[SOLVED]: missing text

I have a problem where the bottom ~third of the screen does not render the text in certain programs, most notably Firefox, Thunderbird, and Libreoffice. (xterm is fine) Any sort of graphics - even the underline under the text - renders fine. I am able to highlight the text that isn't there, although it still does not show the actual text, it just changes the background color. I have a temporary fix where I just have a terminal window cover half the screen, and the program cover the other half, but I am getting tired of that. I have a Dell Inpiron 8600.
I have read that the nouveau driver does not work well, but the nvidia driver does. Currently I am running using the nouveau driver. If I try to load the nvidia driver:
# modprobe nvidia
ERROR: could not insert 'nvidia': No such device
I have both nvidia and nvidia-utils installed.
I have screenshots I can post, but it is not readily obvious how to do that.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Last edited by polson136 (2012-06-12 15:34:33)

I finally got it to work! My card is one of the ones that requires the nvidia-173xx driver in the AUR. It was a message in the kernel log that clued me in on that. As to why the nouveau driver had the effects it did, I will probably never know. A few other minor things randomly decided to break, but I will worry about that later. I am really happy that I can now use the whole screen.

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    Hi all,
    I'm having a very confusing problem. Basically, text is just missing from certain programs. Here are a few quick examples:
    It's very strange. First of all, this just started happening recently, and I don't think after an update or anything. But I know "it just randomly started happening" is a dumb thing to say.
    Here is the info I think could be useful:
    -I have the ttf-freefont package and the xorg-font family of packages
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    Any suggestions? This is very mysterious, and driving me nuts.
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    Last edited by Declan (2012-05-10 00:41:48)

    Cairo 1.12 was just moved into [extra], so chances are this bug will reappear the next time you -Syu. If you're running Nouveau drivers, then the underlying cause of your issue might be this bug:
    If this is indeed your issue, then you need to install the xf86-video-nouveau-0.0.16_git20120512-1 package from [testing]. If you re-enable [testing] and do an -Syu, it should automatically install this package.

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    / Stefan

    I have had the problem with missing text when
    generating books and calendars. However, after the
    latest updates (6.0.4) this problem seem to be
    Now, when I print the books as PDF all text is placed
    where it is supposed to be.
    Are there anyone else with the same experience?
    / Stefan
    The same thing happened to me. Although I entered all the text correctly, following instructions, there was no text at all (apart from the title on the cover) printed in the book I ordered. When I complained to Apple, I was sent to the i-photo site but can't find any mention of this problem there. I paid to have the book created according to my specifications, including the text, so I expect Apple to send me another copy, this time correctly printed. I'm using iPhoto version 6.0.3 which came with my brand-new iMac Intel OSX 10.4.6 and if this version has flaws, then it's up to Apple to warn us of the problem. I'll upgrade to iPhoto 6.0.4 but still want Apple to send me the book as I ordered it.

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    Go to Solution.

    It's the "breather" as mentioned in the hundred or so other threads about this issue on this forum.
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

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    Mavericks 10.9.3
    Pages 5.2

    Known limitation with Pages v5.2. If you had Pages ’09 installed before the upgrade downgrade to Pages v5.2, it was moved to /Applications/iWork ’09.
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  • PDF has missing text when created from FM 9

    My Software:
    Windows XP Professional Version 2002 SP 3
    FrameMaker 9.0p255
    Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Version 9.4.1
    When generating a PDF document from FrameMaker, the PDF document has random missing text, including whole paragraphs, sentences and some text in tables. We have several FrameMaker books and they are all having the same issues. These books were fine when we last published updates within the last month and we have not made any changes to fonts.
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    - Go to File > Print Book.
    - Select the Adobe PDF printer.
    - Select the Print to File option and specify a .ps filename.
    - Select the Generate Acrobat Data option.
    - Use Acrobat Distiller to convert the PS file to PDF.
    Note that I also tried File > Save As PDF and got the same results.

    Did you reboot after the hotfix? fwiw, other users on the forum have had difficulty with the hotfix not being installed correctly the first time around.
    once you download the hotfix from MS you have to run the .exe, and then  when it’s finished you have to reboot. Then check the Add or  Remove programs in Control panel, and click the “show updates” button,  then scroll way down to see the hotfixes, to be sure that #952909 is  shown.
    What fonts are you using in your documents? Specific type (PS, TT, OTF) and any other info you have (foundry, etc).
    Do the "gaps" seem to occur when there are font changes in the document, e.g. when words in a sentence are bold or when a paragraph in a different weight (e.g. bold italic) follows, say, a "regular" text weight paragraph? As another test, can you highlight a segment of good+bad+good text in the PDF, do Control+c to copy it to the clipboard, then Control+v to paste it into a different file (Word, text editor, even another new FM document).  Do the words of the "missing" text segments show up?
    edit: the hotfix download process is a bit confusing; if I remember correctly it has to be requested, then MS sends a link to the download webpage, then the downloaded .exe has to be run.

  • Randomly Missing Text in PDF Created from FrameMaker

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    I thought I had narrowed the problem down to certain paragraph formatting, since it only ocurs in three or four paragraph formats (a bullet list, table text, etc.) Garden variety formatting. But in most places in the document, these formats appear perfectly. The strangest occurence is a single intance where the page number is missing from the footer.
    I thought it might be a font issue, as I've had similar issues in the past. I had a missing font warning in the console, but I am pretty sure that this has nothing to do with it, since they are fonts we are not using and all the other text from the same formats appears.
    I tried turning off "Remember Missing Font Names" in preferences. No help.
    I checked that the fonts are in the local directory and appear as embedded subsets in the PDF.
    I also tried checking and unchecking the "Rely on system fonts only; do not use document fonts" option in the PDF output settings. Also no help.
    The randomness of the missing fonts bewilders me and I've exhausted my own troubleshooting abilities. I would be happy to share a source file if anyone thinks they could help me that way.
    Thanks in advance,

    There is a known bug in Windows XP that causes random dropped text in
    PDF. The hotfix is here, though the link does not seem to be working at
    the moment:
    However, the above link directs you to a download link that is here:
    http://support.microsoft.com/Hotfix/KBHotfix.aspx?kbnum=952909&kbln=en-us <http://support.microsoft.com/Hotfix/KBHotfix.aspx?kbnum=952909&kbln=en-us

  • Missing texts in WEB with F4-help combined with variable input.

    I've defined a characteristic with text : short text, medium length text and long text. The texts are language independent.
    I've defined a variable for this characteristic and I've defined a BEX-report that provides a variable-filter for this characteristic in the filter area. I've also set the property  <b>Display as</b> to  <i>text</i> or <i>Key  and Text</i>
    When I start the report the prompt-window appears and then I can perform F4 on the input field for this characteristic. Then a selection box opens showing the key and all texts - short desription, medium descr. and long desc.
    If I use this report in the web-Application designer or if I launch this report directly in the WebBrowser I'll also get a selection box <b>but no texts appear.</b>
    What can  I do to see these texts also in WEB ? Where can I influence the search help for the web (in BEX it works perfectly) ?
    Additional information: By defining the info object there is a tab for Business Explorer settings. For general settings I've choosen <b>Text</b> for the property <i>Display</i>. What is really strange is that in Bex-Explorer the property <b>Display as</b> always shows <b>Key</b> as a default although I've entered <b>Text</b> in RSA1. I've also inspected other characteristics where there are no missing texts. Here I've found out that in the info object there is <b>Text</b> choosen as attribut for Display -> in the Bex itself <b>Text</b> is shown as a default too.
    Message was edited by: Stefan Vogler
    Message was edited by: Stefan Vogler

    Hello there,
    I am having a similar problem but I have found this is due to either of two reasons.
    1) The object is compounded
    2) The compounded object is authorisation relavant and the security is stopping the masterdata being read properly.
    Hope this helps narrow down your search.

  • Missing text in RoboHelp 7 when previewing/generating Frame files

    This is a new issue for me. Until last week, it seemed to work fine. Now, though, whenever I import by reference my frame files I have noticed that, while they look fine in the Design view, when I click Preview it has missing text in parts. In one file, which was all text (no graphics), it was completely in Preview. Then, when I generated the help, that topic was still blank.
    This doesn't always happen, though. Sometimes a topic is fine up to a point, then, all the text is gone, leaving only the screenshots. It generates that way also. On the other hand, some files come out fine, with no missing text. (This is only apparent in the Preview and generated help.)
    I'm using TCS 1, that has RoboHelp 7, and I generate to WebHelp. I've applied an update that makes it 7.01.001.  I've also applied the "missing space" fix that Peter Grainge suggested (it worked ).
    Like I said, TCS worked fine up to last week, then I started seeing these missing chunks of text. I tried creating a new RH project and starting all over, importing only one small file that had all text and no screenshots/graphics. Both the preview and generated help came out blank, although I could see it plainly in the Design view before generating.
    Has anyone else had this issue, or know what it might be?

    Below is from one topic that didn't show any content at all for Preview or generated output, (taken from RH).  That is, it showed nothing when I opened it in IE9, but in Firefox it displayed just fine. I tried replacing <head> with the one above (in the output), but it didn't seem to do anything. I'll keep trying, though!
    <!doctype HTML public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN">
    <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <meta name=Originator content=ImportMif>
    <meta name=OriginalFile content="C:\CVS\doc\integrator\\RoboHelp\CIS_RH\IDE\ide3.fm">
    <meta name=generator content="Adobe RoboHelp - www.adobe.com">
    <meta name=generator-major-version content=0.1>
    <meta name=generator-minor-version content=1>
    <meta name=filetype content=RoboHelp>
    <meta name=filetype-version content=1>
    <meta name=page-count content=1>
    <meta name=layout-height content=6060>
    <meta name=layout-width content=921>
    <link rel=stylesheet href=ide3.css>
    <h1><a name=XREF_File_Transfer></a>File Transfer</h1>
    <p class="BodyText">The File Transfer dialog allows users of client-only
    installations who are remotely connecting to the Host Server to manipulate
    the files on the remote machine.</p>
    <p class="BodyText">Use the File Transfer dialog to copy files to a fixed
    directory on the server called <span class="FM_Label">shared_files</span>.
    This directory resides within the root. A status dialog opens during the
    operation showing progress, and includes the file name and the percentage
    of the operation that is complete/remaining.</p>
    <p class="BodyText">The <span class="FM_Label">shared_files</span> directory
    is automatically created the first time File Transfer is used. </p>
    <h2>Using the File Transfer</h2>
    <p class="BodyText">Select <span class="FM_Label">File&gt;File Transfer</span>
    to open the File Transfer dialog.</p>
    <div style="text-align: center;" align=center>
    <implicit_p><img id=15 src="ide300016.jpg" style="width: 320.999pt; height: 238.499pt;"
    width=428 height=318 border=0>
    <p class="BodyText"> </p>
    <p class="BodyText">The <span class="FM_Label">shared_files</span> folder is
    the top-level folder from which users manage files and folders. </p>
    <h2>Menu Bar Options</h2>
    <h3>File Menu</h3>
    <p class="Ldef"><span class="FM_Label">New Folder</span><br>
    Creates a new directory on the server within the user-selected folder.
    Type the new folder name in the Create New Folder dialog and click <span
    class=FM_Label>OK</span>. </p>
    <p class="Ldef"><span class="FM_Label">Transfer File</span><br>
    Specifies a local file to transfer to the server. Once the file is selected,
    the user can initiate the file transfer.</p>
    <p class="Ldef"><span class="FM_Label">Move Folder/File</span><br>
    Moves a file or directory from one location within the <span class="FM_Label">shared_files</span>
    hierarchy to another location.</p>
    <p class="Ldef"><span class="FM_Label">Rename Folder/File</span><br>
    Renames a directory or file within the <span class="FM_Label">shared_files</span>
    hierarchy. Type the new name in the Rename File/Folder dialog and click
    <span class="FM_Label">OK</span>. </p>
    <p class="Ldef"><span class="FM_Label">Delete Folder/File</span><br>
    Removes a directory or file from the remote server. </p>
    <p class="Ldef"><span class="FM_Label">Properties</span><br>
    Shows information about the selected remote file or directory, including
    file size, modification time, and name.</p>
    <p class="Ldef"><span class="FM_Label">Refresh</span><br>
    Updates the screen to show the latest information.</p>
    <p class="Ldef"><span class="FM_Label">Close</span><br>
    Closes the dialog. </p>
    <p class="Note"><span class="FM_Label">NOTE: Right-clicking a folder or file
    on the File Transfer dialog opens a pop-up menu with the same File menu
    options (except Close).</span></p>
    <h2>Status dialog</h2>
    <p class="BodyText">To monitor the progress of the transfer, a status dialog
    opens when a file transfer begins. </p>
    <div style="text-align: center;" align=center>
    <implicit_p><img id=16 src="ide300017.jpg" style="width: 314.249pt; height: 149.250pt;"
    width=419 height=199 border=0>
    <p class="BodyText"> </p>
    <p class="BodyText">The following information is provided:</p>
    <p class="Ldef"><span class="FM_Label">File</span><br>
    Names the local file being copied.</p>
    <p class="Ldef"><span class="FM_Label">Status</span><br>
    Specifies the text status of the copy operation.</p>
    <p class="Ldef"><span class="FM_Label">Copied To</span><br>
    Specifies the destination file location on the server.</p>
    <p class="Ldef"><span class="FM_Label">X of Y</span><br>
    Specifies the number of bytes transferred out of the total number of bytes.
    <p class="Ldef"><span class="FM_Label">Progress Bar</span><br>
    Provides a visual indicator of the copy operation’s progress.</p>
    <h2>Additional Information on the File Transfer</h2>
    <h3>Concurrency and Synchronization</h3>
    <p class="BodyText">Only one file copy operation can occur at a time. Multiple
    users can, however, transfer files to the server simultaneously and manage
    separate folders on the server. </p>
    <p class="BodyText">Users cannot manage files and folders outside of the
    <span class="FM_Label">shared_files</span> root. </p>
    <h2>How to Transfer Data</h2>
    <ol start=1><li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p
    class=NumList>Select <span class="FM_Label">File&gt;File Transfer</span>
    on the IDE. </p></li>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Select
    the <span class="FM_Label">shared_files</span> subfolder in which to place
    the transferred file.</p></li>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">In
    the File Transfer dialog, select <span class="FM_Label">File&gt;Transfer
    File</span>. This opens a file selection dialog. </p></li>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Specify
    the local file to transfer to the selected <span class="FM_Label">shared_files</span>
    subfolder. </p></li>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Click
    <span class="FM_Label">OK</span>. </p></li>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Click
    <span class="FM_Label">Start</span> on the status dialog.</p></li>
    <div style="text-align: center;" align=center>
    <implicit_p><img id=17 src="ide300018.jpg" style="width: 314.249pt; height: 149.250pt;"
    width=419 height=199 border=0>
    <p class="BodyText"> </p>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Click
    <span class="FM_Label">Done</span> when the transfer is completed.</p></li>
    <div style="text-align: center;" align=center>
    <implicit_p><img id=18 src="ide300019.jpg" style="width: 320.999pt; height: 238.499pt;"
    width=428 height=318 border=0>
    <p class="BodyText"> </p>
    <h2>How to Create a New Directory</h2>
    <ol start=1><li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p
    class=NumList>Select <span class="FM_Label">File&gt;File Transfer</span>.
    This opens the File Transfer dialog. </p></li>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Select
    where to place the new folder.</p></li>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">In
    the File Transfer dialog, select <span class="FM_Label">File&gt;New Folder</span>.
    This opens the Create New Folder dialog. </p></li>
    <div style="text-align: center;" align=center>
    <implicit_p><img id=19 src="ide300020.jpg" style="width: 264.000pt; height: 94.499pt;"
    width=352 height=126 border=0>
    <p class="BodyText"> </p>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Type
    the new folder name. </p></li>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Click
    <span class="FM_Label">OK</span>. The new directory folder appears in the
    directory structure.</p></li>
    <div style="text-align: center;" align=center>
    <implicit_p><img id=20 src="ide300021.jpg" style="width: 320.999pt; height: 238.499pt;"
    width=428 height=318 border=0>
    <p class="BodyText"> </p>
    <h2>How to Move a File or Directory</h2>
    <ol start=1><li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p
    class=NumList>Select <span class="FM_Label">File&gt;File Transfer</span>.
    This opens the File Transfer dialog. </p></li>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Select
    the file to move.</p></li>
    <div style="text-align: center;" align=center>
    <implicit_p><img id=21 src="ide300022.jpg" style="width: 320.999pt; height: 238.499pt;"
    width=428 height=318 border=0>
    <p class="BodyTextInd"> </p>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">In
    the File Transfer dialog, select <span class="FM_Label">File&gt;Move Folder/File</span>.
    This opens the Select Move Destination dialog. </p></li>
    <div style="text-align: center;" align=center>
    <implicit_p><img id=22 src="ide300023.jpg" style="width: 280.499pt; height: 214.500pt;"
    width=374 height=286 border=0>
    <p class="BodyText"> </p>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Highlight
    where to move the file. </p></li>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Click
    <span class="FM_Label">OK</span>. </p></li>
    <h2>How to Rename a Directory or File</h2>
    <ol start=1><li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p
    class=NumList>Select <span class="FM_Label">File&gt;File Transfer</span>.
    This opens the File Transfer dialog. </p></li>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Select
    the file to rename.</p></li>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">In
    the File Transfer dialog, select <span class="FM_Label">File&gt;Rename Folder/File</span>.
    This opens the Rename File/Folder dialog.</p></li>
    <div style="text-align: center;" align=center>
    <implicit_p><img id=23 src="ide300024.jpg" style="width: 278.249pt; height: 94.499pt;"
    width=371 height=126 border=0>
    <p class="BodyText"> </p>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Type
    the new name. </p></li>
    <li style="list-style: decimal;" type=1 class="p-NumList"><p class="NumList">Click
    <span class="FM_Label">OK</span>. </p></li>

  • Missing text in PDF when I use Acrobat 9.2 and FM 9

    I was able to PDF ok from FM9 using Acrobat 6, but when I upgraded to Acrobat 9.2,
    I'm getting some missing text in the PDF. Some non-bold text is missing. The number
    for Chapter 3 is missing in the TOC. Any suggestions?

    I was able to PDF ok from FM9 using Acrobat 6, ...
    What font name, format (TTF, PFB/PFM, OTF?) and vintage?
    Did you upgrade the fonts when upgrading the apps?
    Any chance you have multiple copies of the same typeface name installed? Historically, having both the TTF and PFM (Type 1) of the same name installed could have undesired results.
    ... but when I upgraded to Acrobat 9.2, I'm getting some missing text in the PDF. Some non-bold text is missing.
    What is "some text"? Some entire typefaces (all text thereof), or just some characters of a typeface, like, say, the ligatures in Helvetica.
    The number for Chapter 3 is missing in the TOC.
    What font is Frame looking for?
    Also, are you embedding the fonts during PDF creation?

  • Using Create PDF from Web Page; Resulting PDF is missing text

    Trying to create pdf's from various web pages.  Generally process works very well but some pages have missing text and bad formatting.   Specifically; http://www.robinhood.ca/Recipes/Occasions/Spring/Apricot-Tartlets
    When I create the PDF; I am missing the text under "directions" and the description is truncated and forced to the far right.  
    Seems like I am missing a formatting or font setting but I have adjusted everything I can think of and have had no luck.  
    Running Acrobat Pro XI.  
    Anybody have any thoughts?  

    yes; looking at the source; seems that <table> is being captured correctly but the part that is missing is a <div>.    I'm not an expert at deciphering the page source but seems like that is the problem.
    Is there a work around? 
    when I print via the firefox plugin it prints fine.  but i ultimately want to capture several layers on the site if I can get the formatting resolved. 

  • Missing text after EXPORT from PMD to PDF

    I have a document, designed through Adobe pagemaker 70, which I would like converted to PDF. Within Adobe PageMaker 70 I performed a File-->Export-->Adobe PDF, kept all the default options and managed to generate a PDF version of the *.PMD document. However, some of the text in the PDF document is missing. I searched on the internet and discovered one can do Document-->Examine Document within Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro to display any hidden text. Doing this I was able to see the missing text.
    There is an image in the source Pagemaker document, but the image is not square but cropped along it's outside edge and the text flows around the edge (hope that makes sense).  What's puzzling is that in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro the generate PDF has the image displayed in a box and some (not all) the text behind this box is shown as hidden, where as in the source document all text flowing around the image is visible.
    Can anyone please help with this problem and tell me how I can get the hidden text in my PDF document to display so it's visible in an Acrobat Reader or when printed?... I am still a bit of a newbie with both Pagemaker and Acrobat so your help would be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    PS: I have not uploaded the file but do not mind doing so if some one is able to help and requests either the source PMD file or the generated PDF file

    The "question mark" displayed may be refereed to the missing font.
    Are you trying to convert a public web page? if yes then please share a link so that i can also test it.

  • Missing Text when using CONVERT to PDF

    I am using Acrobat Pro 9 in Wnidows 7 and Microsoft Publisher 2003.
    When I use the CONVERT command to create a PDF - it is missing all of the text on the master page.
    If I create the PDF with the PRINT command - everything is OK.
    PS: The same Publisher File on another computer using Acrobat Pro 8 works fine - CONVERT or PRINT and no missing text
    I prefer to use convert because sometimes the PRINT command drops some of the hyperlinks.
    [edited by forum host - email removed]

    Could you mail be the file with which you are seeing the issue. I will investigate at my end to see what the issue is. You can mail me at [email protected]
    Love Bisht

  • PDF missing text when browsing or linking to a page

    I have an issue with missing text in a PDF file when I try and browse directly to a page in a PDF. Interestingly, the text is not missing when you open the PDF and navigate to the same page from within the PDF. The first Character(s) of the title are missing.
    The title of this page should say Criminal Justice, but the "C" is missing when you visit this link--
    This only happens if you try to navigate directly to a page. If you use the pagers within the PDF then the text is fine. If you change the link in the url to represent the page you are trying to visit, the characters disappear again.
    Any thoughts or suggestions would be very much appreciated.

    Acrobat 9 (professional)
    Windows XP
    Internet Explorer 7, 8
    PDF file is published as compatible with version 6. Original document was published as PDF from Indesign.
    Hmmm, I have tested on 4 machines and still get the same results. These machines are all XP/IE machines though. Any other thoughts?

  • Random missing text in brochure

    I am new to this discussion board but am so happy to have found it.
    I am working in XI.  I have two brochures that are missing some text on a few page and is fine on all others. The brochures were created in InDesign. I have opened one of the updated  bochures from last year and it is fine. It is also fine when I view from Acrobat.  Any suggestions on what the issue is or how to fix? 
    Thank you for any help you can offer. 

    No missing text in Safe Mode.
    First time unchecking hardware acceleration fixed it. I decided to check if it was really that by checking it again and seeing if it disappeared again. It did. Then when I tried to uncheck it again, the text was still missing and I couldn't fix it again. But after some back and forth of switching from safe mode to normal and vice versa with the hardware acceleration unchecked, the text reappeared again. So I decided to leave it since its fixed for now. Thank you so much for your help.

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