[solved'ish] volume levels reset to max every reboot...

hi, i have done some reading and alsa-store and alsa-restore and meant to run at startup and shutdown, obviously to store and resume alsa level settings, but every boot my levels are at max.... i have alsa-utils installed incase anyone asks.
Last edited by ninjaprawn (2012-11-23 16:02:14)

just trying to work through this issue myself... ran systemctl --all to see if I could see anything "odd" and found this;
alsa-restore.service loaded inactive dead Restore Sound Card State
alsa-store.service loaded inactive dead Store Sound Card State
I can understand the restore being dead, but surely store should be "waiting"? i will do some more playing... hopefully post a solution incase anyone else has this issue...
EDIT - in fact scrap that idea.... just checked the following;
systemctl show -p WantedBy alsa-store
obviously, store is only meant to come alive at shutdown.... so either shutdown isnt starting it, or the service is failing..... more digging required....
Last edited by ninjaprawn (2012-11-22 21:51:00)

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    Last edited by orschiro (2012-12-30 17:44:59)

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    Many thanks

    HI Ty ..
    Might be something you have no tried yet here >  Troubleshooting issues with no audio from built-in speakers on Macs

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    Go to Solution.

    walhir wrote:
    why this is on nokia phones only, those regulations?
    If you care to read, there are some resources below. Old phones may not have this feature but if new phones doesn't conform those regulations, then it's their fault.
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