[Solved] How to edit IP of Arch images

I've got some (half-old) Arch images with a static IP of 10.x.x.x.
My current router gives me addresses at 192.x.x.x.
How can I edit these images to change the IPs?
I've tried mounting the image and editing /etc/netctl/my-network, but this seems to have no effect, I'm guessing because I didn't issue netctl start / enable (and I don't know how I would do that, since these are images that I cannot access... due to their static IP).
Any clues?
Last edited by jcristovao (2014-05-12 12:06:23)

jcristovao wrote:I've got some (half-old) Arch images
Images you created?
Don't think you will see much help here anyway
Partial Updates Are Not Supported

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  • [Solved] how do i build my ISO image with archiso?

    hi all
    i've been following this wiki and it's been going really well (it hasn't gone wrong...). but the wiki page just sort of stops halfway through the configuration bit
    a google search brought me to this page which suggests using the "build.sh" script located in my chroot environment's /tmp/releng/ directory.
    running this script returns the error "build.sh: line 207: syntax error near unexpected token '('
    line 207 of the file reads:
    paste -d"\n" <(sed "s|%ARCH%|i686|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type}) \
    i don't really know much about scripts so i can't see what's wrong
    any advice?
    sorry if i've missed a wiki or something n00bish like that. also i'm aware that someone who doesn't know what they're doing shouldn't be attempting archiso but i thought it would be a fun learning experience
    here's the full build.sh in case it is helpful:
    set -e -u
    iso_label="ARCH_$(date +%Y%m)"
    iso_version=$(date +%Y.%m.%d)
    arch=$(uname -m)
    script_path=$(readlink -f ${0%/*})
    # Base installation (root-image)
    make_basefs() {
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -p "base" create
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -p "memtest86+ syslinux mkinitcpio-nfs-utils nbd curl" create
    # Additional packages (root-image)
    make_packages() {
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -p "$(grep -v ^# ${script_path}/packages.${arch})" create
    # Copy mkinitcpio archiso hooks (root-image)
    make_setup_mkinitcpio() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    local _hook
    for _hook in archiso archiso_shutdown archiso_pxe_common archiso_pxe_nbd archiso_pxe_http archiso_pxe_nfs archiso_loop_mnt; do
    cp /lib/initcpio/hooks/${_hook} ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio/hooks
    cp /lib/initcpio/install/${_hook} ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio/install
    cp /lib/initcpio/install/archiso_kms ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio/install
    cp /lib/initcpio/archiso_shutdown ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio
    cp /lib/initcpio/archiso_pxe_nbd ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/initcpio
    cp ${script_path}/mkinitcpio.conf ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/mkinitcpio-archiso.conf
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Prepare ${install_dir}/boot/
    make_boot() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    local _src=${work_dir}/root-image
    local _dst_boot=${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/boot
    mkdir -p ${_dst_boot}/${arch}
    mkarchroot -n -r "mkinitcpio -c /etc/mkinitcpio-archiso.conf -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -g /boot/archiso.img" ${_src}
    mv ${_src}/boot/archiso.img ${_dst_boot}/${arch}/archiso.img
    mv ${_src}/boot/vmlinuz-linux ${_dst_boot}/${arch}/vmlinuz
    cp ${_src}/boot/memtest86+/memtest.bin ${_dst_boot}/memtest
    cp ${_src}/usr/share/licenses/common/GPL2/license.txt ${_dst_boot}/memtest.COPYING
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Prepare /${install_dir}/boot/syslinux
    make_syslinux() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    local _src_syslinux=${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux
    local _dst_syslinux=${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/boot/syslinux
    mkdir -p ${_dst_syslinux}
    for _cfg in ${script_path}/syslinux/*.cfg; do
    sed "s|%ARCHISO_LABEL%|${iso_label}|g;
    s|%ARCH%|${arch}|g" ${_cfg} > ${_dst_syslinux}/${_cfg##*/}
    cp ${script_path}/syslinux/splash.png ${_dst_syslinux}
    cp ${_src_syslinux}/*.c32 ${_dst_syslinux}
    cp ${_src_syslinux}/*.com ${_dst_syslinux}
    cp ${_src_syslinux}/*.0 ${_dst_syslinux}
    cp ${_src_syslinux}/memdisk ${_dst_syslinux}
    mkdir -p ${_dst_syslinux}/hdt
    wget -O - http://pciids.sourceforge.net/v2.2/pci.ids | gzip -9 > ${_dst_syslinux}/hdt/pciids.gz
    cat ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/modules/*-ARCH/modules.alias | gzip -9 > ${_dst_syslinux}/hdt/modalias.gz
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Prepare /isolinux
    make_isolinux() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    mkdir -p ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux
    sed "s|%INSTALL_DIR%|${install_dir}|g" ${script_path}/isolinux/isolinux.cfg > ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
    cp ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/
    cp ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/lib/syslinux/isohdpfx.bin ${work_dir}/iso/isolinux/
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Customize installation (root-image)
    # NOTE: mkarchroot should not be executed after this function is executed, otherwise will overwrites some custom files.
    make_customize_root_image() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    cp -af ${script_path}/root-image ${work_dir}
    chmod 750 ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/sudoers.d
    chmod 440 ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/sudoers.d/g_wheel
    mkdir -p ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d
    wget -O ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist http://www.archlinux.org/mirrorlist/all/
    sed -i "s/#Server/Server/g" ${work_dir}/root-image/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    chroot ${work_dir}/root-image /usr/sbin/locale-gen
    chroot ${work_dir}/root-image /usr/sbin/useradd -m -p "" -g users -G "audio,disk,optical,wheel" arch
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Split out /lib/modules from root-image (makes more "dual-iso" friendly)
    make_lib_modules() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    mv ${work_dir}/root-image/lib/modules ${work_dir}/lib-modules
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Split out /usr/share from root-image (makes more "dual-iso" friendly)
    make_usr_share() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    mv ${work_dir}/root-image/usr/share ${work_dir}/usr-share
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Make [core] repository, keep "any" pkgs in a separate fs (makes more "dual-iso" friendly)
    make_core_repo() {
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME} ]]; then
    local _url _urls _pkg_name _cached_pkg _dst _pkgs
    mkdir -p ${work_dir}/repo-core-any
    mkdir -p ${work_dir}/repo-core-${arch}
    pacman -Sy
    _pkgs=$(comm -2 -3 <(pacman -Sql core | sort | sed 's@^@core/@') \
    <(grep -v ^# ${script_path}/core.exclude.${arch} | sort | sed 's@^@core/@'))
    _urls=$(pacman -Sddp ${_pkgs})
    pacman -Swdd --noprogressbar --noconfirm ${_pkgs}
    for _url in ${_urls}; do
    cp ${_cached_pkg} ${_dst}
    repo-add -q ${work_dir}/repo-core-${arch}/core.db.tar.gz ${_dst}
    if [[ ${_pkg_name} == *any.pkg.tar* ]]; then
    mv ${_dst} ${work_dir}/repo-core-any/${_pkg_name}
    ln -sf ../any/${_pkg_name} ${_dst}
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}
    # Process aitab
    # args: $1 (core | netinstall)
    make_aitab() {
    local _iso_type=${1}
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}_${_iso_type} ]]; then
    sed "s|%ARCH%|${arch}|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type} > ${work_dir}/iso/${install_dir}/aitab
    : > ${work_dir}/build.${FUNCNAME}_${_iso_type}
    # Build all filesystem images specified in aitab (.fs .fs.sfs .sfs)
    make_prepare() {
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" prepare
    # Build ISO
    # args: $1 (core | netinstall)
    make_iso() {
    local _iso_type=${1}
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" checksum
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}" -D "${install_dir}" -L "${iso_label}" -o "${out_dir}" iso "${iso_name}-${iso_version}-${_iso_type}-${arch}.iso"
    # Build dual-iso images from ${work_dir}/i686/iso and ${work_dir}/x86_64/iso
    # args: $1 (core | netinstall)
    make_dual() {
    local _iso_type=${1}
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/dual/build.${FUNCNAME}_${_iso_type} ]]; then
    if [[ ! -d ${work_dir}/i686/iso || ! -d ${work_dir}/x86_64/iso ]]; then
    echo "ERROR: i686 or x86_64 builds does not exist."
    _usage 1
    local _src_one _src_two _cfg
    if [[ ${arch} == "i686" ]]; then
    mkdir -p ${work_dir}/dual/iso
    cp -a -l -f ${_src_one} ${work_dir}/dual
    cp -a -l -n ${_src_two} ${work_dir}/dual
    rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/aitab
    rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/boot/syslinux/*.cfg
    if [[ ${_iso_type} == "core" ]]; then
    if [[ ! -e ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/any/repo-core-any.sfs ||
    ! -e ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/i686/repo-core-i686.sfs ||
    ! -e ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/x86_64/repo-core-x86_64.sfs ]]; then
    echo "ERROR: core_iso_single build is not found."
    _usage 1
    rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/any/repo-core-any.sfs
    rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/i686/repo-core-i686.sfs
    rm -f ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/x86_64/repo-core-x86_64.sfs
    paste -d"\n" <(sed "s|%ARCH%|i686|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type}) \
    <(sed "s|%ARCH%|x86_64|g" ${script_path}/aitab.${_iso_type}) | uniq > ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/aitab
    for _cfg in ${script_path}/syslinux.dual/*.cfg; do
    sed "s|%ARCHISO_LABEL%|${iso_label}|g;
    s|%INSTALL_DIR%|${install_dir}|g" ${_cfg} > ${work_dir}/dual/iso/${install_dir}/boot/syslinux/${_cfg##*/}
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}/dual" -D "${install_dir}" checksum
    mkarchiso ${verbose} -w "${work_dir}/dual" -D "${install_dir}" -L "${iso_label}" -o "${out_dir}" iso "${iso_name}-${iso_version}-${_iso_type}-dual.iso"
    : > ${work_dir}/dual/build.${FUNCNAME}_${_iso_type}
    purge_single ()
    if [[ -d ${work_dir} ]]; then
    find ${work_dir} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
    ! -path ${work_dir}/iso -prune \
    | xargs rm -rf
    purge_dual ()
    if [[ -d ${work_dir}/dual ]]; then
    find ${work_dir}/dual -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
    ! -path ${work_dir}/dual/iso -prune \
    | xargs rm -rf
    clean_single ()
    rm -rf ${work_dir}
    rm -f ${out_dir}/${iso_name}-${iso_version}-*-${arch}.iso
    clean_dual ()
    rm -rf ${work_dir}/dual
    rm -f ${out_dir}/${iso_name}-${iso_version}-*-dual.iso
    make_common_single() {
    make_aitab $1
    make_prepare $1
    make_iso $1
    _usage ()
    echo "usage ${0} [options] command <command options>"
    echo " General options:"
    echo " -N <iso_name> Set an iso filename (prefix)"
    echo " Default: ${iso_name}"
    echo " -V <iso_version> Set an iso version (in filename)"
    echo " Default: ${iso_version}"
    echo " -L <iso_label> Set an iso label (disk label)"
    echo " Default: ${iso_label}"
    echo " -D <install_dir> Set an install_dir (directory inside iso)"
    echo " Default: ${install_dir}"
    echo " -w <work_dir> Set the working directory"
    echo " Default: ${work_dir}"
    echo " -o <out_dir> Set the output directory"
    echo " Default: ${out_dir}"
    echo " -v Enable verbose output"
    echo " -h This help message"
    echo " Commands:"
    echo " build <mode> <type>"
    echo " Build selected .iso by <mode> and <type>"
    echo " purge <mode>"
    echo " Clean working directory except iso/ directory of build <mode>"
    echo " clean <mode>"
    echo " Clean working directory and .iso file in output directory of build <mode>"
    echo " Command options:"
    echo " <mode> Valid values 'single' or 'dual'"
    echo " <type> Valid values 'netinstall', 'core' or 'all'"
    exit ${1}
    if [[ ${EUID} -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "This script must be run as root."
    _usage 1
    while getopts 'N:V:L:D:w:o:vh' arg; do
    case "${arg}" in
    N) iso_name="${OPTARG}" ;;
    V) iso_version="${OPTARG}" ;;
    L) iso_label="${OPTARG}" ;;
    D) install_dir="${OPTARG}" ;;
    w) work_dir="${OPTARG}" ;;
    o) out_dir="${OPTARG}" ;;
    v) verbose="-v" ;;
    h|?) _usage 0 ;;
    _msg_error "Invalid argument '${arg}'" 0
    _usage 1
    shift $((OPTIND - 1))
    if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
    echo "No command specified"
    _usage 1
    if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
    echo "No command mode specified"
    _usage 1
    if [[ ${command_name} == "build" ]]; then
    if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then
    echo "No build type specified"
    _usage 1
    if [[ ${command_mode} == "single" ]]; then
    case "${command_name}" in
    case "${command_mode}" in
    case "${command_type}" in
    make_common_single netinstall
    make_common_single core
    make_common_single netinstall
    make_common_single core
    echo "Invalid build type '${command_type}'"
    _usage 1
    case "${command_type}" in
    make_dual netinstall
    make_dual core
    make_dual netinstall
    make_dual core
    echo "Invalid build type '${command_type}'"
    _usage 1
    echo "Invalid build mode '${command_mode}'"
    _usage 1
    case "${command_mode}" in
    echo "Invalid purge mode '${command_mode}'"
    _usage 1
    case "${command_mode}" in
    echo "Invalid clean mode '${command_mode}'"
    _usage 1
    echo "Invalid command name '${command_name}'"
    _usage 1
    Last edited by gav989 (2012-02-12 10:59:11)

    thanks for that, according to this it should be run like
    /path/to/build.sh build single netinstall
    from inside the chroot
    posting this for my own reference and in case it helps others, will mark as solved
    thanks again for your help
    Last edited by gav989 (2012-02-12 10:58:04)

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    daynam60128295 wrote:
    I downloaded a jpeg image ... and was told that I would be able to erase the example text...
    You were mislead. Text in a flattened raster image (your JPEG) is essentially "burned in" and not editable or erasable in Illustrator. It is true that you could set type over (in front of) an image with Illustrator.
    It may be possible to achieve the end result you want, but without seeing the image, it would be difficult to tell you how to proceed. Can you post a screenshot?

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    Think of your Flash doc as sort of a table of contents.... listing all the stuff that is (suppose to be) in the book. It does not become a .swf until it is "Published" or "Control/Enter" to create a .swf.
    But nobody knows if one or more of the pages have been ripped out.
    So if you cannot edit that image because it no longer exists, see if there is a version of the .swf or Web page that actually displays the image in the size you need. Then "Print Screen", open PS, File, New, Edit, Paste...there is a screen capture.. crop out what you need and edit from there.
    Best of luck,

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    solved by convert online from pdf to word than writer opened it right than changed everything what I needed and than export it to pdf again...

  • [SOLVED]How exactly do you install Arch using UEFI?

    I want to switch my laptop to UEFI. I have a few questions I'd like to ask.
    * Does UEFI require a bios boot partition?
    * If not but I add a bios boot partition and efi partition is it true I can boot into my system both with UEFI enabled and not enabled?
    Will the following set my laptop to use UEFI?
    Create a partition scheme as follows;
    1. bios boot -- about 2mb -- ef02
    2. efi boot partition -- about 200mb (is this size about right?) -- fat32
    3. root -- 8300
    4. swap
    5. home -- 8300
    Then when I mount everything I make sure to mount the efi partition like
        mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot/efi
    It goes to /boot/efi right?
    Then when installing GRUB, I install it like;
        grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=grub_uefi --recheck
    And finally I'd run the
        grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    Is that the gist for the most part?
    Last edited by stevenmw (2014-12-18 17:51:37)

    Here is what I did,
    I booted Arch install media (not from UEFI).
    I made my partition scheme is gdisk:
      1. 2M -- ef02 -- BIOS boot
      2. 500M -- ef00  -- efi
      3. 30G -- 8300 -- root
      4. 12G -- 8200 -- swap
      5. 195G -- 8300 -- home
    I then did my mkfs:
      mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda2
      mkfs.fat -s2 -F32 /dev/sda2
      mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3
      mkswap /dev/sda4
      mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda5
    When I first made my file extensions I made the mistake of not making the efi partition fat32. I knew it had to be fat32 and I wasn't sure if just making it ef00 was enough. So I searched Google. I didn't find much so I pushed forward.
    I eventually got an error when trying to do grub-install, it said /dev/sda2 does not look like and efi partition.
    So I thought about it, was it the size I chose, was it that I was just putting it in /boot, was it not fat32? I immediately decided it must not be fat32. And I was right. After a search I discovered I needed to do mkfs.fat. So I did this and success! Grub installed everything where it needed to be. (So it is true when they say Arch doesn't care if you have /boot/efi or /boot/EFI. Just using /boot is enough. That is fact.)
    But now I had another error. I forgot to install efibootmgr package... By this time I thought I had it so I started all over. This was actually my laptop so I wasn't going to give it more than two tries. So I started from scratch. A second and final try...
    I set up my partition scheme, did my mk stuff, and mounted all of my filesystems. Then Installed the base and base-devel packages. I went into arch-chroot on /mnt and then into a bash..
    I went through a couple of basic setup things and then I installed grub and efibootmgr. I then ran
        grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=grub_uefi --recheck
    Hooray! No errors reported! I checked /boot and everything was there and laid out perfectly!
    So I did the grub-mkconfig..... And rebooted.
    But it wouldn't boot!
    I started to dig around the Arch wiki and read it is a good idea to start out in UEFI mode and go into the  install media and proceed. So I tried this in a VM. The Arch install media would not start in UEFI mode. So I just came to the conclusion that there is something I am missing. Either in GRUB or something I don't understand about my laptop.
    I installed Fedora 21 in a VM out of UEFI mode and then again where I started out in UEFI mode. Starting out in UEFI mode did seem to make a difference. I just gave up on my laptop and installed it back with bios and no UEFI. I'm going to dig around and see if I can find what I'm doing wrong.
    Could it boil down to not being able to start out in UEFI mode and then switch back into UEFI mode after install? I highly doubt it. There is just something I'm missing..
    Marking this as solved. Thanks everyone.
    Starting out in UEFI mode made the difference! I just wasn't being patient with my VM. Starting out in UEFI mode and then performing the install makes the difference! After following that process I can boot into Arch using UEFI!
    Also, I mentioned I couldn't get Arch install media to start in UEFI. That was my fault. When i created my usb i didn't make it a UEFI bootable device! So I would go into my boot options and I would see UEFI but my usb only showed in the legacy list.
    Last edited by stevenmw (2014-12-18 20:47:57)

  • [SOLVED] How to center the splash background image

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    It's really a great-easy-usefull article ;)
    It works very well, but I can't center the imatge of splash (not the progress bar, just splash image). I try with text-align, position, etc. css properties, without luck.
    Can anybody help me, please?

    Hi Simon,
    Using firebug I can solve the problem. I change the value of 'top' and 'left' attributes of 'af|document::splash-screen-content' and now it appears centered :)
    P.S: using a css class, like 'af|document.globalDocument::splash-screen' and then in jspx page: '<af:document styleClass="globalDocument">', it doesn't work.

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    I'm already using ubuntu font packages, and using the same options (/etc/fonts/conf.d looks 99% same), but fonts in Ubuntu look more sharp.
    I can't figure out where is the difference in configuration.
    Here is comparsion:
    Last edited by Mad Fish (2010-04-06 13:54:24)

    Mad Fish wrote:
    gogi-goji wrote:Ubuntu uses specially patched fonts.  http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fon … d_packages  They are available in the AUR.
    Have you read OP post? I've cleanly stated that I'm already using them...
    Sweet jesus are you kidding me? What kind of attitude is that? gogi-goji was trying to help you....
    Back on topic, thanks for this thread and the submitted screenshot, that fontconfig looks bitching!!!

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    Now I want to be able to edit a row in this result set via a selectOneChoice and the Edit button. I created an edit page and dropped the same iterator onto it and linked to the page in the edit buttons action.
    The problem I am having is when the edit page tries to render I get this error :
    javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: com.sun.faces.el.impl.ElException: Attempt to coerce a value of type "oracle.jbo.domain.Number" to type "java.lang.Long"
    I don't understand why I'm getting this. Is it because I have not set up an ExecuteWithParams on my Edit page as well ? (the bind variable is a Number). I thought I would only have to set up the executeWithParams on the first page - or do I need to set this up each time I use this View Object becase it uses a bind variable ?

    Once again Duncan Mills comes to the rescue !
    It was my EL expression for my JSF page title - exact problem and resolution is here :

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    You might need to refer to these two articles
    Edit the registry on a mounted WIM (this link is for WIM, just want to share it with you, hope it can help you)
    Modifying the Regstry of system image
    response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you.
    does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites.
    TechNet Community Support

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    how to edit a text with same font in a image in photoshop 7

    Good day!
    The question seems to provide insufficient information for a relevant answer.
    Do you have the font?
    Is the text a (Type) Layer of its own or part of the image?
    Could you please post a screenshot with the Layers Panel visible?

  • How do I save/burn my images,after editing, to a disc and what format JPEG? THX!!!

    How do I save/burn my images,after editing, to a disc and what format JPEG? THX!!!

    You're lacking information. We need to know what software you are using what version it is. What computer system and what version is the operating system.

  • How can i save an extracted image to be able to edit it

    How can I save an extracted image in pse9 to be able to edit it - i.e. move it around on the layer to another spot and also to be able to resize it to make it bigger or smaller before repasting it back into another image/background?

      A really simple method is to use the quick selection tool to outline a person or object in a photo. Holding down the alt key changes the tool action from plus to minus - so you can perfect your selection as you go along (e.g. if you accidentally select part of the background)
    When you are happy with your selection of the person or object press Ctrl+J - this will automatically create a new transparent layer with your selection as shown by the checkerboard background.
    You can then add any other picture or background - here I’ve used a simple green background to illustrate the point by selecting Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color
    I then clicked on the transparent layer in the layer pallet and dragged it to the top - to reveal the green background behind my person selection.
    I then selected the hand tool and the bounding box appeared - by holding down the shift key you can drag the corner handles or sides of the bounding box to resize and then click the green checkmark to confirm OK. You can then drag the image to any position in the frame of your chosen background. Save as PSD to keep your layers for later or click Layer > Flatten Image to save as Jpeg.
    Click to view

  • In FCE, how do i retrieve lost video images for my edit?

    In FCE, a project that i have worked on has lost some of the video images from an original file imported from iMovie. The source footage still remains in iMovie. How do i get the lost images back, without having to re-edit the whole thing?
    Also, please, what is the short cut to "highlight all" or select all" in FCE?
    Thanks for your help!

    Import the source footage from the iMovie events folder and add it in.
    Command-A. Pretty much always in every Mac application.

  • How to edit a PDF in Photoshop CS4

    Hi there,
    I'm having some real trouble trying to figure out how to edit a PDF in photoshop cs4. So i need to edit/change text, move things around, that type of thing.
    I work in Windows.
    Could someone give me a bit a low down on how this is done?
    Much appreciated,

    You can open them but you will totally rasterize everything.
    PDFs are not intended to be edited. They are a final format but as
    mentioned you can use Acrobat for some minor text edits or use it to
    extract the images to Photoshop for further editing.

Maybe you are looking for

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