[SOLVED] Fluxbox and gtk theme

I have a problem with fluxbox. Some programs using gtk themes (e.g. spacefm, audacious) have ugly grayish 'redmond' look. I have tried to follow this how-to:
http://wiki.fluxbox.org/index.php?title … gtk_themes
and also tried to switch theme with lxapperance and gtk-chtheme. No success. The gtk-chtheme shows a correct theme, so within the preview the theme is fine. However, it won't change the appearance of other windows. Some other programs like firefox or thunderbird change the theme.
I have also tried to compile spacefm with gtk3 support and use adwaita theme. Again I got the ugly look. In other desktop managers, e.g. lxdm both spacefm and audacious look as expected.
Last edited by kmiernik (2013-05-15 11:23:25)

Thanks guys! It must have been something in the .config/gtk-3.0 folder. Once I removed it and created settings.ini like this one:
gtk-theme-name = Adwaita
gtk-icon-theme-name = Tango
gtk-fallback-icon-theme = gnome
gtk-font-name = Sans 8
gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1
gtk-visible-focus = automatic
I can have a normal appearance of gtk3 applications. Interesting thing is that this is exactly the same settings file I have tried before. Probably something else in the folder was overriding the theme.
Last edited by kmiernik (2013-05-15 11:24:06)

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    Another possibility is that you have the correct theme but don't have the associated theme engine installed.  Poke around the themes a bit:
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    Last edited by Hessiess (2008-07-22 20:34:02)

    rson451 wrote:As for the rest, I've never used Blender so I have no clue what you are talking about.
    In Blender to subdivide the main window you right click on the border between two windows and select "Split Area" from the context menu, then you move the mouse to the place you want to split and click. If you start from a horizontal border you make a vertical split, and if you start from a vertical border you make a horizontal split. To remove a division you select "Join Areas" from the same context menu, and then click the window you want to remove. Windows have a sort of menu/status bar, and it has a popup menu from which you can select any of the "programs" (3d view, text editor, preferences, &c) that are part of Blender. Window borders can be dragged for resizing, of course.
    And no, I don't know of any WM that works like this. The closest is probably StumpWM or Ratpoison—you divide and join windows in the same way, but it's keyboard controlled: "^t s" makes a horizontal split, "^t S" is vertical, and there's keystrokes for entering resize mode and removing a division as well. The keystrokes are fine for creating and deleting windows (and even better if you rebind them to use the 0, 1, 2, 3 keys like Emacs), but resizing is a pain.

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    Last edited by JohnnyRogers (2011-05-12 21:55:04)

    I've had a look at this and rsw uses this command to change the wallpaper:
    gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename
    (+ the actual filename appended.)
    Under Xfce, xfDesktop is responsible for displaying the background, and it probably doesn't care much about gnome settings...
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    #define GCONF_SET_WALLPAPER "xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-path -s"
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    Last edited by Spheres (2012-08-05 23:09:15)

    Not necessarily.
    Do any other apps you put in ~/.fluxbox/startup run?
    Check /usr/share/xsessions/fluxbox.desktop and make sure it says "exec startfluxbox" and not just "exec fluxbox"
    I'm starting fluxbox from .xinitrc with "exec startfluxbox" and if I set wallpaper with feh, this works in my ~/.fluxbox/startup file:
    eval $(cat ~/.fehbg)
    and if I set wallpaper with nitrogen, this works:
    nitrogen --restore
    (edit) -- as ewaller says, have you set a wallpaper with nitrogen? "nitrogen --restore" won't work unless you do...
    Last edited by 2ManyDogs (2012-08-05 19:35:47)

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    Last edited by andre.ramaciotti (2008-09-28 16:09:10)

    How dumb am I, I went to this site, but I didn't clicked the links on the top, just read the page.
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    Thank you a lot.
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    here's a screenshot of www.archlinux.org (pay attention to package search area)
    and here's a screenshot from google.
    I dont have any problems with midori, it renders the page fine:
    I tried changing firefox theme and gtk theme but it didnt help.
    So, any ideas about this problem?
    well, i've solved my problem by changing main font from Lucida Grande to another font.
    Last edited by ras0ir (2009-07-14 08:43:05)

    I had exactly the same problem but i didn't want to change my system font because i really like the elegance of 'Lucida Grande'.
    I tried a bit tweaking Firefox with creating userChrome.css but it didn't work for me.
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    * Bugfix for the firefox input fields when using 'Lucida grande' as system font
    @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);
    input {
    font-family: sans-serif !important;
    With this workaround all input fields are at the right size again. Of course 'sans-serif' shouldn't again point to 'Lucida Grande' For me it's 'DejaVu Sans'.
    Could someone help me to realize this workaround with a userChrome.css so i don't need the stylish extension anymore?
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    I would be really grateful if someone could provide me with a solution, or of necessary, an alternate program to change GTK themes in a pure Openbox environment.

    It has two commands, switch, for old GTK1.x themes, and switch2 for GTK2 themes.
    I'll try gtk-chtheme and see if it makes any difference.
    Yep, gtk-chtheme doesn't show my Openbox themes, thanks.
    Last edited by Jaejae (2008-05-24 07:54:46)

  • Setting the GTK theme for Chromium

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    Screenshot of the settings in Chromium and Gnome Tweak Tool: http://i.imgur.com/LK1a4fd.png
    Screenshot of how Chromium looks like: http://i.imgur.com/xL6Qi3y.png
    Look at the buttons of the context menu for example. They do not look like as if they would follow the GTK theme.
    Any ideas are appreciated.

    Toggling between classic and GTK theme does not make any difference.
    [orschiro@thinkpad ~]$ cat ~/.gtkrc-2.0
    # DO NOT EDIT! This file will be overwritten by LXAppearance.
    # Any customization should be done in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine instead.
    gtk-font-name="Droid Sans 10"
    include "/home/orschiro/.gtkrc-2.0.mine"
    [orschiro@thinkpad ~]$ cat ~/.gtkrc.mine
    cat: /home/orschiro/.gtkrc.mine: No such file or directory
    Why does it not exist? Is it not created by one of the theme choosing apps?
    [orschiro@thinkpad ~]$ ls ~/.config/gtk-2.0
    total 4
    -rw-r--r-- 1 orschiro users 292 Sep 16 19:06 gtkfilechooser.ini

  • [SOLVED] Can't use themes after switching from KDE to Gnome

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    Last edited by samjh (2009-09-24 13:33:02)

    Thanks for the reply, but it's not the answer.  Gtk-chtheme changes the GTK theme that QtCurve uses.  The problem I have is that although I've removed QtCurve from my system (including configuration files using pacman's -Rn option, and the configuration file in my /~ directory), my Gnome system is still using QtCurve for themes, blocking other theme engines from running.  So I'm really looking for a way to get back the ability to use proper GTK/Gnome themes, not QtCurve.
    To clarify again:
    1. I used to have a KDE installation.  I used qtcurve-gtk2 for to theme my GTK apps to conform with KDE look and feel, with gtk-theme-switch2 to set the style for QtCurve.
    2. I removed KDE from my system, and in the process, I also removed (manually and using pacman -Rcn) qtcurve-gtk2 and gtk-theme-switch2.
    3. I installed Gnome, along with gtk-engine-murrine, murrine-theme-collection and gtk-rezlooks-engine.
    4. When I access the Appearance Preferences dialog, all my themes are previewed using KDE's Oxygen-style buttons.  I am only able to use/activate GTK control themes (ie. I cannot use Murrine, Rezlooks, or other non-GTK2 theming engines, even though they are installed).  Even more strangely, if I switch to a GTK control theme to something other than Clearlooks, the buttons change to the appropriate theme, but the scroll bars are stuck on the Clearlooks look-and-feel.  Metacity theming is fine.
    I have reinstalled and re-removed qtcurve-gtk2 and gtk-theme-switch2.  I have completely removed Qt from my system.  I have also searched (using the find command) for any files of qtcurve, and removed every trace of it.  But the old QtCurve configuration is still preventing non-GTK2 themes from running, and causing rendering flaws for scrollbar controls.
    Last edited by samjh (2009-09-23 23:39:39)

  • [SOLVED] Distorted fonts in oxygen-gtk theme

    I have install oxygen-gtk2 theme along with gtk-kde4.
    When my desktop effects are ON I am seeing distorted fonts in drop down menu's of gtk applications.
    They become normal when I move mouse on them. Also they appear normal when desktop effects are OFF.
    No other theme have any issue.
    Can anyone help me in solving this ?
    oxygen-gtk2 :  1.2.5-1
    gtk-kde4       :  0.9.5b-2
    Screen Shots:
    Last edited by girish_patel (2012-07-13 17:25:46)

    I have "Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator HD".
    I don't have flash video player running. This issue is consistent even without running anything else.
    And It is not visible in kde application or with other gtk themes.
    It comes only with oxygen-gtk, with kde desktop effects activated, only in gtk applications, only for text in pop-up menus.
    Even other texts in those application are normal.
    Is anybody else facing same issue in this combination ?

  • [SOLVED] KDE's Plasma doesn't take GTK theme

    I use the latest stable KDE 4.3.4 on my desktop machine and am trying to achieve a uniform look between my QT and GTK apps. QTcurve is nice and renders 90% correct, but still not all the apps take it like I would want them to. For example: tabs in GIMP and Firefox don't have hover effects etc.
    Anyway, on gnome I always like Shiki-Brave GTK theme (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ … tent=86717) + window border and also QT apps look stunning with the theme imho. So I set this as my GTK theme and chose GTK+ as my QT theme. All QT apps take it as it should, but when right-clicking apps in the task manager or icons in the panels, I see that the menus don't take the GTK colors and widgets. Also when clicking the plasma icon in the right corner and choosing Desktop Settings give me a window with other GTK-like widgets but they don't fit in with my Shiki theme at all.
    For a test I also tried other GTK themes, even based on other GTK engines like Murrine, but they all give the same problem. Rebooting doesn't help either.
    Hopefully the problem is clear, if not I can provide screenshots (tonight, I'm at work now ). Please feel free to test it on your own machine, it doesn't break anything. Maybe it is solved in KDE 4.4 (beta) or with QT 4.6 but I'm not sure about that...
    Last edited by ulukai (2010-01-06 09:38:42)

    ulukai wrote:
    I use the latest stable KDE 4.3.4 on my desktop machine and am trying to achieve a uniform look between my QT and GTK apps. QTcurve is nice and renders 90% correct, but still not all the apps take it like I would want them to. For example: tabs in GIMP and Firefox don't have hover effects etc.
    Anyway, on gnome I always like Shiki-Brave GTK theme (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ … tent=86717) + window border and also QT apps look stunning with the theme imho. So I set this as my GTK theme and chose GTK+ as my QT theme. All QT apps take it as it should, but when right-clicking apps in the task manager or icons in the panels, I see that the menus don't take the GTK colors and widgets. Also when clicking the plasma icon in the right corner and choosing Desktop Settings give me a window with other GTK-like widgets but they don't fit in with my Shiki theme at all.
    For a test I also tried other GTK themes, even based on other GTK engines like Murrine, but they all give the same problem. Rebooting doesn't help either.
    Hopefully the problem is clear, if not I can provide screenshots (tonight, I'm at work now ). Please feel free to test it on your own machine, it doesn't break anything. Maybe it is solved in KDE 4.4 (beta) or with QT 4.6 but I'm not sure about that...
    who said plasma uses your qt theme? because it does not and never will. you have to create your own plasma theme to match your qt/gtk one.

  • [SOLVED]Ugly firefox again (cannot force FF to use gtk theme)

    For some reasons, my firefox is pretty ugly with default theme and I cannot force it to use gtk theme for scroll bar and other components ...
    yeah, kinda hard to understand what i meant :/. here is the screenshot (take a look closer on the right scroll bar)
    http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j209/ … _scrot.png
    i wonder if we have anyway to force firefox use gtk like with Openoffice??
    thanks a lot:)
    Last edited by vlearner (2009-04-20 14:05:42)

    solved , i installed firefox with su before and everytime i run i have sudo firefox, but then for su, there is no gtkrc there lol
    Thanks , i haven never thought that my gtkrc s not in su acc, where i run ff:D
    Last edited by vlearner (2009-04-20 14:06:58)

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