[solved] Fluxbox + LXappearance gtk theme not changing in certain prog

I'm using fluxbox with LXappearance, which is working great, except that gedit and empathy don't change their gtk theme. All the other programs on my computer do change to the theme I pick in LXappearance. Does anyone know if there is a reason for this? (maybe its gnome or ubuntu related?)
Its not a huge deal, but the behavior is sorta weird. I don't get any error messages or anything either.
Last edited by Meskarune (2011-05-13 12:11:53)

Those programs appear to be set to use GTK 3 themes now, which seem not to be compatible with GTK 2 themes (and vice-versa). I had the same problem, so had to specify a theme in .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini but of course it's still not a match for the apps that use the GTK 2 theme instead.

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    I have a problem with fluxbox. Some programs using gtk themes (e.g. spacefm, audacious) have ugly grayish 'redmond' look. I have tried to follow this how-to:
    http://wiki.fluxbox.org/index.php?title … gtk_themes
    and also tried to switch theme with lxapperance and gtk-chtheme. No success. The gtk-chtheme shows a correct theme, so within the preview the theme is fine. However, it won't change the appearance of other windows. Some other programs like firefox or thunderbird change the theme.
    I have also tried to compile spacefm with gtk3 support and use adwaita theme. Again I got the ugly look. In other desktop managers, e.g. lxdm both spacefm and audacious look as expected.
    Last edited by kmiernik (2013-05-15 11:23:25)

    Thanks guys! It must have been something in the .config/gtk-3.0 folder. Once I removed it and created settings.ini like this one:
    gtk-theme-name = Adwaita
    gtk-icon-theme-name = Tango
    gtk-fallback-icon-theme = gnome
    gtk-font-name = Sans 8
    gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1
    gtk-visible-focus = automatic
    I can have a normal appearance of gtk3 applications. Interesting thing is that this is exactly the same settings file I have tried before. Probably something else in the folder was overriding the theme.
    Last edited by kmiernik (2013-05-15 11:24:06)

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    I was able to change the background and the font, but the theme, the icon (and maybe cursor) remain the default grey. I have tried using Adwaita, which should be installed together with gnome 3 and I have installed gnome-shell-theme-faience from AUR to try it out. None of them are working.
    Maybe this is related:
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    Anybody have a clue? The wiki nor the AUR hold much info on this and the web is talking about the unity-greeter mostly...
    Last edited by zenlord (2012-06-18 17:18:07)

    The lack of responses seem to indicate two possibilities:
    1. I'm the only one having a problem, or
    2. This is not a bug - I should theme lightdm-gtk manually.
    In either case: the extension-problem is solved now, so that should not interfere (anymore), and upgrading to the latest lightdm(-gtk-greeter) has not solved the problem...
    Last edited by zenlord (2012-06-05 08:02:40)

  • [Solved] Problem with GTK+ themes (some of the applications look ugly)

    Hey everyone,
    I just switched to Arch and have problems with getting the GTK+ themes to work. Some applications (i.e. pcmanfm, firefox) use the theme I set with lxappearance and other like transmission still look ugly. Any ideas what am I doing wrong?
    Screenshot: http://s18.postimage.org/pz339bje1/screen.jpg
    Last edited by uns1gn3d (2013-02-01 16:32:52)

    Another possibility is that you have the correct theme but don't have the associated theme engine installed.  Poke around the themes a bit:
    For a GTK2 theme: in the "theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" file look for the line that says "engine" and a name.  Make sure you have that name installed.
    For a GTK3 theme: in the "theme/gtk-3.0/gtk.css" file also look for "engine" and the name.  Also make sure that engine is installed.
    Themes are almost always in "/usr/share/themes/theme_name"
    The files you look for to see which engine a theme uses may be in different files than the ones specified above, poke around in the files.  The file that specifies the engine will be a text file so you can look at them using "less" or an alternative.
    Last edited by headkase (2013-02-01 15:41:21)

  • Gnome themes not changing titlebar

    Hi, All.
    I found my gnome 3.8 a little disturbing these days:
    I do not like titlebar(which contains maximize,close,minimize icons) in gnome 3.8 and try to install a new theme. However, any themes I tried didn't change my titlebar. I just extracted all files into ~/.themes and used gnome-tweak-tool to switch to that gtk3 theme, all but titlebar changed to that theme. Did I missed something?

    armandopk wrote:Try, downgrade gnome-tweak-tool..of the version 3.8.1-1 to 3.8.0-1..this solve the problem...
    http://arm.konnichi.com/extra/os/i686/g … pkg.tar.xz
    thanks ,I slove the problem with the help of you.but it seems that I can't just only install 3.8.1-1 to 3.8.0-1,something else need to be done;
    First ,remove the /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/metacity-1/
    then we can just do like the above method.
    非常感谢楼上的,问题解决了,但在我这里,并不是单单安装 3.8.0-1就可以有效果,我们还需要删除 /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/metacity-1/

  • [SOLVED]Oh-my-zsh themes not loading

    [ edit]
    So the solution was to remove the grml-zsh-config package, and reboot(sourcing the .zshrc for some reason didn't make any difference).
    [/ edit ]
    I don't know if this is the best section to post this question but this isn't necessarily related to Arch exactly so...
    I have two machines that I'm using currently, each with a git repository where i keep track of my stuff(mainly config files), and i share them between the machines. Now, for some reason, on my main machine, with Arch x64 the oh-my-zsh themes load, but on my netbook(with x86 Arch ) they don't load, the prompt just looks like username@hostname.
    I tried editing my .zshrc but t doesn't change anything. Does anyone ever had this problem? I Googled and what i get is that the plugins don't work, not the themes.
    My .zshrc is as follows:
    # defs
    # Uncomment following line if you want red dots to be displayed while waiting for completion
    # on login
    if [ ! -f /tmp/login ]; then
    touch /tmp/login
    eval $(ssh-agent)
    ssh-add -l >/dev/null || alias ssh='ssh-add -l >/dev/null || ssh-add && unalias ssh; ssh'
    # Uncomment to change how often before auto-updates occur? (in days)
    # export UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS=13
    # Uncomment following line if you want to disable colors in ls
    # DISABLE_LS_COLORS="true"
    # Uncomment following line if you want to disable autosetting terminal
    # title. DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE="true"
    # Uncomment following line if you want to disable command autocorrection
    # Uncomment following line if you want to disable marking untracked files
    # under VCS as dirty. This makes repository status check for large
    # repositories much, much faster.
    # Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in
    # ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*) Custom plugins may be added to
    # ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/ Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate
    # ruby lighthouse)
    source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh
    export EDITOR VISUAL
    bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char
    umask 022
    setopt SHARE_HISTORY
    setopt NOTIFY
    setopt NOHUP
    setopt MAILWARN
    export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/core_perl:/home/joseph/.cabal/bin:/home/joseph/.cabal/bin:/home/joseph/bin
    # boot
    # alias
    alias setbackground="~/.scripts/setbackground.sh"
    alias setcursor="~/.scripts/setcursor.sh"
    alias fortune="~/.scripts/fortune.sh"
    alias nano="nano -c"
    alias wifi-menu="sudo wifi-menu"
    alias poweroff="sudo systemctl poweroff"
    alias reboot="sudo systemctl reboot"
    alias suspend="sudo systemctl suspend"
    alias reflector="sudo ~/.scripts/reflector.sh"
    alias ls='ls --color=no'
    alias cp='cp -i --preserve=all'
    alias lock='slock'
    alias pacup="~/.scripts/pacup.sh"
    alias w3md="w3m duckduckgo.com"
    alias startxx="~/.scripts/startxx.sh"
    alias startxo="~/.scripts/startxo.sh"
    alias du="du -h"
    alias mplayer="mplayer -zoom"
    alias pacman="sudo pacman"
    Thank you for helping me.
    Last edited by jantonio2992 (2014-05-31 21:28:41)

    First of all, thank you for helping me.
    Trilby wrote:
    jantonio2992 wrote:I don't know if this is the best section to post this question
    I've moved this here to Applications & Desktop Evironments as it seems a better fit as it is about configuration.
    Thank you,
    Trilby wrote:On topic, I don't use zsh, but two basic checks may be in order: 1) what are the ownership and permissions of the config file on the machine it doesn't work on (`ls -l <filename>`) and 2) do you have the exact same version of oh-my-zsh on each machine and/or are you using the aur package for it?
    1) lrwxrwxrwx 1 joseph joseph , so i bet that permissions shouldn't be a problem no?
    2) Yes, i have same version, i even installed the package again to make sure both had last version.
    ANOKNUSA wrote:
    Jantonio2992 wrote:I have two machines that I'm using currently, each with a git repository where i keep track of my stuff(mainly config files), and i share them between the machines.
    Since you admit that you want the same configuration on each machine, why don't you just replace the broken configuration with the working one?
    I did, Each machine has a normal git repository(git init) and a bare(git init --bare), then i set bare repository as "backupl" on the same machine and as "backup" on the other machine, this is how i share them , so they are basically the same. Still on one(the netbook) the prompt shows as <username>@<hostname> and on my main tower(x64 arch, if that helps) it shows as it should with the theme. So to answer to your sugestion, i did replace them still with no result.
    ANOKNUSA wrote:
    thiagowfx wrote:Check whether the folder /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/themes exist in your other machine, and that your chosen theme is present there.
    For posterity, note that this would only apply if it was installed from the AUR. If one just cloned the Git repo (which would be preferable if the user wants to make any changes) the config will be in ~/.oh-my-zsh.
    Yes it was installed from AUR, if i have to install some package not from officials i usually install from AUR.
    thiagowfx wrote:
    Check whether the folder /usr/share/oh-my-zsh/themes exist in your other machine, and that your chosen theme is present there.
    Also, you might try adding
    set -x
    to the beginning of your ~/.zshrc to try to diff/debug the differences between your machines.
    Since both were installed from AUR they both have the folder themes.
    About the set -x , it did it. Thank you very much. When i did that, i compared the differences of the output as you said i should and the netbook one fave a lot more info, so further inspection, on the output said something about "gmrl" something, and i remembered i had installed the grml-zsh-config because it was the config i used to use before i started using git, since i prefer how the oh-my-zsh themes look.
    So the solution was to remove the grml-zsh-config package, and reboot(sourcing the .zshrc for some reason didn't make any difference).
    thank you for helping me.

  • [solved] Documentation on GTK+ Themes

    Editing the gtkrc file isn't hard by itself, but knowing what each colour settings change on the widgets would be a great help. I did a quick search, but I couldn't find anything like a GTK+ theming reference.
    Does anyone know where to find such thing, if there's one?
    Last edited by andre.ramaciotti (2008-09-28 16:09:10)

    How dumb am I, I went to this site, but I didn't clicked the links on the top, just read the page.
    Well, that helps a lot, thank you, but it's not 100% complete.
    For example, let's say that I want to change the colours of tabs. I know I have to change the GtkNotebook background colours, but which ones? I know the answers now, but I had to try each one to discover that bg[SELECTED] changes the selected tab colour (ok, makes sense) and bg[ACTIVE] changes the unselected tabs (this one doesn't make a lot of sense).
    edit: that site does indicate what each colours changes.
    Thank you a lot.
    Last edited by andre.ramaciotti (2008-09-28 16:08:33)

  • [SOLVED]Midnight commander, Color theme not able to load with root

    Hi all  ,
    I  have moved another step to this whole Arch Linux society, therefore am a newbie.
    I have installed MC(midgnight commander) I got the ini file configured for the color theming
    to deafault supposed everthing should be transparent except for the text offcourse .
    Everything work fine but ......  when I do super user to run MC "sudo mc" It's doesn't
    seems to take afect with the setting within the INI.  Another word the ini only configured for user not root.
    I have tried chmod +x ini and chown for root. Doesn't help.
    Please advise
    Your help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank You
    Last edited by alpha.arch (2011-08-19 01:14:14)

    You're welcome :-)
    Config files are usually placed in the user's home directory, e.g. /home/karol for me and /root for root. The global configuration (affecting both regular users and root) is in /etc.
    Please remember to mark the thread as solved.

  • Gnome icon themes not changing the icons

    ok, so i go to the gnome website and download an icon theme and let the theme installer do its thing and apply the new theme, but none of the icons change on some themes and a few do on others. do i have to manually change each icon by hand? if there is a built in installer is it something that the icon theme has wrong?


  • NM-Applet not following GTK theme

    I've recently switched from WICD to NetworkManager for my network management, and I have noticed that NetworkManager, refuses to follow my GTK theme, I figured I'm missing a dependency for something, considering it is the only app that doesn't follow it, but I can't figure out what it is.... I've done some searching, and I haven't found anything relating to the issue.
    I am running AwesomeWM, but I don't believe that to be causing the problem... nm-applet runs beautifully aside of the GTK theme not showing up. Now, it doesn't really bug me that it doesn't show the theme, since it looks fine until you click on it... but I figured there may be a solution.
    My GTK theme is a varient of the GNOME Crux theme, which I do have installed properly...
    You can see the difference in styles here...
    Now, I have noticed when I start NM-Applet via terminal, I get the following GDK errors.
    [18:26][burchettm@NOVA-FD][~]$ nm-applet --sm-disable
    (nm-applet:6440): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_visual_get_red_pixel_details: assertion `GDK_IS_VISUAL (visual)' failed
    (nm-applet:6440): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_visual_get_green_pixel_details: assertion `GDK_IS_VISUAL (visual)' failed
    (nm-applet:6440): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_visual_get_blue_pixel_details: assertion `GDK_IS_VISUAL (visual)' failed
    ** Message: applet now removed from the notification area
    ** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area
    Now, I don't know if those GDK errors are the problems with my GTK theme not following the app, but I figured it was worth mentioning.
    Any ideas?
    Last edited by themattbeballin (2011-07-14 23:36:48)

    stqn wrote:I don't think so. All posts about this on this forum point to installing a Gtk3 theme.
    Gah. That sucks. I really like the Crux theme... wonder if I can make or find a port of it... Might look at that when I get back to town... I just symlinked Adwaita's gtk-3.0 into my ~/.config for now.
    Last edited by themattbeballin (2011-07-15 02:30:52)

  • Conky matches GTK theme (concept)

    Conky executes a script every X seconds.
    The executed script checks to see if the GTK theme has changed.
    The script reads the GTK theme and finds FG and BG colours.
    The script performs a sed command on the conkyrc to alter text to the new FG colour as defined by the GTK theme.
    The script uses Imigmagik to change the background image used by conky (or sed to alter the background colour used by conky if used).
    ....well I'll try to make it, but can't promise anything

    Hmmmmm...Nice idea, maybe.
    I use it in transparent mode though, so i don't know. It would be more useful to just not clash with the wallpaper
    Personally i'm using conky's predefined colour variables and just have a handful of colour schemes that i manually switch to in .conkyrc whenever it clashes with my wallpaper. Not too much trouble and one script less running..
    # Colour Scheme 1 - light brown
    #default_color D9D4CC # Default color and border colour
    #default_outline_color black # Default outline colour
    #default_shade_color black # Default shading colour and border's shading colour
    #color1 D9D4CC # headers
    #color2 A89B85 # labels
    # Colour Scheme 2 - light blue
    default_color CCD4D9 # Default color and border colour
    default_outline_color black # Default outline colour
    default_shade_color black # Default shading colour and border's shading colour
    color1 CCD4D9 # headers
    color2 95ABB8 # labels

  • When I visit a link the color does not change, and if it does, it reverts to the unvistied color in a day.

    When I visit a site the color of the link seldom changes to the color I have selected. also even when it does change, it reverts to the unvisited color in a day or so.

    That is happening (most likely) because Firefox is not storing your browsing history for long, or at all. Go into Tools > Options > Privacy and make sure the configurations are set as you want them to be. If they are, it's likely you have some security software that's erasing your Firefox's history (and possible other browsers' if you have them installed). The most likely suspects are antiviruses, firewalls and security suites, but clean-up utilities like CCleaner are also capable of cleaning Firefox's browsing history and other personal data. Make sure you don't have them configured to do so.
    I should remind you, however, that some sites (they are rare, though) don't have their links change color when visited. That happens only when their authors deliberately make them not change the colors. You can force websites to use a color scheme of your choice by going into Tools > Options > Content > Colors... and unticking "Allow pages to choose their own colors". You can also configure the color scheme in that screen.
    I hope this helps.

  • Lxappearance doesnt set all gtk themes [awesome wm] (solved)

    lxappearance will not change gedit themes or the themes of the system tray
    it was a gtk3 issue see here
    Last edited by seniorsassycat (2011-08-28 04:21:36)

    Gedit uses GTK3 themes, which if I recall correctly, unless you have some of them installed, lxappearance does not set. Maybe I recall wrong and it even doesn't set gtk3 themes.
    Whatever the case, gtk3 themes are not being set.
    EDIT: the icons issue seems to me kind of lxappearance changing the patch of the gtk2 icons while the awesome configuration for this remains unchanged (I think it looks at /usr/share/icons by default).
    Last edited by ethail (2011-08-27 20:01:41)

  • How to change gtk theme dialog box button appearance when using tab?

    I'm using candido as my gtk theme and have noticed that when a dialog box pops up (Yes / No), it is extremely difficult to tell which option is highlighted. How do I change this appearance? I searched through the gtkrc and even used gimp to manipulate the images used via trial and error to see if I found one that worked. Can someone familiar with gtk themes tell me which gtkrc or image to alter to affect this appearance?
    I use tab to select my option a ton and hate not being able to tell what I'm looking at.
    For reference,
    - here is the current look (can you tell which one is highlighted? It's "Cancel" -- just slightly bigger or a fine line around it) LINK
    - here is the gtkrc if that helps? LINK
    For one more point of clarification, I'm not talking about the button appearance on mouseover. I have identified that the button-prelight.png file changes that. I specifically am talking purely about a dialog popping up and then using the tab key alone to highlight through the options. I really like this theme, but this one thing drives me crazy. This appearance changes when I select different themes with lxappearance, so I've narrowed it down to being a gtk-theme issue, not my openbox theme or icon set.
    Many thanks!
    Last edited by jwhendy (2011-02-02 18:11:10)

    Debug the program after you press the CANCEL button , you will get where the conrol is flowing , And instead of using
    Leave to screen '910'          use               Leave to screen 0.
    Madhukar Shetty

  • [SOLVED] [Openbox] Icon-theme not working(?)

    I hope you guys could help me with the following problem.
    Currently I'm running Openbox, compton, tint2, gtk2/3 on my Arch-system.
    The problem I'm having right now is that tint2 tray icons are not showing Faenza-Dark but showing gnome(?) dark icons. I would like to have white/grey icons instead of dark ones!
    My tint2 config:
    # Tint2 config file
    # Generated by tintwizard (http://code.google.com/p/tintwizard/)
    # For information on manually configuring tint2 see http://code.google.com/p/tint2/wiki/Configure
    # Background definitions
    # ID 1
    rounded = 0
    border_width = 0
    background_color = #FFFFFF 20
    border_color = #FFFFFF 0
    # Backgrounds
    panel_background_id = 1
    taskbar_background_id = 0
    task_background_id = 0
    task_active_background_id = 1
    systray_background_id = 0
    clock_background_id = 0
    # Panel
    panel_monitor = 1
    panel_position = bottom center horizontal
    panel_size = 0 38
    panel_items = LTSC
    panel_margin = 0 0
    panel_padding = 0 0 5
    font_shadow = 0
    panel_background_id = 1
    wm_menu = 1
    panel_dock = 0
    panel_layer = top
    # Launcher
    launcher_icon_theme = Numix
    launcher_padding = 10 10 10
    launcher_icon_size = 22
    launcher_tooltip = 0
    launcher_apps_dir = /home/archie/.config/tint2/launchers
    # Taskbar
    taskbar_mode = single_desktop
    taskbar_padding = 0 0 10
    # Tasks
    urgent_nb_of_blink = 20
    task_icon = 1
    task_text = 0
    task_centered = 1
    task_maximum_size = 58 0
    task_padding = 10 4
    # Systray
    systray_padding = 0 10 6
    systray_sort = left2right
    systray_icon_size = 22
    systray_icon_asb = 100 0 0
    systray_icon_theme = Faenza-Dark
    # Clock
    time1_format = %I:%M %p
    time1_font = Open Sans 9
    time2_format = %D
    time2_font = Open Sans 9
    clock_font_color = #ffffff 80
    clock_padding = 10 0
    # Tooltip
    tooltip = 0
    # Mouse
    mouse_middle = close
    mouse_right = none
    # Autohide
    autohide = 0
    gtk-font-name=Open Sans 9
    I'm running tint2-svn and already tried the normal one.
    Could some tell me a hint?
    Last edited by beta990 (2014-01-13 21:58:18)

    Thanks for posts!
    I have done all the steps, but real key was to reboot the system! Even pkill X didn't work. It's now solved.
    To give users with the same issue a solution:
    - Set icon-theme with lxappearance
    - Be sure that gtk3.0/settings.ini has fallback and icon-theme the same value (not know if it really needed)
    - Reboot! pkill X didn't work for me.
    Thanks again.

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