[SOLVED] Exclude a package from pacman database without uninstalling

Hi all,
I have heroes of newerth installed from AUR and I would like to detach this package from the database so it doesnt get updated when I use packer, the reason is because when an update occurs, I have to download the whole game again, and if I dont update the game prompts me to update when I login and I get only the patch (which results in a 2 minutes download instead of an hour download)
So what I want to do Is tell pacman or packer that this package should be tracked an updated anymore, how can I do that?
cheers and thanks for the help
Last edited by 655321 (2011-08-26 22:02:51)

mcmillan wrote:
From man pacman
-k, --dbonly
Adds/Removes the database entry only, leaves all files in place.
This would probably be a more proper way than just deleting the files from /var/lib/pacman/local. Though it may be best to reinstall it outside of pacman like Karol suggested just to be sure nothing is inconsistant.
I didn't say it, Stebalien did ;P but I too think it would be the best choice.

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    Last edited by yuan_modu (2015-04-02 16:31:03)

    Trilby wrote:How many packages has this happened with?  Can you give an example of one that produces this error?  If the download proceeds when the build starts, it sounds like the PKGBUILD is outdated and is manually grabbing the source in the build function (in pacman<4.0 style).
    I was building https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/uefi-shell-svn: a popular and up-to-date PKGBUILD.
    Indeed I didn't merge the conf files of  clean chroot. There was a makepkg.conf.pacnew, the lacking part in my old makepkg.conf was:
    and some small changes. Everything works fine now. Was my bad. Sorry for incovenience and thanks for your help.
    Last edited by yuan_modu (2015-04-02 13:08:21)

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    Thanks For any assistance provided.

    Alright,here is an example for you for the first case.
    <title><html:message key="page.title"/></title>
    <html:form action="ChangeEvent.do">
    <html:hidden property="method"/>
    <!-- Submitting the Form onKeyUp of EmpId field and trying to save the
         state of the Form in the scope of session -->
    Emp Id:<html:text property="empId" size="5"  onkeyup="if(true){this.form.elements[0].value='populateDetails';this.form.submit();}"/>
    Emp Name:<html:text property="empName" size="10" />
    Email Address:<html:text property="email" size="10" />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN" "http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/dtds/struts-config_1_1.dtd">
    <!-- Form bean which stores the properties of all the Form elements -->
    <form-bean name="employeeFormBean" type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm">
       <form-property name="empId" type="java.lang.String"/>
       <form-property name="empName" type="java.lang.String"/>
       <form-property name="email" type="java.lang.String" />   
    <action path="/ChangeEvent" type="Test.GetChangeAction" name="employeeFormBean" scope="request" parameter="method"> 
    <!-- On successful call of DB the Page has to be forwarded to the same page again by
          uploading updated form bean values. -->
    <forward name="success" path="/Present.jsp"></forward>
    <forward name="failed" path="/error.jsp"></forward>
    public class GetChangeAction extends DispatchAction{
      public ActionForward populateDetails(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
            DynaActionForm dForm = (DynaActionForm)form;
            String empId = dForm.get("empId");     
            // calling Model / Db and then getting back Employee Details
            EmployeeBean eb = ModelUtils.getDetails(empId);
            // Updating form bean by updating values from the Model 
            return mapping.findForward("success");
    }well to me this should work regardless to any browser but we need to make sure we put in our logic properly.

  • How to Return List of Packages from Pacman/Yaourt Search

    Changed the name of the script from pacsearch to pacdot.
    Apparently yaourt -Ssaq does this, so this script isn't as necessary as I thought. Although, I still find using pacdot -w to open the results in a text document helpful.
    This isn't a question; it's a script I wrote. I thought someone else might find this useful.
    I keep finding myself searching with pacman or yaourt and wishing I could get just the package names, not all of the extra stuff. For example, I'd love to be able to run yaourt -Sa $(yaourt -Ssa package). It doesn't seem like pacman and yaourt have an option for this (not that I can tell, at least), so I wrote a python script to do it. Copy it if you'd like. You can name it what you want, but I'll refer to it as pacdot.py.
    pacdot.py package will be like yaourt -Ssa package but only list the package names.
    I added a few extra options:
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    pacdot.py -i package will install all the found packages. If you've ever thought about running something like yaourt -Sa $(yaourt -Ssa package), that's what this command does.
    pacdot.py -w package will:
    Create a file called 'the-package-you-searched.txt',
    Write an example command that would install the found packages,
    (yaourt -Sa all-of-the-results),
    Write each result on a new line, and
    Open the file for you (with your default text editor).
    Here's the code:
    import argparse
    import re
    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call
    from collections import deque
    desc = ''.join(('Search the official Arch and AUR databases ',
    'and return package names only. ',
    'e.g.: `pacdot.py arch` will return "arch", ',
    'whereas `$ yaourt -Ssa arch` will return ',
    '"community/arch 1.3.5-10',
    ' A modern and remarkable revision control system."'
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
    help='Package to search with pacman')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--official', action='store_true',
    help='Search official repositories only, not the AUR')
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--install', action='store_true',
    help='Install found packages')
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--write', action='store_true',
    help='Write to file')
    #Set args strings.
    args = parser.parse_args()
    pkg = args.package
    official_only = args.official
    install = args.install
    write = args.write
    # Do yaourt search.
    package_search = Popen(['yaourt', '-Ssa', '%s' % pkg], stdout=PIPE).communicate()
    # Put each found package into a list.
    package_titles_descs = str(package_search[0]).split('\\n')
    # Strip off the packages descriptions.
    package_titles = [package_titles_descs[i]
    for i in range(0, len(package_titles_descs), 2)]
    # Remove empty item in list.
    # Make a separate list of the non-aur packages.
    package_titles_official = deque(package_titles)
    for p in package_titles if p.startswith('aur')]
    # Strip off extra stuff like repository names and version numbers.
    packages_all = [re.sub('([^/]+)/([^\s]+) (.*)',
    r'\2', str(p))
    for p in package_titles]
    packages_official = [re.sub('([^/]+)/([^\s]+) (.*)',
    r'\2', str(p))
    for p in package_titles_official]
    # Mark the aur packages.
    # (Not needed, just in case you want to modify this script.)
    #packages_aur = packages_all[len(packages_official):]
    # Set target packages to 'all' or 'official repos only'
    # based on argparse arguments.
    if official_only:
    packages = packages_official
    packages = packages_all
    # Print the good stuff.
    for p in packages:
    if write:
    # Write results to file.
    filename = ''.join((pkg, '.txt'))
    with open(filename, 'a') as f:
    print(''.join(('Yaourt search for "', pkg, '"\n')), file=f)
    print('To install:', file=f)
    packages_string = ' '.join(packages)
    print(' '.join(('yaourt -Sa', packages_string)), file=f)
    print('\nPackage list:', file=f)
    for p in packages:
    print(p, file=f)
    # Open file.
    call(('xdg-open', filename))
    if install:
    # Install packages with yaourt.
    for p in packages:
    print(''.join(('\n\033[1;32m==> ', '\033[1;37m', p,
    Popen(['yaourt', '-Sa', '%s' % p]).communicate()
    Last edited by GreenRaccoon23 (2014-12-22 19:17:37)

    expac works only with official and unofficial repos, not with the AUR, but it's very nice.
    Adding  '-q' should help, grep to weed out false positives.
    yaourt -Sa $(yaourt -Ssaq pulse)
    works, but
    $ yaourt -Sa $(yaourt -Ssaq chrome)
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    warning: removing 'chromium' from target list because it conflicts with 'chromium-no-sse2'
    error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
    error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
    :: chromium-no-sse2 and chromium-scroll-pixelGs are in conflict
    so at least
    $ yaourt -Sa $(yaourt -Ssaq chrome|grep google)
    is needed.
    Edit: Also:
    $ LC_ALL=C TZ=GMT0 diff -Naur /usr/bin/pacsearch /usr/local/bin/pacsearch
    --- /usr/bin/pacsearch 2014-11-21 11:20:37.000000000 +0000
    +++ /usr/local/bin/pacsearch 2014-12-21 08:21:14.758856006 +0000
    @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
    my %allpkgs = ();
    -my $syncout = `pacman -Ss '@ARGV'`;
    +my $syncout = `pacman -Ssq '@ARGV'`;
    # split each sync search entry into its own array entry
    my @syncpkgs = split(/\n^(?=\w)/m, $syncout);
    # remove the extra \n from the last desc entry
    @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
    $allpkgs{$pkgfields[1]} = [ @pkgfields ];
    -my $queryout = `pacman -Qs '@ARGV'`;
    +my $queryout = `pacman -Qqs '@ARGV'`;
    # split each querysearch entry into its own array entry
    my @querypkgs = split(/\n^(?=\w)/m, $queryout);
    # remove the extra \n from the last desc entry
    $ /usr/local/bin/pacsearch pulse
    Although why not simply use pacman or expac?
    Last edited by karol (2014-12-21 08:26:48)

  • [solved]unsure of result from pacman -Syu

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    [root@arch danny]# pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronising package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    warning: iproute: local (070710-1) is newer than core (2.6.24_rc7-1)
    local database is up to date
    [root@arch danny]#
    any ideas?? thanks
    Last edited by ninjaprawn (2010-02-19 17:07:05)

    If you didn't install a different iproute version manually (not from the official repositories), then you should do:
    pacman -S iproute
    and simply reinstall iproute and all should be fine.

  • Use Package from other database

    Hi all,
    I want to use a function from a package which is stored on another database in the mapping of my datawarehouse.
    How can I do that? I do not want to import the function, because then I do not get the changes which could be done to the package on the other database.
    Thanks in advance

    If I understand it correctly I should create the package with the same name to
    the public transformations. Either to the public or to the transformations local to your project, yes.
    There I then create a transformation in the package. What should I do with the
    implementation? Leave it like the default is?You can leave it empty, as long as the number, order and type of parameters matches that of the actual packaged function in the database you will be calling.
    How I does the OWB now know where he can find the package?That's the trickier part. You need a database link (connector) between your target and the database with the package. Then you can create a synonym, using the database link, in the target schema pointing to the package in the remote database.
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    Hmm, reading that back, it sounds rather convoluted to me.
    Anyway...I hope it helps.

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    The process is described in the EPMA administrator's guide, which you can find in pdf format included in the HFM product documentation. The file name is bpma_admin.pdf. In the case that you have installed HFM (and included EPMA during the installation process), you may find this file in a folder that will look like C:\Hyperion\FinancialManagement\Documentation\en.
    If you do not have installed the products yet, you should bear in mind that all Hyperion product documentation (including HFM) can be downloaded from the e-delivery site of Oracle (http://edelivery.oracle.com). The Hyperion product documentation is a large archive (zip), containing smaller archives per product. The smaller archive you need to open once you download the complete product documentation is the hfm_93100_product_doc.zip.

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    Hi Guru,
    I have a requirement to amend a program to exclude the document number field (bsik-belnr) from the dynamic selection-screen of the logical database KDF(Vendor Database) so that the program will not filter according to the document number.
    I have use the below syntax in my zprogram.
      selection-screen exclude select-options: doc-no.
    However I get syntax error "The addition EXCLUDE is only allowed in INCLUDE DBKDFSEL".
    Please advice.
    Best Regards,

    The selection part of the logical database defines input fields for selecting data.
              The runtime environment displays these on the selection screen when you run an executable program linked to the logical database.
              Include called DB<ldbname>SEL.
                                                                    SELECTION-SCREEN EXCLUDE ... .
                                                    SELECTION-SCREEN END OF VERSION ver.
    Defines a selection screen version (with a three-character name ver ). Between BEGIN OF VERSION and END OF VERSION , you can exclude selection screen objects for the version ver , i.e. remove them from the selection screen with SELECTION-SCREEN EXCLUDE.
    If one of these tables is active in the report (i.e. it is declared under TABLES or lies somewhere on the path from the root of the database hierarchy to a table declared with TABLES ), a pushbutton called 'Dynamic selections' appears on the selection screen.

  • [Solved] Recommend a package with pacman for "Command Not Found"

    Is there a way to get Pacman to recommend a package name like in ubuntu, for example:
    If I were to type in a terminal ifconfig and it said "Command not found"
    Could Pacman recommend the package net-tools?
    Last edited by jack9099 (2011-08-03 14:33:39)

    The pkgtools package will do this for you.
    See https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pkgtools for instructions on how to set it up.
    Last edited by szim90 (2011-08-03 14:25:58)

  • Rescuing and/or Accessing Images From Aperture Database Without Aperture

    Early reviews of Aperture mentioned that Aperture created a closed, inaccessible database of all the images contained therein. This apparently means that these images cannot be accessed unless you have Aperture. Does anyone else feel nervous about this? What happens if the Aperture database is corrupted and won't open? As far as I can see, you would be toast because you couldn't reach your images. I would appreciate hearing from someone who can address these concerns. How stable is the Aperture database? Is there a chance it could be corrupted and refuse to open? And if so, how would you go about rebuilding it and/or rescuing your images? It also appears that the only way you can move images is by exporting them (which requires a working program).
    Any thoughts?

    No problem! Trying to answer these questions is a very helpful way to learn the app by looking at aspects of it I have not encountered yet.
    Yes, you can rebuild the Aperture database in a similar way to Entourage (and iPhoto). Holding down command-option after launching Aperture will make a Rebuild Library dialog appear. HOWEVER, don't do this unless you really want to see it work, because there seems to be no way to cancel the process. You can choose Rebuild Now or Don't Rebuild. If you choose Don't Rebuild, your Projects will nonetheless need to be recovered before use. The dialog mentions a Rebuild Later button, but there is no such button available.
    I have done this a few times both ways in the course of writing this, and there does not seem to be any negatives to rebuilding other than the time rebuilding takes, so if your projects aren't large it may be worth doing now to get comfortable with the process.
    G5 Dual 2.7   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

  • Can I retrieve contact info from a database without the BlackBerry

    Here's my story---a couple of weeks ago, I dropped my Pearl 8130 into a big cup of water. After it miraculously came back to life, I decided it was high time to BACKUP my contact info... so I used desktop manager version to do so... I only clicked on 'Addresses' which I assumed meant contacts. I kid you not---the VERY NEXT DAY, my poor BlackBerry went into the pool with me. Now, despite the fact that I just mentioned having gone swimming, I actually do not lead a lavish lifestyle... I live in the desert, and I needed to get my poor, overheated toddler into the pool asap. I do have cell phone insurance, but I don't have the $50 deductible to get a new BlackBerry. I am using a used Casio G'zOne Boulder right now. I had SO much contact info though, that I need. So, here is my question. Is there a way to convert the database (IPD File) info I saved into a word document, or some other readable form so I can obtain all my contacts?
    Thank you in advance,
    Go to Solution.

    Crystal, Greetings, and welcome to the BlackBerry.com Support Forums.
    Yes, google search for ABC Amber IPD Converter, and use that. It's not free, but the the trial software will handle limited number of records.
    If you end up getting a new BlackBerry, you can restore that backup IPD file to your new device.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
    Join our BBM Channels (Beta)
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  • [SOLVED] searching a package with pacman/yaourt

    Sometimes i encounter a crash of kmix application on OS bootup. When i try submitting a bug report, it says that "The generated crash information is probably not useful'. The needed packages say i should be having, among others, 'libQtGui.so.4'
    How do i search which package provides this file? I have tried a few options with -Q and -S, but that doesn't seem to work. Any pointers?
    Last edited by njathan (2012-03-17 10:13:03)

    njathan wrote:
    Thanks much!
    [edit] BTW i could not find pkgutils, but pkgtools
    Sorry, pkgtools is the one

  • How do I know who deleted a package from database

    Some one deleted a package from the database.
    is there any way to know , who did it and when?

    Not unless you have auditing configured. I suggest you audit DDL: create, drop, alter, etc....
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • Update a pacman database on a machine with no internet.

    ok, I'm not sure how many of you are going to find this useful, but here is what happened.  I have 2 Arch boxes running, my laptop and my desktop.  My laptop can get online, my desktop can't; due to I can't find a modem that will work with it.  so how am I supposed to keep the desktop as bleeding edge?  Easy, move the packages and pacman database to the desktop from the laptop.  Now, I don't do this everyday, maybe once a week (after a major version bump, or something).  I don't konw about you, but I would constantly be re-looking up all the switches I need to do this properly.  So I wrote a script; well two actually.  The first, is a simple bash one liner.  The other is a little more complicated.  You can find them here: http://mckean.upb.pitt.edu/~jhs/rph.tar.bz2.
    I've been using them for about 3 weeks or so, and haven't broke anything.  But these are use at your own risk.  The import does  make a backup of your database, but the first few times I would suggest making one yourself, just to be on the safe side. 
    Please leave feed back. 
    (btw, rph = Remote Pacman-db Helpers)

    Another option: I use NFS to share my pacman cache from my main computer to my other computers, then mount on the other computers. The main advantage is that all the packages are only using up space on one computer.  It works really good.
    In your case you would need to mount the pacman database also. "/var/lib/pacman/" I think?
    Just thought I'd share what works good for me.
    Here are my notes I took to remind me how to do it.
    How To Setup NFS to share & mount pacman cache on other computer
    ======On main computer============
    # pacman -S nft-utils
    DAEMONS(… portmap nfslock nfsd …)
    #---For NFS Network File System, Linux shares----
    #---share pacman cache -----
    ======On Other Computer ==========
    # pacman -S nft-utils
    DAEMONS(… portmap nfslock nfsd …)
    Note: only portmap is needed for mounting a share
    Note: put portmap before network if automounting in fstab
    delete cache "/var/cache/pacman/pkg"
    mount cache
    # mount192.168.1.50:/var/cache/pacman/pkg /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
    check it
    # ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
    Automount in fstab
    /etc/fstab /var/cache/pacman/pkg nfs rw,addr= 0 0

  • Hello Anybody, I have a question. Can any of you please suggest me how to make an xml file from the database table with all the rows? Note:- I am having the XSD Schema file and the resulted XML file should be in that XSD format only.

    Hello Anybody, I have a question. Can any of you please suggest me how to make an xml file from the database table with all the records?
    Note:- I am having the XSD Schema file and the resulted XML file should be in that XSD format only.

    The Oracle documentation has a good overview of the options available
    Generating XML Data from the Database
    Without knowing your version, I just picked 11.2, so you made need to look for that chapter in the documentation for your version to find applicable information.
    You can also find some information in XML DB FAQ

Maybe you are looking for