the booted OS.
# Default is 1024 (no change)
#textmode 2
textmode 1024
# Set the screen's video resolution. Pass this option either:
# * two values, corresponding to the X and Y resolutions
# * one value, corresponding to a GOP (UEFI) video mode
# Note that not all resolutions are supported. On UEFI systems, passing
# an incorrect value results in a message being shown on the screen to
# that effect, along with a list of supported modes. On EFI 1.x systems
# (e.g., Macintoshes), setting an incorrect mode silently fails. On both
# types of systems, setting an incorrect resolution results in the default
# resolution being used. A resolution of 1024x768 usually works, but higher
# values often don't.
# Default is "0 0" (use the system default resolution, usually 800x600).
#resolution 1024 768
#resolution 3
resolution 1024 768
# Launch specified OSes in graphics mode. By default, rEFInd switches
# to text mode and displays basic pre-launch information when launching
# all OSes except OS X. Using graphics mode can produce a more seamless
# transition, but displays no information, which can make matters
# difficult if you must debug a problem. Also, on at least one known
# computer, using graphics mode prevents a crash when using the Linux
# kernel's EFI stub loader. You can specify an empty list to boot all
# OSes in text mode.
# Valid options:
# osx - Mac OS X
# linux - A Linux kernel with EFI stub loader
# elilo - The ELILO boot loader
# grub - The GRUB (Legacy or 2) boot loader
# windows - Microsoft Windows
# Default value: osx
#use_graphics_for osx,linux
# Which non-bootloader tools to show on the tools line, and in what
# order to display them:
# shell - the EFI shell (requires external program; see rEFInd
# documentation for details)
# gptsync - the (dangerous) gptsync.efi utility (requires external
# program; see rEFInd documentation for details)
# apple_recovery - boots the Apple Recovery HD partition, if present
# mok_tool - makes available the Machine Owner Key (MOK) maintenance
# tool, MokManager.efi, used on Secure Boot systems
# about - an "about this program" option
# exit - a tag to exit from rEFInd
# shutdown - shuts down the computer (a bug causes this to reboot
# EFI systems)
# reboot - a tag to reboot the computer
# Default is shell,apple_recovery,mok_tool,about,shutdown,reboot
#showtools shell, mok_tool, about, reboot, exit
showtools shell, about, reboot, exit
# Directories in which to search for EFI drivers. These drivers can
# provide filesystem support, give access to hard disks on plug-in
# controllers, etc. In most cases none are needed, but if you add
# EFI drivers and you want rEFInd to automatically load them, you
# should specify one or more paths here. rEFInd always scans the
# "drivers" and "drivers_{arch}" subdirectories of its own installation
# directory (where "{arch}" is your architecture code); this option
# specifies ADDITIONAL directories to scan.
# Default is to scan no additional directories for EFI drivers
#scan_driver_dirs EFI/tools/drivers,drivers
scan_driver_dirs EFI/tools/drivers,drivers
# Which types of boot loaders to search, and in what order to display them:
# internal - internal EFI disk-based boot loaders
# external - external EFI disk-based boot loaders
# optical - EFI optical discs (CD, DVD, etc.)
# hdbios - BIOS disk-based boot loaders
# biosexternal - BIOS external boot loaders (USB, eSATA, etc.)
# cd - BIOS optical-disc boot loaders
# manual - use stanzas later in this configuration file
# Note that the legacy BIOS options require firmware support, which is
# not present on all computers.
# On UEFI PCs, default is internal,external,optical,manual
# On Macs, default is internal,hdbios,external,biosexternal,optical,cd,manual
#scanfor internal,external,optical,manual
scanfor internal,external,optical,manual
# Delay for the specified number of seconds before scanning disks.
# This can help some users who find that some of their disks
# (usually external or optical discs) aren't detected initially,
# but are detected after pressing Esc.
# The default is 0.
#scan_delay 5
# When scanning volumes for EFI boot loaders, rEFInd always looks for
# Mac OS X's and Microsoft Windows' boot loaders in their normal locations,
# and scans the root directory and every subdirectory of the /EFI directory
# for additional boot loaders, but it doesn't recurse into these directories.
# The also_scan_dirs token adds more directories to the scan list.
# Directories are specified relative to the volume's root directory. This
# option applies to ALL the volumes that rEFInd scans UNLESS you include
# a volume name and colon before the directory name, as in "myvol:/somedir"
# to scan the somedir directory only on the filesystem named myvol. If a
# specified directory doesn't exist, it's ignored (no error condition
# results). The default is to scan the "boot" directory in addition to
# various hard-coded directories.
#also_scan_dirs boot,ESP2:EFI/linux/kernels
# Partitions to omit from scans. You must specify a volume by its
# label, which you can obtain in an EFI shell by typing "vol", from
# Linux by typing "blkid /dev/{devicename}", or by examining the
# disk's label in various OSes' file browsers.
# The default is "Recovery HD".
#dont_scan_volumes "Recovery HD"
# Directories that should NOT be scanned for boot loaders. By default,
# rEFInd doesn't scan its own directory or the EFI/tools directory.
# You can "blacklist" additional directories with this option, which
# takes a list of directory names as options. You might do this to
# keep EFI/boot/bootx64.efi out of the menu if that's a duplicate of
# another boot loader or to exclude a directory that holds drivers
# or non-bootloader utilities provided by a hardware manufacturer. If
# a directory is listed both here and in also_scan_dirs, dont_scan_dirs
# takes precedence. Note that this blacklist applies to ALL the
# filesystems that rEFInd scans, not just the ESP, unless you precede
# the directory name by a filesystem name, as in "myvol:EFI/somedir"
# to exclude EFI/somedir from the scan on the myvol volume but not on
# other volumes.
#dont_scan_dirs ESP:/EFI/boot,EFI/Dell
# Files that should NOT be included as EFI boot loaders (on the
# first line of the display). If you're using a boot loader that
# relies on support programs or drivers that are installed alongside
# the main binary or if you want to "blacklist" certain loaders by
# name rather than location, use this option. Note that this will
# NOT prevent certain binaries from showing up in the second-row
# set of tools. Most notably, MokManager.efi is in this blacklist,
# but will show up as a tool if present in certain directories. You
# can control the tools row with the showtools token.
# The default is shim.efi,TextMode.efi,ebounce.efi,GraphicsConsole.efi,MokManager.efi,HashTool.efi,HashTool-signed.efi
#dont_scan_files shim.efi,MokManager.efi
# Scan for Linux kernels that lack a ".efi" filename extension. This is
# useful for better integration with Linux distributions that provide
# kernels with EFI stub loaders but that don't give those kernels filenames
# that end in ".efi", particularly if the kernels are stored on a
# filesystem that the EFI can read. When uncommented, this option causes
# all files in scanned directories with names that begin with "vmlinuz"
# or "bzImage" to be included as loaders, even if they lack ".efi"
# extensions. The drawback to this option is that it can pick up kernels
# that lack EFI stub loader support and other files. Passing this option
# a "0" value causes kernels without ".efi" extensions to NOT be scanned;
# passing it alone or with any other value causes all kernels to be scanned.
# Default is to NOT scan for kernels without ".efi" extensions.
# Set the maximum number of tags that can be displayed on the screen at
# any time. If more loaders are discovered than this value, rEFInd shows
# a subset in a scrolling list. If this value is set too high for the
# screen to handle, it's reduced to the value that the screen can manage.
# If this value is set to 0 (the default), it's adjusted to the number
# that the screen can handle.
#max_tags 0
# Set the default menu selection. The available arguments match the
# keyboard accelerators available within rEFInd. You may select the
# default loader using:
# - A digit between 1 and 9, in which case the Nth loader in the menu
# will be the default.
# - Any substring that corresponds to a portion of the loader's title
# (usually the OS's name or boot loader's path).
#default_selection 1
# Include a secondary configuration file within this one. This secondary
# file is loaded as if its options appeared at the point of the "include"
# token itself, so if you want to override a setting in the main file,
# the secondary file must be referenced AFTER the setting you want to
# override. Note that the secondary file may NOT load a tertiary file.
#include manual.conf
# Sample manual configuration stanzas. Each begins with the "menuentry"
# keyword followed by a name that's to appear in the menu (use quotes
# if you want the name to contain a space) and an open curly brace
# ("{"). Each entry ends with a close curly brace ("}"). Common
# keywords within each stanza include:
# volume - identifies the filesystem from which subsequent files
# are loaded. You can specify the volume by label or by
# a number followed by a colon (as in "0:" for the first
# filesystem or "1:" for the second).
# loader - identifies the boot loader file
# initrd - Specifies an initial RAM disk file
# icon - specifies a custom boot loader icon
# ostype - OS type code to determine boot options available by
# pressing Insert. Valid values are "MacOS", "Linux",
# "Windows", and "XOM". Case-sensitive.
# graphics - set to "on" to enable graphics-mode boot (useful
# mainly for MacOS) or "off" for text-mode boot.
# Default is auto-detected from loader filename.
# options - sets options to be passed to the boot loader; use
# quotes if more than one option should be passed or
# if any options use characters that might be changed
# by rEFInd parsing procedures (=, /, #, or tab).
# disabled - use alone or set to "yes" to disable this entry.
# Note that you can use either DOS/Windows/EFI-style backslashes (\)
# or Unix-style forward slashes (/) as directory separators. Either
# way, all file references are on the ESP from which rEFInd was
# launched.
# Use of quotes around parameters causes them to be interpreted as
# one keyword, and for parsing of special characters (spaces, =, /,
# and #) to be disabled. This is useful mainly with the "options"
# keyword. Use of quotes around parameters that specify filenames is
# permissible, but you must then use backslashes instead of slashes,
# except when you must pass a forward slash to the loader, as when
# passing a root= option to a Linux kernel.
# Below are several sample boot stanzas. All are disabled by default.
# Find one similar to what you need, copy it, remove the "disabled" line,
# and adjust the entries to suit your needs.
# A sample entry for a Linux 3.3 kernel with its new EFI boot stub
# support on a filesystem called "KERNELS". This entry includes
# Linux-specific boot options and specification of an initial RAM disk.
# Note uses of Linux-style forward slashes, even in the initrd
# specification. Also note that a leading slash is optional in file
# specifications.
menuentry Linux {
icon EFI/refind/icons/os_linux.icns
volume KERNELS
loader bzImage-3.3.0-rc7
initrd initrd-3.3.0.img
options "ro root=UUID=5f96cafa-e0a7-4057-b18f-fa709db5b837"
# A sample entry for loading Ubuntu using its standard name for
# its GRUB 2 boot loader. Note uses of Linux-style forward slashes
menuentry Ubuntu {
loader /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi
icon /EFI/refined/icons/os_linux.icns
# A minimal ELILO entry, which probably offers nothing that
# auto-detection can't accomplish.
menuentry "ELILO" {
loader \EFI\elilo\elilo.efi
# Like the ELILO entry, this one offers nothing that auto-detection
# can't do; but you might use it if you want to disable auto-detection
# but still boot Windows....
menuentry "Windows 7" {
loader \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
# EFI shells are programs just like boot loaders, and can be
# launched in the same way. You can pass a shell the name of a
# script that it's to run on the "options" line. The script
# could initialize hardware and then launch an OS, or it could
# do something entirely different.
menuentry "Windows via shell script" {
icon \EFI\refind\icons\os_win.icns
loader \EFI\tools\shell.efi
options "fs0:\EFI\tools\launch_windows.nsh"
# Mac OS is normally detected and run automatically; however,
# if you want to do something unusual, a manual boot stanza may
# be the way to do it. This one does nothing very unusual, but
# it may serve as a starting point. Note that you'll almost
# certainly need to change the "volume" line for this example
# to work.
menuentry "My Mac OS X" {
icon \EFI\refind\icons\os_mac.icns
volume "OS X boot"
loader \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
Thanks for suggesting to try older ISO.
UPDATE:- Most recent ls -R /boot and my refind.conf. Reading over Rod Smith's rEFInd documentation has helped me clean up a little more and set up a good boot manager with automatic kernel detection and shell. I do want to get rid of drivers list that shows itself up along with kernel. Next is to tackle menu entry. Thanks.
Last edited by donniezazen (2013-04-04 06:43:16)

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  • {Solved} Can not successfully boot into systemd

    I will first start off by saying I have read though the following threads:
    And have tried to follow the Systemd wiki.  I started out by switching to the new initscripts configuration system.  I have the current systemd package installed.  I then installed systemd-sysvcompat which of course had me remove sysvinit.  I then removed initscripts which moved my rc.conf to rc.conf.pacsave.
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    # timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
    resulted in:
    Failed to issue method call: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1
    So at this point I decided to try a reboot and I get:
    Welcome to emergency mode! Type "systemctl defualt" or ^D to enter default mode.
    Type "journelctl -b" to view system logs. Type "systemctl reboot" to reboot.
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    (or typed Control-D to continue): [ 71.520184] radeon_cp: Failed to load firmware
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    [ 71.520224] radeon 0000:01:05.0: failed initializing CP (-2)
    [ 71.520237] radeon 0000:01:05.0: Disabling GPU acceleration
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    Thanks in advance for your guidance and assistance,
    All the best,
    Last edited by ichase (2012-11-16 16:55:10)

    Here is what you requested taken from emergency mode:
    # vim:set ft=sh
    # The following modules are loaded before any boot hooks are
    # run. Advanced users may wish to specify all system modules
    # in this array. For instance:
    # MODULES="piix ide_disk reiserfs"
    # This setting includes any additional binaries a given user may
    # wish into the CPIO image. This is run last, so it may be used to
    # override the actual binaries included by a given hook
    # BINARIES are dependency parsed, so you may safely ignore libraries
    # FILES
    # This setting is similar to BINARIES above, however, files are added
    # as-is and are not parsed in any way. This is useful for config files.
    # Some users may wish to include modprobe.conf for custom module options
    # like so:
    # FILES="/etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf"
    # HOOKS
    # This is the most important setting in this file. The HOOKS control the
    # modules and scripts added to the image, and what happens at boot time.
    # Order is important, and it is recommended that you do not change the
    # order in which HOOKS are added. Run 'mkinitcpio -H <hook name>' for
    # help on a given hook.
    # 'base' is _required_ unless you know precisely what you are doing.
    # 'udev' is _required_ in order to automatically load modules
    # 'filesystems' is _required_ unless you specify your fs modules in MODULES
    # Examples:
    ## This setup specifies all modules in the MODULES setting above.
    ## No raid, lvm2, or encrypted root is needed.
    # HOOKS="base"
    ## This setup will autodetect all modules for your system and should
    ## work as a sane default
    # HOOKS="base udev autodetect pata scsi sata filesystems"
    ## This is identical to the above, except the old ide subsystem is
    ## used for IDE devices instead of the new pata subsystem.
    # HOOKS="base udev autodetect ide scsi sata filesystems"
    ## This setup will generate a 'full' image which supports most systems.
    ## No autodetection is done.
    # HOOKS="base udev pata scsi sata usb filesystems"
    ## This setup assembles a pata mdadm array with an encrypted root FS.
    ## Note: See 'mkinitcpio -H mdadm' for more information on raid devices.
    # HOOKS="base udev pata mdadm encrypt filesystems"
    ## This setup loads an lvm2 volume group on a usb device.
    # HOOKS="base udev usb lvm2 filesystems"
    ## NOTE: If you have /usr on a separate partition, you MUST include the
    # usr, fsck and shutdown hooks.
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect pata scsi sata filesystems usbinput fsck"
    # Use this to compress the initramfs image. By default, gzip compression
    # is used. Use 'cat' to create an uncompressed image.
    # Additional options for the compressor
    The next items due to length are linked to pastebin;
    bsdtar -t -f /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    journalctl -b
    This is a lot to look at so do know that I am very appreciative of you and any one else looking at these files taking your time to help me with this issue.
    All the best,
    Edit:  I also wanted to mention that I was able to get rid of the syslog-ng errors previously mentioned by performing:
    systemctl enable syslog-ng.service
    Then rebooting.  Granted I was still put back in emergency mode but was able to fix one issue.
    Last edited by ichase (2012-11-16 03:33:41)

  • [solved] MBR to GPT, GRUB2, load Funtoo

    cgdisk 0.8.5
    Disk Drive: /dev/sda
    Size: 312315562, 148.9 GiB
    Part. # Size Partition Type Partition Name
    14.5 KiB free space
    1 235.3 MiB Linux filesystem Linux filesystem
    2 972.7 MiB Linux swap Linux swap
    3 147.7 GiB Linux filesystem Linux filesystem
    5.8 MiB free space
    Dear Archers
    I want to convertmy existing MBR to GPT, and then load GRUB2 for installing Funtoo on this same HDD. ArchWiki says leave 2MiB for EF02 GPT-BIOS partition, before /boot (/dev/sda1). But, I have only 14.5KB in this position. But I have 5MB in the end. Can I use this 5MB for EFI02 partition?
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    Last edited by San2ban (2012-06-27 07:57:58)

    Went ahead (since no further inputs from any body), converted the last 5.8MB on the disk to bios-boot partition (before converting MBR to GPT), without file system, label EF082 (bios-boot partition)
    Later, installed GRUB2-bios, in the 440 byte boot code region of MBR, as recommended by Archwiki. Now, system is with GPT partition (BIOS, not UEFI), boot loader is GRUB2. Now, free from the limitation of only 4 primary partition (with MBR)

  • Bank Clearing not generating Document

    Dear Firends,
    We have created a new Bank account and Clearing Account and the corresponding rules for clearing the Manual Bank Statement had been made.However, when we post the statement through FF67,it is getting posted but no document number is getting generated and  * symbol appears in the place of doument number.Also this amount is not taken to tha main account.Could you please let me as to the possible reason for the same.

    Check if you have defined your posting rules properly and also check the posting types given for the PR. If it is incorrectly given the systemw ill not generate any FB01 or FB05 entries.
    So once again check your config settings right fm creating ac symbols to assingning them to the correct GL accounts nad check the PR for your MBS processing.
    check the link below

  • [SOLVED] rEFInd -- Error: Not Found while loading vmlinuz-linux

    System Info:
    Problem: rEFInd does not boot arch linux.
    When booting the machine, rEFInd's gui selection menu presents options for windows or linux.
    Upon selecting linux, the following is displayed:
    rEFInd - Booting OS
    Starting vmlinuz-linux
    Using load options 'ro root=UUID=bd6b3352-1b79-4c70-a061-21ff87ff0772 initrd=\boot\initramfs-linux.img'
    Invalid loader file!
    Error: Not Found while loading vmlinuz-linux
    * Hit any key to continue *
    Below are the outputs of blkid, lsblk -f, the structure of /boot and cats of /boot/efi/EFI/refind/refind.conf and /boot/refind_linux.conf
    /dev/sda1: UUID="2014-05-01-05-20-54-00" LABEL="ARCH_201405" TYPE="iso9660" PTUUID="1535e446" PTTYPE="dos" PARTUUID="1535e446-01"
    /dev/sda2: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="ARCHISO_EFI" UUID="96ED-5DA9" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="1535e446-02"
    /dev/sdb1: LABEL="Recovery" UUID="E63202B832028E2D" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="Basic data partition" PARTUUID="e3729f62-9c32-4ac9-a9dd-56a9c073e7e5"
    /dev/sdb2: UUID="9C03-552D" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="EFI system partition" PARTUUID="9bcdb083-82e9-49e6-b03d-fd376585d633"
    /dev/sdb4: UUID="B2161962161928BD" TYPE="ntfs" PARTLABEL="Basic data partition" PARTUUID="6de10de9-3322-486c-8108-bf14f5a7bcb6"
    /dev/sdb5: UUID="bd6b3352-1b79-4c70-a061-21ff87ff0772" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="root" PARTUUID="699115b1-1413-42b3-9fd7-a80a8a51b6fa"
    /dev/sdb6: UUID="e71e6a25-913a-4932-9fc9-81942a5dab2e" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="home" PARTUUID="1fc33e24-4c26-459c-a80a-9440e1f4e683"
    /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
    /dev/loop1: UUID="f07bfb26-3377-487a-a022-efd840614a0d" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/loop2: UUID="f07bfb26-3377-487a-a022-efd840614a0d" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/mapper/arch_root-image: UUID="f07bfb26-3377-487a-a022-efd840614a0d" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/sdb3: PARTLABEL="Microsoft reserved partition" PARTUUID="fa94c812-e1ff-4603-ba97-be7f155f12c8"
    lsblk -f
    ├─sdb2 /boot/efi
    ├─sdb5 /
    └─sdb6 /home
    └─arch_root-image /etc/resolv.conf
    └─arch_root-image /etc/resolv.conf
    Structure of /boot
    *note: /boot is really the original microsoft efi system partition (in my case, /dev/sda2) that I mounted to /boot/efi and whose structure is shown below:
    ├── efi
    │ ├── EFI
    │ │ ├── Boot
    │ │ │ └── bootx64.efi
    │ │ ├── Microsoft
    │ │ │ └── Boot
    │ │ │ ├── BCD
    │ │ │ ├── BCD.LOG
    │ │ │ ├── BCD.LOG1
    │ │ │ ├── BCD.LOG2
    │ │ │ ├── bg-BG
    │ │ │ │ ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
    │ │ │ │ └── bootmgr.efi.mui
    │ │ │ ├── bootmgfw.efi
    │ │ │ ├── bootmgr.efi
    │ │ │ ├── BOOTSTAT.DAT
    │ │ │ ├── boot.stl
    │ │ │ ├── en-US
    │ │ │ │ ├── bootmgfw.efi.mui
    │ │ │ │ ├── bootmgr.efi.mui
    │ │ │ │ └── memtest.efi.mui
    │ │ │ ├── Fonts
    │ │ │ │ ├── {{FONTS REMOVED FOR BREVITY}}
    │ │ │ ├── Resources
    │ │ │ │ ├── bootres.dll
    │ │ │ │ └── en-US
    │ │ │ │ └── bootres.dll.mui
    │ │ ├── refind
    │ │ │ ├── drivers_x64
    │ │ │ │ └── ext4_x64.efi
    │ │ │ ├── icons
    │ │ │ │ ├── {{ICONS REMOVED FOR BREVITY}}
    │ │ │ ├── keys
    │ │ │ │ ├── altlinux.cer
    │ │ │ │ ├── canonical-uefi-ca.der
    │ │ │ │ ├── fedora-ca.cer
    │ │ │ │ ├── openSUSE-UEFI-CA-Certificate.cer
    │ │ │ │ ├── refind.cer
    │ │ │ │ └── SLES-UEFI-CA-Certificate.cer
    │ │ │ ├── refind.conf <=================== http://ix.io/cFy
    │ │ │ └── refind_x64.efi
    │ │ └── tools
    │ ├── initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    │ ├── initramfs-linux.img
    │ └── vmlinuz-linux
    └── refind_linux.conf <===================== http://ix.io/cFw
    49 directories, 190 files
    Excerpt of /boot/efi/EFI/refind/refind.conf
    (full file available here: http://ix.io/cFy)
    menuentry Linux {
    icon EFI/refind/icons/os_arch.icns
    volume "EFI system partition"
    loader /boot/vmlinuz-linux
    initrd /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    options "ro root=UUID=bd6b3352-1b79-4c70-a061-21ff87ff0772"
    cat /boot/refind_linux.conf
    "Boot with standard options" "ro root=UUID=bd6b3352-1b79-4c70-a061-21ff87ff0772 "
    "Boot to single-user mode" "ro root=UUID=bd6b3352-1b79-4c70-a061-21ff87ff0772 single"
    "Boot with minimal options" "ro root=UUID=bd6b3352-1b79-4c70-a061-21ff87ff0772"
    Last edited by dk0r (2014-05-28 01:36:16)

    A couple of things that are important:
    refind_linux.conf should be in the same directory as vmlinuz-linux and the initrd so it should be in /boot/ since that is where your kernel is.
    In your refind.conf stanza you have the line volume "EFI system partition" which tells rEFInd that the loader is in that partition whereas the kernel and initrd files seem to be in /boot/ which is not the EFI System Partition. Hence the volume line needs to specify the filesystem where /boot is which in your case appears to be /dev/sdb5 so the volume line in that case should be volume "root" since root is the filesystem label for sdb5? Note that if you update to rEFInd version 0.8.0 or later then you can use the partuuid value to specify the volume but in the version you are using that token for the volume was not yet implemented.
    In the stanza you quoted there was no terminating } but maybe you just didn't copy it to your post.
    Making these changes may let the system boot to the arch kernel.
    Last edited by mcloaked (2014-05-27 20:21:16)

  • [SOLVED] Cpufreq not loading after reboot

    I followed wiki on this ,but after reboot cpufreq is not loading from /etc/rc.conf as module
    This is message on boot
    :: Setting cpufreq governing rules , cpu 0 1wrong, unknown or unhandled CPU?
    Error setting new values. Common errors:eq/scaling_available_governors: No such - Do you have proper administration rights? (super-user?)
    - Is the governor you requested available and modprobed?
    - Trying to set an invalid policy?
    - Trying to set a specific frequency, but userspace governor is not available,
    for example because of hardware which cannot be set to a specific frequency
    or because the userspace governor isn't loaded?
    But if I do a modprobe acpi-cpufreq got this
    [root@laptop ~]# modprobe acpi-cpufreq
    [root@laptop ~]# /etc/rc.d/cpufreq start
    :: Setting cpufreq governing rules , cpu 0 1 [DONE]
    This is a /etc/rc.conf/cpufreq
    #configuration for cpufreq control
    # valid governors:
    # ondemand, performance, powersave,
    # conservative, userspace
    # limit frequency range (optional)
    # valid suffixes: Hz, kHz (default), MHz, GHz, THz
    # use freq to set up the exact cpu frequency using it with userspace governor
    Similar happens when I want to load governors as modules.
    Laptop is acer with C2D T5800 and min and max values are  from cpufreq-info.
    Can this be solved?
    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by dare023 (2010-06-15 05:44:18)

    Here it is without modprobe acpi-cpufreq
    [root@laptop ~]# cpufreq-info
    cpufrequtils 007: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2009
    Report errors and bugs to [email protected], please.
    analyzing CPU 0:
    no or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU
    maximum transition latency: 0.00 ms.
    analyzing CPU 1:
    no or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU
    maximum transition latency: 0.00 ms.
    And with modprobe acpi-cpufreq
    [root@laptop ~]# modprobe acpi-cpufreq
    [root@laptop ~]# cpufreq-info
    cpufrequtils 007: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2009
    Report errors and bugs to [email protected], please.
    analyzing CPU 0:
    driver: acpi-cpufreq
    CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0 1
    CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0
    maximum transition latency: 10.0 us.
    hardware limits: 800 MHz - 2.00 GHz
    available frequency steps: 2.00 GHz, 1.60 GHz, 1.20 GHz, 800 MHz
    available cpufreq governors: ondemand, performance
    current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 2.00 GHz.
    The governor "performance" may decide which speed to use
    within this range.
    current CPU frequency is 2.00 GHz (asserted by call to hardware).
    analyzing CPU 1:
    driver: acpi-cpufreq
    CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0 1
    CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 1
    maximum transition latency: 10.0 us.
    hardware limits: 800 MHz - 2.00 GHz
    available frequency steps: 2.00 GHz, 1.60 GHz, 1.20 GHz, 800 MHz
    available cpufreq governors: ondemand, performance
    current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 2.00 GHz.
    The governor "performance" may decide which speed to use
    within this range.
    current CPU frequency is 2.00 GHz (asserted by call to hardware).

  • [Solved] Vuurmuur not loading

    Hello,  I am having problems starting up vuurmuur in Arch, I am not sure but I think I did all that I was supose to do but still the dam daemon doesn't start up.
    I have installed vuurmuur from the AUR and added vuurmuur and iptables as daemons in rc.conf as instructed, I am having fault status at boot cause of it but they don't show up in /var/log/everything.log or dmesg (how can one easylly see the boot log for faults?)
    Running vuurmuur_conf I can solve all the faults except for the daemons.
    Running vuurmuur-initd.sh start I get:
    [root@archbox scripts]# sh ./vuurmuur-initd.sh start
    Starting firewall: Vuurmuur:
        Loading modules:    ip_tables iptable_filter iptable_mangle iptable_nat ip_conntrack ipt_state ip_conntrack_ftp ip_nat_ftp ip_queue
        Loading Vuurmuur:    FAILED.
        Loading Vuurmuur_log:    FAILED.
    Starting firewall: Vuurmuur: done
    vuurmuur_conf still says that the daemons are down.
    Any ideas / help ?
    Last edited by brunopereira81 (2010-10-11 14:18:54)

    Loaded wrong scrip, got the wrong output.
    Correct script to load is  /etc/rc.d/rc.vuurmuur and errors log, including the ones that are show during boot, is located in /var/logs/vuurmuur/errors.log.
    After running /etc/rc.d/vuurmuur, looking and solving the problems at shown at the log all is up and running.

  • How can i solve "could not load language and text preference "

    how can i solve " could not load language and text preference ".. help everyone...

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a test, not a solution. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    Step 1
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is localized to your user account.
    Enable guest logins* and log in as Guest. For instructions, launch the System Preferences application, select Help from the menu bar, and enter “Set up guest users” (without the quotes) in the search box. Don't use the Safari-only “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac.”
    While logged in as Guest, you won’t have access to any of your personal files or settings. Applications will behave as if you were running them for the first time. Don’t be alarmed by this; it’s normal. If you need any passwords or other personal data in order to complete the test, memorize, print, or write them down before you begin.
    Test while logged in as Guest. Same problem?
    After testing, log out of the guest account and, in your own account, disable it if you wish. Any files you created in the guest account will be deleted automatically when you log out of it.
    *Note: If you’ve activated “Find My Mac” or FileVault, then you can’t enable the Guest account. The “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac” is not the same. Create a new account in which to test, and delete it, including its home folder, after testing.
    Step 2
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode* and log in to the account with the problem. The instructions provided by Apple are as follows:
    Shut down your computer, wait 30 seconds, and then hold down the shift key while pressing the power button.
    When you see the gray Apple logo, release the shift key.
    If you are prompted to log in, type your password, and then hold down the shift key again as you click Log in.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including wireless networking on certain Macs.  The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    *Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t boot in safe mode.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem?
    After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of steps 1 and 2.

  • [SOLVED] GRUB2 not loading on UEFI system

    I tried to install Arch Linux on a new Sandy Bridge-system with UEFI, but am not able to boot it from the firmware.
    During the installation I choose not to install a bootloader and instead followed the instructions in the GRUB2 wiki page.
    After the installation I'm not able to load GRUB2 by selecting the device in the UEFI firmware (MSI's Click BIOS).
    It say's something like "reboot and select proper boot device, or insert boot media in selected boot device.".
    I am however able to boot the system by running the EFI Shell and loading grub2 by entering the following commands:
    cd efi
    cd grub
    I can then continue to boot arch in the grub console using:
    set root=(hd1,gpt4)
    linux /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sdb4 ro
    initrd /boot/kernel26.img
    And arch boots fine. (more or less, but it starts).
    I'm not sure why the firmware isn't able to load the grub efi application, while the efi shell is.
    I'm now looking for help troubleshooting this issue, since i don't really know where to begin looking.
    Last edited by lucas (2011-03-29 22:04:26)

    Thank you for your response.
    I'm not sure what to do with efibootmgr, it is installed and if I recall correctly was run by grub_efi_x86_64-install.
    Anyway, here is it's output:
    BootCurrent: 0004
    Timeout: 1 seconds
    BootOrder: 0000,0001,0004
    Boot0000* SATA: SAMSUNG HD103SJ
    Boot0001* SATA: Optiarc DVD RW AD-7260S
    Boot0004* Built-in EFI Shell
    Where 0000, the Samsung HDD is the device from which i want to boot.
    Below is some additional output which may be useful:
    parted /dev/sdb print wrote:
    Model: ATA SAMSUNG HD103SJ (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdb: 1000GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: gpt
    Number  Start   End     Size    File system     Name                          Flags
    1      17.4kB  134MB   134MB                   Microsoft reserved partition  msftres
    2      135MB   936GB   936GB   ntfs            Basic data partition
    3      936GB   936GB   210MB   fat32                                         boot
    4      936GB   999GB   62.7GB  ext4
    5      999GB   1000GB  1073MB  linux-swap(v1)
    ver (EFI Shell) wrote:EFI Specification Revision : 2.0
    EFI Vendor                 : American Megatrends
    EFI Revision               : 4.640
    map (EFI Shell) wrote:
    Device mapping table
      fs0    :HardDisk - Alias hd30a3 blk0
      blk0   :HardDisk - Alias hd30a3 fs0
    hd30a3 :HardDisk - Alias fs0 blk0
    Is there anything more you would like to see?

  • [SOLVED] GLX not loading

    UPDATE: I think I've narrowed it down to a glx issue. When I try to run glxinfo
    name of display: :0
    Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig
    Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig
    I also get errors when trying to launch games or glxgears.
    Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual
    Tried reinstalling mesa-libgl, xf86-video-intel intel-dri xorg-server{,-common}
    Reinstalling the packages didn't work so used the abs to rebuild xorg-server and mesa and install all related built packages.
    All updates with pacman -Syu. When I run startx with exec gnome-session it starts the xserver and then I get a screen that says Oops! Something when wrong, try logging out and back in.
    If I try to start gdm I get the same thing, but this time something in journalctl
    journalclt -b /usr/bin/gdm
    Apr 15 00:36:20 archbookpro gdm[915]: Child process 921 was already dead.
    Apr 15 00:36:20 archbookpro gdm[915]: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.009632 seconds
    Apr 15 00:36:21 archbookpro gdm[915]: GLib-GObject: invalid unclassed pointer in cast to 'GdmSimpleSlave'
    Apr 15 00:36:21 archbookpro gdm[915]: GLib-GObject: invalid unclassed pointer in cast to 'GdmSimpleSlave'
    Apr 15 00:36:21 archbookpro gdm[915]: Failed to give slave programs access to the display. Trying to proceed.
    Here's the Xserver log
    And systemctl status gdm
    sudo systemctl status gdm -l
    ● gdm.service - GNOME Display Manager
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/gdm.service; disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Tue 2014-04-15 00:36:20 EDT; 4min 22s ago
    Main PID: 915 (gdm)
    CGroup: /system.slice/gdm.service
    ├─915 /usr/bin/gdm
    └─922 /usr/bin/Xorg :1 -background none -noreset -verbose 3 -logfile /dev/null -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-mfUeQ6/database -seat seat0 -nolisten tcp vt1
    Apr 15 00:36:21 archbookpro gdm[915]: GLib-GObject: invalid unclassed pointer in cast to 'GdmSimpleSlave'
    Apr 15 00:36:21 archbookpro gdm[915]: GLib-GObject: invalid unclassed pointer in cast to 'GdmSimpleSlave'
    Apr 15 00:36:21 archbookpro gdm[915]: Failed to give slave programs access to the display. Trying to proceed.
    Apr 15 00:36:57 archbookpro gdm-Xorg-:1[922]: (II) Open ACPI successful (/var/run/acpid.socket)
    Apr 15 00:36:57 archbookpro gdm-Xorg-:1[922]: (II) intel(0): switch to mode [email protected] on LVDS1 using pipe 0, position (0, 0), rotation normal, reflection none
    Apr 15 00:36:57 archbookpro gdm-Xorg-:1[922]: (II) intel(0): EDID vendor "APP", prod id 40131
    Apr 15 00:36:57 archbookpro gdm-Xorg-:1[922]: (II) intel(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
    Apr 15 00:36:57 archbookpro gdm-Xorg-:1[922]: (II) intel(0): Modeline "1280x800"x0.0 72.50 1280 1328 1360 1423 800 803 809 846 -hsync -vsync (50.9 kHz eP)
    Apr 15 00:36:57 archbookpro gdm-Xorg-:1[922]: (--) synaptics: bcm5974: touchpad found
    Apr 15 00:36:57 archbookpro gdm-Xorg-:1[922]: setversion 1.4 failed: Permission denied
    I've been stuck on this for a few hours now. I've tried reinstalling everything, downloading them fresh. The Xserver works for openbox fine. I really need some help getting gnome working again.
    Last edited by Kopkins (2014-04-16 02:21:31)

    I ran into your post a number of hours ago while trying to solve the same error message after upgrading, and I'm pleased to say I finally got things working again! I love gnome on that note, but I'm not a fan of how little and non-descriptive the gdm error messages have become...
    So once I'd narrowed the issue down to not being exclusive to this release or Arch, I started expanding my searches and eventually found http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=84115, which talks about a bash completion script getting loaded in /etc/profile, so I took a look and while I didn't find exactly that in my own setup, I did have a script in /etc/profile.d that loaded RVM (Ruby Version Manager) with a line that looked like: "[[ -f "${USERHOME}/.rvm/script/completion" ]] && source ${USERHOME}/.rvm/scripts/completion", and after removing the script and trying again to login (without needing to reboot or anything else), GDM logged me in for the first time since the upgrade.
    Anyway, I feel your pain and have my fingers crossed it's the same thing for you- either way, good luck!

  • Bootcamp not showing up in boot loader

    Today I needed to resize my Windows Vista Ultimate partition for work, so I used Disk Utility to crate an image from the partition. After that I used Boot Camp Assistant to remove the partition, and then create a larger partition. After this was done I went back into Disk Utility and restored the partition using the image I created earlier.
    In OS X I can mount the partition and access the files and it seems everything was restored correctly. When I restart my machine and hold down the Option key to bring up the boot loader, Bootcamp is no longer an option. The only partition I can boot from is HD.
    Please help! Thanks

    Did you actually Install a version of Windows into that Boot Camp Partition? It doesn't sound like you did.
    You'll need a copy of Windows 7 or 8, 64bit, and a valid license key code for whatever version you plan on installing.
    Ethan_Fidler wrote:
    I have sucessfully partitioned my macbook pro (thanks Ds Store!) and now I have another problem, When booting up I hold down option to choose my startup disc all that shows up is macintosh HD and recovery, BOOTCAMP is not showing up, even though it showes up in devices please help me!!
    - Ethan

  • Hi i am not able to load any google sites ie gmail,orkut,youtube(login),,etc

    hi i am not able to load any google sites ie gmail,orkut,youtube(login),,etc
    when i tryied to open sites like www.gmail.com i got error msg as:
    The connection was interrupted
    The connection to www.google.com was interrupted while the page was loading.
    * The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
    * If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
    * If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
    that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
    i am currently using firefox 3.6.10 so what to do to fix this pblm?

    Make sure that your security software (firewall) isn't blocking or interrupting that connection.
    Do a malware check with a few malware scan programs.<br />
    You need to use all programs because each detects different malware.<br />
    Make sure that you update each program to get the latest version of the database before doing a scan.<br />
    <br />
    * http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php - Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
    * http://www.superantispyware.com/ - SuperAntispyware
    * http://www.safer-networking.org/en/index.html - Spybot Search & Destroy
    * http://www.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware_free.php - Ad-Aware Free
    * http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/defender/default.mspx - Windows Defender: Home Page
    See also "Spyware on Windows": http://kb.mozillazine.org/Popups_not_blocked and [[Searches are redirected to another site]]

  • Boot loader did not return any data.

    i have installed the Oracle VM Server and Oracle VM Manager in two different machines. I'm using the VM Manager to create the Virtual Machines(guest). I followed all the steps given in the Oracle VM Manager User guide 2.2. I'm using the RHEL5 as the OS for the guest machine. I receive an error saying 'Boot loader did not return any data.'. The vm.cfg file has got created in the path /OVS/running_pool/12_VM1. The contents of the vm.cfg file are as below
    bootloader = '/usr/bin/pygrub'
    disk = ['file:/var/ovs/mount/616CC4FA976D4352B1630FFCE835FEC5/running_pool/14_VM1/System.img,xvda,w']
    keymap = 'en-us'
    memory = '1024'
    name = '14_VM1'
    on_crash = 'restart'
    on_reboot = 'restart'
    uuid = '3a925bc9-1555-b5bb-b0f0-c5958db65468'
    vcpus = 1
    vfb = ['type=vnc,vncunused=1,vnclisten=,vncpasswd=vm123']
    vif = ['mac=00:16:3E:02:8B:64, bridge=xenbr0']
    Can any one help out in this ASAP.
    Thanks in Advance.

    sorry but did you installed guest OS or not ?
    Did you install from image, from dvd ...?
    If yes try start youre vm from server terminal
    #>xm create -c vm. cfg

  • [SOLVED] Java could not find or load main class

    I just tried to run a Java program using Swing components from the terminal, but I always get this error message:
    $ java VisualTest
    Error: Could not find or load main class VisualTest
    The strange thing is that it runs flawlessly from within Eclipse.
    I created VisualTest.java using the (old) Visual Editor, it's contents are:
    package visual1;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    //import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    public class VisualTest extends JFrame {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private JPanel jContentPane = null;
    * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    VisualTest thisClass = new VisualTest();
    * This is the default constructor
    public VisualTest() {
    * This method initializes this
    * @return void
    private void initialize() {
    this.setSize(300, 200);
    * This method initializes jContentPane
    * @return javax.swing.JPanel
    private JPanel getJContentPane() {
    if (jContentPane == null) {
    jContentPane = new JPanel();
    return jContentPane;
    As you can see, there is a class named VisualTest and it contains a main function.
    My CLASSPATH variable contains a dot, like
    I just updated my Java from JDK 7u67 to JDK 8u20 (the Oracle one, in AUR), but I can't imagine this is related (however, I haven't run Java programs from the terminal for a long time).
    Strangely enough, a simple HelloWorld.java
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello World!");
    runs flawlessly from within the terminal.
    Last edited by Marcel- (2014-09-26 12:44:35)

    As intended by my institution, I said to Eclipse that it should store sources and class files in the same directory. Let's do ls and test:
    [~/workspace]$ ls
    total 12K
    drwxr-xr-x 4 mk mk 4.0K Sep 23 18:23 visualtest/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 mk mk 426 Sep 24 15:45 HelloWorld.class
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 mk mk 111 Sep 24 15:44 HelloWorld.java
    [~/workspace]$ java HelloWorld
    Hello World!
    [~/workspace/visualtest/visual1]$ ls
    total 12K
    -rw-r--r-- 1 mk mk 528 Sep 24 15:38 VisualTest$1.class
    -rw-r--r-- 1 mk mk 1.1K Sep 24 15:38 VisualTest.class
    -rw-r--r-- 1 mk mk 1.2K Sep 24 00:32 VisualTest.java
    [~/workspace/visualtest/visual1]$ java VisualTest
    Error: Could not find or load main class VisualTest
    I also tested this with another project that runs fine in Eclipse, but it gives the same error message when trying to issue `java StemOpPartijFrame`.
    One difference between the two OSs though is that Linux progresses.  The other decays..
    Two? I count many! And I don't think something like OpenBSD decays. ;-)
    Last edited by Marcel- (2014-09-24 16:54:12)

  • What reasons are there that the boot loader might not recognize OSX?

    So il try to make this brief:
    1. I dragged the contents of the "Macintosh HD" partition on my internal hardrive to a partition of an external hardrive made specifically for containing the dmg "Macintosh HD" (which supposedly holds all the files pertaining to OSX?).
    2. A couple weeks later (now) I erased the contents of my internal hardrives "Macintosh HD" partition and replaced it with that of the partion of my external hardrive which contains the "backup" dmg "Macintosh HD".
    Theoretically, my computer should be exactly as it was a couple weeks ago right?
    So going back to the heart of the matter, why doesn't the boot loader recognize OSX?
    Thanks in advance for your time :)

    Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way.... heres what I want to do:
    I want to install mac OSX 10.8.5, a couple of audio interface drivers, Pro Tools 11/ 10 and Cubase 6. Following this, I want to imediatley make a backup that will not update. My reasoning; I'm using the computer in question as a "glorified tape recorder" and as we all know, over time computers (even macs) become "cluttered" (im not talking about messy file organization). Reinstalling isn't an ideal solutaion for me as reinstalling OSX would remove all kinds of presets from my DAWS and interface controls (too many to backup individually).   
    Thanks, Patrick Mulholland.

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