[Solved] Help Needed, Unable to Upgrade.

I tried to update my archlinux.
sudo pacman -Syu
But after all the packages are download, I get these messages for everything:
(379/379) checking keys in keyring                                                             [########################################################] 100%
(379/379) checking package integrity                                                           [########################################################] 100%
error: libnice: signature from "Ionut Biru <[email protected]>" is invalid
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/libnice-0.1.4-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] n
error: lirc-utils: signature from "Tobias Powalowski <[email protected]>" is invalid
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/lirc-utils-1:0.9.0-45-i686.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] n
error: lsof: signature from "Tom Gundersen <[email protected]>" is invalid
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/lsof-4.87-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n]
What should I do?
I tried, SIGLEVEL = Never
SIGLEVEL = Optional
but none worked.
Would be happy to sort this out.
Last edited by Avasz (2013-05-19 09:09:04)

(379/379) checking keys in keyring                                                             [########################################################] 100%
(379/379) checking package integrity                                                           [########################################################] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
Now it doesnt ask to delete the corrupted packages, but gives this error directly.

Similar Messages

  • [Solved] Help needed to interpret errors (python)

    Have the following code (Haven't written it my self and don't know much about how it does what it's supposed to do.):
    import sys
    import os
    import re
    import logging
    import json
    if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
    from urllib2 import Request
    from urllib2 import urlopen
    from urlparse import urlparse
    from urllib.request import Request
    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
    raw_input = input
    useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0'
    headers = {'User-Agent': useragent}
    intro = """
    Usage: drdown.py url
    This script finds the stream URL from a dr.dk page so you can
    download the tv program.
    def fetch(url):
    """Download body from url"""
    req = Request(url, headers=headers)
    response = urlopen(req)
    body = response.read()
    # convert to string - it is easier to convert here
    if isinstance(body, bytes):
    body = body.decode('utf8')
    return body
    class StreamExtractor:
    def __init__(self, url):
    self.url = url.lower()
    self.urlp = urlparse(self.url)
    def get_stream_data(self):
    """supply a URL to a video page on dr.dk and get back a streaming
    if self.urlp.netloc not in ('dr.dk', 'www.dr.dk'):
    raise Exception("Must be an URL from dr.dk")
    self.html = fetch(self.url)
    logging.info("Player fetched: " + self.url)
    # Standalone show?
    if self.urlp.path.startswith('/tv/se/'):
    return self.get_stream_data_from_standalone()
    # Bonanza?
    elif self.urlp.path.startswith('/bonanza/'):
    return self.get_stream_data_from_bonanza()
    # Live tv?
    elif self.urlp.path.startswith('/tv/live'):
    return self.get_stream_data_from_live()
    return self.get_stream_data_from_series()
    def get_stream_data_from_rurl(self, rurl):
    """Helper method to parse resource JSON document"""
    body = fetch(rurl)
    resource_data = json.loads(body)
    qualities = resource_data.get('links')
    # sort by quality
    qualities = sorted(qualities, key=lambda x: x['bitrateKbps'],
    stream_data = qualities[0]
    stream_url = stream_data.get('uri')
    logging.info("Stream data fetched: " + stream_url)
    playpath, filename = self.get_metadata_from_stream_url(stream_url)
    stream_data = {'stream_url': stream_url,
    'playpath': playpath,
    'filename': filename,
    'is_live': False}
    return stream_data
    def get_metadata_from_stream_url(self, stream_url):
    """Helper method to extacts playpath and filename suggestion from a
    rtmp url"""
    parsed = urlparse(stream_url)
    playpath_s = parsed.path.split('/')[2:]
    playpath = '/'.join(playpath_s)
    # rerun to split the parameter
    path = urlparse(parsed.path).path
    filename = path.split('/')[-1]
    return playpath, filename
    def get_stream_data_from_standalone(self):
    """Extracts stream data from a normal single program page.
    The data is hidden in a resource URL, that we need to download
    and parse.
    mu_regex = re.compile('resource: "([^"]+)"')
    m = mu_regex.search(self.html)
    if m and m.groups():
    resource_meta_url = m.groups()[0]
    return self.get_stream_data_from_rurl(resource_meta_url)
    def get_stream_data_from_bonanza(self):
    """Finds stream URL from bonanza section. Just pick up the first RTMP
    stream_regex = re.compile('rtmp://.*?\.mp4')
    m = stream_regex.search(self.html)
    if m and m.group():
    stream_url = m.group()
    raise Exception("Could not find Bonanza stream URL")
    playpath, filename = self.get_metadata_from_stream_url(stream_url)
    stream_data = {'stream_url': stream_url,
    'playpath': playpath,
    'filename': filename,
    'is_live': False}
    return stream_data
    def get_stream_data_from_live(self):
    stream_url = 'rtmp://livetv.gss.dr.dk/live'
    quality = '3'
    playpaths = {'dr1': 'livedr01astream',
    'dr2': 'livedr02astream',
    'dr-ramasjang': 'livedr05astream',
    'dr-k': 'livedr04astream',
    'dr-update-2': 'livedr03astream',
    'dr3': 'livedr06astream'}
    urlend = self.urlp.path.split('/')[-1]
    playpath = playpaths.get(urlend)
    filename = 'live.mp4'
    if playpath:
    playpath += quality
    filename = urlend + '.mp4'
    stream_data = {'stream_url': stream_url,
    'playpath': playpath,
    'filename': filename,
    'is_live': True}
    return stream_data
    def get_stream_data_from_series(self):
    """dr.dk has a special player for multi episode series. This is the
    fall back parser, as there seems to be no pattern in the URL."""
    slug_regex = re.compile('seriesSlug=([^"]+)"')
    m = slug_regex.search(self.html)
    if m and m.groups():
    slug_id = m.groups()[0]
    raise Exception("Could not find program slug")
    logging.info("found slug: " + slug_id)
    program_meta_url = 'http://www.dr.dk/nu/api/programseries/%s/videos'\
    % slug_id
    body = fetch(program_meta_url)
    program_data = json.loads(body)
    if not program_data:
    raise Exception("Could not find data about the program series")
    fragment = self.urlp.fragment
    if fragment.startswith('/'):
    fragment = fragment[1:]
    fragment = fragment.split('/')
    video_id = fragment[0]
    logging.info("Video ID: " + video_id)
    video_data = None
    if video_id:
    for item in program_data:
    if item['id'] == int(video_id):
    video_data = item
    if not video_data:
    video_data = program_data[0]
    resource_meta_url = video_data.get('videoResourceUrl')
    return self.get_stream_data_from_rurl(resource_meta_url)
    def generate_cmd(self):
    """Build command line to download stream with the rtmpdump tool"""
    sdata = self.get_stream_data()
    if not sdata:
    return "Not found"
    filename = sdata['filename']
    custom_filename = raw_input("Type another filename or press <enter> to keep default [%s]: " % filename)
    if custom_filename:
    filename = custom_filename
    cmd_live = 'rtmpdump --live --rtmp="%s" --playpath="%s" -o %s'
    cmd_rec = 'rtmpdump -e --rtmp="%s" --playpath="%s" -o %s'
    if sdata['is_live'] is True:
    cmd = cmd_live % (sdata['stream_url'], sdata['playpath'], filename)
    cmd = cmd_rec % (sdata['stream_url'], sdata['playpath'], filename)
    return cmd
    def main():
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    url = sys.argv[1]
    extractor = StreamExtractor(url)
    cmd = extractor.generate_cmd()
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    When I run the script with an appropriate URL as parameter, I get this:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "./drdown.py", line 243, in <module>
    File "./drdown.py", line 235, in main
    cmd = extractor.generate_cmd()
    File "./drdown.py", line 211, in generate_cmd
    sdata = self.get_stream_data()
    File "./drdown.py", line 65, in get_stream_data
    return self.get_stream_data_from_standalone()
    File "./drdown.py", line 123, in get_stream_data_from_standalone
    return self.get_stream_data_from_rurl(resource_meta_url)
    File "./drdown.py", line 87, in get_stream_data_from_rurl
    TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
    I should note that I didn't expect it to work out of the box, but so far I've been unable even to figure out what the problem is, no less solve it.
    I've tried my best to go through the code, looking for typos and such, but I haven't had any luck and much of what happens I don't really understand.
    So please, if you can, I'd very much appreciate a little help.
    Best regards.
    Some might conclude that this script does something illegal. In actuality that is not so, just make that clear. Also, testing from outside Denmark, will probably not be possible.
    Last edited by zacariaz (2013-11-08 18:00:33)

    Trilby wrote:
    zacariaz wrote:Have the following code (Haven't written it my self and don't know much about how it does what it's supposed to do.)
    You know a lot more than we do: like where you then found this code, and what it is supposed to do.
    My only first thought without looking through random code that allegedly serves some unknown purpose and comes from some unknown source is that the shebang is ambiguous: it may be a python 2 script while /usr/bin/python is now python 3.
    I've pretty much concluded that python 3.3 is the right choice, sp that should not be a problem, as for what it does, it uses "rtmpdump" to record or "rip" video from a danish site "dr.dk", which is a public service television network.
    I have it from reliable sources that this actually works, or at least did at some point, on Windows machines, but of course i'm on linux, and that complicated matters.
    All in all, as I understand it, what the script really does, is retrieving the relevant rtmp link. The rest is up to "rmtpdump" which I should be able to manage.
    In any case, I'm not really that concerned with learning what the script does at this point, but rather what the error mean.
    The only actual error description I see is: "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable" and I haven't a clue what that implies. I've read through the script, but haven't been able to find any obvious flaws..

  • [Solved] help needed with wireless setup (ralink 2860 driver)

    I'm new to Arch so please be gentle ;-)
    I recently upgraded hoping to find improved support for my wireless.  I now find that the kernel recognises and loads the appropriate module:
    [root@akoya ~]# uname -a
    Linux akoya 2.6.29-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Apr 8 12:47:56 UTC 2009 i686 Pentium(R)
    [root@akoya ~]# lspci | grep Net
    05:00.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2860
    [root@akoya ~]# lsmod | grep 2860
    rt2860sta 514808 1
    I checked over the kernel source and the rt2680sta module is the code from ralink cleaned up for the 2.6.29 kernel.  (I tried building the ralink release but it needs patching for 2.6.29)
    However getting the thing to connect using WPA is another thing altogether
    [root@akoya ~]# ifconfig ra0 up
    [root@akoya ~]# wpa_supplicant -B -Dwext -i ra0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
    [root@akoya ~]# dhcpcd ra0
    ra0: dhcpcd 4.0.12 starting
    ra0: waiting for carrier
    ra0: timed out
    I'm not even sure if iwconfig is communicating with this driver (though I can find my router using "iwlist ra0 scan"):
    [root@akoya ~]# iwconfig ra0 essid "sodor"
    [root@akoya ~]# iwconfig
    ra0 RT2860 Wireless ESSID:"" Nickname:"RT2860STA"
    Mode:Auto Frequency=2.412 GHz Access Point: 00:21:91:FE:DA:97
    And if I try to configure using wicd I see the following log when trying to connect to the wireless:
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Connecting to wireless network sodor
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Putting interface down
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: ifconfig ra0 down
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Releasing DHCP leases...
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Setting false IP...
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: ifconfig ra0
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: ifconfig eth0
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Stopping wpa_supplicant and any DHCP clients
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: killall wpa_supplicant
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Flushing the routing table...
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: route del dev ra0
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: route del dev eth0
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Attempting to authenticate...
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: ['wpa_supplicant', '-B', '-i', 'ra0', '-c', '/var/lib/wicd/configurations/002191feda97', '-D', 'wext']
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Putting interface up...
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: ifconfig ra0 up
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: iwconfig ra0 mode Managed
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: ['iwconfig', 'ra0', 'essid', 'sodor', 'channel', '1', 'ap', '00:21:91:FE:DA:97']
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: WPA_CLI RESULT IS None
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: Failed to find status in wpa_cli result
    2009/04/17 01:16:43 :: exiting connection thread
    It is driving me crazy being tied to a cable so I'd really like to get this working... but I'm really not sure what to try.  Do I need to rebuild wpa_supplicant?  If so is there a package-based way of doing that in arch?
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by drandre (2009-04-17 19:40:41)

    drandre wrote:
    If so is there a package-based way of doing that
    OK... to answer my own questions ...
    two questions:
    1. Does this mean support for the ralink driver is included by default or *not* included by default?
    It seems it means *not*
    2. If I uncomment this line then makepkg refuses to build the package because the config file's md5 is no longer valid.  How then am I *meant* to make modifications to the build configuration?
    right or wrong I used makepkg -g to generate checksums for my modified config file and pasted these into PKGBUILD.  It then builds happily.  After installing I can run wpa_supplicant with no args and confirm ralink is in the list of drivers.  Excellent.  But still no success.
    Two things I have noticed:
    1. wicd places quotes "" around my pre-shared key.  If I run wpa_supplicant from the command line and use the conf file created by wicd it reports the PSK as being unparsable.  If I remove the quotes then the file is parsed correctly.
    2. It doesn't solve my problem :-(

  • [SOLVED] Help needed with ACPI accelerometer - Acer Iconia Tab W501

    I am trying to get the accelerometer working on my Acer Iconia Tab W501
    In windows, it reported as a BMA150 device, so I have that driver loading on boot.
    After months of googling and making a mess in /sys, I still have not got the device working. I was working under the assumption that the device hangs off the i2c bus, but a "lucky google" today uncovered that it is showing up through acpi - acpid is present in my daemons array of rc.conf and the kernel module acer_wmi is also loaded.
    The device is certainly sending signals to the kernel. Upon boot, dmesg ends up as follows:
    [ 11.689709] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready
    [ 12.108374] EXT4-fs (sda2): re-mounted. Opts: commit=0
    [ 12.148026] EXT4-fs (sda3): re-mounted. Opts: commit=0
    [ 17.759006] FS-Cache: Loaded
    [ 17.780371] FS-Cache: Netfs 'cifs' registered for caching
    [ 17.816097] CIFS VFS: default security mechanism requested. The default security mechanism will be upgraded from ntlm to ntlmv2 in kernel release 3.3
    [ 22.459133] wlan0: no IPv6 routers present
    Now, if I rotate the device, and run dmesg again, I have the following:
    [ 1255.189705] acer_wmi: Unknown function number - 5 - 1
    [ 1257.363688] acer_wmi: Unknown function number - 5 - 1
    [ 1268.268809] acer_wmi: Unknown function number - 5 - 1
    [ 1268.409270] acer_wmi: Unknown function number - 5 - 1
    [ 1308.653700] acer_wmi: Unknown function number - 5 - 1
    [ 1308.784623] acer_wmi: Unknown function number - 5 - 1
    acpi -V does not show the device:
    Battery 0: Full, 100%
    Battery 0: design capacity 2865 mAh, last full capacity 2678 mAh = 93%
    Adapter 0: on-line
    Thermal 0: ok, 59.0 degrees C
    Thermal 0: trip point 0 switches to mode critical at temperature 87.0 degrees C
    Thermal 0: trip point 1 switches to mode passive at temperature 77.0 degrees C
    Cooling 0: LCD 0 of 9
    Cooling 1: Processor 0 of 3
    Cooling 2: Processor 0 of 10
    nor is it configured on boot - dmesg | grep ACPI:
    [ 0.404389] pnp: PnP ACPI init
    [ 0.404443] ACPI: bus type pnp registered
    [ 0.405020] pnp 00:00: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0a08 PNP0a03 (active)
    [ 0.405295] system 00:01: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
    [ 0.405829] pnp 00:02: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0103 (active)
    [ 0.406106] pnp 00:03: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0200 (active)
    [ 0.406268] pnp 00:04: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c04 (active)
    [ 0.406514] pnp 00:05: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0b00 (active)
    [ 0.406613] pnp 00:06: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0800 (active)
    [ 0.406774] pnp 00:07: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0303 (active)
    [ 0.407104] system 00:08: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active)
    [ 0.407390] system 00:09: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c01 (active)
    [ 0.408373] pnp: PnP ACPI: found 10 devices
    [ 0.408377] ACPI: ACPI bus type pnp unregistered
    [ 4.684770] ACPI: Power Button [PWRB]
    [ 4.685381] ACPI: acpi_idle registered with cpuidle
    [ 4.686148] ACPI: Lid Switch [LID]
    [ 4.692517] ACPI: Power Button [PWRF]
    [ 4.696710] [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: No _BQC method, cannot determine initial brightness
    [ 4.719486] ACPI: Video Device [VGA] (multi-head: yes rom: no post: no)
    [ 4.729977] ACPI: AC Adapter [AC0] (on-line)
    [ 4.746949] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT0] (battery present)
    [ 4.824909] ACPI: Thermal Zone [THRM] (61 C)
    [ 5.220895] acer_wmi: Acer Laptop ACPI-WMI Extras
    Yet, running acpi_listen generates the following when the tablet is rotated:
    PNP0C14:00 000000bc 00000000
    PNP0C14:00 000000bc 00000000
    PNP0C14:00 000000bc 00000000
    PNP0C14:00 000000bc 00000000
    So, it would seem the device is working and sending data to the kernel/drivers, it appears some config is needed to get it properly recognised and an entry in /dev generated.
    Really hoping there is an acpi expert around who may be able to help me get the device properly recognised and configures, ideally, as a /dev/input/js*
    Last edited by Padfoot (2012-06-07 00:24:31)

    There is no need to patch the kernel anymore as current kernels have the acer wmi accelerometer patch merged.
    Ensure you have the kernel module acer_wmi loading and then the events should be propogated. acpi_listen should show the events.
    Using the code from here: http://www.jezra.net/blog/Python_Joysti … ng_Gobject i have written a little daemon that monitors the accelerometer and automatically rotates the screen based on it's position.
    [EDIT] Being a laptop, I am guessing the accelerometer is possibly on the hard drive?? used for shock protection?? So if that is the case, I am not sure you will be able to utilise it in the same way as a tablet's accelerometer. There are articles on the web for setting up hard drive accelerometers in linux. The other consideration you need is that the accelerometer may not be on acpi. It could be on the i2c bus (commonly where sensors such as fan speed, core temps etc are located), in which case you will need the i2c driver to get the accelerometer events recognised in the kernel (ensure i2c kernel modules are loaded). So check exactly how the kernel detects the accelerometer, is it on acpi or the i2c bus?[/EDIT]
    Last edited by Padfoot (2013-03-31 08:42:51)

  • ****URGENT HELP NEEDED**** unable to print on metalic silver paper

    I am in DESPERATE need of help.
    I am trying to print on silver metalic paper using my Photomart C3180, but it wont print.  It will printon white paper but not this stuff.  I need urgent help as I am trying to make my own wedding invitations that i have to post out at the end of the month.
    ANY help would be so greatfully received.
    Thank ou

    plz try to download the following set of drivers from the link below :::\
    This is a new set of default drivers and mayhelp u in resolving the issue.
    Plz do run disk first aid after installing the driver....might suggest even before installaing.
    Thanx !! for trying.

  • Help needed~~~~~Can't upgrade to v 2.0

    To all Nokia friends. I recently got a new N97 and I just upgraded it to v 12.2.024 the other day via NSU running on Window 7 OS. After I learned that new firmware v 20 or above is released , I desperately want it and try to upgrade via my phone (dial *#0000#) it didn't work (the message appeared and said "No updates available" ???). I also try to upgrade via NSU and it keeps telling me that the only upgrade available is v 12.2.024 (which I already have). Does anyone know how to deal with this problem? I feel so left out when I found that v 20 and above is already out. Thanks in advance.  

    Hi again. Thanks for the advice and help but there is still no new update (v. 20) appear when I tried it today. Is it because of the Window 7 OS that make the update unavailable or is there anything to do with "Server Profile" (when I dialed *#0000#  and choose "option") and it said "No Service Profile"???
    I will try to use the other PC either Vista or XP to update it again.

  • [SOLVED] Help needed to configure postfix

    I aim to be able to manage myself my mailserver.
    For now i just need help in order to configure postfix so i can send an email from my postfix configured mail to my gmail account.
    I've read the following wiki pages :
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Si … ail_System
    Wich are really not informative.
    I've my own domain name, wich can be pinged, i will call it : domain.free.fr
    Here is what i've done so far :
    Install postfix :
    sudo pacman -S postfix
    Configure myhostname in /etc/postfix/main.cf
    myhostname = domain.free.fr
    Configure the username in  /etc/postfix/aliases
    root: glow
    Reload aliases and postfix
    postfix reload
    postfix status
    postfix/postfix-script: the Postfix mail system is running: PID: 11706
    Then i've tried to use sendmail to send an email to my gmail adress :
    sendmail [email protected]
    Nothing coming in my mail.
    What do i do wrong ?
    Ican't find any log about postfix, /var/log/mail.log do not exist, is this normal ?
    Last edited by GloW_on_dub (2014-03-31 15:45:54)

    -Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient-------
    CCD29FF253 262 Mon Mar 31 16:58:37 [email protected]
    (delivery temporarily suspended: connect to alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[]:25: Connection timed out)
    [email protected]
    -- 0 Kbytes in 1 Request.
    My mail is in the queue, but cannot be delivered
    Last edited by GloW_on_dub (2014-03-31 15:03:51)

  • [SOLVED] Help needed with iptables rule with unusual setup

    Hi I recently setup hostapd on my netbook so I could share a wireless network with my phone and I'm having trouble because my netbook is also hosting a Jetty sever (Subsonic media streamer).
    My setup is as follows
    The wired router provides the DHCP server.
    On my netbook I created a (br0) bridge between eth0 and wlan0 and started hostapd. That all works fine when I'm not trying to host my Jetty server on my netbook.
    The netbook has the IP
    The phone has the IP
    I do not want to give the Jetty server root permissions just so it can run on port 80. So instead I start it instead on port 4040 and then use a iptables rule to redirect connections to port 80 to port 4040.
    Before I setup hostapd on machine I used to use the following.
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 4040
    However when I'm using hostapd and try to access websites on my phone its web browser is ALWAYS REDIRECTED to my jetty server. I'm not really surprised at this as the rule I mentioned above is for any destination or any source.
    I tried this rule:
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d localhost -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 4040
    This didn't work. On my phone I could access websites as expected but nobody (tried external from network and internally) could access the jetty server on port 80. Does anyone know why this rule doesn't work?
    I tried this rule:
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING \! -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 4040
    This rule worked (Redirect port 4040 connections to port 80 if the connection isn't from my phone). But this is NOT very good at all as it means I would need a separate rule for every wireless device that connected to my netbook (via hostapd). Also if the IP address of my phone ever changes this rule becomes useless too!
    Does anyone have any ideas?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by delcypher (2010-07-24 20:17:35)

    Well looks like I fixed my own problem.
    I added a LOG target in the PREROUTING chain like so
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j LOG --log-prefix 'cheesy-redirect'
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 80
    When I looked at /var/logs/everything I noticed this.
    dan-netbook kernel: cheesy-redirectIN=br0 OUT= PHYSIN=eth0 MAC=00:26:18:73:ea:28:00:09:5b:5d:0a:33:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=46 ID=51411 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=48219 DPT=80 WINDOW=49640 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
    The destination is ! Which is very very weird. This the IP address I had told my router to give my eth0 card in the past when I wasn't using a network bridge (br0). I was connected to the network using on br0. The eth0 interface wasn't assigned an IP address. was also the IP address I setup for static port forwarding (which I forgot about) so when I accessed my jetty server from outside my network all packets would of been forwarded to
    I should never of received those packets as I was not at the time of logging so how I even received these packets is a mystery to me. Maybe the router software is buggy
    Fixing was pretty straight forward I changed the port forward to go to and then tried connecting to the jetty server externally and noted in the log
    cheesy-redirectIN=br0 OUT= PHYSIN=eth0 MAC=00:25:d3:46:4d:0d:00:09:5b:5d:0a:33:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=46 ID=65326 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=33597 DPT=80 WINDOW=49640 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
    So the correct redirect rule is
    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -d -j REDIRECT --to-ports 80
    which works nicely
    One last question though. Does anyone know how I can use a hostname rather than which points to whatever the IP address of br0 is set to? localhost points to so that doesn't work.

  • [Solved] Help needed with getting fonts antialiased.

    Greetings.  I'm in the process of installingArch and I must be missing something as fonts just aren't antialiasing.  Any help would be appreciated.  I'm using the Fonts guide on the wiki.  Here's the steps I did:
    pacman -Rd libxft
    yaourt -S fontconfig-lcd cairo-lcd
    pacman -S libxft-lcd
    Freetype is installed and I linked what I could to /etc/fonts/conf.d/:
    10-autohint.conf 40-nonlatin.conf 65-nonlatin.conf
    10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf 45-latin.conf 69-unifont.conf
    20-fix-globaladvance.conf 49-sansserif.conf 70-no-bitmaps.conf
    20-unhint-small-vera.conf 50-user.conf 80-delicious.conf
    29-replace-bitmap-fonts.conf 51-local.conf 90-synthetic.conf
    30-metric-aliases.conf 60-latin.conf README
    30-urw-aliases.conf 65-fonts-persian.conf
    I've tried changing settings in the KDE control center from "System Settings" to Enabled, started a new app.  But no luck.  I've created a basic ~/.fonts.conf that has antialiasing and hinting, logging out and logging in again to no avail.  What got me was that fontconfig didn't install a 10-antialias.conf:
    10-autohint.conf 25-unhint-nonlatin.conf 60-latin.conf
    10-no-sub-pixel.conf 29-replace-bitmap-fonts.conf 65-fonts-persian.conf
    10-sub-pixel-bgr.conf 30-metric-aliases.conf 65-khmer.conf
    10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf 30-urw-aliases.conf 65-nonlatin.conf
    10-sub-pixel-vbgr.conf 40-nonlatin.conf 69-unifont.conf
    10-sub-pixel-vrgb.conf 45-latin.conf 70-no-bitmaps.conf
    10-unhinted.conf 49-sansserif.conf 70-yes-bitmaps.conf
    20-fix-globaladvance.conf 50-user.conf 80-delicious.conf
    20-unhint-small-vera.conf 51-local.conf 90-synthetic.conf
    Is this the problem?  Obviously I'm missing a step here.  Any ideas, what do I need to do?
    Last edited by Kisha (2009-03-05 01:18:41)

    Dallied through the thread and didn't find anything.  No luck thus far.  Looks like this is a system-wide problem as KDM in not antialiasing.  Change to a new ~/.fonts.conf:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
    <match target="font" >
    <edit mode="assign" name="rgba" >
    <match target="font" >
    <edit mode="assign" name="hinting" >
    <match target="font" >
    <edit mode="assign" name="hintstyle" >
    <match target="font" >
    <edit mode="assign" name="antialias" >
    <match target="font">
    <edit mode="assign" name="lcdfilter">
    but the problem persists.  Argh, this is tough.  Did I possibly forget something?
    Last edited by Kisha (2009-03-05 00:03:19)

  • Help needed for Oracle Upgrade

    Dear all,
    We are planning to upgrade our Oracle version from to  is any settings/configurations that we have to do in BW  when the DB upgrade is going on.
    is any document available for the same.
    please help in this.

    thread has been closed since no replies for the same.

  • Help needed in SRM upgrade to SRM server 5.0

    My client is on EBP 2.0 and going for an upgrade to SRM Server 5.0 and working on classic scenario and keeping the backend as 4.6C for this phase of the project. Please share any experiences on how to go about the upgrade, any questionaries, methodologies also I would like to know the major differences between EBP 2.0 and SRM 5.0.
    Thanks in Advance,

    HI Surya
    Pls go through following sites
    http://service.sap.com/instguides (install and upgrade guides)
    http://service.sap.com/ibc-srm (config guides - upto SRM 4.0)
    http://service.sap.com/srm (general info)
    The installation guides and Config guides will give you perfect steps to follow for installation and configuration.
    Nimish Sheth

  • [SOLVED] help needed with active window script

    I am trying to receive the current window from a script. it works fine, but when no window is open i get an error.
    i am using this command:
    xprop -id $(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2) _NET_WM_NAME | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -b 1-2 --complement | rev | cut -c 2- | rev
    error message is "Invalid Window id format: 0x0"
    I tried working around this by using this script:
    title_window () {
    xprop -id $(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2) _NET_WM_NAME | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -b 1-2 --complement | rev | cut -c 2- | rev
    title_root () {
    title_window | grep 0x0
    if [[ -z title_root ]]
    echo "Desktop"
    But now it shows "Desktop" for every window.
    Last edited by Rasi (2013-01-22 11:59:46)

    title_window () {
    xprop -id $(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2) _NET_WM_NAME | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -b 1-2 --complement | rev | cut -c 2- | rev 2>&1
    title_root () {
    title_window |& grep -q 0x0
    if title_root;
    echo "Desktop"

  • [SOLVED] Help needed with suspend2ram with acpid lid script

    I'm hoping someone can help with this, I'm obviously configuing something incorrectly.
    I wish to have my machine suspend to ram upon closing the lid, which I've managed to acomplish with pm-utils and acpid.
    Here's my lm-lid.sh from /etc/acpi/actions:
    #! /bin/sh
    # lid button pressed/released event handler
    #/usr/sbin/laptop_mode auto
    As you can see; I have commented out the penultimate line, this is what was present in the file as default, this didn't cause the machine to do anything, so I added the bottom line to call pm-suspend.
    My machine suspends fine, however, upon waking again, it resumes for about 3 seconds, then suspends again... after which it wakes up fine.
    So esentially I have to wake it up twice.
    I'm sure it's probably something stupid I'm doing, I'd just appreciate any words on this that may help!
    Last edited by Starfall (2012-06-23 23:31:00)

    LoBo3268715 wrote:
    Hi Starfall, I'm no expert here but what does your /etc/acpi/handler.sh look like? I never had to add "/usr/sbin/pm-suspend" to my lm_lid.sh
    # Default acpi script that takes an entry for all actions
    minspeed=`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq`
    maxspeed=`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq`
    set $*
    case "$1" in
    #echo "PowerButton pressed!">/dev/tty5
    case "$2" in
    logger "PowerButton pressed: $2"
    logger "ACPI action undefined: $2"
    case "$2" in
    echo -n mem >/sys/power/state
    logger "ACPI action undefined: $2"
    case "$2" in
    case "$4" in
    echo -n $minspeed >$setspeed
    #/etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode start
    echo -n $maxspeed >$setspeed
    #/etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode stop
    logger "ACPI action undefined: $2"
    case "$2" in
    case "$4" in
    logger 'Battery online'
    logger 'Battery offline'
    *) logger "ACPI action undefined: $2" ;;
    case "$3" in
    logger 'LID closed'
    /usr/sbin/pm-suspend <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I put it here
    logger 'LID opened'
    logger "ACPI action undefined: $3"
    logger "ACPI group/action undefined: $1 / $2"
    # vim:set ts=4 sw=4 ft=sh et:
    Awesome! It works perfectly!
    Thanks very much LoBo3268715!

  • [SOLVED] Help Needed to find the name of the openbox theme

    Can anyone help me to find the name of the openbox theme ?.
    Thank you.
    It's Numix
    Last edited by bhante (2015-01-07 11:13:12)

    That looks a lot like the Numix GTK theme...

  • Help needed! Since upgrading to ios 6 I can't access my contact group lists.

    I can still access the screen with the list of the names of my groups, but if I touch one, it deselects it (checkmark disappears) rather than sending me to this list.  This also means I cannot add a contact withing a group list. (When I can, this helps significantly to keep my contacts more organized.)

    There is so many issues with IOS 6. Have no idea why Apple never tested this os. It's a massive faliour.
    That said, I higly reccomend you report the problem to Apple here, even it might be a "black hole" :
    And also call in you issue as Tech support do actually care, yet cant give you much info on when something will be done. But please give them a call.
    U.S. iPhone technical support:
    (800) MY-IPHONE (800-694-7466)
    International Technical Support Numbers

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